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Last active October 23, 2018 20:45
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Here's how you validate a mailgun webhook in Node.js (as per the mailgun docs for securing webhooks)

'use strict';

var scmp = require('scmp')
  , crypto = require('crypto')
  . mailgunPrivateKey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
  , mailgunTokens = {}
  , mailgunExpirey = 15 * 60 * 1000
  , mailgunHashType = 'sha256'
  , mailgunSignatureEncoding = 'hex'

function validateMailgun(apiKey, timestamp, token, signature) {
  var actual
    , adjustedTimestamp = parseInt(timestamp, 10) * 1000
    , fresh = (Math.abs( - adjustedTimestamp) < mailgunExpirey)

  if (!fresh) {
    console.error('[mailgun] Stale Timestamp: this may be an attack');
    console.error('[mailgun] However, this is most likely your fault\n');
    console.error('[mailgun] run `ntpdate` and check your system clock\n');
    console.error('[mailgun] System Time: ' + new Date().toString());
    console.error('[mailgun] Mailgun Time: ' + new Date(adjustedTimestamp).toString(), timestamp);
    console.error('[mailgun] Delta: ' + ( - adjustedTimestamp));
    return false;

  if (mailgunTokens[token]) {
    console.error('[mailgun] Replay Attack');
    return false;
  mailgunTokens[token] = true;

  setTimeout(function () {
    delete mailgunTokens[token];
  }, mailgunExpirey + (5 * 1000));

  return scmp(
  , crypto.createHmac(mailgunHashType, apiKey)
    .update(new Buffer(timestamp + token, 'utf-8'))

function router(app) {'/webhooks/mailgun/*', function (req, res, next) {
    var body = req.body

    if (!validateMailgun(mailgunPrivateKey, body.timestamp, body.token, body.signature)) {
      console.error('Request came, but not from Mailgun');
      res.send({ error: { message: 'Invalid signature. Are you even Mailgun?' } });

  });'/webhooks/mailgun/catchall', function (req, res) {
    // actually handle request here
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coolaj86 commented Jul 5, 2017

Note: needs multipart/form-data parser (not urlencoded) for mailgun relpy

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coolaj86 commented Jul 6, 2017

Note: the "store and notify" uses urlencoded forms and some of the fields will be too large for many "secure" parsers which expect boundaries and large fields with many strange escape sequences.

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rvanmil commented Jan 11, 2018

Thanks for sharing! 👍

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Hi, thanks for sharing, i'm trying your script and got this error:
Error: Both scmp args must be Buffers

can you help me?

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