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Last active May 13, 2016 23:15
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module NeuralNetwork where
import Data.Array.Repa as Repa
import Data.Array.Repa.Algorithms.Matrix
import qualified Data.Array.Repa.Operators.Mapping as Mapping
import Debug.Trace (trace)
type Vector a = Array a DIM2 Double
type Matrix = Array U DIM2 Double
newtype NN = NN { thetas :: [Matrix] } deriving Show
test = do
let (nn, xys) = createSampleNN
iter = iterate (\nn -> gradDescent 0.2 nn xys) nn
nn' = iter !! 10000
print nn'
print $ removeBias $ last $ outputs nn' (fst $ xys !! 0)
print $ removeBias $ last $ outputs nn' (fst $ xys !! 1)
print $ removeBias $ last $ outputs nn' (fst $ xys !! 2)
print $ removeBias $ last $ outputs nn' (fst $ xys !! 3)
createSampleNN :: (NN, [(Vector U, Vector U)])
createSampleNN = (NN thetas, xys)
where thetas :: [Matrix]
thetas = [ fromListUnboxed (Z :. 2 :. 3) [ 0.4, -0.6, 0.5, -0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
, fromListUnboxed (Z :. 1 :. 3) [ 0.6, -0.5, 0.2 ]
xDim = Z :. 2 :. 1
yDim = Z :. 1 :. 1
xys = [ (fromListUnboxed xDim [ 1.0, 0.0 ],
fromListUnboxed yDim [ 1.0 ] )
, (fromListUnboxed xDim [ 0.0, 1.0 ],
fromListUnboxed yDim [ 1.0 ])
, (fromListUnboxed xDim [ 0.0, 0.0 ],
fromListUnboxed yDim [ 0.0 ])
, (fromListUnboxed xDim [ 1.0, 1.0 ],
fromListUnboxed yDim [ 0.0 ])
gradDescent :: Double -> NN -> [(Vector U, Vector U)] -> NN
gradDescent alpha nn@(NN { thetas }) xys = NN $ Prelude.zipWith (\x y -> computeUnboxedS $ x +^ y) thetas corr''
where corr'' = ( (\v -> -alpha * v)) corr
corr' = Prelude.zipWith (\d theta -> computeUnboxedS $ fromFunction (extent d) (f d theta)) corr thetas
f :: Matrix -> Matrix -> DIM2 -> Double
f d theta sh@(Z :. 0 :. _) = d ! sh
f d theta sh = (d ! sh) + (lambda/m) * (theta ! sh)
lambda = 10
corr = (computeUnboxedS . (\v -> v / m)) $ derivSum xys
m = fromIntegral $ length xys
derivSum [xy] = derivs xy
derivSum (xy:xys) = Prelude.zipWith (\x y -> computeUnboxedS $ x +^ y) (derivs xy) (derivSum xys)
derivs (x, y) =
let outs = outputs nn x in
Prelude.zipWith mmultS (tail $ deltas nn outs y) ( transpose2S outs)
deltas :: NN -> [Vector U] -> Vector U -> [Vector U]
deltas (NN { thetas }) outs y = scanr f deltaLast $ zip outs thetas
where deltaLast = computeUnboxedS $ (removeBias $ last outs) -^ y
f :: (Vector U, Matrix) -> Vector U -> Vector U
f (out, theta) delta =
let out' = removeBias out in
let z = (\x -> x * (1 - x)) out' in
let td = removeBias $ transpose2S theta `mmultS` delta in
let result = computeUnboxedS $ td *^ z in
outputs :: NN -> Vector U -> [Vector U]
outputs (NN { thetas }) x = scanl f (addBias x) thetas
where f :: Vector U -> Matrix -> Vector U
f a theta =
$ sigmoid
$ (theta `mmultS` a)
addBias :: Source r Double => Vector r -> Vector U
addBias x = computeUnboxedS $ transpose $ Repa.append one $ transpose x
where one :: Vector U
one = fromListUnboxed (Z :. 1 :. 1) [ 1.0 ]
removeBias :: Vector U -> Vector U
removeBias vec = computeUnboxedS $ extract (Z :. 1 :. 0) (Z :. (x-1) :. 1) vec
where (Z :. x) :. 1 = extent vec
sigmoid :: Double -> Double
sigmoid x = 1 / (1 + exp (-x))
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cormojs commented May 13, 2016

$ test
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [1.0]
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [1.0]
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [0.5543899330890376]
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [1.0]

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cormojs commented May 13, 2016


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cormojs commented May 13, 2016

$ test
NN {thetas = [AUnboxed ((Z :. 2) :. 3) [3.4749054720321246,-6.9192284553440295,7.133189993063397,-3.2603535736131346,-6.388039812895748,6.127063628036342],AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 3) [5.174441008588869,-11.069352096283652,11.726324991994492]]}
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [0.9920981666738042]
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [0.9945165938256663]
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [5.8871391416373126e-3]
AUnboxed ((Z :. 1) :. 1) [5.025238147754469e-3]

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