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Last active May 6, 2021 16:17
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id,triplet_id,Idea URL,proposal_id,Question,question_id,Rating Given,Assessor,Assessment Note,Proposer Mark,Acceptable,Constructive Feedback,Abstain,Strict,Lenient,Offense / Profanity,Non Constructive Feedback,Score doesn't match,Copy,Incomplete Reading,Not Related,General Infraction,General Infraction: rationale
7,6-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"The proposed Dapp does seem to address the challenge, however it does not seem to address the aspect of the challenge that calls for ""Quality Dapps"". There might or not be legal issues with betting apps - the proposal does not address that aspect. It is devised for ""average user and football fan"" and they might also be interested in the legal ramifications of using such an app. As such, it remains an open question whether this Dapp will manage to attract users to the platform? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
9,8-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_8,"The concept is a well thought of proposal, there can be additions that can expand the concept to multiple other gaming platforms. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
10,9-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"Potentially very interesting idea. However, author doesn't go a lot into detail that would explain the adoption route. I understand there is going to be utility for football apps. More detail on what the existing problem is - namely scale of it - to understand how helpful or useful the solution could be. I can come to some conclusions but I'd prefer proposal to help understand that clearly. That would help drive the narrative of this proposal in a very meaningful way. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
11,10-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_10,"A transparent betting system will create trust. This could easily be scaled up to all kinds of sports. Why limit it to just football?
If advertised properly, it could establish a trusted sentiment towards Cardano. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
13,12-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"Nothing about this proposal is complete, we need technical documentation, Plutus (Haskell) smart contract developer resources identified and basic metrics to track the implementation. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
14,13-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_13,"in betting world either in FIFA or tennis,golf ,there wide range customers in the gaming system",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
16,15-90,,90,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_15,"i do the broader thing, like betting sports market is huge. But i'd like more info on how huge this niche market is, is it also a regional type of thing (since you mention the Super Bowl). Maybe rephrase it as driving adoption for US or north america customers. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
23,6-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The plan and experience do not indicate that it is highly likely that this proposal will be implemented successfully. I would have preferred some more information about the proposers experience with Haskell and Plutus, as it is a proposed Dapp on the Cardano blockchain. The realization plan lacks sufficient detail and milestones, in my view. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
25,8-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_8,"The experience of the developer shows a positive start for the application of the solution, the idea can onboard new players outside the cryptocurrency circle and the expansion into other sports can improve the Dapp success. There needs to be more clear steps and perhaps a team willing to take on the task needed to eventuate it. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
26,9-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Beyond learning about TypeScrypt and banking experience, there isn't any additional information that would help understand more deeply the relevance of experience of the proposer. 1. would be useful to include a professional profile, such as LinkedIn
2. it would be great to understand if there are any plans to include wider team or is this effort of an individual only
3. there's really not much of a budget break down - 50k USD is not a small amount of money to not have this basic requirement part of the proposal - which is generally not a good sign. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
27,10-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_10,"Relevant experience to execute the job. The tags have been used to assemble a team. There is a plan and demand from the community.
The funds is set correctly to make this project feasible. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
29,12-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,Given the lacking documentation in this proposal it's highly unlikely this will be implemented successfully. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
30,13-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_13,"thats good chance for implements of pools ,staking,if possible rewards in NFTs none fungible tokenof accumulation of percentage in the winner team match ,build on top Dapps chains globalisation ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
32,15-90,,90,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_15,"Linked to the previous note, i have not much information on the whole market. You do seem to have enough experience to handle it and you know what you need to complete your team, sadly i can't give more than 3 stars because of 1) my lack of knowledge on the betting market 2) it focuses only on one region of the world whereas if we were to target a wider audience, i might haave given a 4 star.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
38,6-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,3,2,z_assessor_6,"There is not enough information on the feasibility of the proposal and how effectively it addresses the challenge in its entirety. Are there similar success stories in other blockchain environments? How will it integrate with the oracles? Has the proposer worked on Dapps before? Other questions seem unanswered as well if one compares the proposal to the Campaign Brief
fpr F4: Dapps & Integrations",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
40,8-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_8,"More details on the expertise behind making sure this can be launched needs to be presented, what is the roadmap to see the steps along making it a reality and what agencies will be onboarded. Its a great idea for a Dapp to increase the diversity of the applications launched in Cardano which could bring more players to the ecosystem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
41,9-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"This proposal lacks some general information about how it plans to attain its goals in a more coherent way. 1. no actual roadmap or milestones
2. definition of success is unclear - there are no metrics or KPIs outlined and what targets to expect
3. it doesn't speak to existing challenges or risks to be considered",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
42,10-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,"The only thing that I don't see information on is how the cash in/cash out-system is going to work.
A roadmap is still needed. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
44,12-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"The proposal provides almost none of the technical detail, budget breakdown, benchmarks and metrics a complete dApp proposal should have to effectively address the challenge. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
45,13-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_13,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
47,15-90,,90,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_15,3 stars because the dev part seems to be handled well + you state what and who you need to complete. Sadly the lack of a roadmap and detail on how the funds will be used and time you think it'll take to develop. (in summary add a detailed budget and roadmap is your first priority in my opiinion).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
51,17-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,What proposer wishes to do is really required for the cardano developer ecosystem to compete with the current computational requirement for a distributed computer system network like cardano. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
54,19-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_19,"Providing the ability for flexible and fast sidechain activity that can incorporate large, disparate data formats is CRITICAL to Cardano post-goguen. Many devs are interested in the capabilities provided by a full solution like this.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
55,20-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_20,"I fail to see a clear description of the problem, and how this expensive equipment will help. How does decentralized AI differ from centralized AI and what are its challenges? and how is the proposer ""training"" the system with this equipment?",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
57,8-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_8,"I can see the value of this proposal and the benefits for its implementation. More thought might be needed to verify the ROI on technology that improves overtime. Like in 5 years there could be a better more power and performance for the buck than the current one. I understand we have to work with these changes but also identify the life cycle of each implementation of technology and the returns. Both the advantages and disadvantages may need to be expressed more clearly to educate the community as to the funds being used are done in a sustainable, reasonable and practical manner.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
59,12-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,The attached overview document does not describe this proposal in detail at all and leaves me more perplexed on the final state product this proposal is aiming to develop.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
60,21-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_21,This proposal is interesting but does not meet the developer adoption challenge.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
62,22-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
63,15-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,"Well the proposal is well written and goes beyond my IT skills (i do have some but not up to this level of infrastructure). The non-profit part is in my mind the best, had you stated you wanted to build a company or for-profit, i'd given you a 1 star. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
65,9-152,,152,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"This generally makes sense as an overarching idea. However, form in which this proposal is presented misses many marks for me. While there are numerous attempts to highlight existing work - I miss somewhat more structured way and communication of intent of this proposal at large. Again - great idea - but it seems to get lost in many details and it doesn't have a clear direction of what it really wishes to do with Catalyst community. It focuses too much on who and where but not when/how instead. Excerpts from videos by Charles and other sources are great - but I need to understand author's role more precisely. Would have really liked to watch/listen to a video from author instead where they would explain and tie it all together in a cohesive fashion. There really needs to be more elements added to this proposal to make it investable as is. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
69,17-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_17,in proposal proposer mentions working with help of IOHK and singularity net without any proven connection with any of them historically.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
72,19-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_19,"200,000 for hardware? You are essentially a 1-man team and you are not a coder. (I get that non-coders can still get stuff done, but you propose to be the architect of this system, so you or someone has to have that domain knowledge). ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
73,20-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_20,No evidence from IOHK that they're waiting for this to be funded. No evidence showing Ben's support. I don't trust proposers credentials.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
75,8-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_8,"Based on the experience from the proposer and it's initiative on communicating it to the community and the member at IOG, the plan presented has traction and high chances of being able to be successfully deployed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
77,12-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no development budget, no detailed project plan or technical roadmap. The proposer fails to provide the basic info needed to validate their idea/the team behind this idea.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
78,21-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,"The proposal has no experience clearly defined, refers to IOHK and others.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
80,22-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_22,Already has another project and in talk with IOG. Credible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
81,15-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_15,"The proposal is very well thought through. I dont have the technical skills so i can only add that i'd like to have an idea of either budget or roadmap (like how much time to do you think it'll take to complete it) just to put things in perspective. But you seem to be in it for the long run and have devoted quite some energy already to it, so this is reassuring (if you were to told us in 2 month the system is up and running, i'd given you a 1star).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
83,9-152,,152,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Potentially an intriguing concept BUT there are some major red flags that raise concern to me. Let's start backwards. There is a budget figure of 200,000 USD requested. Which is half the fund of this challenge. Given that amount - I would expect appropriate level of depth when addressing how this budget is going to be spent. We can't really get any sense. I tried to open every attachment and read through all segments - but just couldn't locate it. Only based on this alone - I would be very cautious about proceeding with funding. Second - I am unable to establish validity of claims/experience. I am not entirely convinced for a need to attach sample email communication with IOHK nor referencing so heavily their name in the process. It seems more of a marketing move than one with substance. That's really strange form to me. It also says in experience that author has asked Ben G. from Singularity - but again - what does it have to do with proposal. It is nice sideshow - but we need to focus on content of this proposal. It reads very poorly. It reads like a concept more than executable proposal. It needs more editing so that it can be assessed properly given its direction. Perhaps reworking it and submitting it at the later stages will work. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
87,17-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_17,"this project might need an architecture like storage decentralized storage and computational protocols, before thinking abt ideas which proposer proposes. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
90,19-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_19,"I smell fish, benevolent as it may be. The success of this project depends on future success of Fund5 proposal. The ""agreements"" with IOHK and Goertzel (admittedly) are just preliminary discussions. This size project typically requires a more institutional team that is already capitalized. High hurdles to overcome to see it through.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
91,20-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_20,"No metrics given for whats needed for ""$ADA to spend like money"", ""Decentralized Social Media Platform"", ""leverage your crypto as an asset for a FIAT loan"", ""interface with the legacy world"". No references for the claims ""..1/2 of what it takes to open 1 McDonalds.-This will literally handle 90 % of financial information and data"" ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
93,8-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_8,The proposal highlights prospective changes that can improve the system substantially. The proposer has the drive and experience to address the challenge heads on.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
95,12-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"Nothing about this proposal is complete. It lacks a detailed project plan, technical documentation, budget breakdown or metrics/",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
96,21-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,"No real plan defined, no roadmap, no details about how the funds will be spend.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
98,22-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
99,15-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_15,"If you would have added the document in the proposal internally (not as an attached document (the overview one), i'd given a 5 star, but there is also the lack of a implementation schedule and timing + the detailed budget. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
101,9-152,,152,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"In one of the attached documents - there is some sense of direction - something we could call milestones of sorts - but again - without proper form it seems to be a bit all over the place. I would really suggest to re-edit this proposal so we can clearly identify roadmap with milestones against specific timescales so there is no confusion left for community to assess. I would really also love to understand how does author think about this proposal in terms of success - what do such metrics look like, if there are any KPIs they are thinking about. None of which I was able to find in the proposal. Also - any specific challenges/risks that are tied to the proposal itself? What concerns the author when going to implement this solution? Would have been also very helpful addition to the data presented. I really don't know how we can keep track of the progress with this proposal given the information provided. Good idea - but needs some structure.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
105,24-139,,139,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_24,"As the proposer mentioned ""This is an idea I worked on my head "".. it comes across as such. I think there is merit to this idea of a ""decentralized hierarchy"" but the solution propose is still in it's infancy and needs further thought, especially on how it would be implemented. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
107,8-139,,139,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_8,I fail to see the need to create power levers and hierarchies unless it is for a voting process which merits are based on expertise. Not sure how this could be applied to the community and how to authenticate that individuals have the authority to control others based on merits. This seams borderline social credit model type of application in my opinion. Perhaps present a case that this could be deployed for the betterment of a system or the structure of a system to better highlight the potential application of this solution.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
108,25-139,,139,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,Proposal is trying to solve the issue of decentralizing power with developing smaller hierarchies. It is in line with the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
114,29-139,,139,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_29,"I'm not very fund of the proposal. We are trying to build a egalitarian system, not a hierarchy",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
115,15-139,,139,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,For the ammount requested this idea seems to hold the merit of at least starting the research,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
119,24-139,,139,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_24,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
121,8-139,,139,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_8,The proposer has some experience in programming languages and the understanding of the vision behind the project as well as the drive to onboard other to make it happen. Confidence in his solution and application appears foggy. Perhaps more analysis on a prototype sketch could help strengthen that work.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
122,25-139,,139,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_25,"The proposer is self taught and somewhat experienced, but there is no clear plan of action.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
128,29-139,,139,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_29,Dosn't seem like proposer have any experience in social systems from what he describes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
129,15-139,,139,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_15,Well for the implementation your background is not the most usefull (conceptually speaking). you should look at philosophers for a better conceptual breakdown of how to implement it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
133,24-139,,139,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_24,There's no information given on the feasibility of such project ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
135,8-139,,139,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_8,"Although the proposal provides an example of how it could work and the basic structure is use, it remains inconclusive how this can be used to support an existing project or a specific use case where it can be used to achieve a goal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
136,25-139,,139,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_25,There is no real cost breakdown or any reasoning on why is the requested sum of money exactly that size. It would be very difficult to audit because of lack of clear goals and KPIs or measures of success.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
142,29-139,,139,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_29,"I'm not very fund of the proposal. We are trying to build a egalitarian blockchain system, not a hierarchy",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
143,15-139,,139,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_15,"Since this is just for research, you do provide sufficent information. Try and look at Rawl's theory of justice and his ignorance veil if you want to have a starting idea.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
146,17-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_17,documentation is always the most important thing when it comes to any ecosystem but in this case i feel that is responsibility of IOG at the moment and in near future and creating multiple places to find same tooling will create confusion for developers. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
147,24-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_24,"I agree with the Problem statement, but the solution proposed does not seem effective. Aligning documentation would not speed Developer uptake ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
149,8-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_8,The proposal is a well needed change in the development community and any new improvements help developers align properly to their end goals. The project proposal is well defined and the solution can aid that branch of the organization work more fluently with their deployments. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
153,31-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_31,When it comes to documentation creation apart from IOG's it is more into providing higher level info after the base documentation is done to get the new developer to get to speed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
154,32-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_32,Improved documentation would definetely help adoption and ease of use. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
155,15-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,This is a very welcome addition to the ecosystem. Though i dont see how you want to target different audience under one umbrella without duplicating information,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
158,9-104,,104,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,Agree that there needs to be better documentation about many things in Cardano ecosystem - including developer portals. I would have liked more to understand in greater detail this proposal as it reads more of a concept stage at the moment - a wish that we all want to happen. But some executables are a bit of miss in other sections. But generally - if properly followed through with - it would have a great impact on ecosystem. I am huge fan of clear and precise communication whenever possible. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
161,17-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_17,proposal might get implemented but its usefulness as being option to IOGs implementation will make it redundant.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
162,24-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_24,"The plan is very vague, no examples are given on which documents should be re-aligned. There is no budget breakdown, and it's not clear what experience the proposer has in order to efficiently re-organize the documentation in",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
164,8-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_8,The proposer have relevant experience as a software engineer and leadership background. This could be tied in with more developers in his professional circle that brings confidence in the higher likeliness of successful implementation.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
168,31-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_31,This is supposed to be more of a community input than of an individual contributor.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
169,32-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_32,The stated experience of the proposer should be adequate to implement it however more specific information regarding similar projects or a github would be much more helpful in assessing this statement.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
170,15-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_15,I think you underestimate the ammount of work needed to produce the docs or assemble the whole existing doc (though you probably have an idea and know how painstakingly annoying it is to find a doc that isn't properly written).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
173,9-104,,104,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,Love the idea - but there isn't enough form to make it a sensible proposal. There are probably many details clear to the author but are not yet communicated efficiently within this proposal. Namely - I wish some professional profile/references to prior work were added to the presentation so that we can establish identity and validity of experience claims. Another big issue I have is - I don't understand the validity of requested budget figure. It states only one sum and it doesn't go into detail what it would be used for and how. Some budget breakdown would have been really useful. Also - it isn't clear to me if this is a project for one person or a team put together and how the existing platforms are going to play a role with. There is a mention of needing to investigate - but I feel some prep-work should have been done to establish which direction is best to go with? These are my observations based on what information has been presented. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
176,17-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_17,proposed amount and intensions look proportionate. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
177,24-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_24,It's not clear how effectively this would address the challenge and who would be involved in this project ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
179,8-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_8,"The proposal has a basic outline of a plan, perhaps more details as to the tools spoken of and interface for the proposition. Time frames and a clear roadmap could bring more confidence for voters as for the expected outcome of this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
183,31-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_31,The clear plan of attack to create the mentioned resouce is not present in proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
184,32-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_32,The information provide is not very detailed and could be enriched with links and/or some examples.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
185,15-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_15,"2 stars because you should, for the ammount you ask, give a detailled budget and a roadmap/better planning. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
188,9-104,,104,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_9,"Because this is more of a concept/idea stage - this proposal lacks few basic elements of roadmap. There is a basic plan included but would have loved to learn a bit more nuanced step by step approach. How long would it take for each step to complete, resources required in better detail. I suggest pairing up with someone and to take it a step further on planning stage. I would also recommend getting in touch with e.g. CF - as intended by author - and getting some sense of their work being done already. Adatainment does great work and could be very helpful with that regards. Also - overview of existing landscape would be useful with regards to work done (or not done) by IOG. Understanding that would help position your proposal in a firm direction. I would then also be keen to understand how author thinks about success metrics for this proposal, as well. When do we know that this effort was worth a while. Lesser complaints? Traffic increase? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
189,33-61,,61,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_33,"It is not enough to have the possibility to create a token. There must be a place where offer and demand meet. This proposal create the motivation to create tokens and does support the challenge very good. Altough it is kind of an indirect support, as it does not help with the creation of tokens.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
190,24-61,,61,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_24,"The proposal would address the challenge, but its still very undeveloped. This is big task and this proposal does not yet present the merits to solve it, it just shows intention",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
193,9-61,,61,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Potentially great idea. From execution part of it seems to be a bit lacking as next review sections explain. However, for challenge brief - it is fitting in. What I am missing is understanding how this fits into the narrative of existing marketplaces for general tokens and how this proposal actually fills the void. Making that distinction clear in the mission brief would be fantastic next time. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
197,22-61,,61,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_22,"States an issue that we are facing, and proposes a solution and how to get there.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
198,15-61,,61,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_15,You've thought it through to me it seems. I know the languages you mention but i dont understand the intricacies of why this one over this one. Thus only 4 star because i'd loved to have a motivated choice of why this language for this part of the marketplace.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
199,33-61,,61,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_33,"The proposer has the knowledge to realize the plan. He has the development skills and according to the description of the proposal, he is very motivated to do it. Becaus I think it is a really big project and much work to create a meaningful solution, I am not sure if the requested funds are sufficient. Therfore 3/5.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
200,24-61,,61,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_24,"The proposer presents a plan and milestones but they are a still a bit vague. Saying ""Use Django for backend"" and ""Use Postgres for database"" is not very informative and the webpage presented is very basic. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
203,9-61,,61,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,"It is unclear if budgetary requirements are exactly what's needed? Author's reasoning is based on a range between low and high end. Low being 3,500 and high end 16,000. Final figure is chosen at 5,000 USD. Is this a signal that the development of this marketplace is skewed towards low end? If so - I am unsure how we can grow and scale this effectively to meet the quality standards. That part is highly unclear to me. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
207,22-61,,61,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_22,"Very smart person, but not sure how much experience and proven work they have since transitioning.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
208,15-61,,61,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_15,"As you mentionned in the beginning of the proposal, a marketplace takes a long time to develop and be functionnal. I was a bit surprised that you say you could develop this in a month. thus 4 stars only.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
209,33-61,,61,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_33,All the required components are described and also the technical basics are explained. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
210,24-61,,61,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_24,"This is a very big task, and a team of different experts would be required to design and propose a detailed plan ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
213,9-61,,61,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_9,"There is some sense of roadmap and milestones but it isn't clear enough beyond deliverables on marketplace itself. I would need to understand what the adoption goals are. Proposal uses term KPIs but these are not 'progress' metrics but performance indicators. We would need to understand what clear definition of success are and what metrics are relevant for this proposal. Again, not in terms of building the actual dash - but acquiring users, etc. I also miss any references to challenges or risks associated with this proposal. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
217,22-61,,61,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_22,"Provides a simple roadmap for deign, as well as general idea for marketplace. Simple to start with and a popular sector at the moment.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
218,15-61,,61,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_15,You seem to have sorted it out. I'd love to see your marketplace up and running.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
219,34-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_34,The proposer does satisfy the challenge by suggesting hosting a virtual event to introduce Cardano & its mission to a wider audience. The team also plans on running a 30-day marketing campaign prior to the event in order to gather a larger audience in the West African region. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
220,35-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_35,"The proposal addresses the challenge in a clear and effective way. The problem described, the unawareness about Project Catalyst funding campaigns by west african entrepreneurs, is addressed in an effective way through the creation of a 2-day virtual event to present Catalyst and illustrate the creation process of a proposal in an operational way.
I think this project can certainly bring new proposals from a specific geographic area into Project Catalyst.
221,36-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_36,"This proposal directly addresses the aim of this challenge. Since one of Cardano's main priorities is reaching Africa in general, this proposal could be a first step in promoting Catalyst as a gateway to Cardano on which the community can build up in the future. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
223,38-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_38,The proposal is at the very heart of Cardano's ambitions and the specific target market being West Africa provides this solution with a great focus and a centred community. This makes meeting targets achievable and quantifiable I believe. It's easy to present an 'African' outreach but a lot can be lost in such a wide scope. Targeting the 'diaspora' is also an effective point as this widens the scope of Catalyst awareness globally and could provide an indirect benefit from emigrants & second generations 'giving back' to their old communities. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
224,21-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal does address and matches the challenge in question.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
225,39-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_39,This proposal was very well written and the objectives understood. The amount of USD$6000 is reasonable if not a little lower than I would've estimated at a guess. The plan of running this virtual event that you are proposing is solid and I feel an effective way to engage and educate on the Catalyst vehicle and associated pathways to Catalyst.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
227,22-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_22,"Lays out the issue, with a clear path for success. The issue is something that stays true to the mission of Cardano and gets to the people who can really benefit.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
228,15-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,Your platform seems a good way to create a wider spread of the ADA message. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
229,9-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_9,Really like what I am reading here. I have noticed already in many proposals support from WADA. This is great to see and hopefully more resources can be directed from catalyst veterans to include more participants in a way that they can also 'compete' for funds with greater chance. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
230,40-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_40,this is a great way to get new entrepreneurs into Catalyst ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
232,41-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal described has the potential to attract entrepreneurs and developers to Cardano and Catalyst, some reasonable onboarding metrics have been stipulated.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
234,43-267,,267,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_43,This would be a huge win for the entire Cardno ecosystem in Africa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
235,34-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_34,The proposer solidified themselves as one of the regulars within the project Catalyst and Cardano ecosystem and have multiple proposals submitted for voting. The proposer's team consists of individuals with relevant experience giving this project a high likelihood of success. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
236,35-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_35,"I like the setting given to the project: the idea to make 2+ introduction webinars during the 30-day marketing campaign is great and can certainly drive subscription to the main event. The 3-tier incentive scheme is really clever and I think it can generate a ""spread the word"" mechanism that will attract more participants.
The audience is well targeted to specifics profiles of participants which increase the chances of success compared to choosing a general audience.
WADA's experience and participation in the Cardano community are a further confirmation of the goodness of the project.
The fund requested are adequate and the way in which they will be spent is relevant to the project.
237,36-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_36,"There is a team of three which state that they have relevant experience. Unfortunately, I don't find any evidence for this and a comment related to this is not answered yet (at the time of this review). However, considering their first created content I think there is a good chance that their presented event will happen and that they will do a good job. The budget sounds reasonable for me. And the return on intension seems to realistic.
239,38-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_38,"The team consists of members from the same West African region with varying skills & experiences that's critical to such an event. I have however given it 4 stars only because it does not provide details of past events held but overall, a good plan is laid out. Admittedly I am yet to look at any of the affiliated proposals, but given this is one is part of a concentrated effort, it provides a level of confidence that it can be implemented successfully.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
240,21-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,The proposal team is well known within the ecosystem and have necessary experience with community outreach.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
241,39-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_39,"There has been a concerted effort to relay the experience of the team, and in my view this has sufficiently met the criteria for this challenge. After taking a few moments to research your team it appears as though you have the right people in place to execute this proposal successfully.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
243,22-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_22,"Well rounded team with a thought out process. Not a hard event to pull of, but wondering if funding is enough and marketing time will be enough to make the biggest impact possible.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
244,15-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_15,"You have realistic goals and thought through proposal. I dont know about the 2 funded proposal as your key metrics but their is definetly an audience there. From what i know of the african market, you should target a mobile app for the material and webinars probably. You might get better onboarding and more users ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
245,9-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_9,"I have good confidence in this team that it can carry out this task. I like the mindset of how the information is presented and various details it thought out about. Few pointed - I would love to have this recorded so that these can be then featured around and reproduced to introduce many more participants even after event ends. But I assume that may be the goal. I would also suggest adding profile links like Linked In to proposer names. Not every may be familiar with your past work or who you are. Adding that doesn't cost anything and it adds more colour to your proposal as who you are as individuals. I would have liked to learn more about past experience in hosting online events. Would have been really helpful, I think. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
246,40-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_40,well scoped proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
248,41-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"There is a reasonable and structured plan, describing a marketing campaign and 2 webinars, I would like to see more details about the content of the webinars.
The WADA team, in general, is qualified to execute the proposal successfully, but there are no details about the team members included in the proposal, I recommend including this information or a link so that the community that doesn't know WADA has access to this information. .",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
250,43-267,,267,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
251,34-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_34,"The proposal includes a great list of KPIs, timeline, and budget breakdown, with additional information it is enough to determine feasibility and effectiveness. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
252,35-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_35,"The KPIs to evaluate the project success are relevant and described in a clear manner. It will be easy to assess whether the project will achieve its purpose.
I really appreciated the clear reference to the proposals' submission in catalyst and their funding as the ultimate goal.
253,36-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_36,"There is a detailed roadmap and a time horizon presented. The team has given detailed KPIs to measure the progress and success of the proposal. The only thing I miss here is that they haven't mentioned possible difficulties and how to deal with them. Hosting an online event is one thing, but attracting many people is often the hardest part. The plan is to do social media marketing. However, it is easier to waste money on these platforms than really create value (as I work in this industry). But in summary, this proposal is well presented. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
256,38-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_38,"Overall a very good proposal with a set plan, itemising every resource at hand, all the resources and tools which will be used and implemented to run the event, marketing strategies and targets and the metrics by which they aim to measure their own level of success (not to be confused with the Project Catalyst metrics under which we assess these proposals, which fortuitously matches anyway so good for CAs). The fact there are affiliated proposals to this means its a well thought-out ambition and I wish the team luck.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
257,21-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,Well documented proposal with low budget is clearly going to provide huge benefits to the community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
261,39-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_39,By breaking down your Key Metrics to measure and also your Target Outcomes I was easily able to understand your success measures and planned goals. I really like this proposal due to the various materials provided I feel I have clear picture of what it is that you are attemptingt to achieve. Well done.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
263,22-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_22,"Very feasible proposal, addresses challenge in the way it was presented. I would like to see more what the assistance after the seminar would look like, whether this team will be handling that or funneling them along to the correct contact.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
264,15-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_15,"Your target out come lacks a timestamp, when do you plan on have your 100 sign-ups for instance ? because if you plan this for the first month, it's quite good. if you plan it on year after launch well... you get my point probably :) very nice and thought through proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
265,9-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_9,"It wasn't entirely clear to me - the target would be to air this in June or what is the timeline line? I read that it is for guidance only - but understanding timescale would be neat, too. It mentions that 30 days after funding is secured and marketing materials are ready - so in theory one month is a solid timeline at first, right? That is neat. Also - having ability to improve membership would be fantastic on Catalyst platform. Any thoughts how that could be measured effectively, too? With regards to metrics - it helps to benchmark against actual target rates - there are few targets listed on the bottom but metrics list is rather extensive. So adding few more to have them in mind be really useful. At any rate - I believe there is enough data that could make this a go. Really appreciate work and thought put into this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
266,40-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_40,"WADA is a solid team pushing for Cardano solutions in West Africa, great plan/proposal",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
268,41-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The information described indicates that the proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way, metrics and KPIs have been described so that we can measure the success of the proposal, a budget breakdown is also included, but it would be important that the proposal include more information about the proposers so that the community has access to and can attest to their qualifications.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
270,43-267,,267,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
272,45-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_45,"Africa has a teeming population that would benefit greatly from projects like WADA. These hubs will serve as spaces for growth and activity. I'd advice you state the need of providing virtual spaces for participants. Also I'd love for the team to think of collaboration with local hubs.
The goal should be to not just build a community but improve the ones currently existing. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
273,46-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_46,"The challenge is to ""mobilize the community to solve local problems"". This proposal is asking for the registration and fees associated with establishing an LCC (Local Community Center) in the local region. This is the most direct address of the challenge I can think of. It's a direct line from problem/ challenge (create LCC) to solution (pay for LCC)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
277,21-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,The proposal meets the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
279,10-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,"This proposal both fits the Cardano mission and addresses the Local Communities Challenge.
Expanding network influence in Africa is vital to Cardano's collective vision. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
281,39-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_39,"This proposal was very well written and the objectives understood. The amount of USD$4000 is reasonable, as per your previous proposal, if not a little lower than I would've estimated at a guess. I love the idea of creating these hubs full of vital and relavent information relating to the very activities of the intended audience. I believe that this is an effective use of funding and I wish you the very best of luck.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
282,47-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_47,"A structured, complete proposal by WADA.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
283,48-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_48,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
284,34-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_34,"The proposer seeks funding to register 4 local hubs in different regions within West Africa. Each LLC will have its own mission yet share access to the same information, resources, and training in order to ensure equal treatment and chance to reach the best result. WADA will oversee the organization and fulfilment of this project onwards but seek Cardano Foundation's support to further establish themselves in these regions and solidify their position, as well as learn from CF's tenure in other African countries. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
285,40-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_40,This is a top LLC candidate ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
287,41-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"WADA already offers support to the community, the funding will allow WADA create 4 LCCs and expand support in the following areas: Business development & marketing expertise, Legal expertise, Technical integration expertise, Communication & community expertise, além de permitir o registro e documentação das LCCs.
From the description, I believe that the proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant and impactful way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
288,43-157,,157,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_43,This is arguably the top LCC proposal in this round.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
290,45-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_45,"Seeing that work has already started, I think this project is going to do well even with the little funding being requested.
I think a marketing budget is key to reaching as many people as possible. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
291,46-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_46,"The experience of the team / network listed in this proposal is strong and diverse. Because of the established network / affiliations (WADA) and the simplicity of the solution(pay LCC registration), this proposal is likely to succeed. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
295,21-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,"As in the previous proposal, team has a good reputation and is well known in the Cardano community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
297,10-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_10,Experienced group that is already engaged in installing community hubs in west Africa. This is a continuation of their initial plan and a part of their roadmap. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
299,39-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_39,"Again, there appears to have been a concerted effort to relay the experience of the team, and in my view this has sufficiently met the criteria for this challenge. After taking a few moments to research your team it appears as though you have the right people in place to execute this proposal successfully.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
300,47-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_47,This proposal has all the relevant details to get a 5 from me in the LCC challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
301,34-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_34,"The proposer is part of the WADA team, who have been highly active within the Cardano community. They have experienced team members and a strong long-term vision for their organization. Having their presence and influence in the region will ensure Cardano's footprint will leave a permanent mark on the development and progress of people affected. Given a relatively low budget request, it is highly likely they will receive community support. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
302,40-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_40,"very strong, well planned proposal",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
304,41-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal doesn't present significant complexity, the objectives established are simple and the plan described suggests that the proposal will be successfully implemented. WADA is a participatory alliance in the community and I believe that they are able to successfully execute the proposal, but I recommend detailing the expertise of the team members(add a link to their Linkedin if posible), so that the community has transparency to check and attest to the team's capacity.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
305,43-157,,157,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_43,Strong team with a complete project pln,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
307,45-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_45,"From everything I've read, I feel this is the weakest part for me. I think a more concrete execution plan would help people picture the project's goals clearly. I guess these are early days but regardless, let's have a more fleshed out plan with locations and timelines. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
308,46-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_46,"I agree. The 1000 USD fee is a barrier to creating an LCC, which this proposal addresses. The proposal also addresses other factors listed in the 'Strategic Landscape"" section",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
312,21-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,Well documented proposal with reasonable funding.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
314,10-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_10,"All relevant information is present in this proposal.
As it is a continuation, I have no doubts about feasibility. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
316,39-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_39,"By breaking down your Metrics, your Major Milestones and also your Strategic Direction I was easily able to understand your success measures and planned goals. I really like this proposal due to the various materials provided I feel I have clear picture of what it is that you are attempting to achieve. The thought and details applied in your Risk Management proposal is amazing and the fact that you are considerate of these elements is a testament to your professionalism and also in the confidence I have in allocating the rating I am giving you.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
317,47-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_47,"Experienced team and a much needed proposal idea, Godspeed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
318,34-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_34,The proposal clearly outlines its goals and provides a timeline and budget breakdown. The proposing team studied their target audience and know how to approach this project in order to ensure prolonged success. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
319,40-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_40,"solid team behind this proposal, much needed presence for Cardano in West Africa",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
321,41-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"There are enough details to indicate the feasibility of the proposal, I recommend only detailing the expertise of the proposer team. From what has been described, the proposal has the potential to address the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
322,43-157,,157,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_43,top LCC proposl IMHO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
324,33-4,,4,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_33,"The proposal would provide the ground-work for people that might be at some later stage become a a developer. This is more a prerequiste to solve the challenge it is assigned to, as it solves the challenge itself. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
325,46-4,,4,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_46,"The proposal does address the challenge and 2 of 3 key metrics. One community center will be built and supported and one license will be applied for (although thru another proposal).
327,21-4,,4,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the challenge criteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
328,10-4,,4,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_10,It is unclear to me wether the proposal is intended to create a community hub for Cardano or create a development atmosphere in such a school to expect a ROI in the form of skilled developers. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
332,33-4,,4,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,Most of the suggested solutions is already in place. The listed team-members seem to have sufficent skills and the linked project website shows the existing structure that should be a good fit for the described proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
333,46-4,,4,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_46,"After researching the linkedIn profile of one of the 'partners' and because of the many affiliations, I feel this proposal will be successfully implemented. The plan and budget are sensible and practical.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
335,21-4,,4,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This team is well known within the Cardano community and has necessary expertize.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
336,10-4,,4,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_10,The proposing team is experienced in the field of creating community hubs. A lot depends of the age of the students and how fast they can be active in the development space. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
340,33-4,,4,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,Not much to say here. The materials that want to be provided in the hub are described well. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
341,46-4,,4,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_46,"There are clear measures of success (detailed plan section) and risks are addressed (COVID, child care). The proposal makes the goals clear. It doesn't address the estimated number of community members expected to attend / participate. Nor does it say specifically a time frame or duration of the project. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
343,21-4,,4,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,Good and well documented plan with reasonable funding requested.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
344,10-4,,4,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,"All the main information factors are there, yet some, like length of students learning trajectory and rendability of such a project need to specified further. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
348,21-98,,98,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_21,"As this proposal lacks details, I'm having hard to tell if this matches the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
351,10-98,,98,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,"To keep the Developer Ecosystem efficient, a library like this will certainly be needed. What I like about the idea is that it also offers an educational aspect for developers to learn something more and even coaching for aspiring developers. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
353,22-98,,98,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_22,This is more about teaching new developers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
354,31-98,,98,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_31,"It is more aligned into creating moocs or place where people can access cources, just like any other online moocs but specific for cardano so didn't find it very fundable project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
357,21-98,,98,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,No solid details provided about the proposer background.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
359,10-98,,98,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_10,"No plan to implement this proposal. It speaks of coaching, but who would the coaches be?
Where would you get the learning resources?
Where would you start? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
361,22-98,,98,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_22,"not enough context on experience, team, and skills",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
362,31-98,,98,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_31,The experience looks aligned to the proposal as far as management is concerned but atleast a few coaches being part of the team would have been apt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
365,21-98,,98,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,This proposal lacks plan and success definition.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
367,10-98,,98,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_10,"Insufficient general information to properly assess this.
It needs a roadmap to get this built. It needs a detail on what the funding would be used on. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
369,22-98,,98,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_22,not enough information in the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
370,31-98,,98,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_31,The proposal just mentions the Idea and not the details may be a little more details would have given much clearer picture as mentioned in the comments,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
372,49-269,,269,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_49,I don't understand how the funding will be used. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
373,50-269,,269,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_50,"This proposal's idea is solid and would support proposal teams with specialized talent as needed during execution. However, it doesn't address how pooling talent in a structured way would encourage participation in distributed decision making or increase confidence in the distributed voting process. Talent sharing is already happening through various team based channels such as Discord, ideascale, telegram and other digital forums, how would this proposal improve beyond what these are already capable of?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
374,25-269,,269,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_25,Proposal is aimed at improving efficiency in the workflow more than decision making. The text of the proposal is not detailed enough to clarify the intention.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
375,41-269,,269,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"I couldn't understand the purpose of the proposal, no plan has been described and there is no indication of how the proposal will address the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
377,22-269,,269,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_22,"It would allow for developers to focus on their work, and not worrying about finding work or finding others to help.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
379,49-269,,269,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_49,No information about the submitter's experience is provided.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
380,50-269,,269,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_50,"The proposal doesn't include any description of how the plan would be implemented, who would be doing the work, or when it could be accomplished.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
381,25-269,,269,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_25,There is no information in the proposal about the experience of the proposer/team. There is no plan presented in the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
382,41-269,,269,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is no plan outlined and there is no relevant information about the proposer's experience.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
384,22-269,,269,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_22,"Does not back up experience, or explain if this will be solo or with a team.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
386,49-269,,269,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_49,Barely any information is provided at all.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
387,50-269,,269,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,"With the lack of detail surrounding the proposal's scope, cost, and time there is not sufficient information on assessing how feasible this proposal is.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
388,25-269,,269,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_25,"There is no information about the plan, measures of success or cost breakdown in the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
389,41-269,,269,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,The information presented is insufficient to indicate the feasibility of the proposal. There is not enough information to understand how it will address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
391,22-269,,269,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_22,very short proposal with no clear path or measureables.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
392,34-256,,256,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_34,"From the problem statement, it is clear that the proposer is addressing the challenge, however, not enough detail given to determine how effective this proposal would be. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
394,36-256,,256,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_36,"As the challenge is to bring entrepreneurs to Catalyst, the proposal's goal ""raise awareness within the youngest and brightest around the globe"" is somehow part of this challenge. However, the proposer does not provide sufficient information to understand his approach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
396,20-256,,256,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_20,"Cardano will be the future of gen z, I like this idea. However, the market research on which platform the students reside on is not enough. How do we know its not snapchat and instagram that will have the widest reach?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
397,6-256,,256,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"This proposal does address the challenge, although not fully. The challenge brief does specify targeting ""entrepreneurs from outside the Cardano ecosystem"" to submit proposals to Catalyst in the next two funds. The student population at large across many geographies might be too large of a group to target ""effectively"" and that word might be key. And it would help to subtarget the student/entrepreneur niche. I think this proposal would benefit from specific focus on a specific group of students. The proposed ""Worldwide audience"" is probably a weak point of the proposal, as it may be difficult to address such a wide and diverse group with a project of this size. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
399,34-256,,256,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_34,"The proposer claims to have experience bringing larger merge deals to a close. It is unknown if the proposer is seeking to act individually, with a team or as a business. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
401,36-256,,256,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_36,"Relevant experience remains unclear (incl. LinkedIn profile and attached document).
The presentation of the plan is confusing (most details are in an attached document instead of in the proposal itself). The idea itself is to do social media advertising, send newsletters and do ""activities to engage"" (what does that mean?). In the KPI/Campaign section is also a Zoom/Twitch stream mentioned. A specific plan how to reach this people is very unclear. Yes, there will be videos. But what is the plan to get clicks? How do you reach your audience? Does the proposer already have the email addresses he wants to contact (and why 2000 emails a day and not all at once?). The proposer only provides ""ideas"". But a plan looks different. It should provide more details on ""how"" you implement your ideas instead of saying ""what"" is your idea. Therefore, I have to doubt that there will be a successful implementation.
403,20-256,,256,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_20,"Despite the need for rigorous analysis of which platform is best, twitch has a good reach for gamers and the proposer can work on this full time ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
404,6-256,,256,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_6,"The proposal might have benefited from more attention had the crucial information been available directly in the Ideascale editor/page. The added information is available in the attached files, which may not be as visible to voters and CAs. The plan and proposal seem feasible and the experience is suitable. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
406,34-256,,256,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_34,Not enough information is provided to understand how exactly this proposal will be executed. No breakdown is given for the timeline and the budget requested. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
408,36-256,,256,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_36,"Roadmap and milestones (incl. time horizon) are weakly described. It is only mentioned that further fundings will be needed. The given metrics measure what the proposer wants to do, but the success of his actions is not defined (for example: you don't measure the number of emails that are sent alone, you have to measure the response rate). As mentioned above, the description of the solution is inadequate and confusing. Possible challenges are not considered. In conclusion, the progress of this proposal is hard to assess.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
410,20-256,,256,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_20,"No current state-of-affairs is given regards to how cardano is being marketed to younger people. Some conflicting ideas - proposer has chinese and korean students for twitch work, but plan to aim to reach devs from India, who is not crypto-friendly (not sure how this is feasible).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
411,6-256,,256,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_6,"I think the proposal could have provided more information on how to target and attract entrepreneurs to the Cardano ecosystem, not just to target the student population as such. It seems feasible, but I would have wanted to see more information about how to attract ""the brightest entrepreneurs"" - as a specific category in the student body. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
414,49-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_49,There is no description into how this proposal will be acted on.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
415,36-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposal has only limited linkage to the challenge ""Catalyst onboarding"". How the proposed network contributes to the interaction between members of the community (in addition to existing possibilities such as discord/telegram/ideascale itself) is not specified in the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
416,41-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,There is not enough information to assess how this proposal will address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
417,51-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_51,"There are a number of Social Networks in and around the community, This proposal only introduces an idea.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
418,34-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_34,The proposer aims to create a social network where participants are able to collaborate and exchange ideas. Ideascale already provides that. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
419,6-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_6,I think that the proposal does not effectively address the challenge - which asks for more meaningful participation in Project Catalyst from community members in the next two funds (time factor!). Creating a social network will require more time and much more investment and planning that is laid out in this proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
421,22-75,,75,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_22,I don't know that this will drive participation in catalyst aside from the community being able to interact with each other on another layer of this website.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
423,49-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_49,No experience is offered by the submitter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
424,36-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_36,"There is no reference, no plan (just a plain idea), no detailed budgeting. As of the given information I can't see that there will be a successful implementation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
425,41-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The only information about the proposer's experience is that he is a partner in a dental whitening business, which doesn't demonstrate the necessary skills to create a social network.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
426,51-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_51,"The Ideator is answering Q&A but did not improve the proposal that will be put in from of voters. The experience listed is very general, by title, but I did not find, outside the comments, an outline of exactly what when how this person has done what he intends to translate to this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
427,34-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposer does not specify how their experience in dental work will help them achieve their goal. Furthermore, there is significant lack of detail to their proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
428,6-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_6,I am not confident that the proposer has the required skillset to create the proposed social network. A more detailed explanation of the budget would have been welcome. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
430,22-75,,75,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_22,Experience is related to collecting email addresses at a workplace and encouraging return visits. Unfortunately does not prove skills or experience needed to implement a social network on here.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
432,49-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_49,No additional information was provided at the time of reviewing.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
433,36-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"No roadmap and milestones are given. No KPIs or metrics to measure the success of the proposal are mentioned. There is no description how to develop and implement a solution. Therefore, I don't see a way to assess this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
434,41-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is not enough information to check the feasibility of the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
435,51-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_51,"Within the proposal there is only a statemen, no detail on how or what the 5,000 would be invested in, or what the return would be.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
436,34-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposal could benefit from additional information on budget spending, timeline for a deliverable product, a list of KPIs. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
437,6-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_6,I think that one of the main weaknesses of this proposal is the lack of sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and lack of information on the proposer's ability to implement it. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
439,22-75,,75,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_22,"Does not provide any information on how they would create the social network, and how that social network affect would lead to increased participation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
440,49-179,,179,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_49,Keeping Critical systems components closed source due to security reasons is a terrible excuse.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
443,21-179,,179,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
445,12-179,,179,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"Nowhere does the proposer benchmark all the node/API services available today such as Adrestia, and emurgo hosted services. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
448,40-179,,179,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_40,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
449,49-179,,179,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_49,The submitter provides enough background information to defend his ability to implement his proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
452,21-179,,179,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,"The experience of this proposer are not clear, as they are general and lack any proof of the real code/projects done.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
454,12-179,,179,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,incomplete project plan with no budget breakdown included.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
457,49-179,,179,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_49,Some relevant information regarding outcomes even if they are just projections would also be helpful.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
460,21-179,,179,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_21,"The ecosystem have similar proposals in the work, from Gimbalabs and Blockfrost, I suggest the proposer to join these instead of spending requested funds on just another different project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
462,12-179,,179,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This proposal is missing key details starting with the benchmarking to existing node as a service options. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
466,33-108,,108,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_33,"although i agree with the proposal that a compensation of the effort would improve the experience of proposers, i don't see how this compensation leads to a more meaningful participation in the catalyst project. It would improve the satisfaction of proposers whose applications were rejected. However, this does not coincide with the stated objective.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
467,50-108,,108,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_50,"This proposed solution is very under developed, mentions partially formed ideas for a solution with no clear execution plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
468,41-108,,108,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The problem statement doesn't make sense, proposers can vote. There are no barriers to submitting proposals in Catalyst, this means that anyone can create a proposal, encouraging rewards for any proposal that reaches the end is to encourage spam proposals to win the system, it makes no sense.
Anyway, I believe that this proposal has been submitted in the wrong place, as it is requesting only 1 dollar and to modify the Catalyst remuneration model I think it is important that there is a consensus.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
469,51-108,,108,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,"The Idea addresses the challenge, the proposal needs fleshed out.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
470,53-108,,108,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_53,"Incentive for participation in project catalyst is provided through the proposal process already, where a successful proposer is rewarded with the funds requested from the Cardano Treasury.
By creating additional incentive we run the risk of lowering the overall quality of the proposals and flooding Project Catalyst advisers with proposals that are potentially only seeking the reward for submitting a proposal, with not much effort in successfully executing on the proposal.
This would be potentially very damaging to Community Advisers ability to separate the quality proposals from low quality submissions only looking for compensation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
472,10-108,,108,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_10,"As a proposer, you are asking for your project to get funded from an external source, being the Cardano treasury. If your proposal doesn't pass the vote, that just means that you didn't get funded (well for the current round at least).
So I don't see why this should earn you a reward.
On the positive aspect of this proposal, I agree that there should be an incentive to see the phases through. But it shouldn't necessarily be monetary. The incentive can simply be good advice to adjust the proposal for a next round and increasing its chances to pass the vote. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
474,33-108,,108,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_33,"As the proposal is primary about the intoduction of a reward schema for declined proposals, there is not much expertise needed to come up with it. The comment of the proposal also provided some good suggestion regarding a potential way forward. All mechanism for allocation of funds for other tasks do already exist. They can be reused.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
475,50-108,,108,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_50,The proposal lacks a plan to develop the proposed solution.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
476,41-108,,108,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no relevant information about the proposer's experience and the plan doesn't make sense, creating a remuneration model for proposals that reach the end but are not approved is an incentive to spam proposals and waste of treasury resources.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
477,51-108,,108,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_51,"One round of proposal attendance and completing a proposal in this round with this low quality and no apparent improvements after comments given, not likely",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
478,53-108,,108,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_53,The proposal has a high probability of being implemented successfully due to simply dispersing of the funds used in funding rounds differently than it is currently. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
480,10-108,,108,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_10,I don't think that the community will want to invest in rewards for proposers asking for funding. So I deem the chances of this getting implemented very slim. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
482,33-108,,108,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_33,"Problem statement is clear and also the desired way to solve it. Create a similar compensatin mechanism for declined proposals, that already exist for other activities in the catalyst project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
483,50-108,,108,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,"Since the proposal doesn't have a fully formed solution or measureable, there is no way to audit the proposal for success. This problem definition should be moved to the problem sensing idea set.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
484,41-108,,108,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,The proposal doesn't describe information that justifies value onboarding for Catalyst.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
485,51-108,,108,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_51,"Request for $1... I do not believe that sending this proposal out for vote, winning and awarded $1 will motivate this proposer to take the issue to task.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
486,53-108,,108,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_53,"Due to the obvious conflict of interest in allowing proposers to also vote in the same funding rounds that they have submitted proposals for, this proposal although very feasible does not effectively address the issue of necessarily on-boarding more value into the Cardano ecosystem.
Instead, this proposal potentially increases the noise and not the signal in that we should reward high quality, feasible proposals with funding and not pursue funding failed proposals which in effect is what this proposal does.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
488,10-108,,108,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_10,"What is very important in proposals like this is a proper risk assessment:
What if a team starts proposing multiple below par proposals just to claim these rewards? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
490,33-130,,130,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_33,"I like the idea and also the provided example that has entertaining aspects, which make it more accessible. Regarding the effectivness of the proposal, I don't see a simple document as a good solution for the problem that is stated. The existing structure with people that can be contacted in chat-rooms and guids that are already available will solve the challenge, in my optione, in in better way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
491,50-130,,130,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_50,"Although this might fit a little better in 'Value Onboarding', this proposal will also strengthen 'Distributed Decision Making' by empowering community members to get engaged.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
492,25-130,,130,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_25,"Proposal aims at creating guides for new people to quickly familiarize themselves with Project Catalyst so they can become more effective quickly. If more people understand things deeply, they will make their own decisions thus decentralising decision making.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
493,41-130,,130,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"It is not clear how the proposal will improve the decision-making process. Informing the community about Catalyst through guides would be important, but I think that the proposal lacks focus on the challenge theme and a tangible plan to improve the situation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
495,22-130,,130,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_22,"I don't think the challenge is directly addressed, but helping smoeone be able to navigate and not be intimindated once they do try to get involved is important. If we drive adoption and can keep people around, it will help distribute decision making.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
497,33-130,,130,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_33,"There is experience available, but a comprehensive guide should collect the experience of many people. I have no doubt, that the proposer can document his experience in a document. Success includes for me also that the desired benefit will be achieved and this is the point where I have doubts.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
498,50-130,,130,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_50,"The relevant experience needed for this is simply having experience with catalyst, and the proposer has that.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
499,25-130,,130,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Plan is to create guides as documents, one simple guide was already created and attached in the proposal. Proposer invites people to help him, the barrier of entry is low. It would be nice to have a plan of set of documents that will be created.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
500,41-130,,130,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no plan outlined. The proposer is a member of the Catalyst community and used his experience to create a sample guide, but there is no further details about his qualifications.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
502,22-130,,130,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_22,Does not provide relevant experience in training or creating guide books.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
504,33-130,,130,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"The proposal is quite simple to implement. Writing a guide. As I already stated, I don't think it will be an effective way to solve the issue at hand, but I completely understand what his plan is.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
505,50-130,,130,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_50,"The proposer will make guides for catalyst, but doesn't show how they will measure impact or how it will be shared with the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
506,25-130,,130,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_25,"It is a simple proposal, proposer already made one document, people are invited to participate and basically anyone who has experience with Project Catalyst can participate. There is no clear goal on how many documents will be created and in which time frame, which can be an issue with auditing.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
507,41-130,,130,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no clarity on how the proposal will address the challenge, i believe the ideas presented are more aligned with the Catalyst Value Onboarding challenge. There is no plan, there are no metrics to be based on the successful evaluation of the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
509,22-130,,130,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_22,Does not provide any measurables to gauge success. Not enough detail in proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
511,50-266,,266,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_50,"The proposal is well thought and clearly addresses the challenge on on-boarding new members of the catalyst ecosystem, helping them to gain footing, and contribute in a high value way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
512,41-266,,266,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"There is an intention to create a community through a membership scheme and attract potential new users to Catalyst, but I believe that this description is very subjective. The proposal doesn't clearly demonstrate its approach to carrying out value onboarding.
There are some questions that are unanswered:
What is this membership scheme? A group in social media?
