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Forked from jhwilson/jhwhw.cls
Last active April 9, 2017 04:12
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LaTeX class file for math homework
% File: mathhw.cls
% Author: Courtney Strachan
% Forked from Justin Wilson's Homework Class (
% Packaging
\ProvidesClass{mathhw}[2017/04/08 Math Homework Class]
\LoadClass[letterpaper, 12pt]{article}
\RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
\RequirePackage{ifthen} % Conditional commands in LaTeX documents
%\RequirePackage{empheq} % ...
\RequirePackage{amsmath,amsthm,amssymb} % Math packages (theorem for qed, and symbols for ..)
\RequirePackage{environ} % For Linear systems array
\RequirePackage{array} % For custom matrix type that factors in negative number spacing
% Commands
% Document Initialization
\lfoot{}\cfoot{Page \thepage}\rfoot{}
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\lhead{\@author \vspace*{2px}}\chead{\textbf{\Large \@title} \vspace*{1px}}\rhead{\@date \vspace*{2px}}
\lfoot{}\cfoot{Page \thepage}\rfoot{}
% PDF Setup
\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined % LaTeX
pdfauthor = {\@author},
pdftitle = {\@title},
pdfcreator = {LaTeX with hyperref package},
pdfproducer = {dvips + ps2pdf}
\else % PDFLaTeX
pdfauthor = {\@author},
pdftitle = {\@title},
pdfcreator = {LaTeX with hyperref package},
pdfproducer = {dvips + ps2pdf}
% Set up counters for problems and subsections
\anyproblem{Problem \theProblemNum. \; #1}}
\anyproblemnb{Problem \theProblemNum. \; #1}}
\soln{Part (\theSubProblemNum)}}
\soln{Subpart \theSubSubProblemNum. }}
% Change qed symbol
% Column 'C': Negative number spacing fix in matrices
% i.e., aligns numbers, and adds padding for negative
% Allow for \begin{bmatrix}[rrrr]
\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][*\c@MaxMatrixCols c]{%
\hskip -\arraycolsep
% Linear systems array
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