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Created June 17, 2021 06:45
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protocol Potato {
func hash() -> Int
extension Potato where Self: Hashable {
func hash() -> Int {
return self.hashValue
enum Imozuru<Imo> {
indirect case tsuru(Imo, Imozuru<Imo>)
case null
extension Imozuru: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> ImozuruIterator<Imo> {
return ImozuruIterator(imozuru: self)
struct ImozuruIterator<Imo>: IteratorProtocol {
var imozuru: Imozuru<Imo>
mutating func next() -> Imo? {
guard case let .tsuru(imo, rest) = imozuru else {
return nil
imozuru = rest
return imo
extension Imozuru: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
var s = ""
for imo in self {
return s + "*"
struct HashedPotatoField<Key: Potato, Imo> {
var imozuruField: [Imozuru<(key: Key, imo: Imo)>]
var fieldSize: Int
init() {
self.init(fieldSize: 16)
init(fieldSize: Int) {
self.fieldSize = fieldSize
imozuruField = Array(repeating: .null, count: fieldSize)
subscript(potato: Key) -> Imo? {
get {
let index = abs(potato.hash()) % fieldSize
let tsuru = imozuruField[index]
return tsuru.first { $0.key.hash() == potato.hash() }?.imo
set(imo) {
let index = abs(potato.hash()) % fieldSize
let tsuru = imozuruField[index]
imozuruField[index] = .tsuru((key: potato, imo: imo!), tsuru)
let tsuru: Imozuru = .tsuru("",
extension String: Potato {}
var potatoField = HashedPotatoField<String, Int>(fieldSize: 4)
potatoField["ポテト"] = 800
potatoField["さつまいも"] = 1200
potatoField["じゃがいも"] = 50
potatoField["ばれいしょ"] = 250
potatoField["いも"] = 19
HashedPotatoField<String, Int>(imozuruField: [(key: "いも", imo: 19)~(key: "ばれいしょ", imo: 250)~*, (key: "ポテト", imo: 800)~*, (key: "さつまいも", imo: 1200)~*, (key: "じゃがいも", imo: 50)~*], fieldSize: 4)
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