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Last active May 20, 2024 14:18
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Using channel and sync.Pool to maintain a pool of bytes.Buffer
package main
import (
// service vars - log and buffer pool
var (
infoLog *log.Logger
bufferPool BufferPool
// BufferPool provides an API for managing
// bytes.Buffer objects:
type BufferPool interface {
GetBuffer() *bytes.Buffer
// syncPoolBufPool is an implementation of BufferPool
// that uses a sync.Pool to maintain buffers:
type syncPoolBufPool struct {
pool *sync.Pool
makeBuffer func() interface{}
func NewSyncPool(buf_size int) BufferPool {
var newPool syncPoolBufPool
newPool.makeBuffer = func() interface{} {
var b bytes.Buffer
return &b
newPool.pool = &sync.Pool{}
newPool.pool.New = newPool.makeBuffer
return &newPool
func (bp *syncPoolBufPool) GetBuffer() (b *bytes.Buffer) {
pool_object := bp.pool.Get()
b, ok := pool_object.(*bytes.Buffer)
if !ok { // explicitly make buffer if sync.Pool returns nil:
b = bp.makeBuffer().(*bytes.Buffer)
func (bp *syncPoolBufPool) PutBuffer(b *bytes.Buffer) {
// chanBufferPool is an implementation of BufferPool
// that uses a channel to maintain buffers:
type chanBufferPool struct {
pool chan *bytes.Buffer
makeBuffer func() *bytes.Buffer
func NewChanPool(max_bufs, buf_size int) BufferPool {
return &chanBufferPool{
pool: make(chan *bytes.Buffer, max_bufs),
makeBuffer: func() *bytes.Buffer {
var b bytes.Buffer
return &b
func (bp *chanBufferPool) GetBuffer() (b *bytes.Buffer) {
select {
case b = <-bp.pool: // found buffer in pool
b = bp.makeBuffer()
func (bp *chanBufferPool) PutBuffer(b *bytes.Buffer) {
select {
case bp.pool <- b: // put buffer back in pool
// buffer is left to the mercy of Go GC
// Service data type:
type ResponseData struct {
Name string
Stuff []string
// Service Implementation:
func doService(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// construct response:
resp := ResponseData{req.FormValue("input"), []string{"something", "lipsum-orum-sum`"}}
// get a buffer for putting the response in:
buf := bufferPool.GetBuffer()
// convert response to json:
js, err := json.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil { // give up if json conversion has an error:
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// put json response in buffer:
// Write http response header:
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
// Write http response body:
io.Copy(w, buf)
// return buffer to pool:
// flags
var BUFFER_SIZE = flag.Int("buffer-size", 64, "Maximum buffer size (under this, responses are buffered, above this, responses are flushed")
var POOL_TYPE = flag.String("pool-type", "sync", "Buffer pool implementation. Choices are \"sync\" or \"chan\"")
// Service Set-Up:
func main() {
infoLog = log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
switch strings.ToLower(*POOL_TYPE) {
case "sync":
bufferPool = NewSyncPool(*BUFFER_SIZE)
case "chan":
bufferPool = NewChanPool(32, *BUFFER_SIZE)
http.HandleFunc("/service", doService)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
// to invoke this service:
// curl http://localhost:8080/service?input=somestuff
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