Will this be done remotely or in person? If the idea is to create engagement by social media why limit it to Africa?",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
513,34-266,,266,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to create a membership scheme in order to promote onboarding of new community members in West African region. It is unclear how this membership structure will work in favor of new members. Education and engagement can be achieved via other means. Striving for membership like structure will create a pyramid like vibe, which would be detrimental to the imagine of WADA and Catalyst. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
514,10-266,,266,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_10,"Encouraging west Africa to participate is crucial as the aim is to implement protocols like Atala PRISM in these regions. The more locals get integrated in Project Catalyst, the higher the chance of the adoption of protocols like this. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
516,47-266,,266,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_47,We need to see 100x the focus on West Africa if Cardano is going to be successful. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
519,50-266,,266,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_50,"The plan is clearly laid out and the team has relevant experience, providing links to professional profiles to support.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
520,41-266,,266,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The WADA team has been participating in the Cardano community for a long time, Mercy is involved with Catalyst from the beginning of the project. I believe they have the skills to inform and educate new members about Catalyst, as WADA is already doing this. The presented plan is confusing. I believe it is important to have more clarity in the description of what the membership model is and its relevance in the proposal, moreover it is not clear how the proposers will approach new people for Catalyst , there is a mention of meetups, but as the proposal is about attracting new people I think it is important to describe how this will be done in details.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
521,34-266,,266,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer is heavily involved in project Catalyst and has multiple proposals submitted. They have requested $6000 of which only $1000 will be used to benefit the actual participants, their expenses need to be adjusted in order to provide more value for potential community members vs spending on startup. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
522,10-266,,266,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_10,"West Africa is, to say the least, enthusiastic about what can be offered to them. As it is one of Cardano's target regions, it is safe to assume that the community will want to see this succeed. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
524,47-266,,266,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_47,"Milestones, metrics, a detailed plan, an experienced team, this proposal has everything",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
527,50-266,,266,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_50,This proposal shows that the team is well focused on the challenge's goals to bring meaningful engagement into catalyst.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
528,41-266,,266,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"A detailed budget was presented, there are reasonable metrics and objective milestones, but the proposal planning lacks information on how it will reach potential members. It is not clear whether this will be done by groups in social media or in person and considering that marketing and the creation of a website were described in the proposal, I think it is important that these aspects are described in relation to their execution.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
529,34-266,,266,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposal provides sufficient information on budget and timeline breakdowns. This project will take about 6 months before successful results are achieved, for that reason it is given 3 stars. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
530,10-266,,266,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_10,"A detailed plan with milestones and a roadmap.
The fund has been broken down per cost parameter. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
532,47-266,,266,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_47,Complete proposal that honestly needs 10x this funding in the next round,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
535,54-15,,15,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_54,"The proposal is a worthy example of community outreach, but indirectly aims to increase the number of members in the Cardano community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
536,10-15,,15,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,"For Cardano to expand its sphere of influence, there needs to be means to purchase ADA in CIS-countries.
ADA-adoption on exchanges in such a vast territory holding 236M people will boost influence significantly. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
537,51-15,,15,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_51,"Availability of ADA within exchanges alone will only minimally address the challenge, and not my means of local community centers.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
539,48-15,,15,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_48,"Not bad idea, but this is not the appropiate challenge for it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
542,54-15,,15,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_54,"The action items for the proposal are fairly straightforward requiring reaching out to relevant exchanges.
Cardano is already the third largest cryptocurrency, so I would find it unlikely that exchanges wouldn't have adding Ada to their roadmaps.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
543,10-15,,15,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_10,A team would increase this proposal's chances because the amount of exchanges is not specified. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
544,51-15,,15,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_51,"Seeing heavy pressure from thousands of people recently to get listing through Coinbase for USA on its own only allowed access to the ADA coin, but has not proven to do much (yet) to expand Cardano",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
546,48-15,,15,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_48,"It seems to be a ""one single member team"". Not relevant experience. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
549,54-15,,15,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_54,"The proposal doesn't directly resolve the challenge question. All the benefits are indirect results of the proposal which haven't been outlined or specified in the ROI metrics. Eg establishing some network among CIS exchangers to use Cardano could be very important for the community, but the proposal doesn't mention the ongoing work to sustain or establish local community centers",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
550,10-15,,15,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,The list of exchanges should have already been included in the proposal to correctly assess the amount of work. A plan to persuade these exchanges is not included. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
551,51-15,,15,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_51,"For $5,000 the ask is to spend two weeks researching then two months calling and convincing conversion of other peoples business models, and change in the end will most likely not be proven that these funds, or this projects efforts caused the change at any single CIS exchanger/online store. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
553,48-15,,15,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_48,The idea presentation and the quality of the information is very good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
555,54-158,,158,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_54,"The proposal is locally based (NZ) and creates a literal center of excellence for the local community, addressing the challenge satisfactorily.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
556,55-158,,158,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_55,"It sounds like you have already been working to engage the community, and this proposal sets out some great goals for leveraging Cardano for that purpose.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
559,25-158,,158,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,"Proposal aims at developing a series of interactive materials, workshops, case studies etc. and leveraging their know-how to deploy it across community centers in New Zealand. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
561,54-158,,158,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_54,Leveraging existing infrastructure is a clever way to bootstrap community engagement for an audience likely to be interested in Cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
562,55-158,,158,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_55,The plan is highly detailed with a lot of supporting information. It would be helpful to provide more detail on the expected distribution of funds to different parts of the project.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
565,25-158,,158,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Team has substantial experience and plenty of references, plan is detailed and well presented. There is no cost breakdown, that's the only complaint.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
567,54-158,,158,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_54,An existing team and infrastructure as well as metrics to gauge ROI lends credibility to the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
568,55-158,,158,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_55,"The solution and deliverables are well-defined, but there is no roadmap. It could be helpful to present a timeline with expected dates for completion of each phase over the proposed seven years, or some milestones for each deliverable listed in the proposal with expected dates that they will be achieved.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
571,25-158,,158,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Well thought out and planned proposal with solid deliverables that can be audited. Seems that the team has enough experience to execute. I would like to see a cost breakdown, since they are asking for 60% of the fund's money.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
572,32-158,,158,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_32,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
575,57-96,,96,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_57,"I think that this proposal will significantly affect the connection between the popularity of blockchain technologies and the Cardano network in people who are unfamiliar with this technology, given that it connects this technology with the problem in society and the practical application of blockchain technologies in everyday life. The use of tokens is clearly defined and meaningful. Also, I think that a significant connection of people who will take part in decision-making in everyday life can be expected, given that there is a certain saturation of the current political parties and political system.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
576,9-96,,96,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"Very interesting use case that could potentially make a great effect on governance systems. However, what I miss is how does one get government to 'buy' into this concept. It is a great idea but I would need to understand how and what will proposal owner leverage exactly to ensure that this is something that their local government - in Croatia - is actually willing to consider. It is easier to come up with solution than to persuade stakeholders to use. More on that topic would have made this case a little more compelling. There is some attempt at it during 'budget' breakdown section but it is too generic to be meaningful to understand its impact. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
577,49-96,,96,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_49,"I believe there is more to this proposal than is immedaitely obvious, and it can leverage results from similar experiments in Argentina and other countries.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
578,36-96,,96,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_36,"I like the approach of this proposal. A successful implementation could have a positive impact on a democratic process. If such a system will run upon Cardano, our community will benefit from it. Therefore, this proposal addresses this challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
579,58-96,,96,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_58,"I am not sure whether this system refers to the possibility to elect representatives or to vote for any micro-decisions? It seems taht you would like to go for the latter solution. At the same time you talk about funding for the proposals, an element that adds to the overall picture but does not improve on the clarity of the challenge you are addressing. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
580,43-96,,96,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_43,It's not clear how a decision-making DAO is 1. any diff than Catalyst or 2. A complete dapp.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
583,57-96,,96,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_57,"Creating a fully functional Dapp is very likely according to the plan from the proposed roadmap. However, its implementation in the existing political system is very demanding. The roadmap states that its implementation is expected in the elections in Croatia in 2024. I think that without a good previous presentation, which would aim to raise awareness and bring the Cardano network closer to a wider audience, the likelihood that the existing political establishment will adopt such a change is significantly reduced. Maybe it is good if in the meantime the application would be applied at lower level elections e.g. local elections, and then the success of the idea and its implementation could serve as an example for raising the popularity and raising the ladder of political life throughout the country.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
584,9-96,,96,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there are no external links nor sources that would help us establish the relevancy of experience presently. This would have been fixed rather easily with providing a professional profile link (e.g. LinkedIn, or previous work experiences). Nor does the profile proposer say anything either - just a letter F. I would have expected a clear author identity to understand the credibility. it is a pity because idea is potentially very intriguing but absent of this - I would find it very difficult to fund at the moment. Further - proposal does not address budget breakdown in a meaningful way beyond abstract separation - which makes it impossible to justify pricing in a reasonable way beyond some level of trust. Including specific budgetary requirement/budget allocation would be rather important element to include.
585,49-96,,96,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_49,Part of what is unclear is the background of the proposers and how their experience can lead to a successful implementation.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
586,36-96,,96,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_36,"It looks like, that there is an experienced team. But I recommend for a future proposal to add links/references so that the community is able to validate the experience. So a funding will be more likely. I would also like to see a more detailed budget plan, in order to say if it is reasonable or not. The development plan sound reasonable in general. But for me, there are still important questions unanswered: How do you get a country/government using this solution. If they currently do not want to have full transparency, why should they use this solution?
Create such a solution is one thing, but running it successfully is another thing. The information about this aspects should be more specific.
The roadmap says that the election in Croatia in 2024 will run on this platform. Is there any linkage between the proposer and this government? This is not documented, so it seems like an idea, but not a sensible plan. If the proposer will be more specific on this aspect, I thing there will be a good chance for a successful funding next time.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
587,58-96,,96,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_58,"there are some minimal details about the timeframe, but not many details on the technical aspects needed to develop the project. I am also not sure that your oversimplification of the description of the contract is appropriate: will everyone agree that the party with 101 votes is the one forming the government? what if there is an equal number of votes?",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
588,43-96,,96,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
591,57-96,,96,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_57,"The information contained in the proposal shows that the proposer knows how to reach the best solution, I believe that the plan is feasible and with incidental corrections can be very likely. As for the efficiency of solving the challenges, I think it solves the problem described, but I think that a multi-stage roadmap should be set up, and the main goal would be to vote in all political elections based on blockchain technology and the Cardano platform.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
592,9-96,,96,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_9,"Proposal touches upon the fact that some version of existing dashboard is available. Yet, no information/screenshots or additional colour is added to understand it better. Would have been great to see this prototype that is mentioned as drafted already - it would make it easier to understand the thought process of the project and visualise some of the abstract elements of this proposal. On the other hand - I appreciate the timeline that goes into years ahead - because it is rather expected that political change is difficult to enact. Introducing solution like this proposal is a way of changing/challenging status quo. If that is the case - I miss some detail on how author thinks about challenges and risks associated with this project. How is project going to tackle the expected headwinds on its implementation? That is the big elephant in the room for sure. I believe, in its current form - it may be somewhat too ambitious to convince a government to utilise such tool. If I read this in the proposal itself - it would make me feel more confident on the thinking behind all of it.
593,49-96,,96,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_49,The success criteria is very clearly defined and feasible given the explicit assumptions already presented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
594,36-96,,96,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_36,"The proposer provides a solid roadmap and also some metrics to assess the progress. What I really miss (as I said) is a statement about the challenges that will appear in order to get users (governments) onto the ""platform"". ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
595,58-96,,96,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_58,Not many challenges are mentioned. What is the incentive for governments (being it a local or more centralized one) to adopt this system? what type of inefficiencies will be happening with the delegation system?,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
596,43-96,,96,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
597,21-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal does meet the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
599,59-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_59,"There's hardly a plan here. Please work with e.g. Cardano Foundation folks to figure out a workable plan. Would the ""HQ"" be in Amsterdam? Or would Amsterdam be one of many ""nodes"" in Europe?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
601,46-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_46,"I have to disagree. This proposal does not effectively address the challenge as detailed in the campaign brief. For instance, I am unsure if the proposal is suggesting a Developers center, DeFi / DAO center or a Business Center. I can infer that a 'Co-working space' will address these areas but it is no specificially stated. Nor are the specific Key meterics of the campaign mentioned. for instance, will this proposed co-working space apply for a Local Community center license? I assume that a number of new community members will be onboarded, but the proposal is not specific about many. It does mention ""developers, entrepreneurs and other community members"". To sum up, I don't think the proposer read and addressed the challenge statement as evidenced in the proposal",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
603,29-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_29,"The concept is a good idea, however not refined at all.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
604,60-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_60,So so.I mean to have centers in a specific place and not around the glob is a little bit unfair but we have 2 start from somewhere.Also because i think covid will stay for 2-3 years.I find it impossible for a meeting place.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
605,41-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal lacks details(there is no plan) indicating the purpose of this LCC, without understanding the purpose there is no way to assess the impact of the proposal on the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
606,61-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_61,"The idea is good, but the current situation in the world is not ideal for this proposal. We are changing to home office structure in our society. I believe it would not need a full time place, but maybe weekly meeting in a co-work space. This would also lower the required budget significantly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
607,43-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_43,This is not as complete as the other lcc proposals and is asking 2-3x as much as some of those,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
608,62-47,,47,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_62,"It would be nice if the proposal would operate on a broader level (geographically) like for example using the funds to develop partnerships with cultural centers and such, instead of betting and going all-in on just one location...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
609,21-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,No real experience or references provided. Just a statement.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
611,59-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_59,"Again, loving your passion and ideas. Show us the team, plan and partnerships.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
613,46-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_46,"The plan is vague and unconvincing. The proposer states they have experience but is not specific. For instance, it states they are a host of Cardano Podcast, but does not offer a link. And, they offer a project for the Lisk organization but offer no details. In my opinion, a proposal of this scope and budget should have much more detail in order to decide if it will be a success. Even if funded and a community center was run for a year, I am not sure it would address the goals of the campaign (an LCC (Local Community Center) created, number of community members onboarded, and a local business need addressed). One last thing, in the comments, the proposer has unable to sensibly handle a question about COVID protocol and became defensive in their interaction. Also, the possibility of a partnership was offered and no reply was given. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
615,29-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_29,You failed to give any details regarding your experience in running an office/community,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
616,60-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_60,It can work after covid era.Nowdays it can not work sry.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
617,41-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no reasonable plan for how the LCC will be used, without understanding the purpose of the LCC there is no way to judge the relevance of the proposer's experience.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
618,61-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_61,"Due do COVID, I suppose an online model should be considered instead of a physical one. Budget seems to be enough for the proposal, but it could be lowered if less physical space is required. Relevant experience is good for the purpose.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
619,43-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_43,"There is no project plan, knowing a team that has implemented a Lisk hub is NOT a project plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
620,62-47,,47,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_62,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
621,21-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_21,"This proposal is too poor to consider it. No real business plan, just renting a space.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
623,59-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,How big a space are you going to get for 700 USD? How many people would you expect in such space monthly? What would they do together? How would this idea scale? What are the risks involved?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
625,46-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_46,I strongly disagree. The plan is not detailed enough and does not use the language of the challenge. It doesn't mention LCC(Local Community Center) nor the key metrics of success. The definition of success is unclear. There is no roadmap or milestones of development. It's unclear if the proposer has a network or a team. In fact a partnership was proposed in the comment section and no reply was given. The proposal does not address what exactly will happen in the co-working space so that it remains in alignment with the goals of the campaign. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
627,29-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_29,Making a european local office in amsterdam would excluded 90% of the rest of the europeans. Especially in these restricted corona times where travel is limited.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
628,60-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_60,As i mention already the specific project comes in a bad time(covid).And also who will be the location manager and how he can adress and collect people around the community is uncertain in the project.He claims that he will copy something that works but anyway a bad timing.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
629,41-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is not enough information to judge the feasibility of the proposal and whether there will be a relevant impact on the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
630,61-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_61,"Some more details about what areas would be focused, what is expected to achieve and how many people would be involved would help the auditability of the proposal. Also, some KPIs and milestones could be included here, and COVID should be mentioned as a challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
631,43-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_43,"This proposal is extremely lacking in detail, also no timeline or metrics included",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
632,62-47,,47,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_62,honestly more details on how this would be implemented and organized would have been beneficial in finding the true value of this proposal...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
634,63-31,,31,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_63,"The idea a music blockchain would address several of the challenge objectives..
""Novel and viable applications get built of top of Cardano attracting users.""
Definitely would bring huge number of people to the Cardano Protocol.
Integrations manage to pull in more adoption.""
Probably would lead to other types of content Blockchains.
Q.""Did our efforts manage to attract users to the platform? Did our efforts result in new, viable applications built on top of Cardano?""
A. Probably would.
Guiding questions
Q. What are the key applications that underpin the application ecosystem on other platforms?
A. Spotify & Apple Music
Q. What are the most profitable or most used applications on other ecosystems?
A. Spotify & Apple Music
Q. What needs do users of Cardano have that could be solved by new applications?
A. Increased monetizing for new content creators
Q. What applications deliver the highest amount of value with the least amount of technical sophistication?
A. This might be more complicated than less, because of the payment management requirements. For that reason I could not award 4 stars, but wanted to.
635,9-31,,31,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"The idea definitely meets the challenge with looking at a problem that has a great opportunity to be fixed with a sensible solution. Certainly, a more fair and transparent way of paying out royalties is something that could be useful. However, I would have preferred to have this proposal more colour added in the beginning to properly set the framework. Someone unfamiliar with the concept may have issues - hence adding a vivid example to outline where exactly problem lays and how this proposal can solve it - would be great. This is included in the attachment but not in the brief itself here directly. Nor will that information show in the voting app. Remember - voters are those who decide what gets voted in or not. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
636,64-31,,31,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_64,"Technically, the proposal addresses the challenge of enabling a fairer and more effective monetization model for use in the music industry. It provides an infrastructure to encrypt and verify content as well as utilising smart contracts for customising preferences between artists. I particularly like the use of a governance layer which incentivises validators to be honest in their work. I also like that it encapsulated NFTs. At the moment artists generally need to be 'signed' to a distribution label to onboard to streaming services like Spotify, the onboarding process is not specifically outlined in this proposal and is something I would like to know more about.. Overall it is of my opinion that this is a well-rounded proposal concept.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
637,47-31,,31,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_47,"There several pieces missing in this author's proposal. There is no development roadmap or budget included in this proposal, the attached doc are also not at all clear for me as a CA.
638,13-31,,31,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_13,higher way of emerging of world user blockchain eco system incentives project governors decentralisation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
640,63-31,,31,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_63,"Proposer has excellent ""technical"" and ""music industry"" understanding. Not so much evidence he has enough experience in business development and management to take on the heavy hitters in the music industry.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
641,9-31,,31,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unable to determine to what degree the experience is relevant or not. The proposal profile, not the proposal itself includes any links to external sources that would help us verify any of these claims. Such as LinkedIn profile or some other professional service presentation. Nor do I have any understanding of how 75,000 USD is the right figure and where it will be used exactly. Budget break down would have been really useful. It isn't in the attached documents either. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
642,64-31,,31,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_64,"The proposer appears to have the necessary experience in the industry of music as well as some experience with smart contracts (although it is difficult to prove this). If this is indeed true, then I think with the right funding and support/team the project could have legs. I think the funding appears too low for a project of this calibre.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
643,47-31,,31,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_47,None of the project timeline/budget/metrics expected in a dApp proposal are included,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
644,13-31,,31,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_13,target every stage new world in web3 to next generation of gateway of bridge way P2P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
646,63-31,,31,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_63,Proposal does not address how he would bring this Music Blockchain (excellent idea) to market.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
647,9-31,,31,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,Beyond technicalities of the solution itself - proposal misses mark for in when trying to understand roadmap and milestones. These are not clearly articulated anywhere that would make it easier to audit its progress. Nor there are any KPI metrics quoted that can help us even further. In the future adding these together with some reflection about challenges and risks be very desirable. It is a very interesting proposal but it is missing few things to make it investable presently. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
648,64-31,,31,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_64,"To assess whether or not it is feasible would require a more detailed breakdown of possible costs involved and a roadmap of how the funds would be used. It is difficult to assess whether the funds requested are enough to cover the development/design and marketing needed for this size of a project. I also think it needs more information regarding the incentivisation of artists to use a system like this and also how the artists would be onboarded - would there be restrictions to only allow 'signed artists', or would it be available to anyone? It is a very complex subject and it does need a great deal more information to cover all eventualities that exist around this area.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
649,47-31,,31,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_47,This is an incomplete proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
650,13-31,,31,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_13,more content links would be perfect ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
651,63-241,,241,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_63,"The treasure hunt idea has the potential to bring significant attention to the Cardano Protocol. It addresses the challenges in almost every level. Such as:
""Guiding questions
Q. What are the key applications that underpin the application ecosystem on other platforms?
A. Geochaching is a direct analogy that has very broad adoption and seriously committed participants.
Q. What are the most profitable or most used applications on other ecosystems?
Again Geocaching. See
Q. What needs do users of Cardano have that could be solved by new applications?
A. Using Blockchain for FUN!
Q. What applications deliver the highest amount of value with the least amount of technical sophistication?
A. This seems not to require as high technical sophistication as creative. And the proposers seem to have plenty of that.
Q. Metrics.... All of these metrics would be verifiable.
Usage of applications developed during the challenge:
* Number/growth of application output
* Number/growth of application transactions
* Total volume of Ada involved in application transactions
* Total/growth of resource usage by applications
* Number/growth of distinct addresses mentioned in application transactions
* If the application uses tokens:
* Number/growth of application tokens
* Number/growth of distinct addresses holding application tokens
652,24-241,,241,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_24,The proposal provides a fun solution that could potentially bring in a lot of new users into the Cardano ecosystem ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
654,47-241,,241,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_47,This is certainly interesting but not at all for a specific dapp to be developed.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
656,38-241,,241,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_38,"This is a very well thought of and very well written proposal. However I fail to see its direct link to Cardano's mission aside from the obvious marketing and minimal use of the blockchain for the the rewards and prizes. To me, this sounds more of an event with Cardano taking on the role of the sponsor, unless of course there is a direct correlation between the puzzles & tasks to Cardano. It also does not address how the event can be exposed to people who are not at all familiar with Cardano. I can see it being a good way to engage with existing Cardano natives only.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
658,66-241,,241,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_66,"Great idea and proposal, I can see a lot of people being attracted to the space in order to get involved with this. Being a mix of reward, puzzles and community seems like an appealing approach. Looking forward to seeing and learning more about this!",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
661,15-241,,241,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,"Strong engagement mechanism, still would like detail or idea on the form the puzzle will take since many reviewers instinctively link it to geocache",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
662,63-241,,241,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_63,This team has shown they have the critical resource - creativity. AS current Apple Store developers they understand the App industry. They are approaching the project in sensible paced approach. They have much more of the critical elements for success than almost all other proposals,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
663,24-241,,241,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_24,"The plan is well thought trough in terms of content and overall workflow, but is technically very underdeveloped. As the proposer mentions: ""development skills don't extend too much beyond building interactive art books and experiences."" It is difficult to asses if this proposal can be implemented successfully without further details on the technical development of the proposal. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
665,47-241,,241,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_47,"There is no project plan, budget or technical docs that describe the dapp this proposal will create. Not entirely sure what application the hired developers will build from the info provided.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
667,38-241,,241,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_38,"The proposal provides confidence that should it progress and be green-lighted that it can achieve a a measure of success. The information provided is very detailed and is to be expected from a team who has completed similar events prior. The fact though that we are still in a pandemic almost negates any physical aspect of the Hunt and the fact only Europe was mentioned somehow gives it a very euro-centric view. Each country has its own way of managing the pandemic and no assumption should be made as to how normal things are, which this Hunt seems to have a reliant on...hence the score.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
669,66-241,,241,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_66,"Team of people, lots of information on who they are, what they have done and what they are looking to accomplish here. Not seeing anything of concern. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
672,15-241,,241,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_15,Having a back-up plan during COVID times is very well thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
673,63-241,,241,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_63,"They have presented a detailed budget, a project implementation plan a rationale and a convincing argument of how and why this project will attract users. Finally, this Cardano blockchain proposal can attract an unlimited number of other Treasure hunt spin-offs to build on their formula. Special versions centered or focused on narrowly defined or widely defined geographic locations, or special interests (like birdwatching), litter, environmental damage etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
674,24-241,,241,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_24,"The roadmap and KPI's are well described and relevant. A detailed budget is also presented but the estimates for hiring developers and hosting sounds look a bit low... experienced developers would be required, which would be hard to find at $2000 a month. It's also very optimistic that only 2 developers and 3 months would be required to implement the proposal",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
676,47-241,,241,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_47,The concept behind this proposal is interesting but this is not a dApp in any way. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
678,38-241,,241,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_38,"The proposal provided sufficient information to give this event a measure of success from the clear explanation of the rules & the tools required (it demonstrates previous experience) and are even transparent with the skillset it needs to on-board. The metrics are what you would expect to measure success for this kind of solution, however, as its main challenge is to expand Cardano awareness, simply measuring click rates, film views, number of participants, etc. is not enough unless the metrics can clearly identify people who had been previously unaware of Cardano. As mentioned under Impact, I can see this as an event that would end up mainly engaging existing Cardano-aware users. Perhaps this proposal should be represented to a different future Catalyst Challenge rather than under Dapps.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
680,66-241,,241,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_66,Roadmap and milestones are presented and the logicial breakdown of costs along with the team makes it seem to me that this will go ahead without issue.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
683,15-241,,241,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_15,"The proposal seems to be clearly thought. You seem to know what skills you need to completely achieve your goal and state your limits clearly, very good.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
686,51-59,,59,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_51,"This is just what the challenge appears to be asking for, and seeing the adaptation from start to finish, collaboration with other proposers and feedback from the commentors, this is on the right track",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
687,15-59,,59,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
688,47-59,,59,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_47,This is the most complete LCC proposal I have read.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
690,61-59,,59,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_61,"A huge community would benefit from a project like this. Some ideas are similar to other projects, because as mentioned the Spanish community is huge, and some partnership could be evaluated. I believe that translating/dubbing could be one of the mais pilars of this proposal, because it is much cheaper than creating content from the scratch. The personal training proposal is especially good as well!",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
691,34-59,,59,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to create a virtual hub for the Hispanic community to learn, connect and collaborate on projects and anything relating to Cardano and blockchain. They have a long-term plan which might eventually create a network effect and encourage people to self-organize for meetups. They do not intend on organizing events but rather focus on building an information hub of a website for a Hispanic audience. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
692,41-59,,59,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal aims to create an LCC with a focus on educating and onboarding the Spanish-speaking community, indicating that it addresses the challenge in a relevant way",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
695,51-59,,59,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_51,"This plan is thorough and detailed, and has a little room for improvement, which will be found through collaboration.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
696,15-59,,59,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
697,47-59,,59,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_47,"The author includes a complete timeline, budget breakout and metrics for success in a clear, easy to follow method.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
699,61-59,,59,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_61,"I see that there is a big list of proposal content, and that is great, but I believe that putting them in a priority list would be good, based on the impact on the community. I believe that the team has a good experience to deliver the project, but some expertise might be needed to more technical subjects. The budget is well described, but the usage of already existing platforms should be assessed in order to lower the total budget.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
700,34-59,,59,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer claims to have experience as a community manager and has a team of developers they aim to utilize for the creation of their information-focused website. They have not provided any additional information to back up their claim nor does it appear they have begun working on their project. Given the budget requested, it represents a significant portion of the funds available in this category, which will make it harder to convince voters to support this project. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
701,41-59,,59,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The plan is very detailed and complete, there is a lot of information about the education plan for new members. The proposal describes the proposers 'experience in areas relevant to the proposal, but there are no details on their qualifications and expertise, I recommend including more information and a link to the team members' Linkedin, this allows the community to check and certify the qualifications. .",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
704,51-59,,59,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_51,"The fund request looks sufficient and motivation behind the project by the proposer is a great sight, could improve standing listing new and old collaborators within the project (added this note to comments for improvement)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
705,15-59,,59,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
706,47-59,,59,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_47,This proposer has clearly put much time and detail into their LCC idea.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
708,61-59,,59,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_61,"Plan, roadmap and milestones are well described. KPIs are good as well, but the proposal could benefit from some numbers related to KPIs. An assessment about how many people could be impacted would be a good point to include as well.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
709,34-59,,59,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_34,The proposal includes detailed information on the execution phase of the project as well as provides details on budget expenditure and KPIs. The proposer does not provide any approximate timeline for the completion of their intended project. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
710,41-59,,59,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The plan was divided into 4 very detailed development phases, but there is no definition of a deadline in these phases, which brings subjectivity to the proposal. A detailed budget and metrics for success assessment have been described, but no KPIs have been defined and this makes success assessment less objective. In general, there is enough information to indicate which proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
713,55-66,,66,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_55,"It could be useful to have a legal fund, but I do not see how this addresses the challenge of creating local community centres.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
714,51-66,,66,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_51,"Inappropriate challenge, and idea is with very limited details",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
715,15-66,,66,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
716,61-66,,66,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_61,"The idea itself is good, but it needs to be further developed and explained. Legal aid is something really necessary in this field. I suggest improving the text in general and providing more information about what you are proposing.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
717,41-66,,66,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is only an idea / draft, there is no solid proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
720,55-66,,66,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_55,No detailed plan has been presented. A higher score could be achieved if there were a plan for how to set up the fund.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
721,51-66,,66,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_51,"Only from the comments is it apparent what the thought process was for the idea, but no follow up or change to proposal to show what/where/who/how the funds will be used",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
722,15-66,,66,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
723,61-66,,66,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_61,"I guess the relevant experience section was misunderstood, you should describe your personal experience related to the proposal itself. Also, budget needs to be detailed or at least explained, a sole number is not a good indication.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
724,41-66,,66,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is no plan. There is no information about the proposer experience.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
727,55-66,,66,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_55,The proposal contains no information other than the proposed idea. More analysis of the problem and a potential plan of action is needed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
728,51-66,,66,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_51,No details or information the identify feasibility ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
729,15-66,,66,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
730,61-66,,66,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_61,"Information about roadmap, milestones, KPIs and success are missing. This should be included so that the proposal can be audited. Also, the difficulty of working with people from different countries, with different national laws, should be evaluated and discussed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
731,41-66,,66,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal doesn't address the challenge, a proposal was not presented, only one idea. I believe that this idea can be taken otherwise to Cardano Foundation, through direct contact.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
733,9-272,,272,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"I like the concept. It fits within the challenge brief. Where it misses a mark for me is ability to explain why there is a need for decentralised ""udemy"" version. I would challenge the notion hinted at in the description:
""Unlike traditional elearning platforms, XceedLearn will build a community of high quality content creators.""
I am unsure about that statement as I do believe that existing platforms curate high content quality already. Thus I would 'skip' generic statements like above and focus on governance aspect instead. As that seems to be the core unique selling proposition. But overall - solid idea.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
734,15-272,,272,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,"The proposal is solid, no doubt. However, one things bothers me: is to developp a new product for an existing company. However, the proposers are right in saying that mitigates the risk, and by leveraging already existing structure we can bring more mass adoption. Something still bothers me but i can't pinpoint what. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
735,61-272,,272,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_61,"The proposal is good, good background as well as roadmap. The 1st step of the roadmap is going to be finished before the voting starts, and the budget seems to be focusing on that (#1?), this could be clarified. Some discussion about why using a decentralized platform would be better than centralized one. Also, I believe the focus could be more related to the content creator and mentors as in the platform itself. Some other e-learning platforms were proposed, but not focused on Africa from what have seen, but some synergy could be discussed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
737,9-272,,272,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,"Having hard time understanding the budgetary requirements. The proposal only states one grand figure of 10,000 USD but it doesn't go into much detail beyond stating it is allocated towards first step in their roadmap. It would be helpful to understand why this is the right amount. Beyond that - knowing that this only is allocated for #1 point, understanding what the budgetary requirements down the line are be very useful. Hence, that is a big unknown from the presentation itself. That in itself is strange notion as I see one of the co-proposers as experienced veterans in the catalyst process. Lastly, I would have loved to understand the experience from within dApp developments. Would WADA help with that? Or does existing company have experience with that? Unsure about that. Would be great to bring that clarity aboard. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
738,15-272,,272,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_15,"The funds are just for the n°1 stop on the roadmap. This also bothers me, if you could include at least sample courses from n°3 or any otherpoint on the roadmap, i'd give you more stars.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
739,61-272,,272,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_61,"Based on the teams experience and proved work, the proposal seems to be very feasible. Roadmap is good, but budget seems to be directed only for the first point, it could be better explained. This point makes it a bit difficult to evaluate if the budget is reasonable.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
741,9-272,,272,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_9,"I appreciate the inclusion of risk management in the proposal. However, it omits a bit how the platform plans to take on the existing centralised platforms. And if that challenge is something proposal owners are thinking about. Then, roadmap has 4 items on it. However, only first two have indication of timeline on it. There also are KPI metrics - which is great. One of them mentions leveraging information from existing database of customers. Which is great in an essence. Has a study/survey been done how existing customers are looking at this prospect? Is the reliability of growth tied to the existing platform? If so - what growth patterns has been seen to date? What outside streams of growth are going to be considered? Lastly, one of the core metrics also discusses tracking number of hours consumed - but there's no actual target mentioned there in the end. Would be useful to include that as well.
742,15-272,,272,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_15,"You clearly state the problem. But then you give us your solution without more contextualisation. As an academic, the lack of context is the weak point in your proposal. The rest of it clearly written and well defined. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
743,61-272,,272,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_61,"Roadmap, milestones and KPIs are well described. The proposed dates seem to be a bit challenging, but depending on the size of the team they could be achievable. Budget could be explained in more details to improve the proposal's auditability.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
745,9-195,,195,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"This is absolutely one of those aspects of the ecosystem that could use greater attention to. However, it isn't an easy task and there is a reason why it hasn't been completed successfully on a mass scale. Cardano tech may just help with that. However, this proposal misses few marks for me in other graded departments to understand its feasibility. So let's see. Community would benefit from the launch of this proposal if it were implemented successfully due to the nature of constraints that regular exchanges have. Fees, custody issues, etc. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
746,51-195,,195,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,"I think the idea is a great start, and if taken into the future would build a stronger community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
747,15-195,,195,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_15,"The clearly laid out plan that it's only the initial phase is very helpful. If you had added a more ""drafty"" (stating what you'd initially think of the next phases) i'd have given you 5 stars. Specially since i bet you have at least a vague idea, if not an already plan subjected to modifications.
Finally, fiat to crypto, in my understanding, needs to pass through either an echange, either an institution. The problem is i dont see the IMF or any other global institution giving you a green light that easily. Maybe phase 1 should also research in this field; then again maybe it's my ignorance playing out.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
749,61-195,,195,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_61,"The idea is very good, the community would benefit from that. Some similar platforms already exist for other cryptocurrencies, and possible partnerships should be assessed. Even with other phases are not the included in the proposal, their inclusion could be beneficial to understand the whole roadmap.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
750,70-195,,195,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_70,There is a huge market for P2P cryptocurrency market.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
752,9-195,,195,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,There is very little understanding of who would carry this out exactly. Some professional presentation on profile of proposal owner would be great. In absence of such - it is challenging to establish the credibility and validity of experience to undertake such a massive project. Would be really useful to understand if this were undertaking of just one person or if there is actual team in place ready to dive into this. Even this early stage - at least having basic concept of it a bit. I also appreciate budget - but absent of where this is headed (at least a ball park) - it makes it very difficult to understand if it is worth attempting int he first place. While it covers basic budget breakdown but it isn't put against a time scale - how and when this would be ready once funded. That is also a miss for me.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
753,51-195,,195,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_51,Would feel more comfortable seeing collaboration and team building through this point (good work with comments though). Hard to determine if this seed will flourish or get overwhelmed by scale but it has great promise.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
754,15-195,,195,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_15,"Would've like to know for how many years you have EXP in those fields, you could well be a junior or a trainee or a senior member. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
756,61-195,,195,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_61,"Relevant experience seems a good fit for the proposal, but a bit more explanation in the field would improve the proposal. The web presence budget seems like it could be lowered using available platforms, and the remaining could be better explained as well, but total budget seems reasonable.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
757,70-195,,195,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_70,Clear detailed plan. But the proposer should provide more information of his experience relative to this topic. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
759,9-195,,195,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"This is potentially a huge project, would have loved to learn about some basic awareness of challenges or risks involved with it. I haven't been able to locate it. All things considered - I highly appreciate that this is a tiered proposal to come in the stages. Where it falls apart for me entirely is the fact that it has no outline of future stages whatsoever. I understand that there is a lot of unknown when doing initial research - but community needs to understand what phases down the line could look like. Proposal mentions this as one of their goals for next section but I don't feel that's enough attention. This proposal only outlines phase 1 but not beyond that element. Which is a pity - next time I would highly recommend adding some colour there to understand the direction better.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
760,51-195,,195,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_51,"Kept within the Phase 1 proposal scope this will be a good first step, look forward to seeing this grow.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
761,15-195,,195,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_15,I'm satisfied with it since it's purely for reearch and dev of a website/forum.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
763,61-195,,195,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_61,"Roadmap and goals are clear, and KPIs seem not to be clearly applicable here, so they are not missing. Some dates related to milestones could improve a lot the proposal, as well as next phases descriptions.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
764,70-195,,195,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_70,"There needs to be clear definitions of success, and risks could affect your success.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
765,34-232,,232,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_34,The proposer seeks to create an online education hub for Cardano to help those unfamiliar with the platform join the ecosystem. It is unclear how the proposer aims to attract an audience and drive them to their website. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
766,71-232,,232,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_71,"I believe we could incorporate further outreach into areas where growth would spread rapidly and be embraced readily such as community colleges and universities. By providing kits to these communities and education material to build on our platform we could see them being the fuel for growth that Cardano needs to continue on to the next level. Good work, I do think we could add to your team and would enjoy seeing how this project evolves in the future.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
767,49-232,,232,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_49,There is a reality where this project can indeed connect entrepreneurs looking for funding on particular sustainability issues they wish to address.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
769,36-232,,232,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_36,"The problem statement does not include a specific problem that wants to be solved.
I think the proposer wants to promote Cardano as a blockchain for sustainable business solutions. The idea itself sounds reasonable. However, I miss the linkage to this challenge
770,15-232,,232,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_15,The project is very broadly defined. You've done most of the work on your ADA deck (which is important but is not to me the most important aspect of your project. First you need to clearly state your definition of sustainability (many of them are just green capitalism which isn't sustainable). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
771,41-232,,232,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The purpose of the proposal is not in line with the challenge. The challenge is focused on bringing entrepreneurs to Catalyst and the proposal has another focus, sustainability and reaching a general public.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
772,34-232,,232,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_34,The proposer claims to have extensive knowledge in sustainability and economic fields. It is unknown what experience relevant to the proposal they have and if they have undertaken a similar project in the past. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
773,71-232,,232,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_71,"I could see adding further team members to revise, review and re-evaluate how to approach this problem better could improve the proposal. I do think it is headed in the right direction but perhaps with a small round table of members giving input, you could find more solutions to this problem so that it is implemented successfully.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
774,49-232,,232,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_49,"There is not enough clarity, nor is there enough experience presented in the proposition to give confidence that the funds will be well spent.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
776,36-232,,232,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposal provides many ideas and values how the world could be a better place with Cardano. But the proposer did not provide a clear and understandable plan how to implement the ideas. There is also no detailed description of the budget spending. I also don't find evidence for a relevant experience. Regarding these points, I have to doubt that the requested funding will be a good investment. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
777,15-232,,232,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_15,"For an academic, you should be well versed in the art of making good abstract and proposal to funds. Your idea is good but lacks detail. You could start by explaining why 44000 and how they'll be used. OR you could start by giving us hint on which platform you want to use. Is it purely for research ? etc...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
778,34-232,,232,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_34,The proposer is asking for 88% of the total budget in this category without a detailed breakdown of spending or an approximate timeline for deliverables. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
779,71-232,,232,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_71,I see a nice PowerPoint basically but I am not sure who is actually involved or where the funds are going and how they will be used or how we will be able to audit the process to make sure the funds are being used correctly.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
780,49-232,,232,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_49,"There is some more information in the comments, but ultimately the submission lacks key quality points before funding should be considered.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
782,36-232,,232,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposer does not give any KPIs to measure progress and success of his approach. The roadmap remains abstract and unclear to me. So, I wonder if the proposer really can start a great campaign for Cardano when the proposal is already difficult to understand",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
783,15-232,,232,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_15,"I wanted to read more about your proposal but there is a lack of info. like stated previously, the repartition of the fund (is it to cover your salary so that you can take a sabbatical year to develop the project) Is the project requesting only one fund round, many fund rounds ? Maybe start by taking one point of the SDG and show how you can transfer it on the Cardano exosystem and where can it solve the problem. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
785,50-165,,165,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_50,"This proposal boosts the confidence in distributed decisions by offering a quick way for community members to access domain specific knowledge and inform their own votes, comments, and debates on active proposals.
Also boosts the rigor of debate during the Refine stage of idea scale.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
786,25-165,,165,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,Proposal aims at gathering data from Project Catalyst discussions to make a sort of collective memory that would help reduce repetitive discussions on the same topic. It would use the combination of software (text parsing) and user input. This would enable users to quickly and more effectively understand the subject of discussion and form their own opinion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
787,72-165,,165,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_72,"I think the basic idea of this proposal is very valuable. And in my opinion, it could be a huge benefit for the community, especially if the community is growing so fast. And it could also support a good decision making because relevant information is more easily available. The proposal addresses this challenge very well.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
788,15-165,,165,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
790,17-165,,165,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,this proposal tackles an interesting topic of simplifying information for the final consumer of the information that all the prospective voters.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
793,50-165,,165,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_50,"The proposal is well thought out, and the proposer has relevant experience in the domain however lacks support from a developer to implement.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
794,25-165,,165,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Proposer understands and acknowledges the fact that they can not develop the browser plugin themselves, but they have sufficient project management skills and a detailed enough plan to hire developers realize the project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
795,72-165,,165,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_72,"There is a detailed plan how the proposer could create and implement the idea. The mockup and plan show how deep this idea is already developed. The budgeting is very clear and understandable. I am a little worried that the budget is set to low. The proposer states that she(?) has rudimentary coding experience and therefore she(?) relies on other developers. Talking here about a successfully implementation, the fact of low development experience in combination with the low budget, I have little doubts that there will be a successful implementation within this funding period. If this proposal does not get funded, I advise to work more on this part and maybe have already found a development team with a clear budgeting. Then I am sure, there will be successful funding in the next round!",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
796,15-165,,165,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_15,"The idea is really good, however at this point and doing academic research on a close topic (semantic web), analysing language and the intricacies of our semantic is far from achieved. It is already quite hard to identify a litteral meaning in ""computer-thinking"". So far that's as far as computer science goes :(. The problem is that in a debate we use figures of speech, metaphorical meaning, irony and so on.... Computers, are as of today, incapable of recognizing such word play. To my knowledges if you want to implement such a mechanism, you should dwelve on GPT-3 algorithm (it's to my best of understing the further we've come so far - or another Web Giant algorithm, i.e. Amazon or Google are your safest bets or IBM). Apart from the technical difficulties its is a very good project. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
798,17-165,,165,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,proposer have presented the proposal in such a details that the possibility for it getting implemented are high.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
800,50-165,,165,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_50,"The proposal offers mockups, questions which will be used to judge success, and examples of a different project with a similar execution method.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
801,25-165,,165,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Proposed plan is detailed, proposer knows exactly what they want to do and what is necessary to execute. There are measures of success in the proposal, but no execution timeline.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
802,72-165,,165,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_72,"The metrics and the roadmap could be more detailed, so that the success of this proposal could be more easily assessed. However the solution provided is very clear and understandable. Regarding this aspect it is one of the best proposals of Fund4 that I have seen (imo).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
803,15-165,,165,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_15,"As a first step, have user annotate manually words and sentences and then cross-referencing these is your best best. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
805,17-165,,165,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_17,proposer has provided for all the expected information required to assess feasibility only issue i have with this proposal is that according to me proposer have under budgeted for the amount of work required for the fulfillment of this proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
809,9-154,,154,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_9,"Absolutely brilliant idea. The concept is well laid out on problem level. Community would benefit from the launch as it would be bringing real case utility with great educational and environmental impact. This goes well in line with the ethos of the Cardano chain as well. Also - peer reviewed paper goes in a great detail of the project ideas, too. Well done.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
810,15-154,,154,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_15,"The product already exists so it seems to solid, plus the references and peer-reviewed article is helpful. Very good proposition",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
812,75-154,,154,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_75,"Adopting the developed app could effectively increase the amount of data related to urban pollution, collected globally ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
817,9-154,,154,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_9,"I like the fact that budget is sensibly broken down into categories. It would be even better if it was stretched out more vividly against a milestones. At the moment, I could gauge that the project is headed for a 3 month upgrade. It would be great to understand what comes next and how the project would sustain its momentum after first funding runs out. I also understand that the extra help needed is not secured in place. Which is ok but would have liked to learn if some initial conversations took place with potential candidates and if that team is quick to form. I couldn't understand commitments put in place presently. Hence, I like it - but would need a bit more information to ensure proposal owner is indeed thinking about these things. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
818,15-154,,154,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_15,You should just add maybe a metric or a timestamp of when do you think each phase should be done and how to verify that it is. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
820,75-154,,154,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_75,"The developers are already set and planning to switch from Ethereum to Cardano, while clearly listing their plan to improve their app",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
825,9-154,,154,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_9,Proposal doesn't go in depth enough when talking about roadmap or milestones. There is some sense of it within budget section but it isn't clear enough. It suggests some deliverables are within 1-2 or 3 months. But it doesn't tie it together just yet. Would have loved to understand how three months for which budget shall be used helps achieve these goals on a timescale. Nor there is a clear understanding of what success looks like in the event of job well done. It would be useful to include information about KPIs or other useful metrics that could help us gauge how this project progressed from today to the future point. How are we going to measure this - what numbers or elements are going to be telling to understand impact on a network level. I also miss any mention of challenges or risks mentioned within the context of this project. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
826,15-154,,154,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_15,"Everything is well sorted and thought through. The only barrier i see to you project is the ammount requested, as it would make almost an entire fund round just for the project. Otherwise good job ! ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
828,75-154,,154,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_75,"The solution needs some sponsor to proceed further in popularity/adoption. However, the budget breakdown looks reliable. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
832,41-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,The problem and solution statement presented is reasonable and the proposal has the potential to address the challenge. I think it is important that data on the funding process for researchers are presented so that the community can understand the impact of the proposal on the challenge. Does this proposal aim to create a funding model for multiple researchers or for a specific university / region?Is there a potential number of researchers to benefit from the proposal? ? Is there any estimate of these fundings amounts? What percentage of this value is lost in the bureaucracy of universities?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
833,64-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_64,"The proposal does indeed address the problem of inefficiency found in our current system of scientific research. Often funded by universities and government, one of the biggest issues I think it could address would be not only the inefficiency but the corruption involved with this type of funding. A trustless, anti-corruption approach to science would be a move in the right direction and could have profound knock-on effects. It is missing aspects of accountability, how funds would be allocated and how they would mitigate foul-play. There are a lot more avenues to explore to complete the concept. I would be willing to help with this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
834,77-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_77,If adopted this would be a large scale credibility to the ecosystem and increase use.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
835,15-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_15,"As an other academic, i agree with your proposal and know how time consumming these things are. However, for me your solution might just be another step into the already established trend that we stray further away from fundamental research into applied and ROI research. If i googled scholared you correctly, you're into stem cells so maybe this is something specific to your field, i don't know. We should aim at targeting the scientific journals which are way more profiting from research than universities.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
836,9-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"Potentially a great idea for adaptions of the existing research funding. However, it seems this proposal hasn't been worked on in greater depth as it is missing a lot of attributes that would make it serious enough at this stage. It narrowly fits the brief of having a problem that needs solution but the depth of the narrative isn't too great. I would have preferred to learn more about the issue beyond scope of the paragraph here. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
837,78-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_78,"This proposal effectively addresses the challenge on various levels. First, it provides all of the necessary information to understand what the dapp is meant to do. It identifies an inefficiency and explains how that can be removed. Second, because of the real-world need for such an improvement in research funding, this dapp will be successful, increasing the adoption of Cardano as it spreads to funders connected with universities around the world (subject to language constraints). Third, a comment was made to this proposal regarding expanding the scope of the proposal beyond universities to the pharmaceuticals industry. Not as substantive advice, clearly this idea could be expanded to simply connecting any and all research scientists and funders down the road after the initial dapp is successful. These examples indicate how this quality dapp has the potential to increase the utility of Cardano beyond the initial conception.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
838,70-196,,196,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_70,The proposal is promising but is very vague and lacks many details to the extent that I couldn't figure out the way it would address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
841,41-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_41,"There is a simple plan/rationale, but few details have been described. Despite the low complexity of the proposal, I think it is important that a more detailed and structured plan is presented, I recommend that the proposer follow the Catalyst documentation to prepare the proposal.
There are no details on the expertise of the team of proposers, I recommend including more details, such as how many people will actively participate in the project, their experiences, skils and links to Github and / or Linkedin.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
842,64-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_64,The proposer has experience in the field of scientific research and so is acutely aware of the issues involved in the current system and what might practically work for scientists. They understand where the bottlenecks occur and I think this is a useful insight when developing projects to this scale. I would imagine that it would be quite successful and initially could be trialled on a small scale.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
843,77-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_77,Unfortunately there will be many difficulties to getting this proposal into mainstream adoption. Not least will be the push-back by institutions.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
844,15-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_15,"There isn't much information on how to implement.
A smart contract on the University Network ? You should add more info. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
845,9-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"As interesting of an idea this is - unfortunately, there are few missing elements. There is no actual plan or sensible budget included in this proposal that would make it investable. Budget states half the amount of the entire challenge - which makes me think it may have been an error or misunderstood. It still is just in an idea per se. It would also be great if some reference links for the experience be included directly in the proposal itself. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
846,78-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_78,"The experience called for to optimize probability of success seems quite well met here. Mr. Ghareeb is a published scientist, presumably an academic/professor as well based upon his knowledge of how universities act as the middlemen to direct research funding. He himself has received research funding and knows where the funding typically originates. While it would not seem necessary, he also has programming experience to boot, which he could have drawn on from others on his team. The key players once the dapp is built will be the funders like the charitable foundations and governments. The sales pitch is: more of your funds go directly to the research instead of being siphoned off wending their way through the university's bureaucratic structure. This proposal will increase the adoption of Cardano as funders see what more can be done with the more efficient delivery of their funds to research scientists. While it may not be necessary, Mr. Ghareeb could add a few more details about his experience like number of years as a scientist, number and/or dollar amount of research funds and the nature or strength of connections to funders. Furthermore, it would be helpful to provide more information about his team (experience), use of funds and schedule for completion of the dapp.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
847,70-196,,196,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_70,The proposal doesn't contain any execution plan in detail.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
850,41-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_41,"From the description it is possible to understand the concept of the proposal and the potential in addressing the challenge, but we need to know the potential of using blockchain in this application to understand the impact, so more details would be important.
Is there an estimate of the number of transactions, tradable volume or number of potential users?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
851,64-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_64,"At the moment, the proposer has not detailed how such aspects of peer review and governance would be conducted on such a system, how voting would work and how funding would be allocated. There is no roadmap of how the funds would be used and estimates of phases involved and costs per phase. This would be helpful in determining the feasibility of this proposal. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
852,77-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_77,Satisfactorily detailed but with much to be thought through. The desirability is clear but the feasibility of implementing this change could be improved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
853,15-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_15,"You just tossed the problem and said apply smart contract technology. We could really benefit from seeing how you'd like to use such funds, specially since the ammount you request is high. ANd you should split it into two funds rounds ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
854,9-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There are no roadmap elements, nor milestones. There also is no definition of success or KPIs that would help us further determine how effective the proposal could be down the line. Understanding challenges and risks would have been useful as well. Per all of above - it is difficult to rate this proposal reasonably more. I hope proposal owner will come back because topic is certainly worth the time.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
855,78-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_78,"The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is by presenting an experience individual who understands how a system works (research funding) and has operated within that system himself. No doubt there are a lot of great ideas conjured by people who have no experience whatsoever with the subject matter. This is not the case here. This proposal effectively addresses the challenge because it provides a roadmap how Mr. Ghareeb and his team will create a quality dapp that will be implemented successfully in the real world. Research funding for scientists could be substantially shifted from the university mechanism to Cardano, involving thousands or millions of dollars. There is a clear path to success and even potential expansion, increasing the utility of the dapp, which to me means collectively that this dapp will be a winner. It would be helpful to describe generally how the scientists seeking funding and the funders would interact with the dapp. For example, would scientists be required to clearly state the product of the research? Would funders be permitted to dole out funds based upon milestones? Would scientists be asked to describe the intended research in layman's terms? Would funders be permitted to request a certain type of research for a certain amount of money? This may be going into too much detail but something generally about user experience and the operation of the contractual mechanism would be helpful. A more detailed roadmap and milestones would be helpful. Also, citation of risks and challenges would demonstrate the proposer's understanding of the problem. For example, will funders be able to wade through research proposals? Will scientists not have access to university resources and/or faculty that they would normally have? The definition of success generally seems clear, but providing more specific metrics would be helpful (e.g. number of scientists funded by a certain amount within a certain amount of time).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
856,70-196,,196,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_70,There is no breakdown or clear demonstration to explain how the 100000USD will be used.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
857,79-69,,69,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,"The suggestion is not well explained.
