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Last active May 30, 2018 17:51
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Ruby Hashes Explained
Oliver's Question: what does "validate" mean here? false)
I'm trying to understand what var: means (specifically, the colon symbol)
Is this specifying the name of the parameter that the value is to be matched up with?
# -- LESSON: In Ruby, a hash can use Strings (eg. "almond", "twix") or symbols (eg. :almond, :peanut) as keys. -- #
## 1. Here is an example of using Strings as its keys
hash_a = { "almond" => 1111, "peanut" => 2222 }
hash_b = { "mango" => 1111, "pear" => 2222 }
## NOTE: hash_a's keys are "almond", "peanut".
## NOTE: hash_b's keys are "mango", "pear"
## 2. Here is an example of a hash using symbols as its keys
hash_a1 = { :almond => 1111, :peanut => 2222 }
hash_b2 = { :mango => 1111, :pear => 2222 }
## NOTE: hash_a's keys are "almond", "peanut".
## NOTE: hash_b's keys are "mango", "pear"
## 3. Eventually a shorthand way was created to represent hashes containing symbols
hash_a1_equivalent = { almond: 1111, peanut: 2222 } # equivalent to { :almond => 1111, :peanut => 2222 }
hash_b2_equivalent = { mango: 1111, pear: 2222 } # equivalent to { :mango => 1111, :pear => 2222 }
## 4. Within Rails there is a construct called a HashWithIndifferentAccess. This allows you to have a hash that can be accessed via Strings or Keys.
# * NOTE: This part of the code will only work within a Rails context.
hash_with_indifferent_access ={a: 1, b: 2, "c" => 3, :d => 4})
hash_with_indifferent_access[:a] #=> 1
hash_with_indifferent_access["a"] #=> 1
hash_with_indifferent_access[:b] #=> 2
hash_with_indifferent_access["b"] #=> 2
hash_with_indifferent_access[:c] #=> 3
hash_with_indifferent_access["c"] #=> 3
hash_with_indifferent_access[:d] #=> 4
hash_with_indifferent_access["d"] #=> 4
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