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Created September 1, 2019 09:03
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  • Save crazyboycjr/aa962ebb681aa24130b25372e59fd429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save crazyboycjr/aa962ebb681aa24130b25372e59fd429 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// usage: open chrome console, paste this and enter
const WORD_PER_PAGE = 10;
const START_PAGE = 1;
const END_PAGE = 10;
const BOOK_ID = 'tvbmg';
// const WORD_LIST_TYPE = 4; // 今日新词
const WORD_LIST_TYPE = 5; // 今日复习
function playItHere(e, link) {
var audio = document.createElement("audio");
var src = document.createElement("source");
src.src = link.href;
class Consumer {
constructor() {
this.dict = []
this.counter = 0;
this.seperator = Array(5).fill('\t').join('');
get_ipa_html(sound_url, ipa) {
return `<a class="Pronounce_phonetic__1bcqt" href="${sound_url}" onclick="playItHere(event, this)" style="color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit;">/${ipa}/</a>`;
get_chinese_html(chinese, word_url) {
return `<a class="index_bottom__XLoPQ" style="color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit;" href="${word_url}" target="_blank">${chinese}</a>`
get_english_html(word) {
return `<div style="color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; font-weight: 700">${word}</div>`
output(word, chinese, ipa_us, sound_us_url, word_url) {
let args =;
let ipa_html = this.get_ipa_html(sound_us_url, ipa_us);
let chinese_html = this.get_chinese_html(chinese, word_url);
let english_html = this.get_english_html(word);
this.dict.push({'index': this.counter++, 'English': word, 'Chinese': chinese, 'US': ipa_html, 'URL': word_url, 'english_html': english_html, 'chinese_html': chinese_html});
table() {
return console.table(this.dict);
// from learning.ts
// e = 'tvbmg'
// t = 4
async function getWordListData(book_id, status, ipp = 10, page = 1, version = 20190619) {
let url = `${book_id}/learning/words?ipp=${ipp}&page=${page}&status=${status}&version=${version}`
// return axios({url: url}).then(res => { let obj = window.bays4.d(; console.log(obj); return obj; });
return fetch(url, {
"credentials": "include", // this is important
"headers": {
"accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
"sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
"x-csrftoken": "Sw7SZKY77kcw976awlaaEytaBhbh8adD"
"referrer": "",
"referrerPolicy": "no-referrer-when-downgrade",
"body": null,
"method": "GET",
"mode": "cors"
}).then(res => {
return res.json()
}).then(res => {
return JSON.parse(window.bays4.d(;
// crawl from start_page to end_page inclusive
async function main($, start_page, end_page) {
let consumer = new Consumer();
// assume we are at the first page
for (let page = start_page; page <= end_page; page++) {
// fetch data
let data = await getWordListData(BOOK_ID, WORD_LIST_TYPE, WORD_PER_PAGE, page);
for (let i = 0; i < data.ipp; i++) {
let item = data.objects[i];
let word = item.word;
let chinese = item.senses[0].pos + ' ' + item.senses[0].definition_cn;
let vocabulary_id = item.senses[0].vocabulary_id;
let dictionary_id = item.senses[0].dictionary_id;
let ipa_us = item.sound.ipa_us;
let sound_us_url = item.sound.audio_us_urls[0];
let word_url = `${vocabulary_id}/${dictionary_id}`
consumer.output(word, chinese, ipa_us, sound_us_url, word_url);
return consumer.dict;
let tabledata;
copy(tabledata = await main($, START_PAGE, END_PAGE));
// insert DIY word table at the bottom of the page
const delay = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
function htmlToElement(html) {
var template = document.createElement('template');
html = html.trim(); // Never return a text node of whitespace as the result
template.innerHTML = html;
return template.content.firstChild;
function injectScript(source_url) {
var node = document.createElement('script');
node.src = source_url;
document.head.appendChild(htmlToElement(`<link href="" rel="stylesheet">`));
await delay(1000)
document.body.appendChild(htmlToElement(`<div id="word-table"></div>`));
var table = new Tabulator("#word-table", {
data: tabledata,
layout: "fitDataFill",
responsiveLayout: "hide",
tooltips: true,
addRowPos: "top",
history: true,
pagination: "local", // paginate the data
paginationSize: 100, // allow 100 rows per page of data
movableColumns: true, // allow column order to be changed
resizableRows: true, // allow row order to be changed
initialSort: [ // set the initial sort order of the data
{column: "index", dir: "asc"},
columns: [
{title: "index", field: "index", align: "left", editor: false, visible: true},
{title: "Mark", field: "Mark", align: "center", editor: true, formatter: "tickCross", sorter: "boolean"},
//{title: "English", field: "English", align: "left", editor: false},
{title: "English", field: "english_html", align: "left", editor: false, formatter: "html"},
{title: "US", field: "US", align: "left", editor: false, formatter: "html"},
{title: "Chinese", field: "chinese_html", align: "left", editor: false, formatter: "html"}
//{title: "Chinese", field: "Chinese", align: "left", editor: false, formatter: "link", formatterParams: {urlField: "URL", target:"_blank"}}
//{title: "URL", field: "URL", align: "left", editor: false, formatter: "link", formatterParams: {label: "url"}}
Copy link

Screenshot from 2019-09-01 17-06-14

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