Gathering from its parts, it is an extension to a stake pool, where there's a raffel element with a signle winner that would get part of the operators fee, and entitled to donate some more. Pool operator is free to promote this already - how does this ""make change but don't have the skills, finances or time to do it ""
Market need analasys and expected usage are missing",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
860,80-69,,69,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_80,"Unfortunately, the proposal is not in line with the challenge. They wan't to give away Cardano without a clear purpose. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
862,75-69,,69,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_75,"Although an incentive to the Hubs flourishing is presented, it's still unclear how the rewards winners are selected (via playing some games, only being voted by other users ect...)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
864,15-69,,69,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_15,You're describing a lottery system ....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
865,79-69,,69,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,"experience of presenter is not relevant.
amount desired is not explained and seem very high for what is proposed
staking is anonymous. This would require adding additional information to the staking transaction (charity)
what is a ""The Charity Hub"" and how are charities confirmed and assesed, and by whom",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
868,80-69,,69,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_80,"There is no clear experience in the domain charity or gambling. And there is no plan, how their idea would be executed properly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
870,75-69,,69,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_75,"I understand that the proposers are experienced, however details on how the whole hub - centered system will work, need to be added to better understand the success probability",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
872,15-69,,69,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_15,there is just not enough information either on your partner or you. Plus we need a more detailed plan in order for us to assess the situation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
873,79-69,,69,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,"There is no breakout of the (high) funding request, nor timeline, tasks and measurement of success.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
876,80-69,,69,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_80,"It remains unclear, if they just want to run a charity stakepool or if they want to set up a fund that people donate to in order to receive a ticket, like in the lottery. It doesn't help building a community and isn't giving sufficient information how they would like to achieve it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
878,75-69,,69,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_75,"It's not clear how the Charity Hub will look like, and how full automation will be implemented. Plus there is no cost breakdown",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
880,15-69,,69,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_15,"same as the last note, lack of information is abundant.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
882,35-144,,144,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_35,"The proposal addresses a real problem that exists in these times but it is aimed to a very specific niche of users (Social Media Influencer).
By definition, influencers are a minority of all users of social networks and for this reason the adoption of this Dapp by new users can only be limited (unlikely we'll see mass adoption).
At the same time I think that at the moment there a lot of agreements done in conventional ways (like Paypal) and through this Dapp these agreements could became Cardano transactions, increasing the utility of Cardano.
884,41-144,,144,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal doesn't clearly explain who these ""influencers"" are and what is the importance of this market of companies and ""influencers"", it would be important to corroborate the statements with data, so that the community can objectively understand and measure the impact of bringing this niche for Cardano's blockchain and we can measure whether the proposal will address the challenge in an impactful way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
885,9-144,,144,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,Very intriguing use case. A unique angle of looking at the transactional relationship in the influencer marketing segment. I can definitely see this as a potential problem to be solved. I wish though - the proposal owner would go in greater detail outlining examples of these inefficiencies on a real world example with actual data. It is difficult to establish number relevance without some actual 'proof'. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
886,15-144,,144,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_15,the idea is sound but lacks polish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
887,70-144,,144,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_70,The proposal is promising but is very vague and lacks many details to the extent that I couldn't figure out the way it would address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
889,35-144,,144,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_35,"It is not clear what product we should expect from this proposal. It is not indicated what is the object for which the funds are requested(a website, a dapp or just the smart contract). It is also not clear if the result of the proposal will be a prototype or a final product.
There are no specifications about the languages and the architecture that will be used to develop the project, there is no development roadmap or costs breakdown.
From a technical point of view it is not explained how will be developed the ""verification"" phase in a decentralized way.
The presence and the experience of the team is indicated, but there are no reference (no company website, linkedin profiles or link to previous developed projects developed by the team).
The funds requested seems to me really low to developed the ""two sided marketplace"" mentioned in the proposal.
The complete absence of interaction with the comments and questions received through ideascale is not a good presentation of the reliability of the proposers.
891,41-144,,144,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"A simple plan has been described, but it lacks more details, some points need to be clarified, as the payment between the two parties will be made by a smart contrac, it is assumed that after the activation of the described conditions, the payment transaction will be submitted and will be irreversible. As the proposal describes that the smart contract will consult information outside the blockchain, this requires an oracle, which increases the complexity, which may bring centralization to the process and make the idea itself counter intuitive, since there will be a need to consult a centralized Instagram API the ""influencer"" could win the system, removing the ad after the payment is completed on the blockchain. This type of consideration needs to be taken into account and explained to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal.
There are not enough details about the experience of the team of proposers so that the community can attest to their skills and experiences, moreover, as the idea requires a developer with the ability to create smart contracts, I think it is important that this person demonstrates his skills and expertise. I recommend including links to Github and Linkedin.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
892,9-144,,144,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There is very little effort in the proposal itself that would help us establish the validity of experience claims. It would be useful to include professional links like Linked In or some other presentation that would help us get to know the authors better. Presently it is not there. It also isn't clear what the team dynamic/relationship between individuals are. Some better clarity would have been also useful - including their commitments. Lastly, beyond basic outline of the idea itself and barebone structure - there really isn't any sensible plan nor budget to take this idea into action. It is a pity because it definitely could be an interesting use case.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
893,15-144,,144,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_15,"The dev team seems good, but there is no milestone or plan to prove you've done your part if we were to fund you.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
894,70-144,,144,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_70,There is no detailed project plan included in this proposal. Only have vague experience for the team members.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
896,35-144,,144,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_35,"There is no definition of success for this proposal and there is a complete lack of indicators with which the community could evaluate it.
It is not specified how many users / contracts / transactions could be expected in a specific period of time and neither is defined a numerical objective to be achieved.
898,41-144,,144,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is not enough information to indicate the feasibility of the proposal and whether how it will address the challenge in a relevant way. I recommend describing a more detailed plan, including a roadmap, milestones, KPIS, detailing budget allocation, detailing the expertise of the proposers and generally following the Catalyst guidelines for preparing the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
899,9-144,,144,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there is no roadmap not actual milestones provided in any shape beyond basics of how the idea would function. It would also be greatly appreciated if authors spent time defining clear success metrics or KPIs that would enable community tracking their efforts. There also is lack of understanding about potential challenges or risks. No much thought given there. Hopefully, proposal owners will consider coming back with greater effort as it is very potent concept potentially. But not investable at the moment based on this status. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
900,15-144,,144,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_15,You're basically stating you want to leverage smart contract technologies but that's it. We need more information and we'd like also an idea of what will b ethe functionalities of the smart contract. like what parameters ? do you already have an idea or a mock-up ? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
901,70-144,,144,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_70,Unfortunately could not identify a clear plan and metrics for this proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
905,41-226,,226,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"The problem statement and the solution presented are reasonable, but I think it is important to clarify what are the difficulties in processing the payment? Bureaucracy? Slowness in payment providers? Contractors' neglect? Even though blockchain is a tool that allows automating payment, the contractor must be committed to maintaining funds to make payments. The proposal addresses the challenge, but it is important that more details are described, is there an estimate of values, athletes, companies and parties involved? In order for us to measure the impact of the proposal on the challenge, this type of data is essential.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
906,9-226,,226,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Very peculiar use case. It definitely can find its footing. Would have loved to have some real life examples of actual struggle more greatly illustrated. Perhaps, insights from additional sources as to how much support this solution could have. Nevertheless - it follow challenge brief rather well regardless. It breaks apart in following two other categories.
907,70-226,,226,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_70,Great concept - potentially. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
911,41-226,,226,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal described four developers involved in the development of the project, however there is no detail of their professional experiences or skills. I recommend detailing this information and including Github and Linkedin
There is a rationale describing the intent of the proposal, but there is no description of a technical implementation plan. The lack of this information makes it difficult to measure the chances of successful implementation of the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
912,9-226,,226,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Beyond few sentences on experience, there is very little information provided that would enable us to establish validity of claims. Some professional profiles or link to them would have been really useful. Better understanding of team dynamics would be useful as well beyond just the basics - what about the commitments, etc. However, most importantly, there is no sensible budget breakdown beyond the actual figure - no plan of how this budget would carry out. I am afraid this is just an idea without actual footing just yet. Would love proposer to come back with more details and see funding in the future rounds. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
913,70-226,,226,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_70,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
917,41-226,,226,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is little information to indicate the feasibility of the proposal. More details about the plan, roadmap, KPIs, milestones, details on budget allocation and details about the team's expertise are needed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
918,9-226,,226,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Proposal does not have any clear roadmap or milestones. It also lacks very basic notion of success metrics, KPIs that would enable us judge the progress of project over time. There also isn't any attention paid to challenges or risks to it either. It really seems like an idea without tools how to execute it presently - hence it isn't possible to invest in it just yet. Maybe next round if proposal owner comes back with more depth overall. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
919,70-226,,226,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_70,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
920,34-209,,209,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_34,"The proposer seeks to create a documentary series about the project Catalyst and its proposers, namely the proposer, who would act as a visual demonstration of what is possible with the project Catalyst. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
921,36-209,,209,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_36,"The ""meta-project"" of this proposal is less about attracting new business to Catalyst but more about onboarding. Therefore, in my opinion this proposal seems to be in the wrong category. The ""project"" itself (showing the use of ADA/Cardano) could be relevant, however, there are not much details provided how this video effectively address the challenge. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
923,59-209,,209,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_59,"For point 1 ( the meta-project ): Yes, we need professional quality intro videos - although these should be made only when Project Catalyst has found the best possible processes (it still is a work in progress and there is a lot of experimentation so making videos now would be obsolete in two months' time).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
924,34-209,,209,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer claims to be in the early stages of his career as a videographer who aims to connect small businesses with videographers. Points are taken for lack of proven track record and absence of team, also larger long term vision. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
925,36-209,,209,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_36,"The applicant stated to have little experience in video production. However, the examples on his website appear to be of sufficient quality. I think the community will get a useful video. But there is no plan how the videos will be made visible. Of course they'll be on social media etc, but what's the plan to get a lot of views? The proposal also has an unprofessional budgeting. There is only one price, but no details on how the money will be spent in detail. So it is hard to say, if the budget is reasonable. I am sure the proposer will create good content, but if it will be successful remains uncertain to me. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
927,59-209,,209,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_59,Portfolio missing. One video on the website. Doesn't tell much.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
928,34-209,,209,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposal is detailed enough to understand the plan behind it, however, it is lacking KPIs, budget, and timeline breakdowns. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
929,36-209,,209,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_36,"The proposer does not provide details of the time required. No KPIs are given to measure success and progess of the project. The ""problem statement"" only says, what the proposer wants to do, but not what he wants to solve. Overall, there is a lack of linkage to the challenge itself, at least it is not documented, but it is probably meant. So the proposal seems a bit unprofessional to me, although I trust the proposer to produce good content.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
931,59-209,,209,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,"A plan is missing: how many videos, what kind? How do you justify the ask, 30,000 USD?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
932,59-126,,126,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_59,"As the commentators aptly critiqued, there is nothing to suggest this should even be built on DLT/Blockchain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
933,6-126,,126,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"The campaign brief for F4: Dapps & Integrations states ""Quality Dapps and integrations will increase utility & adoption of Cardano."" This proposal has an idea of integrating ""dine in reservations/ending time, order food/drinks in advance""with Cardano. However, the key blockchain-related aspects that are relevant to the metrics for this challenge [Did our efforts manage to attract users to the platform? Did our efforts result in new, viable applications built on top of Cardano?] do not seem sufficiently well thought out.
Most of the focus is on the simulation of existing apps - with the Cardano integration seemingly coming as an afterthought: ["" will allow the app owner to deduct a backend transaction commission (This part needs help from crypto experts)]
I would like to see more focus on what needs do users have that could be solved by this proposal
935,35-126,,126,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_35,"The Dapp proposed it is a system to manage reservations/orders through the Cardano blockchain. In general I like the idea and I can think in some ways could bring new users into Cardano, but at the same time it is not clear which are the specific aspects of the blockchain in general and specifically of the Cardano blockchain that can add value to this general concept. Therefore I think this Dapp, at least at present, it will not have a big impact.
It would be really useful to focus on this concept and elaborate some mechanisms that can add value to the general idea, exploiting the advantages that decentralized technology offers (Just to say: ""a token for loyal customers of the network that can be traded?"", ""A mechanism to trace the food chain of the ingredients used in dishes?"")
936,9-126,,126,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"I think this is potentially an interesting concept. However, it reads more like an idea/concept at this stage as opposed to actual proposal. Hence I am unsure about its ability for desirable impact as it is today. I would love to see the proposal owner come back with more in depth analysis looking at what efficiency/use case there is for creating dApp of this choice. I think that part isn't entirely clear within the memo presented here.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
938,70-126,,126,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_70,The proposal seems to address the challenge but fails to provide information about the community benefit and how having this proposal funded would benefit the community. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
939,59-126,,126,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_59,Go ahead and do it! Surely you have good skills. But you don't need Cardano for this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
940,6-126,,126,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_6,"The proposers statement that he would require ""crypto experts"" and the apparent lack of a plan for tackling that aspect seems to be a very definite flaw, along with the seeming vagueness of the implementation plan. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
942,35-126,,126,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_35,"The main picture is clear enough, but the proposal is still at idea stage. It would be really helpful to voters and assessors to provide a detailed technical plan that describes in-depth the technologies, the architecture and the languages that will be used. Specific attention must be given to those aspects that are linked to the blockchain technology (which at the moment are missing).
In the proposal are mentioned the team members and their skills but it would be great to have some external references (linkedin profile, previous projects, etc).
Also a costs breakdown and a development roadmap could be useful to better promote the proposal to voters and assessors.
943,9-126,,126,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"It is challenging to establish validity of experience claims. There is no professional page or similar links attached that would help alleviate those concerns. Next time would be really useful to include. Further, it says team is ready to go but there is no sense of what team looks like at all. Would have been useful to see. There also is just one grand figure about budget but not much sense can be made in how/where is it going to be spent at. Hence, it is very difficult to give this proposal better rating absent of these basics. Would love to see author come back with more depth during next rounds.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
945,70-126,,126,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_70,"I believe the proposal has a good chance of success if more detail on team development, relative experience, and budget are provided. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
946,59-126,,126,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,"Sounds like the ""plan"" was ready and it was just copypasted here.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
947,6-126,,126,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,"I think this proposal lacks sufficient information on feasibility and reads more like an aspirational idea with a much stronger likelihood that the android/iOS app aspect could be implemented easier, while the Cardano integration seems lacking in detail. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
949,35-126,,126,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_35,"It is not explicit mentioned what the definition of success for this proposal. It would be important to add some specific goals and KPIs, like the number of restaurants involved in a specific time frame, the users that will install and use the app, etc. in order to have some metrics to evaluate if the required funds have been used to successfully achieve the defined goals.
950,9-126,,126,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there is no sense of roadmap or milestones. Nor there are any sensible success metrics outlined, KPIs that would enable community judge/track progress. Some words on challenges and risks associated would have been really useful, too. None of which are here. Proposal needs a bit more work before it is investable. Great idea - potentially - needs a bit more meat to run with. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
952,70-126,,126,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_70,No detail finance plan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
954,59-167,,167,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_59,"I like the proposal, I don't like the game. But I don't have to like the game if you have evidence that people do play it. I like the fact that you have thought of having a native token and a play mode in ADA as well. This might actually be an interesting way for spreading out native tokens created on Cardano, if people got to play with their own tokens (Community Mode). Also, to really reach the masses, have you thought how to bring it to mobile (Play Store & App Store)?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
956,9-167,,167,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_9,This seems like a great use case for why a platform could migrate to ada and instantly transfer its utility over. I tried the game and its concept seems very easy to understand and get used to. Very well done. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
957,66-167,,167,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_66,"Looks like a fun game, seems that it was somewhat successful on tron and may bring some of the users from that ecosystem into cardano. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
958,40-167,,167,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_40,this dapp has almost no users and they are referencing KEVM which is not production ready,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
960,59-167,,167,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_59,"Yes, I assume you are the original game creator. If so, you have proven that you can do this. But if you want to spread it far and wide you could perhaps use some UI/UX and Marketing help. Grow the team.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
962,9-167,,167,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_9,"Having existing product version already up and running makes it easier to establish the relevancy of experience here. This is a big plus. I appreciate adding colour onto history of team members. That is also great. I would have, however, expected to have some direct links to individual professional profiles. Just something for the future reference. Where it does miss for me is with regards to the budget. There is one grand figure only and it doesn't go in depth how the funds are going to spent against timescale. Right now it is just one grand figure but no indication as to where/what exactly individual budget segments are. That's a bit of mis for me unfortunately. Maybe a clearer presentation of funds spent would be desirable.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
963,66-167,,167,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_66,Sufficient information is provided to demonstrate that the game has been running on tron for an extended period of time and that the developers clearly have an understanding of how to create the game. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
965,59-167,,167,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_59,"Yes, it's really well written. The only thing I'm missing is a more detailed budget.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
967,9-167,,167,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_9,"I wish more importance was added to how the authors think about success metrics. There is some indication of it vis a vis what they have already done in the past via dApp radar. However, it doesn't go into what milestones they wish to get at going forward specifically. It would help understand what KPI/success metrics levels are going to be considered. I would also have loved to learn more about challenges/risks associated with deployment from TRON to Cardano. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
968,66-167,,167,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_66,"Proposer has shown that the game works, it has a clear roadmap with goals and more. The budget appears realistic and the design is solid. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
971,82-186,,186,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_82,"The proposal solves many of the problems encountered by players and developers alike in terms of security and ownership of game items by providing a game platform using Cardano, alternative to other blockchain-based platforms like Gala.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
972,59-186,,186,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_59,Absolutely fantastic! This proposal is 110% ready and it is applicable to many of the challenges. This kind of platform is ripe for innovation and can invite participation from many different talents. Go get it done!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
973,83-186,,186,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_83,"The proposal has many deliverables such as the dashboard, the DAO, NFT. The dashboard includes wallets, DEX, votings. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
974,40-186,,186,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_40,This is an interesting proposal idea but the impact of these deliverables compared to the requested amount seems unbalanced.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
975,84-186,,186,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_84,very complex but i can see it addresses the challenge ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
978,82-186,,186,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_82,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
979,59-186,,186,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_59,Everything is very well planned and laid out. The budget is almost painfully well detailed (horrible to see that so much goes to taxes). :) Would like to see who are the people behind rektangular studios.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
980,83-186,,186,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_83,"A team of three developers experienced in blockchain and gaming would tackle the project. This is an ambitious proposal that would need a good execution plan. Current conversation with the proposer with no ""first release"" planned raise a little concerns especially due to the technical challenge in the dashboard development as well as the actual game itself for testing.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
981,40-186,,186,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_40,"the proposer has put together a complete roadmap on their website, Whitepaper and somewhat detailed project plan in this proposal. However the majorly closed source component of this software is making this a no off the bat for me. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
982,84-186,,186,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_84,hit is only likely given the complexity and required funding and community engagement all needs to come together but so far so good ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
984,82-186,,186,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_82,The proposal has a clear description of the problems being addressed and the project being built as a proof of concept together with all the budget required to deliver it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
985,59-186,,186,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_59,Good KPIs. Loving the fact that this is not a one-off project but can bring a multiplying positive effect into the Cardano network and community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
987,83-186,,186,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_83,"This is a complex endeavor as the project involves creating the game, dashboard and NFT tokens itself. A whitepaper is attached here ( They include implementations, game narrative, marketing plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
988,40-186,,186,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_40,Decent project I think needs to massively reconsider their approach to making their software open source from day1.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
989,84-186,,186,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_84,it is pretty good for this stage but a very detailed project plan an outlining scope budget and Gantt chart schedules will be needed to truly monitor this projects progress ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
990,51-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_51,"Having watched a few already, it is exactly what is needed, and is being delivered to both address the problem and allow proposers a more natural arena to express their ideas, as not all idea people are good in the written hand",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
991,85-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_85,It's going to be a problem that a few people want to take advantage of project catalyst. This issue can be tackled by getting to know the team behind a proposal in person. This helps to close the gap between proposer and voters. Interviews with the teams behind a proposal help to build trust within the community and project catalyst.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
993,41-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge directly and objectively. Podcasts are a more digestible model of submitting proposals for many people and allow a different perspective of ideas, through this type of content we can increase the disclosure of Catalyst and proposals for more people.
In addition, the proposal also includes the creation of a website and articles so that the scope of the project is larger and has different formats",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
994,34-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to create interview series about people behind Catalyst in order to familiarize community with its developers, entrepreneurs. This will encourage community participation as this will give people information required to chose a project they wish to support. Can also add on AMA at the end of the interview. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
996,86-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_86,Having accessible interviews available to wide audiences will facilitate understanding of the proposed projects and therefore bring more meaningful value to fund distribution from Catalyst into the future.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
997,84-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_84,very good idea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
998,43-55,,55,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_43,"Cardano Podcast is run by a host with years of experience, very professional setup",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
999,51-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_51,"Given this is already in production, a voter would only need to watch a single video to see its worth.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1000,85-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_85,"Ryan runns the proposal by himself. 50 hours a month can be tackled by one person. He already runs a youtube channel and he already did a few interviews. This shows there's already a bit of experience and the proposer knows what he's doing as well as he's already committed to the project.
It could be possible that running these podcasts could take a little bit more time than anticipated as conducting interviews takes a lot of time.
The budget seems fair and 25 dollars an hour is an appropriate salary.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1002,41-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_41,"The Proposer has already implemented the proposal in a way, through its YouTube channel (Cardano Podcast) is possible to see several interviews regarding Catalyst proposals which indicates great chances of success in the implementation of the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1003,34-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_34,"It appears the proposer already has started his podcast series with several interviews completed. Given the community funding, they will be able to put more time into their work and provide content on a more regular basis. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1005,86-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_86,"The author has already completed several similar interviews and has planned a budget to support the proposal for several months into the future. I see no real reasons the goals laid out here will not be achieved. Certain issues that may crop up such as an increase in the number of proposals have been addressed briefly by the author, and should not pose a problem that cannot be addressed at a later date in a rational manner.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1006,84-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_84,yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1007,43-55,,55,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_43,Proposer establishes their experience both podcasting and in the Cardano Catalyst community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1008,51-55,,55,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_51,"This proposal will address the current need, future proposals should include involvement with the creation of a team for screening and diversification of guests, in the moment, this is fantastic",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1009,85-55,,55,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_85,"The proposer explains pretty good what he's trying to do and how his proposal is gonna play out. He could have described a little better how he is going to use his time and and for which task he needs how much time. Now it's a little hard to estimate if the 50 hours are enough to do 10 interviews in a month.
The same problem goes for the definition of succes. It's quite hard to calculate that. But I assume these interviews are gonna ad a lot of value for our community advisors and voters. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1011,41-55,,55,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is relatively simple and the execution plan presented although extremely simple, I consider satisfactory. There is a well detailed and reasonable budget. No KPIs were described to measure the success of the project. I recommend that KPIs are included so that the community may have objective metrics when evaluating podcast performance.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1012,34-55,,55,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_34,The proposal includes budget as well as an timeline breakdown as well as a KPI to track progress. This will provide immediate benefit to the community who want to get involved/ learn more about projects within Cardano. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1014,86-55,,55,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_86,The project is relatively simple but there are clear goal posts here. Cost assessments including sustainability into a medium term future are presented. The manner in which the proposal addresses the challenge is relatively straightforward and is stated plainly.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1015,84-55,,55,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_84,make it happen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1016,21-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the challenge criteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1019,83-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_83,"The initial planned roadmap by the proposal is a step in the right direction to build toward decentralized exchange. However, for the price tag of 50000, and based on what would be delivered initially, it seems a little light on the progress toward decentralized exchange. I'm curious how much of that would be spent on building the website and what are the features provided. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1020,87-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_87,"A DEX is needed on the Cardano platform but this idea pursued by other proposers as well so there is need to demonstrate better understanding of technology, showcase skills needed and more detailed view of the deliverables an also the ability to successfully deliver the same.
Plan seems good at a very high level and there seems to be enthusiasm to pursue the project but more research and work on proposal is needed.
Ex. A functional model and a flow is missing. Though it is mentioned that model will be taken from Uniswap DEX initially a clear understanding of the technology used in Uniswap should be demonstrated. A governance and economic model of the project needs to be demonstrated.
Also there is a need to furnish more details and information on technology used ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1021,6-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_6,"Indeed, I think that the proposal does effectively address the challenge of ensuring that application developers help drive adoption of Cardano in 2021. A DEX is a great proposal and it does effectively address this challenge. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1022,38-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_38,"The proposal clearly states a missing piece of the Cardano picture and a clear solution in filling that gap. To date, there are no operational DEXes within the Cardanosphere hence the solution is critical to Cardano's roadmap and goals. Provisioning of another mechanism by which ADA can grow and its value to increase is beneficial to both the protocol, its users and its token holders. Despite the fact the proposal admits using uniswap as a baseline, the mention of 'a few modifications' hopefully makes the solution more ADA-centric. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1023,86-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_86,"There are a few DEX projects currently. I am a bit concerned that the plan / roadmap laid out here is not comprehensive enough for what amounts to pretty ambitious goals. So while the goal of building a DEX platform similar to Uniswap is certainly relevant to the challenge, the amount of information provided about the project is on the sparse side presently.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1024,9-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"This is a great use case for what can be built on Cardano to bring great utility. DEX is definitely something that is prime for adoption on the network, and it has been chatted about for so long already. Thus it fits the challenge brief of being a problem that needs solving - centralized exchanges have their share of concerns that we are all acutely aware of. What concerns me the lack of development about the whole concept. I would have preferred greater detail explaining the impact on cardano ecosystem. I can probably guess, but proposal itself doesn't give much colour in that sense. Which is a pity. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1025,84-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_84,yes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1026,43-202,,202,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_43,If this is aiming to replace Uniswap they need to start with documenting the entire protocol in a Whitepaper we can read.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1027,21-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,No relevant experience or references are shared.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1030,83-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_83,"Currently the proposer planned to onboard a couple developers. It will be interesting to know how much experience is the developers in building the exchange as this is a hard problem to solve. Based on my current initial take of the proposer experience, I'm not sure if he has all the tools necessary to build a full decentralized exchange at the moment. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1031,87-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_87,"Skills and knowledge in software are seen. There are no skills or experience demonstrated to work on Cardano platform or similar projects on other platforms.
There is need to build a strong team to deliver a project of this kind.
Collaboration with team experienced in similar projects on Cardano platform would be helpful.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1032,6-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The proposer has requested funds in the amount of USD 50000 - without a breakdown of the budget. I think that the proposal's weakness is a lack of documented (in the proposal) experience and the lack of a concrete plan with deliverables, milestones. The proposer offered a Planned Roadmap, which seems insufficient to me.
1033,38-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_38,"The proposal seems to be on the right track to deliver its promise given the proposers background. However the lack of details on the development plan, resources and budget itemisation places its current status at too high a level. Additional information and breakdown is further required in order for the rating to increase at a more confident level. There seems to be a dependency on the Daedalus wallet's development to permit integration with the dex, which would be put of the proposers control. Perhaps a plan B will need to be considered/presented should IOHK deem modifications to Daedalus out-of-scope. There is also a dependency with Goguen's completion, which may also have an impact on this solution. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1034,86-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_86,"I am quite uncertain about the potential for success of this project. While the author seems competent in certain aspects, a DEX is no small undertaking, and as far as I can see only one team member is presented. To me there is a disparity in the amount of detailed information presented on the project plan and the actual ambitions that are laid out and inherent in any DEX project. Forking Daedalus and getting integrated into it in a secure fashion is also no small undertaking. Thus I have to rate the likelihood of this happening at Plutus launch or even pre-Alonzo being rather low / uncertain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1035,9-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Great concept - but where it falls apart for me entirely is inability to establish credible references. There is no understanding of what team (if at all) is in place and what dependencies are around it. Including a professional profile, LinkedIn or something along those lines would help alleviate some of those concerns. Further. which is likely the biggest issue here - proposal is asking for 60k USD but makes no effort to explain why this is the right amount and what things it will actually drive. It would be great if this was resubmitted at later stages with proper detailing so community can make a sensible decision. It is just an idea at this stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1036,84-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_84,hard to tell but I would assume so we need to see some vlogs and blog and interviews with the CEO to ascertain their true chartacter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1037,43-202,,202,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_43,"This proposal lacks a dev resource identified, a detailed project plan, metrics, a dev roadmap with timelines attached to it or a budget",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1038,21-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_21,"The roadmap is very poor, no mention on how the funds are going to be used.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1041,83-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_83,"Based on current review of the github repository, there hasn't been much development at the moment, its a clone of daedalus and plutus codebase. This is a very tough problem to solve, and would like to see more action items in the project plan for example:
-A wireframe for the GUI that allows to trade
-The plan for building the matching engine within the exchange.
- How would the exchange manage liquidity.
- The plan to issue tokens for the exchange, similar to BNC, etc.
I understand that this is an initial roadmap, so much haven't been given thought to. But these are something that should be touched upon.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1042,87-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_87,Proposal is very brief and there are missing pointers as suggested in 1st review point thought it provides some good pointers as well like integration with native wallets and future roadmap. But there is need to provide more information on this project for advisors to get the confidence to understand how it would be achieved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1043,6-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The proposal does not provide sufficient information to assess how feasible it is with the lack of a detailed plan and a breakdown of the budget. There is also not sufficient information about the proposer, apart from general information. It does address the challenge - as an idea, but the whole package is not evident in the proposal. The devil is in the detail and it is sadly missing. It can be fleshed out and proposed again in the next fund, if not successful. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1044,38-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_38,"There is enough in this proposal to merit this rating from my review however, milestones, resources needed and itemised budget's are required to build greater confidence and attain a 4/5 star rating. It also makes a subtle indication that it is very much aware of Goguen's east release date, which the hierarchy of Cardano Foundation & IOHK themselves have not completely made official. To this effect, a question mark is raised on what impacts a Goguen delay will have after the proposal claims a release on the same day in Mainnet.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1045,86-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_86,"I like the author's proposal but I wish more information had been presented for such an ambitious project. There is only one team member at present, no possible Plutus candidates have been named to implement the contracts that will be used to make this project work, and there is not much more than an idea presented regarding integration into Daedalus, which is in itself a very ambitious undertaking. With more information about these subjects I might feel more confident in this project's viability, but as it stands there is just not enough to convince me.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1046,9-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"This project will require some major work done. A small attempt at some sort of roadmap has been outlined. However, it doesn't really go in depth against timescales on what milestones/when would need to be met. There also is no attention paid to success metrics, KPIs that would help us understand how the authors are looking at their long term view. Lastly, really no mention about what challenges or risks are considered in light of the proposal itself. Thus - great idea - very much needed - but there is nothing in this proposal that would project confidence to invest it at the moment. I encourage the proposal author to resubmit in the next round with greater depth that such big project would deserve. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1047,84-202,,202,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_84,"For the requested considerable ""funding grant"" it would be recommended to add more detailed ""project planning"" to support this ""Funding Grant submission"".
TIPS - Focus on project fundaments as per the real world grant application process for sums of this magnitude. The Cardano community would need very detailed ""project plan"" there is considerable information online just search any of the key phrases Vision from the founder and detailed information of the founder/s and there CVs Blogs and Vlogs introducing the project, where they are based and considerable posting of articles on personal social media account showing you have social skin in the game >>> broken-down into a clear scope for the current project funding request >>>> ""scope"" is then broken down into ""deliverables"" ( tasks and or actions preferably in a time line or ""Project Gantt chart""/ schedule with interdependencies between these tasks or actions noted and monitored ) >>>> high level accurate ""budgeting for scope"" is a prerequisite and a clear and detailed breakdown of budgeting for each and every deliverable within the scope of any submission for a ""funding grant"" should be a prerequisite-
if ""token issuance"" is part of the proposal full ""tokenomics"" should be disclosed.
Remember these are treasury funds the cardano community will grant had to be earned and will use these funds to change the world so we have to have a focus on quality over quantity and demand accountability through professional project planning methodology.
1048,79-140,,140,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,"The idea is novel and great, but has nothing to do with dapp, blockchain or cardano, other than asking for funding. Would be better to create the content suggested and put it on youtube.
The idea of using the cardano voting/governance like is also nice, but does not really tie this to a dapp.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1050,50-140,,140,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1051,9-140,,140,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"I absolutely agree that democratising agricultural knowledge would be very beneficial to many third world countries. Thus, potentially, this is a great use case that we can explore and within merits of the challenge. Farming is a very sensitive topic about in any country that is serious about their sustainability and hence security. However, this still seems just like an idea proposal. It does not go in needed depth that one would expect which I explain in the following sections. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1053,72-140,,140,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_72,"The basic of idea here (improving agriculture worldwide) is of course a good one. However, I don't see a linkage between the proposed idea and a blockchain technology in general. For a future proposal I suggest to add more information why blockchain in general and Cardano in particular is needed for this approach. Therefore, this proposal does not address this challenge (imo).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1054,79-140,,140,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,"no concrete plan, timeline, output, measure for success etc provided. Price requested is not broken down or explained.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1056,50-140,,140,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1057,9-140,,140,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, this seems just an idea per se. There is no introduction of roadmap or milestones that would help navigate how this project could progress. There is one grand figure on budget request - but it does not go into any meaningful detail that would explain why this amount is right and how it may be allocated. Lastly, it would be really useful to include information about team and experiences from some other source - like LinkedIn - previous work - so we can look at. I am missing that at the moment. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1059,72-140,,140,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_72,"The proposer did not provide evidence of his experience. So i suggest for future proposals to share links etc., so that the community can validate it. I also suggest to add a detailed plan how to excecute the idea specifically. It is also not defined, for what the budget will be spent. So the community can not assess, if the budget is reasonable or not. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1060,79-140,,140,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,none provided. Video's attached lack proper explanation for relevance to improving agriculture.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1062,50-140,,140,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,With no clear plan for execution and no clear goal of onboarding an amount of users it is very difficult to assess feasibility or success.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1063,9-140,,140,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Because this is just an idea at the moment, there is lack of actual roadmap and milestone elements. Further, there is no indication of what success metrics one might actually consider and what measurable KPIs we'd be looking at. Knowing that author is thinking about this would be very helpful. There also isn't much weight given to any challenges/risks. I would suggest to resubmit this proposal in the later stages and work in greater depth meanwhile. Seems very promising idea - but needs a bit more work. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1065,72-140,,140,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_72,"There is no roadmap, no metrics/KPIs, no time horizon. So the community can not assess the progress and success of this proposal. For future proposals I suggest to be more clear on this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1066,79-271,,271,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,The statement of wrapping Ethereum tokens will add liquidity to the Cardano ecosystem and allow Ethereum is backed up or explained. Is the idea an ETH stable coin? How would it work and how much would it cost? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1069,9-271,,271,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Seems like a very interesting consideration for how the ether could be added onto cardano ecosystem - it most definitely would find a use. However, I would have loved this proposal to talk how this proposal fits within the context of ERC converters as well. It would be a very interesting tandem to consider in the bigger/grander scheme of things. Further, I would have expected to learn more about cons/pros of regular exchange between tokens vs. wrapping it and how it effects the utility, too. However, bringing this solution alone - would definitely be a way how to increase utility. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1072,79-271,,271,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,"tokens now can support a new token as suggested natively. proposal does not address this, nor kvm, which would allow a solution without need for oracles. The proposer seems to lack sufficient Cardano knowledge and expertice.
No reference to ongoing etherium development effort and smart contracts timeline.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1075,9-271,,271,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,"I would have loved to learn more about the team members. There is one LinkedIn profile only. It seems that is just one of the team members? The proposal owner actually doesn't have any professional links added, or github repos, or anything that would help us establish validity of claims. That's surprising somewhat. Other team members' skills are listed - but again no actual links to verify who is who. Next time, this would be really useful to include. There is a budget break down - but categories seem to be rather broad. It would be useful to narrow it down to understand how the proposal authors are thinking. At this point - it is difficult to understand how well this particular budget aligns with their vision. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1078,79-271,,271,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,"does not. there is no discussion on fees, need, expected volume based on current and expected market conditions. Price estimates are generic work estimate. Overall I find the idea not explained well enough, and the need and outcome and usage unspecific. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1081,9-271,,271,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_9,There is an attempt to define KPI/success metrics. We aren't able to learn how quickly do they expect to reach the 10k monthly users and total amount of $value traded. Target feels somewhat arbitrary as it is communicated presently. This could have been added for further clarity of what's possible. There also aren't any specifics or broad interpretations with regards what challenges/risks are associated with this proposal. It would be very useful to learn that perspective as well. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1085,79-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,"a lot of links. empty github repo.
the callange is not defined, is a rpi node feasable, needed, and what would be the expected demand for it over time.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1086,51-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_51,"After reviewing the Q&A (Great job replying to so many, it really helped me understand the full scope and your plans) it is clear you are trying to address one step in the processes that will develop in the future, you are not trying to resolve the entire process - teach people how to build a stake pool with rpi. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1087,33-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_33,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1089,89-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_89,"Providing low cost solution to involve more people is advantageous. Giving them the know how as well is even a level up. Would be useful to extend the material for different languages, videos with subtitles, including people from various locations.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1091,91-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_91,"The proposal is interesting, and will greatly help inquiring mind to build new stake pool and help cardano to be even more sustainable and decentralize.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1093,21-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1094,66-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_66,Excited for this idea and how it can bring more decentralization into the ecosystem. Raspberry pi is something that everyone can access for a fair value. Documentation and training material is a must for onboarding people,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1095,82-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_82,"As the stigma of environmental impact and high barrier of entry continues to plague cryptocurrency adoption, this proposal can help accelerate awareness to Cardano's alternative method towards more energy-efficient stake pool operations.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1097,83-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_83,"This proposal provide support as well as potential hardware solution for anyone that plan to become stake pool operators in a very cost efficient way via Raspberry Pi. I believe personally, if the plan is executed and with proper promotion via TownHall etc. more and more people would be aware of the website and help decentralize the Cardano ecosystem across the globe.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1103,9-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Fantastic initiative. One of the key elements how to grow Cardano ecosystem at scale is ensuring low barriers to entry and proper documentation. I have witnessed myself many times pi users on various forums. Often, not getting a whole lot targeted answers as most operators do not run these smaller set up. Thus - I definitely see the alignment with the greater goals of Cardano of inclusivity and enablement. Mind you - it needs to be navigated in mind with growing tech requirements. I think that is one of the major challenges for pi operators to keep up with it. Great effort on starting this. One thing that is missing for me - understanding the size of the group. Adding some estimates about how big of this group is would go a long way establishing how impactful the whole process will be. Regardless, I am a fan. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1104,94-21,,21,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_94,"The proposal addresses the decentralisation goal of the wider Cardano community by providing know-how for running a stake pool on minimal hardware requirements.
The project will provide educational material which can scale easily as the need arises.
For the good of the network, it is important to have diverse stake pool operators and this proposal is in line with the Fund4 goal.
1107,79-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,"no rellevant experience or demonstration of at least existing prototype, requirements, etc. Should consider asking for less funding for planning and prototyping first. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1108,51-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_51,"As above, your focus and teams replies to all comments at this stage show that you have the capability to stay aligned with this task, and are able to offer others motivation to address the ideas they have with issues outside of the scope of your project",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1109,33-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1111,89-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_89,Based on the description and material seems very mature and professional.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1113,91-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_91,The team look motivated and have a detailed proposal. the mix of their experience and skill could be good match to bring the project to success,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1115,21-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,"The proposers are linking only their linkedin accounts which are not proiving enough data as to see if they have the needed experience. Futhermore, the proposers were not aware about Cardano-on-Rocks which is a long lasting project by one of the most active comunity members which tells me they are not involved in the community so much and they did not do their homework researching existing solutions.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1116,66-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_66,The team appears to have their resources together and a solid plan. They realize that is required in terms of infastructure to get this project rolling with the necessity of the website and content,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1117,82-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_82,"With proper talent needed to deliver the content, this team has a good likelyhood to implement the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1119,83-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_83,"The team of proposer consists of developers and stake pool operators which can improve the chance of success. They also have a very active Telegram channel which currently consists of 223 members ready to help the community. Current fund request includes one year hosting services. There's a to transition to their own VPS web host service, but as the website and tutorial gets popular, we would need to turn to the community to update the materials as well as providing extra source for funding.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1125,9-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_9,There are links listed after founders to other stakepools like Berry - but it isn't clear if they are part of the team or are these just listed as an example? Alessandro has been very vocal pi operator for a while but none of his names are listed above. The way it is presented is somewhat confusing and making relationships and involvements more vivid would have been really helpful. Especially - knowing what commitments we can expect from each then. I do appreciate listed budget breakdowns. Thank you for that. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1126,94-21,,21,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_94,"The proposers are a team of experienced educators and stake pool operators based on the provided links and data.
The proposers are already committed with a GitHub depository to build the tutorials upon.
The requested amount is a lump sum with specific cost breakdown, and is moderate in proportion to Fund4 allocated funds.
Based on the provided info, it is highly likely that the project will be implemented.
1128,79-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,"nope. problem is not defined other than node on rpi.
there's no estimate of the cost or reason of using rpi vs. otherwise. might make sense for daedelus wallets, (also size wise) rather than a stake pool. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1129,51-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_51,"I love the fact that this keeps to a single step in the larger process, and that your collaborators are equally involved and accessible to complete the work, awesome ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1130,33-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_33,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1132,89-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_89,Yes. Details are properly listed and the goal is clearly defined. Good luck!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1134,91-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_91,"The plan and the estimated budget look coherent, if the team members put time in the project it's clearly feasible",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1136,21-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_21,The proposal seems to me in match with the fund requested.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1137,66-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_66,"The roadmap and milestones laid out here are something I am particularly excited to see happen and learn more about. As a raspberry pi user myself I will definitely be using this as a resource. The budget makes sense but I would actually be fine if they increased it because as other users have mentioned, new pi stake pools will need a considerable about of ada to even produce a block. Would be nice if some of the amount was used to delegate to these pools and use the rewards to maintain future funding of the content creation. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1138,82-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_82,Proposal provides a clear view of the methods that will be executed and the resources need to make it a reality.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1140,83-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_83,"The information provided include github where it will host the tutorials, breakdown of the costs allocated for each deliverables as well as infrastructure costs, as well as plan for completion. This is not a complex proposal, however the impact would be great to promote the ecosystem. The main challenge would be to engage others in the community via promotion as well as continuous update to the information so that it won't get stale and one of the only way to ensure this is if a lot of people involved or has incentive to do so.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1146,9-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_9,"This comment ties to the original one where I would love to understand what targets do authors have in terms of success metrics. It would be useful to understand total size of the pi membership so we could put some targets to achieve over time. There are metrics listed but don't have actual targets attached to them - like numerical. E.g. growing twice the size of the current community, getting XYZ visits on community portal, etc. Adding these would help understand community by how much authors wish to grow this sub ecosystem with pi, etc. I would also have loved to learn more about challenges/risks as seen from vantage point of authors - we know that pi are very light and efficient nodes. How do these compare with growing cardano blockchain and resources needed? Some pointers in that regard would have been useful for proposal as well. Namely to address - longevity of these set-ups. Many voters may not be very familiar with these. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1147,94-21,,21,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_94,"The proposal has a clear 3-month deadline with deliverables each month.
KPIs are presented and ways of measurement is explained. It would be beneficial to put some estimates in each of the proposed metrics. For example, how many new stake pool operators are expected to be onboarded each month/year etc.
The potential risks and challenges are not particularity addressed. It would be beneficial to see the potential roadblocks and ways to mitigate them, such as lack of funding, interest or similar.
Overall, the project is in line with Fund4 goals.
1149,10-258,,258,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_10,Great integration with the used automobile market. But what I don't read in the solution is how you would replace the trust issue. Why would people trust your token instead of a dealership or online auction? How would you embed that trust? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1150,9-258,,258,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"I like the idea but I wish it went in greater depth explaining the core of the issue with the bidding online and where exactly the issue stands. I think I can fill in the blanks within the use case but better clarity in explaining it would have been useful. Some statistics about how big of a general market this is - and what possibilities are could be beneficial, too. So potentially great idea but that's about it at the moment, I am afraid. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1151,63-258,,258,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_63,Though the basic concept is interesting... As one of the comments pointed out and the proposer agrees this project does not seem to help the Cardano Community in any significant way. More an enthusiastic attempt to use tokens and cardano,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1152,49-258,,258,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_49,The proposal is unclear how the blockchain will be used in this service,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1153,60-258,,258,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_60,Not ideal for the adoption of ADA but for sure it can bring some new people in the ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1155,9-258,,258,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, beyond one grand figure in budget - there is no additional detail that would explain how these funds are going to be allocated exactly. That's unfortunate as that is a crucial part of any sensible plan. It would have been great to include some professional profile links of persons involved beyond listing the website and mentioning the stakepool. As that would help alleviate any credibility issues. At the moment, it is just a proposal by someone named Adam. Adding that clarity would help the case be more legitimate. I appreciate chat about the team - but again - establishing relevant experience is difficult absent of these details. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1156,10-258,,258,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_10,"To improve the chances of this proposal, add a marketing strategy. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1157,63-258,,258,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_63,"The team seems to be accomplished and they are running an auto trading site already, so I would guess it would be implemented successfully.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1158,49-258,,258,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_49,Proposer claims to have already implemented the solution without any need for blockchain features. But is not clear on what else is needed beyond what already exists.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1159,60-258,,258,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_60,It can be easily manipulated(the bids).Even if someone buys a car this way he does not know about the condiction of the car(the real condiction).He mention that he will hire a developer for the creation of the token.But he will need a whole team and an engineer for this to be decent.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1161,9-258,,258,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"This proposal does not have a lot context beyond idea stage. There isn't clear roadmap with milestones, nor there are any clear success metrics or KPIs that would help us guide where this project would be headed. Also, there is lack of hints around challenges or risks associated with the proposal. I would suggest to potentially to add more detail and resubmit in the following round. It is interesting concept - but needs a bit more work to be investable. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1162,10-258,,258,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_10,"For a proposal about cars, it definately needs a roadmap. Please specify which country this would operate in as there are other legalities per nation. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1163,63-258,,258,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_63,"Information provided is adequate, but does not suggest the proposal will help the community very broadly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1164,49-258,,258,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_49,"There is no reference to KPI, metrics, or benefits from the successful completion of this project. How will this benefit the Cardano Community?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1165,60-258,,258,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_60,Very Very hard project.Iam happy that it is something new and innovative.But i cant see it work well.Maybe in the future with a big big team and a prolong accurate plan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1167,83-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_83,"The proposer plan to integrate the current gaming community (specifically FortNite for this release) with the capability to reward gamers with loyalty tokens hence initiate interest in NFT for Cardano ecosystem. The idea is simple enough and fit naturally between gamers and the concept of tokens, thus the adoption would be less of a challenge, as gamers already used to the concept of virtual rewards. The only concern I have is the reliance of a Discord channel to execute the plan, although per my previous engagement with the proposer, he mentioned there are a wide community of gamers already using the channel, but risk still exists as any disruption to Discord would impact the application.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1168,35-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_35,"The proposal plans to create a token system that rewards Fortnite players with a token created on the Cardano blockchain. The potential catchment area is very large and undoubtedly could bring a large number of users into the cardano ecosystem, increasing adoption and the utility of Cardano. The ""social"" approach of the dapp (based on a Discord bot) could be really helpful to create a viral effect, making it easier to reach new users.
1169,21-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal does seem to match the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1171,82-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_82,"An interesting proposal that helps welcome regular gamers to crypto by simply playing the games they know and love. Cryptocurrency is a dangerous investment for many, and this proposal helps address the challenge in a fun way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1172,38-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_38,"This is a proposal which invents its own challenge and presents a viable solution on paper, whilst at the same time should directly contribute to the adoption, spread and utility of Cardano. The reward mechanism for users spending time in a common pastime and/or hobby is direct connected to the blockchain. The scope of this proposal is potentially tremendous and could involve a large proportion of the gaming population globally. Its focus on one of the most popular games (fortnite) means there is already a user base that the app and its function can directly tap into.
1175,17-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,Gaming dapp will be a really good thing to have early in ecosystem as it will attract more and more young crowd to cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1176,40-200,,200,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_40,"Really interesting concept with a solid amount of project plan detail explaining the app in depth, my question is this a dapp/does this even need smart contracts? it seems like a weaker decentralization use case if all your commands are in discord and you are just minting tokens and not using smart contracts. Also limited user base if its entire scope is built around a single game.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1178,83-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_83,"Due to the experience of the team such as a combined 45 years of experience in gaming and 10 years in blockchain as well as past experience working with EMURGO, E3, IGN, and IDG/GamePro, I feel that the team is fully equipped to execute this proposal. Past interaction with the proposer was made to reduce the amount needed in order to break up the proposer into multi phases thus reducing the amount asked into different proposal to increase the chance for success. One risk that might arise is the dependence on the new FortNite's Creative 2.0 release, which would be a new way to integrate to the game.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1179,35-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_35,"It is really clear what the final product is and the mechanism of the Dapp is explained in a clear way. The user experience is already described and the dev group involved for the development has good references. I like the fact that the proposal describes the general picture of the project, including also the next phase: this is a good indicator of a long term vision, which is essential for the success of the project.
I appreciate the details about the economics of the token, that is already planned and defined.
It would have been useful to have some details about the technical aspects of the project, including the description of the technologies/languages that will be used.
The funds requested seem adequate for the development of phase 1 but the costs breakdown is not indicated.
1180,21-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_21,"The proposers has provided evidence of their experience, little bit missing more technical details.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1182,82-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_82,"The team consists of young forward-thinking individuals and experienced advisors, partnering with many companies and agencies to help bring the proposal to reality.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1183,38-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_38,"The team seems to have a good background focussed on the gaming industry. The transparency re: two phases gives confidence that the development approach has been well-thought of. Milestones, timelines, resources and the time it will take to build parts of Phase 1 are all critical information, including metrics by which the success of this Dapp and business model can be measured. The mention that Phase 2 could potentially be funded by revenue from phase 1, and may not be reliant on future Catalyst funding, indicates the project will proceed irrespective of the success of this funding round. That provides a measure of confidence that it is on the right track and needs to be supported by Project Catalyst. Also, the completion of the first parts of phase 1 activities reflects this reviewers assumptions and the quality of this proposal. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1186,17-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,Experience of the team looks decent enough to take this proposal to finish line.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1187,40-200,,200,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_40,"Nowhere in these docs do I see how this app will become a dapp, meaning there is no mention of Plutus smart contracts or the logic you will code into them. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1189,83-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_83,Proposer laid out the development into two phases at the moment with timelines and deliverables clearly. They also have clear business model on how users can benefit from the tokenomics of the system. The proposer has a wireframe laid out in the google docs as well to show how the application would be used in the ecosystem. The proposer also highlight the cost breakdown in the discord channel for the external development team.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1190,35-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_35,"The definition of success is pretty clear (the complete and working discord bot). The KPIs provided are valid and relevant to evaluate the future success of the project. It would have been great to also have some ""hard numbers"" defined as goals to achieve in a defined period of time.
1191,21-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,"The plan is clear, I appreciate the podcast video.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1193,82-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_82,The proposal has a clear description of how a user might experience with PlayerMint and a detailed business model to sustain the development.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1194,38-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_38,"The proposal seems complete and has provided all the necessary details to progress this project,. The development road map, metrics, resources and milestones reflects a team with the background and experience to deliver success for Cardano. The description of the business model, its interaction with the Cardano blockchain, the value-add (NFTs) within and without the ADA ecosystem, its very processes, and the simplified picture on how it will all run from a gamers perspective paints a very clear picture of how PlayerMint could achieve the goals it has set itself. A very good proposal overall",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1197,17-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,"the team has provided all the necessary information abt token issuance, Budget allocation, long term sustainability plan which make it highly effective.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1198,40-200,,200,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_40,Leaving this proposal convinced this is a nice app and cool that you mint tokens but without making explicit where your smart contracts are/structured how is this Discord app going to be considered a Cardano dapp? ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1199,59-70,,70,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,It's actually a great skeleton of an idea that needs more (DNA and) meat around the bones. Who would you be partnering with? What's the go-to-market strategy? Where do you add value?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1200,21-70,,70,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_21,This is not a serous proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1202,41-70,,70,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal has the potential to address the challenge, as storing identity records is one of the uses of blockchains, but to assess whether the proposal will have a significant impact, I believe that more information needs to be presented, as there is little information about the proposal plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1203,9-70,,70,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there isn't enough effort in this proposal that would explain properly the whole concept. It is potentially an interesting one but there just isn't enough depth around how this brings utility to Cardano at the moment. We would need to make number of assumptions instead. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1205,82-70,,70,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_82,"An intriguing proposal. I believe it is important to acknowledge and continue your family legacy, and implementing blockchains creates a trustworthy and tamper-proof way of storing your family roots.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1206,59-70,,70,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_59,"It's not clear what the plan is and how that 80,000 USD would be used.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1207,21-70,,70,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,This is not a serous proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1209,41-70,,70,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is no reasonable plan and no information about the proposer's experience or expertise. I recommend including this information so that we have the slightest chance to evaluate the chances of successfully implementing the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1210,9-70,,70,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,Unable to determine relevant experience of the proposer as there are no links nor references posted. There is no sense of who would actually be carrying out this idea in action - nor is there any sensible budget break down. There is only one grand figure that shows for all but we don't know its allocation whatsoever. That would be very useful to include next time to determine how this proposal plans to be carried out.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1212,82-70,,70,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_82,"There is not a clear description of the background of this proposer. A little touch of credibility such as how many years of skill experince, or work history, no matter how big or small goes a very long way. This is a proposal after all, and you can coordinate a team with different skills to help you with the project later on.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1213,59-70,,70,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,No KPIs in place. Hard to measure.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1214,21-70,,70,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,This is not a serous proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1216,41-70,,70,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"Although the proposal has the potential to address the challenge based on the idea, there is no detailed plan to understand the relevance / impact of the proposal on the challenge. There is not enough information to check the feasibility of the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1217,9-70,,70,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Given that this idea is just a sample of sorts - there is lack of roadmap or milestone points. There also is no clear definition of what success metric looks like, nor any KPIs introduced. This is same for no challenges listed as well as risks considered. I would recommend to work a bit more on the proposal so that community can better understand the intent and then try to resubmit at the later stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1219,82-70,,70,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_82,"With the amount of information detailed in this proposal, it is currently a dream at best. DNA research requires demanding execution and scientific effort. I would want to know more how would you identify ancestors via information from DNA, what equipment will you be utilizing, what monetary incentive will you be providing to the community to build a sustainable business model.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1221,6-228,,228,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_6,"I think this proposal has a potentially valuable idea for the Cardano ecosystem, but does not effectively answer the challenge. The challenge is calling for Quality Dapps and integrations that will increase utility & adoption of Cardano. A marketing platform that connects the right delegator to the right pool, seems to be somewhat outside - or tangential - to this challenge.
