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Forked from glinton/
Created July 26, 2017 22:11
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Install and use nanobox on a linux cloud box (or about any other linux box). Tested on DigitalOcean 16.04
# become root (if not already)
sudo su
# create user 'nanouser' with password 'password'
useradd -m -p papAq5PwY/QQM -s /bin/bash nanouser
# make 'nanouser' a sudoer
usermod -aG sudo nanouser
# get docker
curl -fsSL | sh
# add 'nanouser' to docker group
usermod -aG docker nanouser
# create some directories
mkdir -p /home/nanouser/Downloads/nano
mkdir /home/nanouser/bin
# download and extract the installer (technically it should be downloaded after logging into the dashboard, but it is open source). Re-run to upgrade
curl | tar -C /home/nanouser/Downloads/nano -zxf -
# link required binaries to `bin` path
ln -sf /home/nanouser/Downloads/nano/usr/local/bin/nanobox /home/nanouser/bin/nanobox
ln -sf /home/nanouser/Downloads/nano/usr/local/bin/nanobox-machine /home/nanouser/bin/nanobox-machine
ln -sf /home/nanouser/Downloads/nano/usr/local/bin/nanobox-vpn /home/nanouser/bin/nanobox-vpn
# add `bin` to path
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/home/nanouser/bin' >> /home/nanouser/.bashrc
# enable swap for larger codebases
fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
# login as nanouser
su - nanouser
# clone your application (best to login via `ssh -A`)
git clone && cd nanobox-rails
# run the nanobox!
nanobox run
# will have prompts for install and request login to nanobox
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