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Created February 3, 2016 02:12
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Old-school python implementation of Password Factory v1.2
#pf Series v1, by cwade12c.
#OpenSource, fully commented - learn from the code, and enjoy!
#First, lets import our modules.
import sys #system module, for use of exit and whatnot
import hashlib #hashlib module, for use of md5, sha1, sha256, sha512
import base64 #base64 module, for use of base64
import time #time module, for use of keeping track of time and sleeping
import string #string module... guess what this is for?
import re #regexp module, for use of finding and replacing, etc.
from pyDes import * #DES module, for use of DES and Triple-DES
from random import * #random module, for use of random integers
from binascii import unhexlify as unhex #mv-age :] binascii modules, for use of converting between binary and ASCII
#End import
#Global Declarations - these are variables and whatnot
alpha_l = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
abc = '[a-z]'
DEF = '[A-Z]' #used to be EFG ... abcEFG... gonna leave this comment in for the lol
sym = '[!@#$%^&*()-_=+~]'
num = '[1234567890]'
numerals = '1234567890'
symbols = '!@#$%^&*()-_=+~'
total = int('5') #we start @ 5 for our password strength total. Note that 5 is a very low score.
crypto = '' #Our global string to use for crypto'func'ing (cool word haha) raw user imputs.
#End declarations
def n(): #now we can just type in n() at anytime, instead of typing... print '\n'... will save some time, haha. :]
print '\n'
#Just in case we want to clear the screen if it becomes messy... think of clear or cls
def wipe():
print '\n' * 100
#RC4 Module - Concept by Thimo Kraemer
def rc4(data, key):
x = 0
box = range(256)
for i in range(256):
x = (x + box[i] + ord(key[i % len(key)])) % 256
box[i], box[x] = box[x], box[i]
x = 0
y = 0
out = []
for char in data:
x = (x + 1) % 256
y = (y + box[x]) % 256
box[x], box[y] = box[y], box[x]
out.append(chr(ord(char) ^ box[(box[x] + box[y]) % 256]))
return ''.join(out)
def Wade():
print '''
::: ::: ::: ::::::::: ::::::::::
:+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+: :+:
+:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+ +:+
+#+ +:+ +#+ +#++:++#++: +#+ +:+ +#++:++#
+#+ +#+#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+ +#+
#+#+# #+#+# #+# #+# #+# #+# #+#
### ### ### ### ######### ##########
#Lets create our own "Welcome message" module, using def(define):
def Welcome():
print 'Password Factory v1.2 by cwade12c for'
print 'All systems go!'
print ''
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
print '-agen = alphanumeric password generation'
print '-fgen = full standard password generation'
print '-hgen = full standard password generation + hash'
print '-c = hash && cipher output of any given string'
print '-s = check how strong a password is'
print '-w = create a memorable & secure password via a wizard'
print '-b = run benchmarking tool'
print '-a = about this software'
print '-h = help'
#Lets create a test module, in which the user will know if their computer supports certain crypto functions or not
def chkmod():
gstring = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals + symbols) for x in range(randint(24,24))) #it's global string silly... ++ 16 chars for appropriate bytes for des key
sexyhexy = gstring.encode('hex') #take note of how we hex given values. 'sometext'.encode('hex')
print 'G-String: ' + gstring #rawr
print 'G-String(Hex): ' + sexyhexy
print 'MD5 chk: ' + hashlib.md5(gstring).hexdigest() + ' [OK]'
print 'SHA1 chk: ' + hashlib.sha1(gstring).hexdigest() + ' [OK]'
print 'SHA256 chk: ' + hashlib.sha256(gstring).hexdigest() + ' [OK]'
print 'SHA512 chk: ' + hashlib.sha512(gstring).hexdigest() + ' [OK]'
print 'Base64 chk: ' + base64.b64encode(gstring) + ' [OK]'
dk = triple_des(unhex(sexyhexy)) #we are going to use our custom triple_des function, and unhex our variable 'sexyhexy'. 'sexyhexy' is our DES key!
d1 = dk.encrypt(gstring) #here we encrypt any given data (in this case, variable 'gstring') via Triple-DES.
print ("DES3 chk: %r" % d1) + ' [OK]'
r1 = rc4(gstring,sexyhexy)
print ("RC4 chk: %r" %r1) + ' [OK]'
#Lets be able to benchmark generation speed. This isn't the actual benchmarking module, BUT - this is for startup, to make sure everything is working okay.
