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Last active June 10, 2024 08:47
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Install Open GApps In Android Emulator


This works to install Open GApps into the Android Emulator, working around the issue where the system partition is too small.

With it, I can get Google Play installing into the emulator. Tested on KitKat (API 19), Lollipop (API 21) and Oreo (API 27).

It's tested on MacOS.


  1. Ensure you have unzip, lzip, tar, emulator and adb in your PATH.
  2. From Android Studio (v3.0.1) create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD). For example:
    1. Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager
    2. Create Virtual Device...
    3. Phone -> Nexus 5
    4. x86 Images -> Lollipop -> Marshmallow (API 23 x86_64) (Download if necessary)
    5. Give the AVD a name ("Nexus 5 Marshmallow API 23 x86_64")
    6. Choose "Show Advanced Settings...". Give the AVD at least 1536MB Internal Storage, and 512MB SD Card
    7. Finish
  3. Download the appropriate Open GApps file from (x86_64 / 6.0 / micro)
  4. Save the into the same folder, and give it executable permission:
    chmod 755
  5. Run the with the Open GApps file as the first argument; e.g.
  6. When prompted for an AVD, copy the appropriate AVD name and paste it. Press Enter.
  7. Wait for the emulator to boot fully, then press Enter.
  8. Once the script tells you to "Restart android in your emulator", hold down the virtual power button to shutdown.
  9. Manually start the emulator again (press the 'play' button in Android Studio's AVD Manager).
  10. In the emulator, open the Google app and sign in with your google account.
  11. Shut down the emulator and start it again.

A sample transcript follows.

Sample Transcript

$ ./ 
signed by SignApk
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/configupdater-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/defaultetc-common.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/defaultframework-common.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/gmscore-x86_64.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlebackuptransport-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlecontactssync-all.tar  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlefeedback-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googleonetimeinitializer-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/googlepartnersetup-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/gsfcore-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/gsflogin-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/setupwizarddefault-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/setupwizardtablet-all.tar.lz  
 extracting: /tmp/gapps_installer/Core/vending-x86_64.tar.lz  
Which AVD?


determining location of system.img file for Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64 .../Users/mikecunneen/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/google_apis/x86_64/
copying, checking and resizing system.img for Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64
copying encryptionkey.img ...
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
system: 1958/98304 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 358163/393216 blocks
resize2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Resizing the filesystem on /Users/mikecunneen/.android/avd/Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64.avd/system.img to 524288 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /Users/mikecunneen/.android/avd/Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64.avd/system.img is now 524288 (4k) blocks long.

starting Nexus_5_Marshmallow_API_23_x86_64

Press enter when the emulator has booted...

adbd is already running as root
remount succeeded
etc/: 11 files pushed. 3.8 MB/s (58819 bytes in 0.015s)
framework/: 3 files pushed. 34.8 MB/s (212217 bytes in 0.006s)
app/: 1 file pushed. 81.9 MB/s (284795 bytes in 0.003s)
priv-app/: 9 files pushed. 188.1 MB/s (93280033 bytes in 0.473s)
restart android in your emulator

#!/usr/bin/env bash
USAGESTRING="Usage: ${0}";
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
exit 1;
if [ ! -f ${ZIPFILE} ]; then
exit 2;
if [ ! ${ANDROID_HOME} ]; then
echo "ANDROID_HOME is not set"
exit 3;
if [ ! -d ${ANDROID_HOME} ]; then
echo "ANDROID_HOME is not valid"
exit 4;
rm -rf ${TEMPDIR} && mkdir -p ${TEMPDIR}
unzip ${ZIPFILE} 'Core/*' -d ${TEMPDIR}
rm Core/setup*
lzip -d Core/*.lz
for f in $(ls Core/*.tar); do
tar -x --strip-components 2 -f $f
echo "Which AVD?"
emulator -list-avds
echo -en "\n>"
read AVD
echo -en "\ndetermining location of system.img file for ${AVD} ..."
IMAGE_SYSDIR=`grep "image.sysdir.1" ${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/config.ini | cut -f2 -d"="`
echo "copying, checking and resizing system.img for ${AVD}"
cp "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/system.img" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
if [ -f "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/encryptionkey.img" ]; then
echo "copying encryptionkey.img ..."
cp "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/encryptionkey.img" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/encryptionkey.img"
"${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/e2fsck" -f "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
"${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/resize2fs" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" 3072M
echo "starting ${AVD}"
${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &
read -rsp $'\nPress enter when the emulator has booted...\n\n'
adb root
adb remount
adb push etc /system
adb push framework /system
adb push app /system
adb push priv-app /system
sleep 5
# adb reboot system
# adb -e emu kill
echo "Restart android in your emulator"
echo "done."
Copy link

