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Bash cheatsheet and shortcuts

Bourne-Again SHell and Linux CLI

© 2013 Martin Bruchanov,

Set interpreter: #!/bin/bash    Remarks: # this is comment

Interactive control

Action set -o vi set -o emacs
vi-command mode ( C)  Esc
Previous/next command in history  jC / kC  Ctrl+p / Ctrl+n
PageUp / PageDown
Automatic fill of file name  EscEscC  Tab
List of all matches  Esc=  TabTab
Horizontal move in command line  hC / lC  Ctrl+b / Ctrl+f, /
Jump to line begin/end  ^C / $C  Ctrl+a / Ctrl+e
Backward/forward search in history  /C / ?C  Ctrl+r / Ctrl+s
Delete word to the end/begin  dwC / dbC  Esc d / Esc h
Delete text from cursor to the line end/begin  d$C / d^C  Ctrl+k / Ctrl+u

Command line history

  • history, fc -l – display numbered history of commands
  • !n – run command number n
  • !p – run last command beginning by p
  • !! – repeat last entered command
  • !!:n – expand n-th parameter of last command
  • !$ – expand the last parameter of last command
  • fc – run defined $EDITOR wit last command
  • fc -e vim z k – open vim editor with commands from z to k
  • ^old^new – substitute old with new in last command
  • program !! – use output of last command as input

Help and manuals

  • type -a command – information about command
  • help command – brief help on bash command
  • man command, info command – detailed help
  • man -k key, apropos key, whatis key – find command


Run a script as: bash option script and its parameters

  • bash -x – print commands before execution
  • bash -u – stop with error if undefined variable is used
  • bash -v – print script lines before execution
  • bash -n – do not execute commands

Variables, arrays and hashes

  • NAME=10 – set value to variable $NAME, ${NAME}
  • export NAME=10, typedef -x NAME – set as environment variable
  • D=$(date); D=</tt>date<tt> – variable contains output of command date
  • env, printenv – list all environment variables
  • set – list env. variables, can set bash options and flags shopt
  • unset name – destroy variable of function
  • typeset, declare – set type of variable
  • readonly variable – set as read only
  • local variable – set local variable inside function
  • ${ !var}, eval $var – indirect reference
  • ${parameter-word} – if parameter has value, then it is used, else word is used
  • ${parameter=word} – if parameter has no value assing word. Doesn't work with $1, $2, ets.
  • ${parameter:-word} – works with $1, $2, etc.
  • ${parameter?word} – if parameter has value, use it; if no display word and exit script.
  • ${parameter+word} – if parameter has value, use word, else use empty string
  • array=(a b c); echo ${array[1]} – print „b“
  • array+=(d e f) – append new item/array at the end
  • ${array[*]}, ${array[@]} – all items of array
  • ${#array[*]}, ${#array[@]} – number of array items
  • declare -A hash – create associative array (from version)
  • hash=([key1]=value ["other key2"]="other value") – store items
  • ${hash["other key2"]}, ${hash[other key2]} – access
  • ${hash[@]}, ${hash[*]} – all items
  • ${!hash[@]}, ${!hash[*]} – all keys


  • STRING="Hello" – indexing: H0 e1 l2 l3 o4
  • STRING+=" world!" – concatenate strings
  • ${#string}, expr length $string – string length
  • ${string:position} – extract substring from position
  • ${string:position:length} – extract substr. of length from position
  • ${string/substring/substitution} – substitute first occurrence
  • ${string//substring/substitution} – substitute all
  • ${string/%substring/substitution} – substitute last occurrence
  • ${string#substring} – erase shortest substring
  • ${string##substring} – erase longest substring

Embedded variables

  • ~, $HOME – home directory of current user
  • $PS1, $PS2 – primary, secundary user prompt
  • $PWD, + / $OLDPWD, - – actual/previous directory
  • $RANDOM – random number generator, 0 – 32,767
  • $? – return value of last command
  • $ – process id. of current process
  • $! – process id. of last background command
  • $PPID – process id. of parent process
  • $- – display of bash flags
  • $LINENO – current line number in executed script
  • $PATH – list of paths to executable commands
  • $IFS – Internal field separator. List of chars, that delimiter words from input, usually space, tabulator /tt>\t' and new line /tt>\n'.