#If the computer can't get passed this part, then it probably shouldn't be running Password Factory. :[
def stretch():
stretchcount = int(1) #We start our counter at 1.
start_s = time.clock() #We also start our timer.
while stretchcount != int('250'): #We are going to keep looping the below code for this "while" block, until stretchcount == 100. Note that each loop + 1
stretchmark = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals + symbols) for x in range(randint(12,24))) #Gotta love those stretchmarks. :)
print stretchmark
stretchcount = stretchcount + 1 #+1. So this will loop 99 more times.
stop_s = time.clock() #After looping is finished, stop timing, and assign time value to a stop_s variable.
n() #\n
calculate = ('%f' % (stop_s-start_s)) #Creating a new var for convinience called "calculate". This takes the start time of the loop at matches it with the end time.
print 'Hashlib, Triple-DES, RC4, 250 passwords generated in ' + calculate + ' seconds.'
print 'All good.'
time.sleep(1) #We should be all good now. Sleep for 1 second to prevent any freakouts or epilepsy attacks.
wipe() #wipe the screen, to keep things clean, I'm a rhyming machine!
#Lets create our own module to crypt a given string our user imputs.
#We do this to keep our code clean, so our code is less repetitive. :)
def gethash():
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print "#############################Hash Outputs############################"
print "md5 ~> " + hashlib.md5(crypto).hexdigest() #notice hexdigest()
print "sha1 ~> " + hashlib.sha1(crypto).hexdigest() #works with each
print "sha256 ~> " + hashlib.sha256(crypto).hexdigest() #crypto func
print "sha512 ~> " + hashlib.sha512(crypto).hexdigest() #from hashlib
print "#############################Base64##################################"
print "base64 ~> " + base64.b64encode(crypto) #base64 uses .b64encode
print "#############################Triple-DES##############################"
des_key = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals + symbols) for x in range(randint(24,24))) #24 byte key
des_iv = "".join(choice(numerals) for x in range(randint(8,8))) #8 byte IV
dk = triple_des(des_key, CBC, (des_iv), pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) #triple_des whatever our key is with our IV, set PAD to none, and PADmode to PKCS5
d1 = dk.encrypt(crypto) #Now encrypt, and assign to a variable ready for output
print ("DES3 ~> %r" %d1) #This prints our encrypted data
print ("DES3 Initialization Vector ~> " + des_iv) #this prints out IV
print ("DES3 Mode ~> CBC") #this shows our mode - the mode is important to the user.
print ("DES3 Key ~> " + des_key) #this shows the key - it is hard to decrypt without the key!
print "#############################RC4#####################################"
rc4_key = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals + symbols) for x in range(randint(16,32)))
rc4_output = rc4(crypto,rc4_key)
print ("RC4 ~> %r" %rc4_output)
print ("RC4 Key ~> " + rc4_key)
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
#thanks to jlm and his guide for stripping the first letter from every word
def wtrim( s ): #make it a module, named wtrim
return ''.join( [ lett[0] for lett in s.split() ] ) #this wil strip letter "0" from each word
#Begin Application
#End Begin
done = False #Lets assign a False input to var done
while not done: #So while done is... False, then the below code will keep looping.
command = raw_input('-> ') #raw_input is good for a string, and is safer to use most of the time.
if command == '-c':
instance_c = raw_input('String: ')
crypto = instance_c
elif command == '-agen':
instance_amount = input('Length: ') #I use input instead of raw_input for integers.
draw_amount = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals) for x in range(randint(instance_amount,instance_amount))) #look at our global declarations.