I got this error

adb: error: cannot stat 'etc': No such file or directory
adb: error: cannot stat 'framework': No such file or directory
adb: error: cannot stat 'app': No such file or directory
adb: error: cannot stat 'priv-app': No such file or directory
Restart android in your emulator
./ line 72: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./ line 73: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Copy link

QAutomatron commented Dec 31, 2018

@hjJunior make sure that you have lzip app installed. For Mac u can use brew: brew install lzip

also there is a double quote mark on last line echo "done."" one of " should be removed

Copy link

line 51, for some API23+ have to tune the file size bigger, like:
"${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/resize2fs" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" 3072M
for Pixel_XL_API_25, the default 2048M not enough:

generic_x86:/ # df -h
Filesystem                    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                         1.2G  476K  1.2G   1% /dev
tmpfs                         1.2G     0  1.2G   0% /mnt
/dev/block/vda                1.9G  1.9G   18M  100% /system
/dev/block/vdb                 61M   56K   61M   1% /cache
tmpfs                         1.2G     0  1.2G   0% /storage

Copy link

cunneen commented Aug 5, 2019

Thanks @QAutomatron and @Justsoos , I've added your changes to the gist.

Copy link

I dont see Google Play store icon after open emulator again :(
I have runned in macOS
GApps: open_gapps-x86_64-5.0-pico-20190921
Emulator: Nexus 5 Api 21 with Google Api

Copy link

vbisbest commented Dec 13, 2019

This is just not working and cant figure out why. Is this only for Windows? I dont understand this file path it is trying to access:

Which AVD?


determining location of system.img file for ShadowOS ...grep: /Users/me/.android/avd/ShadowOS.avd/config.ini: No such file or directory
copying, checking and resizing system.img for ShadowOS
cp: /Users/me/Library/Android/sdk//system.img: No such file or directory
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
/Users/me/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/bin64/e2fsck: No such file or directory while trying to open /Users/me/.android/avd/ShadowOS.avd/system.img
Possibly non-existent device?
resize2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
open: No such file or directory while opening /Users/me/.android/avd/ShadowOS.avd/system.img
starting ShadowOS

Copy link

iamacoderguy commented Mar 13, 2020

In my case, it showed "remount succeeded" and stayed there forever.

I had to push the etc, framework, app, and priv-app to /system/ manually

Copy link

I dont see Google Play store icon after open emulator again :(
I have runned in macOS
GApps: open_gapps-x86_64-5.0-pico-20190921
Emulator: Nexus 5 Api 21 with Google Api

Hi @sinhpn92,
I figured out that we have to start the emulator by command line in the .sh file, otherwise, it will remove Google Play
${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Copy link

cunneen commented Mar 13, 2020

I dont see Google Play store icon after open emulator again :(
I have runned in macOS
GApps: open_gapps-x86_64-5.0-pico-20190921
Emulator: Nexus 5 Api 21 with Google Api

Hi @sinhpn92,
I figured out that we have to start the emulator by command line in the .sh file, otherwise, it will remove Google Play
${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Hi @iamacoderguy, did you have the AVD set to 'cold boot'? I'm guessing that 'quick boot' may have overwritten the changes?

Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 6 14 41 pm

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iamacoderguy commented Apr 13, 2020

Hi @iamacoderguy, did you have the AVD set to 'cold boot'? I'm guessing that 'quick boot' may have overwritten the changes?

Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 6 14 41 pm

Yeah, I had to use "Cold boot" when using Android < 6, otherwise, it will create a wired noise after booting.

Copy link

alkaris2 commented Oct 18, 2021

Your script has been more useless than useful, I'm just constantly running into errors, and having to make modification to the script so it all points to the correct directories instead of assuming directories with wrong paths.

