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Last active October 4, 2019 12:19
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echo "Start Export Process"
echo "Log into Keybase..."
keybase login
echo "Exporting your PGP keys..."
keybase pgp export -o keybase.public.key
keybase pgp export -s -o keybase.private.key
echo "Importing your Keybase keys..."
gpg -q --import keybase.public.key
gpg -q --allow-secret-key-import --import keybase.private.key
gpg --list-keys | grep '^pub\s*.*\/*.\s.*' | grep -oEi '\/(.*)\s' | cut -c 2- | awk '{$1=$1};1' > hash.key
echo "Generating RSA keys..."
gpg --export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd,export-minimal,no-export-attributes --export-secret-keys --no-armor `cat hash.key` | openpgp2ssh `cat hash.key` > id_rsa
chmod 400 id_rsa
ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa >
echo "Cleaning up..."
rm *.key
echo "Success"
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nderjung commented Jan 29, 2017

Excellent script! However I believe this should take into account multiple keys for a single keybase user. Running this script on my own account resulted in a prompt 'ERROR Specify a key to export'. A simple fix is to enable a global -q flag for keybase commands. A more sophisticated script could prompt the user to choose a key before continuing with gpg imports and RSA key generation.

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Very helpful script. Just a heads up, Homebrew recently moved keybase to Cask. Your writeup on for this script needs to change the prereq. install command to brew install git gpg monkeysphere && brew cask install keybase.

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cshtdd commented Sep 14, 2017

Thank you. I'll fix that

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Thanks for the script, but I tried it and doesn't work for me. The main problem if found is in generating RSA keys
with the "export-reset-subkey-passwd" option. Seems that it's not working anymore (
And also, generation of the "hash.key" file doesn't work. The "gpg --list-keys" output is a bit different now.

Fixing all this things, at the end, It cannot generate the public key file ( because the command "ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa" is asking for a passphrase and don't like the one I provide.

Anyway, Thanks for your effort! :-)

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I also found that this no longer works due to the changes to GPG, however I found the following tutorial helpful:

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cshtdd commented Mar 26, 2018

I'll be updating the script soon. I'm setting up a new computer and I'll be taking notes of my progress. Thanks for your comments

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cshtdd commented Mar 26, 2018

This gist is outdated, please read the updated blogpost

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