Script command line parameters

  • $0, ${0} – name of script
  • $1 to $9, ${1} to ${255} – positional command line parameters
  • $# – number of command line parameters (argc)
  • $ – expand all parameters, "$" = "$1 $2 $3…"
  • $@ – expand all parameters, "$@" = "$1" "$2" "$3"…
  • $_ – last parameter of previous command
  • shift – rename arguments, $2 to $1, $3 to $2, etc.; lower counter $#
  • xargs command – read stdin and put it as parameters of command

Read options from command line

 while getopts "a:b" opt; do case $opt in
  	a) echo a = $OPTARG ;;
  	b) echo b ;;
  	\?) echo "Unknown parameter!" ;;
esac; done
shift $(($OPTIND - 1)); echo "Last: $1" 

Control expressions

  • (commands), $(commands), </tt><tt>_commands_</tt><tt>, {commands;} – run in subshell
  • $(program), </tt><tt>_program_</tt><tt> – output of program replaces command
  • test, [ ] – condition evaluation:
  • numeric comparison: a -eq b … a=b, a -ge b … a≥b, a -gt b … a>b, a -le b … a≤b, a -lt b … a<b
  • file system: -d file is directory, -f file exists and is not dir., -r file exists and is readable, -w file exists and is writable, -s file is non-zero size, -a file exists
  • logical: -a and, -o or, ! negation
  • [[ ]] – comparison of strings, equal =, non-equal !=, -z \sl string is zero sized, -n \sl string is non-zero sized, <, > lexical comparison
  • [ condition ] && [ condition ]
  • true – returns 0 value
  • false – returns 1 value
  • break – terminates executed cycle
  • continue – starts new iteration of cycle
  • eval parameters – executes parameters as command
  • exit value – terminates script with return value
  • . script, source script – reads and interprets another script
  • : argument – just expand argument or do redirect
  • alias name='commands' – expand name to commands
  • unalias name – cancel alias
  • if [ condition ]; then commands; elif [ condition ]; then commands; else commands; fi
  • for variable in arguments; do commands; done
  • {a..z – expands to a b c … z
  • {i..n..s} – sequence from i to n with step s
  • "{a,b,c}" – expands to "a" "b" "c"
  • {1,2}{a,b} – expands to 1a 1b 2a 2b
  • seq start step end – number sequence
  • for((i=1; i<10; i++)); do commands; done
  • while returns true; do commands; done
  • until [ test returns true ]; do commands; done
  • case $prom in value__1_) commands ;; value__2_) commands ;; *) implicit. commands ;; esac
  • Function definition: function name () { commands; }
  • return value – return value of the function
  • declare -f function – print function declaration


  • 0 stdin/input, 1 stdout/output, 2 stderr/error output
  • > file – redirection, create new file or truncate it to zero size
  • >> file – append new data at the end of file
  • command1<<<command2 – ouput from 2nd to stdin of 1st
  • command < file – read stdin from file
  • tee file – read stdin, writes to file and to stdout
  • command 2> file – redirect error messages to file
  • exec 1> >(tee -a log.txt) – redirect stdout also to file
  • 2>&1 – merge stderr and stdout
  • exec 3<>/dev/tcp/addr/port – create descriptor for network read/write
  • exec 3>&- – close descriptor
  • command > /dev/null 2>&1 – suppress all output
  • n> n>> n>&m – operation redirect for descriptors n, m
  • mkfifo name – make a named pipe, that can be written and read as file
  • command1 | command2 – pipe, connection between processes
  • read parameters – read input line and separate it into parameters

Input for interactive programs (here documents)

./program <<  EOF      ./program <<-'EOF' # suppress tabulators
Input1                      Input1
Input2                      Input2
EOF                         EOF

Process file line by line

cat file.txt | (while read L; do echo "$L"; done)

Evaluating mathematical expressions

  • let expression, expr expression, $((expression)), $((expression1, expression2)), $[expression]
  • Numeric systems: base#number; hexa 0xABC, octal 0253, binary 2#10101011
  • Operators: i++, ++i, i–, –i, +, -; ** power, *, /, % remainder; logical: ! neg., && and, || or; binary: ~, &, |; <<, >> shifts; assignment: = *= /= %= += -= <>= &= ^= |= >>= <<=; relations: < <= > >=
  • factor n – factorize n into primes
  • Floating point operations: echo "scale=10; 22/7" | bc

