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Sergey Kuznetsov cr0t

Working from home
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cr0t / registry_ets.ex
Created September 6, 2024 13:26
Two (very simple) process registries written in Elixir, one with is fully based on GenServer, while the other stores its state in an ETS table
defmodule RegistryEts do
use GenServer
def register(key, pid \\ self()),
do:, {:register, key, pid})
def whereis(key) do
case :ets.lookup(__MODULE__, key) do
[{^key, pid}] -> pid
_ -> nil
cr0t / map_vs_case_bench.exs
Created August 10, 2024 11:15
Compare performance of solutions that is based on `case` and uses a Map to get values
defmodule ResistorColor do
@color_map %{
black: 0,
brown: 1,
red: 2,
orange: 3,
yellow: 4,
green: 5,
cr0t / list_map_tuple_bench.exs
Created July 20, 2024 10:25
Compare access times to the elements in a Tuple, a Map, or a List containers
# Compare access times to the elements in a Tuple, a Map, or a List containers.
# At first, we generate some input that is being used in the access_* functions:
# they go over each element and check if it is what we put there. One by one.
defmodule Accessor do
@elements_n 10_000
cr0t / luhn_bench.exs
Last active April 5, 2024 17:40
Elixir benchmark of two solution approaches for Luhn task from
defmodule LuhnChecksum do
defguard is_even(x) when rem(x, 2) == 0
def with_reverse(digits) do
|> Enum.reverse()
|> Enum.with_index(1)
cr0t / elixir_string_benchmarks.exs
Created February 9, 2024 20:26
Just a few benchmarks to compare concatenation (<>), interpolation, joining, and IO lists performances in Elixir
defmodule StringPerf do
def concat([]), do: ""
def concat([head | tail]), do: head <> concat(tail)
def interpol([]), do: ""
def interpol([head | tail]), do: "#{head}#{interpol(tail)}"
def joiner(input), do: Enum.join(input, "")
cr0t /
Created August 24, 2023 19:56


Check the other two files in this gist.

In the common.exs we show a standard approach (by the book) to handle incoming requests via handle_call/3 and {:reply, ...} return values. It blocks processing of all the coming requests until the one that is handled finished.

In contrast, in the reply.exs we leverage power of Task.async/1, GenServer.reply/2, and {:noreply, ...} return values. It allows our GenServer process incoming requests in parallel. Then the processing finished, we send results back to the original client (from pid).


Be careful, as this approach can lead to uncontrollable load to our GenServer.

cr0t / application.ex
Last active July 22, 2023 20:35
Clusty: Auto-clustering Elixir micro-application (a demo of `libcluster` and `:pg`)
defmodule Clusty.Application do
use Application
@topologies local_epmd: [strategy: Cluster.Strategy.LocalEpmd]
@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{Cluster.Supervisor, [@topologies, [name: ClusterSupervisor]]},
cr0t / take_while_vs_exception.exs
Created June 19, 2023 16:50
An Elixir benchmark idea of which born during discussion with one of my mentees on
defmodule Proteins do
@stop "STOP"
@err_msg "invalid codon"
@codons %{
"UGU" => "Cysteine",
"UGG" => "Tryptophan",
"UUU" => "Phenylalanine",
cr0t / elixir.yml
Created November 29, 2022 09:42
GitHub Actions Elixir Workflow Example
name: Elixir CI
branches: ["master"]
branches: ["master"]
MIX_ENV: test
cr0t / bench_async_vs_map.exs
Last active November 21, 2022 13:55
Performance comparison between simple `` and `Task.async_stream` in Elixir (oversimplified case)
{:benchee, "~> 1.0"}
defmodule Cruncher do
def async(n) do
|> Task.async_stream(&(&1 ** 2))
|> Enum.reduce(0, fn {:ok, s}, acc -> s + acc end)