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Cristiano Fromagio cristianofromagio

Quit the talking
  • Brazil
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Speedy37 / userChrome.css
Last active June 2, 2021 08:54
[Proton] button to tabs, sound icon, menu padding
/** Add small space at the top */
.tab-stack {
margin-top: 4px;
/** Make tabs looks like tabs not buttons */
/* attach tabs to the toolbar */
.tab-background {
margin: 0px !important;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important;
Oldenborg / AssertJson.php
Last active October 2, 2023 22:50
Laravel test trait: assert JSON exact
namespace Tests\Traits;
use Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert as PHPUnit;
trait AssertJson
nucklehead / cleanIcon.js
Last active May 20, 2024 19:04
Script to clean unused icons in ionic
#!/bin/env node
let path = require('path'), fs=require('fs');
function fromDir(startPath, filter, callback){
if (!fs.existsSync(startPath)){
console.log("no dir ",startPath);
sagrawal31 / events.ts
Last active January 26, 2024 13:22
Alternative to Events which got removed in Ionic 5
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Subject, Subscription} from 'rxjs';
* A custom Events service just like Ionic 3 Events which got removed in Ionic 5.
* @author Shashank Agrawal
providedIn: 'root'
hkan / whatsapp-web-emoji-keywords.txt
Created April 30, 2018 16:25
Emoji shortcut keywords for Whatsapp Web
0⃣ 0, keycap, zero
1⃣ 1, number, one
🕜 1, 30, clock, time, one, thirty, 1:30, one-thirty
🕐 1, clock, time, one, 00, o’clock, 1:00, one o’clock
2⃣ 2, number, two
🕝 2, 30, clock, time, two, thirty, 2:30, two-thirty
🕑 2, clock, time, two, 00, o’clock, 2:00, two o’clock
3⃣ 3, keycap, three
🕞 3, 30, three, clock, time, thirty, 3:30, three-thirty
🕒 3, three, clock, time, 00, o’clock, 3:00, three o’clock
julianpoemp /
Last active August 8, 2024 09:32
Optimal .htaccess configuration for Angular 15, Angular 14, Angular 13, Angular 12, Angular 11, Angular 10, Angular 9, Angular 8, Angular 7, Angular 6, Angular 5 (and older) app in production incl. fix for the angular browser caching issue.

New generator

I created a new htaccess generator for angular apps that makes it easier for you to create the optimal htaccess file:

The goal of this generator is to create the optimal .htaccess file for Angular apps easily. By default the generator creates an .htaccess file that solves the route redirection issue. To make it easier for you I created a kind of interview mode with some questions. As an additional feature the generator supports adding exclusions for example if you have installed a blog in a subdirectory of your web application and more!

The generator 😁:

The project:

rafael-neri / validar_cpf.php
Last active August 13, 2024 13:30
Validar CPF em PHP (Completo)
function validaCPF($cpf) {
// Extrai somente os números
$cpf = preg_replace( '/[^0-9]/is', '', $cpf );
// Verifica se foi informado todos os digitos corretamente
if (strlen($cpf) != 11) {
return false;
davidfurlong / JSON.stringify-replacer-sort-keys.js
Last active August 23, 2024 11:44
JSON.stringify replacer function for having object keys sorted in output (supports deeply nested objects)
// Spec
const replacer = (key, value) =>
value instanceof Object && !(value instanceof Array) ?
.reduce((sorted, key) => {
sorted[key] = value[key];
return sorted
}, {}) :
7kfpun / gist:41d4fda1f9486cb79e9ca5f72ce05a5b
Created June 12, 2016 14:50
Round corners of an image with ImageMagick
convert -size 512x512 xc:none -draw "roundrectangle 0,0,512,512,40,40" png:- | convert src.png -matte - -compose DstIn -composite dst.png
btroncone /
Last active June 26, 2024 08:27
A Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store - Companion to Series

Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store

By: @BTroncone

Also check out my lesson @ngrx/store in 10 minutes on!

Update: Non-middleware examples have been updated to ngrx/store v2. More coming soon!

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