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Created December 4, 2021 10:21
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English Dictionary + Definitions
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an act of cheating someone; a swindle.,en,jip
workout of the day (with reference to the CrossFit fitness programme).,en,wod
"used in names of plants and herbs, especially those used formerly as food or medicinally, e.g. butterwort, lungwort, woundwort.",en,wort
archaic or dialect term for hip2.,en,hep
"(in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos) a Buddhist monastery or temple.",en,wat
"completely destroy (a building, town, or other settlement).",en,rase
an allowance made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of goods.,en,tare
a cartoon film.,en,toon
a modern English translation of the Bible published in 1973–8.,en,niv
a large marble.,en,taw
"(in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos) a Buddhist monastery or temple.",en,wat
"the language of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso, a member of the Gur family of languages with about 4 million speakers.",en,moore
an allowance made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of goods.,en,tare
a list of candidates selected for a post.,en,leet
"a person's deserved share of praise, honour, etc.",en,meed
"a person's deserved share of praise, honour, etc.",en,meed
an ordinary man.,en,joe
endure (something burdensome or painful).,en,dree
endure (something burdensome or painful).,en,drees
endure (something burdensome or painful).,en,drees
short for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.,en,gerd
short for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.,en,gord
short for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.,en,gerd
froth made from soap and water.,en,sud
a North American Indian reservation or reserve.,en,rez
archaic past of get.,en,gat
a Japanese Buddhist festival held annually in August to honour the dead.,en,bon
another term for rocking stone.,en,logan
"a woman's genitals.",en,vag
"a woman's genitals.",en,vag
very; considerably.,en,gey
very; considerably.,en,gey
"a former unit of weight or volume varying with different kinds of goods, e.g. 3 cwt of cheese.",en,wey
make a sharp change of direction.,en,zag
make a sharp change of direction.,en,zig
make a sharp change of direction.,en,zag
a type of lock with a latch bolt and a flat key with a serrated edge.,en,yale
"a small Australasian and SE Asian parrot with a brush-tipped tongue for feeding on nectar and pollen, having mainly green plumage with patches of bright colour.",en,lory
"the shell or integument of some invertebrates and protozoans, especially the chalky shell of a foraminiferan or the tough outer layer of a tunicate.",en,test
"a nocturnal badger-sized burrowing mammal of Africa, with long ears, a tubular snout, and a long extensible tongue, feeding on ants and termites.",en,aardvark
"a nocturnal badger-sized burrowing mammal of Africa, with long ears, a tubular snout, and a long extensible tongue, feeding on ants and termites.",en,aardvarks
"a simple device for calculating, consisting of a frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid.",en,abacus
"a simple device for calculating, consisting of a frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid.",en,abacuses
"an edible mollusc of warm seas, with a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl and pierced with a line of respiratory holes.",en,abalone
"an edible mollusc of warm seas, with a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl and pierced with a line of respiratory holes.",en,abalones
complete lack of inhibition or restraint.,en,abandon
cease to support or look after (someone); desert.,en,abandoned
cease to support or look after (someone); desert.,en,abandoning
the action or fact of abandoning or being abandoned.,en,abandonment
cease to support or look after (someone); desert.,en,abandons
behave in a way that belittles or degrades (someone).,en,abase
behave in a way that belittles or degrades (someone).,en,abased
the action or fact of abasing or being abased; humiliation or degradation.,en,abasement
behave in a way that belittles or degrades (someone).,en,abases
"make (someone) feel embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed.",en,abashed
behave in a way that belittles or degrades (someone).,en,abasing
(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.,en,abate
(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.,en,abated
the action of abating or being abated; ending or subsiding.,en,abatement
(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.,en,abates
(of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.,en,abating
a slaughterhouse.,en,abattoir
a slaughterhouse.,en,abattoirs
a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns.,en,abbess
a woman who is the head of an abbey of nuns.,en,abbesses
the building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns.,en,abbey
the building or buildings occupied by a community of monks or nuns.,en,abbeys
a man who is the head of an abbey of monks.,en,abbot
a man who is the head of an abbey of monks.,en,abbots
"shorten (a word, phrase, or text).",en,abbreviate
"shorten (a word, phrase, or text).",en,abbreviated
"shorten (a word, phrase, or text).",en,abbreviates
"shorten (a word, phrase, or text).",en,abbreviating
a shortened form of a word or phrase.,en,abbreviation
a shortened form of a word or phrase.,en,abbreviations
"(of a monarch) renounce one's throne.",en,abdicate
"(of a monarch) renounce one's throne.",en,abdicated
"(of a monarch) renounce one's throne.",en,abdicates
"(of a monarch) renounce one's throne.",en,abdicating
an act of abdicating or renouncing the throne.,en,abdication
an act of abdicating or renouncing the throne.,en,abdications
the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.,en,abdomen
the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.,en,abdomens
an abdominal muscle.,en,abdominal
take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap.,en,abduct
take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap.,en,abducted
take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap.,en,abducting
the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.,en,abduction
the action of forcibly taking someone away against their will.,en,abductions
a person who abducts another person.,en,abductor
a person who abducts another person.,en,abductors
take (someone) away illegally by force or deception; kidnap.,en,abducts
in bed.,en,abed
departing from an accepted standard.,en,aberrant
"a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.",en,aberration
"a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.",en,aberrations
"encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.",en,abet
"encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.",en,abets
"encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.",en,abetted
"encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.",en,abetting
regard with disgust and hatred.,en,abhor
regard with disgust and hatred.,en,abhorred
a feeling of revulsion; disgusted loathing.,en,abhorrence
inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.,en,abhorrent
regard with disgust and hatred.,en,abhorring
regard with disgust and hatred.,en,abhors
"accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).",en,abide
"accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).",en,abided
"accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).",en,abides
"accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).",en,abiding
possession of the means or skill to do something.,en,abilities
possession of the means or skill to do something.,en,ability
(of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree.,en,abject
"solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).",en,abjure
"solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).",en,abjured
"solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).",en,abjures
"solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim).",en,abjuring
burning fiercely.,en,ablaze
"having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.",en,able
"having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.",en,abler
"having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.",en,ablest
an act of washing oneself.,en,ablutions
skilfully; competently.,en,ably
the action of renouncing or rejecting something.,en,abnegation
"deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.",en,abnormal
"an abnormal feature, characteristic, or occurrence.",en,abnormalities
"an abnormal feature, characteristic, or occurrence.",en,abnormality
in a manner that deviates from what is normal or usual; irregularly or extraordinarily.,en,abnormally
"on or into a ship, aircraft, train, or other vehicle.",en,aboard
archaic past of abide.,en,abode
a place of residence; a house or home.,en,abodes
"formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).",en,abolish
"formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).",en,abolished
"formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).",en,abolishes
"formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).",en,abolishing
"the action of abolishing a system, practice, or institution.",en,abolition
"a person who favours the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.",en,abolitionist
"a person who favours the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.",en,abolitionists
causing moral revulsion.,en,abominable
very unpleasantly or unfairly.,en,abominably
detest; loathe.,en,abominate
detest; loathe.,en,abominated
detest; loathe.,en,abominates
detest; loathe.,en,abominating
a thing that causes disgust or loathing.,en,abomination
a thing that causes disgust or loathing.,en,abominations
an aboriginal inhabitant of a place.,en,aboriginal
an aboriginal inhabitant of a place.,en,aboriginals
"a person, animal, or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times.",en,aborigine
"a person, animal, or plant that has been in a country or region from earliest times.",en,aborigines
"an act of aborting a flight, space mission, or other enterprise.",en,abort
carry out or undergo the abortion of (a fetus).,en,aborted
carry out or undergo the abortion of (a fetus).,en,aborting
"the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.",en,abortion
a person who carries out abortions.,en,abortionist
a person who carries out abortions.,en,abortionists
"the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.",en,abortions
failing to produce the intended result.,en,abortive
"an act of aborting a flight, space mission, or other enterprise.",en,aborts
exist in large numbers or amounts.,en,abound
exist in large numbers or amounts.,en,abounded
exist in large numbers or amounts.,en,abounding
exist in large numbers or amounts.,en,abounds
used to indicate movement within an area.,en,about
at a higher level or layer.,en,above
"in a legitimate, honest, and open way.",en,aboveboard
language used to give the impression of arcane knowledge or power.,en,abracadabra
scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.,en,abrade
scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.,en,abraded
scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.,en,abrades
scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.,en,abrading
the process of scraping or wearing something away.,en,abrasion
the process of scraping or wearing something away.,en,abrasions
"a substance used for grinding, polishing, or cleaning a hard surface.",en,abrasive
"a substance used for grinding, polishing, or cleaning a hard surface.",en,abrasives
side by side and facing the same way.,en,abreast
shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.,en,abridge
shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.,en,abridged
the action of abridging a text.,en,abridgement
the action of abridging a text.,en,abridgements
shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.,en,abridges
shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense.,en,abridging
the action of abridging a text.,en,abridgment
the action of abridging a text.,en,abridgments
foreign countries considered collectively.,en,abroad
"repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).",en,abrogate
"repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).",en,abrogated
"repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).",en,abrogates
"repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).",en,abrogating
"the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement.",en,abrogation
sudden and unexpected.,en,abrupt
suddenly and unexpectedly.,en,abruptly
"a swollen area within body tissue, containing an accumulation of pus.",en,abscess
"a swollen area within body tissue, containing an accumulation of pus.",en,abscesses
"leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest.",en,abscond
"leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest.",en,absconded
"leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest.",en,absconding
"leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest.",en,absconds
a descent made by abseiling.,en,abseil
descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled round the body and fixed at a higher point.,en,abseiled
descend a rock face or other near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled round the body and fixed at a higher point.,en,abseiling
a descent made by abseiling.,en,abseils
the state of being away from a place or person.,en,absence
the state of being away from a place or person.,en,absences
go away or remain away.,en,absent
go away or remain away.,en,absented
a person who is expected or required to be present at a place or event but is not.,en,absentee
the practice of regularly staying away from work or school without good reason.,en,absenteeism
a person who is expected or required to be present at a place or event but is not.,en,absentees
go away or remain away.,en,absenting
in an absent-minded way; vaguely.,en,absently
go away or remain away.,en,absents
"a potent green aniseed-flavoured alcoholic spirit, made with the shrub wormwood.",en,absinth
"a potent green aniseed-flavoured alcoholic spirit, made with the shrub wormwood.",en,absinthe
a value or principle which is regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things.,en,absolute
"with no qualification, restriction, or limitation; totally.",en,absolutely
a value or principle which is regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things.,en,absolutes
"formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment.",en,absolution
"the holding of absolute principles in political, philosophical, or theological matters.",en,absolutism
relating to or supporting absolute principles.,en,absolutist
"a person who holds absolute principles in political, philosophical, or theological matters.",en,absolutists
"declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.",en,absolve
"declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.",en,absolved
"declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.",en,absolves
"declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.",en,absolving
take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.,en,absorb
take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.,en,absorbed
a substance that soaks up liquid easily.,en,absorbent
take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.,en,absorbing
take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action.,en,absorbs
the process by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another.,en,absorption
restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.,en,abstain
restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.,en,abstained
restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.,en,abstaining
restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.,en,abstains
"indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink.",en,abstemious
an instance of declining to vote for or against a proposal or motion.,en,abstention
an instance of declining to vote for or against a proposal or motion.,en,abstentions
"the practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol or sex.",en,abstinence
"refraining from an activity or from the consumption of something, especially alcohol.",en,abstinent
"a summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech.",en,abstract
consider something theoretically or separately from (something else).,en,abstracted
consider something theoretically or separately from (something else).,en,abstracting
the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.,en,abstraction
the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.,en,abstractions
"a summary of the contents of a book, article, or speech.",en,abstracts
difficult to understand; obscure.,en,abstruse
an absurd state of affairs.,en,absurd
the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.,en,absurdities
the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.,en,absurdity
in an absurd way; ridiculously.,en,absurdly
a very large quantity of something.,en,abundance
existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.,en,abundant
in large quantities; plentifully.,en,abundantly
the improper use of something.,en,abuse
use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.,en,abused
a person who uses something to bad effect or for a bad purpose.,en,abuser
a person who uses something to bad effect or for a bad purpose.,en,abusers
the improper use of something.,en,abuses
use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.,en,abusing
extremely offensive and insulting.,en,abusive
(of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with.,en,abut
(of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with.,en,abuts
(of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with.,en,abutted
(of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with.,en,abutting
filled with a continuous humming sound.,en,abuzz
extremely bad; appalling.,en,abysmal
in an extremely bad way; appallingly.,en,abysmally
a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.,en,abyss
a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.,en,abysses
a tree or shrub of warm climates which bears spikes or clusters of yellow or white flowers and is typically thorny.,en,acacia
a tree or shrub of warm climates which bears spikes or clusters of yellow or white flowers and is typically thorny.,en,acacias
the academic environment or community; academia.,en,academe
"the environment or community concerned with the pursuit of research, education, and scholarship.",en,academia
a teacher or scholar in a university or other institute of higher education.,en,academic
in a way that relates to education and scholarship.,en,academically
"a member of an academy, especially the Royal Academy of Arts or the Académie française.",en,academician
"a member of an academy, especially the Royal Academy of Arts or the Académie française.",en,academicians
a teacher or scholar in a university or other institute of higher education.,en,academics
a place of study or training in a special field.,en,academies
a place of study or training in a special field.,en,academy
"agree to a demand, request, or treaty.",en,accede
"agree to a demand, request, or treaty.",en,acceded
"agree to a demand, request, or treaty.",en,accedes
"agree to a demand, request, or treaty.",en,acceding
(especially of a vehicle) begin to move more quickly.,en,accelerate
(especially of a vehicle) begin to move more quickly.,en,accelerated
(especially of a vehicle) begin to move more quickly.,en,accelerates
(especially of a vehicle) begin to move more quickly.,en,accelerating
"a vehicle's capacity to gain speed.",en,acceleration
a person or thing that causes something to happen or develop more quickly.,en,accelerator
a person or thing that causes something to happen or develop more quickly.,en,accelerators
emphasize (a particular feature).,en,accent
emphasize (a particular feature).,en,accented
emphasize (a particular feature).,en,accenting
emphasize (a particular feature).,en,accents
make more noticeable or prominent.,en,accentuate
make more noticeable or prominent.,en,accentuated
make more noticeable or prominent.,en,accentuates
make more noticeable or prominent.,en,accentuating
the action or fact of accentuating or of being accentuated.,en,accentuation
consent to receive or undertake (something offered).,en,accept
the quality of being tolerated or allowed.,en,acceptability
able to be agreed on; suitable.,en,acceptable
in an adequate or satisfactory way.,en,acceptably
the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.,en,acceptance
the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.,en,acceptances
consent to receive or undertake (something offered).,en,accepted
consent to receive or undertake (something offered).,en,accepting
consent to receive or undertake (something offered).,en,accepts
approach or enter (a place).,en,access
approach or enter (a place).,en,accessed
approach or enter (a place).,en,accesses
the quality of being able to be reached or entered.,en,accessibility
(of a place) able to be reached or entered.,en,accessible
approach or enter (a place).,en,accessing
"record the addition of (a new item) to a library, museum, or other collection.",en,accession
"record the addition of (a new item) to a library, museum, or other collection.",en,accessions
"a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive.",en,accessories
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorise
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorised
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorises
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorising
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorize
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorized
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorizes
"decorate or augment (something, especially a garment) with a fashion accessory.",en,accessorizing
contributing to or aiding an activity or process in a minor way; subsidiary or supplementary.,en,accessory
"an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.",en,accident
a sign indicating a momentary departure from the key signature by raising or lowering a note.,en,accidental
by chance; inadvertently.,en,accidentally
"an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.",en,accidents
enthusiastic and public praise.,en,acclaim
praise enthusiastically and publicly.,en,acclaimed
praise enthusiastically and publicly.,en,acclaiming
praise enthusiastically and publicly.,en,acclaims
loud and enthusiastic approval.,en,acclamation
the process or result of becoming accustomed to a new climate or to new conditions.,en,acclimatisation
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatise
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatised
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatises
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatising
the process or result of becoming accustomed to a new climate or to new conditions.,en,acclimatization
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatize
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatized
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatizes
become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions; adjust.,en,acclimatizing
an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.,en,accolade
an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.,en,accolades
(of a building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for.,en,accommodate
(of a building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for.,en,accommodated
(of a building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for.,en,accommodates
(of a building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for.,en,accommodating
"a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.",en,accommodation
"a room, group of rooms, or building in which someone may live or stay.",en,accommodations
go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.,en,accompanied
go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.,en,accompanies
"a musical part which supports or partners an instrument, voice, or group.",en,accompaniment
"a musical part which supports or partners an instrument, voice, or group.",en,accompaniments
a person who provides a musical accompaniment to another musician or to a singer.,en,accompanist
a person who provides a musical accompaniment to another musician or to a singer.,en,accompanists
go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.,en,accompany
go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.,en,accompanying
a person who helps another commit a crime.,en,accomplice
a person who helps another commit a crime.,en,accomplices
achieve or complete successfully.,en,accomplish
achieve or complete successfully.,en,accomplished
achieve or complete successfully.,en,accomplishes
achieve or complete successfully.,en,accomplishing
something that has been achieved successfully.,en,accomplishment
something that has been achieved successfully.,en,accomplishments
an official agreement or treaty.,en,accord
"give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).",en,accorded
"give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).",en,according
in a way that is appropriate to the particular circumstances.,en,accordingly
"a musical instrument played by stretching and squeezing with the hands to work a central bellows that blows air over metal reeds, the melody and chords being sounded by buttons or keys.",en,accordion
"a musical instrument played by stretching and squeezing with the hands to work a central bellows that blows air over metal reeds, the melody and chords being sounded by buttons or keys.",en,accordions
an official agreement or treaty.,en,accords
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.,en,accost
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.,en,accosted
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.,en,accosting
approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively.,en,accosts
consider or regard in a specified way.,en,account
the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.,en,accountability
required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible.,en,accountable
the profession or duties of an accountant.,en,accountancy
"a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial accounts.",en,accountant
"a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial accounts.",en,accountants
consider or regard in a specified way.,en,accounted
consider or regard in a specified way.,en,accounting
consider or regard in a specified way.,en,accounts
an additional item of dress or equipment.,en,accouterments
an additional item of dress or equipment.,en,accoutrements
give credit to (someone) for something.,en,accredit
the action or process of officially recognizing someone as having a particular status or being qualified to perform a particular activity.,en,accreditation
give credit to (someone) for something.,en,accredited
give credit to (someone) for something.,en,accrediting
give credit to (someone) for something.,en,accredits
growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.,en,accretion
growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.,en,accretions
"the accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefits.",en,accrual
"the accumulation or increase of something over time, especially payments or benefits.",en,accruals
(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.,en,accrue
(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.,en,accrued
(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.,en,accrues
(of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.,en,accruing
gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.,en,accumulate
gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.,en,accumulated
gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.,en,accumulates
gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.,en,accumulating
the acquisition or gradual gathering of something.,en,accumulation
the acquisition or gradual gathering of something.,en,accumulations
gathering or growing by gradual increases.,en,accumulative
a person or thing that accumulates something.,en,accumulator
a person or thing that accumulates something.,en,accumulators
the quality or state of being correct or precise.,en,accuracy
"(especially of information, measurements, or predictions) correct in all details; exact.",en,accurate
in a way that is correct in all details; exactly.,en,accurately
put a curse on; curse.,en,accursed
a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.,en,accusation
a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.,en,accusations
a word in the accusative case.,en,accusative
a word in the accusative case.,en,accusatives
indicating or suggesting that one believes a person has done something wrong.,en,accusatory
charge (someone) with an offence or crime.,en,accuse
charge (someone) with an offence or crime.,en,accused
a person who claims that someone has committed an offence or done something wrong.,en,accuser
a person who claims that someone has committed an offence or done something wrong.,en,accusers
charge (someone) with an offence or crime.,en,accuses
charge (someone) with an offence or crime.,en,accusing
make someone or something accept (something) as normal or usual.,en,accustom
make someone or something accept (something) as normal or usual.,en,accustomed
make someone or something accept (something) as normal or usual.,en,accustoming
make someone or something accept (something) as normal or usual.,en,accustoms
(in tennis and similar games) serve an ace against (an opponent).,en,ace
(especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright.,en,acerbic
sharpness and directness in speech.,en,acerbity
(in tennis and similar games) serve an ace against (an opponent).,en,aces
an analgesic drug used to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever; paracetamol.,en,acetaminophen
"a salt or ester of acetic acid, containing the anion CH3COO− or the group —OOCCH3.",en,acetate
"a colourless volatile liquid ketone made by oxidizing isopropanol, used as an organic solvent and synthetic reagent.",en,acetone
"a colourless pungent-smelling hydrocarbon gas, which burns with a bright flame, used in welding and formerly in lighting.",en,acetylene
suffer from a continuous dull pain.,en,ache
suffer from a continuous dull pain.,en,ached
suffer from a continuous dull pain.,en,aches
able to be brought about or reached successfully.,en,achievable
"successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.",en,achieve
"successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.",en,achieved
"a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.",en,achievement
"a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage.",en,achievements
a person who achieves a high or specified level of success.,en,achiever
a person who achieves a high or specified level of success.,en,achievers
"successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.",en,achieves
"successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage.",en,achieving
suffer from a continuous dull pain.,en,aching
in a way that arouses or expresses intense sorrow or longing.,en,achingly
suffering from continuous dull pain.,en,achy
containing acid or having the properties of an acid; having a pH of less than 7.,en,acid
"having the properties of an acid, or containing acid; having a pH below 7.",en,acidic
make or become acid.,en,acidified
make or become acid.,en,acidifies
make or become acid.,en,acidify
make or become acid.,en,acidifying
"the level of acid in substances such as water, soil, or wine.",en,acidity
with bitterness or sarcasm.,en,acidly
"a substance with particular chemical properties including turning litmus red, neutralizing alkalis, and dissolving some metals; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind.",en,acids
accept or admit the existence or truth of.,en,acknowledge
accept or admit the existence or truth of.,en,acknowledged
acceptance of the truth or existence of something.,en,acknowledgement
acceptance of the truth or existence of something.,en,acknowledgements
accept or admit the existence or truth of.,en,acknowledges
accept or admit the existence or truth of.,en,acknowledging
acceptance of the truth or existence of something.,en,acknowledgment
acceptance of the truth or existence of something.,en,acknowledgments
the point at which something is at its best or most highly developed.,en,acme
"a skin condition characterized by red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents.",en,acne
a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.,en,acolyte
a person assisting a priest in a religious service or procession.,en,acolytes
"the fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base.",en,acorn
"the fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base.",en,acorns
the properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it.,en,acoustic
the properties or qualities of a room or building that determine how sound is transmitted in it.,en,acoustics
make someone aware of or familiar with.,en,acquaint
knowledge or experience of something.,en,acquaintance
knowledge or experience of something.,en,acquaintances
make someone aware of or familiar with.,en,acquainted
make someone aware of or familiar with.,en,acquainting
make someone aware of or familiar with.,en,acquaints
accept something reluctantly but without protest.,en,acquiesce
accept something reluctantly but without protest.,en,acquiesced
the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.,en,acquiescence
"ready to accept something without protest, or to do what someone else wants.",en,acquiescent
accept something reluctantly but without protest.,en,acquiesces
accept something reluctantly but without protest.,en,acquiescing
buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.,en,acquire
buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.,en,acquired
"a person, or company that acquires something.",en,acquirer
"a person, or company that acquires something.",en,acquirers
buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.,en,acquires
buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.,en,acquiring
"an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum.",en,acquisition
"an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum.",en,acquisitions
excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.,en,acquisitive
excessive interest in acquiring money or material things.,en,acquisitiveness
free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.,en,acquit
free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.,en,acquits
a judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.,en,acquittal
a judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.,en,acquittals
free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.,en,acquitted
free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.,en,acquitting
"a unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare).",en,acre
"an area of land, typically when used for agricultural purposes, but not necessarily measured in acres.",en,acreage
"an area of land, typically when used for agricultural purposes, but not necessarily measured in acres.",en,acreages
"a unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare).",en,acres
unpleasantly bitter or pungent.,en,acrid
(typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.,en,acrimonious
bitterness or ill feeling.,en,acrimony
an entertainer who performs spectacular gymnastic feats.,en,acrobat
"performing, involving, or adept at spectacular gymnastic feats.",en,acrobatic
spectacular gymnastic feats.,en,acrobatics
an entertainer who performs spectacular gymnastic feats.,en,acrobats
"an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).",en,acronym
"an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).",en,acronyms
"from one side to the other of a place, area, etc.",en,across
"a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words.",en,acrostic
"a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words.",en,acrostics
an acrylic textile fibre.,en,acrylic
an acrylic textile fibre.,en,acrylics
a thing done; a deed.,en,act
take action; do something.,en,acted
take action; do something.,en,acting
take action on; deal with.,en,action
giving sufficient reason to take legal action.,en,actionable
take action on; deal with.,en,actions
make (something) active or operative.,en,activate
make (something) active or operative.,en,activated
make (something) active or operative.,en,activates
make (something) active or operative.,en,activating
the action or process of making something active or operative.,en,activation
an active form of a verb.,en,active
in a deliberate and positive way.,en,actively
the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change.,en,activism
campaigning to bring about political or social change.,en,activist
a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.,en,activists
the condition in which things are happening or being done.,en,activities
the condition in which things are happening or being done.,en,activity
"a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.",en,actor
a person who practises acupuncture.,en,acupuncturists
short for acute accent.,en,acute
(with reference to something unpleasant or unwelcome) intensely.,en,acutely
short for advantage.,en,ad
a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.,en,adage
a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.,en,adages
"a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed adagio.",en,adagio
"a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed adagio.",en,adagios
"a legendary rock or mineral to which many properties were attributed, formerly associated with diamond or lodestone.",en,adamant
"in a way that suggests one will not be persuaded to change one's mind; firmly and resolutely.",en,adamantly
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.,en,adapt
the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions.,en,adaptability
able to adjust to new conditions.,en,adaptable
the action or process of adapting or being adapted.,en,adaptation
the action or process of adapting or being adapted.,en,adaptations
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.,en,adapted
a device for connecting pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly.,en,adapter
a device for connecting pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly.,en,adapters
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.,en,adapting
another term for adaptation.,en,adaption
another term for adaptation.,en,adaptions
characterized by or given to adaptation.,en,adaptive
a device for connecting pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly.,en,adaptor
a device for connecting pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly.,en,adaptors
make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.,en,adapts
"any of a range of behavioural disorders occurring primarily in children, including such symptoms as poor concentration, hyperactivity, and learning difficulties.",en,add
"join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.",en,added
an item of additional material added at the end of a book or other publication.,en,addenda
an item of additional material added at the end of a book or other publication.,en,addendum
"a unit which adds together two input variables. A full adder can add a bit carried from another addition as well as the two inputs, whereas a half adder can only add the inputs together.",en,adder
"a unit which adds together two input variables. A full adder can add a bit carried from another addition as well as the two inputs, whereas a half adder can only add the inputs together.",en,adders
"a person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug.",en,addict
physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance.,en,addicted
the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.,en,addiction
the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity.,en,addictions
(of a substance or activity) causing or likely to cause someone to become addicted.,en,addictive
"a person who is addicted to a particular substance, typically an illegal drug.",en,addicts
"join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.",en,adding
the action or process of adding something to something else.,en,addition
"added, extra, or supplementary to what is already present or available.",en,additional
as an extra factor or circumstance.,en,additionally
the action or process of adding something to something else.,en,additions
"characterized by, relating to, or produced by addition.",en,additive
a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it.,en,additives
(of an egg) rotten.,en,addle
make (someone) unable to think clearly; confuse.,en,addled
make (someone) unable to think clearly; confuse.,en,addles
make (someone) unable to think clearly; confuse.,en,addling
"write the name and address of the intended recipient on (an envelope, letter, or parcel).",en,address
"write the name and address of the intended recipient on (an envelope, letter, or parcel).",en,addressed
the person to whom something is addressed.,en,addressee
the person to whom something is addressed.,en,addressees
"write the name and address of the intended recipient on (an envelope, letter, or parcel).",en,addresses
"write the name and address of the intended recipient on (an envelope, letter, or parcel).",en,addressing
"join (something) to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.",en,adds
cite as evidence.,en,adduce
cite as evidence.,en,adduced
cite as evidence.,en,adduces
cite as evidence.,en,adducing
"a mass of enlarged lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and the throat, often hindering speaking and breathing in young children.",en,adenoids
a person who is skilled or proficient at something.,en,adept
a person who is skilled or proficient at something.,en,adepts
the state or quality of being adequate.,en,adequacy
satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity.,en,adequate
to a satisfactory or acceptable extent.,en,adequately
stick fast to (a surface or substance).,en,adhere
stick fast to (a surface or substance).,en,adhered
"attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief.",en,adherence
sticking fast to an object or surface.,en,adherent
"someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas.",en,adherents
stick fast to (a surface or substance).,en,adheres
stick fast to (a surface or substance).,en,adhering
the action or process of adhering to a surface or object.,en,adhesion
a substance used for sticking objects or materials together; glue.,en,adhesive
a substance used for sticking objects or materials together; glue.,en,adhesives
a goodbye.,en,adieu
a goodbye.,en,adieus
a goodbye.,en,adieux
(especially of body tissue) used for the storage of fat.,en,adipose
next to or adjoining something else.,en,adjacent
relating to or functioning as an adjective.,en,adjectival
"a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical.",en,adjective
"a word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical.",en,adjectives
"be next to and joined with (a building, room, or piece of land).",en,adjoin
