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Created September 9, 2020 10:06
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What is the point of existence?
1.- Transfer all meaning to the future:
"Well, I could go into a long and drawn out description of all the points of existence, but what is the point? The human race will die off one day... Even if humanity survives into the far future, it will be a cold, miserable existence that is so centered around survival and basic needs to sustain life that there won't be much of a point to living. In fact given the current trend in technological progress where everything becomes exponentially more efficient which requires less human labor and effort, it wouldn't surprise me if humanity eradicates itself out of boredom. The universe will continue on, completely oblivious to the fact that humanity exists or that it even once existed."
2.- Turn people into the main culprit of global chaos:
"Possibly sooner than later considering how short sighted and nihilistic their behavior has become. They have little regard for life beyond their own species, especially in regards to other animals."
3.- Dogmatic worldview:
"There is no grand plan for existence, there is no point. It's a giant system of natural laws and physical constants which govern everything. On a cosmic scale, I would argue that existence is meaningless. Even on a human level, our existence seems to be rather meaningless."
4.- Alter dogma, evolution ... to what? nihilism?:
"I suppose the one point, or purpose if you will to human existence is to evolve and develop as a species. If you look at the history of humanity, they have come a long way. To go from hunting and gathering to farming to modern civilization in just a few thousand years is remarkable."
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