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Created May 30, 2024 00:59
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
diskutil apfs list
printf "\n"
diskutil apfs snapshots /
printf "\n"
rootdev=$(diskutil info -plist / | plutil -extract DeviceIdentifier raw - | rev | cut -c3- | rev)
echo "Root device: $rootdev"
if [ -d "$mntpnt" ]; then
echo "Removing existing mount point: $mntpnt"
sudo umount -f "$mntpnt" || true
rm -rf "$mntpnt"
echo "Mounting to $mntpnt (prepare for sudo prompt)"
mkdir -p "$mntpnt"
sudo mount -t apfs -o ro,nobrowse "$rootdev" "$mntpnt"
echo "Mounted to $mntpnt"
printf "\n"
echo "Booted snapshot:"
plutil -p "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"
what /sbin/launchd
shasum /sbin/launchd
printf "\n"
echo "Raw volume:"
plutil -p "$mntpnt/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"
what "$mntpnt/sbin/launchd"
shasum "$mntpnt/sbin/launchd"
printf "\n"
echo "Unmounting $mntpnt"
sudo umount "$mntpnt"
echo "Unmounted $mntpnt"
rm -rf "$mntpnt"
printf "\n"
echo "Booted cryptex:"
plutil -p /System/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
if [ -d "/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/Incoming/OS/System" ]; then
printf "\n"
echo "Incoming cryptex:"
plutil -p /System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/Incoming/OS/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
printf "\n"
volumegroup=$(diskutil info -plist / | plutil -extract APFSVolumeGroupID raw -)
echo "Volume group: $volumegroup"
if [ -f "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist" ]; then
printf "\n"
echo "Preboot version:"
plutil -p "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"
printf "\n"
echo "Booted cryptex (offline):"
plutil -p "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/current/SystemVersion.plist"
plutil -extract ProductVersion raw "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/current/BuildManifest.plist"
plutil -extract ProductBuildVersion raw "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/current/BuildManifest.plist"
if [ -f "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/proposed/SystemVersion.plist" ]; then
printf "\n"
echo "Incoming cryptex (offline):"
plutil -p "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/proposed/SystemVersion.plist"
plutil -extract ProductVersion raw "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/proposed/BuildManifest.plist"
plutil -extract ProductBuildVersion raw "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/cryptex1/proposed/BuildManifest.plist"
printf "\n"
echo "Restore manifest:"
plutil -extract ProductVersion raw "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/restore/BuildManifest.plist"
plutil -extract ProductBuildVersion raw "/System/Volumes/Preboot/$volumegroup/restore/BuildManifest.plist"
} 2>&1 | tee "$logpath"
echo "Log saved to $logpath"
open -R "$logpath"
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