"be next to and joined with (a building, room, or piece of land).",en,adjoined
"be next to and joined with (a building, room, or piece of land).",en,adjoining
"be next to and joined with (a building, room, or piece of land).",en,adjoins
"break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later.",en,adjourn
"break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later.",en,adjourned
"break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later.",en,adjourning
an act or period of adjourning or being adjourned.,en,adjournment
an act or period of adjourning or being adjourned.,en,adjournments
"break off (a meeting, legal case, or game) with the intention of resuming it later.",en,adjourns
consider or declare to be true or the case.,en,adjudge
consider or declare to be true or the case.,en,adjudged
consider or declare to be true or the case.,en,adjudges
consider or declare to be true or the case.,en,adjudging
make a formal judgement on a disputed matter.,en,adjudicate
make a formal judgement on a disputed matter.,en,adjudicated
make a formal judgement on a disputed matter.,en,adjudicates
make a formal judgement on a disputed matter.,en,adjudicating
the action or process of adjudicating.,en,adjudication
the action or process of adjudicating.,en,adjudications
a person who adjudicates.,en,adjudicator
a person who adjudicates.,en,adjudicators
connected or added to something.,en,adjunct
a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.,en,adjuncts
urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something.,en,adjure
urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something.,en,adjured
urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something.,en,adjures
urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something.,en,adjuring
"alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.",en,adjust
able to be adjusted.,en,adjustable
"alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.",en,adjusted
"alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.",en,adjusting
"a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.",en,adjustment
"a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.",en,adjustments
"alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.",en,adjusts
a military officer who acts as an administrative assistant to a senior officer.,en,adjutant
a military officer who acts as an administrative assistant to a senior officer.,en,adjutants
a person who works in advertising.,en,adman
a person who works in advertising.,en,admen
"the administration of a business, organization, etc.",en,admin
"manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.).",en,administer
"manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.).",en,administered
"manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.).",en,administering
"manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization, etc.).",en,administers
"the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc.",en,administration
the management of public affairs; government.,en,administrations
"relating to the running of a business, organization, etc.",en,administrative
"in a way that relates to the running of a business, organization, etc.",en,administratively
a person responsible for carrying out the administration of a business or organization.,en,administrator
a person responsible for carrying out the administration of a business or organization.,en,administrators
arousing or deserving respect and approval.,en,admirable
in a way that arouses or deserves respect and approval.,en,admirably
the most senior commander of a fleet or navy.,en,admiral
the most senior commander of a fleet or navy.,en,admirals
respect and warm approval.,en,admiration
regard with respect or warm approval.,en,admire
regard with respect or warm approval.,en,admired
a person who has a particular regard for someone or something.,en,admirer
a person who has a particular regard for someone or something.,en,admirers
regard with respect or warm approval.,en,admires
regard with respect or warm approval.,en,admiring
in a way that shows respect or warm approval.,en,admiringly
"the quality of being acceptable or valid, especially as evidence in a court of law.",en,admissibility
"acceptable or valid, especially as evidence in a court of law.",en,admissible
a statement acknowledging the truth of something.,en,admission
a statement acknowledging the truth of something.,en,admissions
confess to be true or to be the case.,en,admit
confess to be true or to be the case.,en,admits
the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or institution.,en,admittance
confess to be true or to be the case.,en,admitted
used to express a concession or recognition that something is the case.,en,admittedly
confess to be true or to be the case.,en,admitting
a mixture.,en,admixture
a mixture.,en,admixtures
warn or reprimand someone firmly.,en,admonish
warn or reprimand someone firmly.,en,admonished
warn or reprimand someone firmly.,en,admonishes
warn or reprimand someone firmly.,en,admonishing
a firm warning or reprimand.,en,admonishment
a firm warning or reprimand.,en,admonishments
a firm warning or reprimand.,en,admonition
a firm warning or reprimand.,en,admonitions
giving or conveying a warning or reprimand.,en,admonitory
a kind of clay used as a building material.,en,adobe
the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult.,en,adolescence
an adolescent boy or girl.,en,adolescent
an adolescent boy or girl.,en,adolescents
"legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own.",en,adopt
"legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own.",en,adopted
"legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own.",en,adopting
"the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted.",en,adoption
"the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted.",en,adoptions
(of a child or parent) in that relationship by adoption.,en,adoptive
"legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own.",en,adopts
inspiring great affection or delight.,en,adorable
deep love and respect.,en,adoration
love and respect (someone) deeply.,en,adore
love and respect (someone) deeply.,en,adored
love and respect (someone) deeply.,en,adores
love and respect (someone) deeply.,en,adoring
make more beautiful or attractive.,en,adorn
make more beautiful or attractive.,en,adorned
make more beautiful or attractive.,en,adorning
a thing which adorns or decorates; an ornament.,en,adornment
a thing which adorns or decorates; an ornament.,en,adornments
make more beautiful or attractive.,en,adorns
an adrenal gland.,en,adrenal
"a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that increases rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and prepares muscles for exertion.",en,adrenalin
"a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that increases rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and prepares muscles for exertion.",en,adrenaline
floating without being either moored or steered.,en,adrift
clever or skilful.,en,adroit
in a clever or skilful way.,en,adroitly
cleverness or skill.,en,adroitness
short for advantage.,en,ads
excessive admiration or praise.,en,adulation
excessively praising or admiring.,en,adulatory
"behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks.",en,adult
not pure or genuine.,en,adulterate
render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance.,en,adulterated
render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance.,en,adulterates
render (something) poorer in quality by adding another substance.,en,adulterating
the action of making something poorer in quality by the addition of another substance.,en,adulteration
a person who commits adultery.,en,adulterer
a person who commits adultery.,en,adulterers
a woman who commits adultery.,en,adulteress
a woman who commits adultery.,en,adulteresses
of or involving adultery.,en,adulterous
voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse.,en,adultery
the state or condition of being fully grown or mature.,en,adulthood
"behave in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially by accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks.",en,adults
represent in outline.,en,adumbrate
represent in outline.,en,adumbrated
represent in outline.,en,adumbrates
represent in outline.,en,adumbrating
"done, sent, or supplied beforehand.",en,advance
move forwards in a purposeful way.,en,advanced
the process of promoting a cause or plan.,en,advancement
the process of promoting a cause or plan.,en,advancements
a forward movement.,en,advances
move forwards in a purposeful way.,en,advancing
put in a favourable or superior position.,en,advantage
put in a favourable or superior position.,en,advantaged
involving or creating favourable circumstances that increase the chances of success or effectiveness; beneficial.,en,advantageous
put in a favourable or superior position.,en,advantages
the arrival of a notable person or thing.,en,advent
happening as a result of an external factor or chance rather than design or inherent nature.,en,adventitious
engage in daring or risky activity.,en,adventure
a person who enjoys or seeks adventure.,en,adventurer
a person who enjoys or seeks adventure.,en,adventurers
engage in daring or risky activity.,en,adventures
given to adventures or to running risks; adventurous.,en,adventuresome
the willingness to take risks in business or politics; actions or attitudes regarded as reckless or potentially hazardous.,en,adventurism
"willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences.",en,adventurous
"a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite, then, there ).",en,adverb
relating to or functioning as an adverb or adverbial.,en,adverbial
"a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite, then, there ).",en,adverbs
involving or characterized by conflict or opposition.,en,adversarial
"one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.",en,adversaries
another term for adversarial.,en,adversary
preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable.,en,adverse
in a way that prevents success or development; harmfully or unfavourably.,en,adversely
a difficult or unpleasant situation.,en,adversities
a difficult or unpleasant situation.,en,adversity
refer to in speaking or writing.,en,advert
"describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.",en,advertise
"describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.",en,advertised
"a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.",en,advertisement
"a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.",en,advertisements
"a person or company that advertises a product, service, or event.",en,advertiser
"a person or company that advertises a product, service, or event.",en,advertisers
"describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.",en,advertises
"describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.",en,advertising
a newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article.,en,advertorial
a newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article.,en,advertorials
refer to in speaking or writing.,en,adverts
guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.,en,advice
the quality of being advisable or sensible; wisdom.,en,advisability
(of a course of action) to be recommended; sensible.,en,advisable
offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone.,en,advise
offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone.,en,advised
deliberately and after consideration.,en,advisedly
a person who gives advice in a particular field.,en,adviser
a person who gives advice in a particular field.,en,advisers
offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone.,en,advises
offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone.,en,advising
a person who gives advice in a particular field.,en,advisor
an official announcement or warning.,en,advisories
a person who gives advice in a particular field.,en,advisors
an official announcement or warning.,en,advisory
public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.,en,advocacy
publicly recommend or support.,en,advocate
publicly recommend or support.,en,advocated
publicly recommend or support.,en,advocates
publicly recommend or support.,en,advocating
cut away the surface of (a piece of wood) with an adze.,en,adz
cut away the surface of (a piece of wood) with an adze.,en,adze
cut away the surface of (a piece of wood) with an adze.,en,adzes
an indefinite and very long period of time.,en,aeon
an indefinite and very long period of time.,en,aeons
introduce air into (a material).,en,aerate
introduce air into (a material).,en,aerated
introduce air into (a material).,en,aerates
introduce air into (a material).,en,aerating
the introduction of air into a material.,en,aeration
"a rod, wire, or other structure by which signals are transmitted or received as part of a radio or television transmission or receiving system.",en,aerial
"a rod, wire, or other structure by which signals are transmitted or received as part of a radio or television transmission or receiving system.",en,aerials
"a large nest of an eagle or other bird of prey, built high in a tree or on a cliff.",en,aerie
"a large nest of an eagle or other bird of prey, built high in a tree or on a cliff.",en,aeries
"loops, rolls, and other feats of spectacular flying performed in one or more aircraft to entertain an audience on the ground.",en,aerobatics
"relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen.",en,aerobic
vigorous exercises designed to increase cardiovascular efficiency.,en,aerobics
a small airport or airfield.,en,aerodrome
a small airport or airfield.,en,aerodromes
relating to aerodynamics.,en,aerodynamic
the study of the properties of moving air and the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it.,en,aerodynamics
another term for air letter.,en,aerogram
another term for air letter.,en,aerogramme
another term for air letter.,en,aerogrammes
another term for air letter.,en,aerograms
relating to the science or practice of building or flying aircraft.,en,aeronautic
relating to the science or practice of building or flying aircraft.,en,aeronautical
the science or practice of building or flying aircraft.,en,aeronautics
a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.,en,aeroplane
a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.,en,aeroplanes
a substance enclosed under pressure and released as a fine spray by means of a propellant gas.,en,aerosol
a substance enclosed under pressure and released as a fine spray by means of a propellant gas.,en,aerosols
the branch of technology and industry concerned with both aviation and space flight.,en,aerospace
a person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty.,en,aesthete
a person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty.,en,aesthetes
a set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.,en,aesthetic
in a way that gives pleasure through beauty.,en,aesthetically
a set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.,en,aesthetics
"the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.",en,aetiology
relating to the Afar or their language.,en,afar
the quality of having a friendly and good-natured manner.,en,affability
"friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.",en,affable
an event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to.,en,affair
an event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to.,en,affairs
emotion or desire as influencing behaviour.,en,affect
"behaviour, speech, or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress.",en,affectation
"behaviour, speech, or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress.",en,affectations
pretend to have or feel (something).,en,affected
"in a way that is artificial, pretentious, and designed to impress.",en,affectedly
pretend to have or feel (something).,en,affecting
a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.,en,affection
readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness.,en,affectionate
in a way that displays fondness or tenderness.,en,affectionately
a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.,en,affections
pretend to have or feel (something).,en,affects
"a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.",en,affidavit
"a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.",en,affidavits
a person or organization officially attached to a larger body.,en,affiliate
officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization.,en,affiliated
a person or organization officially attached to a larger body.,en,affiliates
officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization.,en,affiliating
the state or process of affiliating or being affiliated.,en,affiliation
the state or process of affiliating or being affiliated.,en,affiliations
a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something.,en,affinities
a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something.,en,affinity
state emphatically or publicly.,en,affirm
the action or process of affirming something.,en,affirmation
the action or process of affirming something.,en,affirmations
a statement of agreement with or consent to an assertion or request.,en,affirmative
in a way that expresses approval or agreement.,en,affirmatively
a statement of agreement with or consent to an assertion or request.,en,affirmatives
state emphatically or publicly.,en,affirmed
state emphatically or publicly.,en,affirming
state emphatically or publicly.,en,affirms
an addition to the base form or stem of a word in order to modify its meaning or create a new word.,en,affix
"stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else.",en,affixed
an addition to the base form or stem of a word in order to modify its meaning or create a new word.,en,affixes
"stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else.",en,affixing
(of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.,en,afflict
(of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.,en,afflicted
(of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.,en,afflicting
a cause of pain or harm.,en,affliction
a cause of pain or harm.,en,afflictions
(of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely.,en,afflicts
the state of having a great deal of money; wealth.,en,affluence
a tributary stream.,en,affluent
have enough money to pay for.,en,afford
ability to be afforded; inexpensiveness.,en,affordability
inexpensive; reasonably priced.,en,affordable
have enough money to pay for.,en,afforded
have enough money to pay for.,en,affording
have enough money to pay for.,en,affords
"convert (land) into forest, especially for commercial exploitation.",en,afforest
"convert (land) into forest, especially for commercial exploitation.",en,afforested
"convert (land) into forest, especially for commercial exploitation.",en,afforesting
"convert (land) into forest, especially for commercial exploitation.",en,afforests
an instance of group fighting in a public place that disturbs the peace.,en,affray
an instance of group fighting in a public place that disturbs the peace.,en,affrays
offend the modesty or values of.,en,affront
offend the modesty or values of.,en,affronted
offend the modesty or values of.,en,affronting
offend the modesty or values of.,en,affronts
"a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime.",en,aficionado
"a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime.",en,aficionados
on fire; burning.,en,afire
in flames; burning.,en,aflame
floating in water; not sinking.,en,afloat
in preparation or progress; happening or beginning to happen.,en,afoot
denoting a thing or person previously mentioned.,en,aforementioned
another term for aforementioned.,en,aforesaid
feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.,en,afraid
in a new or different way.,en,afresh
"situated at, near, or towards the stern of a ship or tail of an aircraft.",en,aft
the placenta and fetal membranes discharged from the uterus after the birth of offspring.,en,afterbirth
care of a patient after a stay in hospital or of a person on release from prison.,en,aftercare
an effect that follows after the primary action of something.,en,aftereffect
an effect that follows after the primary action of something.,en,aftereffects
light or radiance remaining in the sky after the sun has set.,en,afterglow
light or radiance remaining in the sky after the sun has set.,en,afterglows
(in some religions) life after death.,en,afterlife
the consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event.,en,aftermath
in the afternoon; every afternoon.,en,afternoon
the time from noon or lunchtime to evening.,en,afternoons
the sweet course following the main course of a meal; pudding.,en,afters
an astringent scented lotion for applying to the skin after shaving.,en,aftershave
an astringent scented lotion for applying to the skin after shaving.,en,aftershaves
a smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquake.,en,aftershock
a smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquake.,en,aftershocks
a taste remaining in the mouth after eating or drinking something.,en,aftertaste
a taste remaining in the mouth after eating or drinking something.,en,aftertastes
something that is thought of or added later.,en,afterthought
something that is thought of or added later.,en,afterthoughts
at a later or future time.,en,afterward
at a later or future time.,en,afterwards
a concluding section in a book.,en,afterword
a concluding section in a book.,en,afterwords
another time; once more.,en,again
"Christian love, as distinct from erotic love or simple affection.",en,agape
