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Created March 29, 2020 20:18
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$ grep -r 'Error generating capa'
Binary file dmvd matches
$ _bin=$(which dmvd)
$ readelf -S $_bin | grep rodata
  [15] .rodata           PROGBITS         0000000000457a40  00057a40
$ readelf -p15 $_bin | grep -i 'Error generating'
  [  43c8]  Error generating capability request.
$ python -c 'print(hex(int("0000000000457a40", 16) + int("43c8", 16)))'
$ _addr=$(python -c 'print(hex(int("0000000000457a40", 16) + int("43c8", 16)))')
$ grep -B8 $_addr <(objdump -d -Mintel $_bin)
  41f335:	e8 86 b3 ff ff       	call   41a6c0 <display_flex_error>
  41f33a:	49 8b 7c 24 30       	mov    rdi,QWORD PTR [r12+0x30]
  41f33f:	41 bf 2c 01 00 00    	mov    r15d,0x12c
  41f345:	48 8d 9c 24 50 06 00 	lea    rbx,[rsp+0x650]
  41f34c:	00
  41f34d:	e8 f6 62 00 00       	call   425648 <FlxErrorGetError>
  41f352:	89 c7                	mov    edi,eax
  41f354:	e8 57 a6 ff ff       	call   4199b0 <sGetStatusString>
  41f359:	bf 08 be 45 00       	mov    edi,0x45be08
$ grep -B300 $_addr <(objdump -d -Mintel $_bin) | egrep "(call|>:)"
000000000041ee90 <load_from_nonshared_lls>:
  41eea3:	e8 60 61 ff ff       	call   415008 <time@plt>
  41eee6:	e8 c5 c3 ff ff       	call   41b2b0 <get_flexera_context>
  41ef0a:	e8 01 23 00 00       	call   421210 <get_cstr_field>
  41ef40:	e8 33 62 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41ef4f:	e8 5c 29 00 00       	call   4218b0 <slist_pop>
  41ef70:	e8 1b ad ff ff       	call   419c90 <set_flex_processing_datetime>
  41ef7d:	e8 ce 79 ff ff       	call   416950 <FlxExtMemoryFree>
  41ef8f:	e8 bc 79 ff ff       	call   416950 <FlxExtMemoryFree>
  41efa1:	e8 d2 61 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41efd2:	e8 39 22 00 00       	call   421210 <get_cstr_field>
  41f006:	e8 05 22 00 00       	call   421210 <get_cstr_field>
  41f01e:	e8 4d 1f 00 00       	call   420f70 <clear_key>
  41f02a:	e8 41 1f 00 00       	call   420f70 <clear_key>
  41f03e:	e8 6d 28 00 00       	call   4218b0 <slist_pop>
  41f074:	e8 ff 60 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41f08a:	e8 e9 60 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41f0a0:	e8 d3 60 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41f0b6:	e8 bd 60 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41f0c6:	e8 ad 60 ff ff       	call   415178 <free@plt>
  41f0e6:	e8 c5 27 00 00       	call   4218b0 <slist_pop>
  41f126:	e8 55 b6 ff ff       	call   41a780 <ReadFileData>
  41f144:	e8 9f 63 ff ff       	call   4154e8 <XML_ParserCreate@plt>
  41f15b:	e8 98 5e ff ff       	call   414ff8 <XML_SetElementHandler@plt>
  41f16d:	e8 d6 63 ff ff       	call   415548 <XML_Parse@plt>
  41f175:	e8 1e 5e ff ff       	call   414f98 <XML_ParserFree@plt>
  41f19d:	e8 1e b5 ff ff       	call   41a6c0 <display_flex_error>
  41f1ba:	e8 2f 9e 01 00       	call   438fee <FlxCapabilityRequestDelete>
  41f209:	e8 12 ee ff ff       	call   41e020 <talk_to_LS.clone.1>
  41f224:	e8 f7 a9 ff ff       	call   419c20 <set_flex_processing_error>
  41f251:	e8 f2 59 ff ff       	call   414c48 <sprintf@plt>
  41f28e:	e8 8d ed ff ff       	call   41e020 <talk_to_LS.clone.1>
  41f2aa:	e8 71 a9 ff ff       	call   419c20 <set_flex_processing_error>
  41f2fa:	e8 11 1f 00 00       	call   421210 <get_cstr_field>
  41f323:	e8 20 59 ff ff       	call   414c48 <sprintf@plt>
  41f335:	e8 86 b3 ff ff       	call   41a6c0 <display_flex_error>
  41f34d:	e8 f6 62 00 00       	call   425648 <FlxErrorGetError>
  41f354:	e8 57 a6 ff ff       	call   4199b0 <sGetStatusString>
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