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Created September 12, 2024 06:06
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Vscode lowercase abl snippets
"Frame name": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "&FR",
"body": [
"{&FRAME-NAME} $1"
"description": "Frame name"
"Global define": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "&GL",
"body": [
"&global-define $1"
"description": "Global define "
"&if": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "&if",
"body": [
"&if $1",
"description": ""
"Scoped define": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "&SC",
"body": [
"&scoped-define $1"
"description": "Scoped define "
"block": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "block",
"body": [
"block-level on error undo, throw."
"description": ""
"Catch block": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "CATCH",
"body": [
"catch $1 as Progress.Lang.Error:",
" $2",
"end catch."
"description": "Catch block"
"Comment": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "CMT",
"body": [
"description": "Comment "
"define buffer": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "dbf",
"body": [
"define buffer ${1:lb}${2/(.*)/${1:/upcase}/} for ${2/(.*)/${1:/upcase}/}."
"description": "define buffer"
"Event with delegate": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DED",
"body": [
"define event ${EventName} delegate ${DelegateType}."
"description": "Event with delegate "
"Define class based event": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "defevent",
"body": [
" Purpose: Raised $1",
" Notes :",
" @param sender The object that raised the ${event} event",
" @param e The ${event}Arguments with the data for the event",
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/",
"define public event ${event} signature void (iSender as Progress.Lang.Object , iEventArguments as ${event}Arguments).",
" Purpose: Raises the ${event}",
" Notes :",
" @param e The ${event}Arguments with the data for the event",
"method protected void On${event} (iEventArguments as ${event}Arguments):",
" this-object:${event}:Publish (this-object, iEventArguments).",
"end method."
"description": "Define class based event"
"derr": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "derr",
"body": [
"do on error undo, leave:",
" $1",
"description": ""
"Event with signature": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DES",
"body": [
"define event ${EventName} signature ${ReturnType} ( ${Parameters } )."
"description": "Event with signature "
"dfor": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "dfor",
"body": [
"do for $1:",
" ",
"description": ""
"Method": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "method",
"body": [
" /**",
" * Purpose: ${MethodName}",
" * @param parameter1 Description",
" * @return ${ReturnType} ",
" */",
" method public ${ReturnType} ${MethodName}():",
" ",
" end method. /* ${MethodName} */"
"description": "Method Signature "
"Method Signature": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DMS",
"body": [
" Purpose:",
" Notes: ",
" @param parameter1 Description",
" @return ",
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/",
"method public ${ReturnType} ${MethodName}()."
"description": "Method Signature "
"Define new class": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "dncl",
"body": [
"define variable ${name} as ${class} no-undo.",
"${name} = new ${class}()."
"description": "Define new class"
"Documentation comment": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "docmt",
"body": [
" * Purpose: $1",
" * Notes: ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}",
" * @param parameter1 Description",
" * @return ",
" */"
"description": "Documentation comment"
"Property definition": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DPY",
"body": [
" * Purpose: ${2:Name} ${3:DataType} property",
" * Notes: ",
" */",
"define ${1|private,protected,public|} property ${2:Name} as ${3:DataType} no-undo",
" get.",
" set."
"description": "Property definition "
"Static Character variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVCH",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as character no-undo."
"description": "Static Character variable"
"Static Class variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVCL",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as Progress.Lang.Object no-undo."
"description": "Static Class variable"
"Static Com-handle variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVCM",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as com-handle no-undo."
"description": "Static Com-handle variable"
"Static Decimal variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVDE",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as decimal no-undo."
"description": "Static Decimal variable"
"Static Datetime variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVDM",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as datetime no-undo."
"description": "Static Datetime variable"
"Static Date variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVDT",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as date no-undo."
"description": "Static Date variable"
"Static Datetime-tz variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVDTZ",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as datetime-tz no-undo."
"description": "Static Datetime-tz variable"
"Static Handle variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVHN",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as handle no-undo."
"description": "Static Handle variable "
"Static Int64 variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVI6",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as int64 no-undo."
"description": "Static Int64 variable"
"Static Integer variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVIN",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as integer no-undo."
"description": "Static Integer variable"
"Static Longchar variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVLC",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as longchar no-undo."
"description": "Static Longchar variable"
"Static Logical variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVLG",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as logical no-undo."
"description": "Static Logical variable"
"Static Mem Pointer variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVMP",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as memptr no-undo."
"description": "Static Mem Pointer variable"
"Static Raw variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVR",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as raw no-undo."
"description": "Static Raw variable"
"Static Recid variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVRC",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as recid no-undo."
"description": "Static Recid variable"
"Static ROWID variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVRI",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as rowid no-undo."
"description": "Static ROWID variable"
"Static Widget variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DSVWH",
"body": [
"define static variable $1 as widget-handle no-undo."
"description": "Static Widget variable"
"Character variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVCH",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as character no-undo."
"description": "Character variable"
"Class variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVCL",
"body": [
"define variable ${name} as ${class} no-undo."