"an ornamental stone consisting of a hard variety of chalcedony (quartz), typically banded in appearance.",en,agate
"an ornamental stone consisting of a hard variety of chalcedony (quartz), typically banded in appearance.",en,agates
grow old or older.,en,age
grow old or older.,en,aged
grow old or older.,en,ageing
"prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.",en,ageism
a person with ageist views.,en,ageist
a person with ageist views.,en,ageists
never looking old or appearing to grow old.,en,ageless
"a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.",en,agencies
"a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another business, person, or group.",en,agency
a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.,en,agenda
a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.,en,agendas
a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.,en,agent
(of a person) growing old; elderly.,en,aging
"prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.",en,agism
make (someone) troubled or nervous.,en,agitate
make (someone) troubled or nervous.,en,agitated
make (someone) troubled or nervous.,en,agitates
make (someone) troubled or nervous.,en,agitating
a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.,en,agitation
a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.,en,agitations
a person who urges others to protest or rebel.,en,agitator
a person who urges others to protest or rebel.,en,agitators
"political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature.",en,agitprop
relating to agnostics or agnosticism.,en,agnostic
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.,en,agnostics
before the present; earlier (used with a measurement of time).,en,ago
very eager or curious to hear or see something.,en,agog
extreme physical or mental suffering.,en,agonies
undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.,en,agonise
"manifesting, suffering, or characterized by great physical or mental pain.",en,agonised
undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.,en,agonises
causing great physical or mental pain.,en,agonising
undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.,en,agonize
undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.,en,agonized
undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.,en,agonizes
undergo great mental anguish through worrying about something.,en,agonizing
extreme physical or mental suffering.,en,agony
"extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult.",en,agoraphobia
"a person with an extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving their own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult.",en,agoraphobic
"a person with an extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving their own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult.",en,agoraphobics
a person who advocates a redistribution of landed property.,en,agrarian
have the same opinion about something; concur.,en,agree
quite enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant.,en,agreeable
have the same opinion about something; concur.,en,agreed
have the same opinion about something; concur.,en,agreeing
harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling.,en,agreement
harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling.,en,agreements
have the same opinion about something; concur.,en,agrees
agriculture conducted on strictly commercial principles.,en,agribusiness
agriculture conducted on strictly commercial principles.,en,agribusinesses
relating to agriculture.,en,agricultural
"the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.",en,agriculture
an expert in the science of soil management and crop production.,en,agronomist
an expert in the science of soil management and crop production.,en,agronomists
the science of soil management and crop production.,en,agronomy
(with reference to a ship) on or on to the ground under shallow water.,en,aground
short for alpha-hydroxy acid.,en,aha
"further forward in space; in the line of one's forward motion.",en,ahead
help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something.,en,aid
"an assistant to an important person, especially a political leader.",en,aide
help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something.,en,aided
"an assistant to an important person, especially a political leader.",en,aides
help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something.,en,aiding
help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something.,en,aids
trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body.,en,ail
trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body.,en,ailed
"a hinged surface in the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used to control roll around the longitudinal axis.",en,aileron
"a hinged surface in the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used to control roll around the longitudinal axis.",en,ailerons
trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body.,en,ailing
"an illness, typically a minor one.",en,ailment
"an illness, typically a minor one.",en,ailments
trouble or afflict (someone) in mind or body.,en,ails
a purpose or intention; a desired outcome.,en,aim
point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target.,en,aimed
point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target.,en,aiming
without purpose or direction.,en,aimless
without purpose or direction.,en,aimlessly
a purpose or intention; a desired outcome.,en,aims
express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.,en,air
"a safety device fitted inside a road vehicle, consisting of a cushion designed to inflate rapidly and protect passengers from impact in the event of a collision.",en,airbag
"a safety device fitted inside a road vehicle, consisting of a cushion designed to inflate rapidly and protect passengers from impact in the event of a collision.",en,airbags
a base for the operation of military aircraft.,en,airbase
a base for the operation of military aircraft.,en,airbases
an inflatable mattress.,en,airbed
an inflatable mattress.,en,airbeds
transported by air.,en,airborne
paint with an airbrush.,en,airbrush
paint with an airbrush.,en,airbrushed
paint with an airbrush.,en,airbrushes
paint with an airbrush.,en,airbrushing
"an aeroplane, helicopter, or other machine capable of flight.",en,aircraft
"a man who holds the lowest rank in the RAF, below leading aircraftman.",en,aircraftman
"a man who holds the lowest rank in the RAF, below leading aircraftman.",en,aircraftmen
the crew staffing an aircraft.,en,aircrew
the crew staffing an aircraft.,en,aircrews
a small airport or airfield; an aerodrome.,en,airdrome
a small airport or airfield; an aerodrome.,en,airdromes
"drop (supplies, troops, etc.) by parachute.",en,airdrop
"drop (supplies, troops, etc.) by parachute.",en,airdrops
express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.,en,aired
the price to be paid by an aircraft passenger for a particular journey.,en,airfare
the price to be paid by an aircraft passenger for a particular journey.,en,airfares
"an area of land set aside for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of aircraft.",en,airfield
"an area of land set aside for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of aircraft.",en,airfields
"the flow of air, especially that encountered by a moving aircraft or vehicle.",en,airflow
a gun which fires pellets using compressed air.,en,airgun
a gun which fires pellets using compressed air.,en,airguns
a silly or foolish person.,en,airhead
a silly or foolish person.,en,airheads
"(of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated.",en,airier
"(of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated.",en,airiest
in a way that shows that one is not treating something as serious; casually.,en,airily
express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.,en,airing
"an exposure to warm or fresh air, for the purpose of ventilating or removing dampness from something.",en,airings
stuffy; not ventilated.,en,airless
transport (troops or supplies) by aircraft.,en,airlift
transport (troops or supplies) by aircraft.,en,airlifted
transport (troops or supplies) by aircraft.,en,airlifting
transport (troops or supplies) by aircraft.,en,airlifts
an organization providing a regular public service of air transport on one or more routes.,en,airline
a large passenger aircraft.,en,airliner
a large passenger aircraft.,en,airliners
an organization providing a regular public service of air transport on one or more routes.,en,airlines
"a stoppage of the flow in a pump or pipe, caused by an air bubble.",en,airlock
"a stoppage of the flow in a pump or pipe, caused by an air bubble.",en,airlocks
send (mail) by aircraft.,en,airmail
"a pilot or member of the crew of an aircraft, especially in an air force.",en,airman
"a pilot or member of the crew of an aircraft, especially in an air force.",en,airmen
a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces; an aeroplane.,en,airplane
a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces; an aeroplane.,en,airplanes
"broadcasting time devoted to a particular record, performer, or musical genre.",en,airplay
"a complex of runways and buildings for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers.",en,airport
"a complex of runways and buildings for the take-off, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers.",en,airports
express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.,en,airs
"a power-driven aircraft that is kept buoyant by a body of gas (usually helium, formerly hydrogen) which is lighter than air.",en,airship
"a power-driven aircraft that is kept buoyant by a body of gas (usually helium, formerly hydrogen) which is lighter than air.",en,airships
a show at which aircraft perform aerial displays.,en,airshow
a show at which aircraft perform aerial displays.,en,airshows
affected with nausea due to travel in an aircraft.,en,airsick
"the air available to aircraft to fly in, especially the part subject to the jurisdiction of a particular country.",en,airspace
the speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving.,en,airspeed
an attack made by aircraft.,en,airstrike
an attack made by aircraft.,en,airstrikes
a strip of ground set aside for the take-off and landing of aircraft.,en,airstrip
a strip of ground set aside for the take-off and landing of aircraft.,en,airstrips
not allowing air to escape or pass through.,en,airtight
time during which a broadcast is being transmitted.,en,airtime
the radio frequencies used for broadcasting.,en,airwaves
"the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs.",en,airway
"the passage by which air reaches a person's lungs.",en,airways
"a female pilot or member of the crew of an aircraft, especially in an air force.",en,airwoman
"a female pilot or member of the crew of an aircraft, especially in an air force.",en,airwomen
(of an aircraft) safe to fly.,en,airworthy
"(of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated.",en,airy
"a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre, an aircraft, or train.",en,aisle
"a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre, an aircraft, or train.",en,aisles
the letter H.,en,aitch
the letter H.,en,aitches
in a jarring state; unharmonious.,en,ajar
of similar character.,en,akin
made of alabaster.,en,alabaster
brisk and cheerful readiness.,en,alacrity
"make (someone) feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger.",en,alarm
"make (someone) feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger.",en,alarmed
"make (someone) feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger.",en,alarming
in a worrying or disturbing way.,en,alarmingly
creating needless worry or panic.,en,alarmist
someone who exaggerates a danger and so causes needless worry or panic.,en,alarmists
"make (someone) feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger.",en,alarms
"a very large, chiefly white oceanic bird with long, narrow wings, found mainly in the southern oceans.",en,albatross
"a very large, chiefly white oceanic bird with long, narrow wings, found mainly in the southern oceans.",en,albatrosses
a person or animal having a congenital absence of pigment in the skin and hair (which are white) and the eyes (which are usually pink).,en,albino
a person or animal having a congenital absence of pigment in the skin and hair (which are white) and the eyes (which are usually pink).,en,albinos
"a blank book for the insertion of photographs, stamps, or pictures.",en,album
"egg white, or the protein contained in it.",en,albumen
"a blank book for the insertion of photographs, stamps, or pictures.",en,albums
a person who practises alchemy.,en,alchemist
a person who practises alchemy.,en,alchemists
"the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir.",en,alchemy
"a colourless volatile flammable liquid which is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.",en,alcohol
a person suffering from alcoholism.,en,alcoholic
a person suffering from alcoholism.,en,alcoholics
addiction to the consumption of alcoholic drink; alcohol dependency.,en,alcoholism
"a colourless volatile flammable liquid which is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.",en,alcohols
a recess in the wall of a room or garden.,en,alcove
a recess in the wall of a room or garden.,en,alcoves
a widely distributed tree of the birch family which has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones.,en,alder
"a co-opted member of an English county or borough council, next in status to the Mayor.",en,alderman
"a co-opted member of an English county or borough council, next in status to the Mayor.",en,aldermen
a widely distributed tree of the birch family which has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones.,en,alders
"any beer other than lager, stout, or porter.",en,ale
an inn or public house.,en,alehouse
an inn or public house.,en,alehouses
warn (someone) of a danger or problem.,en,alert
warn (someone) of a danger or problem.,en,alerted
warn (someone) of a danger or problem.,en,alerting
the quality of being alert.,en,alertness
warn (someone) of a danger or problem.,en,alerts
"any beer other than lager, stout, or porter.",en,ales
"a leguminous plant with clover-like leaves and bluish flowers, native to south-western Asia and widely grown for fodder.",en,alfalfa
done or eaten in the open air.,en,alfresco
"a simple, non-flowering, and typically aquatic plant of a large group that includes the seaweeds and many single-celled forms. Algae contain chlorophyll but lack true stems, roots, leaves, and vascular tissue.",en,algae
relating to or characteristic of algae.,en,algal
the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.,en,algebra
relating to or involving algebra.,en,algebraic
"a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.",en,algorithm
"a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.",en,algorithms
"misidentify (a signal frequency), introducing distortion or error.",en,alias
"misidentify (a signal frequency), introducing distortion or error.",en,aliases
provide an alibi for.,en,alibi
provide an alibi for.,en,alibis
"a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living.",en,alien
make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.,en,alienate
make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.,en,alienated
make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.,en,alienates
make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.,en,alienating
the state or experience of being alienated.,en,alienation
"a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living.",en,aliens
on fire; burning.,en,alight
"descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport.",en,alighted
"descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport.",en,alighting
"descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport.",en,alights
place or arrange (things) in a straight line.,en,align
place or arrange (things) in a straight line.,en,aligned
place or arrange (things) in a straight line.,en,aligning
arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions.,en,alignment
arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions.,en,alignments
place or arrange (things) in a straight line.,en,aligns
in the same or a similar way.,en,alike
financial support that a person is ordered by a court to give to their spouse during separation or following divorce; maintenance.,en,alimony
"(of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead.",en,alive
"a compound with particular chemical properties including turning litmus blue and neutralizing or effervescing with acids; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance of this kind such as lime or soda.",en,alkali
"having the properties of an alkali, or containing alkali; having a pH greater than 7.",en,alkaline
"a compound with particular chemical properties including turning litmus blue and neutralizing or effervescing with acids; typically, a caustic or corrosive substance of this kind such as lime or soda.",en,alkalis
"diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).",en,allay
"diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).",en,allayed
"diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).",en,allaying
"diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).",en,allays
"a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.",en,allegation
"a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.",en,allegations
"claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof.",en,allege
"claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof.",en,alleged
"used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.",en,allegedly
"claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof.",en,alleges
loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.,en,allegiance
loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.,en,allegiances
"claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof.",en,alleging
constituting or containing allegory.,en,allegorical
"a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.",en,allegories
"a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.",en,allegory
"a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed allegro.",en,allegro
"a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed allegro.",en,allegros
an utterance of the word ‘hallelujah’ as an expression of worship or rejoicing.,en,alleluia
an utterance of the word ‘hallelujah’ as an expression of worship or rejoicing.,en,alleluias
a substance that causes an allergic reaction.,en,allergen
a substance that causes an allergic reaction.,en,allergens
caused by or relating to an allergy.,en,allergic
"a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.",en,allergies
a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.,en,allergist
a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.,en,allergists
"a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.",en,allergy
"make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.",en,alleviate
"make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.",en,alleviated
"make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.",en,alleviates
"make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.",en,alleviating
"the action or process of making suffering, deficiency, or a problem less severe.",en,alleviation
"a toy marble made of marble, alabaster, or glass.",en,alley
"a toy marble made of marble, alabaster, or glass.",en,alleys
another term for alley1.,en,alleyway
another term for alley1.,en,alleyways
"a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.",en,alliance
"a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.",en,alliances
combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit.,en,allied
variant spelling of alley2.,en,allies
"a large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China.",en,alligator
"a large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China.",en,alligators
the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.,en,alliteration
relating to or marked by alliteration.,en,alliterative
distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose.,en,allocate
distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose.,en,allocated
distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose.,en,allocates
distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose.,en,allocating
the action or process of allocating or sharing out something.,en,allocation
the action or process of allocating or sharing out something.,en,allocations
give or apportion (something) to someone.,en,allot
a plot of land rented by an individual for growing vegetables or flowers.,en,allotment
a plot of land rented by an individual for growing vegetables or flowers.,en,allotments
give or apportion (something) to someone.,en,allots
give or apportion (something) to someone.,en,allotted
give or apportion (something) to someone.,en,allotting
let (someone) have or do something.,en,allow
"allowed, especially within a set of regulations; permissible.",en,allowable
give (someone) a sum of money as an allowance.,en,allowance
give (someone) a sum of money as an allowance.,en,allowances
let (someone) have or do something.,en,allowed
let (someone) have or do something.,en,allowing
let (someone) have or do something.,en,allows
mix (metals) to make an alloy.,en,alloy
mix (metals) to make an alloy.,en,alloyed
mix (metals) to make an alloy.,en,alloying
mix (metals) to make an alloy.,en,alloys
"the dried aromatic fruit of a Caribbean tree, used whole or ground as a culinary spice and in the production of certain liqueurs such as Benedictine.",en,allspice
suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.,en,allude
suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.,en,alluded
suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.,en,alludes
suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.,en,alluding
powerfully attract or charm; tempt.,en,allure
powerfully attract or charm; tempt.,en,allures
powerfully attract or charm; tempt.,en,alluring
an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.,en,allusion
an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.,en,allusions
using or containing suggestion rather than explicit mention.,en,allusive
relating to or derived from alluvium.,en,alluvial
"a toy marble made of marble, alabaster, or glass.",en,ally
combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit.,en,allying
an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables.,en,almanac
an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables.,en,almanack
an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables.,en,almanacks
an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables.,en,almanacs
a name or title for God.,en,almighty
"the oval edible nutlike seed (kernel) of the almond tree, growing in a woody shell, widely used as food.",en,almond
"the oval edible nutlike seed (kernel) of the almond tree, growing in a woody shell, widely used as food.",en,almonds
an official distributor of alms.,en,almoner
an official distributor of alms.,en,almoners
not quite; very nearly.,en,almost
(in historical contexts) money or food given to poor people.,en,alms
"a house founded by charity, offering accommodation for poor people.",en,almshouse
"a house founded by charity, offering accommodation for poor people.",en,almshouses
"a succulent plant with a rosette of thick tapering leaves and bell-shaped or tubular flowers on long stems, native to the Old World.",en,aloe
"a succulent plant with a rosette of thick tapering leaves and bell-shaped or tubular flowers on long stems, native to the Old World.",en,aloes
flying or situated in the air; overhead.,en,aloft
"on one's own.",en,alone
"moving in a constant direction on a road, path, or any more or less horizontal surface.",en,along
not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.,en,aloof
audibly; not silently or in a whisper.,en,aloud
"a long-haired domesticated South American mammal related to the llama, valued for its wool.",en,alpaca
"a long-haired domesticated South American mammal related to the llama, valued for its wool.",en,alpacas
"the first letter of the Greek alphabet ( Α, α ), transliterated as ‘a’.",en,alpha
"a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic set of speech sounds of a language, especially the set of letters from A to Z.",en,alphabet
relating to an alphabet.,en,alphabetical
in the order of the letters of the alphabet.,en,alphabetically
arrange in alphabetical order.,en,alphabetize
arrange in alphabetical order.,en,alphabetized
arrange in alphabetical order.,en,alphabetizes
arrange in alphabetical order.,en,alphabetizing
"a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic set of speech sounds of a language, especially the set of letters from A to Z.",en,alphabets
"the first letter of the Greek alphabet ( Α, α ), transliterated as ‘a’.",en,alphas
"a plant native to mountain districts, often suitable for growing in rock gardens.",en,alpine
"a plant native to mountain districts, often suitable for growing in rock gardens.",en,alpines
before or by now or the time in question.,en,already
in a satisfactory manner or to a satisfactory extent; fairly well.,en,alright
in addition; too.,en,also
the table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.,en,altar
a painting or other work of art designed to be set above and behind an altar.,en,altarpiece
a painting or other work of art designed to be set above and behind an altar.,en,altarpieces
the table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.,en,altars
"change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.",en,alter
the action or process of altering or being altered.,en,alteration
the action or process of altering or being altered.,en,alterations
"a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.",en,altercation
"a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.",en,altercations
"change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.",en,altered
"change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.",en,altering
a person who acts as a deputy or substitute.,en,alternate
occur in turn repeatedly.,en,alternated
with two things continually following and succeeded by each other; one after the other.,en,alternately
a person who acts as a deputy or substitute.,en,alternates
occur in turn repeatedly.,en,alternating
the repeated occurrence of two things in turn.,en,alternation
the repeated occurrence of two things in turn.,en,alternations
one of two or more available possibilities.,en,alternative
as another option or possibility.,en,alternatively
one of two or more available possibilities.,en,alternatives
a dynamo that generates an alternating current.,en,alternator
a dynamo that generates an alternating current.,en,alternators
"change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.",en,alters
"an instrument for determining altitude attained, especially a barometric or radar device fitted in an aircraft.",en,altimeter
"an instrument for determining altitude attained, especially a barometric or radar device fitted in an aircraft.",en,altimeters
the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.,en,altitude
the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.,en,altitudes
(especially in church music) the highest adult male singing voice (sometimes distinguished from the countertenor voice as using falsetto).,en,alto
completely; totally.,en,altogether
(especially in church music) the highest adult male singing voice (sometimes distinguished from the countertenor voice as using falsetto).,en,altos
disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.,en,altruism
showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.,en,altruistic
"the chemical element of atomic number 13, a light silvery-grey metal.",en,aluminium
"the chemical element of atomic number 13, a light silvery-grey metal.",en,aluminum
"a female former pupil or student of a particular school, college, or university.",en,alumna
"a female former pupil or student of a particular school, college, or university.",en,alumnae
"a former pupil or student, especially a male one, of a particular school, college, or university.",en,alumni
"a former pupil or student, especially a male one, of a particular school, college, or university.",en,alumnus
an alveolar consonant.,en,alveolar
an alveolar consonant.,en,alveolars
at all times; on all occasions.,en,always
used with a present participle to form continuous tenses.,en,am
a mixture or blend.,en,amalgam
combine or unite to form one organization or structure.,en,amalgamate
combine or unite to form one organization or structure.,en,amalgamated
combine or unite to form one organization or structure.,en,amalgamates
combine or unite to form one organization or structure.,en,amalgamating
"the action, process, or result of combining or uniting.",en,amalgamation
"the action, process, or result of combining or uniting.",en,amalgamations
a mixture or blend.,en,amalgams
"a literary or artistic assistant, in particular one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts.",en,amanuensis
gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time.,en,amass
gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time.,en,amassed
gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time.,en,amasses
gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time.,en,amassing
engaging or engaged in without payment; non-professional.,en,amateur
done in an unskilful or inept way.,en,amateurish
"the practising of an activity, especially a sport, on an unpaid rather than a professional basis.",en,amateurism
"a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid rather than a professional basis.",en,amateurs
relating to or induced by sexual love or desire.,en,amatory
surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment.,en,amaze
surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment.,en,amazed
a feeling of great surprise or wonder.,en,amazement
surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment.,en,amazes
surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment.,en,amazing
in a way that causes great surprise or wonder.,en,amazingly
a member of a legendary race of female warriors believed by the ancient Greeks to exist in Scythia (near the Black Sea in modern Russia) or elsewhere on the edge of the known world.,en,amazon
(of a woman) tall and strong or athletic.,en,amazonian
a member of a legendary race of female warriors believed by the ancient Greeks to exist in Scythia (near the Black Sea in modern Russia) or elsewhere on the edge of the known world.,en,amazons
an accredited diplomat sent by a state as its permanent representative in a foreign country.,en,ambassador
an accredited diplomat sent by a state as its permanent representative in a foreign country.,en,ambassadors
"hard translucent fossilized resin originating from extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in colour. It has been used in jewellery since antiquity.",en,amber
the character and atmosphere of a place.,en,ambiance
able to use the right and left hands equally well.,en,ambidextrous
the character and atmosphere of a place.,en,ambience
relating to the immediate surroundings of something.,en,ambient
the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.,en,ambiguities
the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.,en,ambiguity
the act of annulling something.,en,annulments
"declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result).",en,annuls
the positively charged electrode by which the electrons leave an electrical device.,en,anode
the positively charged electrode by which the electrons leave an electrical device.,en,anodes
a painkilling drug or medicine.,en,anodyne
"smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.",en,anoint
"smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.",en,anointed
"smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.",en,anointing
"smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony.",en,anoints
"something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.",en,anomalies
"deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected.",en,anomalous
"something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.",en,anomaly
soon; shortly.,en,anon
the condition of being anonymous.,en,anonymity
(of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.,en,anonymous
in a way that prevents a person from being identified by name.,en,anonymously
a mosquito of a genus which is particularly common in warmer countries and includes the mosquitoes that transmit the malarial parasite to humans.,en,anopheles
"a waterproof jacket, typically with a hood, of a kind originally used in polar regions.",en,anorak
"a waterproof jacket, typically with a hood, of a kind originally used in polar regions.",en,anoraks
lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).,en,anorexia
a person suffering from anorexia.,en,anorexic
a person suffering from anorexia.,en,anorexics
say or write something as a reaction to someone or something.,en,answer
"required to explain or justify one's actions to; responsible or having to report to.",en,answerable
say or write something as a reaction to someone or something.,en,answered
say or write something as a reaction to someone or something.,en,answering
a telephone answering machine.,en,answerphone
a telephone answering machine.,en,answerphones
say or write something as a reaction to someone or something.,en,answers
"a small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for its industriousness.",en,ant
an antacid medicine.,en,antacid
an antacid medicine.,en,antacids
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonise
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonised
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonises
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonising
active hostility or opposition.,en,antagonism
active hostility or opposition.,en,antagonisms
a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.,en,antagonist
showing or feeling active opposition or hostility towards someone or something.,en,antagonistic
a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.,en,antagonists
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonize
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonized
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonizes
cause (someone) to become hostile.,en,antagonizing
put up an amount as an ante in poker or brag and similar games.,en,ante
"a mammal that feeds on ants and termites, with a long snout and sticky tongue.",en,anteater
"a mammal that feeds on ants and termites, with a long snout and sticky tongue.",en,anteaters
preceding in time or order; previous or pre-existing.,en,antecedent
a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.,en,antecedents
a small room leading to a main one.,en,antechamber
a small room leading to a main one.,en,antechambers
precede in time; come before (something) in date.,en,antedate
precede in time; come before (something) in date.,en,antedated
precede in time; come before (something) in date.,en,antedates
precede in time; come before (something) in date.,en,antedating
of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.,en,antediluvian
"a swift-running deerlike ruminant with smooth hair and upward-pointing horns, of a group native to Africa and Asia that includes the gazelles, impala, gnus, and elands.",en,antelope
"a swift-running deerlike ruminant with smooth hair and upward-pointing horns, of a group native to Africa and Asia that includes the gazelles, impala, gnus, and elands.",en,antelopes
before birth; during or relating to pregnancy.,en,antenatal
"either of a pair of long, thin sensory appendages on the heads of insects, crustaceans, and some other arthropods.",en,antenna
"either of a pair of long, thin sensory appendages on the heads of insects, crustaceans, and some other arthropods.",en,antennae
"either of a pair of long, thin sensory appendages on the heads of insects, crustaceans, and some other arthropods.",en,antennas
"nearer the front, especially in the front of the body, or nearer to the head or forepart.",en,anterior
"an antechamber, typically serving as a waiting room.",en,anteroom
"an antechamber, typically serving as a waiting room.",en,anterooms
put up an amount as an ante in poker or brag and similar games.,en,antes
"a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.",en,anthem
"a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.",en,anthems
the part of a stamen that contains the pollen.,en,anther
the part of a stamen that contains the pollen.,en,anthers
a nest in the form of a mound built by ants or termites.,en,anthill
a nest in the form of a mound built by ants or termites.,en,anthills
a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.,en,anthologies
a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.,en,anthology
coal of a hard variety that contains relatively pure carbon and burns with little flame and smoke.,en,anthracite
"a serious bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, causing acute and often fatal septicaemia, and also transmissible to humans.",en,anthrax
"a higher primate, especially an ape or apeman.",en,anthropoid
"a higher primate, especially an ape or apeman.",en,anthropoids
relating to the study of humankind.,en,anthropological
an expert in or student of anthropology.,en,anthropologist
an expert in or student of anthropology.,en,anthropologists
the study of human societies and cultures and their development.,en,anthropology
relating to or characterized by anthropomorphism.,en,anthropomorphic
"the attribution of human characteristics or behaviour to a god, animal, or object.",en,anthropomorphism
"a person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea.",en,anti
a substance with antibacterial properties.,en,antibacterial
relating to antibiotics.,en,antibiotic
a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.,en,antibiotics
"a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances which the body recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in the blood.",en,antibodies
"a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances which the body recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in the blood.",en,antibody
regard as probable; expect or predict.,en,anticipate
regard as probable; expect or predict.,en,anticipated
regard as probable; expect or predict.,en,anticipates
regard as probable; expect or predict.,en,anticipating
the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction.,en,anticipation
"happening, performed, or felt in anticipation of something.",en,anticipatory
causing disappointment at the end of an exciting or impressive series of events.,en,anticlimactic
a disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events.,en,anticlimax
a disappointing end to an exciting or impressive series of events.,en,anticlimaxes
(of a direction) opposite to the way in which the hands of a clock move round.,en,anticlockwise
an anticoagulant substance.,en,anticoagulant
an anticoagulant substance.,en,anticoagulants
"foolish, outrageous, or amusing behaviour.",en,antics
"a weather system with high barometric pressure at its centre, around which air slowly circulates in a clockwise (northern hemisphere) or anticlockwise (southern hemisphere) direction. Anticyclones are associated with calm, fine weather.",en,anticyclone
"a weather system with high barometric pressure at its centre, around which air slowly circulates in a clockwise (northern hemisphere) or anticlockwise (southern hemisphere) direction. Anticyclones are associated with calm, fine weather.",en,anticyclones
an antidepressant drug.,en,antidepressant
an antidepressant drug.,en,antidepressants
a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.,en,antidote
a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.,en,antidotes
"a liquid, typically one based on ethylene glycol, that can be added to water to lower the freezing point, chiefly used in the radiator of a motor vehicle.",en,antifreeze
"a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.",en,antigen
"a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.",en,antigens
"a central character in a story, film, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.",en,antihero
"a central character in a story, film, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.",en,antiheroes
"a drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies.",en,antihistamine
"a drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies.",en,antihistamines
a substance (such as tetraethyl lead) added to petrol to inhibit pre-ignition.,en,antiknock
a piece of cloth put over the back of a chair to protect it from grease and dirt or as an ornament.,en,antimacassar
a piece of cloth put over the back of a chair to protect it from grease and dirt or as an ornament.,en,antimacassars
matter consisting of elementary particles which are the antiparticles of those making up normal matter.,en,antimatter
"the chemical element of atomic number 51, a brittle silvery-white metalloid.",en,antimony
"(in Italian cooking) an hors d'oeuvre.",en,antipasti
"(in Italian cooking) an hors d'oeuvre.",en,antipasto
showing or feeling a strong aversion.,en,antipathetic
a deep-seated feeling of aversion.,en,antipathies
a deep-seated feeling of aversion.,en,antipathy
"a substance that is applied to the skin, especially under the arms, to prevent or reduce perspiration.",en,antiperspirant
"a substance that is applied to the skin, especially under the arms, to prevent or reduce perspiration.",en,antiperspirants
a person who studies or collects antiques or antiquities.,en,antiquarian
a person who studies or collects antiques or antiquities.,en,antiquarians
another term for antiquarian.,en,antiquaries
another term for antiquarian.,en,antiquary
old-fashioned or outdated.,en,antiquated
make (something) resemble an antique by artificial means.,en,antique
make (something) resemble an antique by artificial means.,en,antiques
"the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages.",en,antiquities
"the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the Middle Ages.",en,antiquity
a plant of a genus that includes the snapdragon.,en,antirrhinum
a plant of a genus that includes the snapdragon.,en,antirrhinums
"a person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea.",en,antis
an antiseptic compound or preparation.,en,antiseptic
an antiseptic compound or preparation.,en,antiseptics
"contrary to the laws and customs of society, in a way that causes annoyance and disapproval in others.",en,antisocial
a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.,en,antitheses
a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.,en,antithesis
directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible.,en,antithetical
"(of legislation, chiefly in the US) preventing or controlling trusts or other monopolies, and so promoting fair competition in business.",en,antitrust
"each of the branched horns on the head of an adult deer (typically a male one), which are made of bone and are grown and cast annually.",en,antler
"each of the branched horns on the head of an adult deer (typically a male one), which are made of bone and are grown and cast annually.",en,antlers
a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good ).,en,antonym
