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Last active February 10, 2022 16:51
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I envision Dappman being a convenient tool for rapidly managing Algorand applications. This is achieved by locally storing application details, algod credentials, and public/private keys and perhaps more


Decentralized Application Manager for the Algorand Blockchain

Dappman is a Golang CLI toolkit for compiling, deploying, and managing Algorand applications. It is a thin wrapper built on top of goal app

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Clone Dappman in a directory outside of GOPATH, as in the following example:

mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
git clone
cd dappman
go install

Create Environment Variables



Initialize dappman inside of your project directory:

dappman init --name my-app --global-byteslices 0 -global-ints 0 --local-byteslices 0 --local-ints 0 --pyteal

or use the shorthand, dappman init 0 0 0 0 --pyteal

This will generate the following project structure:

│   .config.json

.config.json is a local representation of the application details that exist on the Algorand Blockchain. This file will be referenced/ modified during create, update and delete commands. Application ID is initially set to 0 to signify the app has not yet been created.

Do not manually modify .config.json

.config.json example

    "name": "my-app",
    "application_id": 0,
    "global_schema": {
        "byteslices": 0,
        "ints": 0
    "local_schema": {
        "byteslices": 0,
        "ints": 0
    "revision": 0,
    "deleted": 0


dappman compile pyteal
  1. Searches for and in /src directory
  2. Compiles PyTeal down to TEAL, writes TEAL programs to /public directory
│   .config.json
│   │   approval_program.teal
│   │   clear_state_program.teal


Issue a transaction that creates an application using values provided in .config.json and reading teal programs located inside /public directory.

dappman create --name my-app

.config.json modifications

application_id will be changed from 0 revision will be increased by 1


Issue a transaction that updates an application's ApprovalProgram and ClearStateProgram by reading teal programs located in /public directory.

dappman update --name my-app

.config.json modifications

revision will be increased by 1


dappman delete --name my-app

.config.json modifications

deleted changed to true


Erase current local application state and re-initialize, thus abondoning the application that exists on chain.

dappman reset --name my-app
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connorjcantrell commented Feb 9, 2022

Please feel free to share your thoughts on this idea and whether or not the Algorand development community would find this tool useful.

One area of concern is storing the secret passphrase in an environment variable. I am open for suggestions in this area specifically. Perhaps there is a way to sign transactions securely via a command line interface.

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