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Last active September 8, 2024 17:01
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Manage Wireguard peers (IPv4 only)

Manage Wireguard peers (IPv4 only)

List, add or delete Wireguard peers. Also show client configuration for already added peers.

wg-peer [add|show <peer>|del <peer>|list]


  • a[dd] add a new peer
  • s[how] show peer configuration
  • d[el] delete peer
  • l[ist] list peers

<peer> is the peer public key as shown by list command

Configuration files for clients are saved in /etc/wireguard/clients. If there are multiple Wireguard interfaces, wg-peer chooses the first one listed by wg show interfaces (most likely wg0).


  • list peers: wg-peer l
  • add a new peer: wg-peer a
  • show client configuration for peer: wg-peer s kTU5yhp1qPBHsKhKs4aSgPKRotU4bGPhl3y8dHD1Ki4=
  • delete peer: wg-peer d kTU5yhp1qPBHsKhKs4aSgPKRotU4bGPhl3y8dHD1Ki4=


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Based on by robinlandstrom.


# License:
readonly CFOLDER=/etc/wireguard/clients
readonly THISFILE=$(basename $0)
# =================================================
main () {
# Check for root privileges
[[ $USER == root ]] || { echo "Root privileges required. Try: sudo $THISFILE"; return 1; }
# Find Wireguard interface
if=$(wg show interfaces)
[[ $if =~ $'\n' ]] && { echo "WARNING: multiple Wireguard interfaces detected"; }
read -r INTERFACE <<<$if; readonly INTERFACE
echo "Using interface $INTERFACE"
case $1 in
show_peer_conf $2
delete_peer $2
# =================================================
usage () {
cat <<USAGE
$THISFILE [add|show <peer>|del <peer>|list]
a[dd] : add a new peer
s[how] : show peer configuration
d[el] : delete peer
l[ist] : list peers
<peer> is peer public key as shown by list command
build_peer_list () {
PEERLIST=':'$(wg show $INTERFACE peers | awk '{printf $1":"}')
check_peer_exists () {
local pk=$1
[[ $PEERLIST =~ ":${pk}:" ]] || { echo "Cannot find peer $pk"; return 1; }
show_peer_conf () {
local pk=$1
check_peer_exists $pk || return 1
local clientfile=$CFOLDER/$(md5sum <<<${pk}); clientfile=${clientfile%% *}
[[ -r $clientfile ]] || { echo "Cannot read $clientfile"; return 1; }
qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 < $clientfile
cat $clientfile
echo -e "---------\n"
wg show $INTERFACE | awk '$0=="peer: '${pk}'"{f=1; print; next} /^peer:/{f=0} f'
delete_peer () {
local pk=$1
check_peer_exists $pk || return 1
wg set $INTERFACE peer $pk remove && {
wg-quick save ${INTERFACE}
clientfile=$CFOLDER/$(md5sum <<<${pk}); clientfile=${clientfile%% *}
rm -f $clientfile
echo "Removed peer $pk"
} || { echo "Cannot remove peer $pk"; return 1; }
list_peers () {
wg show $INTERFACE |\
awk '/^peer:/{
print "# '$THISFILE' show '\''"$2"'\''"
print "# '$THISFILE' del '\''"$2"'\''"
add_new_peer () {
# Generate peer keys
PRIVATE_KEY=$(wg genkey)
PUBLIC_KEY=$(echo ${PRIVATE_KEY} | wg pubkey)
PRESHARED_KEY=$(wg genpsk)
# Read server key from interface
SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY=$(wg show ${INTERFACE} public-key)
# Get next free peer IP (This will break after x.x.x.255)
PEER_ADDRESS=$(wg show ${INTERFACE} allowed-ips |\
cut -f 2 |\
awk -F'[./]' '{print $1"."$2"."$3"."1+$4"/"$5}' |\
sort -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 -n | tail -n1)
# Try to guess nameserver
NAMESERVER=$(ip -j addr show $INTERFACE | jq -r '.[0].addr_info[0].local')
nslookup $NAMESERVER > /dev/null || {
NAMESERVER=$(nslookup bogusname | awk '/^Server:/{print $2}')
[[ ! $NAMESERVER =~ ^127 ]] && nslookup $NAMESERVER > /dev/null || NAMESERVER=","
echo "Guessed nameserver: $NAMESERVER"
LISTENPORT=$(wg show ${INTERFACE} listen-port)
ENDPOINT=$(curl -s | jq -r '.ip')
# Add peer
wg set ${INTERFACE} peer ${PUBLIC_KEY} preshared-key <(echo ${PRESHARED_KEY}) allowed-ips ${PEER_ADDRESS} || {
echo "Cannot add peer ${PEER_ADDRESS} with public key ${PUBLIC_KEY}"
return 1
wg-quick save ${INTERFACE}
# Generate peer config
read -r -d$'\x04' CONFIG << END_OF_CONFIG
Address = ${PEER_ADDRESS}
PrivateKey = ${PRIVATE_KEY}
PresharedKey = ${PRESHARED_KEY}
AllowedIPs =,
# Save added peer config
clientfile=$CFOLDER/$(md5sum <<<${PUBLIC_KEY}); clientfile=${clientfile%% *}
mkdir -p $CFOLDER
touch $clientfile
chmod go-rwx $clientfile
echo "$CONFIG" >${clientfile}
# Show added peer config
show_peer_conf ${PUBLIC_KEY}
# =================================================
main "$@"
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really good, maybe add the following to check if jq and curl exists first

