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Created July 30, 2024 12:03
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Scheduling in chunk
private function scheduleAppHomeUpdates(Schedule $schedule): void
$ttl = now()->addMinutes(30);
$users = (int) Cache::remember('total-users', $ttl, function () {
return User::whereHas(
'workspace', fn ($q) => $q->whereNull('locked_at')->whereNotNull('onboarded_at')
$howOften = 10; // run every X minutes
$offsetMinute = 5;
$chunks = 60 / $howOften;
$perJob = ceil(($users + 1) / $chunks);
foreach (range(0, $chunks-1) as $chunk) {
$at = (int) (round($chunk*$howOften) + $offsetMinute);
if ($at >= 60) {
$at = $at - 60;
$schedule->job(new SyncAppHomeForChunk(
limit: (int) $perJob,
skip: (int) ($chunk * $perJob)
))->name(sprintf('Syncing, limit: %s, skip: %s', $perJob, $chunk*$perJob))->hourlyAt($at);
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