1223,9-228,,228,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"Potentially, an interesting concept. We all know how having ability to match SPOs with the right kind of delegator is great. However, there are some major deficiencies in this proposal that don't take it into an investable idea just yet. It doesn't clearly articulate what right delegators and right stake pool mean and how that matching process is envisioned precisely.
It is dubbed as a marketing platform - but not much detail is added about actual marketing. Would be really useful to understand on a concept level before diving into it any deeper. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1225,8-228,,228,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_8,I think is a marvelous idea! this is deffinitly a beautiful one. Is hard to align with a stake pool operator because the platform existing is not conducive of transparency use other than decentraluzing the network and producing rewards. But if it can be aligned as communicating hubs where they have their own ways of aligning with individual goals and incentives and rewards could have a % aligned towards a common goal that could go through lections with the pool. This would incentivize each pool to stregthen their niche communities into doing their work in decentralizing the network but also working towards loyalty towards a cause specified by the pool operwtor which can be driven by the micro community of every pool. This would in essence create volunteering and charity towards a common goal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1226,40-228,,228,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_40,"I understand small SPO's need a marketing avenue to better sell their commodity service, however this is the dapp challenge",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1227,98-228,,228,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_98,It substitutes money for initial research. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1229,6-228,,228,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The proposer does not have sufficient experience Currently, as I have no experience (""I am in a research and development stage. Therefore, I would need funds to hire relevant technical, legal and marketing consultants for research and prototyping."") and the team is yet to be assembled. The budget of USD50,000 is a lump sum, but is not broken down into components and the plan is still in the idea/concept phase. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1231,9-228,,228,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"I have serious doubts about ability to deliver on this task absent of experience and team in place as outlined in the proposal brief. What also worries me is absence of professional links that could establish validity. The provide link goes to a website with questionable quality that also doesn't provide any identifiable details of person(s) behind the project. For the future reference, using LinkedIn profile or other references online would be really desirable. While there is a mention of total grand figure in budget department - it really does not go into any further detail of how this budget achieves the vision in this proposal. There is no breakdown that could help us understand this closer. I would suggest to work on these a bit more and try to resubmit the proposal at the later fund rounds. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1233,8-228,,228,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_8,Quite a great idea but lack the experience needed and perhaps the support to implement the proposal successfully. More clarity on stage by stage plan is essential as well as how the fundings can be distributed acroos the development of each stage would create more confidence in its deliverables.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1234,98-228,,228,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_98,It makes a lot of assumptions on being able to hire rhe right consultants to execute on a very thin concept. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1236,6-228,,228,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,"I think that this proposal could benefit from more detail, a specific plan and budget breakdown, milestones, KPIs and also possibly resubmission into a new Funding category in one of the following rounds. As it currently stands, it seems not fully developed and does not address the challenge directly. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1238,9-228,,228,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Proposal does not go into enough depth with regard of how it determines it success. There is no clear definition of such vis-a-vis KPIs or other metrics that could help understand its progress. Or lack there of. This is primarily, my guess - due to lack of having actual team in place just yet. Which also brings me to the point about challenges and risks. Unfortunately, these aren't given enough attention either. I would suggest to work on roadmap and milestones more so that community have greater confidence in investing. Maybe at the later funds after mode detail is added would be useful. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1240,8-228,,228,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_8,The proposal provides a basic brief of a great idea and one with alot of potential to promote the solution to the challenge posed. Its quite feasible towards a clear vision of success but more collaboration and technical progress towqrds the development required needs addressing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1241,40-228,,228,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_40,"this marketing platform is similar to many other non-dapp websites being listed in the wrong challenge. a Dapp means I connect my wallet to the Blockchain to sign a tx that locks my UTXO in a smart contract, a marketing platform is very different",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1242,98-228,,228,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_98,It Is a very cursory concept that needs alot more depth of thought in order to be developed Into a feasible project. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1244,51-52,,52,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,Other than the guy named Denmark Cardano on Facebook it is apparent that there is little to no presence on the island. This may be the start.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1245,10-52,,52,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,"This proposal addresses the challenge and as there are no LCCs in northern Europe yet, would create a needed base of operations there. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1246,46-52,,52,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_46,"While not stated clearly, this proposal will create an LCC in Denmark and is in alignment with the challenge. It does highlight the general geographic community of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany and professionals as the target community of the proposal. I feel this is too broad. It does not define the implementers commitment or other specific agencies or affiliations. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1247,53-52,,52,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_53,"In a advanced economy like Denmark with a thriving tech sector and a western world itching to know more about Blockchain and how it's going to revolutionize finance and many other industries, we will see many young professionals wanting to know about this new technology and how it's going to change their lives. A local community center in Denmark can serve as an important gateway to the Cardano ecosystem by providing a local interface learn more about it, as well as how to become a participant in the Cardano community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1249,51-52,,52,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_51,"Experience is claimed by ideator, but not demonstrated or referenced. The cost outlined would far exceed the budget requested, at least in my region but I still find it hard to understand how the 10k would be enough to keep the ball rolling. (""full-time"" is the key statement. sending comment, without reply this is my rating, will adjust and strike this comment if warranted)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1250,10-52,,52,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_10,"The plan is clear, but there is no mention of what city this LCC would be located in. It is also not specified how many member the founding team would have. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1251,46-52,,52,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_46,"This proposal does not provide sufficient information to assess progress in attaining the goal. Firstly, the goal/ solution is not clearly stated. I am not sure of the proposers idea of an LCC, where will it be located within Denmark? It does list general expenses, but is not specific. It does not have a roadmap nor milestones, other than to say the LCC will be established as a non-profit. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1252,53-52,,52,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_53,"The proposer has included relevant information regarding their career background and technical skills to successfully implement the proposal as described. In addition, proposer appears to have a strong network built in the local area being targeted. Denmark's position as a leader in blockchain adoption in Europe, along with the aforementioned means this proposal is well suited to help drive awareness and adoption of Cardano in Europe through becoming a Local Community Center.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1254,51-52,,52,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_51,"Detailed benchmarks for success and a better roadmap would add a lot of meat to this proposal, will be commenting to this effect as well.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1255,10-52,,52,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,A roadmap to track progress is needed. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1256,46-52,,52,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_46,"I think the best thing about this proposal is the support it gives toward the stated goal of the challenge - to create an LCC (Local Community Center). However, the plan and experience of the team do not inspire confidence of success. There is no itemized plan nor budget. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1257,53-52,,52,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_53,"Given Denmark's location between mainland Europe and Scandinavia, Denmark's serves as an important hub for the European tech sector. Although it is a small country, it is a highly advanced economy with a thriving tech sector. Setting deep roots in Europe's tech sector is mission critical for Cardano, as the world's largest DAO and first scalable smart-contract capable blockchain, Cardano is well-positioned to disrupt many industries within Europe, but first they have to know about us. This proposal provides sufficient information detailing the proposers career background and networking skills as both a businessman, entrepreneur and enthusiast for blockchain technologies.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1258,59-72,,72,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"A global decentralized Commodities Exchange is a fantastic idea, yet not a new one. Quick googling returns dozens of existing ideas that you could piggyback on or find a way to bring them to Cardano:",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1260,10-72,,72,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,This idea has high potential for adoption. It focusses on creating an economically equal situation from producer to consumer and to my knowledge something like this does not exist as of yet today. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1261,9-72,,72,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,Bringing economic identity to farmers in many countries is very crucial. I generally like the concept outlined but as proposal author admits themselves - it would probably need a bit more research to properly identify the problem and potential solutions. I would suggest to rewrite the proposal into research opportunity and resubmit it under another fund later on? Maybe more useful than in the current form. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1262,36-72,,72,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_36,"I like the basic idea of this approach and it could potentially contribute to the Cardano ecosystem. So the idea itself is within the challenge settings. However, the proposal as a whole is still very abstract about the solution. The proposer states himself, that there needs to be more research. So in summary, there is nothing to implement yet. But the challenge is asking exactly for this. I recommend the proposer to work further on this proposal. And then there could be a successful funding. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1263,99-72,,72,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_99,"The challenge was clearly defined, but you also need to define the metrics for measuring whether you're successfully addressing the challenge. For example, you could measure adoption rates for buyers and farmers. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1264,59-72,,72,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,"It's great that you have developers and partner ready but you shouldn't dismiss the MVP approach. First, do the research globally and gather the best practices. Then create an MVP in the Philippines.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1266,10-72,,72,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_10,"It is still unclear who the team is and how many participants there are.
It is not specified who will take care of logistics cost in the solution model. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1267,9-72,,72,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there is no sensible break down of the budgetary requirements. I am also afraid - that by inputing text into the budget field - this proposal will simply not be included in the voting app. This worries me because it does speak to attention about detail. Maybe it will be corrected by someone in the review process. As budget field has to include ONLY numbers. That's an unfortunate oversight if that's indeed the case. Other than that - it is also difficult to establish relevant experience for the proposer as no links or references are actually included in the presentation. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1268,36-72,,72,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_36,"I recommend the proposer to add further evidence of his experience, so that it would be possible to check it. The budget spending is not defined very well. How many hours will be worked on this? WIth the information given It is difficult to say if the budget is reasonable. There should also be more specific information about what is going to happen after a successful funding. To say there will research is not enought. I recommend to be more detailed on this in future. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1269,99-72,,72,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_99,"From what I understood, you do not come from a technical background and you have beginner to intermediate technical skills in Haskell, and to address this gap you onboarded Haskell developers, but you need to provide more details on your team, such as the number of developers, their experience level, and their anticipated level of commitment to this project.
You did not provide budget and project plans, which makes it difficult to understand how you plan to spend the USD $20,000 that you're requesting.
I see a misalignment between the stage where you are currently and the team you have lined up. You are at a research stage where your team should be working on defining the business requirement specifications before the developers start the technical work. For example, it seems to me that you should have business analysts with subject matter expertise of the commodities market who can help define the requirements before the developers start their work. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1270,59-72,,72,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_59,"If I understood correctly you just need time (and money) to get the research done. It is unclear how the 20,000 USD would be used.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1272,10-72,,72,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_10,A roadmap would improve this proposal tremendously and help understand the intended commodity flow. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1273,9-72,,72,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There doesn't seem to be an actual roadmap with. milestones that would help us navigate what the proposal author has in mind once this would be funded. Nor we get much sense about appropriate metrics and how the success would be measured (KPIs, etc0. There also ins't much attention given to challenges and risks either. It would be great if this was worked on greater detail and perhaps resubmitted at the later stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1274,36-72,,72,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposer does not present a roadmap (no milestones, no time frame). There are also no KPIs (which of course is difficult in research). For a future funding I recommend to have the research already done. So you can propose an executable plan, which makes a successful funding more likely. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1275,99-72,,72,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_99,"This proposal is likely to run into several challenges; at a minimum you should provide a list of the anticipated risks and how you plan to mitigate those risks. For example, I can see how this commodities dex would be very appealing to the farmers, but what would be the incentive for the buyers to switch from buying from the middle men to buying directly from farmers? How would you address the buyers' concerns for a continued stable product supply chain for example? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1276,59-51,,51,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_59,A fantastic proposition that should be combined with the existing education initiatives (contact e.g. for collaboration). This is a logical next step from text/audio/video guides: learning by doing.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1279,100-51,,51,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the challenge, the first steps are often the most difficult ones to take when you are learning a new developping environment. This proposal would simplify this process and make it fun and effective for new developpers. We just regret the lack of 'how' in this proposal. As of now, this is just an idea with no clear path to reality.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1280,83-51,,51,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_83,"The concept is an interesting way to make people learn language such as Haskell. However, the proposer has not listed how they plan to implement the system, who would be hosting the system, where are the information material is coming from, how to grade the programming exercise?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1281,29-51,,51,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_29,"In my opinion this is not needed. If you don't know about Haskell programming, then wait for the C++/Java/Python etc. integrations.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1282,32-51,,51,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_32,The idea is a very good one and adding coding katas can go a long way in promoting developer adoption.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1283,59-51,,51,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,"10,000 USD sounds like a reasonable grant for one developer to create the content. A larger team is required to take this to market.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1286,100-51,,51,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_100,"- No proof of experience is given, no GitHub profile or other external resources and thus no way for anyone to assess the proposer actual skills to implement this proposal.
- The vision of what the finished product would do and add to the ecosystem is clear and very enticing (good job in this part of the proposal) but there is no description of how it would work or what it is (a website? a repository?)
- There is no plan given, no timeline, we don't know how the $10,000 would be used (no budgeting)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1287,83-51,,51,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_83,"The proposer is a developer, although there's no way of knowing what specific experiences needed to implement the solution",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1288,29-51,,51,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_29,You failed to describe your experience and an implementation plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1289,32-51,,51,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_32,"The proposed plan is not clearly defined and is missing information about the development team, the deployment and maintenance methods and plans.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1290,59-51,,51,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_59,It is unclear how much time would it take to create these katas and how they will be taken to the market. Do benchmark corporate solutions for e-learning such as,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1293,100-51,,51,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_100,"The problem and solution are well explained and are doable, there is no technical roadblock ahead ; however there is no plan, no clear budget, no KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) or milestones. From the information we are provided with, this is a proposal in its infancy stage and needs refinement and development to turn it into a real project with achievable goals.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1294,83-51,,51,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_83,"There's no project plan, timelines, cost breakdown that could lead this proposal to be succesful",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1295,29-51,,51,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_29,There was not sufficient information on how to create these katas,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1296,32-51,,51,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_32,The description of the problem and solution are clear enough however the proposal does not provide a roadmap and milestones nor the challenges and risks have been assessed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1298,12-137,,137,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"This proposal fails to make basic points clear: targeting JS devs to build what? Cardano smart contracts are written in Plutus. There are already API services for Cardano written in JS, the proposer fails to benchmark any of these made available via Adrestia.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1299,21-137,,137,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal does meet the developers adoption challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1301,49-137,,137,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_49,Leveraging MarloweJS and preparing tutorial and example content for potential developers and entrepreneurs is exactly what is challenge is about.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1302,101-137,,137,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_101,"The proposal aims to meet an important developer need for a major segment of the software-development community. The proposal does not differentiate itself from existing open-source capabilities such as the Marlowe playground, the Plutus playground, the Daedalus wallet, etc. that deploy javascript and npm for the Cardano ecosystem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1305,12-137,,137,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"the project plan is super high level and there is nothing in terms of technical documentation, benchmarking current JS tooling for Cardano newcomers or a detailed implementation strategy. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1306,21-137,,137,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,The proposer experience is not clearly articulated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1308,49-137,,137,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_49,"The proposers background is not exactly clear, but should not be a blocker.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1309,101-137,,137,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The description of the team's experience does not say that the team has experience with Cardano or with UX (user experience): acquiring that experience could be a significant risk for the project. In particular, emphasizing UX will be key to success.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1311,12-137,,137,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This proposal fails to make it clear 1. why Cardano needs a hub for JS devs when Cardano is mostly Haskell and 2. the already available Cardano tools in JS users may access from Adrestia today. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1312,21-137,,137,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,The plan lacks details given the amount of funding asked.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1314,49-137,,137,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_49,"Goals are clear, and seem within reach, planned advertisement costs might help bolster the chance of success.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1315,101-137,,137,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The proposal provides a solid justification of its budget request, details its work plan, and documents its team's experience.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1316,34-115,,115,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_34,The proposer seeks to develop an online hub for all things Catalyst. this will serve as a one-stop solution for all looking to learn more about project Catalyst. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1318,36-115,,115,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_36,"Clear problem definition, clear solution to the problem and definitely a benefit to the community. However, as the goal of this challenge is to get more entrepreneurs into Catalyst, I would suggest that this proposal fall under the category ""Catalyst Onboarding"".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1319,72-115,,115,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_72,"In my opinion, this proposal is here in the wrong category. It would fit into the challenge catalyst onboarding. But the idea and the solution are definitely good and would be worth for the community if there will be a funding in the next round. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1320,61-115,,115,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_61,"The idea is very good, and it would help to avoid some low quality proposals and some that does not match the challenge as well, and increase the total number of proposals. I know a couple of people that were looking for materials like this, so the 'clients' are there. Although, some other proposals have similar ideas, it would be good to look for them and propose to work together.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1321,29-115,,115,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_29,Honorable and decent idea. However you failed to explain how to get the developers to visit your website. No marketing budget. I find it hard to believe that developers would end up on your website without any marketing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1323,41-115,,115,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge, a course +website could be a good option to educate entrepreneurs on how to participate in the Catalyst project, which we now perceive to be somewhat complex and requires guidance, the course would help, but there are no details on how this course would be publicized, so that it reaches a relevant number of entrepreneurs",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1324,34-115,,115,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_34,"The proposer currently has a podcast about Cardano and project Catalyst, which could serve as a funnel for the website described in the proposal. It is unlear how the proposer would target an audience now associated with Cardano or cryptocurrency space. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1326,36-115,,115,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_36,"The proposer provides evidence about his ability to create online courses. There is a clear budget and a clear statement about what to expect in return for the funding. What I miss here, is how new proposers will find the courses. There is no statement about it. Yes, they will be available on the website and on teachable. But it is one thing to create the videos and another thing to really reach the relevant audience. In conclusion, I think there will be helpful videos, but I am not sure if the implementation will be successful.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1327,72-115,,115,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_72,"The proposer has already produced online courses. There is also a clear plan and a reasonable budget. With these information it is likely that there will be a successful implementation. However, this proposal is here in the wrong category. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1328,61-115,,115,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_61,"With the proposed budget and experience, I believe that the proposal is achievable. I am just not sure if a new website is really needed for these. I believe that a couple of free tools and websites (some blog, YouTube, etc) could be used instead to lower the proposal budget. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1329,29-115,,115,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_29,Seems like you have adequate experience. However i still fail to see how you will get traffic from specific developers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1331,41-115,,115,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is relatively simple and the plan reflects this, there is an intention to create courses and a website to guide entrepreneurs, but there is no description of how the courses will be disseminated.
The proposer is already a participative member of the Cardano community and host of the Cardano Podcast, in addition to that he already has a project similar to that of the proposal, which indicates his competence. I recommend the inclusion of a resume or Linkedin so that the community can check its expertise and qualifications.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1332,34-115,,115,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_34,The proposal includes ample information describing deliverables and budget breakdown. The proposal could benefit from an approximate timeline for a complete project. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1334,36-115,,115,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_36,"A time horizon is missing. When will the courses be online? There are also no KPIs to measure progress and success of the proposal. How many people does he want to reach in which period? So it hard to say, if the funding is worth it. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1335,72-115,,115,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_72,"There is a good plan, but no time frame is defined. There are also no metrics to measure progress and success. Therefore, this proposal would not be easy to assess. Anyway, the proposed solution does not directly address the goal of this challenge (bring entrepreneurs to Catalyst).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1336,61-115,,115,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_61,"The final goals are there, but some dates and milestones would improve the proposal as a whole. Also, KPIs would be beneficial, for both production content and number of people who were engaged to the website after some time, for example.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1337,29-115,,115,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_29,It will be hard to get traffic from the specific blockchain devs. to visit your site without any marketing strategy.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1339,41-115,,115,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"In general, the proposal addresses the challenge, but some information could have been added to indicate the feasibility and impact of the challenge. There are details on budget allocation. There is no description of the deadline for delivering the courses. It would be essential to include KPIs in this proposal so that it is possible to evaluate the performance of the courses and the number of onboarded entrepreneurs.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1340,51-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_51,"The authors passion is apparent and focused on an individual task within the entire challenge, that if completed will allow excellent options for future discussion and decisions.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1342,50-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_50,"This proposal drives hard into the goal of increasing general confidence in voting outcomes. It addresses a few concerns - Balancing voting power between large ADA holders and small ADA holders.
The proprosal doesn't address the identity authentication challenge that comes alongside this ambitious goal. No method to prevent large stakeholders from bypassing the potential redistribution of voting power, overcoming the purpose of the proposal.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1343,25-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,"The proposal directly tackles the problem of voting influence which, in turn, is the deciding factor for money distribution from the Cardano treasury.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1344,19-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_19,"This proposal addresses a crucial factor in the decision-making process. Ensuring at least a modicum of the ""every vote counts"" feeling is needed for any voting system to function at its best. Though this is more an exercise than an actual implementation, I'd love to see the results.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1345,47-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_47,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1346,22-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_22,Looks at the problem in a non-bias way. This can help secure the scalability and equitability of the voting system as we move forward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1347,41-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal described has anfirst principles approach, offering options to weigh votes, establishing saturation models in a manner similar to Cardano's model of stake pool delegation and ranking. The idea is in line with the purpose of the challenge, but it is not possible to state that the proposal presented may introduce some improvement in the next 2 Funding rounds, there is a risk that the proposal will not result in a model that is not incorporated into Catalyst.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1348,43-103,,103,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_43,we need to put more thought into diversifying voting influence,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1349,51-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_51,"Background, references, knowledge and willingness to communicate effectively with the commenters in this proposal is great sign of the drive",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1351,50-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_50,"The experience of the proposers fits well with the proposal. The proposal will rely on a community backed and endorsed method of aggregation and labelling of data, but there is no clear method on how this would be achieved in a decentralized way. Although the proposers state that a literature review will be completed and available to public, how could the community trust that it was done without bad intentions if they don't have the technical literacy to interpret it? If a limited, highly contextualized group determines the aggregation and labelling methods of data that's put into the AI, they are the ones with centralized power.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1352,25-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_25,A team of two people with strong background in academia and experience with developing complex systems and simulations. Plan is well thought out and concisely presented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1353,19-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_19,"If the proposal suggested actually implementing their findings, I would think the team is too collegiate, but for the purposes of generating and testing useful models, working off what already exists in Cardano, I think this will be successful.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1354,22-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_22,Team has experience in testing and data analysis. Plan is thought out beginning to end.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1355,41-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The presented plan is reasonable and the proposers describe qualifications and desirable expertise for the proposal, however the proposal has no guarantees of being implemented, as the idea is to create alternative models of weighing votes, which may or may not be incorporated in Catalyst, this will be in the hands of the community and not the proposers, but it is still an uncertainty.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1356,43-103,,103,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_43,The proposing team has strong experience in analyzing voting systems,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1357,51-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_51,Current website path and roadmap is not too ambitious and should allow for able and willing participants to join and assist with the effort. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1359,50-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,"This is a very ambitious goal, and has huge implications. While it may be necessary in the future it is beyond the goal of this Fund4 challenge which is to increase confidence in the next two rounds (12 weeks). The proposal's timeline already puts it behind schedule for delivery of the key metrics of the challenge - increased participation, confidence in decisions, etc.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1360,25-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_25,"Proposal is detailed, it tackles the challenge directly, but the execution timeline is 3 months. If everything goes to plan, after three months the community will receive tested out functions and protocols on vote dispersion. The question remains if any of it will be applicable in fund 5 and fund 6.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1361,19-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_19,"I'm worried that any useful outcomes of this proposal will be too ""academic"" for most to appreciate or work with. Would be nice if there was some feedback from teams in the voting space at IOG/CF etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1362,22-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_22,Professional proposal that is detailed. Addresses challenge from multiple angles.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1363,41-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"There is a reasonable roadmap, KPIs anda budget breakdown.
The proposal has a conceptual aspect that makes it difficult to assess feasibility. As the challenge is focusing on proposals that may have a more immediate impact on Catalyst, I believe that the proposal is not in line with the challenge, as there are no guarantees that the models resulting from it will be put into practice within the deadline stipulated in the challenge, but as this decision is up to the community and not to the proposers, I think that it is not possible to discard the chances of the proposal implementation.
1364,43-103,,103,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_43,1st proposal that is trying to take a detailed analysis of different voting patterns/models for individual's voting power,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1366,51-205,,205,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_51,"Power is certainly needed for infrastructure to build a LCC for a technology, but there is no detail within the proposal to identify the plan",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1367,55-205,,205,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_55,"Providing energy to people who need it is important, but the proposal is very broad and it is unclear how Cardano would play a role other than paying for energy infrastructure and training. It could be helpful to narrow down the scope to a more specific community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1368,46-205,,205,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_46,"This proposal seems unfinished. It doesn't reference the campaign brief nor use it's structure or language. It feels like a brainstorming session. It does not effective connect Cardano, blockchain, or LCC (Local Community Center) with the problems it states. It does mention some important problems like power supply and job opportunities. However, there are not enough details (specifically asked for in the campaign brief) to justify the total budget of the campaign.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1370,41-205,,205,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is a draft, there are no sufficient details to evaluate how it will address the challenge in a relevant way.
There is a real problem described, but I find it important that the problem is more discussed so that the community has an appropriate perspective, it would be important to provide data on the number of people that this proposal could benefit. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1371,50-205,,205,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1372,61-205,,205,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_61,"The proposal as it is today consists only of the description of a problem. It needs improvement on how to solve this problem effectively. Relevant experience should also be described, it looks as there was a misunderstanding about this field. Also, the LCC challenge might not be the best place for this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1374,51-205,,205,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_51,No experience was identified nor is there a presented plan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1375,55-205,,205,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_55,The plan needs a lot more work and there is no breakdown of how the funds will be used to achieve the goal. It would be good to include more information about yourself and what experience you have related to this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1376,46-205,,205,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_46,The plan doesn't mention the proposers experience nor community support. It does not offer a detailed plan nor roadmap / milestones. There was one commenter in the comment section but no reply was given. The budget is not sensible for this plan as stated. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1378,41-205,,205,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is no described plan. There is no information about proposer's experience / qualification.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1379,50-205,,205,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_50,The solution is mentioned however there is no clear plan on how to execute the correct solution to the problem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1380,61-205,,205,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_61,"The proposal lacks a plan, it just describes the problem. It needs more information for us to understand how the proposer wants to solve the problem. The required fund is not detailed and equals the total amount of the challenge, which is not ideal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1382,51-205,,205,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_51,"Made an attempt in the comments for the ideator to respond, no prior comments were made on this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1383,55-205,,205,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_55,"The scope is much to broad to be feasible. A more specific problem statement and some kind of roadmap are needed. Some questions that could be answered to improve this proposal:
1. Where is the ""local area""?
2. What companies will be established, what is the plan for this?
3. Where will the training centres be established and what is the plan to make this happen?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1384,46-205,,205,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_46,No key metrics are mentioned. No team or community is detailed. There is no clear definition of success. This does not justify the budget requested. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1386,41-205,,205,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,There are no details to evaluate how the proposal will address the challenge and understand the feasibility of the proposal. I recommend that the proposer follow the Guidelines and Catalyst documentation to create a new proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1387,50-205,,205,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,"the proposal doesn't provide any concrete metrics to gain a sense of the scale of the problem, timeline of implementation, or an indication of the skills of the proposer.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1388,61-205,,205,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_61,"The proposal lacks a roadmap, milestones, KPIs, but to create these a concrete plan is also needed. More details about the plan and the budget are needed to make the proposal auditable.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1389,51-23,,23,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_51,"Fantastic presentation, A lot to digest but certainly covers the context of the challenge, top to bottom",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1391,59-23,,23,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_59,"So much thought and time has gone into this research - and there's a really cool step-by-step process outlined in that linked Miro board - however, it is not easily found. What you have written in Ideascale is all great philosophy and background. If only you could crystallize the proposal here also. Still, something like this is definitely needed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1393,25-23,,23,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,Proposal aims to develop a naturally evolving swarm intelligence system to truly decentralize decision making.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1394,41-23,,23,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The problem described is reasonable and a priority for Catalyst, but the solution presented is very subjective, I understand that the complexity of Catalyst may require complex solutions but I think it is essential that the proposal is more concise in how it will address the challenge in the short term. In the long term, we can think of complex solutions, but as the challenge establishes the deadline in the next 2 Funds, it is necessary to clarify the impact in the short term.
The attached files are in low resolution and it is not possible to read what is written.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1395,51-23,,23,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_51,"The plan looks awesome, 4 star with note to question experience. I can feel the passion and knowledge of subject, but experience is unique to this so wonder if/when/where this has been applied by this (developing) team",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1397,59-23,,23,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,Many capable people in the comments have raised their hand. Allow them to join and take whatever time it takes to come up with a kick-ass process: Project Catalyst 2.0. :),x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1399,25-23,,23,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Two team members with systems design experience (although the proposal does not state exactly what experience). Plan and cost breakdown are detailed and well thought out, work has already started with funding from proposers themselves. We need to keep in mind that this project is very ambitious and will demand a lot of involvement from the community to be successfully implemented.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1400,41-23,,23,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_41,"I see potential in the proposal and the problems presented are plausible, but it is not clear that Fund4 deliverables will be relevant to the challenge and will result in success. The team is already working on the proposal and this shows their commitment, but there are no details on the professional experience and qualifications of the proposers, I recommend including this information.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1401,51-23,,23,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_51,"Completely, and thoroughly explained. Seeing the effort already laid out, and willing participation from commenters and ability to onboard them into the process, this proposal will attract a lot of, dare i get punny and say it... busy bees swarming. Well done, Great Proposal ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1403,59-23,,23,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_59,"8,000 USD is a very small sum to ask for such a huge undertaking. If you can crystallize the process, provide proper metrics and create practical tools for the community members to use, you should ask much more than that.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1405,25-23,,23,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_25,"Proposal is of very high quality, plan is detailed and progress can be easily audited.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1406,41-23,,23,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal provides a lot of information about the problem and possible solutions, there is a well-worked rationale, there is also a reasonable plan, but it is not clear that the deliverables of the first stage will be relevant to the challenge, due to the fact that the purpose of the challenge is in short-term solutions and the proposal is aimed at the long term.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1408,19-240,,240,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1411,105-240,,240,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_105,"Interesting idea. Could be applied to all digital content, which is not too big?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1412,106-240,,240,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_106,Great use case. They seem to have thought through all the elements needed to successfully execute on this vision.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1413,9-240,,240,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,I like the concept as it solves one of the key narrative issues in publishing industry. It could democratize content creation if executed properly. Thus it fits into narrative of trying to solve a problem with the right dApp combination. I would have loved more clearly understanding how author things about this proposal in light of aligning it with the goals of the community. I can make some 'mental' shortcuts and come to conclusions but specific remarks that could nicely tie these concepts together could be well received. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1414,35-240,,240,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_35,"I really like the idea and I think exists a real problem about the centralization of the book industry that could be resolved using the blockchain. The proposal could certainly attract new users to the Cardano ecosystem and increase the Cardano utility through the mechanism designed to give incentives to all the actors involved in the proposed process.
1416,19-240,,240,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1419,105-240,,240,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_105,I think the biggest problem is getting attention to the platform.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1420,106-240,,240,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_106,Difficult to assess if they have the right development team in place but they do seem to have the requisite subject matter expertise.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1421,9-240,,240,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,"Proposal reads more of a concept stage at the moment than actual executable format ready to go. I am not sensing much of a business plan how to make this go forward. For example, there is budget listed but it really doesn't go in any depth regarding how this budget may be used or why it is right amount. Understanding how the author thinks about these variables would help shed more light onto it. With regards to experience - I understand proposal owner has great grasp of publishing industry narratives. What I am not getting much understanding myself is - what team assembled or not/resources are at disposal already that can help make this concept a reality. I would assume a team of engineers is required - but proposal doesn't give any sense of it presently that I can see. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1422,35-240,,240,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_35,"The main picture is clear enough but the proposal lack of technical specifications and it is not clear enough what will be the final product (a website? a mobile app? a prototype of the smart contracts and the NFT?). One critical aspect that should be explained in more detail concerns the mechanism to store the ""text content of the book in the blockchain"". At the moment I think this is not possible to store an entire book (the up limit for metadata in transactions is 16KB) and it is not advisable in order to prevent the blockchain to grow too much. Therefore it will be necessary to use an external (perhaps decentralized) mechanism: it would be great to add this information to the proposal.
Another aspect that it is not really clear to me concerns the ""reading access"". In the proposal is described that ""readers"" that hold BOOK tokens have access to the Library, but if the books are stored in a blockchain aren't they already visible to everyone?
Apart from these specificities it would be useful to have a detailed development plan, including a description of the technologies / languages (in particular for smart contracts) that will be used, a development roadmap and costs breakdown.
1424,19-240,,240,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1427,105-240,,240,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_105,"It's a good idea, but I don't see any technical solution.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1428,106-240,,240,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_106,Seem to have thought through the major elements that need to be addressed. I worry that they may have under budgeted what they will need.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1429,9-240,,240,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Due to the nature of how this proposal is put together - there aren't really any executable roadmap/milestone elements spelled out. Nor do we get a feel of what metrics does author think when evaluating success - which KPIs would be desirable to track, etc. Once community funds the project - what things can we track that would make it easy to determine validity of our choices. I would also have loved to learn about existing challenges/risks from established publishing systems that may be resistant to these changes. It would add a lot more clarity into the mix. Again - love the idea - concept over all - but it needs to be reworked into an action plan that can be quantifiable. Which it isn't in the present shape and hence it is difficult to score higher in this category. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1430,35-240,,240,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_35,"Unfortunately there is no indication of what the MVP will be and it is hard to understand what the final result will be achieved with the requested funds. This also depends on the absence of KPIs and metrics that can be used to evaluate the progress and the success of the project. It would be really useful to add some specific goals (eg How many books ""printed"" in the platform in a specific period of time? How many readers? How many transactions could generate an average user or an average book?)
1432,19-91,,91,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_19,"No doubt there is a need for greater transparency and the ability to hold buyers and sellers more accountable to be ""good actors"" in whatever marketplace they operate within. The proposal doesn't provide much clarity as to how this abstract good intention of a ""better marketplace"" in general actually translates into quantifiable adoption of Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1434,9-91,,91,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,I struggle with the concept here somewhat. I understand the idea of marketplace - but there are so many variants in the world - that knowing what this particular marketplace is hoping to facilitate is desirable. Why? Each may have its own needs and nuances to consider. I am unsure if it makes sense to approach marketplace integration/dApp on such a holistic level. I would have liked to learn more which particular problem in that dishonesty paradigm is targeted exactly. That would help narrow down the focus on the target group and build custom solution for such. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1435,36-91,,91,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_36,"In my opinion, the proposer missed to define clearly the stated problem. What is the real use case? In which situation does the payment history really make sense? P2P? B2C? B2B? There is no statement about this, also no differentiated discussion about this. How does the solution really prevent abuse? In a wider perspective, this idea would fit into this challenge but I don't see, that there is a sensible plan behind the idea. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1436,49-91,,91,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_49,"The proposition for local market places, is a good fresh idea for this challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1438,19-91,,91,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_19,"There needs to be more clarity around the proposed ""marketplace"". A marketplace for what? The control mechanisms needed to properly incentivize good behavior and the difficulty of seeding any 2-way marketplace (in this proposal, essentially a 3-way marketplace) make it unlikely to generate enough traction at this stage.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1440,9-91,,91,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,Proposal doesn't go in appropriate depth when discussing the actual budget. There is one grand figure noted but not much detail on why this is the right amount and what different segments of it are for. This would have been a very useful information to learn about. Also - because the scope of the nature is not narrowed down - it is also difficult to understand what it would actually take to bring this solution to life. If this was added - it would make things a lot more clearer than in its current shape. I would suggest to re-work the proposal in more actionable items and resubmit it at later funds. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1441,36-91,,91,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_36,"As the comment sections shows, the proposer has no sufficient experience in developing and implementing such a big product himself. Many aspects of this idea are not thought through carefully (such as a potential abuse). The given plan is more like a vague idea instead of a step-by-step roadmap. The budget is not described in detail, I think it is too low for developing such a solution. Therefore I cant state the budget as reasonable and for me successful implementation is very doubtful (based on the given information).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1442,49-91,,91,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_49,"There seems to be too little experience developing blockchain integrations or applications, the proposition also lacks key details around what steps would be taken to develop this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1444,19-91,,91,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_19,"What measures or rules will be in place concerning reporting? Who decides the rules initially? You?
The operational and support staff required to implement what the proposal describes is not addressed properly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1446,9-91,,91,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Absence of roadmap and milestones is somewhat worrying. This really seems just like an idea/concept of sorts. There is no introduction of success metrics, KPIs, or other useful information such as challenges and risks considered. Adding these elements would bring enormous value and elevate proposal greatly. Again - narrowing down the depth would be really key. And then just coming back again in the next funding round. Good concept - needs a bit more work. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1447,36-91,,91,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposer does not provide a development roadmap for the implementation process. I also recommend to add metrics/KPIs to a future proposal to make it assessable. Overall, the provided information is by far not sufficient. Creating a marketplace and running it successfully comes with many challenges (technically and from business perspective). In order to get a funding in the future, I also recommend to be more specific on this aspects.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1448,49-91,,91,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_49,"Not enough information is provided around for example identity management, or the enforcements against illegal sellers. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1450,33-235,,235,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_33,The suggested product would use Cardano but I don't see how this helps Cardano to be more established. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1451,10-235,,235,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_10,"This proposal is pretty much a lottery system, but can be applied to anything, even real estate as demonstrated in the video.
It's a cool idea, but challenge coverage is not completely elaborated. How can this drive adoption? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1452,9-235,,235,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"Interesting concept. However, it seems that the proposal does not go in necessary length to explain it's added benefit of running it on Cardano. Now, I can 'guess' what it is but proposal doesn't really address it in any meaningful way. Overall - it seems like an idea stage more than actionable proposal per se presently. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1453,60-235,,235,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_60,"For my own taste not.First of all its a project based on luck and radnomness.It can not work and even if it works(2000 people put their money and one wins,we have 1999 people that just lost their money).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1454,50-235,,235,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_50,the problem statement is really a mission statement. the problem that the solution addresses was not clearly identified.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1456,33-235,,235,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_33,The technical requirements are not covered. It is a relatively vague proposal in regards of the implementaion. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1457,10-235,,235,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_10,"This seems like a lot of work to go at it alone. To give this a better chance of succeeding, it should have a team, which is described in 'phase 1'.
So basically, there's 25000 USD requested to develop the raffle function and compose a team. Which leaves me with the question: Why would it take this amount of funding to complete 'phase 1'? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1458,9-235,,235,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there is no sensible breakdown of budget presented. There is only one grand figure at the moment. It seems proposal itself has a reference more details would be added on later - but perhaps it didn't materialise? If so - it would be great to see added more detail later on and perhaps resubmitting it at the later stage in other funds. There also is lack of understanding around team and relevant experience of those involved. Some sense via adding professional profile links would have been useful. Something to consider next time as well. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1459,60-235,,235,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_60,There is no techincal support no engineer no roadmap.etc. More of the project comes from the chat and the anwers of the owner of the project rather than the first post.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1460,50-235,,235,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_50,"The proposal doesn't include a plan to complete the solution, beyond initializing a project development team. the proposal doesn't include a budget, scope, or timeline to complete the project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1462,33-235,,235,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_33,The proposed solution is very generic. Don't see anything that provides information about the effectivness to solve the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1463,10-235,,235,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_10,"There is a roadmap and the video helped a lot with understand the system of this project.
Yet it is vital that there is a proper risk assessment in place to be able to determine its feasibility. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1464,9-235,,235,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,There is some attempt to outline development phase but it seems very basic. Improved and more detailed roadmap would be really useful that would include proper timescale/horizons. Right now - it is difficult to quantify timing needs. There also isn't much chat about challenges or risks nor introduction of any success metrics or KPIs for audience to consider. It is an interesting concept - but needs more depth to be investable. I suggest adding more detail and re-submit updated version at the later funds. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1465,60-235,,235,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_60,"The project have little information.No tokenomics,no road map, for my taste a bad lottery.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1466,50-235,,235,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,The proposal fails to identify who or how the benefit of a random raffle will realize a benefit to the participants. The proposal doesn't identify any key metrics to judge the projects progress towards completion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1467,17-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,"its the most important piece of the puzzle if we want to really grow cardano community, decentralized angle investing is required on top of decentralized R&D fund which catalyst provides.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1470,109-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_109,"It addresses it perfectly, positively helps the development experience of developers already present, but also expands to a necessary market to attract new ones. Very good way to help develop projects and be a practical service of cardano technology.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1473,21-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_21,This proposal does not belong to the developer adoption challenge.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1474,12-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,This author does not make it clear why they are requesting dev ecosystem challenge funding to build a dApp. A crowdfunding platform composed of a set of smart contracts is a Plutus dApp not a dev tooling,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1475,111-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_111,"The proposer has already submitted this exact same proposal in the fund3 dApp creation section, why is it now being submitted as a dev ecosystem proposal in fund4?",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1476,112-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_112,It looks perfect for helping the Catalyst project as it allows proposals that have not received funding to get inversos interested in it.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1477,100-77,,77,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_100,"This proposal could strengthen overall development sustainability by allowing funding from more sources and could be a good complement to Catalyst ; however it is positioned completely outside of the current challenge which is targeting developer ecosystem directly (tooling, libraries, frameworks, documentation, support, etc...).
As this proposal is requesting 12.5% of the current challenge fund, I am not sure it should be prioritized over all the other projects that do fit to the challenge. This proposal is for entrepreneurs and should be resubmitted in a next funding round in a more fitting challenge.
Moreover the proposers make no case as why their proposal fits the challenge which is misleading and detrimental to other projects. It is an interesting proposal overall, it's just in the wrong category...
There is also something missing concerning the users of this future platform: why would people invest in other people's project with their own money? What's in it for them?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1480,17-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,i wish there was an explanation about the use and bifurcation of the asked budget. But sometimes passion towards an idea is more important which this proposer seem to have in abundance.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1483,109-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_109,"Totally, I see a very solid plan, easy accessibility to the team, to ask questions, to get doubts, I have done it and the truth has helped me to understand your plan perfectly. It is totally doable.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1486,21-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,There are no references to valide the proposer experience to deliver this. Most of the links to their social media are not even working.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1487,12-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,Beyond the relevant experience section there are 0 links to Github repo or LinkedIn to verify the team behind this proposal. This is also no project timeline or budget breakdown included.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1488,111-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_111,It's not clear this team has made any progress on this idea since their fund3 proposal and its now being included in the fund4 dev challenge even though this is very obviously a dApp and not a dev tooling/infra solution.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1489,112-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_112,It seems that people who are in charge of this project are going to do a great job and have a clear and solid idea of the project.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1490,100-77,,77,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_100,"This is a very detailed proposal. The attached documents are well designed and contain complementary information and denote marketing experience. All these documents focus on the business plan and administrative part.
However their is a lack of technical details overall and notably concerning the smart contracts which are mentioned many times but never detailed, moreover, none of the developers seem to have proven experience in designing them. (developer profiles, GitHub, LinkedIn, etc... would be helpful to assess the technical abilities of the team). From their documents it seems that all the technicalities will be dealt with much later. There is no engineering vision.
I feel confident on the business side but I'm in doubt concerning the technical side of the project which is never considered seriously in the provided material.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1493,17-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_17,"Decentralized crowdfunding platform feels a very complicated piece of technology, but it is risk worth taking. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1496,109-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_109,"Yes, it shares many different documents, whe it explains many things about the plan, the mission, the vision, the technology used, who make up the team, it looks like a solid. In addition to providing information and contact channels.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1500,21-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_21,"Budget plan is very poor, probably just copied from somewhere else. The plan lacks details for the funds requested.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1501,12-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"This proposal is for 1. the creation of a dApp and 2. is lacking project timeline, budget breakdown and other key pieces (technical docs) to describe the protocol. It's also in the wrong category challenge. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1502,111-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_111,"This proposal is not a developer ecosystem win in any shape or form, it is a dApp submitted in fund3 that's made no public facing progress but has resubmitted for the f4 dev ecosystem challenge. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1503,112-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_112,They show some documents where they explain the whole project and how they are going to implement it and also a good business model (other ideas lack of this),,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1504,100-77,,77,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_100,"The technical feasibility is only vaguely addressed in the description and in the documents.
The plan and milestones strengthen this sentiment: no technical aspects are considered there at all. Only the business/administrative side, they do mention that they are working hard on an MVP but no milestone nor any concrete details can be found anywhere.
Overall this proposal is very good on the business and presentation/marketing side but is seriously lacking on the technical side.
Last but not least, this proposal seems to be dependent on a previous proposal from fund 3 which suffered from the same problems: detailed business plan but a serious lack of implementation details. Their previous proposal was rated 2.4 by community advisors...
Developers are key when it comes to innovation and highly technical projects, they seem optional in this one...",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1507,21-217,,217,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_21,This problem is more targeted to Cardano stake pool operators than developers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1508,111-217,,217,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_111,The proposer fails to assemble a complete proposal covering every component of this system and instead has a shell of a complete proposal submitted. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1509,59-217,,217,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_59,In the comments section you agree that this is a better approach:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1510,29-217,,217,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_29,Asking community funds for hardforking Cardano is not a good idea in my opinion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1511,101-217,,217,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_101,"Although a better Rust ecosystem for Cardano would attract new developers and enlarge the community, the proposal does not demonstrate that a re-implementation in Rust is needed for this or would be cost effective. Instead, Rust interoperability with existing Haskell-based infrastructure (sockets, REST, etc.) would be more effective.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1512,9-217,,217,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,This could be a great addition - I suspect there are some terminology issues that we are chating about node rather than cardano as a whole - but at any rate - what worries me more is - as also discussed in comments by other community members - this proposal does not address existing solutions/proposals that also try to address this problem. Having that included as part of the plan would have been great. Like what is the current landscape already? There is no issue having existing proposals competing for the same thing but being able to canvas the space or pool resources could be a viable option going forward. But overall - direction would be desirable - unsure about the form though just yet.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1514,21-217,,217,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,"Having ""great"" experience without any proof is invalid.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1515,111-217,,217,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_111,"Beyond the relevant experience section its not at all clear what this proposer's experience is. There is also no budget, timeframe or detailed project plan included.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1516,59-217,,217,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_59,See the comments section.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1517,29-217,,217,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_29,You failed to give any details,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1518,101-217,,217,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_101,"This is an extremely ambitious undertaking, but the proposal does not provide specifics about the team's experience, a detailed roadmap, validation/verification, etc. In particular, there would have to be a rigorous testing plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1519,9-217,,217,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There is some reference to experiences but only within comments section. It is highly desirable to state the validate of experience by providing appropriate reference links to past/present work or professional profile. Like linked in as well. Naturally, we also don't have any sense of budgetary requirements beyond stating one main figure. Would have been really helpful to see how far this proposal can go. For me - out of all concerns - this is the biggest red flag for the time being. I would suggest to work on these elements and try to re-submit again at the later stages. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1521,21-217,,217,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,"This proposal is not properly researched, the funds are too high for the roadmap provided. I kind of like the Idea, but needs more work.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1522,111-217,,217,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_111,This is an extremely incomplete proposal requesting 1/4 of the funds allocated for this challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1523,59-217,,217,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,Better withdraw this proposal and join an existing team to make this happen.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1524,29-217,,217,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_29,"No sufficient information on how proposer is going to implement the project, what he will use the hardfork for and why it cost 100.000 ada",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1525,101-217,,217,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_101,The proposal does not provide a detailed justification for the budget and timeframe. It does not address the concern that the existing Haskell codebase is large (and under revision) and would take a large effort to re-implement in Rust.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1526,9-217,,217,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Proposal does not go in any desirable depth that would make it more executable beyond idea stage. There is no sense of existing roadmap, milestones, challenges, risks. Nor do we understand how authors are thinking about the process in terms of success. What that looks like and how the community can keep this proposal accountable. Adding these and reworking would have made a lot of difference. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1529,41-129,,129,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposal presented was specifically modeled to meet the onboard needs in Catalyst and the idea is to create onboarding solutions for Voters, proposers and Community Advisors.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1531,34-129,,129,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_34,The proposer is aiming to create a friction-free on-boarding experience for individuals not familiar with project Catalyst or those seeking to hone their skill set. The proposal is aiming to be self sustaining via bounty reward system which will ensure its organic growth once fully functional. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1534,29-129,,129,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,I think the idea is great and addresses the challenge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1537,41-129,,129,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposer is already a member of Catalyst and organized Meetups with several other members of Catalyst, this proposal will have expertise from the people who are already involved in Catalyst and know of the challenges, so I believe they are the most suitable people to create solutions.