print draw_amount
elif command == '-fgen':
instance_amount = input('Length: ')
draw_amount = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals + symbols) for x in range(randint(instance_amount,instance_amount)))
print draw_amount
elif command == '-hgen':
instance_amount = input('Length: ')
draw_amount = "".join(choice(alpha_l + alpha_c + numerals + symbols) for x in range(randint(instance_amount,instance_amount)))
print "Your password is: " + draw_amount
crypto = draw_amount
elif command == '-h':
print '-agen = alphanumeric password generation'
print '-fgen = full standard password generation'
print '-hgen = full standard password generation + hash'
print '-c = hash && cipher output of any given string'
print '-s = check how strong a password is'
print '-w = create a memorable & secure password via a wizard'
print '-a = about this software'
print '-h = help'
elif command == '-a':
print 'Password Factory v1.2 by cwade12c for'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print 'Release notes: This is coming together well. I will be'
print 'implementing a stronger CL system for you all... in'
print 'which you can just type -md5 "somestring" and get'
print 'an output like that. :)'
print 'Also, be on the lookout for implemented bruteforcing.'
print 'If you paid for this tool, then you got scammed.'
print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
elif command == 'exit':
sys.exit() #exit application
elif command == '-s':
total = int('5')
passstr = raw_input('Enter in a password: ')
#This password strength checker uses basic and random math I came up with. I mostly did a lot of trial and error, and didn't plan it out.
#For the most post, this is accurate math; if you would like to improve it, PLEASE, do so.
if len(passstr) < 4:
total = total - 5
if len(passstr) > 3 and len(passstr) < 6:
total = total + 1
if len(passstr) > 5 and len(passstr) < 8:
total = total + 1
if len(passstr) > 7 and len (passstr) < 10:
total = total + 2
if len(passstr) > 9:
total = total + 3
if''+abc,passstr) and''+DEF,passstr) and'.'+sym,passstr) and''+num,passstr):
total = total + 4
elif''+abc,passstr) and''+DEF,passstr) and'.'+sym,passstr):
total = total + 3
elif''+abc,passstr) and''+num,passstr) and'.'+sym,passstr):
total = total + 3
elif''+EFG,passstr) and'.'+sym,passstr) and''+num,passstr):
total = total + 3
elif''+abc,passstr) and''+DEF,passstr) and''+num,passstr):
total = total + 2
total = total - 2
total = total - 2
total = total - 2
total = total - 2
else: total = total + 1
if total < 6:
sresult = 'Weak'
elif total < 7 and total > 5:
sresult = 'Poor'
elif total < 8 and total > 6:
sresult = 'Vulnerable'
elif total < 10 and total > 7:
sresult = 'Decent'
elif total < 11 and total > 9:
sresult = 'Good'
elif total < 12 and total > 10:
sresult = 'Great'
elif total > 11:
sresult = 'Strong'
print 'Your password is: ' + sresult
print 'Shall we crypt it? [y/n]'
hspass = raw_input('-> ')
if hspass == ('y') or hspass == ('Y'):
crypto = passstr
print 'zZz...'
#This is a fun idea.
elif command == '-w':
print 'Welcome to the Password Factory Wizard.'
print 'This wizard will help you create a secure and MEMORABLE password.' + '\n'
print 'Lets start this off. What is the name of your favorite sports star?'
sport = raw_input('-> ')
print 'Good. Now, what is your favorite beverage?'
drink = raw_input('-> ')
print 'What is your favorite number?'
fnum = input('-> ')
print 'What is your favorite number x 2? [e.g. Fav number is 4, answer is 8]'
fnum2 = input('-> ')
print 'Who is your favorite singer?'
sing = raw_input('-> ')
print 'Type three symbols that you will remember.'
favs = raw_input('-> ')
nsport = wtrim( sport )
ndrink = wtrim( drink )
nsing = wtrim( sing )
mempass = '\nYour memorable password is: ' + nsport.upper() + ndrink.lower() + str(fnum) + str(favs) + nsing + str(fnum2)
print mempass
print 'This will reside to: ' + sport.upper() + ' - ' + drink.lower() + ' - ' + str(fnum) + ' - ' + str(favs) + ' - ' + sing + ' - ' + str(fnum2) + '\n'
print 'Shall we crypt it? [y/n]'
wspass = raw_input('-> ')
if wspass == ('y') or wspass == ('Y'):
crypto = mempass
print 'zZz...'
elif command == '-b':
print 'Full benchmark + diagnostics coming in the next release! Hoorah!'
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