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Last active December 30, 2018 00:27
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C code to crop and resize a rectangle box from an image to given dimension
void CropAndResizePerBox(
const float * image_data,
const int batch_size,
const int depth,
const int image_height,
const int image_width,
const float * boxes_data,
const int * box_index_data,
const int start_box,
const int limit_box,
float * corps_data,
const int crop_height,
const int crop_width,
const float extrapolation_value
) {
const int image_channel_elements = image_height * image_width;
const int image_elements = depth * image_channel_elements;
const int channel_elements = crop_height * crop_width;
const int crop_elements = depth * channel_elements;
int b;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (b = start_box; b < limit_box; ++b) {
const float * box = boxes_data + b * 4;
const float y1 = box[0];
const float x1 = box[1];
const float y2 = box[2];
const float x2 = box[3];
const int b_in = box_index_data[b];
if (b_in < 0 || b_in >= batch_size) {
printf("Error: batch_index %d out of range [0, %d)\n", b_in, batch_size);
// height of box multiplied with scale of resize
const float height_scale =
(crop_height > 1)
? (y2 - y1) * (image_height - 1) / (crop_height - 1)
: 0;
// width of box multiplied with scale of resize
const float width_scale =
(crop_width > 1)
? (x2 - x1) * (image_width - 1) / (crop_width - 1)
: 0;
for (int y = 0; y < crop_height; ++y)
const float in_y = (crop_height > 1)
? y1 * (image_height - 1) + y * height_scale
: 0.5 * (y1 + y2) * (image_height - 1);
if (in_y < 0 || in_y > image_height - 1)
for (int x = 0; x < crop_width; ++x)
for (int d = 0; d < depth; ++d)
// crops(b, y, x, d) = extrapolation_value;
corps_data[crop_elements * b + channel_elements * d + y * crop_width + x] = extrapolation_value;
const int top_y_index = floorf(in_y);
const int bottom_y_index = ceilf(in_y);
const float y_lerp = in_y - top_y_index;
for (int x = 0; x < crop_width; ++x)
const float in_x = (crop_width > 1)
? x1 * (image_width - 1) + x * width_scale
: 0.5 * (x1 + x2) * (image_width - 1);
if (in_x < 0 || in_x > image_width - 1)
for (int d = 0; d < depth; ++d)
corps_data[crop_elements * b + channel_elements * d + y * crop_width + x] = extrapolation_value;
const int left_x_index = floorf(in_x);
const int right_x_index = ceilf(in_x);
const float x_lerp = in_x - left_x_index;
for (int d = 0; d < depth; ++d)
const float *pimage = image_data + b_in * image_elements + d * image_channel_elements;
const float top_left = pimage[top_y_index * image_width + left_x_index];
const float top_right = pimage[top_y_index * image_width + right_x_index];
const float bottom_left = pimage[bottom_y_index * image_width + left_x_index];
const float bottom_right = pimage[bottom_y_index * image_width + right_x_index];
const float top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * x_lerp;
const float bottom =
bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * x_lerp;
corps_data[crop_elements * b + channel_elements * d + y * crop_width + x] = top + (bottom - top) * y_lerp;
} // end for x
} // end for y
} // end for b
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