In addition, the proposal presents links to the work already made to improve onboarding experience, so this proposal is already under development, which brings more security that its implementation will succeed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1539,34-129,,129,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_34,"The proposer has already taken the initial steps to start the process and given their community involvement, they will get this project done. Funding requested is necessary in order to speed up the process and supplement bounty system. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1542,29-129,,129,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_29,Seems like the project owner has some sort of experience with this.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1545,41-129,,129,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposal presents detailed plan and budget, as well as the work that is already under development for the solution of the problem. There are reasonable KPIs and goals that can help the community attest to the success of the project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1547,34-129,,129,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_34,The proposal includes budget and timeline breakdown for each stage of the project as well as a description of a successful implementation of the product. List of KPIs should help keep track of the progress as this project moves along. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1550,29-129,,129,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_29,"Good idea, however I still dont see the full picture of how this will become the main entry to Catalyst",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1552,113-151,,151,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_113,"The proposal says there is a problem but doesn't evidence the gap. so it is not possible to tell if it addresses the problem.
having said that i started off a a developer many years ago and 'learn by doing' is always better so there is merit in the idea.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1553,51-151,,151,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_51,This idea going to completion will aid in the mission of Cardano and developer ecosystem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1557,29-151,,151,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_29,"The idea is somewhat honorable, however you started off the wrong way answering your problem statement with a question.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1560,113-151,,151,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_113,the proposer seem to have the experience to implement this relatively small piece of work.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1561,51-151,,151,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_51,"References are fairly a mandate when someone is asking to be paid $120,000/year, or $62/hr for one month, and they are not provided. Not saying this is not the perfect person to build this missing piece, there was just no reference given, nor reply when asked (yes, only 3 days ago, but that was over a weekend so if I had a job offer pending and I was passionate about it, I'd be doing everything I could to self promote...Its a red flag)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1565,29-151,,151,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_29,"There is missing informations/links to your previous work. Also, it would have helped a lot if you have a github link and already started on the project, just a little",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1568,113-151,,151,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_113,proposal needs looking at alongside other educational/Knowledge base projects or even as an improvement to the core offering by IOHK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1569,51-151,,151,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_51,"Again, it is an outlined plan and at this stage is missing the roadmap and funding requirement distribution points.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1573,29-151,,151,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_29,Im missing information about privious work and experience. Also missing a problem statement instead of a question. Would have been great if a github repository was already made so we could see your work in progress. 10.000 for a project you didnt even bother to start off on your own seems like a long-shot.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1576,111-74,,74,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_111,"This proposal includes a somewhat detailed project plan but 0 benchmark to existing dApps, a budget, a single metric or a timeline for implementation, without these it does not address the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1578,66-74,,74,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_66,This has potential to bring in users who wish to see the level of devotion of their fans but unfortunately it comes across as a hype train and could back-fire in attracting a crowd of people only interested in rewards,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1579,9-74,,74,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,Proposal goes into good detail explaining where it fits in the existing narrative and solutions. I would have liked to learn more about business side of the things. The solution seems clear but it isn't strong enough highlighting benefits to Cardano at launch. Part of it may be that attached pitch deck is for deployment on Ethereum instead? Unsure if that is an intention or by accident.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1581,111-74,,74,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_111,"None of the proposal components required for this idea to have a high likelihood of successful implementation are present: no metrics, benchmark, no timeline or implementation KPI's, no detailed plan or Plutus developer resource identified.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1583,66-74,,74,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_66,The team's website and level of knowledge appears to be in order for this proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1584,9-74,,74,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,"This proposal is a miss for me in terms of budgetary requirements. No where does it break down why this specific amount is the right one. Not knowing what the money would be used for is a red flag for me unfortunately. For the future, some sense of bread down in financials would be desirable. Let community know what have you thought of so we can judge more effectively the amounts requested. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1586,111-74,,74,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_111,this proposal is lacking all of the required information for a complete dApp protocol to effectively address the challenge: most notably the how for implementation and the when are completely missing.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1588,66-74,,74,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_66,There has been a decent amount of thought into the project and how it will work. It would be nice to have additional data on roadmap and breakdown of cost spending. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1589,9-74,,74,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_9,"There are very nice roadmap elements and milestones in the attached document. However, I do have to revert back to a fact that it is a generic pitch deck for deployment on ethereum. It states in there that specifically. Knowing how we'd port that into cardano in a greater detail would be grand. I wish more effort was given to the fact that we are trying to address Cardano ecosystem at large. I know references have been made within the proposal text but really surprised that attached documents have had no revisions or mentions for Cardano specific utility use case. Learning more on how they envision success once deployed on Cardano would have been really useful - some sense of success metrics of KPI elements. I haven't found any meaningful references of these unfortunately.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1591,41-136,,136,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is not in line with the challenge. Despite addressing dapps in its description, the idea is not to create a dapp, but courses for the development of dapps and this is more in line with the challenge of Developer Ecosystem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1593,10-136,,136,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_10,This proposal is not in the right challenge. It belongs in the Local Community Centers-section. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1596,66-136,,136,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_66,The idea is a good one in my opinion. We do need easy to understand tutorials to get new comers interested without feeling overwhelmed. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1597,9-136,,136,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_9,There is some basic concept outlined but I am afraid there isn't much of an idea developed just yet. I would recommend to try to work on it a bit more and seek feedback from community. It feels like there is more work to be done here prior we can learn about what specifically this problem addresses within Cardano ecosystem and how it can be attained in greater detail. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1599,41-136,,136,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"Starting from the point that the idea is to create courses, the proposer didn't reported experience as a developer or teacher, so his experience is not aligned with the need for the implementation of the proposal. The presented plan is very simple and lacks details, no methodology or information about skills to be developed has been presented.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1601,10-136,,136,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_10,Most of the proposer's experience is not relevant to the project. I fail to see how a certified masseur would be good at educating kids. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1604,66-136,,136,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_66,The proposer does have a lot of experience but it does not seem directly blockchain related. It would be nice to provide more information and breakdown on course material you are looking to provide. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1605,9-136,,136,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unable to determine validity of the proposal. It seems to be just an idea without additional details. Things to add in the future would include proper references to professional experience, sensible plan, also knowing budget requirements. There is only one grand figure but we don't really get an idea of what it would be used for.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1607,41-136,,136,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,The information described doesn't guarantee the feasibility of the proposal and the proposal doesn't address the proposed challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1609,10-136,,136,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_10,There is no explanation to the requested fund. It is extremely hard to assess this without more elaboration on the plan and the relative cost. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1612,66-136,,136,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_66,"There is a detail on what would be provided with the funding which is great. I like the ideas towards the structure of the material with videos, homework, assignments etc. My concern is mostly with the high amount of requested funds for this. I would say its much too high.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1613,9-136,,136,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Being just an idea - there is lack of roadmap or milestones that would make things more interesting and potent. For the future reference, using KPI and appropriate success metrics can help us navigate. Additional colour around challenges and risks is desirable as well. A bit more depth and hopefully we can see this proposal come back again in greater format.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1615,50-262,,262,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_50,"With the challenge's goals set out as increasing the integrity and frequency of distributed decisons, this proposal does the opposite by concentrating power into a small group for a working session so that decisions can be made. Although, it is impressive and and likely effective at making the decisions the small group would be happy with. The proposal would receive better ratings if it could show how these rapid, focused swarm decisions could be embraced by the community at large.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1616,25-262,,262,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_25,Proposal aims at creating a brand vision for Project Catalyst through swarm sessions as a test goal for future swarm sessions.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1618,19-262,,262,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_19,"A worthwhile yet large proposal. The collective designing and brainstorming of anything is valuable towards decision-making, especially if this project is able to accurately record that information for use later. This proposal is not directly related to decision-making though adjacent.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1622,47-262,,262,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_47,somewhat complete although not at all clear what the purpose/outcomes of these swarm sessions will be.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1625,17-262,,262,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1626,41-262,,262,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal's focus is on improving the Catalyst brand, which I believe is important, but it is not in line with the challenge, as it does not deal with the decision-making process in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1628,50-262,,262,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_50,"The group's proposal details what is needed to accomplish the goal and demonstrates that they have done so previously in other domains. Budget, Plan, and content are all well thought out.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1629,25-262,,262,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,Proposers seems to be highly experienced and aware of the methodology. Plan is detailed and thorough. The question of community participation is open which can affect the success of the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1634,47-262,,262,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_47,feels like this is merging proposals (Brand) without a clear outcome.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1635,19-262,,262,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_19,"The proposal is well presented and a clear plan is in place which describes what will be built and what it will look like and how it will function. Unfortunately the execution and adoption portions needed for this to be used at scale are not covered here. I understand there are future fund plans but the last thing the Cardano community wants/needs is ""one more thing to use"" to communicate and collaborate. The switching cost is too high here to not address how this will be solved to get ""actual users""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1638,41-262,,262,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_41,"As the proposal does not address the challenge in a relevant way, the plan becomes less relevant.
The plan is reasonable, well detailed and structured. The idea of swarm sessions has already been put forward by the proposer in his other projects, but there is no link or reference for us to access his qualifications, I recommend including more details about the proposer's professional experience and his expertise / skills (link to Linkedin or similar).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1640,50-262,,262,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_50,The proposal provides sufficient information on feasibility but lacks focus on the challenge's goals to increase broad confidence in decisions. The proposal does demonstrate how they would attract new co-decisions to engage in decision making.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1641,25-262,,262,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_25,"Proposal is detailed and well presented, goals are clearly stated and auditable.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1646,47-262,,262,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_47,It sounds like the author has an interesting concept but without a real grasp of the purpose/potential outcomes its hard to rate this higher.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1647,19-262,,262,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_19,#ERROR!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1650,41-262,,262,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal has enough details to indicate its feasibility, but it doesn't address the challenge. I recommend submitting the proposal in an appropriate challenge, as the idea has great potential for improvement for Catalyst. If there is no appropriate challenge, we can propose a new one in the Challenge Setting.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1653,10-239,,239,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_10,"An auditing dApp would increase the security of all other dApps that use it.
Will this work on ADA only or will it be able to convert dApps from other blockchains and audit it for the ADA-blockchain? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1654,66-239,,239,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_66,This already exists with the plutus playground from my understanding. More information would be nice on how this proposal differs from what is already there.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1655,9-239,,239,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,"Potentially an interesting concept. However, the whole idea bout building in Cardano would be to ensure that there is less errors when deploying solutions. I don't particular see enough distinction of how this proposal ties into the whole picture. I am not confident that this idea has been developed enough to be able to clearly communicate its benefit from the launch just yet. So a problem was identified but we're missing the other part of the equation. I would love the owner to come back with greater depth to present it again in the future. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1658,10-239,,239,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_10,The proposal leaves the option of a team open. Which is hard to determine its feasibility. There is no mention of this dApp being free of charge or how much would be charged. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1659,66-239,,239,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_66,It appears to me that the proposer does not have a team of people in mind and will need to be looking for experts. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1660,9-239,,239,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There are no professional links provided that would help us establish identity/validity of the experience claims. Since this proposal seems more of an idea at this stage - it is missing other elements of how would this be executed and by whom exactly. Is it a sole endeavour by the proposal himself - but then it seems like a large task. So having a team consideration in place would have been really potent. Additionally, which is a bigger red flag presently - there is no sensible budget breakdown that would indicate project's needs and aspirations. It would be useful to have that as part of the sensible plan. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1663,10-239,,239,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_10,"This needs a risk assessment.
What happens if the dApp is wrong and a breach occurs? Who will pay for the damages? Is there an insurance?
A budget plan is needed to assess this correctly. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1664,66-239,,239,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_66,"There isn't a breakdown of costs, number of people required, their wages, how to find them etc. It does not seem like this will go ahead.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1665,9-239,,239,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Roadmap provided is very basic - an idea level. Greater detail would be desirable as how this project really plans to complete start to finish. There isn't really an opportunity to evaluate it at the present state. Further, additional success metrics consideration would be useful - there are no KPIs or either challenges/risks considered. Would be great if more depth analysis and breakdowns were included so that community can viably understand needs and aspirations of such proposal. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1667,54-141,,141,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_54,"Certainly the idea that interactions among team members of different backgrounds is a terrific ideal and I have have seen this work well in companies I have worked for.
However it isn't clear to me what this proposal does which doesn't already occur organically as proposals are ideated through the Cardano community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1668,41-141,,141,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"I believe that diversity of people with different backgrounds has the potential for more ideas / possibilities, but this concept alone is not enough to understand the value proposition. There is no explanation of how the proposal will impact value onboarding challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1669,34-141,,141,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to increase interaction among members of different backgrounds. Cardano, Catalyst and Ideascale are already achieving this by being an open source project where everyone is able to participate. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1670,72-141,,141,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_72,The requirement of this challenge is to onboard new participants to Catalyst. I don't see any connection between that and this proposal. This idea could have been submitted probably in the category decision making.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1673,54-141,,141,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_54,The proposal doesn't outline metrics on which to judge success. Without sufficient detail I don't see how pursuing this proposal would change participation in Project Catalyst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1674,41-141,,141,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no information about the experience, skills of the proposer, only the reference that he works for a company that supports the Japanese government program called innovation. A plan has not been described and the purpose of the proposal is unclear. I recommend that the proposer detail his idea.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1675,34-141,,141,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposer appears to have a company that drives interaction within government organizations of Japan? but they do not provide specifics on how they plan to achieve their goal. Additionally, they requested $50000 funding which would negate all proposals within this category if successful. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1676,72-141,,141,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_72,"The given idea does not aim the goal of this challenge. The proposer has not presented a workable plan or a detailed budget plan. Even if this idea would fit into this challenge, it would be hard to say whether there will be a successful implementation or not.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1679,54-141,,141,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_54,The proposal as it stands requires more details to judge its effectiveness.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1680,41-141,,141,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is not enough information to verify the feasibility of the proposal or how it will address the challenge. I recommend that the proposer follow the guidelines available in Catalyst.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1681,34-141,,141,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposal lacks additional information on budget spending, timeline for working product, a list of KPIs. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1682,72-141,,141,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_72,"As I said, the proposal does not aim this challenge. In addition, the proposer has not presented any metrics or a detailed roadmap to assess the progress of the implementation. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1686,10-221,,221,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_10,"The problem statement was not entirely clear and needs rephrasing. The proposal's target seems like it is addressed to women only. What about the men working in cleaning companies? Make the target audience broader to improve the challenge.
Is there a plan to realise a ROI for the Cardano community other than adopting the currency?
For example: Would you advertise ADA to contribute to marketing? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1687,54-221,,221,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_54,"As I understand it, the proposal is attempting to transform their off-chain application into a Dapp leveraging the Cardano ecosystem (predumably Atala Prism, Ada payment systems and smart contracts). While information about the existing service has been provided, there isn't too much detail on the development approach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1688,49-221,,221,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_49,"This is a good proposal with some rough edges, it is possible to implement IF a good development team joins the proposer.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1689,63-221,,221,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_63,"The solution does not seem to help the Cardano community achieve its goals as stated - and the proposer agrees. Seems to have given up/
""But I will come back with a better baked proposal round 5 as I failed to attract a development team to work with on this issue in the round 4.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1690,6-221,,221,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"This proposal does have a very interesting idea of marrying a new worker-owned App model with blockchain. The proposer is suggesting to ally these two revolutionary concepts, but the suggestion and the advantages of getting them together - does not seem fully thought out.
I would suggest that the proposer drills down on a specific operational plan that would be able to tkae the best elements from blockchain and the existing platform/app that the model uses - and create new value by suggesting a very clear cut model.
Kudos for a great idea, however, it seems too early to conclude that the proposal effectively addresses the challenge - as the blockchain integration aspect does not seem fully thought through. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1691,58-221,,221,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_58,"I am very sympathetic to the idea of empowering disadvantaged workers. However, what is the exact problem addressed relative to these workers? More importantly, I am not sure about the solution you propose. What is the mechanism that you think will make your idea work? Also not clear: how is the implementation of a platform on Cardano help solving the problem? Why a Dapp is needed for this?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1694,10-221,,221,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_10,"There is no team yet, but tags have been used to resovle this issue. Cost will be a factor for a project of this scale. Is the requested budget of 18000 USD just the first in a series to reach 1620000 USD or is that the company's budget? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1695,54-221,,221,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_54,"The proposer says in the comments: ""it may be premature for Cardano to provide solutions or teams for us to undertake this collaboration, but I'm convinced its a natural fit at the intentions level"". This is how I've judged the proposal. Potential that may well be realised in the future, but unlikely in the short term.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1696,49-221,,221,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_49,The biggest hurdle for this proposal right now seems to be the missing team members that can help flesh out the missing parts towards completing the vision.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1697,63-221,,221,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_63,"Proposer effectively says he can not implement.
""But I will come back with a better baked proposal round 5 as I failed to attract a development team to work with on this issue in the round""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1698,6-221,,221,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_6,"In one of the comments, the idea submitter/proposer states he will come back in the next round with a new proposal: ""But I will come back with a better baked proposal round 5 as I failed to attract a development team to work with on this issue in the round 4. Many thanks for your feedback and support."" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1699,58-221,,221,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_58,"The proposal is connected to an existing platform. It is very difficult to assess the ""high success"" of the existing platform; if anything, the proponents are likely to know the main challenges associated to this idea. This gives a positive outlook on the possibilities of the team's ability to implemment the project. Furhter, there budget proposal is generic and does not include enough details. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1702,10-221,,221,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_10,"There's a lot of information there, but it misses some critical aspects.
A risk assessment is advised and a roadmap is needed to make the workings of this plan clearer. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1703,54-221,,221,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_54,"With an existing application the feasibility of the idea should be seriously considered, however there is no specific information on how the application would look like on the Cardano ecosystem and no KPIs that align with those set for the challenge. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1704,63-221,,221,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_63,Proposer acknowledges he must rethink and re-structure his proposal;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1705,49-221,,221,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_49,"Some ideas are not entirely clear:
IP ownership; what license will the software have?
Monetization Strategy?
What benefits will it land the community?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1706,6-221,,221,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The proposal could do with some more focus and a better / more detailed budget allocation. It seems like the proposer is on the verge of a breakthrough idea or proposal, and has indicated he will resubmit it in the next funding round:
""In one of the comments, the idea submitter/proposer states he will come back in the next round with a new proposal: ""But I will come back with a better baked proposal round 5 as I failed to attract a development team to work with on this issue in the round 4. Many thanks for your feedback and support."" "" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1707,58-221,,221,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_58,What would be the main challenges? what is the role of other existing platforms? and of indirect competitors? Is there a challenge in terms of technology? Not many thoughts on these themes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1708,59-112,,112,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_59,Idea is good but the plan is practically missing.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1710,41-112,,112,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is a draft, details are lacking so that it is possible to understand what the value proposal is and what impact it will have on the challenge. The problem statement doesn't present a problem, I suggest modifying it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1712,9-112,,112,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, this is heavily underdeveloped idea at the moment. Probably hasn't been worked on and used as an insight more than a proposal. It would benefit greatly from more discussion and added colour to understanding clearly how the solution would help towards the problem and relevance to Cardano ecosystem. Adding more depth would make it more sensible. Interesting concept - but that's it at the moment. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1713,59-112,,112,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_59,Sounds like a developer looking for a team rather than a full-fledged proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1715,41-112,,112,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There are no details on the proposer's professional experience, I recommend including links to Github and Linkedin so that the community can evaluate his skills. There is a simple plan, but without detailed information, which makes it difficult to assess the chances of successful implementation of the proposal.
1717,9-112,,112,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Given the state of this proposal, there isn't enough information to make it investable presently. For the future reference, it would be desirable to include information regarding relevant experience with links pointing to it, understanding team dynamics, if in, or knowing where/how the requested amount is going to be spent. You cannot just add a figure without any explanations. That isn't a sensible plan presently.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1718,59-112,,112,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,A very vague proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1720,41-112,,112,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"No roadmap, milestones, KPIs and budget allocation details were presented, therefore, it is not possible to assess the feasibility of the proposal. The proposal has the potential to address the challenge, but requires more detailed planning so that we can assess the relevance / impact of the proposal on the challenge. I recommend that the proposer add more details and follow the Catalyst guidelines for creating proposals.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1722,9-112,,112,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There is an attempt to outline a small roadmap/milestone of sorts but it doesn't give any additional detail to understand how it all ties together. There also isn't any clear definition of success, nor appropriate highlight of KPIs, challenges, or risks. It is just an idea still - needs more work. Would be great to see it come back with greater depth in later rounds.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1723,117-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_117,"The proposal addresses the improved decision making by delivering informational graphics to make 4 important aspects of Catalyst better digestible.
This will help new people entering catalyst to faster orient themselves and take decisions on how they can best contribute.
The proposal team would propose the further creation of info graphics in case of success and allows this solution to scale.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1724,50-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_50,"This proposal will allow individuals with visual tendencies to quickly access and internalize ideas of what catalyst and it's proposals are. By visualizing the wall of text that ideascale currently is, you've engaged an entirely new group of individuals and increase the robustness of decision making. The proposal also has potential to bring in new contributors to the catalyst.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1725,6-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_6,I think that this is a valuable contribution to the Challenge and can have an immediate effect in the following two rounds. Infographics can help to support the Catalyst community to get better at distributed decision making within the next two Catalyst rounds. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1726,118-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_118,"As I understand, you are going to make 4 pages outlining project Catalyst for USD 800. That is very reasonable and we can see if it helps to understand and communicate the Catalyst setup and workflow. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1727,25-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,Proposal aims at creating infographics to concisely and effectively present information about Project Catalyst. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1730,51-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,"Visual graphics that are built and ready to reference will aid greatly in on-boarding as well, but especially well referenced when making key decisions. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1731,41-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way. The level of complexity of Catalyst is an obstacle for people to be able to make decisions, since knowledge-based decisions in many cases involve reading a lot of information, having infographics would allow the community decision-making process to take a different and lesser time consuming approach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1733,31-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_31,"The information provided by community clearly defines the roles and info required for CA's and other required details are mentioned well in the video sessions, infographics can just be an addition to existing but can't be inplace of something to save time",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1734,17-145,,145,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,simplicity of this proposal makes it really attractive and effective for the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1736,117-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_117,Both team members of the proposal show relevant experience in the area of art and design. The team is committed to execute upon funding received and ask for a reasonable amount of compensation for the work proposed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1737,50-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_50,"Both individuals in this proposal have a proven track record of producing visual graphics with data supporting it. This plan is also time bound, with clear allocation of resources.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1738,6-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_6,"The proposers have a clear plan in mind and the background of the proposers, as presented, indicates that they have the necessary skillset, tools and knowledge to implement it. The budget seems realistic The four infographics to be created will made available to the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1739,118-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_118,"What I can see, the involved team knows what it is doing. Nothing much can go wrong for USD 800. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1740,25-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_25,"Two experienced members of the team with included portfolios in the proposal. Proposal is simple, plan is detailed and direct.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1743,51-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_51,"Even without the funds this will probably happen, however with them this will allow completion much sooner and allow use by the community much quicker",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1744,41-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"Phil is a participative member of the community and is involved in some important projects for improving project Catalyst, but it would be important for these details to be included in the description. There is a link to the portfolio of designer Evgeniya Tranevskaya. The presented plan, although relatively simple, describes the proposal effectively",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1746,31-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_31,The mentioned roles of the contributors align with the infographis solution hence most likely to deliver the solution.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1747,17-145,,145,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,as the idea is simple and team is ready implementation shouldn't be any problem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1748,117-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_117,"Both the delivery on the product and the success of the project in improving distributed decision making can easily be measured. As pointed out in the comment the use of the graphics will be measured on the shared website and can be reported back to catalyst.
The proficiency of the team can be verified by the given links.
The project carries very low risk, there was no need for an assessment.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1749,50-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_50,"By providing a clearly bounded scope, timeline and cost of execution the proposal as a whole can be evaluated. The talent and experience of the individual contributors increases confidence in the accuracy of the estimates. The proposal also includes a plan on how to iterate the next ones by engaging with the community on what to visualize next.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1750,6-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_6,This proposal seems clear enough and does provide sufficient information on its feasibility and how it addresses the challenge. It has a very focused scope and clear deliverables. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1751,118-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_118,"Simple definition of done is described. Of course we will then need to see, how satisfied the community is with the result. Here we are probably lacking a feedback mechanism (voting, NPS, etc.). ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1752,25-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_25,"It's a simple project, aims at simplifying the onboarding process, short and clear proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1755,51-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_51,"simple, measurable, utilization of experience already in place with short timeline... this is a winner",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1756,41-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The details described are sufficient to indicate that the proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way. Due to the simplicity of the proposal, there is no need for a roadmap, a reasonable delivery deadline has been described, there are details on budget allocation, but no KPIs or metrics have been described, which brings subjectivity in the proposal's success assessment",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1758,31-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_31,"The current proposal provides sufficient information aboiut series 1, but may be a little more dwtails on the whole series (if they happen to have plans ) would have been great.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1759,17-145,,145,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_17,"proposal gives a clear idea about what it wants to do which makes it quite feasible, only problem i have if any is that there is no sample work to judge the deliverables. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1760,119-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_119,"A secure and easy-to-use online wallet is filling an essential niche in the Cardano developer ecosystem. The online wallet provides the most straightforward experience for new users interacting with DApps and Cardano chain. The problem formulated in the first section is a personal problem rather than a Cardano developer's ecosystem. Interpreting the proposal's intent rather than the exact wording of the problem statement, I conclude that the proposal fit the challenge well. Still, it does not directly address how the project will benefit other developers and the ecosystem, and points are taken off for that reason",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1761,21-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_21,This proposal should be in the application/integration.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1772,45-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_45,I think the proposal still needs more work. The project is ambitious but I don't see how it would help my experience interacting with my ADA. Also there seems to be a lack of documentation that goes beyond the website. Can we see the Github repo? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1773,24-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_24,"The proposal ""Problem statement"" and ""solution"" are basically just saying ""i need more money to finish this"", but i understand the proposal is to renew the existing Medusa wallet. It probably shouldn't sit in this challenge and developing new wallets ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1774,13-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_13,"at more like tools,friendly user,easy to used,one click admin,bot adviser,at pictures interface,show diagram,world map ADA users of bridge economy news,show lives update cardano & catalyst an migrated partners ,charities ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1775,19-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_19,"I love the idea and progress so far. Aside from the small dev team working specifically on this project, I don't see how this proposal meets the challenge of really adding anything to the dev ecosystem at large.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1778,9-100,,100,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Anyone who has been long enough in the ecosystem understands the importance of wallet options. However, I am a bit surprised that the authors don't go into detail when discussing some business applications that could be extended built with help of new medusa engines. Many things could be obvious to a seasoned developer - but if you are presenting to voters at large - it helps to tie the narrative a bit better for the challenge you are addressing. Such as Dev Ecosystem here. So that it isn't specific to support dev of medusa wallet solely. There is some hint at section below via deliverables - like pay pal button etc - I think those concepts could have been expanded upon more to add that colour. But I am fan of the project and hopefully it can spring up with new functionalities as envisioned. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1779,119-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_119,"The team behind the proposal have a proven record of excellent work in the Cardano ecosystem, at least since the ITN. The main proposer is a recognized contributor to the Cardano ecosystem. The Medusa wallet has a production-quality version. There is no doubt that the team has both technical and organizational abilities to execute the proposed update. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1780,21-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_21,"The proposer has already build a previous version of the software. But closed code, so no way to judge its quality.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1791,45-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_45,It's possible that this project gets implemented but not without the immediate need of such a project. There's a lot of work that still needs to be done. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1792,24-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_24,"This is the first time I've heard of the Medusa ADA wallet, and there is no mention on how many users it has or has had. It's also not open-source which makes it difficult to asses. The proposer sounds experienced, but the plan is not very well written, probably due to language barrier and there's no budget breakdown. Honestly i cannot tell if this is legit or not. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1793,13-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_13,"is nice,however can be better an modern age,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1794,19-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_19,"It is thoroughly researched and product design and technical specs seem to be in line with the desires of the community. Based on the work completed already, I give this a high likelyhood of being successful.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1797,9-100,,100,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_9,"I have every confidence in this author to carry out the test. The past references from medusa project tell a convincing story that community can leverage. However, there are few things are a bit missing to amp up the proposal on executables. Namely - there is only one grand budget figure but it doesn't break down meaningfully to understand which module development requires what resources. It would have been great to add some figures or a better explanation for how long this support will be possible or if it were per tasks delivered. That would make the case more compelling and budgetary requirements more transparent. Good points though for commitment and that everyone is ready to do their part once funded. That's a plus. On a negative side - would have been nice to learn more specifically about of whom is team made up. You know, matching faces to names, etc. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1798,119-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_119,"A proposal doing an excellent job explaining the current status of the project but lacks a clear timeline. It is unclear which of the listed features will be implemented with requested funds and in which timeframe. While the proposal can receive the highest score with the updated version, the current lack of an auditable plan makes the proposal challenging to evaluate. Materials provided in the link help to fill in the blanks somewhat, but it is still challenging to relate it to the specific proposal",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1799,21-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,"No license or open source mentioned. If we are all paying for it, it should be open sourced.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1810,45-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_45,"Sadly, I can't see enough information to be convinced of it's execution. There are glimpses here and there but nothing concrete. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1811,24-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_24,"I think it sits under the wrong challenge. The current Medusa platform looks very similar to Daedalus, and not sure what extra benefits it would provide over the later. The are no metrics of success. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1812,13-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_13,"more product, liquidity pool,stakes pool, swap ,lives exchange,NFTs,world debit cards ada alliance,smart contract eco green house envinroment , carbon solution ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1814,19-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_19,"Release notes are appreciated and give a clear picture as to what the exact deliverable/s will be. It is unclear what additional funding will be required though and with the lack of alignment with the challenge, I'm not confident about this meeting the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1817,9-100,,100,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_9,"In general - I like the heading of the proposal. It has very detailed milestones which is a good thing. But what I miss is a bit of better timeline - to understand for the roadmap. Also - if authors have thought about any performance metrics how to evaluate progress of this project. How do we measure its validity - would it be by number of downloads? wallets made? Understanding existing size of userbase would have been useful, too. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1818,21-22,,22,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_21,I think this proposal would be better in dapps/integration challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1819,17-22,,22,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,having multiple blockchain explorers which compete between themselves is really important. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1820,91-22,,22,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_91,The proposal of upgrading an already fonctional blockchain explorer for the incoming features and change of Cardano is totally up for the challenge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1823,127-22,,22,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_127,"Considering some community explorers already has this features, this might be duplicate for funding from cardano",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1824,12-22,,22,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,this is not furthering the dev ecosystem at all,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1830,21-22,,22,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This proposer is well known and trusted community member.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1831,17-22,,22,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,the proposer team already have presence in the cardano community. if they can do it in past than have no doubts that they will do it in future as well. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1832,91-22,,22,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_91,The proposer have already shown his skill and motivation by his previous work on and adastatbot. but the plan to include new features lack of details. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1835,127-22,,22,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_127,There is high chances the this proposal will be implemented as they already have team which has done work in this domain.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1836,12-22,,22,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"there is no budget, technical detail, implementation metrics or other info to assert how this will increase Cardano's dev ecosystem",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1842,21-22,,22,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_21,"I trust this team will deliver based on their prior experience. I would like to see their work be open source, if we are all paying for it.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1843,17-22,,22,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_17,if the deliverables were mention along with the timeline than the proposal would have been perfect.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1844,91-22,,22,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_91,The feasabilty has already been demonstrated by the previous work done on the product. But the roadmap is unclear so the efficiency is dificult to assess.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1847,127-22,,22,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_127,"Some features like assets, smart contracts will be helpful for the developer ecosystem apart from what they already have.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1848,12-22,,22,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This proposal is lacking a lot of basic information on top of not addressing the dev ecosystem challenge at all.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1856,12-10,,10,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"No project plan, no budget, no timeline, no information required to effectively address the challenge exists here.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1857,41-10,,10,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge, but as there is no detailed plan and estimates (KPIs) established, it is difficult to measure the impact of the Hackathon.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1861,47-10,,10,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_47,Several developers have had intros to Marlowe via the ADA Makerspace series. This proposal is not complete but the team behind this has done solid work before.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1867,12-10,,10,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,no information beyond the relevant experience is provided that could be used to review the proposer's past experience.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1868,41-10,,10,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_41,"There is no detailed execution plan, just a rationale / ideas. The proposal describes that the team members have taken part in over 40 hackathons combined, but there are no details on the participation of the proposers in these aforementioned Hackathons. Did they organize these events or were they just participants? What is the experience of the proposers in organizing this type of event? This is not clear.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1872,47-10,,10,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_47,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1878,12-10,,10,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,this is an incomplete proposal in every sense.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1879,41-10,,10,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_41,"The concept of a Hackathon is aligned with the challenge, there is a rationale, but not a solid and detailed planning. There are no KPIs, no details about budget allocation and no details about the proposers' experience in the Hackathons organization. I recommend including this information so that the community can better understand the team's ability to deliver.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1883,47-10,,10,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_47,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1887,91-182,,182,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_91,Building SDK for mobile platform is relevant but the proposers don't give details on the SDK they wan't to build,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1892,12-182,,182,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"There is need for benchmarking, KPIs, sample roadmap, milestones - whole lot missing completely in this proposal",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1895,24-182,,182,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_24,"The proposal effectively addresses the challenge, but lacks detail on how it will be developed and executed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1897,9-182,,182,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_9,This is something that is absolutely vital for developer ecosystem to flourish. It addresses ability to provide necessary tech assistance to anyone willing/wishing to build atop Cardano. The parallel with stellar library is very useful to highlight the issue. Impact is then very clearly understood and less friction points to entry to the ecosystem - the better for everyone. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1898,91-182,,182,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_91,"The team as some skills in mobile development, but don't give any plan nor timeframe for the delivery of SDKs.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1903,12-182,,182,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,None of the required info to fully assess likelihood of successful implementation has been included. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1906,24-182,,182,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_24,"The team seems very experienced on paper, but the lack of details on how this will be implemented, roadmaps and a budget breakdown of the 100k requested (!!!!) leaves a lot to desire ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1908,9-182,,182,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"As much as I love the idea - it really falls apart for me in terms of executables. Proposal reads more like a concept than actual action ready proposal. I would have loved to learn how authors are thinking about budget beyond just one grand figure of 100,000 USD. This could be right amount, but also may not. We have no way to address that as there are no indications in the proposal how it breaks down. Company seems to have been in the space for a quite a some time - hence I would assume producing an executable proposal shouldn't be a big issue. Perhaps it was just forgotten from the earlier stages? Unsure. This may be also due to the fact that there really isn't a sensible plan in place which would essentially make it easier to assign resources to each stage. I would suggest to edit that and bring it forward next time. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1909,91-182,,182,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_91,"We don't have any details or roadmad, the project need to be details in order to be correctly assessed.
The Idea is good the team looks skilled enought but the proposal don't give any informations in order to evalutate the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1914,12-182,,182,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This proposer is requesting a very large budget but has included little to no supporting detail.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1917,24-182,,182,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_24,"The proposal describes well how this would address the challenge, but describes little on how feasible there solution is and lacks any success criteria or KPI's",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1919,9-182,,182,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"This is just an idea. There is no sense of roadmap or milestones that would showcase what needs to be done and when and how exactly. Nor do authors look into any detail regarding how do they measure success of this plan. What metrics do they consider as crucial KPIs, are there any challenges they see facing when undergoing this task, risks perhaps? A lot of this detail would have improved the proposal greatly beyond conceptual stage in which it seems to be in now. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1923,41-168,,168,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal presented addresses the challenge, the creation of a wallet has the potential to have a significant impact, however YOROI is already implementing support for native assets and this puts in doubt the need or the relevance of the proposal presented. I recommend that the proposer explain the need / importance of having an alternative to YOROI.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1926,24-168,,168,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_24,"The idea described (to develop a mobile wallet) addresses the challenge, but it's just an idea there's no real proposal here",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1927,8-168,,168,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_8,"Although it is wonderful idea it lacks the information required to assess its deliverables. The experience is warranted with the business successful development capabilities but there is no metrics or plan defining the steps and funds used in making this proposal appealing to the voters who fund these challenges. More clarity could assist toward facilitating their decision of this project over other high contending ideas. What differences can this proposal bring that other wallets don't provide already, what benefits are there for the adopters, this could be in the form of security of assets and identity or like stipulated in the challenge to be used to authenticate access and mobilizations with smart contracts and Dapps and Defi projects.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1928,9-168,,168,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"We all know that mobile first is a winning strategy in today's world. Mobile devices dominate the ever growing markets. However, the proposal doesn't go into any actual depth that would explain how it can tie it all together. It really seems very basic and more colour around proposed solution would be desirable. I am afraid - it it's current form it is ins't investable just yet. Would be great if team were to re-work it and come back later with thorough proposition. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1932,41-168,,168,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"Given the complexity of the proposal, a detailed plan is needed to assess the chances of successful implementation and no details have been described in the planning. The proposer described that the proposal will rely on the expertise of the Code Experts team, through the website it is possible to check that they have experience in the development of software and frontend, but there are no details about their experiences in the development of projects related to blockchains.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1935,24-168,,168,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_24,"The teams seem experienced on paper (i.e. on there website), but the lack of any plan details and the lack of a budget breakdown for the amount requested do not inspire any confidence that this would be implemented successfully ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1936,8-168,,168,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_8,"It's highly likely that the proposer can deliver on this solution based on the resources, experience and examples witnessed through their Application business at
As for the funds is hard to say how are they used and why that much is getting used with no clarification as to the expenses involved at each stage.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1937,9-168,,168,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,Proposal doesn't offer any appropriate level of depth/detail to understand its plan or budget at all. It seems just like an idea that hasn't ben developed enough to be considered for investments presently. There is a link provided for the team page but understanding more their strengths with Cardano that would make this proposal a success - would be desirable as well. I would suggest to re-work it and submit again at later stages. Great idea - not enough execution in it just yet. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1941,41-168,,168,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge, but it is important to note that YOROI is already developing and implementing the solutions described in this proposal, which makes the need for this proposal questionable. There is not enough information to assess the feasibility of the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1944,24-168,,168,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_24,"There's no information provided, no roadmaps, no KPI's, nothing ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1945,8-168,,168,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_8,"More information regarding the content, the benefits compared with other wallets out there that could virtually do the same just is not name brand. The way is intended to connect with other defi/Dapps launched at Cardano and the funding how is it getting used at each stage of the process required to deliver the solution.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1946,9-168,,168,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Since this is just a concept of sorts - there is no clear roadmap or milestone presentation. There are no definitions of success, nor any other metrics that would enable community to comprehend their KPIs. There also aren't any mentions about challenges or risks that team considers when building this mobile app. All of that would tie into a great presentation which isn't there just yet. Hopefully, they will rework and come back at later stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1950,12-92,,92,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,Nothing about a decentralized studio for artists furthers the Cardano dev ecosystem.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1954,8-92,,92,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_8,"Its an interesting idea and deffinitly decentralized social platform appears to be the solution to alot of new issues arrising in thwt atmosphere. Popularity religion & politics brings both aspects of the coin to the table in the media world. More clarity in defining what needs changing should be considered as well as why a decentralized social media platform but the platform proposed fund ""selected"" content creator, bring the question if thwt is centralising a network for a specific gaol oriented approach . If the goal is to open the ground for freedom of speech this needs to be more clearly communicated in the proposal as the vision and how it will achieve the benefits/shortfalls of what ensues that platform. I agree to the point that the world is starting to become more complex and convoluted with ""cancel culture"" sentimente but more clarity as to what the project intends to develop needs to be addressed as funds in the Cardano network are used to align certain level of transparency that can reveal benefits to the community and its long term vision. How it can onboard applications that align somewhat to the pressing goals of the network and bring the community of people to the ecosystem which this proposal enriches.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1955,129-92,,92,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_129,This is a great idea but it doesn't belong in this challenge category. Re-submit as a Dapp proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1956,51-92,,92,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_51,"This proposal does not fit in the developer ecosystem challenge, and would fit better in the DAaps & Integrations where it would help address those challenges",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1960,12-92,,92,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no detailed project plan, no benchmarking, a high level milestone roadmap and no budget breakdown. also never made clear who the devs building this are",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1964,8-92,,92,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_8,I believe the proposal lacks the adecuate development experience to deliver the project and it would require proper plans for funding the developers needed to get there. Although this is expressed in the plans through the first stages of the project as it is right now it has production experience in that field. More clarity and specificity needs to be communicated on how the 100k in funding will go towards in each stage.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1965,129-92,,92,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_129,"Gaining community support for this structure could be challenging.
If decentralization is the goal, my primary concern is that 25% ownership of the content will go directly to Goldstone Enterprises LLC automatically. This could be a stumbling block for many people. Ownership should be determined by who is willing to purchase a tokenized asset representing ownership of ideas presented by Artists. The artist could choose how many tokens to mint and how many they are willing to part with. Goldstone Eterprises could choose to purchase them if they like. The tokens should be freely traded after minting. The value of the token would be determined by the success of the project.
Godstone Enterpirses could hold 25% of the of the GSN coin automatically, without any cause for concern. I think ownership of GSN equalng stake in the platform and voting power is a great idea. It could also be used as some sort of fuel for exchanging tokenized assets and content viewing. A Studio DEX coupled with a streaming platform, really cool!",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1966,51-92,,92,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_51,"The plan is ambitious, and laid out in detail. There is a lengthy whitepaper with o lot of detail. Success is not guaranteed, but if the voters want to see the funds allocated to this type of project then this is probably the right person for the job. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1970,12-92,,92,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,Nothing about this proposal is helping grow the Cardano dev ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1974,8-92,,92,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_8,"The social media component and popularity rating is an interesting concept if done right could have beneficial results to community if done wrong could have damning legal implications involved there is little information as how decentralized or different it is from promoting ""selected"" groups of people to be popularized or socially rated. How would the proposal onboard users, how would it market the project to attract people and all the other information raised are required to assess its feasibility properly.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1975,129-92,,92,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_129,"Some of the aspects of the timeline seem a little off. Minting the GSN token would take one developer less than a day.
I can tell there is a lot of thought put into this. I really like the idea of building a hub where artists can present ideas, build a community, seek funding, and share the results of the community effort, all in one place.
1976,51-92,,92,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_51,"KPI's are established for the first phase and this is a multi layered venture with questionable end user volume. I do not want my vision to limit the potential though, but with regard to addressing the challenge, the developer ecosystem is not going to benefit at all from this.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1979,50-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_50,This proposal is essentially a Digest of all the proposals that are active in ideascale which is broadcasted to a list of subscribers. The proposal aims to bring in more community members to the decision making process by simplifying the engagement process.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1981,29-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"I think more more filters is a great idea to get more engagement from the community. However, you need to be careful not to create a centralized team/platform deciding what is good and bad.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1982,118-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_118,"This proposal is touching an important bit very difficult dilemma: We want the community to decide and vote, but need to reduce complexity for coping with the rapidly growing number of proposals. Here comes 'the filter', but who and how are we controlling this filter ? This needs to be a rather formalistic and simple algorithm, otherwise we are back to 'someone controlling it somehow'. Spreading results over many media does not really make a lot of sense to me. At the end, scope and methodology are not 100% clear to me. I nevertheless support this proposal, it is touching a super-important issue.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1983,25-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_25,"Proposal aims at filtering below average proposals from Project Catalyst in an open and transparent way. This definitely helps in effectiveness and reduces the noise voters are exposed to. On the other hand, it adds a bit of centralization because a single entity will do the filtering. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1986,41-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,The proposal addresses the challenge and has great potential to improve the decision-making of voters in the community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1987,17-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,"simplifying ideascale even for the community advisor is required as there are roughly 200-250 proposals in current round and maybe 1000s in near future, a system to pruning and filtering of the of the proposals is a highly required thing.
1988,71-242,,242,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_71,"The assessment looks good, very clear and defined plan to address the challenge. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1991,50-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_50,The experience and plan presented in the proposal are clearly defined and align with eachother.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1993,29-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_29,The information regarding the team could be a bit more elaborative,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1994,118-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_118,"The team appears to be skilled to me, but the proposal is touching a VERY complex topic. I suggest to give it a try, even though I think that we should stick to a simple export from IdeaScale with very flexible sorting in good old Excel for the moment. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1995,25-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Proposer seems to be very experienced in media and PR, team is consisted of SPOs so they should be familiar with the whole Project Catalyst process. Unfortunately, there is no detailed cost breakdown, I would love to see exactly how much money goes to the equipment and how much goes to the people doing the filtering.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1998,41-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The plan is objective and well structured, which indicates good chances of success. Considering that transparency is a crucial aspect of this proposal, it is essential that the team be more transparent, starting by providing more details about the team's qualification and experience and links to Linkedin.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
1999,17-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,the proposer seems to have relevant experience and vision to complete the proposal only problem if any is the absence of team.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2000,71-242,,242,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_71,The background of the team and content of the proposal shows the team has the competency to implement this project with a high chance of success. I do think it could be intertwined with Community Advisors so that we could help with the filtering process before it reaches the voting stage but that can be addressed later down the line.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2003,50-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_50,"The proposal will be able to track key metrics and demonstrate use of the proposal through the social media channels, and reach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2005,29-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_29,Great information. Sufficient to explain the project,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2006,118-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_118,"Good thoughts and possible metrics are provided, I am just not really sure that this goes 100% into the right direction.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2007,25-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Proposal is detailed and well presented. I would like to see a detailed cost breakdown. The money requested is over 60% of the fund which seems too high, so a cost breakdown would be really helpful to understand.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2010,41-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"Considering the fact that the proposal will make evaluations of other proposals during the next Funds, it is essential that they fully understand the criteria presented in the Catalyst guidelines. The budget breakdown doesn't detail the allocation of resources, the proposal didn't describe details about the qualification and expertise of the team members. The timeline doesn't include deadlines, which is essential because the proposal must be synchronized with the Funds to be relevant. The absence of this information indicates that the team is not completely aware of the importance of the metrics in the guidelines. I recommend paying attention to this, because if the proposal is approved, they will need to understand this as much as the community advisors so that the filtering of proposals is fair.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2011,17-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_17,proposal provides sufficient information about the feasibility of the proposal but would have loved if deliverable were mentioned with the timeline.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2012,71-242,,242,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_71,It provides ways to audit and monitor the process to gauge its success by the metrics provided.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2014,130-105,,105,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_130,"The challenge of how we can mobilize the community to solve local problems using Cardano, through a Local Community Center model supported by the CF has only been partially addressed by your proposal. You have identified the problem of low adoption and knowledge of block chain in Sweden but have not clearly defined how you will solve this problem and specifically which segment of the community will benefit from the launch of this proposal. Specifically how will connections to universities, governments, media and VC companies be established? It is also unclear as to how the project would scale to meet future challenges. You have not made mention of how you would utilise the Cardano Foundation to assist in the meeting of this challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2017,41-105,,105,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal described addresses the challenge, different ways of educating the local population about different aspects of Cardano have been described, however the lack of KPIs and tangible metrics makes it difficult to assess what the potential impact of the proposal would be.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2018,51-105,,105,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_51,Other than converting some of the material to Swedish this is an idea that would take place anywhere in the world. This does not address the actual development of a local community center.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2019,24-105,,105,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_24,The proposal of opening a Education/Developer center in Stockholm addresses the challenge,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2020,131-105,,105,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_131,"One of the goals of the challenge is to have local community centers in different areas of the world, which this proposal addresses about starting one in the largest capital in Northern Europe, Stockholm. Education about Cardano and building connections is a great starting point to reach future developers. The proposal could however benefit from having a more structured plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2021,80-105,,105,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_80,The proposal aims to create a website for a local swedish community and upload seminars. However it is not entirely clear how the proposal wants to engage a community. Are the seminars supposed to be in the local area? Is there room for discussion / engagement? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2023,130-105,,105,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_130,I have assigned the proposal an Auditability score of 3 by considering various characteristics of you as a proposer. Your experience as a Systems Architect/Developer for 20+ years is relevant to the proposal and provides a good background to educate from however being a developer does not necessarily translate to being a good educator or publicist. The scope of your proposal might be better supported by a team. Your proposal doesn't provide a clear plan or budget for the task you describe - it is unclear what the $200 a week would be spent on.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2026,41-105,,105,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_41,"A reasonable plan has been outlined to introduce Cardano to the Swedish community, but some important details need to be added so that we can understand the chances of success of the proposal in its mission.
The proposer describes relevant experience for the proposal, being a Systems Architect / Developer for 20+ years. Co-organizer of a meetup and with knowledge in the area of blockchain and Cardano. I recommend the inclusion of his Linkedin or another means of the community to check his qualifications.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2027,51-105,,105,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_51,"This may be a start, at least for developing material, but without plans to scout and designate local community center sites it is a miss. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2028,24-105,,105,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_24,There's no way to verify the experience of the proposer (e.g. previously built websites). The overall plan is described but lacks a roadmap and sounds more like a wish-list. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2029,131-105,,105,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_131,"While the proposer has relevant experience, the proposal is currently all on one person and I think it would benefit greatly if there was at least a small team behind it from the start.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2030,80-105,,105,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_80,The proposer states he has a lot of technical knowledge as a system developper. But he is not in a team and does not propose a clear path on how he wants proceed. He lays out only a few ideas. Therefore it is not clear what could be achieved through his proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2032,130-105,,105,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_130,"I have assigned the proposal a Feasibility score of 1 for the following reasons: You do not present a roadmap or progression of milestones for the proposal. Metrics and KPIs have not been provided that make it clear what success of the project looks like. You have certainly described, but not defined the problem and haven't really provided a clear solution. Any threats, risks and challenges to your proposal have also not been identified and addressed. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2035,41-105,,105,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge, but it is necessary to include a roadmap, milestones, KPIs, details on the budget allocation (will the budget of $ 200 / week be used only for the proposer to carry out the work or will there be any additional expenses included in this amount?) And details on the proposer's professional experience and qualifications.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2036,51-105,,105,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_51,"This proposal shows a plan for material development and attempts to build ones own knowledge whilst getting paid, without plans to reach out and create the Sweedish community or site.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2037,24-105,,105,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_24,"The plan of "" establish an homepage and start to build a local community"" sounds feasible and like a good start, but there are no metrics of success e.g. how many people do you want to engage with, how many courses given, growth of the community, etc ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2038,131-105,,105,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_131,"The proposal could benefit from having a more detailed plan and breakdown on how the budget will be used. Currently it's a bit hard to evaluate since while the starting point might look feasible enough, it's missing details on what the plan is to proceed with the funding, and what's supposed to covered in future proposals.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2039,80-105,,105,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_80,The proposal lacks in clarity and doesn't provide metrics for measurement. Creating a website is a good starting point. But the roadmap and details on how to achieve the goal to attract a local community is not clarified enough.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2041,59-183,,183,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_59,"Yes, we should continuously evolve and improve but apart from saying more people should be compensated, this proposal doesn't say how or why.
And what about ""who""? Presently proposers, voters, community advisors and veteran community advisors are rewarded for their participation. Who else would you like to reward? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2043,41-183,,183,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The focus of the proposal is to improve the resource distribution model and not to improve the decision making model. It is not clear that financial incentives are an effective way to improve decision making, I believe it can help but there is no description of how it will have an impact.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2044,25-183,,183,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_25,"I can see how a fairer compensation plan can increase engagement in Project Catalyst. That being said, I think that the current compensation scheme is not bad and I am not sure of how impactful this new scheme would be in distributed decision making.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2047,59-183,,183,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_59,It's unclear what your competence for compensation is. Please elaborate.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2049,41-183,,183,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal presents a valid idea, but the plan doesn't have enough details to show how it will have a relevant impact on decision making.
There are no details about the team's professional experience and skills.
I recommend including this information and a link to Linkedin.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2050,25-183,,183,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_25,"No real plan presented in the proposal. The idea is to create a new compensation framework, but no operational details are given.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2053,59-183,,183,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,Not really. Also unclear.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2055,41-183,,183,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_41,"There is no clarity on how the proposal will address the challenge in a relevant way. I believe that creating alternative financial reward models is important, but the focus of the challenge is on improving decision making.
There is no roadmap, milestones, KPIs and details about the team's experience and expertise",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2056,25-183,,183,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_25,"No operational plan presented, no timeline, no measures of success and no cost breakdown.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2060,41-197,,197,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"There are not enough details to assess whether the proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way. Theoretically anyone could create native assets on Cardano and distribute it to anyone as a reward and this could be done through Yoroi or Daedalus, what is the purpose for a specific app? Is there a financial model to add value to the token?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2063,9-197,,197,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"Potentially, a very interesting use case. However, for the purpose of proposal submission - it seems to be too short on details how it can and will leverage Cardano. There isn't an obvious connection made by authors. The video and website talk in general about the grand vision but it isn't tied down the deliverable specifics unfortunately. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2064,6-197,,197,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_6,"I found it difficult to locate information in this proposal that directly refers to the development of a DApp on the Cardano blockchain or integrations with the Cardano blockchain. There are references to tokens, decentralization, Apps (not dapps), etc... But the tehnical details that would allow me to judge that this proposal effectively addresses the challenge - are not easily seen or available in the proposal. The proposal focuses on presenting the idea of KarmaPoint - a Personal Reputation System. The idea in itself is interesting, but on its own it does not address the challenge directly as an idea, without details and a plan.
2067,41-197,,197,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The team described + 20y in Mgmt, technology, business, Blockchain, Devs, but there are no details on previous professional experiences / skills. I recommend including links to Github and Linkedin.
There is no plan outlined in the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2070,9-197,,197,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,As much as intriguing this idea is - presently there isn't an actual 'battle' plan showing what the next months or any timeframe given enough funding. There is one grand budget but it doesn't really go into any verifiable detail what it would be used on exactly. I would suggest looking into these elements first to create greater confidence for community to consider this proposal in the future.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2071,6-197,,197,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_6,"There is a lack of information about the technical skills of the team concerning the possible development of the DApp, Plutus smart contracts and integration with planned apps and the Carano blockchain. The information might exist, but it is not presented in the proposal in a way that it can allow me to assess that it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully. There is a lack of a structured budget, while the lump sum of Requested funds in USD 58000 that is requested is not explained. More milestones, deliverables, deadlines for components would be welcome. The plan mentions that the beta App will be launched by April 21, what I would like to see is more information about the DApp and the integrations with the Cardano blockchain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2074,41-197,,197,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is not enough information to check the feasibility of the proposal and understand the need to create an app, a token and if there is any financial model for the token.
The description presented doesn't indicate how it will address the challenge in an impactful way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2077,9-197,,197,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There is no roadmap, nor milestones listed. There is some timeline listed on the website of the proposal - but it just lists very basic items of when idea was conceived and some bigger picture goals. However, this proposal at its present stage doesn't go into any detail that would help community understand what it's definition of success is, or any KPI metrics considered to make it appropriate the investment amount. Given that this is also a social subject of 'rating' people and their experiences - there are no challenges/risks associated with the proposal either. What if people will not want to be rated by an algorithm, etc. Those are philosophical questions but potentially some barriers/challenges to overcome. I haven't sensed any of that reference just yet. So - to wrap up - great idea - but not executable at the moment in its current shape and form. Please, re-work and let's see you in following rounds.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2078,6-197,,197,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,"I think that the proposal is heavy on the concept and idea, and weak in terms of execution details, specific timetables and information on how well it integrates with this Cardano specific challenge for Dapps and integrations with this specific blockchain (not just general references to blockchain technology in general). References to tokens - do not have to mean that we are talking about Cardano-minted tokens, details need to be specified by the proposer in order to improve the chances of the project being accepted by voters. I would add the necessary details and resubmit in the next round, if it is not accepted for this funding round by the voters. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2081,51-142,,142,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,This project will off a great option to grow the developer ecosystem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2084,24-142,,142,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_24,"It's not clear what this proposal is trying to achieve, are you trying to fork Cardano into a new block-chain protocol ? The full self-sustainment of the Cardano network by the community will be implemented during the Voltaire era, it's not clear what this proposal adds to that",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2085,45-142,,142,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_45,"This project needs more research into the Cardano network. I believe if research is done, it would be understood that the solution being proposed is largely redundant. I'll advice that we understand the network we are trying to ""fix"" before proposing. Might cost all of us time. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2088,51-142,,142,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_51,This is a succinct and elegant plan to get the ball rolling in this fund and allows adequate time to discover accurate needs and present back to the community for growth. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2091,24-142,,142,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_24,"It's not clear what experience the proposer has to implement this, the website presented is quite basic and the content sparse. The proposal outlines steps to develop a plan and put a team together, this should be done before. It's a unclear proposal with a very underdeveloped plan.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2092,45-142,,142,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_45,I doubt this would be implemented at all. It's proposing something that would radically change the way the network operates. I believe years of research and development have gone into how the network operates for us to then start looking for ways to operate differently. Please revise. Thank you. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2095,51-142,,142,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_51,The basicness of the proposal allows for an affirmative and measurable outcome that will set the stage for the future. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2098,24-142,,142,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_24,"The proposal simply outlines that a plan will be put together, so it's not possible to assess how effectively this would address the challenge. It's not clear what the funds requested would be used for.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2099,45-142,,142,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_45,"The information provided is good enough but then again, maybe it would work on a different protocol. I doubt if the community would appreciate the need for this project. Let's get the Cardano ship sailing first and see where we can improve on it's execution. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2102,51-252,,252,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,This is a region the could use the resource identified by this proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2103,10-252,,252,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,The proposal addresses the challenge flawlessly. It implies a focus on sustainability and has large potential to influence the Spanish language area. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2104,53-252,,252,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_53,"The stated aim of the proposal is to train subjects in the use of Cardano, but does not give specifics or a detailed itinerary or even a course catalogue.