a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g. bad and good ).,en,antonyms
"a small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for its industriousness.",en,ants
"agitated, impatient, or restless.",en,antsy
the opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter leaves the body.,en,anus
the opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter leaves the body.,en,anuses
"a heavy iron block with a flat top and concave sides, on which metal can be hammered and shaped.",en,anvil
"a heavy iron block with a flat top and concave sides, on which metal can be hammered and shaped.",en,anvils
"a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.",en,anxieties
"a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.",en,anxiety
"feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.",en,anxious
in a manner resulting from or revealing anxiety.,en,anxiously
at all; in some degree (used for emphasis).,en,any
another term for anyway.,en,anyhow
to any further extent; any longer.,en,anymore
another term for anywhere.,en,anyplace
used to confirm or support a point or idea just mentioned.,en,anyway
non-standard form of anyway.,en,anyways
in or to any place.,en,anywhere
"the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. In humans it passes over the heart from the left ventricle and runs down in front of the backbone.",en,aorta
"the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. In humans it passes over the heart from the left ventricle and runs down in front of the backbone.",en,aortas
swiftly; quickly.,en,apace
(of two or more people or things) separated by a specified distance in time or space.,en,apart
(in South Africa) a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.,en,apartheid
"a flat, typically one that is well appointed or used for holidays.",en,apartment
"a flat, typically one that is well appointed or used for holidays.",en,apartments
"showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.",en,apathetic
"lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.",en,apathy
"imitate (someone or something), especially in an absurd or unthinking way.",en,ape
"imitate (someone or something), especially in an absurd or unthinking way.",en,aped
an alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite.,en,aperitif
an alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite.,en,aperitifs
"an opening, hole, or gap.",en,aperture
"an opening, hole, or gap.",en,apertures
"imitate (someone or something), especially in an absurd or unthinking way.",en,apes
a system of reduced fares for scheduled airline flights and railway journeys which must be booked and paid for before a certain period in advance of departure.,en,apex
reach a high point or climax.,en,apexes
"inability (or impaired ability) to understand or produce speech, as a result of brain damage.",en,aphasia
"a small bug which feeds by sucking sap from plants; a blackfly or greenfly. Aphids reproduce rapidly, sometimes producing live young without mating, and large numbers can cause extensive damage to plants.",en,aphid
"a small bug which feeds by sucking sap from plants; a blackfly or greenfly. Aphids reproduce rapidly, sometimes producing live young without mating, and large numbers can cause extensive damage to plants.",en,aphids
a pithy observation which contains a general truth.,en,aphorism
a pithy observation which contains a general truth.,en,aphorisms
of the nature of an aphrodisiac; stimulating sexual desire.,en,aphrodisiac
"a food, drink, or other thing that stimulates sexual desire.",en,aphrodisiacs
a place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives.,en,apiary
"to, for, or by each one of a group (used after a noun or an amount).",en,apiece
"imitate (someone or something), especially in an absurd or unthinking way.",en,aping
in abundance.,en,aplenty
"self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation.",en,aplomb
"the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical book of Revelation.",en,apocalypse
describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world.,en,apocalyptic
"(of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true.",en,apocryphal
the highest point in the development of something; a climax or culmination.,en,apogee
not interested or involved in politics.,en,apolitical
expressing or showing regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.,en,apologetic
in a manner that expresses or shows regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.,en,apologetically
"a formal written defence of one's opinions or conduct.",en,apologia
"a formal written defence of one's opinions or conduct.",en,apologias
a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.,en,apologies
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologise
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologised
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologises
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologising
a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial.,en,apologist
a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial.,en,apologists
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologize
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologized
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologizes
express regret for something that one has done wrong.,en,apologizing
a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure.,en,apology
overcome with anger; furious.,en,apoplectic
unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral haemorrhage or stroke.,en,apoplexy
the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief or principle.,en,apostasy
abandoning a religious or political belief or principle.,en,apostate
a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.,en,apostates
each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.,en,apostle
each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.,en,apostles
relating to the Apostles.,en,apostolic
an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing (typically one that is personified).,en,apostrophe
an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing (typically one that is personified).,en,apostrophes
a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs.,en,apothecaries
a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs.,en,apothecary
the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax.,en,apotheoses
the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax.,en,apotheosis
greatly dismay or horrify.,en,appal
greatly dismay or horrify.,en,appall
greatly dismay or horrify.,en,appalled
greatly dismay or horrify.,en,appalling
to a horrifying or shocking degree.,en,appallingly
greatly dismay or horrify.,en,appalls
greatly dismay or horrify.,en,appals
a member of a Communist Party apparat.,en,apparatchik
a member of a Communist Party apparat.,en,apparatchiks
the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.,en,apparatus
the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose.,en,apparatuses
clothe (someone).,en,apparel
clearly visible or understood; obvious.,en,apparent
as far as one knows or can see.,en,apparently
a ghost or ghostlike image of a person.,en,apparition
a ghost or ghostlike image of a person.,en,apparitions
"a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request.",en,appeal
"make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request.",en,appealed
"make a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request.",en,appealing
"a serious, urgent, or heartfelt request.",en,appeals
"come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.",en,appear
the way that someone or something looks.,en,appearance
the way that someone or something looks.,en,appearances
"come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.",en,appeared
"come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.",en,appearing
"come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.",en,appears
pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.,en,appease
pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.,en,appeased
the action or process of appeasing.,en,appeasement
pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.,en,appeases
pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.,en,appeasing
a person who applies to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.,en,appellant
a person who applies to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.,en,appellants
an appellation contrôlée.,en,appellation
an appellation contrôlée.,en,appellations
add (something) to the end of a written document.,en,append
a thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important.,en,appendage
a thing that is added or attached to something larger or more important.,en,appendages
a surgical operation to remove the appendix.,en,appendectomies
a surgical operation to remove the appendix.,en,appendectomy
add (something) to the end of a written document.,en,appended
"a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals. In humans the appendix is small and has no known function, but in rabbits, hares, and some other herbivores it is involved in the digestion of cellulose.",en,appendices
a serious medical condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed and painful.,en,appendicitis
add (something) to the end of a written document.,en,appending
"a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals. In humans the appendix is small and has no known function, but in rabbits, hares, and some other herbivores it is involved in the digestion of cellulose.",en,appendix
"a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals. In humans the appendix is small and has no known function, but in rabbits, hares, and some other herbivores it is involved in the digestion of cellulose.",en,appendixes
add (something) to the end of a written document.,en,appends
relate to; concern.,en,appertain
relate to; concern.,en,appertained
relate to; concern.,en,appertaining
relate to; concern.,en,appertains
"a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one's appetite.",en,appetiser
"a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one's appetite.",en,appetisers
"stimulating one's appetite.",en,appetising
"a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food.",en,appetite
"a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food.",en,appetites
"a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one's appetite.",en,appetizer
"a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one's appetite.",en,appetizers
"stimulating one's appetite.",en,appetizing
show approval or praise by clapping.,en,applaud
show approval or praise by clapping.,en,applauded
show approval or praise by clapping.,en,applauding
show approval or praise by clapping.,en,applauds
approval or praise expressed by clapping.,en,applause
"the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin green or red skin and crisp flesh.",en,apple
an alcoholic drink distilled from fermented cider.,en,applejack
"the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin green or red skin and crisp flesh.",en,apples
"a puree of stewed apples, typically sweetened.",en,applesauce
"a very small application, especially a utility program performing one or a few simple functions.",en,applet
"a very small application, especially a utility program performing one or a few simple functions.",en,applets
a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task.,en,appliance
a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task.,en,appliances
the quality of being relevant or appropriate.,en,applicability
relevant or appropriate.,en,applicable
"a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job.",en,applicant
"a person who makes a formal application for something, especially a job.",en,applicants
"a formal request to be considered for a position or to be allowed to do or have something, submitted to an authority, institution, or organization.",en,application
"a formal request to be considered for a position or to be allowed to do or have something, submitted to an authority, institution, or organization.",en,applications
a device used for inserting something or for applying a substance to a surface.,en,applicator
a device used for inserting something or for applying a substance to a surface.,en,applicators
make a formal application or request.,en,applied
make a formal application or request.,en,applies
decorate (a garment or larger piece of fabric) with pieces of fabric to form pictures or patterns.,en,applique
decorate (a garment or larger piece of fabric) with pieces of fabric to form pictures or patterns.,en,appliqued
decorate (a garment or larger piece of fabric) with pieces of fabric to form pictures or patterns.,en,appliqueing
decorate (a garment or larger piece of fabric) with pieces of fabric to form pictures or patterns.,en,appliques
make a formal application or request.,en,apply
make a formal application or request.,en,applying
assign a job or role to (someone).,en,appoint
assign a job or role to (someone).,en,appointed
a person to whom a job or role is assigned.,en,appointee
a person to whom a job or role is assigned.,en,appointees
assign a job or role to (someone).,en,appointing
an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.,en,appointment
an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.,en,appointments
assign a job or role to (someone).,en,appoints
divide up and share out.,en,apportion
divide up and share out.,en,apportioned
divide up and share out.,en,apportioning
the action or result of apportioning something.,en,apportionment
divide up and share out.,en,apportions
apt in the circumstances or in relation to something.,en,apposite
the positioning of things side by side or close together.,en,apposition
an act of assessing something or someone.,en,appraisal
an act of assessing something or someone.,en,appraisals
assess the value or quality of.,en,appraise
assess the value or quality of.,en,appraised
a person whose job is to assess the monetary value of something.,en,appraiser
a person whose job is to assess the monetary value of something.,en,appraisers
assess the value or quality of.,en,appraises
assess the value or quality of.,en,appraising
large or important enough to be noticed.,en,appreciable
to an appreciable extent; considerably.,en,appreciably
recognize the full worth of.,en,appreciate
recognize the full worth of.,en,appreciated
recognize the full worth of.,en,appreciates
recognize the full worth of.,en,appreciating
recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.,en,appreciation
recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.,en,appreciations
feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure.,en,appreciative
arrest (someone) for a crime.,en,apprehend
arrest (someone) for a crime.,en,apprehended
arrest (someone) for a crime.,en,apprehending
arrest (someone) for a crime.,en,apprehends
anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.,en,apprehension
anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.,en,apprehensions
anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.,en,apprehensive
employ (someone) as an apprentice.,en,apprentice
employ (someone) as an apprentice.,en,apprenticed
employ (someone) as an apprentice.,en,apprentices
the position of an apprentice.,en,apprenticeship
the position of an apprentice.,en,apprenticeships
employ (someone) as an apprentice.,en,apprenticing
put a price on; appraise.,en,apprise
put a price on; appraise.,en,apprised
put a price on; appraise.,en,apprises
put a price on; appraise.,en,apprising
a way of dealing with a situation or problem.,en,approach
friendly and easy to talk to.,en,approachable
come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time.,en,approached
a way of dealing with a situation or problem.,en,approaches
come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time.,en,approaching
approval or praise.,en,approbation
"take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.",en,appropriate
"take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.",en,appropriated
in a manner that is suitable or proper in the circumstances.,en,appropriately
the quality of being suitable or proper in the circumstances.,en,appropriateness
"take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.",en,appropriates
"take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.",en,appropriating
the action of appropriating something.,en,appropriation
the action of appropriating something.,en,appropriations
the action of approving something.,en,approval
the action of approving something.,en,approvals
officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.,en,approve
officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.,en,approved
officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.,en,approves
officially agree to or accept as satisfactory.,en,approving
in a manner resulting from or revealing approval.,en,approvingly
"come close or be similar to something in quality, nature, or quantity.",en,approximate
"come close or be similar to something in quality, nature, or quantity.",en,approximated
"used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly.",en,approximately
"come close or be similar to something in quality, nature, or quantity.",en,approximates
"come close or be similar to something in quality, nature, or quantity.",en,approximating
a value or quantity that is nearly but not exactly correct.,en,approximation
a value or quantity that is nearly but not exactly correct.,en,approximations
an accessory or other item associated with a particular activity or style of living.,en,appurtenance
an accessory or other item associated with a particular activity or style of living.,en,appurtenances
"a juicy, soft fruit of an orange-yellow colour resembling a small peach.",en,apricot
"a juicy, soft fruit of an orange-yellow colour resembling a small peach.",en,apricots
"a protective garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied at the back.",en,apron
"a protective garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied at the back.",en,aprons
very appropriate to a particular situation.,en,apropos
"a large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof and typically at the church's eastern end.",en,apse
"a large semicircular or polygonal recess in a church, arched or with a domed roof and typically at the church's eastern end.",en,apses
(as written abbreviation) an apartment.,en,apt
a natural ability to do something.,en,aptitude
a natural ability to do something.,en,aptitudes
in a manner that is appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.,en,aptly
the quality of being appropriate or suitable.,en,aptness
(especially in pharmaceutical and commercial use) water.,en,aqua
a precious stone consisting of a light bluish-green variety of beryl.,en,aquamarine
a precious stone consisting of a light bluish-green variety of beryl.,en,aquamarines
(of a vehicle) slide uncontrollably on a wet surface.,en,aquaplane
(of a vehicle) slide uncontrollably on a wet surface.,en,aquaplaned
(of a vehicle) slide uncontrollably on a wet surface.,en,aquaplanes
(of a vehicle) slide uncontrollably on a wet surface.,en,aquaplaning
a transparent tank of water in which live fish and other water creatures and plants are kept.,en,aquaria
a transparent tank of water in which live fish and other water creatures and plants are kept.,en,aquarium
a transparent tank of water in which live fish and other water creatures and plants are kept.,en,aquariums
"an aquatic plant or animal, especially one suitable for a pond or aquarium.",en,aquatic
produce (a print) using the aquatint technique or process.,en,aquatint
produce (a print) using the aquatint technique or process.,en,aquatints
"an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge across a valley or other gap.",en,aqueduct
"an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge across a valley or other gap.",en,aqueducts
of or containing water.,en,aqueous
a body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.,en,aquifer
a body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater.,en,aquifers
like an eagle.,en,aquiline
open to more than one interpretation; not having one obvious meaning.,en,ambiguous
so as to be open to more than one interpretation.,en,ambiguously
"the scope, extent, or bounds of something.",en,ambit
a strong desire to do or achieve something.,en,ambition
a strong desire to do or achieve something.,en,ambitions
having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.,en,ambitious
"with the intention of meeting high aspirations, typically by attempting something complex or difficult.",en,ambitiously
the state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.,en,ambivalence
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.,en,ambivalent
"a walk at a slow, relaxed pace, especially for pleasure.",en,amble
"walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.",en,ambled
"a walk at a slow, relaxed pace, especially for pleasure.",en,ambles
"walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace.",en,ambling
the food of the gods.,en,ambrosia
convey in an ambulance.,en,ambulance
convey in an ambulance.,en,ambulances
make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position.,en,ambush
make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position.,en,ambushed
make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position.,en,ambushes
make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position.,en,ambushing
a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.,en,ameba
a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.,en,amebae
a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.,en,amebas