"description": "Class variable"
"Com-handle variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVCM",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as com-handle no-undo."
"description": "Com-handle variable"
"Decimal variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVDE",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as decimal no-undo."
"description": "Decimal variable"
"Datetime variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVDM",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as datetime no-undo."
"description": "Datetime variable"
"Date variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVDT",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as date no-undo."
"description": "Date variable"
"Datetime-tz variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVDTZ",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as datetime-tz no-undo."
"description": "Datetime-tz variable"
"Handle variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVHN",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as handle no-undo."
"description": "Handle variable "
"Int64 variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVI6",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as int64 no-undo."
"description": "Int64 variable"
"Integer variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVIN",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as integer no-undo."
"description": "Integer variable"
"Longchar variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVLC",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as longchar no-undo."
"description": "Longchar variable"
"Logical variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVLG",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as logical no-undo."
"description": "Logical variable"
"Mem Pointer variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVMP",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as memptr no-undo."
"description": "Mem Pointer variable"
"Raw variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVR",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as raw no-undo."
"description": "Raw variable"
"Recid variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVRC",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as recid no-undo."
"description": "Recid variable"
"ROWID variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVRI",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as rowid no-undo."
"description": "ROWID variable"
"Widget variable": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "DVWH",
"body": [
"define variable $1 as widget-handle no-undo."
"description": "Widget variable"
"Dynamic function": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "dynf",
"body": [
"dynamic-function('$1') "
"description": "Dynamic function"
"exclusive-lock": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "excl",
"body": [
"description": "exclusive-lock"
"Finally block": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "FINALLY",
"body": [
"end finally."
"description": "Finally block "
"Character INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPCH",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as character no-undo."
"description": "Character INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Com-handle INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPCM",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as com-handle no-undo."
"description": "Com-handle INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"Decimal INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPDE",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as decimal no-undo."
"description": "Decimal INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Datetime INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPDM",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as datetime no-undo."
"description": "Datetime INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"Date INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPDT",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as date no-undo."
"description": "Date INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Datetime-tz INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPDTZ",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as datetime-tz no-undo."
"description": "Datetime-tz INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"Handle INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPHN",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as handle no-undo."
"description": "Handle INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Int64 INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPI6",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as int64 no-undo."
"description": "Int64 INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"Integer INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPIN",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as integer no-undo."
"description": "Integer INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Logical INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPLG",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as logical no-undo."
"description": "Logical INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Memptr INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPMP",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as memptr no-undo."
"description": "Memptr INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Raw INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPR",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as raw no-undo."
"description": "Raw INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"Recid INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPRC",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as recid no-undo."
"description": "Recid INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"ROWID INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPRI",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as rowid no-undo."
"description": "ROWID INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Widget INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IOPWH",
"body": [
"define input-output parameter $1 as widget no-undo."
"description": "Widget INPUT-OUTPUT parameter "
"Character INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPCH",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as character no-undo."
"description": "Character INPUT parameter "
"Longchar INPUT-OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPCLC",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as longchar no-undo."
"description": "Longchar INPUT-OUTPUT parameter"
"Com-handle INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPCM",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as com-handle no-undo."
"description": "Com-handle INPUT parameter"
"Decimal INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPDE",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as decimal no-undo."
"description": "Decimal INPUT parameter "
"Datetime INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPDM",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as datetime no-undo."
"description": "Datetime INPUT parameter"
"Date INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPDT",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as date no-undo."
"description": "Date INPUT parameter "
"Datetime-tz INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPDTZ",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as datetime-tz no-undo."
"description": "Datetime-tz INPUT parameter"
"Handle INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPHN",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as handle no-undo."
"description": "Handle INPUT parameter "
"Int64 INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPI6",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as int64 no-undo."
"description": "Int64 INPUT parameter"
"Integer INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPIN",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as integer no-undo."
"description": "Integer INPUT parameter "
"Longchar INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPLC",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as longchar no-undo."
"description": "Longchar INPUT parameter"
"Logical INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPLG",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as logical no-undo."
"description": "Logical INPUT parameter "
"Memptr INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPMP",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as memptr no-undo."
"description": "Memptr INPUT parameter "
"Raw INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPR",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as raw no-undo."
"description": "Raw INPUT parameter"
"Recid INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPRC",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as recid no-undo."
"description": "Recid INPUT parameter"
"ROWID INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPRI",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as rowid no-undo."
"description": "ROWID INPUT parameter "
"Widget INPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "IPWH",
"body": [
"define input parameter $1 as widget no-undo."
"description": "Widget INPUT parameter "
"Message": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "MES",
"body": [
"message $1",
" view-as alert-box."
"description": "Message "
"msp": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "msp",
"body": [
"message program-name(1) skip",
" $2",
" view-as alert-box."
"description": ""
"no-error": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "ner",
"body": [
"description": "no-error"
"no-lock": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "nol",
"body": [
"description": "no-lock"
"Character OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPCH",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as character no-undo."