In order to fairly assess this proposal more information is necessary to evaluate any such curriculum that may be used when engaging with people for the very first time and introducing them to the Cardano ecosystem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2105,50-252,,252,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_50,the training program proposed is strongly supported by a marketing plan to gain broad outreach and awareness in argentina. More detail in how the awareness would be converted into a self sustaining community center with activities would improve the score. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2107,51-252,,252,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_51,"It is a large number of individuals that the goal aims to reach, without clear project roadmap or fund distribution plans laid out, cannot say it is not likely but cannot say it is either.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2108,10-252,,252,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_10,This has a high chance to succeed. Yet it is unclear wether the proposer will go at this alone or with a team. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2109,53-252,,252,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_53,"It is unclear weather this proposal is an in-person education or online. If indeed this proposal is in person than current circumstances make this proposal very unlikely to succeed. Given that, I believe more information is needed and thus cannot determine with a high degree of certainty that this proposal will be successfully implemented or not.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2110,50-252,,252,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_50,the proposer has significant experience in marketing and teaching however no indication was made on the technical skills or a teaching plan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2112,51-252,,252,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_51,"Good effort with the website creation and mission statement, and general goals, but for the requested funds more details need to be fleshed out at this point.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2113,10-252,,252,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,A roadmap would help with interpreting the fund distribution. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2114,53-252,,252,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_53,The proposal lacks much needed information to accurately asses the merits of how effectively this proposal can be implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2115,50-252,,252,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_50,"the proposal doesn't include a plan for creation of community centers beyond bringing awareness to the cardano ecosystem. Additional details such as which city the center would be in, how many interactions would be facilitated between the students and entreprenuers and so on would assist in assessing the feasibility of the proposal. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2122,12-177,,177,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"The proposal is asking for a continuation of funds from their fund3 proposal, although it's not clear they have made any deliverables/progress on their fund3 request. There is also a lot of text describing NFT's in this proposal which most users already fully comprehend, instead where you would *actually* want A LOT more text there is barely any, specifically the Business Model in bold ""We intend to create a self sustaining DAO that will incubate NFT innovation and collaboration"" how can you say this but not fully describe this how this will be accomplished in a technical document? Points 1 & 3 after this make very little sense without a complete example scenario fully describing them, point 2 is a feature of Cardano transactions not anything you develop, so my point remains you should add a lot of context to this Business Model section, its sorely lacking currently.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2123,41-177,,177,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposal described is essential for different NFTs related Dapps to share a common structure, this would facilitate the process of creating new dapps, reduce costs in the development of distinct frameworks and facilitate the integration between differente dapps, so I believe the proposal addresses the challenge and has everything to make a significant impact for creating Dapps on Cardano blockchain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2124,63-177,,177,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_63,"Documentation mentions a single ""framework"" to be used for all NFT's. Nowhere in the challenge is that mentioned as an objective. And risks stifling creative experimentation. There is no indication that this helps the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2125,17-177,,177,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,NFT is one of the most important thing required for our ecosystem. our focus should be to find out and support good DeFi and NFT projects.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2126,117-177,,177,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_117,"It is not clear if the proposal actually addresses the challenge effectively. The problem statement and solution refer to a previous funding in fund3, which is not yet voted on.
The proposal aims ot build part of a NFT-DAO solution, yet it is not exactly clear what about it. It is not made clear what moving from MVP to alpha and beta testing will accomplish. The outline of the proposal is intangible to me.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2127,58-177,,177,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_58,"A lot of text, but I struggle to find what is this project is really about. I'm a bit does this project promote standardization? Perhaps I missed something, but isn't the process of minting NFTs standardised? Will this project be a meta-marketplace? In which way the existing NFT projects will be complements and not competitors?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2134,12-177,,177,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"The roadmap is extremely vague in this proposal, it's never made clear if any of their fund3 deliverables have been completed and I am still searching for any technical documentation, architecture diagrams or other docs describing the technical components of this protocol in depth. So far I have found nothing.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2135,41-177,,177,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_41,"An extremely detailed and complete plan was presented. The team consists of several members with different expertises and there is description in detail about their qualifications and experiences.
The information displayed indicate good chances of success.
An important detail is that this project is already under development, the team has not yet received funds, but is already delivering, which shows the commitment of the team.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2136,63-177,,177,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_63,There is no indication that all of the 40+ NFT proposals agree to join under a single dev environment. So unlikely to be implemented successfully.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2137,17-177,,177,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,the sheer size of the group and like minded people coming together with a common motive will increase the chances of this proposal getting implemented. but at the same time number of people involved in this project will make it difficult to manage manpower.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2138,117-177,,177,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_117,"The proposers present a community which is engaging in communication channels, it is however not clear how committed this community would be in case of funding.
The proposal is the continuation of a fund3 proposal, which according to self report is ahead of schedule, however I wasn't able to verify the claim.
The plan is quite generic in the outline and it's not clear of what timeframe or work hours are expected to be needed to execute on it.
A partnership with MuKn is mentioned that would allow for outsourcing of some of the work, although it is not clear which extent of work would be done by MuKn.
It's not clear how the feasibility of the plan could be verified.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2139,58-177,,177,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_58,"The project includes a lot of details about the core team, and their expertise ranges from a technical and business background, which is very strong. Taking the bio info as good, the track record shows good hints that the team will be able to implement the roadmap. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2146,12-177,,177,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"This proposal spends a lot of time versing the reader of NFT's and DAO, two concepts crypto users understand in depth already. What they are failing to use their words to describe is the 1. Business model, 2. Technical Documentation 3. Protocol Architecture, 4. Current status of fund3 deliverables",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2147,41-177,,177,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The information presented indicate that the proposal addresses the challenge and is feasible. The use of the budget was divided between different activities, but I could not find details about budget allocation for each activity. (One of the links where it was supposed to be details about the budget was broken).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2148,63-177,,177,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_63,There is no explanation of what the proposers mean by establishing a single framework for Cardano based NFT's and there is no challenge to do so .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2149,17-177,,177,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,NFT project not just effectively addresses the challenge but the information provided about the feasibility is more than sufficient.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2150,117-177,,177,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_117,"The proposal asks for a very specific amount of funding, yet does not provide even a simple breakdown of cost allocation. The proposal consists of multiple sections that address plan and budget but it is not clear which one is the relevant part. There are no metrics provided to track progress of the project nor metrics to measure success of the proposal.
The problem statement and solution are relative to a previous fund proposal but there's no summary of what is to be implemented and what would be added/improved with the fund in this proposal.
There is no risk clear risk assessment done, which can be considered a problem considering that the work seems to be mainly aimed to be done by opt-in community members.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2151,58-177,,177,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_58,"DAOs for NFTs have been introduced and is not particularly unrealistic to think about another one. However, I am not sure how the proposers can solve some of the major challenges, such as gaining traction on the platform, populating the NFT market and, most importantly, achieve collaboration among the various NFT ""niche"" projects already existing",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2153,83-174,,174,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_83,The proposal is addressing the challenge in providing medical protocols to a wide audience in the industry or general public. I could see a great benefit for this proposal especially within rural area in developing countries where there are many health professionals that could use latest information in their duties,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2154,12-174,,174,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,This proposal is not a dApp that will drive users to Cardano in the next 6 months. It's also not at all clear why the request amount up front is so large for a project with such a long roadmap.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2155,106-174,,174,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_106,Looks like a fun and creative product for self-care and improving overall health quality of users. Should be able to scale quickly if they execute well on the marketing strategy.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2156,49-174,,174,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_49,This is a great integration and connects with a whole new industry. The way the proposition is stated clearly explains how this will improve our community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2159,83-174,,174,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_83,"The proposer is a medical doctor, so technically he should be an expert in the industry. Additionally he planned to onboard two additional developers to help on the project. The proposer would also onboard a group of medical doctors at their hospital to form the initial MyJeeni community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2160,12-174,,174,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_12,The proposal plan/timeline fails to make it clear how this will be successfully implemented as a Dapp on Cardano in the next 6 months.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2161,106-174,,174,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_106,Difficult to assess. They seem to have good health experts in place but may lack business strategists and marketing professionals. May require seeking third party expertise in this area.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2162,49-174,,174,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_49,"It is a hard road that the proposers are paving for themselves, but already initial steps have been taken, and experience in the currently available tools is presented. By joining the Catalyst Cohort I believe their opportunity for success will increase further still.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2165,83-174,,174,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_83,Current implementation includes an application downloadable via GooglePlay while the support for iPhone is coming. Detailed plan for the proposal is requested (haven't been provided at the time of this review),,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2166,12-174,,174,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_12,"The proposer provides a lot of information however none of it leads me as a CA to think this dapp effectively addresses the challenge, mostly since it wont be a dapp for another year at best.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2167,106-174,,174,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_106,The idea is relatively straightforward and presented in a clear manner. If anything they could have been a little more concise in their description.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2168,49-174,,174,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_49,"I believe this is exactly the type of submission that makes Cardano special. It is strictly about providing use and utility to the chain, in an attempt to help improve people's lives.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2169,34-9,,9,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_34,The proposal appears to be submitted in the wrong category. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2170,36-9,,9,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_36,This proposal has nothing to do with the challenge setting (attract entrepreneurs to Catalyst). ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2173,41-9,,9,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal doesn't mention how it will address the challenge, I recommend that it be submitted to an appropriate challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2174,49-9,,9,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_49,I fail to see the connection between this dApp and proposer outreach.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2175,50-9,,9,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_50,"The proposal is for a new application of the cardano blockchain, and not a way to bring additional proposers into catalyst.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2176,34-9,,9,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposer claims to have relevant experience to implement their proposal, however, they do not provide a detailed explanation on how they plan to execute their plan. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2177,36-9,,9,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_36,There is no plan on how the proposal will address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2180,41-9,,9,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no reasonable plan and there is no information on how Cardano's blockchain will be used in this proposal.
The proposer's experience is not relevant to the development of a website",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2181,49-9,,9,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_49,No background is given for the proposer.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2182,50-9,,9,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_50,The proposal is mostly an idea without a plan to support it. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2183,34-9,,9,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_34,The proposer does not provide any information on the timeline for deliverables nor a budget breakdown. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2184,36-9,,9,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,There is no information provided how the proposal will address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2187,41-9,,9,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,The proposal description doesn't describe how it will address the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2188,49-9,,9,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_49,"No goals, metrics, or KPIs are given for a proposal that seems to be in the wrong category.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2189,50-9,,9,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_50,There is no plan to bring additional proposers into catalyst using this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2191,21-178,,178,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This appear to meet the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2196,12-178,,178,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"This is 1. not a dapp at all and 2. It's clear from reading this proposal the author is not even fully aware of how NFT's are minted on Cardano, their is no metadata in the NFT, it's in the minting-tx itself. If the proposer had some technical documentation on GH or other shared environment CA's could make comments noting these things but there is none I could find here or in the attached link. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2197,41-178,,178,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"Although the proposal doesn't involve the creation of a dapp, it is essential for the dapps / NFTs ecosystem on Cardano. The use of a standard for metadata allows NFT-related dapps that will be created on Cardano in the future to have a communication / metadata standard and that is why the proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2198,38-178,,178,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_38,"Kudos to this proposal for pausing from the NFT rush and taking a look around to assess what's needed before things get really out of hand. I can see this solution being similar to establishing IEEE standards that jut make everything work. The key going forward is reaching consensus with all the participants and current 'industry' experts most of whom may not necessarily be familiar with blockchain technologies but have 'rushed' in. It would benefit this proposal greatly if it at leasts listed the fields to which NFTs applied besides art and real estate, e.g. legal evidences, will & testaments, a one-off moment, etc. But as it is, its very commendable.
2199,17-178,,178,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_17,I feel activities like finalizing metadata or any NFT related standards should have gone under developer ecosystem challenge and not under Dapp challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2200,117-178,,178,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_117,"Although the proposal seems to fall more into the developer ecosystem area by aiming to provide a comprehensive NFT metadata standard, it does address a valid problem of the ecosystem.
Managing to create a standard that fits most use cases or is adaptable to it would allow to remove friction communication of NFTs.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2203,21-178,,178,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_21,The team states that they will engage IOG professional services. Are that contracted yet into the price? Or just saying it for marketing?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2208,12-178,,178,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,It's 1. not clear this author even understands how token minting from metadata works on Cardano 2. not at all clear what if any deliverables from their fund3 proposal have been made to date.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2209,41-178,,178,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_41,"A reasonable, objective and detailed plan has been described. The team is composed of several members who present relevant qualifications to the proposal, in addition to which the team has been working on the project for a few weeks.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2210,38-178,,178,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_38,"The proposal's plan and budget is presented at a high level and does not identify how the funds are allocated to each of the 4 phases. The team seemingly possesses the quals to see this forward and on to success, however it fails to elaborate on what that success looks like. What if consensus on the metadata requirements is not reached? The partnering with IOG Professional Services somewhat provides confidence. At the very least, this could end up adopting the Atala Prism approach of collect everything, add what (metadata) you want. It would also be necessary to clarify if the experts with whom they intend to partner, receive a portion of the funding requested, or if their participation is outside of the scope of this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2211,17-178,,178,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,The team has members from all over the cardano ecosystem which makes it highly likely that proposal will be implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2212,117-178,,178,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_117,"The plan presented doesn't offer any details of measurable milestones or criteria to define if a step is complete and one can move on to the next step.
The team consists of core members and a cohort of available members, however, it is not clear how committed the cohort would be in case of funding.
Cooperation with IOG is mentioned, it is not clear though, if IOG is onboarded or if they would be contacted at the time of getting funded.
There is a very specific amount of budget requested but no breakdown or rationale provided, to what parts it is intended to be used, furthermore not timeline nor expected working time is provided. This makes it infeasible to tell if the plan and budget are in line with the task.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2215,21-178,,178,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,The complete plan is just a one sentence.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2220,12-178,,178,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"The author should read up on Cardano metadata and 2. work on the deliverables for their fund3 proposal, produce technical documentation, a detailed plan/budget and implementation metrics before re-submitting this proposal.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2221,41-178,,178,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge in a relevant way, however some details need to be updated or inserted in the planning. The links to the budget and roadmap details (milestones) were broken, so I didn't have access to that information. There are details about the team members, this allows the community to attest to their qualifications.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2222,38-178,,178,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_38,"There is enough presented in this proposal to see the solution through, especially considering aspects of this standardisation have already started. It could be improved by adding a timeline to each of the phases described, and any risks and dependancies on external participants not within the control of this team. It would have garnered a higher rating if there are additional details on the urls provided that would allow for a better assessment and potentially a higher score. As it is, the site is blank and the docs in the gihub is just a duplicate of this very same proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2223,17-178,,178,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_17,the proposal do provide all the information to asses the feasibility of the project. but I feel it doesn't meet the challenge of Dapp creation.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2224,117-178,,178,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_117,"The proposal provides a high level road map, yet there is no breakdown into measurable milestones. The very specific amount of budget requested is not backed by any rationale in the proposal. The plan doesn't provide metrics to measure progress of the project nor success metrics that would show that the project provided value to Cardano.
This doesn't mean that the project wouldn't provide value or wouldn't have progress but it's just near impossible to measure with the plan provided.
The project seems to rely on input from experts, but there is not risk assessment available about the possible unavailability of expert responses. It is not clear if there is already a buy in from experts to work together with the proposing team in case of funding, which could lead to the case that the project when funded is not able to take off.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2227,41-191,,191,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"An order book DEX is an application with the potential to address the challenge without a doubt, but the lack of details and proposal planning brings uncertainty to the project in general and to the impact assessment of the proposal on the challenge. I recommend that more details are provided so that the community can make a more informed decision.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2228,136-191,,191,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_136,"start working on a plan and a roadmap to mark your goals and milestones. There's no definition of the idea's success, there's no information on how the solution would actually help solve the problem and there's no information on upcoming challenges and risks",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2229,72-191,,191,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_72,"The problem of this proposal is that it remains very abstract about the solution to the presented problem. The proposer should be much more specific about WHY and HOW this approach will really improve liquidity and adaption of ADA/Cardano. I also don't see evidence, if the proposer is really able to execute the solution. Maybe he is, but there is no evidence. The proposal sound more like a vague idea which needs much more planing. The idea itself could be impactful, but as I said, there is much work to do. So a funding in this stage seems to early and the success seems to be very unsure.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2230,9-191,,191,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,Potentially interesting concept - unfortunately it is in a very basic idea format at the moment that hasn't been worked on and hence there isn't enough information that would make it easy to understand utility within Cardano ecosystem or where authors envision this to sit if funded. It would be useful to add more depth to the proposal in order to be able to judge it more effectively and then come back at the later stage. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2232,41-191,,191,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no reasonable plan and the experience related by the proposer doesn't describe whether he has expertise in developing smart contracts or DEXs. I recommend more details about the proposer's skills and professional experience and whether the proposal will be conducted with just one member or a team. Despite the idea to foresee the investigation of technologies for the implementation of a DEX, it is important that some reasonable plan is presented, something that can allow the community to be able to measure the chances of successful implementation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2233,136-191,,191,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_136,"This proposal is missing substantial information that would lift it from being an idea into actually being a proposal. If has no significant plan, no budget breakdown, no technical docs.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2234,72-191,,191,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_72,"The proposer did not provide an evidence for his experience. I suggest to add links to references. The budgeting is not defined in detail. So it is hard to assess if the amount is reasonable or not. There is also only an idea what to do, but not a detailed description how every step is going to be executed. So I can't really imagine, if the solution really works. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2235,9-191,,191,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There isn't any sense of budgetary requirements beyond one grand figure. It would be great to understand in better detail what these are, including some references to professional experience. There are no external links that would help us establish validity of claims or review some past work. Adding these would boost credibility greatly. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2237,41-191,,191,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"Little information has been described to check the feasibility of the proposal, considering that the proposal is requesting 25% of the total budget for the challenge and there are no budget details, roadmap, milestones or KPIs it is difficult to guarantee the auditability of the proposal and how it will address the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2238,136-191,,191,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_136,"Can't audit a plan, when there is no plan.
2239,9-191,,191,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,Since this seems more like a concept at this stage than actual proposal - it would be great if the future version included roadmap and milestone elements to understand where this is headed. Understanding some success metrics and KPis would be useful. There isn't much of that presently. Also - knowing how authors think about associated challenges or risks (if any) would showcase greater validity to community before considering investment. At the current stage - it isn't just yet. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2240,72-191,,191,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_72,"The is no roadmap, no time horizon, no metrics/KPIs. So the community can not assess progress and the success of this proposal. The proposer also doesn't say anything about potential challenges. The whole thing is still not thought out.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2241,66-116,,116,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_66,We need games like this to entice users into the ecosystem. This is my mind. Im not very familiar with the community being targetted here but can see that one exists which is good. I like that it brings something new to the table with tradeability.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2245,136-116,,116,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_136,"This proposal is at best extremely incomplete: the author never mentions who will develop the contracts/logic of the game but says ""we do plan to open source any smart contracts.."". How can you plan on this when its never made clear how these will be developed in the 1st place?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2246,9-116,,116,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,Potentially interesting idea. But it doesn't go in necessary detail that would really highlight the problem issue and how Cardano solves that exactly. We would need to understand how Cardano would benefit from the launch in better light. There are some elements mentioned. Such as the character set up - but due to the nature of closed IP for the most part - is that the reason why there isn't greater detail presented? Unsure about that. It just states that Cardano users would be coming through use of these characters as NFTs . Would have loved to learn more beyond what seems to be a basic concept at the moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2247,66-116,,116,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_66,A team of 8 people should be able to make this sort of game. Its nice to see that they have social networks setup to get feedback from fanbase as well.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2251,136-116,,116,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_136,There is no development roadmap or project plan included in this proposal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2252,9-116,,116,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,"Few elements are a miss for me. There is a mention of the team with 8 members. However, I wasn't able to determine their profiles - hence verify credibility of claims. It would be great if these team members or at least some of them had some professional profiles available in the proposal - links to them - so we can look at who the people behind project are. I am also uneasy about absence of greater budget breakdown. Its current form addresses really high level bucket items but it doesn't go into relevant depth that could help us understand how team is thinking about sustainability about it all. It really just quotes one grand figure atop. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2253,66-116,,116,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_66,The NFT component is the biggest risk I can see here. There is currently not NFT structure for cardano but the good thing is that Charles has mentioned that it is something he is making a priority. I can easy see this being significantly delayed because of this.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2257,136-116,,116,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_136,"This is at best a low impact low feasibility of successful implementation proposal in its current, incomplete state.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2258,9-116,,116,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Proposal, in its current form doesn't go in greater detail that would help community understand what the actual roadmap and milestones are. Nor does it address any relevant success metrics or what KPIs are going to be considered. That's a pity because it is potentially interesting concept. However, in the current shape/form - it isn't investable enough just yet. I would also have loved to learn about how team is thinking in terms of any challenges or risks associated with this proposal. None of which seem to be present. I would suggest to add all these elements and try to resubmit at the later stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2259,119-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_119,"This proposal has a clear benefit to a broad range of developers in the Cardano ecosystem by providing an extendable Docker container for the Carano node. The problem is formulated clearly, and the proposed solution addresses it effectively. The request gives a realistic estimate of the befits generated by implementing the suggested project. The proposal has excellent cost-benefit to the Cardano ecosystem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2260,49-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_49,This reduces the barrier to entry and friction for application developers and stake pool operators alike.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2261,91-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_91,"This solution to setup a canado node on docker looks really good, It will be a time saver for developers to prepare and work on their Dapps.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2263,117-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_117,"The proposal aims to solve part of the friction experienced by developers when interacting with cardano node by providing tooling in python for it.
This allows for more efficient work of other developers.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2264,75-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_75,"Setting up a running node in much less time than today, with an open source program such as Python, is completely going to help developers if this project will be completed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2265,136-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_136,The proposal presents a complete proposal for python developers using this Cardano ETL tool. Unclear how this directly furthers Cardano developer ecosystem though surely some tangential wins to be had.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2266,21-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_21,This proposal appears to be more useful for stake pool operators and people who needs a node access than developers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2268,32-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_32,The proposal effectively addresses the challenge as the development of a python cli would make the node api accessible and attractive to a large number of developers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2269,137-63,,63,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_137,We need tools like this to grow and empower the dev ecosystem. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2271,119-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_119,"The project has a very high chance of being implemented successfully. The proposer has sufficient experience, and provided plans are both realistic and reach in detail. The confidence in the success of the project additionally increased by provided MVP.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2272,49-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_49,"The submitter provided enough evidence, and has additionally offered an initial prototype as a proof of concept.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2273,91-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_91,"The proposer shows experience and skill, but for now he is alone on the project. The roadmap is clear and looks feasible. The project can be a success if the proposer keep his motivation and/or other people join the project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2275,117-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_117,"The proposer presents a very detailed road map with milestones and target dates.
The link to the proof of concept shows a lot of activity on the repository and shows that the proposer has the necessary skills to execute on the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2276,75-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_75,"This proposal has been already presented during Fund3 and it comes with improvements. The only missing point right now is the lack of developers helping the proposer, however, the proposer is also really confident that the community will give support in resolving bugs and create content around the base project.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2277,136-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_136,"The proposer provides video updates, Github links and a complete budget breakdown.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2278,21-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_21,The proposer proves somewhat the relevant experience by providing demo code.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2280,32-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_32,"The experience of the proposer is very well documented , the development is already under way and the plan and budget are inline. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2281,137-63,,63,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_137,"The work done thus far, gives a good sense of the commitment and follow through the proposer brings to the table.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2283,119-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_119,"The project development can be viewed in the public GitHub repository, and the proposal provides a clear timeline. A combination of these two factors makes a project easily auditable. The expected impact of the project has also been given and can be assessed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2284,49-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_49,The proposal is clearly presented with time frames and cost breakdowns on goals that themselves are clearly stated.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2285,91-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_91,"Some key work as already been done, it's a good start. The code is already public and open source.
The project is on the right track.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2289,117-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_117,"A comprehensive roadmap with milestones is presented and success metrics are given with downloads and gitbhub activity that can be reported in.
The risks of the project have been addressed with the search for more contributors for the future and a MVP being presented.
A more detailed breakdown of the cost allocation would have provided for better auditability.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2290,75-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_75,"The video tutorial is very clear, as well as the funding split and the roadmap to reach a full functionality of the Python package",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2291,136-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_136,This is one of the more complete proposals in the dev ecosystem challenge. It's still unclear how this will directly impact Cardano devs but certainly a solid tool for Python devs taking a 1st look at Cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2292,21-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,"The plan is well detailed, clearly defining milestones.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2293,32-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_32,Very well defined metrics of success and a detailed development roadmap make this proposal easy to audit and follow. The problem and solution are clearly defined. Looking forward to see this go live.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2294,137-63,,63,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_137,"The proposer provides a well laid out milestone plan, as well as specific audit check points.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2296,49-189,,189,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_49,"I would break down the youblob project and re-submit as smaller feature sets, in a very simiar way as Liquid has been doing.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2299,136-189,,189,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_136,"Developer resources, technical docs, metrics Budgetary requirements are all not addressed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2300,63-189,,189,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_63,Can not see how this proposal arrives adoption of Cardano. Says it is aiming at industry but examples are home crafts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2302,117-189,,189,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_117,The proposal aims to address the need for more accessible ways of intellectual property protection with a focus on creators and engineers. Patents are not very feasible for a single creator. There is a clear and big group of people who would profit of an efficient way to monetize the creation of blueprints and designs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2303,58-189,,189,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_58,"It is not clear what you want to accomplish. You talk about makers, but you give examples that include food or chemistry. To whihc extent Is your project an e-commerce platform? and how is it different from existing platforms? It is not clear to me how the sellers and buyers interact and how this will happen differently with youblob. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2304,49-189,,189,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_49,Some key members are still missing from this team,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2307,136-189,,189,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_136,It's unclear how this project plans to execute. This proposal lacks the basic detail reqd.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2308,63-189,,189,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_63,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2310,117-189,,189,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_117,"This is a project that is already running and has therefore already a certain track record in what it aims to do. The composition of the team is not entirely clear, here I would prefer a more detailed introduction, however, the commitment is clear with the project already being in development.
While there is a high level roadmap presented, there is not enough information in the proposal to assess if the funding is reasonable and what the timeline would look like upon getting funded.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2311,58-189,,189,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_58,"There is a draft idea circulating since 2012, which on the one hand could be reassuring on its refinement. But unfortunately this makes me uncertain about the ability to quickly progress on the feasibility of the idea, and on the organizational capabilities of the team...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2312,49-189,,189,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_49,"The presentation of the proposal is too open and grand, it needs to be reduced in scope, otherwise it will be too hard to interpret the potential results.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2315,136-189,,189,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_136,"Team needs to complete this proposal with the basic technical docs, metrics, developer resource section and metrics a CA can use to track progress.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2316,63-189,,189,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_63,Does not seem to be a project worthy of Connunity funding and does not seem to address the challenge in a meaning full way.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2318,117-189,,189,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_117,"The proposal presents a high level roadmap that unfortunately lacks details for the specific part it requests funds on. To improve on the quality of the roadmap, a rough timeline or time per task should be presented. The asked for funding should optimally be broken down into understandable parts that have a metric that allows to keep track of progress. Expand the deliverables in the roadmap and explain what is needed to create it and how one will know if it is complete.
Both the problem and the solution expect the reader to know what is meant with ""Maker"", I would recommend to find a crisp way to explain what a Maker is.
It is not clearly stated to what extend the funding will change the trajectory of the running project, to me that's a missed opportunity to show the necessity of receiving funds.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2319,58-189,,189,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_58,"Although the basic idea is online, it is not clear what next steps you are trying to accomplish. How are you planning to induce users to populate the platform? how is the current model going to be changed to enable the transition to the Cardano ecosystem?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2322,136-99,,99,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_136,This proposal is extremely redundant with all of the previously funded Plutus developer content/resources. Nothing differentiates this proposal from the 30 other Plutus documentation/dev training initiatives already in motion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2323,138-99,,99,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_138,"I like this idea and if done effectively, it will answer the current challenge through an increase in Knowledge base & Documentation, also Samples, recipes and templates",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2324,6-99,,99,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_6,"I can't deny, I like this idea and concept. There is a need for a more user-friendly website on Plutus, add interesting use cases, including small community project samples from various fields, community Q/A. This is a well-noticed gap and a more independent offering from a community member with IT experience, as the proposer indicates he has, would be welcome. It could attract new developers and help soften the learning curve to absorbing and utilizing Plutus. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2325,101-99,,99,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_101,"The proposal does address the challenge of improving the developer ecosystem, but it doesn't differentiate itself from existing instructional materials, websites, and discord channels. The idea to segment use cases is novel and worth pursuing. A journey-based instructional approach (as in the service-design literature) could be very effective in growing the Cardano developer community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2328,136-99,,99,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_136,Nowhere in this proposal is it made who the Haskell/Plutus domain expert preparing this content will be.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2329,138-99,,99,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_138,"The proposer seems to have the relevant skills to accomplish the task, but the proposal is high level overview with no details of how it will be achieved. For the funding requested I would like to see a detailed breakdown of tasks, KPIs and a time line for each, as well as a more detailed breakdown of where the funding will be used. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2330,6-99,,99,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_6,"The experience of the proposer seems to be quite suitable for a project of this kind (""Computer science degree, +3 years devOps, software engineering, +1 year MLOps, AI (Pytorch), +9 months in blockchain, + some Haskell now"" ) - although it lacks detail and this might harm the proposal with some voters. If the experience is there, it should be fleshed out more in order to strengthen the chances of this proposal. Another problem is that the plan is a bit to general, still seems like a concept, less like an implementation plan.
The budget breakdown is more like an early draft of what is required:
"" Costs
Need to pay for:
Ongoing monthly costs for GCP (Cloud provider)
My time and other professionals that may be involved in this along the way""
While the lump sum of USD 65000, may be realistic, or may not be. It is not clear from the proposal. If it does not pass in this round it may be good to resubmit it as a more, well-defined and structured proposal in the next funding round. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2331,101-99,,99,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_101,"The team has some of the core experience needed to successfully implement the proposal, but the proposal does not detail the UX (user experience) or web-development expertise that would be essential for success. The latter is particularly important because best practices in UX and teaching would be required for a compelling and effective development journey. The proposal discusses many goals qualitatively, but does not present specific KPIs, a staged roadmap (since this is a one-year project), or well-defined deliverables.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2334,136-99,,99,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_136,This proposal is extremely lacking and extremely redundant. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2335,138-99,,99,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_138,"No. There is a lot of detail of how it will look but not much detail of how it will be achieved. I suggest this proposal be moved to Fund5, that it be rewritten with a detailed plan and that the requirement for funding be changed to one of successive Funds (Fund5, Fund7, Fund9etc) depending on KPIs being met from the previous Fund rounds. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2336,6-99,,99,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The proposal, I think, would have been better had the proposer had time to provide sufficient information on implementation and an operational plan. As it stands now, it is difficult to assess how feasible it is as some aspects seem to be still under consideration and some not. For example, the proposer states: ""Ideally need to have a segmentation for real-use cases, for example ""Social"", ""Sports"", ""Financial industry"", ""Science"", ""Health"" etc"" Not sure if the ""ideally"" means that the proposer theoretically aspires to this goal, or may do it or may not... Some aspects are also in the very general stage ("" The design of the website of course has to be super mint"" ), which needs to be better presented and specified. Everyone's understanding of what is ""super mint"" might differ. The budget needs to be more detailed. The lack of specific information on the technical requirements and skillsets for team members is also a sign of lack of an operational plan. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2337,101-99,,99,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The proposal includes the minimum information needed to judge feasibility. A quantified justification of the budget would be useful, as would be details on the design approach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2339,60-199,,199,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_60,Until you found the co-founder.(developer in ada ecosystem the project can not progress.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2340,136-199,,199,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_136,"There is no detailed development roadmap or project plan included in this proposal. Nowhere in this proposal do they reference the several SCM solutions already developed by Emurgo, IOHK and CF partnerships. The roadmap attachment is a random set of slides and not at actual project roadmap.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2341,75-199,,199,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_75,"Building a Life science supply chain on Cardano could effectively increase the speed, transparency and efficiency with respect to today's industry.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2342,83-199,,199,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_83,The proposer talked about the importance of framework and core concepts in building an SCM platform but haven't provided details on what they are and how would the blockchain solution solve those issues.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2343,50-199,,199,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_50,This proposal focuses on solving a real world problem that the proposer themselves has experienced. It is a very difficult problem in the early stages of cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2345,60-199,,199,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_60,"A difficult market plays with major companies.But over all,good experience "" More than 15 years experience in pharma and biotech in commercial and supply chain management roles (from analyst to global dept. Head)"".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2346,136-199,,199,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_136,"It's 1. not at all clear what the author is proposing to build or 2. who the developer resources who will build this. Lacking in many ways beyond this including no metrics, timeline or budget breakdown.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2347,75-199,,199,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_75,"The proposal lacks of technical explanation, although it looks structured from a management point of view. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2348,83-199,,199,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_83,The proposer has industry experience within pharma specifically dealing with the SCM. But building an SCM would require a deep technical expertise.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2349,50-199,,199,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_50,"the proposer has a clear mission and experience in executive management meetings. A CEO level deck and a roadmap to back it up are presented. The roadmap includes a SWOT analysis and the proposer recognizes their biggest challenges while sharing a plan to tackle them.
2351,60-199,,199,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_60,14 pages that explain the project and the marketing e.t.c. For sure a lot of thinking(logical thinking also i think).Also a better price throught a better distrubution.Means that even people with fewer money can get some medical drugs for their health.And even smaller companies that create sollid products can be a part.Also drop the price.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2352,136-199,,199,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_136,This proposal provides none of the information required to consider this sufficient.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2353,75-199,,199,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_75,"The road-map is clear, although the budged breakdown could help in assessing if the amount and effort required is realistic. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2354,83-199,,199,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_83,"There's a high level roadmap for the plan attached. The proposer includes business plans which specified the costs involved for operational as well as personnel. The foundation development was estimated at 4 weeks, which includes the blockchain and smart contract development. The development timeline for 3 months (it would be interested to see the wireframe of the UI). All in all these development timeline for implementing SCM as well as have it sit on top of a blockchain is a little aggressive in my opinion. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2355,50-199,,199,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_50,"The proposal recognizes the need to onboard a chief technical officer, but at this point the proposal doesn't have a technical feasibility analysis complete which makes it difficult to assess. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2357,54-48,,48,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_54,"The proposal indirectly makes strides toward addressing the challenge while addressing some very important elements of community outreach, marketing and opening up a very large market.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2359,136-48,,48,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_136,Cardano is sorely lacking representation in China. this proposal is a step in the right direction and more funds should flow to this team if they are successful in bootstrapping this.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2361,75-48,,48,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_75,"Given the lack of trust by the chinese government on crypto other than the digital yuan, it is fundamental to reach the population in any other possible manner, cleaning up fake news and spreading reliable information",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2362,61-48,,48,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_61,"Good proposal with relevant objective. It should be considered translation in addition to content creation, since there are already a lot of content that could be adapted/translated/dubbed. China and Cardano could really benefit from one another.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2363,34-48,,48,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposal is more applicable to ""Value onboarding"" category of this fund, however, it aims to solve multiple misconceptions and disinformation about Cardano in a Chinese market. This provides a unique opportunity to target a yet unapproached audience with proper material in order to educate and inform. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2364,41-48,,48,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is aligned with the challenge, however the volume of material to be produced (videos or articles) hasn't been established, making difficult to measure the impact of the proposal on the challenge.
There is a huge community in China and if Cardano wants to embark 1 billion users I believe that China needs to play a role in this, as it is the most populous country in the world, The language barrier and the great firewall of China make the flow of information very difficult and this proposal has the potential to improve the problem presented.
2366,54-48,,48,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_54,"The action points are coherent, logical, well ideated and achievable.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2368,136-48,,48,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_136,This is the 1st proposal I have seen to create a China hub for Cardano devs/enthusiasts. The project plan is complete and the need is clear.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2370,75-48,,48,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_75,"The proposers know what the problems are and evaluated properly the magnitude of Cardano misconception in China. The proposal to contrast that is robust as it takes in account different channels, that seem to be the most used by Chinese.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2371,61-48,,48,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_61,"The plan seems feasible, but more details and about the plan itself and the budget usage would benefit the proposal. Team's experience is very good, and well aligned with the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2372,34-48,,48,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer claims to be experienced as a marketing specialist as well and a technical writer and analyst but does not provide any information to back up their claim. They also seem to be working alone, and given the task, they set out to accomplish, this will be challenging given the amount of work. Given the budget request and aforementioned, the voters might be reluctant on funding this proposal. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2373,41-48,,48,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The described plan is extremely simple and objective, creating content to inform and educate the Chinese community, however a number of material to be produced has not been established, which makes the plan subjective. The team has relevant experiences for the proposal, such as skills in Marketing, Technical Content Writing and fluency in English and Chinese Mandarin, but there are no further details about the proposers, I recommend the inclusion of links (Linkedin or similar) so that the community can check their qualifications.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2375,54-48,,48,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_54,"While pursuing some important work, the proposal falls short of some important ROI metrics, (Number of Local Community Center Licenses applied &
Number of Local Community Centers built and supported.)",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2377,136-48,,48,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_136,All of the metrics a CA would like to use to track progress are included. This is one of the most complete proposals in the local community centers challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2379,75-48,,48,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_75,"The only constraint seems the time to implement the proposal. Other than that, the team has a series of KPI for each of the proposed channel. Definitely this is going to bring some results if implemented",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2380,61-48,,48,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_61,"Proposal goals and roadmap are good, but some dates and milestones would strengthen the proposal as well. KPIs are well described, but some numeric goal would also benefit the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2381,34-48,,48,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposal lacks information on the timeline and budget breakdown, unclear if the proposer will seek further funding or if they aim to become self-sustainable. The proposer does a great job identifying problem areas and their target audience, but it is unclear if their marketing approach will work. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2382,41-48,,48,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The proposal lacks some important information, such as roadmap, estimates of content to be produced, details on budget allocation and details about the proposers (it was mentioned that one of the proposers is an SPO, but the pool ticker was not included), I recommend including this information so that the community can have a better feasibility assessment and understand the impact of the proposal.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2385,21-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_21,"The problem statement is not clearly defined, just a .marketing statement.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2387,113-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_113,this is the kind of holistic proposal that makes sense. It is well though through looking to build something that people can easily understand and use.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2388,136-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_136,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2390,17-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_17,Gimba labs is a well known members of the cardano community. I have no doubts that what ever tools they will build like dandelion will be beneficial for the network.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2391,41-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_41,"The essence of the proposal is the development of Cardano's developer ecosystem, the solution proposed through developer onboarding, education, workshops and tools presents different approaches to solve the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2392,140-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_140,"In order to have a self sustaining eco system of developers in cardano eco system, it is not only important for experienced developers to gain knowledge about building stuff on and with Cardano but also to give them a platform where they can then be the contributors for next stream of developers.
The proposal gives a very detailed explanation of how above can be achieved over the span of short and long term.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2393,9-123,,123,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_9,Absolutely spot on alignment with the challenge brief. We all know how grassroots curation of developer talent is very crucial for cardano ecosystem. We are new and need to be building roots that will have lasting effect. The way how gimbalabs approaches this concept is very refreshing. It aligns greatly with mission and goals of cardano community at large. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2398,21-123,,123,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_21,"This team has already build a number of tools in this area, but most of them are in very raw format still, some are still delivering.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2400,113-123,,123,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_113,"timelines, resources and deliverables look sensible",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2402,17-123,,123,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,the team members are well known in the community and them implementing developments tool is highly likely.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2403,41-123,,123,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_41,"There is an extremely detailed and well-structured plan. The proposers have experience relevant to the proposal, were winners in Catalyst's Fund2 and have been demonstrating good performance metrics. Because of this information, I believe in the success of the implementation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2404,140-123,,123,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_140,"The team involved with this vision is great and already have great content across youtube/github to help start mainstream developers with cardano.
A mix of experience with this team gives this proposal a very good shot at expanding the outreach of cardano developer ecosystem to mainstream set of languages.
As the proposal solution progresses and community grows the proposal will definitely help cardano realize its goal to bring ""Ocean"" of developers to its ecosytem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2405,9-123,,123,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_9,"Based on the plan laid out, it is clear that there is a very sensible plan in place. There is great presentation about individual team members which helps establish validity of presenters. I also can see the budget semantics broken down into more understandable pieces. Maybe a bit more detail on contributing parts would have been really good. Overall, it is clear, being funded from 2nd round - the team is already committed and ready to continue work already initiated. Also knowing they regularly provide reporting - that gives good confidence in their experience so far. Please, keep it up. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2409,21-123,,123,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,The budget of the challenge is too brief when we regard the funds requested. I would like to know more how the funds are going to be used and why the infrastructure is so low.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2411,113-123,,123,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_113,"A well documented proposal. Many other proposals eg infographics, webinars, hackathon could/should collaborate with this one to continue to develop an ecosystem and knowledge base that is build and run by the community
coming from an SAP world the best training/knowledge doesn't always come from SAP but niche organisations with skin in the game ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2413,17-123,,123,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_17,I feel amount of funding which is been asked in this round of funding for just 4 core members for just 3 months is on higher side.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2414,41-123,,123,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge significantly, there is a lot of information indicating the feasibility of the proposal. An objective roadmap, metrics, team details and budget allocation details were described.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2415,140-123,,123,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_140,"The proposal gives a detailed explanation of what work has been done since fund 2 approval and how they are agile with their decisions (based on feedback decide the next steps)
In Addition initiatives such as coding on chain (on youtube) are great for helping developers get up and running in short period of time.
Also, the proposal seems quite overwhelming to look at. From a detailed reading, it feels there are too many things in pipeline so may be would be nice to have prioritization showed up in proposal as well. e.g. make short term vs long term split or make it pictorial.
Nevertheless, proposal is very feasible to achieve its goals that are addressed in their solution statement.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2416,9-123,,123,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_9,"It is very detailed including all the elements such as clear description of what they are trying to and solution attached - and what definition of success looks like. Metrics are included - perhaps a bit modest but I hope they will outgrow these initial targets quickly. I would have loved to learn more about any challenges they see ahead or risks associated with how this proposal plans to be carried out. Having been funded in Fund 2 - I think some of things are likely coming to light. Shedding more information about would have been useful. But overall - very strong proposition and neatly laid out. I would only suggest to proofread the attached document with actual proposal. For example, metrics in the attached document have 'coming soon' even though they seem to be included in ideascale interface already. So making sure information is organised well between various presentation forms. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2419,33-113,,113,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_33,I don't see how the qr-code that is printed by the machine can allow the user of the machine an effective use of his adas. The effort to build and maintain the machine is high and the percentatge for staking is low . There will be nothing left at the end.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2420,60-113,,113,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_60,. This project is not bad as a concept for the people that have not a smartphone. But these people how they will learn about Cardano and the stacking rewards?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2423,63-113,,113,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_63,If implemented and rolled out this product would certainly meet the challenge of the fund,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2424,142-113,,113,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_142,This seems like an interesting proposal to address regions without mobile phone coverage. I was unable to fully reconcile why people would seek out Cardano in these regions although happy to be corrected. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2425,87-113,,113,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_87,"This is very innovative product. I see a lot of efforts are put for initial development of the product.
Looking at the information provided and confidence of the proposer I believe this is project to bet on. The real challenge would be to get this machine to the right population and test it further.
Although it is great idea that will be starting point to reach out to the population without phone.
Not sure how profitable staking would be and how people will deal with volatility of the crypto market. Also, developing countries usually have higher interest rates in banks. May as we get along and more products on platform and if this machine can extend these products with earning and lending options in future would make lot of people onboard to Cardano platform.
This product can revolutionary if it can improve with time and needs of people so best of luck.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2426,143-113,,113,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_143,I like the challenge set out and how it has real use case scenario,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2428,33-113,,113,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_33,"Regarding their expertice, they might pull it off but I don't see any sense in such device. Therefore I highly doubt the implementation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2429,60-113,,113,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_60,"the owner of the shop it should be good to own a pool. So he will collect the money from the machine and place them at the pool. But in this case I see a ton of probs. I will mention just 2.
1)The only person that will have a wallet is the owner of the shop.And not the people that come and place money at your machine.
2)The owner just get the money and fly away.
2432,63-113,,113,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_63,The proposer has exactly relevant experience in the industry of these kinds of machines. So he offers confidence in his ability to create the machinery at competitive pricing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2433,142-113,,113,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_142,Based on the proposal technical details I feel its probable that the proposal would be able to go forward. My concerns are more to do with localised ecosystem challenges that may need review before the tech is designed. This of course is a difficult task due to its very nature...perhaps a proposal that may develop with further investigation. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2434,87-113,,113,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_87,"There is lot of research and work done on the product already by the proposer the major hurdle would be market the product and reach out the right market.
There is relevant experience and clear plan defined to achieve the success with minimum unknown from technology perspective.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2435,143-113,,113,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_143,Given the highly technical requirment of this proposal it is hard to judge at this point. More information is needed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2437,33-113,,113,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_33,I think there is no target audience for this machine and it is financially not viable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2438,60-113,,113,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_60,Unfortunately not enough.How can we eliminate or reduce the human greed in the equation???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2441,63-113,,113,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_63,"THE BIG QUESTION. Can this machinery be rolled out at a scale that matters. I suspect there are countries and markets where it could be rolled out, and there are countries (regulatory compliance issues) and markets where roll-out could eventually be done, but at considerable cost. Hence a mid-star rating.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2442,142-113,,113,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_142,The proposal provides some very good information that I felt allowed me to make sense of the overall concept but I was left with many questions that I felt also needed answering to give me real confidence that this proposal would be able to effectively address the challenge. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2443,87-113,,113,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_87,"There has enough information provided in the proposal that showcases the zeal of the proposer to make this project successful.
There is good enough of research done. There is enough skills and experience to develop the product. The fund requirement is very well justified in the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2444,143-113,,113,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_143,Alot of the feasibility require the reader to fill in with imagination. I would love to follow the progress of this project,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2445,59-86,,86,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"Engaging the worldwide academic community via Cardano-based dApps is a worthwhile goal. This proposal doesn't, however, outline how it would differ from or integrate with existing solutions (such as Orvium, mentioned in the comments). This could be even elevated to a Challenge proposition in one of the future funds: ""How might we help engage the academic community worldwide?""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2447,21-86,,86,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This problem statement seems to match the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2448,35-86,,86,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_35,The problem statement is valid and raises valid doubts about the current academic publication system that is really centralized. The proposal could be a good opportunity to change this paradigm introducing a new type of decentralized academic publication system driving new users (probably with a greater probability of impact as it is aimed at a specific audience that could know the potential of the blockchain more than any other public) to the Cardano ecosystem and increasing its utility.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2449,77-86,,86,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_77,"This proposal could increase adoption widely and could leverage the existing Cardano enthusiasts in the academic community. Open sourcing science is a big and growing movement., etc",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2450,9-86,,86,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,Interesting concept but it still seems in its idea stage. In order for the community to be able to determine its investability - more details on overall heading would be desirable. More detail would need to be addressed around the exact benefits from funding of this proposal which isn't currently clear. It does say about effort to target applications that would bring utility and early adoption to Cardano but there isn't much beyond idea stage semantics? I would love for this to be added with more clarity and form. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2451,142-86,,86,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_142,Really like the concept and believe this proposal would address the challenge effectively. I like the idea of an alternative peer review for alternative scientists.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2452,59-86,,86,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_59,The idea is quite raw and it doesn't really outline who is the team and why would they be a good match with the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2454,21-86,,86,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_21,"There are not evidence for the experience of the proposal, just a statement.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2455,35-86,,86,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_35,"Unfortunately the proposal is at an idea stage. The core concept of creating a tokenization of papers and reviews is clear but it is not explained what is the specific mechanics. For example the proposal says that the tokenization of a paper could allow to measure the engagement (number of reads, comments, citations etc.) but it not described how this will be realized from a technical point of view.
In general it is not clear what we should expect as a final product: it would be useful to describe if the MVP is a website, a mobile app, etc.
Providing a development roadmap, costs breakdown and a description of the team involved (specifying some references about the relevant experience) could also improve the quality of the proposal and make easier the evaluation of the feasibility.
2456,77-86,,86,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_77,The initial proposal is modest but could make for a good step in the right direction.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2457,9-86,,86,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,Unable to determine relevant experience of the proposer as there are no external links provided that would help establish validity/credibility of claims. Because this reads more of an idea/concept - there aren't other specifics that we'd be looking at this stage in order to consider for investment. There isn't executable plan in place just yet - no an any explanation in detail with regard to the funding and budget requested. Some breakdown would be desirable first.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2458,142-86,,86,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_142,The author has academic experience but will need a team to help develop the proposal. I was not able to discern any progress on achieving that at this stage. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2459,59-86,,86,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,"Too much ""could"", ""would"" and ""should"". Engage with other like-minded individuals, present a proper plan and budget, include metrics for success and propose again.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2461,21-86,,86,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_21,"The plan is missing, just brief statements, no budget, no roadmap.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2462,35-86,,86,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_35,"The definition of success is explained (create a test product around a small network of researchers) but it would be necessary to provide some objective metrics to evaluate it (How many papers published/reviewed in a defined timeframe? How many users/researchers involved?). It would also be useful to provide an estimate of how many transaction could generate the average process of a paper publication.
2463,77-86,,86,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_77,"Building this test system is perhaps feasible, but the benefits of that alone are modest. Getting adoption beyond that is not specified.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2464,9-86,,86,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,Tying back to the fact that we're still at concept stage - there isn't defined roadmap or milestones as a result of it. Knowing more precise understanding of success metrics and/or KPIs would have been really useful. There also would be need to consider appropriate challenges and risks so that we can assess viability of proposal collectively. So - good concept - but needs a bit more work to make it more in line with expectations presently. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2465,142-86,,86,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_142,Really like the concept but needs further refinement to score higher. I think it is a very large project and once a team has started to be built I think this proposal may become quite useful to the Cardano community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2466,21-268,,268,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_21,"This proposal looks at onboarding of developers, so we might say it is directed at developers.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2467,59-268,,268,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_59,"This is very much in line with what needs to happen to actualize the plans.
Just make sure you synergize even more with other initiatives (e.g. and disseminate the good case practices you develop.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2472,17-268,,268,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,Any development tools which targets Africa should be welcomed and team has a good presence in the cardano community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2474,41-268,,268,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_41,"The idea presented is related to the challenge and has the potential to cause a significant impact, but the plan presented lacks important details so that we can measure the impact. If the idea is to train thousands of developers (as mentioned in the proposal) I believe that more concrete planning needs to be presented. We need to have a sense of the numerical capacity of students who can be trained, what type of material will be used in the courses, what type of support will be available, whether it will be a perspective or remote course.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2475,21-268,,268,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This is a trusted team from the community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2476,59-268,,268,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_59,"For instance the WAD Alliance website (although misspelled in the proposal with just one ""L"") is a fantastic proof of quality that this team can deliver:
""The francophone connection"" will easily double or triple the team size. Although managing multiple languages introduces complexity, I'm 100% certain there is enough shared leadership in this team to manage that growth and diversity.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2481,17-268,,268,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,"the best part about this proposal is the simplicity of the proposal, but I wish deliverables were mentioned wit their timelines.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2483,41-268,,268,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_41,"The plan presents examples of courses, events and tools that can be developed, but it doesn't present a concrete plan of what will be implemented or how it will be put into practice. How will the students be taught? What is the methodology?
I believe that the WADA team is able to implement the proposal, there is information from the members involved, but I recommend the inclusion of more details about their professional experiences and qualifications (links to Linkedin) so that the community can attest to its capabilities with transparency.