make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.,en,ameliorate
make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.,en,ameliorated
make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.,en,ameliorates
make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.,en,ameliorating
the act of making something better; improvement.,en,amelioration
an utterance of ‘amen’.,en,amen
open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.,en,amenable
"make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.",en,amend
"make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.",en,amended
"make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.",en,amending
"a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.",en,amendment
"a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.",en,amendments
"make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances.",en,amends
a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.,en,amenities
a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.,en,amenity
a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz.,en,amethyst
a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz.,en,amethysts
the quality of having a friendly and pleasant manner; geniality.,en,amiability
having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.,en,amiable
in a friendly and pleasant manner.,en,amiably
characterized by friendliness and absence of discord.,en,amicable
in a friendly and peaceable manner.,en,amicably
"situated in the middle of a ship, either longitudinally or laterally.",en,amidships
wrongly or inappropriately.,en,amiss
friendly relations.,en,amity
an instrument for measuring electric current in amperes.,en,ammeter
an instrument for measuring electric current in amperes.,en,ammeters
short for ammunition.,en,ammo
"a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell, which dissolves in water to give a strongly alkaline solution.",en,ammonia
a supply or quantity of bullets and shells.,en,ammunition
a partial or total loss of memory.,en,amnesia
experiencing or relating to a partial or total loss of memory.,en,amnesiac
a person experiencing a partial or total loss of memory.,en,amnesiacs
grant an official pardon to.,en,amnesties
grant an official pardon to.,en,amnesty
"a process in which amniotic fluid is sampled using a hollow needle inserted into the uterus, to screen for abnormalities in the developing fetus.",en,amniocentesis
a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.,en,amoeba
a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.,en,amoebae
a single-celled animal that catches food and moves about by extending fingerlike projections of protoplasm. Amoebas are either free-living in damp environments or parasitic.,en,amoebas
lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.,en,amoral
"showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire.",en,amorous
without a clearly defined shape or form.,en,amorphous
the action or process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset.,en,amortisation
the action or process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset.,en,amortisations
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortise
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortised
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortises
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortising
the action or process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset.,en,amortization
the action or process of gradually writing off the initial cost of an asset.,en,amortizations
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortize
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortized
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortizes
gradually write off the initial cost of (an asset) over a period.,en,amortizing
situated more or less centrally in relation to (several other things).,en,amongst
"a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television.",en,actors
"a woman whose profession is acting on stage, in films, or on television.",en,actress
"a woman whose profession is acting on stage, in films, or on television.",en,actresses
a thing done; a deed.,en,acts
existing in fact; real.,en,actual
the state of existing in reality.,en,actualities
the state of existing in reality.,en,actuality
make a reality of.,en,actualize
make a reality of.,en,actualized
make a reality of.,en,actualizes
make a reality of.,en,actualizing
as the truth or facts of a situation; really.,en,actually
relating to actuaries or their work of compiling and analysing statistics to calculate insurance risks and premiums.,en,actuarial
a person who compiles and analyses statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums.,en,actuaries
a person who compiles and analyses statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums.,en,actuary
cause (a machine or device) to operate.,en,actuate
cause (a machine or device) to operate.,en,actuated
cause (a machine or device) to operate.,en,actuates
cause (a machine or device) to operate.,en,actuating
"sharpness or keenness of thought, vision, or hearing.",en,acuity
the ability to make good judgements and take quick decisions.,en,acumen
a form of alternative therapy in which manual pressure is used to stimulate specific points on the body along what are considered to be lines of energy.,en,acupressure
"a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are considered to be lines of energy (meridians), used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.",en,acupuncture
a person who practises acupuncture.,en,acupuncturist
in opposition to.,en,against
a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.,en,agents
grow old or older.,en,ages
collected or formed into a mass.,en,agglomerate
a mass or collection of things.,en,agglomerates
a mass or collection of things; an assemblage.,en,agglomeration
a mass or collection of things; an assemblage.,en,agglomerations
"make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.",en,aggravate
"make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.",en,aggravated
"make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.",en,aggravates
"make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.",en,aggravating
the state of becoming worse or more serious; exacerbation.,en,aggravation
the state of becoming worse or more serious; exacerbation.,en,aggravations
form or group into a class or cluster.,en,aggregate
form or group into a class or cluster.,en,aggregated
form or group into a class or cluster.,en,aggregates
form or group into a class or cluster.,en,aggregating
the formation of a number of things into a cluster.,en,aggregation
feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour; readiness to attack or confront.,en,aggression
ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.,en,aggressive
in a manner resulting from or betraying aggression.,en,aggressively
hostile or violent behaviour.,en,aggressiveness
a person or country that attacks another first.,en,aggressor
a person or country that attacks another first.,en,aggressors
feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated.,en,aggrieved
"aggressive, violent behaviour.",en,aggro
filled with horror or shock.,en,aghast
able to move quickly and easily.,en,agile
ability to move quickly and easily.,en,agility
close to the side of; next to.,en,alongside
surrounded by; in the middle of.,en,amid
variant of amid.,en,amidst
situated more or less centrally in relation to (several other things).,en,among
come to be (the total) when added together.,en,amount
come to be (the total) when added together.,en,amounted
come to be (the total) when added together.,en,amounting
come to be (the total) when added together.,en,amounts
"a love affair or lover, especially one that is secret.",en,amour
"a love affair or lover, especially one that is secret.",en,amours
another term for adenylic acid.,en,amp
the strength of an electric current in amperes.,en,amperage
the SI base unit of electrical current.,en,ampere
the SI base unit of electrical current.,en,amperes
"the sign & (standing for and, as in Smith & Co., or the Latin et, as in &c. ).",en,ampersand
"the sign & (standing for and, as in Smith & Co., or the Latin et, as in &c. ).",en,ampersands
"a synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant.",en,amphetamine
"a synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant.",en,amphetamines
relating to amphibians.,en,amphibian
"a cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and caecilians. They are distinguished by having an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage followed (typically) by a terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage.",en,amphibians
"relating to, living in, or suited for both land and water.",en,amphibious
"(especially in Greek and Roman architecture) an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events.",en,amphitheater
"(especially in Greek and Roman architecture) an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events.",en,amphitheaters
"(especially in Greek and Roman architecture) an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events.",en,amphitheatre
"(especially in Greek and Roman architecture) an open circular or oval building with a central space surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators, for the presentation of dramatic or sporting events.",en,amphitheatres
a tall ancient Greek or Roman jar or jug with two handles and a narrow neck.,en,amphora
a tall ancient Greek or Roman jar or jug with two handles and a narrow neck.,en,amphoras
enough or more than enough; plentiful.,en,ample
"the process of increasing the volume of sound, especially using an amplifier.",en,amplification
"increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.",en,amplified
"an electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals, used chiefly in sound reproduction.",en,amplifier
"an electronic device for increasing the amplitude of electrical signals, used chiefly in sound reproduction.",en,amplifiers
"increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.",en,amplifies
"increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.",en,amplify
"increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.",en,amplifying
"the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium.",en,amplitude
"the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium.",en,amplitudes
enough or more than enough; plentifully.,en,amply
"a small sealed glass capsule containing a liquid, especially a measured quantity ready for injecting.",en,ampoule
"a small sealed glass capsule containing a liquid, especially a measured quantity ready for injecting.",en,ampoules
play (music) through electric amplification.,en,amps
"a small sealed glass capsule containing a liquid, especially a measured quantity ready for injecting.",en,ampule
"a small sealed glass capsule containing a liquid, especially a measured quantity ready for injecting.",en,ampules
cut off (a limb) by surgical operation.,en,amputate
cut off (a limb) by surgical operation.,en,amputated
cut off (a limb) by surgical operation.,en,amputates
cut off (a limb) by surgical operation.,en,amputating
the action of surgically cutting off a limb.,en,amputation
the action of surgically cutting off a limb.,en,amputations
a person who has had a limb amputated.,en,amputee
a person who has had a limb amputated.,en,amputees
"an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.",en,amulet
"an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.",en,amulets
cause (someone) to find something funny.,en,amuse
cause (someone) to find something funny.,en,amused
the state or experience of finding something funny.,en,amusement
the provision or enjoyment of entertainment.,en,amusements
cause (someone) to find something funny.,en,amuses
cause (someone) to find something funny.,en,amusing
in a way that causes laughter and provides entertainment.,en,amusingly
"a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.",en,anachronism
"a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.",en,anachronisms
belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.,en,anachronistic
"a semiaquatic snake of the boa family that may grow to a great size, native to tropical South America.",en,anaconda
"a semiaquatic snake of the boa family that may grow to a great size, native to tropical South America.",en,anacondas
"a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.",en,anaemia
a person suffering from anaemia.,en,anaemic
relating to or requiring an absence of free oxygen.,en,anaerobic
"insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations.",en,anaesthesia
inducing or relating to insensitivity to pain.,en,anaesthetic
a substance that induces insensitivity to pain.,en,anaesthetics
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetise
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetised
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetises
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetising
a medical specialist who administers anaesthetics.,en,anaesthetist
a medical specialist who administers anaesthetics.,en,anaesthetists
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetize
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetized
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetizes
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anaesthetizing
"a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as spar, formed from rasp.",en,anagram
"a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as spar, formed from rasp.",en,anagrams
relating to or situated near the anus.,en,anal
the inability to feel pain.,en,analgesia
an analgesic drug.,en,analgesic
an analgesic drug.,en,analgesics
a person or thing seen as comparable to another.,en,analog
"a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.",en,analogies
"comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared.",en,analogous
a person or thing seen as comparable to another.,en,analogs
a person or thing seen as comparable to another.,en,analogue
a person or thing seen as comparable to another.,en,analogues
"a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.",en,analogy
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analyse
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analysed
detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.,en,analyses
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analysing
detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.,en,analysis
a person who conducts analysis.,en,analyst
a person who conducts analysis.,en,analysts
another term for analytical.,en,analytic
relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning.,en,analytical
using analysis or logical reasoning.,en,analytically
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analyze
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analyzed
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analyzes
"examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it.",en,analyzing
with no controlling rules or principles to give order.,en,anarchic
"belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.",en,anarchism
relating to or supporting anarchy or anarchists.,en,anarchist
a person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.,en,anarchists
a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.,en,anarchy
something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.,en,anathema
relating to bodily structure.,en,anatomical
as regards bodily structure.,en,anatomically
"the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.",en,anatomies
an expert in anatomy.,en,anatomist
an expert in anatomy.,en,anatomists
"the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.",en,anatomy
"a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.",en,ancestor
"a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.",en,ancestors
"of, belonging to, or inherited from an ancestor or ancestors.",en,ancestral
"one's family or ethnic descent.",en,ancestries
"one's family or ethnic descent.",en,ancestry
moor (a ship) to the sea bottom with an anchor.,en,anchor
an area off the coast which is suitable for a ship to anchor.,en,anchorage
an area off the coast which is suitable for a ship to anchor.,en,anchorages
moor (a ship) to the sea bottom with an anchor.,en,anchored
moor (a ship) to the sea bottom with an anchor.,en,anchoring
a religious recluse.,en,anchorite
a religious recluse.,en,anchorites
a person who presents and coordinates a live television or radio programme involving other contributors.,en,anchorman
a person who presents and coordinates a live television or radio programme involving other contributors.,en,anchormen
moor (a ship) to the sea bottom with an anchor.,en,anchors
a woman who presents and coordinates a live television or radio programme involving other contributors.,en,anchorwoman
a woman who presents and coordinates a live television or radio programme involving other contributors.,en,anchorwomen
a small shoaling fish of commercial importance as a food fish and as bait. It is strongly flavoured and is usually preserved in salt and oil.,en,anchovies
a small shoaling fish of commercial importance as a food fish and as bait. It is strongly flavoured and is usually preserved in salt and oil.,en,anchovy
"a standard, flag, or ensign.",en,ancient
long ago.,en,anciently
"a standard, flag, or ensign.",en,ancients
"a person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, system, etc.",en,ancillary
"a Boolean operator which gives the value one if and only if all the operands are one, and otherwise has a value of zero.",en,and
"a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed andante.",en,andante
"a movement, passage, or composition marked to be performed andante.",en,andantes
partly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex.,en,androgynous
(in science fiction) a robot with a human appearance.,en,android
(in science fiction) a robot with a human appearance.,en,androids
"(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.",en,anecdotal
a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.,en,anecdote
a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.,en,anecdotes
"a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.",en,anemia
a person suffering from anaemia.,en,anemic
a plant of the buttercup family which typically has brightly coloured flowers and deeply divided leaves.,en,anemone
a plant of the buttercup family which typically has brightly coloured flowers and deeply divided leaves.,en,anemones
"insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations.",en,anesthesia
inducing or relating to insensitivity to pain.,en,anesthetic
a substance that induces insensitivity to pain.,en,anesthetics
a medical specialist who administers anaesthetics.,en,anesthetist
a medical specialist who administers anaesthetics.,en,anesthetists
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anesthetize
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anesthetized
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anesthetizes
"administer an anaesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness.",en,anesthetizing
in a new or different and typically more positive way.,en,anew
"a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.",en,angel
relating to angels.,en,angelic
"a tall aromatic plant of the parsley family, with large leaves and yellowish-green flowers. It is used in cooking and herbal medicine.",en,angelica
"a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.",en,angels
fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.,en,anger
fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.,en,angered
fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.,en,angering
fill (someone) with anger; provoke anger in.,en,angers
"a condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often also spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, owing to an inadequate blood supply to the heart.",en,angina
"surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.",en,angioplasties
"surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.",en,angioplasty
"a member of a Germanic people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-Holstein, who came to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English.",en,angle
fish with a rod and line.,en,angled
a person who fishes with a rod and line.,en,angler
a person who fishes with a rod and line.,en,anglers
"a member of a Germanic people, originally inhabitants of what is now Schleswig-Holstein, who came to England in the 5th century AD. The Angles founded kingdoms in Mercia, Northumbria, and East Anglia and gave their name to England and the English.",en,angles
make English in form or character.,en,anglicise
make English in form or character.,en,anglicised
make English in form or character.,en,anglicises
make English in form or character.,en,anglicising
a word or phrase that is peculiar to British English.,en,anglicism
a word or phrase that is peculiar to British English.,en,anglicisms
make English in form or character.,en,anglicize
make English in form or character.,en,anglicized
make English in form or character.,en,anglicizes
make English in form or character.,en,anglicizing
fish with a rod and line.,en,angling
fond or greatly admiring England or Britain.,en,anglophile
a person who is fond of or greatly admires England or Britain.,en,anglophiles
an English-speaking person.,en,anglophone
an English-speaking person.,en,anglophones
"a cat, goat, or rabbit of a long-haired breed.",en,angora
"a cat, goat, or rabbit of a long-haired breed.",en,angoras
