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Created March 14, 2017 20:46
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drop table if exists density_streets cascade;
create table density_streets as
-- сначала выбираются линии, на которых нужные нам тэги
-- они объединяются в один объект (MultiLineString)
lines as (
select st_union(way) way
from rd_line
highway in ('trunk', 'trunk_link', 'primary', 'primary_link', 'secondary',
'secondary_link', 'tertiary', 'tertiary_link', 'unclassified', 'residential', 'pedestrian')
-- waterway is not null or
-- railway is not null or
-- or landuse is not null
or border='yes'
-- все полигоны типа residential и к ним присоединяются линии из предыдущего CTE
-- CTE - common table expression (with X as (select ...))
polys as (
select st_union(way) way
from rd_polygon
-- border='yes'
union all
select way from lines),
-- теперь всё объединяется в один объект
streets as (
select st_union(way) way from polys
-- из группы линий и полигонов нарезаются лоскуты полигонов
polygroup as (select st_polygonize(way) way from streets),
-- теперь они разбиваются на отдельные строки
dumped as (select (st_dump(way)).geom poly from polygroup)
-- окончательная выборка: нумерация
select row_number() over () id, poly from dumped;
-- и индексы
create index density_str_gix on density_streets using gist (poly);
create index density_str_id_idx on density_streets (id);
drop materialized view if exists inner_rings cascade;
create materialized view inner_rings as
st_buffer(poly, - get_aspect_ratio(poly) * 30) inner_poly,
st_buffer(poly, - get_aspect_ratio(poly) * 25) line_to_draw,
st_buffer(poly, get_aspect_ratio(poly) * 25) outer_reach
from density_streets;
create materialized view outer_rings as
select id, st_difference(outer_reach, inner_poly) bubble
from inner_rings
where not st_isempty(line_to_draw);
create materialized view drawn_line as
intermedia as (
select id, (st_dump(line_to_draw)).geom line_to_draw from inner_rings),
geoms as (
select raw_id, row_number() over () id,
st_exteriorRing(g.line_to_draw) line_to_draw,
from intermedia g, outer_rings o
select raw_id, id,
ST_addmeasure(line_to_draw, 0, 1) line_to_draw,
bubble, st_length(line_to_draw) length
from geoms;
create index drawn_line_id on drawn_line (id);
create index ring_gix on drawn_line using gist (line_to_draw);
/* select firms that are in sections */
drop materialized view if exists uni_firms;
create materialized view uni_firms as
select row_number() over () id, firm_id, subsection_id, centroid_913
from nsk_markers nm --, nsk_sections ns
-- where -- and
-- is not null
group by firm_id, centroid_913, subsection_id;
create unique index uni_firms_id on uni_firms (id);
create index uni_firms_centr on uni_firms using gist (centroid_913);
drop materialized view if exists projected;
create materialized view projected as
distances as (
select marker_id, subsection_id, line_id, st_distance(centroid_913, line_to_draw) dist
from uni_firms u, drawn_line l
where st_within(centroid_913, bubble)),
ranked as (
select distinct marker_id, first_value(line_id) over (partition by marker_id order by dist) line_id
from distances)
marker_id, subsection_id, line_id, st_length(line_to_draw) ln_len, line_to_draw,
st_closestpoint(line_to_draw, centroid_913) closest, centroid_913,
st_interpolatepoint(line_to_draw, centroid_913) inter
from ranked r, uni_firms u, drawn_line d
where and;
create unique index proj_id_idx on projected (marker_id);
create index proj_line_idx on projected (line_id);
drop materialized view if exists street_segments;
create materialized view street_segments as
slen as (
select id, st_length(line_to_draw) l, get_aspect_ratio(line_to_draw) * 25 / st_length(line_to_draw) slen,
st_length(line_to_draw) / get_aspect_ratio(line_to_draw) / 25 nsects
from drawn_line),
seq as (
select id, generate_series(0, floor(nsects)::int)*slen proj, slen
from slen
joined as (
select marker_id, subsection_id, line_id, proj, slen
from seq s
left join projected p
on and inter between proj and proj+slen
post_group as (
select line_id, proj, slen, count(marker_id) totals, count(distinct(subsection_id)) variety
from joined j
group by line_id, proj, slen)
select row_number() over () id, line_id, st_force_2d(st_line_substring(line_to_draw, proj, least(1, proj+slen))) ls,
sum(totals) over (partition by line_id order by proj rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) totals2,
sum(variety) over (partition by line_id order by proj rows between 2 preceding and 2 following) variety
from post_group, drawn_line d
-- straightened as (;
-- select * from street_segments2;
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