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Created November 24, 2019 21:46
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{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
module coinductive-tutorial where
record Stream (A : Set) : Set where
hd : A
tl : Stream A
open Stream
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
record _≈_ {A : Set} (xs : Stream A) (ys : Stream A) : Set where
hd-≈ : hd xs ≡ hd ys
tl-≈ : tl xs ≈ tl ys
even : {A} Stream A Stream A
hd (even x) = hd x
tl (even x) = even (tl (tl x))
odd : {A} Stream A Stream A
odd x = even (tl x)
open import Data.Product
split : {A} Stream A Stream A × Stream A
split xs = even xs , odd xs
merge : {A} Stream A × Stream A Stream A
hd (merge (fst , snd)) = hd fst
tl (merge (fst , snd)) = merge (snd , tl fst)
open _≈_
merge-split-id : {A} (xs : Stream A) merge (split xs) ≈ xs
hd-≈ (merge-split-id _ ) = refl
tl-≈ (merge-split-id xs) = merge-split-id (tl xs)
uncons : {A} Stream A A × Stream A
uncons xs = hd xs , tl xs
cons : {A} A × Stream A Stream A
hd (cons (fst , snd)) = fst
tl (cons (fst , snd)) = snd
cons-uncons-id : {A} (xs : Stream A) cons (uncons xs) ≈ xs
hd-≈ (cons-uncons-id _ ) = refl
tl-≈ (cons-uncons-id xs) = {!!}
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