Screen output

  • echo "text" – print text, echo * print all files in current dir

  • echo -e "text" – interpret escape-sequences (\t tab., \a beep, \f new page, \n new line), -n, \c suppressing \n, \xHH hex-byte, <tt>nnn oct. byte, \u03B1 „α“ (U+03B1) in UTF-8

  • stty – change and print terminal line settings

  • tty – print name of terminal connected to stdout

  • printf format values – format output

  • printf -v variable form. val. – form. output into variable

  • % [flags][width][.precision][length]specifier

  • Specifier: %u, %d, %i decimal; %E, %f float, %x, %X hex; %o octal, %s string, %% char %

  • Width: n prints at least n chars, spaces from right, 0n print at least n chars, zeros from left, * width specified in preceding parameter

  • Precision: min. number of digits, digits after decimal point, number of printed chars, * number of chars given by preceding parameter

  • Flags: - left-justify, + prints number with sign +/-

  • printf "%d" 'A – display ASCII code of char “A” (65)

  • printf \$(printf '%03o' 65) – print char given by ASCII code

  • tput action – terminal dependent action

  • reset, tput sgr0, tset – reset terminal, cancel attributes

  • clear, tput clear – clear screen

Process management

  • command & – run command in background
  • prog1 && prog2 – run prog2, if prog1 ends with success
  • prog1 || prog2 – rub prog2, if prog1 ends with error
  • Ctrl+z – stop process (SIGSTOP)
  • bg / fg – run last stopped process in background/foreground
  • jobs – list processes running in background
  • exec command – shell is replaced by command
  • wait – wait for end of background tasks
  • top – watch CPU, memory, system utilization
  • ps -xau – list processes and users, ps -xaf, pstree tree listing
  • pgrep process, pidof process – get PID by name of process
  • nice -n p command – priority p od _-_20 (max.) to 19 (min.)
  • renice -n p -p pid – change priority of running process
  • kill -s k n – send signal k to proces id. n, 0, 1 SIGHUP; 2 SIGINT Ctrl+c; 3 SIGQUIT; 9 SIGKILL; 15 SIGTERM; 24 SIGSTOP
  • trap 'command' signals – run command when signal received
  • killall name – send signals to process by name
  • nohup command & – command will continue after logout
  • time command – print time of process execution
  • times – print user and system time utilization in current shell
  • watch -n s command – every s seconds run command

Time and process planning

  • date – print date, date –date=@\sl unix_time
  • date +"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %Z" – format to 20130610 13:39:02 CEST
  • cal – display calendar
  • crontab -e – edit crontab, -l list, format min hour date month day command, * * * * * command run every minute, 1 * * * * command 1st min of every hour
  • at, batch, atq, atrm – queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution

File operations

File name wildchars: ? a char; * zero or more chars; [set] one or more given chars, interval [0-9] [a-z], [A-Z]; [!set], [^</tt><tt>_set_</tt><tt>] none of chars.

  • ls – list directory, ls -la, vdir all files with info
  • tree – display hierarchy tree of directories
  • file file – determine file by its magic number
  • lsattr, chattr – list and change file attributes for ext2,3
  • umask – define permission mask for new file
  • pwd (-P) – logical (physical) path to current directory
  • cd directory – change directory, cd jump to $HOME, cd - to $OLDPWD
  • dirs – list stack of directories
  • pushd directory – store directory to stack
  • popd – set top stack directory as actual directory
  • cp source target – copy file
  • ln -s source link – create a symbolic link
  • mkdir, rmdir – create, remove directory
  • rm file, rm -r -f directory, unlink – delete
  • touch file – create file, set actual time to existing file
  • du -h – display space usage of directories
  • stat file – file statistics, stat –format=%s size
  • basename name suffix – remove path or suffix
  • dirname /path/to/file – print only path
  • repquota – summarize quotas for a filesystem
  • mktemp – create file with unique name in /tmp