# Check if "jq" command exists
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
    echo "jq is not installed. Please install it and try again."
    exit 1

# Check if "curl" command exists
if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null; then
    echo "curl is not installed. Please install it and try again."
    exit 1

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Hi, i am getting an "unable to parse IP address: 'public' when running this on my Ubuntu Wireguard server, any ideas?


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colemar commented Nov 3, 2023

Hi, i am getting an "unable to parse IP address: 'public' when running this on my Ubuntu Wireguard server, any ideas?

Try: bash -x ./wg-peer add

Then attach the output here.

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4li-ra commented Feb 6, 2024

in first time if you did not created any peer before allowed-ips will be empty and got error, i think you should consider this

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Some minor tweaks if you don't have/want jq installed:

Line 111:

  • This could simply be NAMESERVER=$(resolvectl dns eth0 | cut -d" " -f4) if you know eth0 is your normal interface.

Line 119:

  • This similarly can be changed to ENDPOINT=$(curl -s

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sskras commented Sep 5, 2024

ping @colemar: have you thought about converting this gist into fully featured repo?
Also I am interested in the license / conditions under which this script is to be distributed / modified :)

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colemar commented Sep 5, 2024

@sskras No time now for a full featured repo.
I only ask to refer this page if this is distributed as is or modified.

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sskras commented Sep 5, 2024

@colemar: thanks, sure. Can you please confirm that CC0 is OK too? Asking because of the reasons mentioned in the article.

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colemar commented Sep 6, 2024

@colemar: thanks, sure. Can you please confirm that CC0 is OK too? Asking because of the reasons mentioned in the article.

Yes, confirmed.
Added CC0 license mention above.

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sskras commented Sep 7, 2024

@colemar, thanks. Since you mentioned the @robinlandstrom implementation as the basis, I imported it as the first commit. Then I renamed the script to match wg-peer name from your Gist.

Then I exported all changes from it and overlaid them onto the original work, so it can be seen as the continuous history (which I suppose have been). During this I also added my comments to every of your change:

For publishing I decided to use my GitHub organization dedicated for mirroring code.

Finally I renamed the file into so readers can see its' content out of the box. For that I branched main as main.With-README, and made it the repo's default:

In case you see something wrong, please ping me.

Now I am going to fork it and make some changes. There are at least three other GitHub repos named wg-peer, so I guess I will go with wg-peers for that.

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colemar commented Sep 8, 2024

In case you see something wrong, please ping me.

Now I am going to fork it and make some changes. There are at least three other GitHub repos named wg-peer, so I guess I will go with wg-peers for that.

@sskras Nice work. I have no objections.
I know it can be improved, but at one point I declared it satisfactory for my needs. I hope you can make it more general.

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