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Last active May 7, 2017 21:17
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import os
import sys
import PyPDF2 as pyPdf
def arabic_to_roman(arabic):
roman = ''
while arabic >= 1000:
roman += 'm'
arabic -= 1000
diffs = [900, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 90, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
digits = ['cm', 'd', 'cd', 'ccc', 'cc', 'c', 'xc', 'l', 'xl', 'xxx', 'xx', 'x', 'ix', 'v', 'iv', 'iii', 'ii', 'i']
for i in range(len(diffs)):
if arabic >= diffs[i]:
roman += digits[i]
arabic -= diffs[i]
return roman
def get_page_count(pdf):
page_label_type = pdf.trailer["/Root"]["/PageLabels"]["/Nums"][1].getObject()["/S"]
page_label_type = "/D"
page_start = pdf.trailer["/Root"]["/PageLabels"]["/Nums"][1].getObject()["/St"]
except Exception as e:
page_start = 1
page_count = pdf.getNumPages()
page_stop = page_start + page_count
if page_label_type == "/D":
page_numbers = list(range(page_start, page_stop))
for i in range(len(page_numbers)):
page_numbers[i] = str(page_numbers[i])
elif page_label_type == '/r':
page_numbers_arabic = range(page_start, page_stop)
page_numbers = []
for i in range(len(page_numbers_arabic)):
return page_count
def print_batch(page_count, first_batch):
pages = ""
if first_batch:
for i in range(1, page_count + 1):
if i % 2 == 0:
pages += str(i) + ","
for i in range(1, page_count + 1):
if i % 2 != 0:
pages += str(i) + ","
pages = pages.rstrip(',')
def print_pages(numbers):
print "- Printing pages: %s" % numbers
os.system('lpr -o page-ranges={0} "{1}"'.format(numbers, sys.argv[1]))
#print 'lpr -o page-ranges={0} "{1}"'.format(numbers, sys.argv[1])
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(open(sys.argv[1], "rb"))
page_count = get_page_count(pdf)
print "- Document pages: %d" % page_count
print_batch(page_count, True)
raw_input("- Press Enter to continue...")
print_batch(page_count, False)
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