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Last active October 8, 2019 22:21
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## IMPORTANT -> The expectation must come before the invocation, so that it can catch the invocation when it happens
# Able to stub an instance's method. Will return whatever is in the block. The instance's method would have to be invoked in the RSpec.
@person.stub(:get_relevant_experts) { @collection_of_possibilities }
# Expectation of an instance that is available in the testing context to receive a particular method, choose return value
expect(@person).to receive(:get_relevant_experts).with("Medical").and_return(@collection_of_possibilities)
# Expectation of an instance to receive a method and return a result
expect_any_instance_of(Classification).to receive(:valid_matches).and_return(@collection_of_possibilities)
# Expectation of a class to receive a method
expect(ClassificationSystem).to receive(:choose_record_with_special_flag_or_unclassified_fallback)
# How to stub a constant within a class
stub_const("Api::V1::PublicationsController::DEFAULT_PAGINATION_COUNT", 1)
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cpkenn09y commented Sep 24, 2018

:: Given the scenario ::

  • An instance of Card receives "post_to_firebase" multiple times, was unable to make expect_any_instance_of accept a value for the number of times it should be invoked

FAILED: expect_any_instance_of(Card).to receive(:post_to_firebase).exactly(5).times # the clause "exactly" does not work for expect_any_instance_of
Success via: expect(FirebaseCard).to receive(:push).exactly(5).times

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ccECI commented Jul 12, 2019

# To allow expectations of 0 to N number of calls, the follow syntax allows them all
allow(FaradayUtility::Content).to receive(:add_survey).and_return(:success)

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cpkenn09y commented Aug 5, 2019

If you ever find that you are passing in a Boolean into a POST or PUT, and you notice that your Boolean is getting turned into a String...

For example:
true -> becoming a String of “true”

**Make sure to use request.content_type = 'application/json' in your spec

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Incase you see other specs that break intermittently...

It has a decently high likelihood to be due to:

  1. expecting that AR will automatically return records in order of id (self.survey_results .vs. self.survey_results.order(:id))
  2. DateTime objects needing to be stubbed properly
  3. ENV variables getting set in a spec, then specs after are adversely affected (eg. settings.yml values, Rails.env, or other initializer values)

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