Errors while trying to write data, claims permissions not permitted, and that the system is Read-Only even though it is read-writable.

adbd is already running as root
avb_ops_user.cpp:217: ERROR: Error writing data.
avb_user_verity.c:205: ERROR: Error writing to partition 'vbmeta'
Skipping /system for remount
[liblp]bool android::fs_mgr::WritePrimaryMetadata(int, const android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata &, uint32_t, const std::string &, const std::function<bool (int, const std::string &)> &) write 740 bytes failed: Operation not permitted
[libfs_mgr]add partition scratch
[liblp]bool android::fs_mgr::WritePrimaryMetadata(int, const android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata &, uint32_t, const std::string &, const std::function<bool (int, const std::string &)> &) write 740 bytes failed: Operation not permitted
[libfs_mgr]add partition scratch
[liblp]bool android::fs_mgr::WritePrimaryMetadata(int, const android::fs_mgr::LpMetadata &, uint32_t, const std::string &, const std::function<bool (int, const std::string &)> &) write 740 bytes failed: Operation not permitted
[libfs_mgr]add partition scratch
Can not mount overlayfs for partitions: No such file or directory
failed to remount partition dev:/dev/block/dm-3 mnt:/vendor: Read-only file system
Consider providing all the dependencies to enable overlayfs
failed to remount partition dev:/dev/block/dm-2 mnt:/product: Read-only file system
Consider providing all the dependencies to enable overlayfs
failed to remount partition dev:/dev/block/dm-1 mnt:/system_ext: Read-only file system
Consider providing all the dependencies to enable overlayfs
remount failed
adb: error: failed to copy 'etc/default-permissions/default-permissions.xml' to '/system/etc/default-permissions/default-permissions.xml': remote secure_mkdirs failed: Read-only file system
etc/: 14 files pushed, 0 skipped. 100.0 MB/s (108374 bytes in 0.001s)
adb: error: failed to read copy response
adb: error: failed to copy 'framework/' to '/system/framework/': remote couldn't create file: Read-only file system
adb: error: failed to copy 'app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk' to '/system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk': remote secure_mkdirs failed: Read-only file system
adb: error: failed to copy 'priv-app/Phonesky/Phonesky.apk' to '/system/priv-app/Phonesky/Phonesky.apk': remote secure_mkdirs failed: Read-only file system

also claims bad blocks, which is impossible because its a virtual data environment, and can't seem to find the filesystem superblock even though it's RIGHT there in the directory labelled `/opt/android-sdk/Sdk/system-images/android-30/google_apis/x86;

determining location of system.img file for 8_Foldable_API_30 .../opt/android-sdk/Sdk/system-images/android-30/google_apis/x86/
copying, checking and resizing system.img for 8_Foldable_API_30
copying encryptionkey.img ...
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
ext2fs_open2: Bad magic number in super-block
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/bin64/e2fsck: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/bin64/e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /home/user/.android/avd/8_Foldable_API_30.avd/system.img

The superblock could not be read or does not describe a valid ext2/ext3/ext4
filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2/ext3/ext4
filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>
    e2fsck -b 32768 <device>

resize2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
/opt/android-sdk/emulator/bin64/resize2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /home/user/.android/avd/8_Foldable_API_30.avd/system.img
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.

This entire script causes more headaches than it's worth and doesn't even work.

Copy link

cunneen commented Oct 18, 2021

@alkaris2 Best of luck debugging your issues. Let us know what you find.

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tenzap commented Jan 10, 2022

@cunneen, could you please apply this patch?
It adds support for when the system.img is not a bare ext fs, but a disk image containing a GPT with an ext fs inside.
This will also fixe the issue encountered by @alkaris2

