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Working from home

Charles Martin cpmpercussion

Working from home
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milnak /
Last active September 21, 2024 16:35
My set of GarlicOS tips #rg35xx

Garlic OS Tips (Windows-based)

GarlicOS Cookbook

Follow these instructions for an easy way to get up and going quickly! These are complete instructions, and will be the easiest way to get started on a new RG35XX.

Set up SD Card

Get a high quality SD (e.g. SanDisk Extreme) card, 128GB or larger, 256GB is recommended. Don't skimp here, they're cheap, and don't use the card that comes with the RG35XX as it's crap.

kmhofmann /
Last active August 8, 2024 04:16
Installing the NVIDIA driver, CUDA and cuDNN on Linux

Installing the NVIDIA driver, CUDA and cuDNN on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)

This is a companion piece to my instructions on building TensorFlow from source. In particular, the aim is to install the following pieces of software

on an Ubuntu Linux system, in particular Ubuntu 20.04.

ptschandl /
Last active January 18, 2024 19:00
Extract all tensorboard events files to pandas dataframe
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script exctracts training variables from all logs from
tensorflow event files ("event*"), writes them to Pandas
and finally stores in long-format to a CSV-file including
all (readable) runs of the logging directory.
The magic "5" infers there are only the following v.tags:
[lr, loss, acc, val_loss, val_acc]
Era-Dorta /
Last active July 9, 2024 14:08
Sign kernel modules on Ubuntu, useful for Nvidia drivers in UEFI system
# VERY IMPORTANT! After each kernel update or dkms rebuild the modules must be signed again with the script
# ~/.ssl/
# Place all files in ~/.ssl folder
mkdir ~/.ssl
cd ~/.ssl
# Generate custom keys with openssl
openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout MOK.priv -outform DER -out MOK.der -nodes -subj "/CN=Owner/"
karpathy /
Last active September 18, 2024 06:45
Minimal character-level language model with a Vanilla Recurrent Neural Network, in Python/numpy
Minimal character-level Vanilla RNN model. Written by Andrej Karpathy (@karpathy)
BSD License
import numpy as np
# data I/O
data = open('input.txt', 'r').read() # should be simple plain text file
chars = list(set(data))
data_size, vocab_size = len(data), len(chars)
spiffytech / import.rb
Last active October 31, 2023 18:44 — forked from evanwalsh/import.rb
Imports a Squarespace dump into Jekyll
# coding: utf-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'fileutils'
require 'safe_yaml'
require 'time'
require 'uri'
require 'open-uri'
bsweger /
Last active April 19, 2024 18:04
Useful Pandas Snippets

Useful Pandas Snippets

A personal diary of DataFrame munging over the years.

Data Types and Conversion

Convert Series datatype to numeric (will error if column has non-numeric values)
(h/t @makmanalp)

nk9 /
Last active July 3, 2024 21:10
Python script to find the largest files in a git repository.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python script to find the largest files in a git repository.
# The general method is based on the script in this blog post:
# The above script worked for me, but was very slow on my 11GB repository. This version has a bunch
# of changes to speed things up to a more reasonable time. It takes less than a minute on repos with 250K objects.
drawveloper /
Created August 30, 2013 14:39
Compress PDF files with ghostscript

This can reduce files to ~15% of their size (2.3M to 345K, in one case) with no obvious degradation of quality.

ghostscript -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf

Other options for PDFSETTINGS:

  • /screen selects low-resolution output similar to the Acrobat Distiller "Screen Optimized" setting.
  • /ebook selects medium-resolution output similar to the Acrobat Distiller "eBook" setting.
  • /printer selects output similar to the Acrobat Distiller "Print Optimized" setting.
  • /prepress selects output similar to Acrobat Distiller "Prepress Optimized" setting.
joelverhagen /
Created February 12, 2012 02:14
Jekyll YouTube Embed Plugin

This is a plugin meant for Jekyll.

Example use:

Easily embed a YouTube video. Just drop this file in your _plugins directory.

{% youtube oHg5SJYRHA0 %}