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// Includes functions for exporting active sheet or all sheets as JSON object (also Python object syntax compatible).
// Tweak the makePrettyJSON_ function to customize what kind of JSON to export.
var FORMAT_ONELINE = 'One-line';
var FORMAT_MULTILINE = 'Multi-line';
var FORMAT_PRETTY = 'Pretty';
var LANGUAGE_JS = 'JavaScript';
var LANGUAGE_PYTHON = 'Python';
// tinyxhr by Shimon Doodkin - licanse: public doamin -
// tinyxhr("",function (err,data,xhr){ if (err) console.log("goterr ",err,'status='+xhr.status); console.log(data) });
// tinyxhr("",function (err,data,xhr){ if (err) console.log("goterr ",err,'status='+xhr.status); console.log(data) },'POST','value1=1&value2=2');
// tinyxhr("",function (err,data,xhr){ if (err) console.log("goterr ",err,'status='+xhr.status); console.log(data); console.log(JSON.parse(data)) },'POST',JSON.stringify({value:1}),'application/javascript');
// cb - a callback function like: function (err,data,XMLHttpRequestObject){ if (err) throw err; }
function tinyxhr(url,cb,method,post,contenttype)