---      2022-01-10 09:48:02.947415100 +0100
+++        2022-01-10 12:18:20.141186300 +0100
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 echo "Which AVD?"
-emulator -list-avds
+${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -list-avds
 echo -en "\n>"
 read AVD
@@ -47,12 +47,30 @@
   echo "copying encryptionkey.img ..."
   cp "${ANDROID_HOME}/${IMAGE_SYSDIR}/encryptionkey.img" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/encryptionkey.img"
-"${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/e2fsck" -f "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
-"${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/resize2fs" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" 3072M
+if file -b "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" | grep "DOS/MBR boot sector"; then
+    # The system.img is not ext2/ext4 but a DOS/MBR boot sector which contains an ext2/3/4 fs
+    fallocate -l 3G "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
+    #PART_UUID=$(/usr/sbin/sgdisk -i 1 "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" | grep "unique GUID" | cut -d ' ' -f4)
+    /usr/sbin/sgdisk -d 1 "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
+    /usr/sbin/sgdisk -n 1:0:0 "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
+    /usr/sbin/sgdisk -c 1:system "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
+    #/usr/sbin/sgdisk -u 1:$PART_UUID "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
+    echo "Root rights needed to mount system.img & resize ext2fs. Please enter root password"
+    PART=$(su -c "/usr/sbin/kpartx -a -v \"${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img\"" | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
+    SYS_EXT_PART_PATH="/dev/mapper/$PART"
+    su -c "set -x;
+        '${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/e2fsck' -f '$SYS_EXT_PART_PATH' ;
+        '${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/resize2fs' '$SYS_EXT_PART_PATH' ;
+        /usr/sbin/kpartx -d -v '${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img'"
+    "${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/e2fsck" -f "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img"
+    "${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/bin64/resize2fs" "${HOME}/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd/system.img" 3072M
 echo "starting ${AVD}"
-${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &
 read -rsp $'\nPress enter when the emulator has booted...\n\n'

BTW, I also had to remove the system.img.qcow2 file so that it could boot in the emulator, but that may be because of another reason.

Copy link

tenzap commented Jan 10, 2022

I figured out that we have to start the emulator by command line in the .sh file, otherwise, it will remove Google Play
${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd ${AVD} -partition-size 1024 -writable-system > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Same thing here. It looks like -writable-system is mandatory to have google play :/ (lineageos pie, with open gapps pico)

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tenzap commented Jan 10, 2022

Here is another method that uses the OpenGApps installer script.

It doesn't need to launch the emulator and copy the files through adb, no need to use -writable-system.

You may want to increase the system size to 3500MiB or even more if you install the stock package.
This was tested with a LineageOS pie x86 image & OpenGApps 9.0 pico & stock on x86 (host system: debian 11 (bullseye))

The google play works fine even without -writable-system (In case it says your device is not protected, you are likely to run a custom ROM. For this, you need to register your device, then wait a few minutes. If it is still not certified, try clearing Google Play Store's cache and/or Google Play services's cache).

Here are the steps. Most commands need to be run as root.

export RTDIR=/mnt/mounted_avd
export AVD_DIR=$HOME/.android/avd/${AVD}.avd

# Mount the images
mkdir -p $RTDIR

PART_SYSTEM=$(kpartx -a -v $AVD_DIR/system.img | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
mount /dev/mapper/$PART_SYSTEM $RTDIR/

PART_VENDOR=$(kpartx -a -v $AVD_DIR/vendor.img | cut -f 3 -d ' ')
mount /dev/mapper/$PART_VENDOR $RTDIR/vendor

mount $AVD_DIR/cache.img $RTDIR/cache

#it doesn's seem userdata.img is used at first boot, so skip.
#mke2fs $AVD_DIR/userdata.img
#mount $AVD_DIR/userdata.img $RTDIR/data

mount --bind /proc/ $RTDIR/proc

# Mount dir holding the zip (so that it doesn't take space on "/system"
mkdir -p $RTDIR/tmp_opengappzip
mount --bind $OPENGAPPZIP_LOCATION $RTDIR/tmp_opengappzip

# Unpack busybox
unzip -o $RTDIR/tmp_opengappzip/$OPENGAPPZIP busybox-x86 -d $RTDIR/tmp
mkdir -p $RTDIR/tmp/bin
$RTDIR/tmp/busybox-x86 --install $RTDIR/tmp/bin

# Change pid_max to a value that suits the chroot
PID_MAX_ORIG=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max)
echo "Original PID_Max was $PID_MAX_ORIG"
echo "Run 'echo $PID_MAX_ORIG > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max' to revert to it"
echo 65500 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max

# Enter the chroot & run ash shell
PATH=/tmp/bin:/system/bin:$PATH chroot $RTDIR /tmp/bin/ash

# Set variables needed by the script (when flashed through TWRP
# they are set by META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary)
export TMP="/tmp"
case "$(uname -m)" in
  *86*) export BINARCH="x86";;  # e.g. Zenfone is i686
  *ar*) export BINARCH="arm";; # i.e. armv7l and aarch64
export OPENGAZIP=/tmp_opengappzip/$OPENGAPPZIP

