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Last active June 10, 2022 15:17
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// Read a time series from a CSV file
package main
// @dev config goLang folder
// go env -w GO111MODULE=auto
// go mod init
// go mod tidy
// @dev Running
// go run predictor.go
import (
type TimeSeries struct {
Day string `csv:"Day"`
Price float32 `csv:"Price"`
func main() {
// Read CSV file
in, err := os.Open("../../Bitcoin price prediction - Data.csv")
if err != nil {
defer in.Close()
// Convert *os.File to string
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, in)
asString := string(buf.Bytes())
// Parse CSV using goLang standard library encoding/csv
r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(asString))
records, err := r.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
// Check headers are as expected
if records[0][0] != "Day" {
panic("Column header Day not found")
if records[0][1] != "Price" {
panic("Column header Price not found")
// Loop data rows to populate bitcoinData struct
bitcoinData := []TimeSeries{} // golang dynamic slice
var priceString string
var priceFloat float64
for i, row := range records {
if i == 0 { // Skip header row
// Transform price string into float (it has a "," for thousands)
priceString = strings.ReplaceAll(row[1], ",", "") // Remove the "," for thousands
priceFloat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(priceString, 32)
if err == nil {
// fmt.Println("Parsing done...")
// fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", priceFloat, priceFloat)
} else {
fmt.Println("Parsing failed...")
fmt.Printf("Error:%v\n", err)
// Using append to increase the golang dynamic slice
bitcoinData = append(bitcoinData, TimeSeries{row[0], float32(priceFloat)})
// Output time series on screen
fmt.Print("\n", bitcoinData[len(bitcoinData)-1].Day, " ", bitcoinData[len(bitcoinData)-1].Price)
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