2484,21-268,,268,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,"Great team, I would like to have more on how to measure success.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2485,59-268,,268,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_59,"Under the ""Project Brief"" I was hoping to see a detailed budget of how the funds will be used. For this scale of impact you could even ask more than 15,000 USD but you need to show how those funds are used.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2490,17-268,,268,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_17,In this proposal there is no mention of timelines of deliverables and length of period which this funding will be utilized for.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2492,41-268,,268,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_41,"There is clarity in the problem and the solution presented and are in line with the challenge, but as there are no details on the implementation of the proposal, the feasibility assessment is compromised.
How will the students be taught? What is the methodology?
Success metrics have been described, but there are no KPIs, details on budget allocation and details about team members.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2493,59-175,,175,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_59,These types of dApps can bring non-crypto folks to use Cardano. The NFT football player generator is the beef here (needs some more meat around the bones though).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2497,9-175,,175,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"I like the concept - which could use potentially a great use case for Cardano network. However, I wish authors spent a bit more time addressing how Cardano community would benefit from the launch of this proposal in a greater detail. It seems the utility of use is one of the key elements - but understand how authors look at it more cohesively would have been great. Proposal focuses more on a solution that the initial problem. Just an observation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2498,142-175,,175,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_142,The proposal is a valid concept that would effectively address the challenge. If the project gained momentum it could certainly attract a lot of attention. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2499,59-175,,175,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,"Relevant experience seems suitable, however team members are not outlined in the proposal. Also partnerships are missing.
Consider involving a company that deals with football player data, e.g.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2503,9-175,,175,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, it is difficult to establish real life experience with the proposal owners. It would be great to include professional profiles, like LinkedIn, or other references that would help us get to know them a bit more. There is a reference to stake pool operator but again - absent of additional attributes - it is difficult to validate claims as such. More of an issue I see with the fact that budget states only one grand figure but doesn't go into depth how it would be utilised exactly. Some sensible breakdown and possible plotted against timescale to understand flow of the concept better. There also seems to be an issue that team is not exactly in place? As one of the proposal elements suggests some hires are yet to be desired. Knowing some of these have already leads would have been highly appreciated. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2504,142-175,,175,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_142,The proposal is targeting an extremely competitive market and would likely require a good deal more funds to compete with the many sports applications already operating. I feel the budget is too high for what could be realistically produced at this stage. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2505,59-175,,175,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_59,"50,000 USD will not be enough to pull this through. Be more specific what you can accomplish with that sum. With a more concrete plan you can ask for more.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2509,9-175,,175,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Roadmap and milestones are rather underdeveloped and would fit more of an idea/concept stage than actual workable proposal. I miss having a good understanding of what authors are thinking in terms of their success metrics, if any KPIs are being considered and what their targets are after completion. Knowing these would make it easier for community to understand direction and aspirations of the proposal. Further, some elements of discussion on topics of challenges and risks be nice. There isn't much of that in the proposal just yet. I suggest looking into these things and try to re-submit at the later stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2510,142-175,,175,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_142,Good concept but needs significant more work to get to fruition. I would advise a smaller undertaking plus development of the team to tackle design concepts that will need attention (such as licensing).,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2511,59-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"It's a good use case for Cardano. However, I would like to know how this is different from the multitude of tokenized real estate projects started a few years ago (of which most failed).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2513,75-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_75,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2515,145-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_145,"It's an interesting idea, even though I'm not quite sure what would be the added value of being a dApp / smart contract. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2516,146-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_146,"This proposal effectively addresses the challenges in UAE. I would need more details related to how and when you will extend this proposal worldwide. Knowing that the Real Estate rules are different from country to country, we need a roadmap that can be repeated repeatedly with adaptation for each jurisdiction to scale up. The project team needs to rely on A KYC/AML specialist consultant, attorney and solicitor per country on top of a blockchain specialist, from my point of view.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2518,51-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_51,"This is a very professional proposal that addresses the needs of the community, allows for massive expansion potential and interoperability across the entire platform.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2519,6-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"This is a great idea and there is a lot of room to build more towards specific markets. I like that the proposal is focused on a specific market (real estate, UAE) as it makes the project less of an idea, more of a real-life proposal. The challenge specifies that we need to find proposals that answer the question ""How can application developers drive adoption of Cardano in 2021?"" This proposal although it mentions crypto investors and buyers, does not give me sufficient information to assess that it is 100% fully committed to using Cardano blockchain. The referenced files in the proposal are not open - and I was unable to access them directly.
The proposer does mention ""Competition analysis is also done - basically all competitors run on the Ethereum blockchain (with enormous gas fees) and a lot of them are already inactive, giving us a very good advantage to build a product and make it more affordable and easier to use."", however this is not the same as saying that the proposer is committed to Cardano for transactions and smart contracts. It may be a given, but unless it is directly stated (no references to using Plutus, Cardano Dapps, etc) - I have to keep my mind open to whether the proposer may switch platforms during the project, if not explicitly committed.
One commenter asked ""which language platform will be used (Plutus, Marlowe, etc)? "", but the information has not been reported back as far as I could see. Maybe it was, but then it is not prominent in the proposal and this makes me unable to confirm that the proposal ""effectively addresses the challenge"" as regards to Cardano. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2520,78-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_78,"The problem to be solved is avoiding fees and costs in converting crypto assets into fiat to purchase real estate. The community that would benefit is the one which places a substantial amount of their financial wealth in cryptocurrency. The ability to scale would include understanding written/spoken languages and legal treatment of real estate transactions around the world. This is not addressed in the proposal, but is theoretically possible. Just getting this implemented in Dubai (i.e. working platform and actual, legal purchases of real estate) would be a great success. At that point, this proposal would indeed demonstrate the utility and increase the adoption of Cardano because it allows cryptocurrency holders to purchase real estate without using fiat currency. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2521,45-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_45,"This project makes real estate investment accessible to anyone interested. I am fascinated with how far this project would go. A few issues on specifics like the technology and contract details but from what I've seen, it has the potential of solving the problems that have been presented. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2522,63-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_63,"The proposal, IF implemented would essentially require a sea change adoption of crypto currency in the purchase of real estate - where there is not a problem now, using fiat. So can not see practical road to implementation in 3-5 years. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2523,147-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_147,"This proposal is the beginning of a very good idea. It does address a problem that needs to be solved but is lacking in specifics. For example, will the project have its own token? Will profits be paid in stable coins or ADA etc. Done correctly there would definitely be a benefit to the community. Scaling is really not discussed. I would like to see more details in terms of real numbers and percentages. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2524,19-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_19,"Given the other alternatives outside the US utilizing erc20/etc for this, It's definitely a good thing to continually get the Cardano name seen in that space. It looks like there is already a crypto integration being marketed on the proposers website so it is unclear what ""dapp"" the proposer is requesting funds for... That may be the problem.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2525,142-213,,213,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_142,As a potential Dapp that could generate interest in Cardano the proposal is a valid use case and examples are already operating in the blockchain universe. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2526,59-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,"Once you have the developer(s), the team will be complete. It's great that you have partnerships already.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2529,145-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_145,"The proposer seems to have experience in the industry, Dubai / UAE real estate market and a plan on how to tackle this project using partners and collaborators. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2531,51-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_51,"The work already put in, the connection with commenters and personal credentials show good signs of potential. the scale is large and the initial scope seems well within reach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2532,6-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_6,"I think that the proposal can be implemented successfully, but what is lacking is a specific implementation plan with clear deliverables and milestones and a timetable. The proposal gives me the impression of being still in the conception stage and that a fully fleshed out proposal that is ready for implementation is not on offer yet. So, it makes it difficult to confirm that it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2533,78-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_78,"The proposer's relevant experience includes his MBA and IT experience. However, he will need real estate, legal and investment experience as well. He may have it and, if so, should add it to his proposal. Each of these areas is a world unto itself, requiring experienced individuals/firms that know how their area of expertise works in Dubai. While I view this as an excellent idea, the importance of this team cannot be overstated which is why I put this at 2 stars. His team's level of experience and commitment should also be provided, if any. Finally, a budget should be presented. For example (not advice), there could be portions for IT, real estate, investment and legal. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2534,45-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_45,"Still in its early stages so it's a bit difficult to tell. But from the idea and website presented, I see it being implemented if funding is granted. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2535,146-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_146,"It is not clear to me how the provider plans to interact with the Cardano blockchain.
I will need some technical details, even a high level, to get a broad picture of the envisaged solution.
2536,63-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_63,"The proposer says this proposal is a test of Cardano community interest, when the real test would be real estate sales and rental interest. And here he admits its a long haul.
""Traction can be measured in a few for this type of project, but I'd like to start with the ""interest registration"" because sales might be a tough one depending on assets and invetor pools…
I know it's a low budget, but thought would be good to start with the lower one to see if there's any interest from the community then try building some basic prototypes.""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2537,147-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_147,The proposals feasibility is not assured in my view. Great idea but we need more details. I understand that the budget is for an MVP only but what happens next?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2538,19-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_19,"Being outside the US there are less legal and regulatory hurdles to overcome, but the proposal is all over the place talking about collecting tenant information, recording deeds, facilitating escrows, a 2-way marketplace platform for direct investing, then crowdfunding... To do any one of those components well is a large undertaking, let alone all of them and the proposer seems to not grasp the scope, technical requirement or true cost. Feels wildly unrealistic at this stage and would detract from the Cardano ethos, rather than add.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2539,142-213,,213,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_142,The author is already assembling a team and has experience that is relevant to the proposal. The initial request is not excessive and the plan appears to request further funding as the project develops. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2540,59-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_59,Unfortunately I wasn't able to access the documents on Google Drive. Please make them public.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2543,145-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_145,"As mentioned above, it's unclear to me how value using smart contracts will bring to Cardano and the ecosystem. This seems a solution that would work perfectly fine using a traditional (centralised) platform or application. There's little to no benefit of using a blockchain for such an usecase.
Would be useful to provide more details how this project would create more addoption for Cardano, its users and the wider ecosystem. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2545,51-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_51,Plenty of information has been given and it looks like the voters will have ample information to make an informed decision. Best of luck!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2546,6-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_6,"I think that the proposal lacks sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and its end relationship of the Cardano ecosystem specifically (apart from the fact that ETH is said to have high fees) and there are references to Crypto in general as a payment form, while not so much focus on Cardano and its possibilities and capabilities that will be utilized. I think that the proposal would benefit from a more thorough plan with clear milestones and a greater focus on the technological side -in order to paint a clear picture of what will be progress and what will be the end integration with Cardano. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2547,78-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_78,"The proposal contains a general roadmap but would be improved with milestones and more specific uses of the budget. Please note that the following is not legal advice as I am an attorney: It seems that Dubai legal counsel will need to be retained to review the legal structure and possibly provide an opinion regarding its legality. This alone will most likely cost more than $10,000 given the novelty of the proposal. The definition of success is easily inferred: investors are able to purchase real estate and receive returns on the packages. The problem to me is the current need to convert one's cryptocurrency into fiat which requires payment of fees and costs which is not directly stated. It should be more clearly stated in addition to any other problem(s) this proposal addresses. The challenges and risks to me do not appear technology-related but related to putting together a competent team as alluded to in the previous section. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2548,45-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_45,The information presented is sufficient enough to implement the early stage of the project. A roadmap has been declared and I see it becoming a great way for user adoption on the Cardano network. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2549,146-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_146,"The proposal does not provide sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge. After checking the different websites provided, I cannot grasp the feasibility of the solution.
Furthermore, the requested funds are so low; I doubt the proposal can be developed at that price.
To better estimate the solution, the idea submitter has to price roughly each stakeholder participation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2550,63-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_63,"Sorry, there is little information presented to indicate the willingness of the real estate market to adopt a new model.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2551,147-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_147,There is little talk in the proposal about a roadmap or milestones. Definition of success in not clear. I do like the description of the problem and the solution seems sound but again lacking in important details. I would like to see this proposal succeed so hopefully we can get the added info we need to make an informed decision.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2552,19-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_19,"Explanations are missing for use of funds/budget justification and there is no real strategy, more of a ""whiteboard"" of nebulous ideas being tossed around. I don't see this addressing the challenge at this stage.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2553,142-213,,213,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_142,The information provided is useful and it appears some progress has begun already. At this stage I'm not seeing a point of difference that will set this project apart from the competition (apart from being Cardano based which may be all it needs) . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2554,59-277,,277,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_59,Yes! This will fast-track Cardano to the NFT space and since it's open-source it will invite development efforts from the rest of the community. I would like to see this becoming THE Cardano gateway to NFTs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2558,12-277,,277,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"Nothing about this solution reads as developer tooling that will scale Cardano's dev ecosystem. The author literally says they are building a KEVM dApp, this should not be in this challenge",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2559,111-277,,277,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_111,How is this a developer tooling play and not a regular NFT dapp. This should be in dapp challenge,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2562,142-277,,277,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_142,"It's a big project that has had a lot of thought put into it and so it meets the criteria of effectively addressing the challenge. My main concern is that the scale of development may not be attainable, would have preferred a smaller stepped approach. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2563,59-277,,277,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_59,The team has proven its skills and the plan is solid. Just one caveat: perhaps rename it to SMYTH. :),,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2567,12-277,,277,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"everything in this proposal is about porting an existing dApp over to the KEVM, nothing about this proposal plan leads me to believe this will be a win for Cardano developers.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2568,111-277,,277,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_111,"The proposer fails to include metrics, risks assessment or detailed budget breakdown to justify the process of porting this ethereum dApp to Cardano. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2571,142-277,,277,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_142,Looking at the experience and enthusiasm of the proposal author suggests that progress on this proposal would be likely. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2572,59-277,,277,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_59,Yes. Ready for execution.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2576,12-277,,277,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,Nowhere in this proposal does the author make it clear why they are putting an Ethereum dApp in the develop ecosystem challenge. How does porting a dApp to KEVM increase the dev ecosystem is my major critique on this idea.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2577,111-277,,277,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_111,Nothing about this proposal is furthering the Cardano developer ecosystem. It's entire purpose is to fund the migration from Ethereum to Cardano KEVM,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2580,142-277,,277,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_142,Well written proposal that provided excellent information. I have concerns however about the scale set out in this version. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2582,12-215,,215,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"The proposer needs to know there is still much work to be done before this proposal can be considered complete. There is need for benchmarking existing simulation tools, the roadmap is not at all detailed, and the budget requested amount simply does not match the work activities listed.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2583,111-215,,215,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_111,The author does not make it clear where/how/when this proposal will further the Cardano developer ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2585,49-215,,215,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_49,"Something is off with this submission, it doesn't make sense when you compare it to what Mutual Knowledge systems or IOG are doing",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2586,19-215,,215,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_19,This proposal only addresses the challenge in an abstract way. It does not add to the developer ecosystem in a meaningful way at this time.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2587,50-215,,215,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_50,This proposal adds important testing tools to the developer ecosystem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2589,12-215,,215,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,The single link included in this proposal is broken and there are not attachment/links to view additional information related to this idea.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2590,111-215,,215,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_111,"Reviewing the proposed outcomes, none of these points relate to developer infrastructure, tooling or tangible items a Cardano developer could use during the creation of a Cardano app. There is also no way to assert the experience of the team behind this proposal (link gives 404 error)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2592,49-215,,215,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_49,No background for the proposers is given,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2594,19-215,,215,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_19,"The plan presented does go into good detail, but the proposal team has other proposal and seems to be stretched thin and just ""throwing things at a wall"" to see what sticks. Applying this to UniSwap isn't totally irrelevant but for the requested funds, is a complete waste of resources at this time given the makeup of the dev ecosystem.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2595,50-215,,215,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_50,The project team has great technical experience with blockchain and distributed systems.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2597,12-215,,215,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"All in all this proposal lacks a lot of the basic information required to be considered complete. In its current state its missing a *detailed* plan, metrics and simple explanation of how this will scale Cardano's dev ecosystem.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2598,111-215,,215,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_111,"The detail in the project plan, proposed outcomes and budget section for this proposal do not match the requested amounts. This proposer also does not make it clear where this furthers the Cardano developer ecosystem, thus not effectively addressing the challenge. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2600,49-215,,215,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_49,"Although some rough information is given, I don't believe the proposers understand the problem domain well enough",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2601,19-215,,215,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_19,Sufficient information if provided but the proposal is lacking any explanation as to how it addresses the challenge and will be applicable beyond this specific use case.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2602,50-215,,215,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_50,"the proposal includes clear metrics upon which to judge success, and has a detailed plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2603,59-26,,26,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_59,"Thank you for submitting the proposal. I read it with the help of Google Translate. :) Perhaps you could make it easier to the rest and get it translated in English.
The plan does not reveal much detail. Are you currently in Step 0?
I would like to know how your proposal is different from other existing solutions such as",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2605,91-26,,26,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_91,"The idea is good, but we don't have enough informations of the project behind the idea. Is the app another wallet ? what more will the app do compare to a wallet ?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2607,38-26,,26,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_38,La proposition est tout à fait conforme aux objectifs de Cardano et profitera sans aucun doute à un grand nombre de personnes sur le continent africain et en particulier au Congo. L'utilisation de la blockchain comme solution de transfert d'argent P2P pourrait résoudre tous les problèmes liés aux différentes devises de la région et à leurs différents taux de change les uns avec les autres.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2608,41-26,,26,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal describes the intention in design of a money transfer platform using Blockchain technology (also known as ""wallet""). The proposal addresses the challenge, but what is the purpose of creating a new wallet? Why not just use YOROI or Daedalus? What would a new wallet add to Cardano's developer ecosystem? What would be difference over current options? it is difficult to understand the impact of the proposal without these responses.
2609,59-26,,26,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,Team looks solid.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2611,91-26,,26,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_91,"The plan is unclear, but on the other side the team shows experience in development but not on the blockchain.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2613,38-26,,26,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_38,"Je jette un doute sur la capacité de cette proposition à fournir des compétences et des expériences données sont décrites à un niveau très général. En outre, dans la mesure où les objectifs de la phase 1 ont été définis, ils semblent être le type d'activités qui devaient être menées pour préparer cette proposition, ce qui lui confère son statut de retard, en particulier par rapport à d'autres propositions. . Les activités décrites dans la phase 2 correspondent à ce que je m'attendais à être le contenu de cette proposition, d'où la note.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2614,41-26,,26,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_41,"The described plan lacks details so that it is possible to measure the chances of success. In the attached file it is possible to check the team members and their positions, but there are no details about the proposer's professional experiences and their qualifications, I recommend that this information be added.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2615,59-26,,26,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,Please provide a concrete plan and provide a budget.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2617,91-26,,26,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_91,We don't have enough informations on the proposition to judge the idea and is feasibility. the team looks good enough to handle a project but need to rework on the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2619,38-26,,26,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_38,"La proposition ne fournit pas suffisamment de détails pour permettre une évaluation correcte de son succès potentiel. En termes de relever efficacement le défi, cela est sur le point et n'est pas discutable car le transfert d'argent tP2P est un problème qui doit être résolu et la solution proposée d'AfriPay, sur les spécifications, est sur la bonne voie. Cette proposition pourrait recevoir une note plus élevée si les détails de la phase 2 sont présentés dans cette proposition et pour inclure les délais, les jalons de développement, les ressources exactes et le budget par rapport aux efforts. Et je m'attends à ce que le montant du financement demandé augmente en conséquence.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2620,41-26,,26,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_41,"The proposal addresses the challenge, but there is no explanation for the creation of a new wallet, as YOROI and DAEDALUS could solve the problem presented in the proposal, I recommend that this point be clarified. Little information has been described to indicate the feasibility of the proposal, there is no roadmap, milestones or KPIs. I recommend including this information.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2623,12-5,,5,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,We need way more info on the tokenomics of this model to effectively measure if this dApps operating model is even viable. There is no technical documentation or dev resource capable of building Plutus contracts highlighted.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2624,38-5,,5,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_38,"This is a global problem and what has been presented in the proposal is a novel solution to combat climate change. The paper has clearly articulated the impacts of solo-driving to the environment and the benefits of ride sharing, in minimising carbon footprints. More importantly, its use of the ada blockchain for carbon credits and linking it to the business model of carbon trading by business entities shows potential growth in the future. The benefits of this solution is global",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2625,82-5,,5,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_82,"The proposal provides a compelling platform that incentivises a healthy social activity that is carpooling through carbon offsetting rewards. If the pandemic continues to level, this proposal has the potential to promote Cardano adoption further, and expand to other environmentally friendly forms of transportations like public transit infrastructure.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2626,9-5,,5,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"I like the concept very much. It ties very well with the mission of Cardano plus it works very well on utility end in theory. I only wish this proposal took more effort to highlight the environmental benefits vis-a-vis Cardano ethos a bit more. I think there are some benefits to leverage from doing so. However, overall - it fits the challenge brief well all things considered.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2627,17-5,,5,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_17,this is a really interesting idea which effectively addresses the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2630,12-5,,5,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"Budgetary requirements are not addressed in much detail nor other ideas about how this project plans to execute, specifically in the development of Plutus smart contracts in the next 3 months.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2631,38-5,,5,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_38,"Despite the lack of itemised resources and budget allocations & clear development pathways, I still allocated this proposal a 4-star due to the thought clearly invested in this solution. The fact the team has already partially completed a version of the app lends credibility and confidence that it can be implemented successfully. The team has also considered its progress and deployment against the current global pandemic and presented potential solutions to ensure health and safety for participants. The potential involvement of Uber and Lyft, if successful, can lead to immediate adoption by la arge number of ride-sharing users who by most surveys share a concern for the environment with desires to minimise carbon footprints. This proposal could be further improved with an itemised listing of expenditures against resources, but overall, it is on the right track.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2632,82-5,,5,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_82,"This team has experience on a variety of ventures, which I therefore believe have the skills and connections required to deliver the proposal via continuous feedback and iterations from many different social views.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2633,9-5,,5,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_9,"Somewhat uneasy about the presentation about the team. I understand there is a partner back up from WADA - which is fantastic. But the proposal doesn't link externally to additional resources that would help navigate these persons. I checked the website - but it is only solution presentation. I found only terms and conditions page - no about us or people behind as such. Adding some sort of links that would enable us to verify/establish validity of professional claims be very desirable. Maybe a linked in profiles, or some previous project references. However, I appreciate the effort typing out background in the proposal itself. That's a plus - just missing that 'verified' momentum to it a bit. A quick comment about budget - it breaks down somewhat into greater detail - but we don't really know how many developers are going to be paid for? Budget only states this amount is for developers. Experience section states 3 fullstack developers and team section discusses 2 of them. Would be great to clear up team dynamics next time to help clear any additional doubts. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2634,17-5,,5,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,collaboration with wada gives better accountability and higher chance of implementation of the project. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2637,12-5,,5,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_12,I am a fan of this proposal concept but everything beyond that is lacking depth for me during this review. Starting with the token model to the actual dApp development,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2638,38-5,,5,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_38,"There are obvious metrics Catalyst requires to establish audibility of proposals. This proposal does not satisfy the requirements 100% however, the fact the solution and the processes is well considered, a partial functioning application already exists suggest a reliable measure of feasibility. There is no doubt that the solution can help slow down climate change or at the very least make more people aware of the impacts of travelling decisions that they can act upon it. There is tremendous upside to this solution with Cardano being at its very core. And the involvement of business organisations and the carbon credit market could make this a very liquid & lucrative market.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2639,82-5,,5,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_82,"The pandemic is obviously the elephant in the room in terms of the risks involved in this proposal. I'm sure the risk is being addressed as carefully as possible, and I'd suggest reviewing how other simillar companies mitigate the situation to come up with a cost-effective and user-friendly experience to reduce the spread of infection.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2640,9-5,,5,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_9,"I like that team has thought of breaking down the auditability section. There is a simple roadmap and milestones. However, I would have liked to understand timeline a bit more than just stating it would take three months. Plotting some timescale would be really useful. I also like the inclusion of what success looks like - that helps set the narrative properly. With regards to measuring metrics - here I would have liked to learn what target metrics are to be considered as KPIs. But not just in words - but what expectation there is in terms of growth. Some target numbers so that we can benchmark effectively the progress once funded. This helps set the context a lot better. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2641,17-5,,5,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_17,I feel the project has good intensions but have little doubts abt the feasibility as i feel they have under budgeted.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2643,12-161,,161,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,This proposal fails to make the case for this idea. There is no detailed development roadmap or project plan included in this proposal either.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2646,83-161,,161,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_83,The proposal doesn't have breakdown of how the funds would be spent. What would the explorer functionality looks like? The proposer didn't have any information of how would donators able to see where the donation and how it would be spent. How will the people asking the donation record their spending?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2647,36-161,,161,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_36,"The basic idea of this proposal is definitely a good one. It addresses a real problem. However, there are many informations missing. For example a development roadmap. Therefore it seems to be only a vague idea. The challenge is asking for implementation of new Dapps. If this idea is ready to implement is not documented. There has also been a similar project in Fund3. The proposer did not answer the comment about how he further will add value to it. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2648,9-161,,161,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Potentially a very interesting use case. There is a clear attempt to make community benefit outlined for multiple segments, including all stakehodlers such as Cardano, companies, consumers. But I wish there was more in depth executables in the rest of the proposal as it currently reads just like an idea/concept. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2649,8-161,,161,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_8,"It is a solid idea, this can bring transparency to the process and a sense of direct contribution to the cause an individual chooses to donate. I like the idea of % being accounted in the process as it brings a real solution to the question has it actually been used to what I donated to. Perhaps a link aubthentication to the funds being transfered can attest to that level of transparency. The token could be custodied similar to how logistics manages an inventory and this from the donating end can be somehow reflected through blockchain identifiers.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2652,12-161,,161,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,There is nothing in this proposal a CA could use to verify the author's experience,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2655,83-161,,161,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_83,"The proposer is a software development, but it remains to be seen how it would be translated to blockchain development",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2656,36-161,,161,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_36,"I recommend the proposer to add links to his relevant experience. There is also no detailed development roadmap and no details about the budget spending. These facts make it hard to see, if there will be a successful implementation. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2657,9-161,,161,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,It isn't possible to establish the validity of experience with the plan presented. This is namely due to the fact that there are no external links/source for appropriate professional references. e.g LinkedIn profile or other likes of such. There also isn't any meaning put behind the budget requested. We don't have means of understanding what exactly would budget be used for - nor why is this the right amount. Hence it doesn't really speak to sensible plan at the moment. It feels more like an idea - i would suggest to work on executable elements and then try to resubmit in the future rounds instead. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2658,8-161,,161,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_8,The experience noted reflects a level of confidence in a deliverable outcome but more clarity as to how the funds will be used and a detailed stage by stage plan outlined. This could bring more confidence in the project successful deployment. Other considerations are what type of platform would be used as for Dapp and how will it be presented to some of the charities and organizations where people usually donate? what are the plans to onboard those in this challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2661,12-161,,161,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,this proposal is lacking the basic detail/technical docs needed for a mature dApp proposal. Also not sure why this idea needs to be a dApp.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2664,83-161,,161,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_83,"There's not enough information provided on how to execute this proposal technically, as well as deployment and finding customers. How do the proposal comes up with the 20000 numbers?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2665,9-161,,161,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there aren't any roadmap or milestones elements at this stage that would help us navigate this more meaningfully. There also isn't clear definition of success or appropriate metrics with targets that help us determine/judge how well or not project does once funded. It would also be very useful to learn more about challenges and risks if authors were to consider. Adding these elements would improve this proposal greatly. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2666,36-161,,161,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"Many important information to assess this proposal are missing. I recommend the proposer to add a roadmap, time horizon, measurable metrics and a risk analysis to a future proposal. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2667,8-161,,161,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_8,There needs to be more considerations addressed in the proposal to asses the deliverable outcome. The proposal is possible and very well described in term of vision and outcome potentials. The getting there is unclear at this stage and requires more information.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2670,12-248,,248,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,This is not a complete proposal or a dApp,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2671,6-248,,248,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"This project seems to be a valid idea for integration with the Cardano ecosystem, however it seems to suffer from a problem of being too general and lack of detail. It would probably help to identify some general categories of problems and entrepreneurs who would benefit from tokenization of their problems - in order to make the proposal more viable. Not every business project or idea can benefit from tokenization and the proposal to me seems to be too general to effectively address the challenge. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2673,36-248,,248,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_36,"The idea of this proposal (tokenization) addresses the challenge (I think it could be very impactful). However, there is no executable roadmap presented, how to implement a token system for the proposed solution. But the challenge is exactly asking for that. So further work has to be done here in order to get funded (imo).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2674,9-248,,248,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,"I like the concept in general - there definitely is a great use case for securing funding to underdeveloped so that more opportunities are unlocked for unbanked. However, the way how this proposal reads is more of a concept/rather than idea - it doesn't seem to be through through as it is seen in other categories. Great concept - but not something we can invest in this present shape/form. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2675,13-248,,248,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_13,"idea is great a step a head financial hub stability,tokenize ,defi-farming ,funds riser",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2678,12-248,,248,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no plan presented at all, much missing and in the wrong challenge.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2679,6-248,,248,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_6,"The information about the team is very basic and consists of: "" Telecom engineer, Blockchain & AI Expert, Ph.D. in robotics, Tech Entrepreneur, Finance Expert, NICT Lawyer""
The requested funds are very large, but there is no detailed breakdown of the funds and how much will be used for which purpose. The overall impression I have is of a non-complete plan and I am doubtful the plan will be implemented successfully as it stands. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2681,9-248,,248,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, this proposal is presently very deficient in our ability to define feasibility of it. There is some sense of having a team but there really isn't any external reference to professional profiles or presentation that would help establish validity. Nor the budget requirements that would match the proposal contents. It currently asks for 200,000 dollars which is effectively entire fund - but it doesn't have depth that would be required to come along with it. I suggest to rework this with more sensible plan and better/lower budget so that it can be considered more seriously for funding. It just isn't investable at the present time. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2682,36-248,,248,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_36,"There is no evidence (links, references) for a relevant experience documented. An executable roadmap is missing. There is just an idea of WHAT can be done, but not exactly HOW it will be done. The budget spending is also very vague. With the given information it is not possible to assess if the amount is reasonable or not. I recommend to be much more specific on these informations in the future. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2683,13-248,,248,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_13,"The financial systems of EE5 countries have been developing rapidly but
are, broadly speaking, at earlier stages of development as compared to
OECD countries on average, reflected in lower financial asset/GDP
 Financial intermediation in EE5 countries tends to take the form of bank
lending rather than issues of securities in capital markets.
 The institutional investor sector is far less developed in the EE5
countries, except in South Africa and to a lesser degree Brazil.
 The corporate bond market in EE5 countries is much less developed than
in OECD countries, but the equity markets of most EE5 countries are
proportionately as large as those of OECD countries. The situation is rather different with respect to equity finance, where the markets
of EE5 countries compare favourably with those of OECD countries. Despite a
growing development of OECD equity markets over the past few decades, the
capitalisation equity markets of EE5 countries had been growing more rapidly
than those in OECD countries for several years. Moreover, in the current crisis
the sharp correction of equity markets in OECD countries stands in contrast to
the more resilient performance of in the EE5. In South Africa, where the equity
market was already well developed, it has now advanced to the point that that
market is comparatively larger than in any OECD country.
3 Brazil, China and
India have all made significant strides in promoting the development of equity
markets and their markets now rank among the largest in the world in absolute
size. Indonesia has also made significant gains, but still lags behind other EE5
2686,12-248,,248,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This author should complete this proposal and put it in a challenge more appropriate. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2687,6-248,,248,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_6,"I think that this proposal does not provide sufficient information on its feasibility. The proposer might improve his proposal with a narrower focus on certain categories of innovative projects in West Africa or specific regions or countries. By narrowing down the focus, expectations could be managed better and it would be easier to access the proposal's feasibility. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2689,9-248,,248,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,Proposal really lacks element structure of defined roadmap/milestones that could help community understand its direction better. There is no clear definition of success that we can benchmark against - such as inclusion of KPIs. Adding elements of how authors think about these would greatly improve quality of the proposal. Adding some sense of challenges or risks for the future reference would be greatly appreciated as well. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2690,36-248,,248,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposer does not provide a roadmap and no time frame. There are also no metric to measure the success of this proposal. With the given information it is not possible to say if the asked funding (200k) has I high chance of a high return on intention. As I said, I like this idea very much. But I recommend to describe the implementation process in detail. So there will be a higher chance of getting funded. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2691,13-248,,248,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_13," viability of African stock markets as investment opportunities depends on the extent to which they have the potential to improve risk-return tradeoffs facing global investors. The historical track record points to this potential. Despite the challenges associated with liquidity, African stock markets have performed remarkably well, both in terms of absolute returns and on a risk-adjusted basis. The risk adjustment is done using the standard Sharpe ratio that scale average return by volatility. As shown in Table 5, the average annual return for these markets over the past 10 years was 25%. With the exceptionA particularly important outgrowth of the extensive financial sector reforms in Africa, including policy measures for the development of capital markets, has been a surge of interest in the establishment of stock exchanges, particularly in Sub-Sahara Africa. Stock exchanges have proliferated over the last two decades. There were only 5 stock exchanges in SSA 20 years ago and 3 in North Africa, but now there are about 20 in operation. There has also been a market capitalization boom in Africa, with the exception of the two oldest markets in South Africa and Egypt which came into existence in 1880s. What is also interesting is that SSA witnessed an establishment of a regional stock exchange domiciled in Abidjan, which currently serves the Francophone countries of West Africa. There are, in fact, similar initiatives underway in Southern and Eastern Africa to consolidate the thinly capitalized markets into regional markets.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2694,21-32,,32,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal matches the defined challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2695,12-32,,32,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,There is no detailed development roadmap or project plan included in this proposal. The budget is never described in detail and nothing about a photo NFT dApp makes Cardano more competitive. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2696,105-32,,32,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_105,It would be an interesting idea to have a photo app which only produces NFTs. That is - no picture is saved on the phone. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2698,9-32,,32,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,Great use case. We know how difficult it is to authenticate about anything these days. However - it would have been more desirable to learn about how community will benefit from the launch of this proposal. I can think of various ways but it would have been great if proposal outlined few key elements that brings those utility factors at large. Something to think about in the future iterations. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2701,21-32,,32,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,The experience is not referenced. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2702,12-32,,32,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no budget breakdown, technical docs describing how the protocol will work or Github repos to previous project work. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2703,105-32,,32,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_105,"I've made several google apps. I think there's too much functionality for making it in six months, but I hope I'm wrong.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2705,9-32,,32,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_9,I am afraid that budgetary requirements aren't spelled out very efficiently. There is just an element of one grand figure but it doesn't go into detail how this figure breaks down into individual categories and how we can expect it to be spent more precisely beyond holistic level. It feels very arbitrary as presented at the moment - hence looking to validate the amount requested. I also struggle understanding who would actually build this app. There isn't a sense of whether it is just by one person or if there is a team that could carry the work load. It only states relevant experience as 'jack of all trades' of sorts. Which is great - but we'd need to bolt down who exactly - or what skills be needed to build individual parts of this app. Adding those elements would greatly amplify effect of this proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2708,21-32,,32,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_21,The high overview plan seems legit for the requested funds.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2709,12-32,,32,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"Beyond being ""NFT"" based this project lacks all of the basic technical documentation required. It needs a lot more work to be considered. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2710,105-32,,32,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_105,Yes. Very understandable. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2712,9-32,,32,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,There isn't a clear structure of roadmap nor milestones to hit. There is an attempt to lost what things need to be built over time - but it doesn't give sense of how long each segment is expected to take. There is just one mention of 6 month timeframe. But that is too wide of a margin to put into proposal without greater context. I would also like to see how author thinks about proposal in terms of success - what metrics and values would they think are appropriate when measuring the progress? Lastly - adding elements of understanding with regards to basic challenges/risks to be considered would have been really appreciated. Adding all of these elements would really help this proposal elevate its form.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2715,21-83,,83,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_21,The problem is vague but I believe it matches the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2716,41-83,,83,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,The proposal doesn't explain how it will address the challenge. There is no mention of dapp or how the blockchain will be used in the project.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2717,12-83,,83,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,There are zero basic details. It needs a lot more work to be considered a completed proposal. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2718,9-83,,83,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there isn't enough detail in this proposal that would help us evaluate it more meaningfully. I wish authors spent time one explaining a bit better the utility and benefit that their effort/proposal brings to the cardano ecosystem. We can make some assumptions but the proposal doesn't really address these in a coherent way just yet. Is it in the right category yet? Seems more like a research venue of sorts that could be suited for dev ecosystem instead?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2721,21-83,,83,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,Claiming decades of experience without any proof.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2722,41-83,,83,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is just a draft, there are no details and no plan, so there are no indications of good chances of implementation. The team's experience was not detailed and there is no reference to their previous work or skills.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2723,12-83,,83,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"Benchmarks to existing products would help us make any sense of this idea, right now this is an empty proposal with no plan, timeline or budget breakdown.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2724,9-83,,83,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There are no data points that would help establish validity of investment into this proposal at the current stage. There isn't any relevant experience established, nor understanding of what the team would look like who would carry out this task of research. Nor any indication why this budget and what exactly it would be used for. This reads more of a concept/idea stage than executable proposal. It isn't investable in the current shape/form.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2726,21-83,,83,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,"No roadmap, no success definition, no financial plan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2727,41-83,,83,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is not enough information to check the feasibility and the proposal doesn't describe how it will address the challenge. I recommend that the proposal be detailed and inserted in an appropriate challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2728,12-83,,83,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,"This proposal is not clear in its intentions or timeline, or even what the final product will resemble. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2729,9-83,,83,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Absent of information - unable to determine effectively. There is no roadmap, milestones, or any definition of success that could be measured by some suggested metrics/KPI. I would also suggest to look into what challenges/risks are associated with the proposal. Adding these in depth and re-submitting the proposal could help greatly in making this proposal better. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2731,33-251,,251,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_33,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2732,91-251,,251,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_91,"The idea is good, the prototype seems to be working, but the proposal is insufficient, to imagine the full project ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2733,66-251,,251,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_66,Having local testnets may be a nice to have but I am left curious as to why this is necessary and there isn't that part explained. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2734,8-251,,251,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_8,This would be very helpful for developers to explore Cardano. Would be a great tool to develop a open source resource towards this end. Wher would it be situated upon completion? what extra resources could be deployed by this proposal to enrich the process ? and perhaps a tutorial showcasing this solution as an asset to a developers hub could be explored. More information is required in regards of the deliverables and to asses if the funds can cover a more resourceful application of this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2735,101-251,,251,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_101,"The proposal does not justify why easing the process of setting up a local testnet would significantly improve the current development experience (often based on the public testnet), productivity, and adoption.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2736,9-251,,251,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_9,I am afraid this submission doesn't go into any detail that would help anchor its impact level. I think we can guess what the actual usecase be - but we need to be able to understand thinking about how authors plan to go about it. And how it aligns with cardano mission and what benefits to cardano community we can expect. Needs a bit more work - there is just a concept/idea at the moment. Not a proposal that we can execute upon. Potentially a good one - but needs more work and thoughts to be considered seriously.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2738,33-251,,251,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_33,The solution seems to work. The github-link looks promising.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2739,91-251,,251,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_91,"While the developer behind the project looks skilled enough there is no clear plan on the proposal, therefor it's hard to judge the potential of the project",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2740,66-251,,251,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_66,"The budget seems low for this, there is a lack of plan on how to implement. The tool prototype in bash that is mentioned has no explanation on how it works. Roadmap/milestones would be appreciated.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2741,8-251,,251,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_8,"The working experience as a developer and a working prototype sounds like promising deliverables. A detailed plan and thought out analysis of where, what and hkw is presented to the community in a manner that is not a hidden gem from the developers who would have access to the tool in their search for one. This could already exist but is not so readily accessible as a tool withba quick access in the network. Some thoughts.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2742,101-251,,251,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The experienced proposer already has a protoype in bash, and this project is eminently feasible.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2743,9-251,,251,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There is not enough data provided by author to provide meaningful feedback. It needs all the basic elements ended such as establishing experience, providing some references, professional profiles, understanding who would actually build this proposal in real life. Nor we understand how budget helps to achieve that. We need to be able to determine those. I suggest working on these and coming back at later stage for consideration of funding. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2745,33-251,,251,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_33,I believe that this proposal is missing the point and thefore cannot address the challenge effectivly.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2746,91-251,,251,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_91,"Be looking on github we can see their is something behind the proposal, but the proposal itself don't look that serious, the proposer should spend more time on the proposal for next fund.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2747,66-251,,251,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_66,Overall a lack of information here. Would be best to open source the prototype created and get more feedback from other developers on if the approach is feasible or not and then proceed with another proposal in my opinion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2748,8-251,,251,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_8,"The proposal lack information as the the stages of the deliverable, timeline, funds used for what aspect involved in the creation, if collaboration is required to assess if its widely needed or if there are tools already deployed to resolve the solution but unexplored. Its a good resource for the community but more information regarding thebproposal needs to be communicated when dealing with voters confidence in the solution when it comes to funding.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2749,101-251,,251,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_101,The proposal does not justify its budget or provide specific KPIs or timeline.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2750,9-251,,251,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unable to determine as this is just a concept. There are no milestones, sensible roadmap, anything that would resemble executable proposal just yet. How does author thing about success? What metrics does he consider as crucial, any challenges/risks he foresees? All of that would add great detail to this proposal. Please, keep working on it and re-submit at later stage.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2751,59-169,,169,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"A very cool idea to reach mass audiences quickly. However, the plan needs to be fleshed out more. What is the value addition? How are you going to propose this to Samsung? Who are you going to partner with?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2752,21-169,,169,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal seems to met the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2754,12-169,,169,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,This proposal is not for a dApp or a dapp integration from other chain. This is an samsung keystore mobile wallet ADA support.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2755,9-169,,169,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,Potentially - an interesting use case that could drive adoption through the customer base that comes on Samsung platforms - however - proposal reads more just like an idea than executable format. I think it hasn't been worked out in detail just yet. A proper analysis of benefits to Cardano community in a more coherent way with down to earth numbers be very desirable. It is easy to claim millions of users can come to Cardano by following up this route - but we need to understand how exactly to get there. I am missing that element here greatly. Good idea but that's about it at the moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2756,59-169,,169,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_59,Perhaps you could take someone working with Yoroi and meet up with THETA who already collaborates with Samsung. Then come back and create a new proposal with more details. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2757,21-169,,169,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,No reference to any prior experience provided.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2759,12-169,,169,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no timeline, metrics or budget breakdown included. Also not at all clear who would develop this solution or the previous projects author has worked on. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2760,9-169,,169,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there are no elements in this proposal that make it executable at the moment. It reads more like a concept. It would be great to add sensible plan how it can be carried out. There is one grand figure on budget - but it doesn't explain why this amount and what it will accomplish. Understanding also who would execute - team - would be great to know. All of these elements are not here just yet. I suggest looking into these in greater depth and seeing if we can have this re-submitted at the later stage. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2761,59-169,,169,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,"Completely unclear. What is that 100,000 USD used for?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2762,21-169,,169,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,No real plan shared.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2764,12-169,,169,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This is 1. not a dapp/dapp integration and 2. a proposal lacking the basics documentation to be considered complete. The proposer should include a full timeline and metrics to track progress.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2765,9-169,,169,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Since this is more of a concept - there isn't any sensible detail yet that would allow us to consider this proposal seriously at the moment. It would need to add elements of roadmap, milestones, definition of success - so we know what the mindset of the owners is and how this is going to be made successful. How can community benchmark something effectively? Also - proposal should look then into what challenges/risks are to be considered. Thus - adding more information could improve this proposal greatly. At the moment - it just isn't investable at all. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2766,59-62,,62,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"Potentially a good way to bring in non-crypto folks into the ecosystem. However, this needs some catch to stand out from the gazillion other online casinos. For instance, what if a certain percentage of the losses would go to a good purpose (e.g. another Project Catalyst project in the arena of social entrepreneurship) and what if the player could decide to sponsor this project of choice with a certain percentage of his winnings?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2768,21-62,,62,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This problem matches the proposed challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2769,12-62,,62,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"Completely missing information about benchmarking, what the timeline is, milestones, developer resources, and other basics. It needs a lot more work to be considered.
2770,9-62,,62,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,I like the idea/concept generally. But there isn't much beyond it at the moment. I would have liked to understand more how the author thinks about benefits to the community at large and how it all ties together on a conceptual level. There isn't much beyond in depth at the moment. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2771,59-62,,62,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,"Sounds like you are the correct person to lead this but an entrepreneur needs a team. Find the right people around you (including partners) and come back with a more detailed proposal. If you don't want to create everything from scratch, look for a partner in the existing online casino space (in Europe most of them are registered in Malta).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2773,21-62,,62,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,No experience backed by proof.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2774,12-62,,62,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"Who will build this dApp? In Plutus, when? All of these are unanswered. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2775,9-62,,62,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,There isn't any relevant experience validity established. I wish there was some sort of external link to their professional website of sorts - or references to their past work. it is difficult to know who exactly and what form is going to build this idea out. There also isn't really any form the budget proposed. It is asking for almost a full allocation but doesn't make much effort in explaining why this amount and what it can achieve. These are probably two biggest issues with that regard. Adding these elements would improve the proposal greatly. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2776,59-62,,62,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,KPIs are missing. This suggests a native token so would be nice to read more details about the tokenomics also.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2778,21-62,,62,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_21,The roadmap is very poor for proposed funds.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2779,12-62,,62,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,There isn't enough information made available at the moment,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2780,9-62,,62,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,Proposal doesn't have proper roadmap/milestone elements embedded in itself. It is desirable as community would need to understand the general heading of the project. Also - adding information like how authors think about success and what would they opt to choose in order to measure these would be really desirable. None of these KPIs are considered. Nor any sense of challenges or risks that we should think about when considering to invest in this proposal. So - cool concept - but it doesn't have legs just yet. I would suggest to rework the proposal and try again in the next round. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2781,59-253,,253,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_59,"Sorry but this sounds like a pie-in-the-sky idea, not an actual proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2782,51-253,,253,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_51,"No follow up Q&A or detail in the proposal, however the idea is important",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2784,41-253,,253,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,The proposal doesn't address the proposed challenge and the problem statement doesn't make sense.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2785,101-253,,253,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_101,This proposal does not explicitly address the challenge's goal of growing and enhancing the developer ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2786,60-253,,253,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_60,It can help of course but not as the creator mention.By a montly fee.So a good idea bad a bad plan.Pay for Translation.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2787,9-253,,253,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_9,I am afraid that this proposal doesn't make appropriate effort/nor provides it any additional detail that could further outline how it aligns with cardano community at large. It is obvious that we need to tackle translation services to make it widespread worldwide - but unsure how this coin concept does it presently. My apologies. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2788,59-253,,253,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_59,There is no plan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2789,51-253,,253,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_51,No plan presented other than base idea,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2791,41-253,,253,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is no intelligible plan outlined and there is no relevant information about the proposer's experience.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2792,101-253,,253,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_101,"The proposal does not outline a technical approach that would be likely to achieve its goals, which are overly ambitious and poorly quantified. It does not document developer experience needed to achieve those goals.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2793,60-253,,253,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_60,No i cant because there is no real plan no engineer or haskel developerr.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2794,9-253,,253,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unable to determine based on the information provided. The proposal is very modest and offers to references, professional validity, nor does it talk about how the budget would be allocated. These are key things which need to be added at the very least to have a good chance at consideration for moving forward. Perhaps next time.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2795,59-253,,253,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,No metrics provided.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2796,51-253,,253,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_51,lacks any detail,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2798,41-253,,253,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,The proposal doesn't address the challenge and there is no indication that it is feasible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2799,101-253,,253,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_101,The proposal does not justify its budget or provide information on the development capabilities of the team or its experience with Cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2800,60-253,,253,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_60,"AS i mention already a good idea,but with no plan of create it and also a monthly fee.The creaction of a token etc.Of course and the community need to bybass the lanuage barrier.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2801,9-253,,253,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Because this is such a concept stage - it lacks the elements of milestones or coherent roadmap. Nor it has any success metrics, challenges/risks discussed. A lot more work need to go into this proposal before community can consider investing in it. Please, work more on in in greater detail and come back at later stage. Also mentor proposer program could be for you. Reach out on PC discord for help.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2802,59-3,,3,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"I like the premise of this proposal: a tokenized reputation system with missions, badges etc.
Whether it should have anything to do with the Canadian system is a whole another discussion altogether. :)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2804,50-3,,3,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_50,"This proposal recommends increasing meaningful participation through a reputation system modeled after the sovereign medal system of Canada. As a reward for participation the medals would be presented as a title bearing NFT with/without ADA value, backed by tokenomics with IOHK and/or Cardano Foundation.
The proposal would develop the qualifications for awards through a community agreed upon method.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2805,34-3,,3,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_34,"The proposer seeks to create a reward system for community participation, no matter the interest or time invested. While this may spike interest and drive competition among members, this can create further divide by giving high leverage to early adopters thus driving away newcomers. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2806,101-3,,3,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_101,"The proposal addresses the significant need to tangibly recognize Catalyst proposers regardless of the outcome of the voting and to encourage ongoing participation that strengths the Catalyst community as a movement. It appears to solely focus upon proposers, rather than the whole Catalyst community, but that limitation could be remedied by a minor modification of the approach.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2807,10-3,,3,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_10,"There are multiple proposals in this challenge that address pertty much the same issue. But to be fair, a proposer is asking for external funding for a project. So if the community decides not to fund it, the proposer shouldn't be asking for compensation.
I agree that there should be an incentive to encourgae proposers to sit out the process, but it shouldn't be monetary. It should be in the form of proper advice so that the proposer can adjust for a following fund, as it is now.
Furthermore, I am asking myself why you went for the Canadian medals. By doing this, you limit yourself to one country and Cardano is a global foundation. I also don't think it is a good idea to buy off rejected proposers to make room for new ones. This would create a negative cycle. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2808,59-3,,3,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_59,"I think this needs a few more brainy individuals to enhance the proposal: gather interested community members (preferably outside of Canada) to come up with a solid well-rounded proposal. Benchmark existing reputation systems in various online communities and social media. Then, check what are the capabilities in Ideascale (if this is a platform we are going to use from now to eternity). Could e.g. the Kudos points be tokenized easily? How about the existing processes (e.g. submission, commenting, review etc), could these be gamified and incentivized?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2810,50-3,,3,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_50,"The proposer has significant online business and brand building experience but will rely on outside developers and partners for the technical tasks. The proposal includes funding for trademarks, but it is not clear what risk this mitigates since trademarks have limited reach on the global scale of blockchain projects. i.e., Canada's legal authority won't protect the project from copy cats outside of Canada.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2811,34-3,,3,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposer has experience in E-marketing space, but does not specify how their skill set will aid them in completion of this project. They also mention that they were inspired by a similar proposal but do not mention whether they will collaborate or continue on independently. It appears the proposer is full time employed with multiple side projects on the go, meaning they will be distracted by other undertakings while working on this project. Given the amount requested, it is unlikely this proposal will receive voters support.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2812,101-3,,3,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The plan may be too ambitious to implement for use in the next two funds, which is a requirement of this challenge, but the proposer appears to have the expertise to implement the idea rapidly, and many of the non-technical aspects have been well defined and presented. The technical aspects of issuing the proposed tokens and creating a redemption mechanism are relatively straightforward. The envisioned decoupling of ADA from fiat is likely not practical in this timeframe, however. The proposal would benefit from more detail regarding merit criteria for the three levels that it envisions. It also does not quantify metrics for likely impact in terms of new participation in Catalyst.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2813,10-3,,3,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_10,I do not think that the community would like to invest funds to compensate proposers that they've rejected funding to. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2814,59-3,,3,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,"Proper metrics for this would include recruitment results, member retention rate, community activity etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2816,50-3,,3,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_50,"Although the proposal doesn't say it outright, the proposal's success can be judged by the issuance of awards, and the participation that it brings out.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2817,34-3,,3,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_34,The proposal includes a budget breakdown but lacks an approximate timeline for a deliverable product as well as a list of KPIs. The proposal would benefit from a more organized presentation of the idea described. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2818,101-3,,3,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The propose provides a clear plan that considers multiple aspects of the project, includes a sufficiently detailed budget, and a thoughtful consideration of goals.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2819,10-3,,3,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,"The proposal has a good build up and exists out of a lot of information. However, there are some critical errors in it:
In the comments, the author states that he has requested the wrong amount of funding. Which should have been 17000 USD instead of 34000 USD. The authoralsos states that he would have liked his proposal to be withdrawn, yet it is still live.
The proposer seems to be actively persuing an alien abduction, concluding from the tags. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2822,48-19,,19,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_48,"Great idea, I think a LCC in Latin America will boost the Cardano community and usage. Language barrier is a real thing in the region and the people need this kind of tools (emergent economies).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2824,24-19,,19,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_24,"The proposal is a bit confusing as it mentions brining stakepool delegators together (makes sense and aligns to challenge), but then also mentions producing a whitepaper (for which purpose is not clear), and the creation of a new governance token ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2826,80-19,,19,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_80,"The team aims at creating a whole Latin American Community, a DAO, according to IOHK standards. They will be autonomous and become a growth hub for different local developments in Latin America that could be voted on.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2827,41-19,,19,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal seeks to create a DAO and a treasure so that it can promote different projects and hubs in the community, this proposed idea addresses the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2828,34-19,,19,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to create a DAO with a separate governance token in order to enable Latin American community to solve local issues using this platform. While this may lead to future localized meet-ups and events, this adds an unnecessary level of complexity. Perhaps this proposal is better suited for other categories. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2831,48-19,,19,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_48,"Although the Cardano community (SPOs) is supporting the proposal, it seems that the ""Core Team"" does not have much experience in projects related to blockchain technology. However, the core team has a lot of IT experience, I'm sure this will be a real challenge for them.
