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Created October 6, 2021 20:15
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Metropolis-Hastings as a Soss model
using Soss, MeasureTheory, Plots
# ℓ: log-posterior density we want to sample
# propose: the Markov kernel for the proposal
# x: current point
mhstep = @model ℓ,propose,x begin
y ~ propose(x)
u ~ Uniform()
accept = log(u) < (y) - (x)
return accept ? y : x
mh(ℓ,propose,d0) = Chain(d0) do x
mhstep(ℓ, propose, x)
# Make sure we can sample from a standard normal
(x) = -0.5x^2
# We'll propose with a normal random walk
propose(x) = Normal(x,0.1)
# Build the Markov chain
mc = mh(ℓ, propose, Uniform())
# Draw a sample
r = rand(mc)
# collect into a vector
x = collect(Iterators.take(r, 100000))
# plot(x)
# julia> mean(x)
# 0.05759233759871822
# julia> std(x)
# 0.964331244694455
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