"description": "Character OUTPUT parameter "
"Com-handle OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPCM",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as com-handle no-undo."
"description": "Com-handle OUTPUT parameter"
"Decimal OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPDE",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as decimal no-undo."
"description": "Decimal OUTPUT parameter "
"Datetime OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPDM",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as datetime no-undo."
"description": "Datetime OUTPUT parameter"
"Date OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPDT",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as date no-undo."
"description": "Date OUTPUT parameter "
"Datetime-tz OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPDTZ",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as datetime-tz no-undo."
"description": "Datetime-tz OUTPUT parameter"
"Handle OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPHN",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as handle no-undo."
"description": "Handle OUTPUT parameter "
"Int64 OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPI6",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as int64 no-undo."
"description": "Int64 OUTPUT parameter"
"Integer OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPIN",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as integer no-undo."
"description": "Integer OUTPUT parameter "
"Longchar OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPLC",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as longchar no-undo."
"description": "Longchar OUTPUT parameter"
"Logical OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPLG",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as logical no-undo."
"description": "Logical OUTPUT parameter "
"Memptr OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPMP",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as memptr no-undo."
"description": "Memptr OUTPUT parameter "
"Raw OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPR",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as raw no-undo."
"description": "Raw OUTPUT parameter"
"Recid OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPRC",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as recid no-undo."
"description": "Recid OUTPUT parameter"
"ROWID OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPRI",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as rowid no-undo."
"description": "ROWID OUTPUT parameter "
"Widget OUTPUT parameter": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "OPWH",
"body": [
"define output parameter $1 as widget-handle no-undo."
"description": "Widget OUTPUT parameter "
"p0bh": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "p0bh",
"body": [
"pause 0 before-hide."
"description": ""
"prolint no warn": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "plnw",
"body": [
"{&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn($1)} /* added by $2 */"
"description": "prolint no warn"
"pp": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "pp",
"body": [
"description": " preprocess variable reference"
"proparse": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "proparse",
"body": [
"{&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn($1)} /* added by $2 */"
"description": ""
"rulecoment": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "rulecoment",
"body": [
" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0",
"description": "Rule comment"
"todo": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "todo",
"body": [
"@todo(msg=\"${1:message}\", author=\"${2:USERNAME}\", datetime=\"$CURRENT_YEAR-$CURRENT_MONTH-$CURRENT_DATE $CURRENT_HOUR:$CURRENT_MINUTE\")."
"description": ""
"Add UIB procedure": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "uibproc",
"body": [
"procedure ${procedure} :",
" Purpose: $1",
" Parameters: ",
" Notes:",
"end procedure.",
"description": "Add UIB procedure"
"warning": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "warning",
"body": [
" .ed\"\"\"\" \"\"\"$$$$be.",
" -\" ^\"\"**$$$e.",
" .\" '$$$c",
" / \"4$$b",
" d 3 $$$$",
" $ * .$$$$$$",
" .$ ^c $$$$$e$$$$$$$$.",
" d$L 4. 4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b",
" $$$$b ^ceeeee. 4$$ECL.F*$$$$$$$",
"e$\"\"=. $$$$P d$$$$F $ $$$$$$$$$- $$$$$$",
"z$$b. ^c 3$$$F \"$$$$b $\"$$$$$$$ $$$$*\" .=\"\"$c",
"4$$$$L $$P\" \"$$b .$ $$$$$...e$$ .= e$$$.",
"^*$$$$$c %.. *c .. $$ 3$$$$$$$$$$eF zP d$$$$$",
"\"**$$$ec \" %ce\"\" $$$ $$$$$$$$$$* .r\" =$$$$P\"\"",
" \"*$b. \"c *$e. *** d$$$$$\"L$$ .d\" e$$***\"",
" ^*$$c ^$c $$$ 4J$$$$$% $$$ .e*\".eeP\"",
" \"$$$$$$\"'$=e....$*$$**$cz$$\" \"..d$*\"",
" \"*$$$ *=%4.$ L L$ P3$$$F $$$P\"",
" \"$ \"%*ebJLzb$e$$$$$b $P\"",
" %.. 4$$$$$$$$$$ \"",
" $$$e z$$$$$$$$$$%",
" \"*$c \"$$$$$$$P\"",
" .\"\"\"*$$$$$$$$bc",
" .-\" .$***$$$\"\"\"*e.",
" .-\" .e$\" \"*$c ^*b.",
" .=*\"\"\"\" .e$*\" \"*bc \"*$e..",
" .$\" .z*\" ^*$e. \"*****e.",
" $$ee$c .d\" \"*$. 3.",
" ^*$E\")$..$\" * .ee==d%",
" $.d$$$* * J$$$e*",
" \"\"\"\"\" \"$$$\"",
"description": "Warning skull "
"Print file name": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "fname",
"body": [
"description": ""
"Print current date": {
"prefix": "curdat",
"body": [
"description": ""
"Print current datetime": {
"scope": "abl",
"prefix": "curdtz",
"body": [
"description": ""
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