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Created May 15, 2020 18:33
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* @fileOverview a low level action to proxy GRPC api calls to and from lnd
* mobile via a native module. This module should not be invokes directly
* from the UI but rather used within other higher level actions.
import "../shim";
import base64 from "base64-js";
import { lnrpc } from "./rpc";
import { toCaps } from "./helpers";
const { Duplex } = require("readable-stream");
class GrpcAction {
constructor(NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter) {
this._lnd = NativeModules.LndReactModule;
this._lndEvent = new NativeEventEmitter(this._lnd);
this._streamCounter = 0;
// WalletUnlocker grpc client
* The first GRPC api that is called to initialize the wallet unlocker.
* Once `unlockerReady` is set to true on the store GRPC calls can be
* made to the client.
* @return {Promise<undefined>}
async initUnlocker() {
try {
try {
this._lndEvent.addListener("streamEvent", (response) => {
return Promise.resolve(;
} catch (e) {console.log(e);}
if (__DEV__) {
this._lndEvent.addListener("logs", res => {
if (res) console.log(res);
return { error: false, data: "" };
} catch (e) {
return { error: true, data: e };
* This GRPC api is called after the wallet is unlocked to close the grpc
* client to lnd before the main lnd client is re-opened
* @return {Promise<undefined>}
async closeUnlocker() {
//await this._sendIpc('unlockClose', 'unlockClosed');
// TODO: restart is not required on mobile
// await this._lnd.closeUnlocker();
console.log("GRPC unlockerClosed");
* Wrapper function to execute calls to the wallet unlocker.
* @param {string} method The unlocker GRPC api to call
* @param {Object} body The payload passed to the api
* @return {Promise<Object>}
async sendUnlockerCommand(method, body) {
try {
return await this._lnrpcRequest(method, body);
} catch (e) {
// Autopilot grpc client
* This is called to initialize the GRPC client to autopilot. Once `autopilotReady`
* is set to true on the store GRPC calls can be made to the client.
* @return {Promise<undefined>}
async initAutopilot() {
console.log("GRPC autopilotReady");
* Wrapper function to execute calls to the autopilot grpc client.
* @param {string} method The autopilot GRPC api to call
* @param {Object} body The payload passed to the api
* @return {Promise<Object>}
async sendAutopilotCommand(method, body) {
try {
return this._lnrpcRequest(method, body);
} catch (e) {
return e;
// Lightning (lnd) grpc client
* This is called to initialize the main GRPC client to lnd. Once `lndReady`
* is set to true on the store GRPC calls can be made to the client.
* @return {Promise<undefined>}
async initLnd() {
// TODO: restart is not required on mobile
// await this._lnd.start();
console.log("GRPC lndReady");
//this._store.lndReady = true;
* Closes the main GRPC client to lnd. This should only be called upon exiting
* the application as api calls need to be throughout the lifetime of the app.
* @return {Promise<undefined>}
async closeLnd() {
// TODO: add api on mobile
// await this._lnd.close();
console.log("GRPC lndClosed");
* This is called to restart the lnd process, after closing the main gRPC
* client that's connected to it.
* @return {Promise<undefined>}
async restartLnd() {
await this.closeLnd();
// TODO: handle restart in native module
* Wrapper function to execute calls to the lnd grpc client.
* @param {string} method The lnd GRPC api to call
* @param {Object} body The payload passed to the api
* @return {Promise<Object>}
sendCommand(method, body) {
try {
return this._lnrpcRequest(method, body);
} catch (e) {
* Wrapper function to execute GRPC streaming api calls to lnd. This function
* proxies data to and from lnd using a duplex stream which is returned.
* @param {string} method The lnd GRPC api to call
* @param {Object} body The payload passed to the api
* @return {Duplex} The duplex stream object instance
sendStreamCommand(method, body) {
try {
method = toCaps(method);
const self = this;
const streamId = self._generateStreamId();
const stream = new Duplex({
write(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data.toString("utf8"));
const req = self._serializeRequest(method, data);
self._lnd.sendStreamWrite(streamId, req);
read() { },
self._lndEvent.addListener("streamEvent", res => {
if (res.streamId !== streamId) {
} else if (res.event === "data") {
try { stream.emit("data", self._deserializeResponse(method,; } catch (e) {
} else {
try { stream.emit(res.event, res.error ||; } catch (e) {
const req = self._serializeRequest(method, body);
self._lnd.sendStreamCommand(method, streamId, req);
return stream;
} catch (e) {
return false;
// Helper functions
async _lnrpcRequest(method, body) {
try {
method = toCaps(method);
const req = this._serializeRequest(method, body);
// const response = await this._lnd.sendCommand(method, req);
// return this._deserializeResponse(method,;
this._lnd.sendCommand(method, req);
this._lndEvent.addListener("streamEvent", (response) => {
console.log(`Logging Method Request: ${method}`);
if (response.event === 'data') {
return this._deserializeResponse(method,;
} else {
return Promise.reject(response.error);
} catch (err) {
if (typeof err === 'string') {
throw new Error(err);
} else {
throw err;
_serializeRequest(method, body = {}) {
const req = lnrpc[this._getRequestName(method)];
const message = req.create(body);
const buffer = req.encode(message).finish();
return base64.fromByteArray(buffer);
_deserializeResponse(method, response) {
const res = lnrpc[this._getResponseName(method)];
const buffer = base64.toByteArray(response);
return res.decode(buffer);
_serializeResponse(method, body = {}) {
const res = lnrpc[this._getResponseName(method)];
const message = res.create(body);
const buffer = res.encode(message).finish();
return base64.fromByteArray(buffer);
_generateStreamId() {
this._streamCounter = this._streamCounter + 1;
return String(this._streamCounter);
_getRequestName(method) {
const map = {
AddInvoice: "Invoice",
DecodePayReq: "PayReqString",
ListInvoices: "ListInvoiceRequest",
SendPayment: "SendRequest",
SubscribeTransactions: "GetTransactionsRequest",
SubscribeInvoices: "InvoiceSubscription",
SubscribeChannelBackups: "ChannelBackupSubscription",
StopDaemon: "StopRequest",
TrackPayment: "TrackPaymentRequest"
return map[method] || `${method}Request`;
_getResponseName(method) {
const map = {
DecodePayReq: "PayReq",
GetTransactions: "TransactionDetails",
ListInvoices: "ListInvoiceResponse",
SendPayment: "SendResponse",
OpenChannel: "OpenStatusUpdate",
CloseChannel: "CloseStatusUpdate",
SubscribeTransactions: "Transaction",
SubscribeInvoices: "Invoice",
SubscribeChannelBackups: "ChanBackupSnapshot",
StopDaemon: "StopResponse",
TrackPayment: "TrackPaymentResponse"
return map[method] || `${method}Response`;
export default GrpcAction;
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