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Last active April 15, 2020 02:15
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Example of Dockerfile for a nodejs app
# the first thing we specify in a Dockerfile is the base image.
# This is essentially bare bones alpine linux with node installed.
FROM node:7.5.0-alpine
# Creates a non-root-user.
RUN addgroup -S nupp && adduser -S -g nupp nupp
# Sets the HOME environment variable.
ENV HOME=/home/nupp
# Copy the files specified, in the 'app' folder.
COPY package.json npm-shrinkwrap.json $HOME/app/
# Copy our src code, in the 'app/src' folder.
COPY src/ $HOME/app/src
# Add dumb-init to our alpine linux.
ADD /usr/local/bin/dumb-init
# Executes some bash commands and installs our project dependencies.
RUN chown -R nupp:nupp $HOME/* /usr/local/ && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dumb-init && \
npm cache clean && \
npm install --silent --progress=false --production && \
chown -R nupp:nupp $HOME/*
# Changes the root user to a non-root-user for security.
USER nupp
# Expose our server port.
# the CMD command tells docker that this image should run the node executable.
# When the executable terminates, the container shuts down.
CMD ["dumb-init", "npm", "start"]
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