As for the plan, there is a long and complete roadmap. It would be nice to know some commitment dates and milestones for Phase 1 at least.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2833,24-19,,19,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_24,"It's not clear what ALDEA will look like. It also mentions that all the budget will be used to write the ALDEA whitepaper, the intention of which is very loosely described: ""Major research topics will include the different DAO Platforms & Models, the Treasury System, Tokenomics, Minting Policies & Distribution, Token Use Cases, Governance, Security and Transparency, among others.""",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2835,80-19,,19,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_80,"The team is composed of different Stake Pool Operators that are already highly engaged and willing to further pursue their endeavor. Furthermore, they have a clear and simple plan. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2836,41-19,,19,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_41,"There is a clear, objective and well-structured plan. The team members have diverse experiences relevant to the proposal and are members and SPOs of the Cardano community, I recommend the inclusion of Linkedin so that the community can check and attest the qualifications of the team members.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2837,34-19,,19,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_34,"Given the team members, their experience, as well as the technology of Cardano, it is fully possible to create a DAO with a governance token with the resources the team currently has. Given the amount requested, it is less likely the proposal will receive community support. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2840,48-19,,19,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_48,"One of the most completed ideas I read. But, it's missing some KPIs to measure the progress.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2842,24-19,,19,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_24,The proposal seems like it's in to early of stage i.e. the Whitepaper should be written first so we can fully understand the intentions of ALDEA,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2844,80-19,,19,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_80,"Besides the whitepaper and the AMAs, information regarding auditability are lacking. It is not clear how ALDEA will measure success and how the whole local community engagement will be rolled out. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2845,41-19,,19,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_41,"The proposal describes a detailed plan, roadmap, milestones and details on the budget allocation, this information indicates the feasibility of the proposal and the address of the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2846,34-19,,19,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_34,The proposal is detailed with extra information which helps to understand the scope of the project. Perhaps an approximate timeline would be beneficial for voters in order to gauge the anticipation of the product release. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2848,34-260,,260,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to roll out a media/marketing campaign to educate a broad audience on what is Cardano and what it can do for the world. This does not precisely align with the category challenge, as it does not target proposers specifically. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2850,36-260,,260,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_36,"The idea behind this proposal is to start a global media campaign to raise awareness about Cardano. So it stays within the challenge settings. However, the applicant did not provide a detailed plan to translate this idea into concrete steps. There only is this vague idea. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2851,48-260,,260,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_48,"Since my personal perspective, publicity is no the best way to get people for Cadano community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2852,41-260,,260,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_41,"The presented idea has potential and addresses the challenge, but this idea needs to become a tangible proposal so that we can measure its impact on the challenge. Some basic elements need to be added. In what means of communication will this campaign be made available? What is the target audience? The idea is to bring entrepreneurs to Catalyst, opening the marketing campaign to general aspects of Cardano can open the scope excessively and make the idea less relevant to the challenge. A global marketing campaign would need translation. Is the $ 50,000 budget sufficient for a campaign of this size?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2855,34-260,,260,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_34,"The proposer claims to have experience working as a Tech lead but does not provide details on how their skills will help facilitate their plan, furthermore, they do not mention any team members, which they will need to bring such a project to fruition. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2857,36-260,,260,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_36,"The proposer does not provide any information about a plan and his relevant experience.
A global media campaign with 50.000 dollar? This sounds very ambitious to me. What is the content? For what is the budget spent on? It is not understandable how the proposer wants to achieve his goal.
2858,48-260,,260,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_48,"It seems to be a ""single member team"", with lack of experience on marketing campaigns.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2859,41-260,,260,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_41,"The described plan doesn't provide enough details to indicate the feasibility of the proposal. The only information about the proposer's experience is: Technology Leader at top SaaS company. Considering that the proposal is to create a marketing campaign, there is not enough information to indicate that the proposer is qualified for the task. I recommend including more details about the plan, about the proposer's qualifications / experiences and whether the proposal will be implemented by a team or by just one person.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2861,34-260,,260,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_34,"The proposal is lacking detailed information on budget and timeline breakdowns. Additional information on deliverables, KPIs would benefit the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2863,36-260,,260,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_36,"No metrics to measure progress and success of the proposal are given.
There is no roadmap and no detailed description of a solution. As I have mentioned above, it is only a vague idea.
2864,48-260,,260,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_48,"The idea show the ""Cardano potential"" but not the What and How the proposal will achieve the goal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2865,41-260,,260,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal lacks details so that we can understand how it will address the challenge in an impactful way. I recommend the inclusion of roadmap, milestones, KPIs, details about the experience / qualifications of the proposer / team and details about budget allocation. I also recommend that the proposer use the Catalyst guidelines and documentation as a reference to prepare the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2868,21-38,,38,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This problem meets the challenge criteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2869,12-38,,38,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no project plan, metrics or benchmark to current HW wallet options. This is also not for the creation of a dApp, this should not be in this challenge at all.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2870,59-38,,38,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_59,"Since you are already in touch with Emurgo I am confident you are able to work directly with them, without Project Catalyst support.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2871,48-38,,38,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_48,"It's a very specific feature, maybe mixed in some point with personal objectives. It could be a great idea in the future.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2873,21-38,,38,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,The team has already a working product.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2874,12-38,,38,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"No budget breakdown, timeline to implement this solution or metrics or KPI listed. need lots more to justify this.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2875,59-38,,38,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,"Yes, most likely a guaranteed success but not directly linked to the challenge as mentioned in the comments.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2876,48-38,,38,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_48,"The presenter have enough experience, as he is part of Hardward provider staff.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2878,21-38,,38,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_21,"I would like to see this project split into specific chunks. There is no financial roadmap, nor what the success looks like.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2879,12-38,,38,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,This is not at all effectively addressing the dApp challenge. It's also lacking the basic documentation needed to address any challenge effectively. ,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2880,59-38,,38,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_59,Please answer the comments.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2881,48-38,,38,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_48,The added information belongs to BTC community. Nothing specific for Cardano.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2883,80-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_80,The proposal is aiming to establish an office for tourism businesses that use Ada as a payment solution. It tries to strengthen the local Cardano tourism community. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2884,59-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,"Croatia is a really good location for (one of) the European Cardano Centres. What is a bit unclear from your proposal is are you planning to charge the Cardano community members for accommodation when they come and work in the centre? If so, there should be a super low-cost option where the Cardano developers and entrepreneurs could live and work together. Most likely they won't pay even 110 USD a night (even if you could pay that in ADA).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2885,10-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_10,"Great idea and would integrate a major European touristic area.
It comes to mind that Croatia is part of the 3SI European Economic Treaty (Intermarium) and having a hub near the Adriatic coast could significantly accelerate adoption in one of the most economically developing areas of the union. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2886,53-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_53,"The proposal has a well thought out plan of execution to address the need to drive adoption to the Cardano ecosystem through establishing a presence in the southern/central european region. The proposal was professionally laid out and details a clear and specific plan of execution, up to and including the resources that will be deployed to this effort.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2887,25-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_25,"Proposal aims at opening a Cardano local community center where people can gather, discuss and work with the support of the proposing IT company who is also the owner of the offered office space.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2888,34-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_34,"The proposer aims to create a physical location for Cardano enthusiasts to congregate and collaborate at. The facility is provided by a team member and is readily available. The goal of the proposer is to educate, inform all interested parties on Cardano use cases/ business improvement strategies. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2890,41-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"It is not clear what problem this LCC will solve and there is no description that the idea is relevant to the challenge. The problem statement is subjective and could be used for any LCC. Justifying the problem as the lack of LCC doesn't make sense.
2891,62-25,,25,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_62,honestly I think it could be better if placed in a more denser and financially active area but the plan seems solid and surely it's a start!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2892,80-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_80,"The team is experienced and has already a facility, that they can use. It seems they are already established and connected in the area. Unfortunately I couldn't verify the location / founder of the project (credentials). Futrhermore it is not completely clear in the plan, how the team will be reaching out to other businesses and onboard them. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2893,59-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_59,It could work in this one location. What is more relevant question: what kind of team would be needed to have a pan-European network of such centres?,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2894,10-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_10,The infrastructure is already there and vowed for. The owner actually participating and having a professional IT company involved greatly increases the chances of successful implementation. Collaboration with local tourism companies pretty much guarantee a ROI. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2895,53-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_53,It is stated that a member of the team involved in this proposal is indeed the owner of the building being targeted for this Cardano educational-promotional service center. This reason alone gives this proposal a high likelihood of success by providing Cardano with a physical presence in Europe and a professional office space to raise awareness and provide information and promotional materials to prospective people curious about blockchain and Cardano and how it can change the world.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2896,25-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_25,"Proposing team seems to be experienced, they are the owners of the facilities and they seem to be very well connected to the local community as they show understanding of the locale. Plan presented is ok, but I would like to see a cost breakdown which is missing from the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2897,34-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_34,"The proposer appears to be leading an IT company with ~20 staff members. It is said the owner will provide the space required for the community hub, but it is unclear what the budget requested will be spent on. Furthermore, it is unclear who will provide educational resources for interested parties, since the staff of the IT company will have their regular duties to attend to. ",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2899,41-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is no clear plan, the problem statement is subjective. The intention to use the Community Center for education was mentioned and there is no mention of education in the plan, so what is the purpose of having 7 developers on the team? There is no mention that any software or activity that requires this workforce will be developed.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2900,62-25,,25,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_62,it seems well thought out and nicely planned,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2901,80-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_80,"The main idea, to use the facility to engage local the local community is clear. The HOW could be clarified for future proposals a bit further (what kind of events are you organizing / are there already connections to local businesses).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2902,59-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_59,KPIs mentioned are not very measurable. Needs a more to-the-point plan and response to one of the comments: how is this going to be implemented in the times of COVID-19?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2903,10-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_10,"The proposal was very constructive, but there are a few details missing that could improve it.
It is unclear how large and who the team is.
It is unclear where the informational material would come from. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2904,53-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_53,"The potential of leveraging existing technical resources within the same building, as the owner of the building is the CEO of the IT company of this proposal, cannot be overstated in terms of feasibility and effectively addressing the challenge of creating a local Cardano business center. Establishing roots in a central/southern European tourist hotspot in an environment surrounded by local professionals helps to ignite a network affect in the central/southern European region and will help to legitimize Cardano and provide an important gateway into Cardano for the uninitiated of the region.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2905,25-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_25,Proposal contains enough information about the plan and deliverables in the near and far future. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2906,34-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_34,The proposal lacks information on budget and timeline breakdown. The proposal could also benefit from specifying their sustainability model or if further funding is required. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2908,41-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"There is not enough information to explain how the proposal will be relevant in the challenge, There is not enough information to indicate feasibility. There is no understandable timeline in the Timeframe section. There are no details about the professional experiences and qualifications of the proposers and the need for the proposal to involve 7 developers and an engineer. The KPIs described are subjective and are not relevant to indicate success.
I recommend that the proposal be refined, making the mission of the LCC more understandable and following the Catalyst guidelines for the elaboration of the proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2909,62-25,,25,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_62,"it seems well planned, I just fear the fund request is too low? probably they're underestimating costs? not sure maybe they're just very determined and very efficient in resource allocation",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2910,21-246,,246,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal is in line with the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2912,77-246,,246,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_77,"Implemented, this could be a very useful Dapp that encourages adoption.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2913,152-246,,246,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_152,"It is a great idea to test with regards to encouraging quality content creation. I agree that it may also contribute to adoption and network usage, if successful. Are there any extensions out there with the same tipping concept? Maybe cite a few cases and why they succeeded or failed. What will be done differently to up the chances of this app being used widely?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2914,17-246,,246,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,this proposal very well addresses the challenge if implemented correctly than it will create a huge traffic for the ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2915,21-246,,246,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This is a well know member of the community. Demostrated skills by linking the work directly in the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2917,77-246,,246,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_77,The proposer seems to have sufficient experience to be able to implement to fruition. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2918,152-246,,246,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_152,"The proposer has mentioned that he has worked on a pilot project with the same goal has been abandoned due to centralization of tokens issue.
The proposer looks to have the skills to develop the solution. The portion that needed more clarity is how are the owners of the tokens being compromised by the bot with the previous solution and how is this issue mitigated by the current solution. The proposal mentions the collection of information and hashed and stored in a database. What information is collected and what are biggest risks with this design? How are these risks mitigated?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2919,17-246,,246,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_17,as the proposer has experience for developing software and experienced community expectation in the cardano ecosystem there are chances for it to get implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2920,21-246,,246,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_21,I would like to see more detail plan given the fund price is high.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2922,77-246,,246,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_77,"There is sufficient non-technical information, with links to some technical credentials to assess reasonably well. The previous projects mentioned by the proposer are not all successful and the open source emphasis suggest good willingness regarding transparency for the project going forward if funded.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2923,152-246,,246,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_152,"This part is where costing information needs more clarity. The estimated funding is a tidy sum for a great idea but lacking in high level details. The scope was mentioned to include Twitter and Reddit for the initial rollout but it needs more details like costing, schedules and milestones (requirements, development hours, testing and user engagement, app rollout & support). What are the main metrics for success (downloads & usage)? This will give the voters a better idea if this project is feasible for the cost.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2924,17-246,,246,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_17,the proposer has not given bifurcation for the funding and nor given any timeline wise details for deliveries. but at the asked funding amount proposal looks feasible. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2926,127-261,,261,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_127,"Yes, This would help creating good environment for developers who build smart contracts.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2927,12-261,,261,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_12,This similar proposal was submitted in the last round but not clear any progress at all has been made on it. The author states this is for an entirely separate IDE but fails to mention the current state of their initial proposal/fund3 progress made.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2930,82-261,,261,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_82,"As a fellow VSCode user for my projects using multiple languages ie. HTML and C#, having a Cardano smart contract plugin will add another tool in my arsenal to get started with Cardano development",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2931,46-261,,261,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_46,"The proposal states the problem clearly and it is aligned with the challenge. This is the most understandable problem statement of any proposal I have read. And, it addresses the first line of the challenge 'Potential Directions', namely ' Developer productivity: IDE's and scripts to automate stuff"". The proposal details the size VScode developer network is large and how the proposed tool will help that community become Cardano developers.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2933,127-261,,261,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_127,The team looks well experienced in building plugins to VS code. Looks like they the capability to implement this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2934,12-261,,261,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_12,"There is no budget breakdown, no detailed plan and only metrics are from a 2019 stackoverflow survey. Unclear how this proposer is progressing on their fund3 proposal/plans to transition that work into this proposal.",x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2937,82-261,,261,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_82,The team is diversed and well-rounded for many aspects of the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2938,46-261,,261,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_46,"The proposal states that the team leader has 20 years of experience, has built many extensions for VScode, and has worked with this team in the past. There are 5 members of the team. I trust this team leader and team because of his well written proposal, the way he interacts with commenters, his other proposals dating back to Fund1.
I am taking off one star because, while there is a list of features of the extension, there is no roadmap nor milestones for the project. Likewise, there is no success metrics listed. Challenges and risks are not mentioned. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2940,127-261,,261,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_127,This proposal would help the developers who are trying to develop smart contracts in Cardano. Currently maybe need more than this attract new developers to the ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2941,12-261,,261,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_12,The proposal provides very little detail and is insufficient in effectively addressing the challenge.,x,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2944,82-261,,261,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_82,"I have yet to see any challenges to overcome in creating a smart contract plugin for VSCode, so for the time being the information stated is sufficient.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2945,46-261,,261,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_46,"I strongly agree because of how effectively this proposal addresses the challenge. I don't see how the Cardano Dev Ecosystem can thrive without a VSCode extension. There need to be several such extensions. While there are no success metrics listed, I feel that the plan is sensible, the budget is adequate, and the team is complete. Additionally, I feel that an extension can scale to meet future challenges",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2946,21-131,,131,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_21,This should be maybe in the app section I feel.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2948,51-131,,131,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_51,"To aid in the ecosystem of the developers I am not sure that this is the project, but to aid in creation of the tools developers have, it surly does",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2952,17-131,,131,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,"I didn't know that such tools can exist, and if it does it would be a great addition.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2953,21-131,,131,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This is a well known and respected member of the community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2955,51-131,,131,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_51,"Having ties to the people needed to make this happen is a big plus, and responding to the needs and requests of their SP constituents is awesome",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2959,17-131,,131,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_17,there is very less information about the team and deliverable timeline in this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2960,21-131,,131,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_21,"The plan is not as elaborate, but provided the low funds requested the risk is acceptable. However, this looks like the primary use case is to hack someone wallet.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2962,51-131,,131,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_51,"Hard for me to speak technically on this, The Proposal is well written and those who understand this will vote appropriately ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2966,17-131,,131,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_17,this proposal if successful is one of the most bang for buck proposal. But execution framework and team information was missing as per my opinion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2967,21-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal seems to match the developer challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2968,33-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2972,24-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_24,"As one of the most used languages in the world, a JavaScript SDK would definitely add to the developer ecosystem ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2973,29-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2975,17-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,Everyone in this world knows that world is full of Java developers. And I feel Java SDK and APIs will help in full filing the ocean strategy which Charles always talks about.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2976,156-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_156,"development of more tools,libraries,documents for this Javascript SDK within 1 month,test and maintain for rest of 2021 so that developers can use these Blockfrost API tools to create Dapps on Cardano",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2977,127-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_127,"Certainly, this would help the developers to develop, amazing things in Cardano, my point here this proposal is hanging more with blockfrost API's, which might become a limitation for many developers (Since cardano is funding this, doesn't seem right)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2978,100-147,,147,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2979,21-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,Team is well know in the community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2980,33-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,"There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.
2984,24-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_24,The documentation provided in the website and the website design itself is a good indication that the proposers are experienced enough to implement this solution ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2985,29-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2987,17-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,IN very short period Blockfrost have created a good reputation in the community and have no doubts that they will deliver the tools mentioned in the proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2988,156-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_156,"Five Binaries, Cardano pioneers, 1st cardano block minted on aeroplane, 1st stakepool on ITN, 1st Shelley transaction on mainnet. These guys got skin in the game and is part of the Cardano Community",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2989,127-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_127,Implementation of the proposal is most likely to happen as the developer behind the blockfrost API's will be working on this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2990,100-147,,147,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
2991,21-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,The roadmap is short as this is a small project. I appreciate someone finally mentioning real numbers when it comes to measuring success.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2992,33-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2996,24-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_24,"The proposal itself doesn't specify which endpoints, but i believe this is detailed in the documentation. The budget requested is reasonable, but could be further detailed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2997,29-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
2999,17-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,Information provided is sufficient but if they had mentioned the estimated delivery time than it would have been great.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3000,127-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_127,The proposal looks very feasible from Blockfrost point of view but this limitation from the API's may be of concern from the Cardano developer's point of view. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3001,156-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_156,"roadmap clear that 1st stable version in 1 month,what it include,finetune and maintain rest of 2021. API show they want 100 active downloads in first month with more than 100 each month from there, a success. last licence open sourced under Apache 2.0,seem standard for all software Cardano use",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3002,100-147,,147,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project ""in the near future"" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3003,21-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,The problem matches the developer challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3004,33-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3006,6-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_6,"I think that adding a Python SDK would be a good option for the Cardano ecosystem, as it would facilitate the onboarding of Python programmers and build a bridge towards the Python Developer community. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3011,29-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3012,17-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,Python being the most known and respected language in developer community it will be a great addition to have tools in that language.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3014,157-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_157,"The proposal addresses the challenge by providing a tool for developers. However, it has a big disadvantage of vendor lock, by using underlying API of a proprietary service. The authors aim to create a tool for developers but also to market their own services, which currently include a free plan but don't guarantee it in the future. The proposed solution is not open, so I'm considering it less useful.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3015,100-211,,211,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3016,21-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This team is known in the community and they have delivered similar tools already.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3017,33-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,"There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.
3019,6-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_6,The developers are linked to and have a range of Cardano related technical experiences as listed. The plan seems feasible and the scope is well defined and limited. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3024,29-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,"
Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3025,17-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,there is no doubts abt the quality of the team as it looks professional.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3027,157-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_157,"The proposal lacks hints about how the final SDK would look like. However, a lightweight wrapper around REST should be easily completed within the provided time frame. The experience of the authors leaves no doubt they would be able to complete the task.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3028,100-211,,211,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
3029,21-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,"Good to have a clear success definition, I think Python is one of the most critical language we have to support.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3030,33-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3032,6-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_6,"I would have preferred it if this proposal had some specific recommendations why a Python SDK would be preferable to a different SDK. There are several SDK proposals that have been tabled as proposals, the developer could have ranked them by perceived importance - although this approach of allowing the community to vote for the preferred one is also valid. I think that the proposal seems feasible and addresses the challenge based on the available information. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3037,29-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"
The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3038,17-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,"other than delivery date of the tools, information provided was sufficient and feasible.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3040,157-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_157,"The proposal uses vague marketing language and provides little details on how the final product is supposed to look like. For software developers, the target group of the proposal, lack of technical details is a serious disadvantage. The assessment whether the proposal effectively addresses the challenge cannot be made until the final product has been delivered.
Given the experience of the authors, however, it can be trusted they create an useful solution adhering to the best software development standards.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3041,100-211,,211,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3042,33-127,,127,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.
one star deducted because golang is one of the lesser popular programming languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3045,29-127,,127,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3046,17-127,,127,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,its better to have SDK and APIs for most of the well known languages to complete the ocean strategy.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3047,101-127,,127,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_101,Having a Go API for Blockfrost could significantly accelerate the growth the the Cardano development community among Go developers because Go libraries are currently lacking for Cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3049,100-127,,127,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3050,33-127,,127,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3053,29-127,,127,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3054,17-127,,127,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,the team behind the proposal have high credibility so have no doubts that they will complete the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3055,101-127,,127,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The proposing team has good experience with both Cardano and Blockfrost, but the proposal does not list experience with Go. It does not demonstrate that the product will use idiomatic Go constructs and design patterns, but achieving these will be critical for widespread adoption.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3057,100-127,,127,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3058,33-127,,127,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3061,29-127,,127,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"
The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3062,17-127,,127,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,everything abt the proposal is well explained and looks feasible at the quoted price. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3063,101-127,,127,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The proposal provides a detailed budget justification, but it does not provide specific KPIs for the Go API, aside for striving for ""100%"" coverage.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3065,100-127,,127,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3066,33-134,,134,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people.
Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.
one star deducted because haskell is one of the lesser popular programming languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3067,21-134,,134,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the developer challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3069,29-134,,134,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3071,17-134,,134,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,haskell is the heart of cardano and its better to have extra tooling over to what IOG will provide.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3072,100-134,,134,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3073,33-134,,134,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3074,21-134,,134,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This is a well known team in the Cardano ecosystem and they have the experience building these projects.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3076,29-134,,134,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3078,17-134,,134,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,blockfrost is a known name in the community and there is high possibility that proposal will be implemented.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3079,100-134,,134,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3080,33-134,,134,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3081,21-134,,134,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_21,"The project plan is clear, the success is defined as well. I'm little bit not clear about why for example Haskell has the similar price to PHP? I'm sure Haskell experience is much more scare? ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3083,29-134,,134,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3085,17-134,,134,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,proposer have provided more than adequate information abt the assessment and feasibility of the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3086,100-134,,134,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3087,21-216,,216,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal matches the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3088,6-216,,216,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_6,"I think that this proposal follows the Campaign brief very closely and its implementation would lead to increased developer adoption, productivity, and creativity. The proposed project would make it easier for Rust developers to build on top of Cardano. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3091,29-216,,216,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3092,17-216,,216,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,"RUST is one of the fastest and mostly used language for blockchain development in recent time, and tools for such language will really be useful.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3093,158-216,,216,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_158,The challenge of extending the use of to Rust developers is effectively address through the proposal of SDK development and the timeline given.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3094,100-216,,216,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3095,158-216,,216,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_158,"The proposer is one of the creators of, the platform that the SDK will be developed for. The timeline/plan that is laid out is representative of the time and effort needed to accomplish the goal. The asked-for funding amount seems reasonable for the task at hand. Given these points, it seems likely that this will be properly implemented if funding is received.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3096,21-216,,216,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,The team is well know to the community and have already build number of similar tooling.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3097,6-216,,216,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_6,The proposer has a very well scoped plan with clear deliverables and a timetable. The proposers experience and company indicate that the proposal is highly likely to be completed as planned. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3100,29-216,,216,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3101,17-216,,216,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,blockfrost being 200 employee company should be able to pull off this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3102,100-216,,216,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
3103,158-216,,216,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_158,"There are clear metrics stated for assessment of the SDK; the short-term and long-term 'crate' (Rust's packages) downloads from This is set at sustained 10 downloads per month through 2021. I give a four star rating here though because I think that another metric, that is, published Github projects, could also be considered.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3104,21-216,,216,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,The project and success are defined. Rust is one of the most growing popular languages and might be a good contribution to the Cardano.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3105,6-216,,216,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_6,The proposal addresses the challenge by offering to build an open-source SDK for Rust developers. It explains the key elements that are of importance to assessing its feasibility and has a team with relevant experience inside the Cardano ecosystem. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3108,29-216,,216,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3109,17-216,,216,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,Proposer seems very professional and have provided for all the required information. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3110,100-216,,216,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3112,33-234,,234,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.
one star deducted because swift is one of the lesser popular programming languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3113,21-234,,234,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the developer challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3115,29-234,,234,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3116,17-234,,234,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,this language is really important for mobile software development. And will be a great addition in the developer tool stack.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3117,101-234,,234,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_101,Providing a easy pathway for Swift developers to access the Blockfrost API would significantly improve the accessibility of the Cardano blockchain to a large development community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3118,100-234,,234,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3120,33-234,,234,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3121,21-234,,234,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This team is known and have experience for building.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3123,29-234,,234,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3124,17-234,,234,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,The sheer size of the proposing team makes me believe that they will pill off this proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3125,101-234,,234,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_101,"The team has long and extensive experience with the Cardano blockchain and proposes a viable, though aggressive, timeline with briefly defined deliverables. Effective documentation and tutorials will be critical to the project's success. Implementing access to all Blockfrost API endpoints will be valuable, but it may be difficult to include (at this level of effort and with this timeline) the higher-level abstractions that would more greatly accelerate developer productivity.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3126,100-234,,234,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
3128,33-234,,234,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3129,21-234,,234,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,"Plan is clear, budget reasonable, swift is needed for mobile. But, gosh, it is annoying to write so much reviews for similar things, team, joins these together next time......",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3131,29-234,,234,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"
The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3132,17-234,,234,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,The team behind proposal looks highly capable and have provided all the required information. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3133,101-234,,234,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The proposal should more specifically define the content of the deliverables and be clearer about their staging. It also doesn't mention whether tutorials will be available (and what form they would take), and whether the documentation will simply be just API documentation or something more extensive.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3134,100-234,,234,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3135,33-193,,193,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_33,This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3136,21-193,,193,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the developer challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3138,29-193,,193,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3140,17-193,,193,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,it will be better to have SDK and APIs for as many languages as possible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3141,101-193,,193,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_101,"Providing an easy pathway for PHP developers to access the Blockfrost API would improve the accessibility of the Cardano blockchain to a large development community, but the current PHP-developer community for Cardano is small, so the proposal should include a stronger emphasis on outreach and advocacy. It might be useful to mention statistics on PHP development market share for Cardano and how that might grow.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3142,100-193,,193,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3143,33-193,,193,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_33,There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3145,29-193,,193,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3147,17-193,,193,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,its highly likely that a professional team like blockfrost will implement the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3148,101-193,,193,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_101,"The team has long and extensive experience with the Cardano blockchain, and provides a specific and measurable roadmap. Because API mapping from Blockfrost to PHP can be automated, the risk that this project will fail to achieve 100% endpoint coverage is low.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3149,100-193,,193,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3150,33-193,,193,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3151,21-193,,193,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_21,"The proposal itself is fine, I would question the need for PHP but that's up to the developers to vote....",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3153,29-193,,193,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3155,17-193,,193,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,Proposer being a very professional organization they have provided all the sufficient information. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3156,101-193,,193,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,The proposal should be more specific about the level of detail in the API (raw access vs high-level abstractions) and the precise nature of the documentation (especially whether tutorial will be included).,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3157,100-193,,193,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3160,33-220,,220,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important. one star deducted because scala is one of the lesser popular programming languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3161,29-220,,220,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3163,17-220,,220,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,we need as many language SDK and API tools as possible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3164,101-220,,220,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_101,"Scala is an excellent target for Blockfrost API access, but the proposal is unclear about whether it will provide an idiomatic API well-suited to Scala design patterns, or simply raw access to Blockfrost endpoints.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3165,100-220,,220,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3168,33-220,,220,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3169,29-220,,220,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3171,17-220,,220,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,Team looks highly potent to complete the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3172,101-220,,220,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_101,The team has long and extensive experience with the Cardano blockchain and proposes a low-risk roadmap for basic functionality to access Blockfrost from Scala. The requested funding may be too low to provide the abstractions that Scala developers expect in an API.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3173,100-220,,220,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
3176,33-220,,220,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3177,29-220,,220,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3179,17-220,,220,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,proposer have covered all the bases and looks highly feasible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3180,101-220,,220,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_101,"The proposal should be more specific about the details of the deliverables, including the level of abstraction in the API, the type of documentation, and whether tutorials will be provided.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3181,100-220,,220,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project ""in the near future"" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3183,159-214,,214,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_159,quite a large dev community around rust so it has potential ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3186,29-214,,214,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3188,17-214,,214,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,We need multiple language API and SDK tools as possible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3189,100-214,,214,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3190,33-214,,214,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.
one star deducted because ruby is one of the lesser popular programming languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3192,159-214,,214,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_159,seems well versed in dev work with detailed budge scope and deliverables ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3195,29-214,,214,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3197,17-214,,214,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,Team looks to have high pedigree to complete the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3198,100-214,,214,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
3199,33-214,,214,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_33,"There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.
3201,159-214,,214,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_159,I could follow it quite well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3204,29-214,,214,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3206,17-214,,214,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,proposer has provided all the information to asses that project looks quite feasible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3207,100-214,,214,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3208,33-214,,214,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3209,21-146,,146,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,The problem meets the developer challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3210,159-146,,146,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_159,Im my humble opinion it does just that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3213,83-146,,146,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_83,"This project seems to be a copy and paste from this but for different language, thus the star rating would be the same",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3214,29-146,,146,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3215,17-146,,146,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,"Yes, it effectively addresses the idea to create developer tooling by providing SDK and API for various languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3216,100-146,,146,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3217,21-146,,146,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,This team is know in the community and has experience building these type of tools.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3218,159-146,,146,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_159,proven track record and well thought out delivery ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3221,83-146,,146,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_83,"This project seems to be a copy and paste from this but for different language, thus the star rating would be the same",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3222,29-146,,146,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3223,17-146,,146,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,the Team looks experienced enough to pull off this proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3224,100-146,,146,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).
3225,21-146,,146,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_21,"Success is defined, low budget integration for a critical language, as Java is used a lot in mobile phones.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3226,159-146,,146,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_159,definitely achieved this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3229,83-146,,146,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_83,"This project seems to be a copy and paste from this but for different language, thus the star rating would be the same",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3230,29-146,,146,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3231,17-146,,146,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,All the required information to asses the feasibility were provided.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3232,100-146,,146,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project ""in the near future"" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3233,159-29,,29,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_159,small well thought out deliverables each time so it is easy to understand and follow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3237,33-29,,29,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_33,Providing an easy way to access the blockchain is highly welcome and an efficient way to help the developer ecosystem. This is especially important for systems with low local ressources like arduino.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3238,29-29,,29,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3240,17-29,,29,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,API and SDK are the most important things when creating developer ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3241,100-29,,29,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3242,159-29,,29,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_159,they have a good track record and a history working within the community ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3246,33-29,,29,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Based on the description and prior work, I have no doubt that this will be implemented.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3247,29-29,,29,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3249,17-29,,29,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,Team looks experienced enough to complete the proposal.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3250,100-29,,29,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3251,159-29,,29,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_159,certainly does ! exemplary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3255,33-29,,29,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Based on the description and prior work, I have no doubt that this will be implemented.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3256,29-29,,29,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"
The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3258,17-29,,29,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,blockfrost being a professional organization have provided sufficient information to asses the feasibility of the proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3259,100-29,,29,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3260,33-106,,106,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_33,"This is one of several proposals regarding an sdk for blockfrost. Providing an easy access to many programming languages is very important and it would make the adoption of Cardano much easier for a lot of people. Relying on a central service for this task is not the prefered solution, as blockchain tries do exactly the opposite but lowering the entrance barrier is still more important.
one star deducted because elexir is one of the lesser popular programming languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3263,29-106,,106,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3264,17-106,,106,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,API and SDK are the most important things for the robustness of the developer ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3265,100-106,,106,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"
This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3266,33-106,,106,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,There are already sdks for blockfrost and there are implementations for many diffent programming langues planned. The blockfrost-teams seems to be very capable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3269,29-106,,106,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3270,17-106,,106,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,Team has big employee base to pull of this proposal successfully.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3271,100-106,,106,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3272,33-106,,106,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_33,"Delivering the results within a month is excellent. The earlier the sdk is available, the faster it can be used by developers to implement new solutions based on Cardano.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3275,29-106,,106,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3276,17-106,,106,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,the Information provided was more than enough to asses that the proposal is feasible.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3277,100-106,,106,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3278,33-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_33,.NET is especially with the new version 5 (no differntiation betweent core and classi) an important language that should have an easy way to interact with Cardano. This project would help.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3280,59-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_59,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3282,83-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_83,"The proposal has made available the website for developers to sign up. However a few other challenges remains: How do we decide which APIs to be built, and assuming there's a list of features to be implemented, how can we vote on the most important features and what would be the basis of the importance?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3283,29-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_29,"Great idea, This effectively addresses the challenge.
I really hope that you will make this open source if you get funded by the community. Not monthly fee like your dev kits are now ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3284,66-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_66,Its evident to me that there is an ecosystem here with blockfrost and developing tools that other developers can make use of will help grow the ecosystem by allowing them to take more time on actually creating their vision,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3286,17-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,SDK and API are required for any developer ecosystem.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3287,140-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_140,"The proposal addresses the challenge very well
1. Currently .NET ecosystem (from Microsoft) enjoys one of the biggest developers pool for building applications on all platforms web/mobile/desktop and with introduction of .NET core .NET is no more limited to windows based systems. Therefore, bringing such a huge eco system to build on/with cardano is crucial to realize bringing ocean (4:55 mark in the Island, The Ocean and the Pond video from Charles Hoskinson) to Cardano.
2. The SDK will simplify the integration process of .NET developers (by reducing the boilerplate code and allowing them to focus more on business logic) to Cardano ecosystem.
3. The SDK will be open source so as more .Net Developers start using it, the contributors will grow over time giving cardano higher exposure to developers from mainstream languages.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3288,100-7,,7,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_100,"This is a perfect fit for the current challenge as this would simplify the life of the developers and allow them to develop in their language of choice. They made 14 proposals like this one so that people can actually vote on the language they want. This review is the same for all 14 proposals. In each proposal the requested amount varies depending on the language.
My only concern about this kind of service is that it makes an application dependent on the API provider, which goes against decentralization. Now this kind of service allows one to quickly start a project and add decentralization later (at a cost) so this lowers the barrier of entry for new developers to do stuff right away.
This concern is not addressed in the project, probably because there is a conflict of interest on their part (making their customer dependent on their service is more sustainable long term) their services are currently free for the first 100,000 requests. A list of their APIs can be found at (link not provided in the description).
We would have also liked to have more detail on the kind of service they already provide and their future plans...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3289,33-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_33,the central part already exists. An .NET sdk to talk with bockfrost shouldn't be that hard. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3292,83-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_83,"The proposer seems to have necessary experience from working, and having to work with Emurgo at least can be used as references.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3293,29-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_29,Seems likely as the team already have a website for APIs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3294,66-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_66,The team here is more than enough capable it appears. There is no doubt they will be able to accomplish this endeavor. There is a roadmap and defined releasables which add confidence for me that this will succeed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3296,17-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,team is big enough to implement this and other proposals for SDKs and APIs.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3297,140-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_140,"1. The team has a good expertise on building SDKs and are perfectly capable of executing the proposal.
2. The blockfrost io already has public documentation available (via redoc) for their Cardano API. For an SDK to be in place therefore they need to write set of helper/wrapper functionalities in SDK, which given the expertise of team is very realistic to achieve.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3298,100-7,,7,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_100,"Proven experience is here. The product already exists, this project is just a wrapper around their existing API service.
It's very straightforward and there is no engineering difficulty or challenge at all.
The budget is decent for a work of high quality without risk on their part (they don't lose if no one ends up using the APIs).
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3299,33-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_33,"No specific information about the .net implementation is available but as this is just one of many sdk's thy want to create, this shouldn't be a big deal. General experience should be available.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3302,83-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_83,There's an estimated 70 man hours for the API development. But I'm not sure what is it that we are getting out of it in details. How would the API being maintained in the future? Who's going to fix any defects and what are the reporting process? etc..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3303,29-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_29,"The information is sufficient. However, I really hope that you make this open source as promised if getting funded by the community.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3304,66-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_66,The budget here is explained and there are milestones to reach. From what I see there is sufficiebt information for this to go ahead,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3306,17-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,the information provided was not just sufficient but the fact that the team has 200 employees makes it highly possible and feasible if they have bulk order of multiple languages.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3307,140-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_140,"1. The proposal clearly explains what needs to be done and how many hours/budget is needed in order to fulfill this proposal.
2. The proposer has provided enough well informed links and responded well to the technical queries, which confirms that the team is highly capable of delivering it on schedule.
3. The timeline and rate given for the development of this SDK is pretty realistic/standard for such a project and set of experienced developers who will implement it.
3308,100-7,,7,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_100,"The information provided is more than enough to assess the feasibility of the project. KPIs are defined and are easy to measure.
There is no roadblock ahead and no risk involved since all the costs will be covered if the specific language proposal is funded. This is a very sound approach as if they had made a single proposal to implement all the 14 languages for $110,000 the risk would have been too high.
This no risk approach also provides insurance that the project is viable long term.
They also say on their website that they plan to release their backends as an open source project """"in the near future"""" which ensures that this project will do more than mitigate the risks they take.
(This review is the same for their 14 proposals).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3309,80-1,,1,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_80,"Unfortunately, this challenge does not adress the challenge to create local community centers. It should be rather in the category dapps and integration for future funding rounds. Using resources in this domain for the proposal would be not be in line with the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3311,21-1,,1,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_21,I did not find how this proposal relates to the challenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3314,41-1,,1,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal doesn't address the challenge, there is no relation of the idea presented with Community Centers.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3315,8-1,,1,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_8,"In principle is a great idea but the collaboration required, educational, technological and legacy system needed to launched this solution around the world would require 1. That the average person has Cardano wallet and know about the technology and its uses. 2. That the institutions are on board with this idea, 3. That there is promotion and education about this solution 4. The management and technology to measure KM you travel to be recorded to provide reward.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3316,61-1,,1,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_61,"The idea is good and the stated problem is real. Although, I believe that anyone in a foreign country would currently have to buy their currency, this could be a good step into the cryptocurrency world, specially for the proposed feature of generating token based on KM. Although, tokenomics needs to be better explained. Also, I believe that LCC Challenge is not the best place for this proposal.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3317,80-1,,1,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_80,"The proposal is rather a vague idea without a proper plan. Therefore it is rather unlikely it will be implemented successfully. A lot of questions arise regarding the implementation, such as: Who will be owning the transportation vehicles, are there potential partnerships, etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3319,21-1,,1,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,The experience field is no sense.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3322,41-1,,1,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The plan presents some relevant aspects of the proposal, but there is no clarification on regulation difficulties with local jurisdictions. In order for a public transport system to adopt cryptocurrencies, this would have to be accepted by local governments. There is the option of creating decentralized solutions such as Arcade City, a Uber competitor and who uses Blockchain to decentralize. There is no description of the experience or qualification of the proposer. I recommend the inclusion of such information.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3323,8-1,,1,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_8,There is no experience or planned highlighted to make a proper assessment that it can be successfully implemented. How will the funds will be used? and what are the stages of development in the deployment of the solution?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3324,61-1,,1,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_61,"I believe the 'relevant experience' field was misunderstood, it should state the proposer's experience related to the project. Also, budget needs to be details to justify the amount, which is half the total budget of the challenge.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3325,80-1,,1,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_80,"Unfortunatly, there is only one person responsible for the proposal, there is no prior commitment to the idea and the challenge is not adressed (as mentioned in the first note)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3327,21-1,,1,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,"No plan, no clear budget roadmap.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3330,41-1,,1,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The description of the proposal doesn't address the challenge. I recommend that the proposer submits the proposal in an appropriate challenge and provide more details, based on the Guidelines and Catalyst documentation.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3331,8-1,,1,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_8,The proposal lacks clarity and information to assess its feasibility. There are no metrics to promote confidence in the delivery of the solution or what area will the funds will be used.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3332,61-1,,1,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_61,"Roadmap, milestones, KPIs are missing. Proposal needs improvement on this fields because it is not possible to audit as it is. Some challenges as vehicles maintenance should be assessed, as well as a multinational physical presence, which is not easy.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3333,21-273,,273,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal matches the callenge.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3335,111-273,,273,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_111,Yoroi needs a connection into a decentralized node service such as Blockfrost,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3337,33-273,,273,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_33,"As described in the comments, this would make development for Yoroi much easier. I still think that new sdk's would have a bigger positive effect than this one.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3340,17-273,,273,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_17,Such proposal will help developers in creating and maintaining wallets for their projects.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3341,21-273,,273,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,The team is well known and respected in the community.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3343,111-273,,273,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_111,The roadmap and deliverables section are incomplete and this is only acceptable due to the team behind the proposal's experience.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3345,33-273,,273,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Based on the experience of the proposer, the implementation would very likely succeed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3348,17-273,,273,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,proposing team looks of great quality and looks potent enough with information and manpower to implement it successfully. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3349,21-273,,273,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,4,z_assessor_21,I would like to see more about how to measure performance. Given the funds requested this is acceptable.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3351,111-273,,273,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3353,33-273,,273,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_33,"Based on the experience of the proposer, the implementation would very likely succeed.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3356,17-273,,273,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,blockfrost team which is behind this proposal have provided all the information and have no doubts abt the feasibility.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3357,79-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,maybe. some reference to the correctness of the statement is needed. and why is it interest of the caradano community. how how it would benefit from this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3358,21-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_21,This proposal meets the challenge criteria.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3360,111-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_111,This is little to no information on the technical components of this protocol or how this native token bridge will be constructed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3363,17-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,5,z_assessor_17,Token distribution is a really big challenge at the moment. If we want to create a UNIswap or 1 Inch style token distribution direct to the community than we need ideas like this one.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3364,9-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_9,"Great use case of increasing utility options on Cardano. I would have liked more clarity on tying the notion of benefit to the Cardano community at large. I understand the concept of airdrops - but for someone coming in and reading this proposal - it may not be immediately clear when presented in voting app or so. As in - what is hiding behind the fact that 1 ADA needs to be added to each airdrop, etc. So adding that element of how this benefits the end user through better efficiency and costs from the entity that airdrops these would be great addition for clarity. But kudos for the concept at large.
3365,10-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_10,"I had to reread this several times to figure out how it works. The detailed plan needs more details and step by step elaboration to correctly understand it.
So I had to guess and hope I understood it correctly.
I think it is explained best by using an example:
'A' wants to send an amount of 1K ADA to 'B'.
'A' needs to send 1K ADA + a UTXO-cost of 2 ADA in order for 'B' to receive 1K ADA. The service in the proposal would have 'B' send 2 ADA and 'A' send 1K ADA to the server. 'B' will then receive 1K+2 ADA - transaction cost.
3366,43-247,,247,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_43,A token faucet/airdrop mechanism != a dapp,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3367,79-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,"some techie reference. as the base requirement is not defined, nor the benefit quantified, it does not seem to be on point.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3368,21-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_21,The team is known in the ecosystem and has build similar tooling before too.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3370,111-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_111,"There is development roadmap, technical documentation or budget breakdown included in this application. It's also not clear how this token faucet tool will become a decentralized application.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3373,17-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,5,z_assessor_17,the team has provided multiple ideas in this round of funding so until their too many proposals get accepted they are highly likely to complete this proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3374,9-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,4,z_assessor_9,"I have every confidence in ability of the team to deliver. However, some understanding on who exactly would be working on this - that be great. Is this going to be just one person - or work of more engineers together? It does state it will take 80 engineer hours - but it doesn't say at what pace can someone expect this project to be delivered upon. There is a mention about 2 month mark in roadmap - but is that tied to working hours of engineers or are there additional dependences that one needs to consider? That could bring extra clarity. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3375,10-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_10,"The proposer apears to be a professional blockchain engineering company. But when I click on their website link, the website is limited to just a homepage. Which is weird. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3376,43-247,,247,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_43,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3377,79-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,"I found the references unjustified an random, not supporting the idea or the funds requested.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3378,21-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_21,"The funds are reasonable, but I would like to see more in-detail technical specification for the faucet. It is not clear why you would need 1 ADA to drop a token.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3380,111-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_111,This proposals provides none of the information required to be a complete dApp proposal: for starters the author is not making it clear how at all this solution is a dApp/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3383,17-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,5,z_assessor_17,"All the required information, explanation and detailed layout of the proposal seems feasible. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3384,9-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_9,Would have liked to learn more about any specific challenges that proposal deems worthy mentioning. Are there risks that we should be aware of or is this considered a very safe bet? Adding that colour would help somewhat. I appreciate inclusion of metrics that help understand what the vision of the authors is. Are there any additional metrics that you would consider? I feel that one - while important - may not be all inclusive. I would love to understand more of volume transacted in addition to running instances. Are se seeing real utility being used? Etc. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3385,10-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_10,"The proposal consists out of a receiver pays transaction instead of sender principle, but it does not include how the server would benefit from this. What is the ROI?
What really bugged me is that the standard rate of 100 EUR/hr is stated, yet the requested fund is 9500 USD. Please convert the currencies to avoid misunderstandings. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3386,43-247,,247,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_43,"Please see 1st comment, a token faucet mechanism is 100% not a dapp. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3387,21-20,,20,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_21,As this challenge lacks details it is hard to say if this is a valid entry.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3388,79-20,,20,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,incoherent description of problem statement.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3389,41-20,,20,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is just a draft, there is not enough information to check how it will address the challenge in a relevant way.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3392,53-20,,20,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,2,z_assessor_53,"Proposal does not detail specifically how to achieve the ""effective implementation"" cited in the proposal. Cardano has many API proposals active, how does this differ?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3393,9-20,,20,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_9,There is not enough information to effectively understand goals of this proposal and how it benefits cardano community nor how it aligns with cardano goals. Needs more work - very very basic concept. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3394,43-20,,20,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_43,Ths proposal is incomplete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3395,21-20,,20,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_21,No background provided.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3396,79-20,,20,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,incoherent description of problem statement. lack of any further description. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3397,41-20,,20,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_41,There is no plan and there are not enough details about the proposer's experience / skills,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3400,53-20,,20,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,2,z_assessor_53,"Lacking from the proposal is an effective plan of action and nowhere does it list the language that the API will use if proposal is funded i.e. Rust, JS, or even multiple languages supported by this API. Given the lack of detail and information in this proposal I would say that is it unlikely that this proposal is successfully implemented.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3401,9-20,,20,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Just an idea at this point. It needs a lot more work. Adding elements of experience to validate the past work, how it fits with present proposal. Some professional presentation, profile links. Also understanding why this budget, what it does - what it can accomplish. Adding that would make this a lot better candidate. At the moment - there is nothing to invest in. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3402,21-20,,20,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_21,This proposal lacks a plan.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3403,79-20,,20,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,"incoherent description of problem statement, fund request how it will be used. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3404,41-20,,20,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_41,"The proposal is not viable due to the lack of information, there is no way to assess how it will address the challenge. I recommend that the proposer follow the Catalyst documentation to prepare the proposal and provide details so that we can give appropriate feedback.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3407,53-20,,20,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_53,"The proposal does not offer much information about how feasible the proposal is, mainly due to the fact it does not state specifically what the clear goals of the API will be, nor what languages will be supported by the API.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3408,9-20,,20,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Absence of roadmap, milestones, any measurable metrics, challenges, risks. These are just very few elements that would have made this proposal a lot better if they were considered. I suggest to work on it and come back in later funding rounds. Or seeking mentorship within Catalyst advisor group. That could also be a way forward. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3409,79-172,,172,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,"seems like a joke and a test of the project funding strategy. final statement is ""This is not a small game and it is my life's work. My intention is to continue to develop for the next decades.""
problem statement does not seem to relate to solutions - ""Making Cardano mainstream. Training young developers."" ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3411,6-172,,172,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_6,"The proposal does propose an integration with Cardano for asset management, contracts and payments (internal and external) inside a game. However, the issue that has not been addressed in depth is the ""quality"" aspect of the integration. There is a fleshed out story aspect/blurb of the game, but the technical side is not well presented making it difficult to see the quality aspect. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3413,53-172,,172,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,4,z_assessor_53,The proposal as described successfully addresses driving adoption to the Cardano blockchain. If players are drawn into the game the Cardano blockchain itself will see more usage as a direct result of the in-game functionality.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3414,9-172,,172,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,3,z_assessor_9,I like where the concept is heading. What I miss that could make it even better to understand is adding elements of how it all ties with the cardano community. I can come to some conclusions but having author lay these out clearly would be very beneficial. How does it all align with goals of the community at large and what can we expect once given funding. Interesting concept - just needs a bit more work to tie it all together. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3415,79-172,,172,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_79,"experinece mentioned but not detailed how is relevant, or any concrete plan, timeline, deliverables, etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3417,6-172,,172,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_6,The general but very brief information on experience in game development and the skeleton plan (in my opinion) make it unlikely this proposal will be implemented successfully in my opinion. The cross-platform aspect of the games makes the proposal even more challenging and there is not sufficient information provided. The budget remains a lump sum that is not differentiated and broken down. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3419,53-172,,172,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,3,z_assessor_53,"Given the demo provided in the comment section it is clear that the game development itself is well underway. It is likely that the games base functionality will be successfully delivered based on the games current state, however the proposal states that it will require 2 programmer who's level of experience has not been identified as of yet and therefore cannot speak to the experience of future development team members and their level of experience and ability to deliver on the integration of the Cardano blockchain for payments as well as asset tracking.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3420,9-172,,172,Given experience and plan presented it is highly likely this proposal will be implemented successfully,2,1,z_assessor_9,"Unfortunately, there isn't any sense of the team cohesiveness or knowing who would actually be carrying out the work. There is a mention of it with remarks to budget justification - 2 programmers, graphic designer + marketing - but we don't really know who or where these people come from. Having some external references about the team and getting to know them would be great. Maybe linked in profiles or past professional references? This also ties back with the budget - given the amount requested - it isn't clear how it is going to be allocated beyond few words about hires. There really needs to be greater clarity in terms of how money shall be spent in order for community to make sensible decisions. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3421,79-172,,172,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_79,no explanation of funding requeset sum. measurement of sucesss. required additional resources.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3423,6-172,,172,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,2,z_assessor_6,There is not enough information to address how feasible is this proposal and I think that the key aspect of quality integration with the blockchain is glossed over in this proposal. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3425,53-172,,172,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,3,z_assessor_53,"The proposal provides sufficient information for the game itself but fails to detail how this multiplayer game will make use specifically of smart contracts, outside of the stated fact that in-game asset management and payments will be used.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3426,9-172,,172,The proposal provides sufficient information to assess how feasible it is and how effectively it addresses the challenge.,2,1,z_assessor_9,"There isn't any executable roadmap with milestones that we can examine. Proposal reads more like an idea stage that hasn't bee thought through entirely. It would be great if more in depth walk through of what authors plan to do be offered. It would allow us to look at things like success metrics more meaningfully. Authors state that they are targeting 50,000 users - but that seems more like an arbitrary goal than actual success metric? Would be great to understand why 50k over any other figure. Are there any other sensible KPIs that we could look at and track progress? I am sure there must be some more to consider. There also hasn't been any mention about challenges or risks either. Adding all of the above elements would improve the proposal auditability greatly. I would suggest to add these and re-submit proposal at the later stages once again. Great concept - but needs more work. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3427,79-162,,162,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_79,"valid idea, backed by no meaningful details of how to achieve it. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3428,41-162,,162,This proposal effectively addresses the challenge,1,1,z_assessor_41,"I believe that the idea presented has potential, but as there is no description of a plan, it is not possible to assess how the proposal will address the challenge.
I recommend that the proposer see the proposals related to NFTs that are being created in Catalyst, since some of these proposals contain similarities that can help in the construction of the idea or to form partnerships with other people interested in the game market.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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