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Created May 10, 2017 15:55
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Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences
import Data.List
-- Hofstadter Figure-Figure sequences [R]( and [S](
-- R(0) = 1; S(0) = 2; {S(n)} = increasing series of positive integers not present in {R(n)}
-- R(n+1) = R(n) + S(n)
r = 1:zipWith (+) r s
s = 2:4:drop 2 (concat $ zipWith ss r (tail r)) where ss x y = [x+1..y-1]
main = print (take 22 r) -- [1,3,7,12,18,26,35,45,56,69,83,98,114,131,150,170,191,213,236,260,285,312]
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