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Last active February 3, 2019 17:50
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Alias and function list for Docker commands.
# Put these in ~/.bash_profile and save
# Then source the file to activate them
# source ~/.bash_profile
# Credit for original list
# Get process included stop container
alias dps="docker ps -a"
# Remove all stopped containers
alias dpsp="docker container prune -f"
# Get images
alias di="docker images"
# Remove all dangling images
alias dip="docker image prune -f"
# Execute interactive container, e.g., $dex base /bin/bash
alias dex="docker exec -i -t"
# Start dev instance
alias dcu="docker-compose up"
# Stop dev instance
alias dcd="docker-compose down"
# Start prod instance
alias dcuprod="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up"
# Build dev images
alias dcb="docker-compose build"
# Build prod images
alias dbprod="docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build"
# Functions
# Usage without params: FUNCTION_NAME
# Usage with params: FUNCTION_NAME <IMAGE_NAME>
# e.g. dbu my-docker-image
# Stop all containers
dstop() { docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); }
# Remove all containers
drm() { docker rm $(docker ps -a -q); }
# Stop and Remove all containers
alias drmf='docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)'
# Remove all images
dri() { docker rmi $(docker images -q); }
# Dockerfile build, e.g., $dbu tcnksm/test
dbu() { docker build -t=$1 .; }
# Show all alias related docker
dalias() { alias | grep -E 'docker|docker-compose' | sed "s/^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/\1 => \2/"| sed "s/['|\']//g" | sort; }
# Bash into running container
dbash() { docker exec -it $(docker ps -aqf "name=$1") bash; }
# Show image history and space used by each item
# Usage: $ dih <IMAGE_NAME>
dih() { docker image history -H “$1”; }
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