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Last active July 1, 2022 11:22
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type Val =
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
type Ope = Add | Mul | Lt
type Ast =
| Val of Val
| Form of Ope * Ast * Ast
let exec ope v1 v2 =
match ope, v1, v2 with
| Add, Int x, Int y -> Int (x + y)
| Mul, Int x, Int y -> Int (x * y)
| Lt, Int x, Int y -> Bool (x < y)
let rec eval =
| Form (ope, left, right) ->
let (Val leftVal) = eval left
let (Val rightVal) = eval right
Val <| exec ope leftVal rightVal
| x -> x
let form ope a b = Form (ope, a, b)
let integer x = Val (Int x)
let x =
form Add (integer 1)
<< form Mul (integer 5)
<| form Add (integer 20) (integer 3)
let (Val (Bool p)) = form Lt (integer 100) x |> eval
stdout.WriteLine p
data Val = Int Int | Bool Bool deriving Show
data Ope = Add | Mul | Lt deriving Show
data Ast = Val Val | Form Ope Ast Ast deriving Show
form :: Ope -> Val -> Val -> Val
form Add (Int x) (Int y) = Int (x + y)
form Mul (Int x) (Int y) = Int (x * y)
form Lt (Int x) (Int y) = Bool (x < y)
red :: Ast -> Ast
red (Form ope left right) =
let Val leftVal = (red left)
Val rightVal = (red right)
in Val (form ope leftVal rightVal)
red x = x
main = do print $ red (Form Lt y x)
x =
Form Add (Val (Int 1))
$ Form Mul (Val (Int 5))
$ Form Add (Val (Int 20)) (Val (Int 3))
y =
Val (Int 100)
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