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Created February 14, 2024 16:08
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An RKerning add on to allow for setting kerning pairs without having to know the group names
def smartSet(self, pair, value, exceptionType=None):
pair must be a tuple, its contents can be a glyphName or a group's name
value must be an integer, why would you even kern on fractions....
exceptionType is the level of searching the function will do
None : use the top level group or glyph names, no exceptions
g2G : glyph to Group exception
g2g : glyph to glyph exception
G2g : Group to glyph exception
font = self.font
if not isinstance(value,int):
raise TypeError("value must be an integer")
if not isinstance(pair,tuple):
raise TypeError("pair must be a tuple")
l,r = pair
if not isinstance(l,str) and isinstance(r,str):
raise TypeError("items in pair must be a string")
if not exceptionType:
exceptionType = "find"
if exceptionType in ["g2G", "g2g", "G2g"]:
raise TypeError("exception type unknown")
if "public.kern1" in l:
if l not in font.groups.keys():
raise TypeError("left group not in font")
leftGroup = l
if l not in font.keys():
raise TypeError("left glyph not in font")
leftGlyph = l
leftGroup = l
for gs in font.groups.findGlyph(l):
if "public.kern1" in gs:
leftGroup = gs
if "public.kern2" in r:
if r not in font.groups.keys():
raise TypeError("right group not in font")
rightGroup = r
if r not in font.keys():
raise TypeError("right glyph not in font")
rightGlyph = r
rightGroup = r
for gs in font.groups.findGlyph(r):
if "public.kern2" in gs:
rightGroup = gs
if exceptionType == "find":
kp = (leftGroup, rightGroup)
elif exceptionType == "g2G":
kp = (leftGlyph, rightGroup)
elif exceptionType == "g2g":
kp = (leftGlyph, rightGlyph)
elif exceptionType == "G2g":
kp = (leftGroup, rightGlyph)
raise TypeError("exception type unknown")
font.kerning[kp] = value
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from mojo.roboFont import RKerning
RKerning.smartSet = smartSet
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