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Created May 10, 2019 00:04
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Enumerating Regular Expressions : Kanji numerals
import RegExp
import Data.List
-- Kanji numerals
oneOf = foldr (:|) Phi . map Single
kanji = o (u :. Single 'T')
:. o (a :. Single 'M')
:. o (a :. Single 'C')
:. o (a :. Single 'X')
:. o u
units = ['1'..'9']
u = oneOf units
a = o (oneOf (tail units))
o = (:| Nil)
kanjis = tail (enum kanji)
matches x = let t = sort x in filter ((t==).sort) kanjis
main = print (matches "7X2M")
module RegExp where
-- Define concatenation and alternation to be associative.
-- concatenation has higher binding power than alternation.
infixr 5 :|
infixr 6 :.
data Rexp z = Phi -- empty language
| Nil -- language containing null string
| Single z -- symbol from the alphabet
| Rexp z :| Rexp z -- alternation
| Rexp z :. Rexp z -- concatenation
| Star (Rexp z) -- Kleene closure
type S z = [z]
-- The result of function enum is an ordered list of strings of a regular expression.
enum :: Ord z => Rexp z -> [S z]
enum z = case z of
Phi -> [] -- empty language
Nil -> [[]] -- language containing null string only
Single x -> [[x]] -- convert x to string
x :| y -> (enum x) +++ (enum y)
x :. y -> (enum x) *** (enum y)
Star x -> closure (enum x)
-- The following functions —merge(+++), prod(***), and closure— are as given before.
(+++), (***) :: Ord z => [S z] -> [S z] -> [S z]
[] +++ ys = ys
xs +++ [] = xs
xs@(x:xt) +++ ys@(y:yt) = case compare (metric x) (metric y) of
LT -> x : (xt +++ ys)
EQ -> x : (xt +++ yt)
GT -> y : (xs +++ yt)
[] *** _ = []
_ *** [] = []
xs@(x:xt) *** ys@(y:yt) = (x++y) : ((map (x++) yt) +++ (xt *** ys))
closure :: Ord z => [S z] -> [S z]
closure [] = [[]]
closure ([]:xt) = closure xt
closure xs = [] : (xs *** (closure xs))
metric x = (length x, x)
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