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Last active December 17, 2015 04:28
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platform :ios, :deployment_target => '5.0'
pod 'MMDrawerController'
pod 'MTDates'
#pod 'NSDate+Helper'
pod 'BlocksKit' #includes alert blocks
pod 'ObjectiveSugar' #ruby syntax
pod 'ReactiveCocoa'
pod 'SFHFKeychainUtils'
pod 'CocoaLumberjack' #Logging
pod 'BlockTypeDescription' # Better Block Descriptions
#UIKit Utilities
pod 'ViewUtils'
pod 'POViewFrameBuilder'
#pod 'UIDeviceIdentifier'
#pod 'Mantle' #Model class + parameter mapping
#View components
#pod 'STTweetLabel'
#pod 'SVProgressHUD'
#pod 'SVWebViewController'
#pod 'SYPaginator'
#pod 'Reachability'
#pod 'AFNetworking'
#pod 'SDWebImage' #need to upload my changes to my fork
#Core Data
#pod 'AFIncrementalStore'
#pod 'MagicalRecord' #Need to create my own branch and move any methods from core data NSMOC category
#pod 'RestKit'
#pod 'Kiwi'
#pod 'CaptureRecord'
#pod 'PonyDebugger'
#Analytics and Crash Reporting
#pod 'KeenClient'
pod 'TestFlightSDK'
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