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  • Save corporate-gadfly/af52bccd6160b4710c5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save corporate-gadfly/af52bccd6160b4710c5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Move Dock to Left and install cDock with transparent theme. Works best wih dark backgrounds.

  • Dark Theme

    • System Preferences -> General
      • Appearance: Graphite
      • Use dark menu bar and Dock
      • Highlight color: Graphite
  • Install brew

      sudo xcodebuild -license
      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


    brew tap Homebrew/bundle

To ensure that Casks will install to a sensible and predictable location, set the HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS environment variable, e.g., export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=/Applications". Then, save the following as ~/Brewfile

    tap 'beeftornado/rmtree'
    tap 'homebrew/binary'
    tap 'homebrew/dupes'
    brew 'android-platform-tools'
    brew 'bash'
    brew 'bash-completion'
    brew 'beeftornado/rmtree/brew-rmtree'
    brew 'dos2unix'
    brew 'ffmpeg'
    brew 'git'
    brew 'gnu-tar'
    brew 'homebrew/dupes/grep'
    brew 'htop-osx'
    brew 'imagemagick'
    brew 'md5sha1sum'
    brew 'media-info'
    brew 'mercurial'
    brew 'mtr'
    brew 'ngrep'
    brew 'openssh'
    brew 'p7zip'
    brew 'patchutils'
    brew 'pstree'
    brew 'python3'
    brew 'rsync'
    brew 'rtmpdump'
    brew 'subversion'
    brew 'tree'
    brew 'unrar'
    brew 'unzip'
    brew 'vim'
    brew 'watch'
    brew 'webkit2png'
    brew 'wget'
    brew 'youtube-dl'
    cask 'caffeine'
    cask 'flux'
    cask 'google-chrome'
    cask 'vlc'

and issue brew bundle.

  • Add newer /usr/local/bin/bash to /etc/shells

  • Change default shell

      chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
  • ~/.inputrc

      # case insensitive bash completion
      set completion-ignore-case on
      # go right to showing multiple options
      set show-all-if-ambiguous on
      # append a '/' to show a dir is a dir
      set mark-directories on
      set mark-symlinked-directories on
      # use ls -F style highlights for completion
      set visible-stats on
      TAB: complete
  • Lock Screen using Automator

  • Toggle Hidden Files using Automator

      STATUS=$(defaults read AppleShowAllFiles)
      if [ $STATUS == "YES" ];
      	defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
      	defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
      killall Finder
    • Shortcut (Option-Command-.)
  • Install Asepsis (a smart solution for .DS_Store pollution)

  • Install WiFriedX (Band-aid for Yosemite WiFi issues which disables AirDrop/AWDL)

  • Install a higher contrast mouse pointer for

  • Install nobootsound for no boot chime sound

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