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Created March 26, 2021 01:21
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Connect BSSID
#pragma comment(lib, "Wlanapi.lib")
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <regex>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <codecvt>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wlanapi.h>
int main()
unsigned selection;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>, wchar_t> converter;
std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, std::string>> profileList;
std::vector<std::pair<PDOT11_SSID, PDOT11_MAC_ADDRESS>> wlanList;
std::wstring selectedProfile;
std::string selectedSsid;
DWORD ret = 0, dwNegotiatedVersion = 0;
HANDLE hWlan = nullptr;
PWLAN_PROFILE_INFO_LIST pProfileList = nullptr;
PWLAN_BSS_LIST pBssList = nullptr;
// open handle
ret = WlanOpenHandle(2, NULL, &dwNegotiatedVersion, &hWlan);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end;
// get the (first) device
ret = WlanEnumInterfaces(hWlan, NULL, &pIfInfoList);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end;
if (pIfInfoList->dwNumberOfItems != 1) {
std::cerr << "No WLAN device found!" << std::endl;
goto end;
pIfInfo = &(pIfInfoList->InterfaceInfo[0]);
std::wcout << "Device: " << pIfInfo->strInterfaceDescription << std::endl;
ret = WlanScan(hWlan, &pIfInfo->InterfaceGuid, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end;
// select WLAN profile
ret = WlanGetProfileList(hWlan, &pIfInfo->InterfaceGuid, NULL, &pProfileList);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pProfileList->dwNumberOfItems; i++) {
PWLAN_PROFILE_INFO pProfile = &pProfileList->ProfileInfo[i];
LPWSTR pProfileXml = NULL;
DWORD dwFlags = NULL, dwGrantedAccess;
ret = WlanGetProfile(hWlan, &pIfInfo->InterfaceGuid,
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) continue;
std::wstring xml(pProfileXml);
std::wregex regex(L"<name>([0-9A-Za-z-_+ ]+)</name>");
std::wsmatch match;
if (std::regex_search(xml, match, regex)) {
std::wstring profileName(pProfile->strProfileName);
std::string profileSsid(converter.to_bytes(match[1]));
std::cout << profileList.size() << ". " << profileSsid;
std::wcout << " (" << profileName << ")" << std::endl;
profileList.emplace_back(profileName, profileSsid);
std::cout << "Which profile? ";
std::cin >> selection;
selectedProfile = profileList[selection].first;
selectedSsid = profileList[selection].second;
// wait until list populates
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ret = WlanGetNetworkBssList(hWlan, &pIfInfo->InterfaceGuid, NULL, dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure, NULL, NULL, &pBssList);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end;
if (pBssList->dwNumberOfItems > 1) break;
// select BSSID
for (int i = 0; i < pBssList->dwNumberOfItems; i++) {
PWLAN_BSS_ENTRY entry = &pBssList->wlanBssEntries[i];
PDOT11_MAC_ADDRESS pBssid = &entry->dot11Bssid;
PDOT11_SSID pSsid = &entry->dot11Ssid;
std::string ssid((char*)pSsid->ucSSID, pSsid->uSSIDLength);
if (ssid != selectedSsid) continue;
std::cout << wlanList.size() << ". ";
printf("%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", (*pBssid)[0], (*pBssid)[1], (*pBssid)[2], (*pBssid)[3], (*pBssid)[4], (*pBssid)[5]);
std::cout << '\t' << entry->lRssi << '\t' << entry->ulChCenterFrequency << std::endl;
wlanList.emplace_back(pSsid, pBssid);
std::cout << "Which BSSID? ";
std::cin >> selection;
// connect selected BSSID
if (selection >= wlanList.size()) {
std::cerr << "Invalid selection!" << std::endl;
else {
PDOT11_SSID targetSsid = wlanList[selection].first;
PDOT11_MAC_ADDRESS targetBssid = wlanList[selection].second;
params.wlanConnectionMode = wlan_connection_mode_profile;
params.strProfile = selectedProfile.c_str();
params.pDot11Ssid = targetSsid;
params.dot11BssType = dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure;
params.dwFlags = 0;
DOT11_BSSID_LIST targetBssidList;
targetBssidList.Header.Type = NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT;
targetBssidList.Header.Revision = DOT11_BSSID_LIST_REVISION_1;
targetBssidList.Header.Size = sizeof(DOT11_BSSID_LIST);
targetBssidList.uNumOfEntries = 1;
targetBssidList.uTotalNumOfEntries = 1;
memcpy(targetBssidList.BSSIDs[0], targetBssid, sizeof(DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS));
params.pDesiredBssidList = &targetBssidList;
ret = WlanConnect(hWlan, &pIfInfo->InterfaceGuid, &params, NULL);
if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto end;
std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl;
if (pIfInfoList != nullptr) WlanFreeMemory(pIfInfoList);
if (pProfileList != nullptr) WlanFreeMemory(pProfileList);
if (pBssList != nullptr) WlanFreeMemory(pBssList);
WlanCloseHandle(hWlan, NULL);
return ret;
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