Work with file content

  • cat – concatenate files and print them to stdout
  • cat > file – create file, end with Ctrl+d
  • tac – like cat, but from bottom to top line
  • more, less – print by pages, scrollable
  • od, hexdump -C, xxd – print in octal, hex dump
  • wc – get number of lines -l, chars -n, bytes -c, words -w
  • head/tail – print begin/end, tailf, tail -f wait for new lines
  • split, csplit – split file by size, content
  • sort-n numerical, -r reverse, -f ignore case
  • uniq – omit repeated lines, -d show only duplicates
  • sed -e 'script' – stream editor, script y/ABC/abc/ replaces A, B, C for a, b, c; s/regexp/substitution/
  • tr a b – replace char a for b
  • tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' < file.txt – change lowercase to uppercase
  • awk '/pattern/ { action }' file – process lines containing pattern
  • cut -d delimiter -f field – print column(s)
  • cmp file1 file2 – compare files and print first difference
  • diff, diff3, sdiff, vimdiff – compare whole files
  • dd if=in of=out bs=k count=n – read n blocks of k bytes
  • strings – show printable strings in binary file
  • paste file1 file2 – merge lines of files
  • rev – reverse every line


  • whereis, which – find path to command
  • grep-i ignore case, -n print line number, -v display everything except pattern, -E extended regexp
  • locate file – find file
  • find path -name 'file*' – search for file*
  • find path -exec grep text -H {} ; – find file containing text

Users and permissions

  • whoami, who am i – tell who I am :)
  • w, who, users, finger – list connected users
  • last / lastb – history successful / unsuccessful logins
  • logout, Ctrl+d – exit shell
  • su login – change user to login
  • sudo – run command as other user
  • id login, groups login – show user details
  • useradd, userdel, usermod – create, delete, edit user
  • groupadd, groupdel, groupmod – create, delete, edit group
  • passwd – change password
  • pwck – check integrity of /etc/passwd
  • chown user:group file – change owner, -R recursion
  • chgrp group file – change group of file
  • chmod permissions file – change permissions in octal of user, group, others; 444=-r–r–r–, 700=-rwx——, 550=-r-xr-x—
  • runuser login -c "command" – run command as user

System utilities

  • uname -a – name and version of operating system
  • uptime – how long the system has been running
  • fuser – identify processes using files or sockets
  • lsof – list open files
  • sync – flush file system buffers
  • chroot dir command – run command with special root directory
  • strace,ltrace program – show used system/library calls
  • ldd binary – show library dependencies

Disk partitions

  • df – display free space
  • mount – print mounted partitions
  • mount -o remount -r -n / – change mount read only
  • mount -o remount -w -n / – change mount writeable
  • mount -t iso9660 cdrom.iso /mnt/dir -o loop – mount image
  • mount -t cifs \\server\ftp /mnt/adr -o user=a,passwd=b
  • umount partition – unmount partition
  • fdisk -l – list disk devices and partitions
  • blkid – display attributes of block devices
  • tune2fs – change ext2/3/4 filesystem parameters
  • mkfs.ext2, mkfs.ext3 – build file-system
  • hdparm – set/read parameters of SATA/IDE devices

System utilization

  • ulimit -l – print limits of system resources
  • free, vmstat – display usage of physical, virt. memory
  • lspci, lsusb – list PCI, USB devices
  • dmesg – display messages from kernel
  • sysctl – configure kernel parameters at runtime
  • dmidecode – decoder for BIOS data (DMI table)
  • init, telinit – command init to change runlevel
  • runlevel, who -r – display current runlevel


  • hostname – display computer hostname
  • ping host – send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST
  • dhclient eth0 – dynamically set eth0 configuration
  • host, nslookup host/adr – DNS query
  • dig – get record from DNS
  • whois domain – finds owner of domain or network range
  • ethtool eth0 – change HW parameters of network interface eth0
  • ifconfig – display network devices, device configuration
  • ifconfig eth0 add netmask
  • ifconfig eth0 hw ether 01:02:03:04:05:06 – change MAC address
  • route add default gw – set network gateway
  • route -n, netstat -rn – display route table
  • netstat -tlnp – display processes listening on ports
  • arp – display ARP table
  • iptables -L – display firewall rules
  • tcpdump -i eth0 'tcp port 80' – display HTTP communication
  • tcpdump -i eth0 'not port ssh' – all communication except SSH
  • ssh user@hostname command – run command remotely
  • mail -s "subject" address – send email to address
  • wget -e robots=off -r -L http://path – mirror given page

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