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Created February 1, 2017 22:53
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Rust Cologne Meetup 2017-02-01 - macros 1.1
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# macros 1.1
Rust Cologne Meetup
Colin Kiegel
# macros 1.0
_code generation in Rust today_
1. pattern macros (aka macros by example)
- PRO: good hygiene
- CON: restrictive
2. procedural macros
- PRO: powerful
- CON: only nightly compiler
3. build scripts
- PRO: powerful
- CON: hacky + inconvenient
- three ways
- popular libraries require nightly compiler (serde / diesel)
# macros **2**.0
_the roadmap_
- pattern macros
- improve hygiene
- less restrictions
- procedural macros
- simplify API
- stable compiler support
- will take very long.
# the show-stopper
- popular libraries require nightly compiler (serde / diesel)
- solution seems faaaar away .. _unless_ ..
# derive
most important use case for code generation
struct Foo<T> {
a: i32,
b: T,
# derive
struct Foo<T> {
a: i32,
b: T,
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Foo<T> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Foo<T>) -> bool {
self.a == other.a && self.b == other.b
fn ne(&self, other: &Foo<T>) -> bool {
self.a != other.a || self.b != other.b
# welcome macros 1.**1**
custom derive (Rust 1.15)
- minimal API:
- TokenStream <-> String conversion
- helper libs:
- e.g. syn/quote for String <-> AST conversion
- scheduled for 2017-02-02
# example
code generation in Rust literally _tomorrow_
// ..
pub fn foo(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let source = input.to_string();
// Parse the string representation into a syntax tree
let ast = syn::parse_derive_input(&source).unwrap();
// Build the output, possibly using quasi-quotation
let expanded = quote! {
// ...
// Parse back to a token stream and return it
# getting started (<-- s/rustc/proc/)
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
extern crate syn;
extern crate quote;
pub fn foo(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// ..
see also:
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