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Created February 20, 2012 01:47
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Save collindonnell/1867148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Automated Xcode build script to update CFBundleVersion, commit and tag with Git.
#!/usr/bin python
from AppKit import NSMutableDictionary
import os
# Get the name of the current configuration.
configuration = os.environ['CONFIGURATION']
# List of valid configurations where this script should run.
configurations_list = ['Beta', 'App Store']
if configuration in configurations_list:
# Get the name of the info.plist file.
infoplist_file = os.environ['INFOPLIST_FILE']
# Load it into a mutable dictionary and update it.
info_dictionary = NSMutableDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile_(infoplist_file)
bundle_version = int(info_dictionary['CFBundleVersion']) + 1
version_string = str(bundle_version)
info_dictionary['CFBundleVersion'] = version_string
# Write back the updated file.
info_dictionary.writeToFile_atomically_(infoplist_file, True)
# Commit the current build using Git.
os.system('git commit -am "Automated Commit For Build ' + version_string + '. Configuration: ' + configuration + '."')
# Tag the build with the configuration name and build number.
# Format the configuration name to replace characters that will cause tagging to fail.
formatted_configuration = configuration.replace(' ', '').replace('-', '')
os.system('git tag ' + formatted_configuration + '_' + version_string)
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