# Extract necessary files
# Copied from META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary (of the OPENGAPPZIP)
for f in app_densities.txt app_sizes.txt gapps-remove.txt g.prop busybox-x86 tar-x86 unzip-x86 zip-x86; do
  unzip -o "$OPENGAZIP" "$f" -d "$TMP"

Now, patch the installer script (located in $RTDIR/$TMP)

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -986,11 +986,10 @@
 #                                                  Pre-define Helper Functions
 get_file_prop() { grep -m1 "^$2=" "$1" | cut -d= -f2-; }
-set_progress() { echo "set_progress $1" >> $OUTFD; }
+set_progress() { awk -v VAL=$1 'BEGIN {print "...Progress: ", (VAL * 100),"%" }' ; }
 ui_print() {
+  echo "$1"
-  echo "ui_print $1
-    ui_print" >> $OUTFD
 find_slot() {
@@ -1187,27 +1188,27 @@
 [ "$ANDROID_ROOT" ] || ANDROID_ROOT=/system
 # emulators can only flash booted and may need /system (on legacy images), or / (on system-as-root images), remounted rw
-if ! $BOOTMODE; then
-  mount -o bind /dev/urandom /dev/random
-  if [ -L /etc ]; then
-    setup_mountpoint /etc
-    cp -af /etc_link/* /etc
-    sed -i 's; / ; /system_root ;' /etc/fstab
-  fi
-  umount_all
-  mount_all
-if [ -d /dev/block/mapper ]; then
-  for block in system vendor product system_ext; do
-    for slot in "" _a _b; do
-      blockdev --setrw /dev/block/mapper/$block$slot 2>/dev/null
-    done
-  done
-mount -o rw,remount -t auto /system || mount -o rw,remount -t auto /
-(mount -o rw,remount -t auto /vendor
-mount -o rw,remount -t auto /product
-mount -o rw,remount -t auto /system_ext) 2>/dev/null
+# if ! $BOOTMODE; then
+#   mount -o bind /dev/urandom /dev/random
+#   if [ -L /etc ]; then
+#     setup_mountpoint /etc
+#     cp -af /etc_link/* /etc
+#     sed -i 's; / ; /system_root ;' /etc/fstab
+#   fi
+#   umount_all
+#   mount_all
+# fi
+# if [ -d /dev/block/mapper ]; then
+#   for block in system vendor product system_ext; do
+#     for slot in "" _a _b; do
+#       blockdev --setrw /dev/block/mapper/$block$slot 2>/dev/null
+#     done
+#   done
+# fi
+# mount -o rw,remount -t auto /system || mount -o rw,remount -t auto /
+# (mount -o rw,remount -t auto /vendor
+# mount -o rw,remount -t auto /product
+# mount -o rw,remount -t auto /system_ext) 2>/dev/null

 ui_print " "
@@ -2603,7 +2604,7 @@
 # Read and save system partition size details
 df=$(df -k /system | tail -n 1)
 case $df in
-  /dev/block/*) df=$(echo "$df" | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }');;
+  /dev/*) df=$(echo "$df" | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }');;
 total_system_size_kb=$(echo "$df" | awk '{ print $1 }')
 used_system_size_kb=$(echo "$df" | awk '{ print $2 }')

Continue with the script

# Run the script
cd /
ash /tmp/

# Leave chroot

# Make a copy of the /data partition because we can't load it into the chroot
mkdir -p /tmp/my_avd_data
cp -a $RTDIR/data/* /tmp/my_avd_data/

# Unmount the images & cleanup
umount $RTDIR/tmp_opengappzip
umount $RTDIR/cache
umount $RTDIR/vendor
#umount $RTDIR/data
umount $RTDIR/proc
umount $RTDIR
kpartx -d -v $AVD_DIR/vendor.img
kpartx -d -v $AVD_DIR/system.img

# Restore original pid_max
echo $PID_MAX_ORIG > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max

# Review the contents of the data partition, you may need to copy
# things over through adb once the emulator is loaded (if this works)

# adb push /tmp/my_avd_data/* /data
# rm -r /tmp/my_avd_data/

Now you can boot emulator through AVD.

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tenzap commented Jan 21, 2022

Those searching for a script working for system-images up to Android 12 / API 31 can look at my fork.
Thanks @cunneen for your work and showing the way.

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cunneen commented Mar 22, 2022

I only just saw this, thanks @tenzap for this!

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