"an aromatic bitter bark from certain South American trees, used as a flavouring, and formerly as a tonic and to reduce fever.",en,angostura
"feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.",en,angrier
"feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.",en,angriest
in a manner resulting from or betraying anger.,en,angrily
"feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.",en,angry
"a feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general.",en,angst
be extremely distressed about something.,en,anguish
be extremely distressed about something.,en,anguished
having angles or sharp corners.,en,angular
relating to or characteristic of animals.,en,animal
"a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.",en,animals
alive or having life.,en,animate
bring to life.,en,animated
bring to life.,en,animates
bring to life.,en,animating
the state of being full of life or vigour; liveliness.,en,animation
the state of being full of life or vigour; liveliness.,en,animations
a person who makes animated films.,en,animator
a person who makes animated films.,en,animators
"the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.",en,animism
strong hostility.,en,animosities
strong hostility.,en,animosity
hostility or ill feeling.,en,animus
"a Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, cultivated for its aromatic seeds which are used in cooking and herbal medicine.",en,anise
"the seed of the anise, used in cooking and herbal medicine.",en,aniseed
an ornament worn round an ankle.,en,anklet
an ornament worn round an ankle.,en,anklets
a record of the events of one year.,en,annals
"heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it.",en,anneal
"heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it.",en,annealed
"heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it.",en,annealing
"heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it.",en,anneals
"a building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodation.",en,annex
"the action of annexing something, especially territory.",en,annexation
"the action of annexing something, especially territory.",en,annexations
"a building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodation.",en,annexe
"add as an extra or subordinate part, especially to a document.",en,annexed
"a building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodation.",en,annexes
"add as an extra or subordinate part, especially to a document.",en,annexing
destroy utterly; obliterate.,en,annihilate
destroy utterly; obliterate.,en,annihilated
destroy utterly; obliterate.,en,annihilates
destroy utterly; obliterate.,en,annihilating
complete destruction or obliteration.,en,annihilation
the date on which an event took place or an institution was founded in a previous year.,en,anniversaries
the date on which an event took place or an institution was founded in a previous year.,en,anniversary
add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment.,en,annotate
add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment.,en,annotated
add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment.,en,annotates
add notes to (a text or diagram) giving explanation or comment.,en,annotating
a note by way of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram.,en,annotation
a note by way of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram.,en,annotations
"make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.",en,announce
"make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.",en,announced
"a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.",en,announcement
"a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.",en,announcements
"a person who announces something, in particular someone who introduces or gives information about programmes on radio or television.",en,announcer
"a person who announces something, in particular someone who introduces or gives information about programmes on radio or television.",en,announcers
"make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.",en,announces
"make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.",en,announcing
make (someone) a little angry; irritate.,en,annoy
the feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation.,en,annoyance
the feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation.,en,annoyances
make (someone) a little angry; irritate.,en,annoyed
make (someone) a little angry; irritate.,en,annoying
in a way that causes irritation or annoyance.,en,annoyingly
make (someone) a little angry; irritate.,en,annoys
a book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents.,en,annual
"(of a rate of interest, inflation, or return on an investment) recalculated as an annual rate.",en,annualised
"(of a rate of interest, inflation, or return on an investment) recalculated as an annual rate.",en,annualized
once a year; every year.,en,annually
a book or magazine that is published once a year under the same title but with different contents.,en,annuals
"a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life.",en,annuities
"a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life.",en,annuity
"declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result).",en,annul
"declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result).",en,annulled
"declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result).",en,annulling
the act of annulling something.,en,annulment
"a posture in which one leg is extended backwards at right angles, the torso bent forwards, and the arms outstretched, one forwards and one backwards.",en,arabesque
"a posture in which one leg is extended backwards at right angles, the torso bent forwards, and the arms outstretched, one forwards and one backwards.",en,arabesques
arable land or crops.,en,arable
relating to or denoting arachnids.,en,arachnid
"an arthropod of the class Arachnida, such as a spider or scorpion.",en,arachnids
extreme or irrational fear of spiders.,en,arachnophobia
a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter.,en,arbiter
a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter.,en,arbiters
buy and sell assets using arbitrage.,en,arbitrage
a person who engages in arbitrage.,en,arbitrager
a person who engages in arbitrage.,en,arbitragers
a person who engages in arbitrage.,en,arbitrageur
a person who engages in arbitrage.,en,arbitrageurs
"on the basis of random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.",en,arbitrarily
"the quality of being based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.",en,arbitrariness
"based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.",en,arbitrary
(of an independent person or body) reach an authoritative judgement or settlement.,en,arbitrate
(of an independent person or body) reach an authoritative judgement or settlement.,en,arbitrated
(of an independent person or body) reach an authoritative judgement or settlement.,en,arbitrates
(of an independent person or body) reach an authoritative judgement or settlement.,en,arbitrating
the use of an arbitrator to settle a dispute.,en,arbitration
an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute.,en,arbitrator
an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute.,en,arbitrators
a shady garden alcove with the sides and roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a framework.,en,arbor
living in trees.,en,arboreal
a botanical garden devoted to trees.,en,arboreta
a botanical garden devoted to trees.,en,arboretum
a botanical garden devoted to trees.,en,arboretums
a shady garden alcove with the sides and roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a framework.,en,arbors
a shady garden alcove with the sides and roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a framework.,en,arbour
a shady garden alcove with the sides and roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a framework.,en,arbours
move with a curving trajectory.,en,arc
a covered passage with arches along one or both sides.,en,arcade
a covered passage with arches along one or both sides.,en,arcades
understood by few; mysterious or secret.,en,arcane
move with a curving trajectory.,en,arced
deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing.,en,arch
relating to archaeology.,en,archaeological
a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.,en,archaeologist
a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.,en,archaeologists
the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.,en,archaeology
very old or old-fashioned.,en,archaic
"a thing that is very old or old-fashioned, especially an archaic word or style of language or art.",en,archaism
"a thing that is very old or old-fashioned, especially an archaic word or style of language or art.",en,archaisms
an angel of greater than ordinary rank.,en,archangel
an angel of greater than ordinary rank.,en,archangels
the chief bishop responsible for a large district.,en,archbishop
the office of an archbishop.,en,archbishopric
the office of an archbishop.,en,archbishoprics
the chief bishop responsible for a large district.,en,archbishops
"a senior Christian cleric (in the early Church a deacon, in the modern Anglican Church a priest) to whom a bishop delegates certain responsibilities.",en,archdeacon
"a senior Christian cleric (in the early Church a deacon, in the modern Anglican Church a priest) to whom a bishop delegates certain responsibilities.",en,archdeacons
the district for which an archbishop is responsible.,en,archdiocese
the district for which an archbishop is responsible.,en,archdioceses
the wife or widow of an archduke.,en,archduchess
the wife or widow of an archduke.,en,archduchesses
"a chief duke, in particular (formerly) the son of the Emperor of Austria.",en,archduke
"a chief duke, in particular (formerly) the son of the Emperor of Austria.",en,archdukes
have the curved shape of an arch.,en,arched
a person who is extremely opposed or hostile to someone or something.,en,archenemies
a person who is extremely opposed or hostile to someone or something.,en,archenemy
relating to archaeology.,en,archeological
a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.,en,archeologist
a person who studies human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.,en,archeologists
the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.,en,archeology
deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing.,en,archer
"a person who shoots with a bow and arrows, especially at a target as a sport.",en,archers
"shooting with a bow and arrows, especially at a target as a sport.",en,archery
have the curved shape of an arch.,en,arches
very typical of a certain kind of person or thing.,en,archetypal
a very typical example of a certain person or thing.,en,archetype
a very typical example of a certain person or thing.,en,archetypes
have the curved shape of an arch.,en,arching
an extensive group of islands.,en,archipelago
an extensive group of islands.,en,archipelagoes
an extensive group of islands.,en,archipelagos
design and configure (a program or system).,en,architect
design and configure (a program or system).,en,architects
relating to the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.,en,architectural
in a way that relates to the design and construction of buildings.,en,architecturally
the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.,en,architecture
the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.,en,architectures
relating to or constituting archives.,en,archival
place or store (something) in an archive.,en,archive
place or store (something) in an archive.,en,archives
a person who maintains and is in charge of archives.,en,archivist
a person who maintains and is in charge of archives.,en,archivists
a curved structure forming a passage or entrance.,en,archway
a curved structure forming a passage or entrance.,en,archways
move with a curving trajectory.,en,arcing
move with a curving trajectory.,en,arcs
the regions around the North Pole.,en,arctic
very enthusiastic or passionate.,en,ardent
very enthusiastically or passionately.,en,ardently
great enthusiasm or passion.,en,ardor
great enthusiasm or passion.,en,ardour
involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.,en,arduous
used with a present participle to form continuous tenses.,en,are
"a region or part of a town, a country, or the world.",en,area
"a region or part of a town, a country, or the world.",en,areas
"a level area surrounded by seating, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held.",en,arena
"a level area surrounded by seating, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held.",en,arenas
"a metric unit of measurement, equal to 100 square metres.",en,ares
"the chemical element of atomic number 18, an inert gaseous element of the noble gas group. Argon is the commonest noble gas, making up nearly one per cent of the earth's atmosphere.",en,argon
the jargon or slang of a particular group or class.,en,argot
the jargon or slang of a particular group or class.,en,argots
able to be argued or asserted.,en,arguable
it may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief).,en,arguably
"give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.",en,argue
"give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.",en,argued
"give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.",en,argues
"give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one's view.",en,arguing
"an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.",en,argument
"the action or process of reasoning systematically in support of an idea, action, or theory.",en,argumentation
given to arguing.,en,argumentative
"an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.",en,arguments
"a long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.",en,aria
"a long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio.",en,arias
(of land or a climate) having little or no rain; too dry or barren to support vegetation.,en,arid
correctly; properly.,en,aright
"(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.",en,arise
"(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.",en,arisen
"(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.",en,arises
"(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.",en,arising
"the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices.",en,aristocracies
"the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices.",en,aristocracy
a member of the aristocracy.,en,aristocrat
"of, belonging to, or typical of the aristocracy.",en,aristocratic
a member of the aristocracy.,en,aristocrats
relating to arithmetic.,en,arithmetic
"(in the Bible) the ship built by Noah to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood; Noah's ark.",en,ark
supply or provide with weapons.,en,arm
a fleet of warships.,en,armada
a fleet of warships.,en,armadas
a nocturnal insectivorous mammal that has large claws for digging and a body covered in bony plates. Armadillos are native to Central and South America and one kind is spreading into the southern US.,en,armadillo
a nocturnal insectivorous mammal that has large claws for digging and a body covered in bony plates. Armadillos are native to Central and South America and one kind is spreading into the southern US.,en,armadillos
military weapons and equipment.,en,armament
military weapons and equipment.,en,armaments
"a band worn around a person's upper arm to hold up a shirtsleeve or as a form of identification.",en,armband
"a band worn around a person's upper arm to hold up a shirtsleeve or as a form of identification.",en,armbands
"a large, comfortable chair with side supports for a person's arms.",en,armchair
"a large, comfortable chair with side supports for a person's arms.",en,armchairs
supply or provide with weapons.,en,armed
as much as a person can hold in both arms.,en,armful
as much as a person can hold in both arms.,en,armfuls
each of two openings in a garment through which the wearer puts their arms.,en,armhole
each of two openings in a garment through which the wearer puts their arms.,en,armholes
an organized military force equipped for fighting on land.,en,armies
supply or provide with weapons.,en,arming
an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.,en,armistice
an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.,en,armistices
the amount that can be carried with one arm or in both arms.,en,armload
the amount that can be carried with one arm or in both arms.,en,armloads
"provide (someone) with emotional, social, or other defences.",en,armor
covered with or protected by armour.,en,armored
"a maker, supplier, or repairer of weapons or armour.",en,armorer
"a maker, supplier, or repairer of weapons or armour.",en,armorers
a place where weapons are kept.,en,armories
a place where weapons are kept.,en,armory
"provide (someone) with emotional, social, or other defences.",en,armour
"provide (someone) with emotional, social, or other defences.",en,armoured
"a maker, supplier, or repairer of weapons or armour.",en,armourer
"a maker, supplier, or repairer of weapons or armour.",en,armourers
a place where weapons are kept.,en,armouries
a place where weapons are kept.,en,armoury
a hollow under the arm at the shoulder.,en,armpit
a hollow under the arm at the shoulder.,en,armpits
a padded or upholstered arm of a chair or other seat on which a sitter can comfortably rest their arm.,en,armrest
a padded or upholstered arm of a chair or other seat on which a sitter can comfortably rest their arm.,en,armrests
supply or provide with weapons.,en,arms
an organized military force equipped for fighting on land.,en,army
"a distinctive, typically pleasant smell.",en,aroma
"a distinctive, typically pleasant smell.",en,aromas
the use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils for healing and cosmetic purposes.,en,aromatherapy
a substance or plant emitting a pleasant and distinctive smell.,en,aromatic
"(of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.",en,arose
on every side of.,en,around
the action or fact of arousing or being aroused.,en,arousal
"evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).",en,arouse
"evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).",en,aroused
"evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).",en,arouses
"evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).",en,arousing
"the notes of a chord played in rapid succession, either ascending or descending.",en,arpeggio
"the notes of a chord played in rapid succession, either ascending or descending.",en,arpeggios
call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge.,en,arraign
call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge.,en,arraigned
call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge.,en,arraigning
the action of arraigning someone in court.,en,arraignment
the action of arraigning someone in court.,en,arraignments
call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge.,en,arraigns
"put (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order.",en,arrange
"put (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order.",en,arranged
"the action, process, or result of arranging or being arranged.",en,arrangement
"the action, process, or result of arranging or being arranged.",en,arrangements
a person who adapts a musical composition for performance.,en,arranger
a person who adapts a musical composition for performance.,en,arrangers
"put (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order.",en,arranges
"put (things) in a neat, attractive, or required order.",en,arranging
"complete, utter.",en,arrant
display or arrange (things) in a particular way.,en,array
display or arrange (things) in a particular way.,en,arrayed
display or arrange (things) in a particular way.,en,arraying
display or arrange (things) in a particular way.,en,arrays
money that is owed and should have been paid earlier.,en,arrears
the action of seizing someone and taking them into custody.,en,arrest
seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody.,en,arrested
seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody.,en,arresting
the action of seizing someone and taking them into custody.,en,arrests
the action or process of arriving.,en,arrival
the action or process of arriving.,en,arrivals
reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.,en,arrive
reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.,en,arrived
reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.,en,arrives
reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey.,en,arriving
the quality of being arrogant.,en,arrogance
"having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.",en,arrogant
"in a manner resulting from or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.",en,arrogantly
take or claim (something) without justification.,en,arrogate
take or claim (something) without justification.,en,arrogated
take or claim (something) without justification.,en,arrogates
take or claim (something) without justification.,en,arrogating
move or appear to move swiftly and directly.,en,arrow
the pointed end of an arrow.,en,arrowhead
the pointed end of an arrow.,en,arrowheads
a herbaceous Caribbean plant from which a starch is prepared.,en,arrowroot
move or appear to move swiftly and directly.,en,arrows
have enough interest or enthusiasm to do something.,en,arse
"a person's anus.",en,arsehole
"a person's anus.",en,arseholes
a collection of weapons and military equipment.,en,arsenal
a collection of weapons and military equipment.,en,arsenals
relating to arsenic.,en,arsenic
a stressed syllable or part of a metrical foot in Greek or Latin verse.,en,arses
the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.,en,arson
a person who commits arson.,en,arsonist
a person who commits arson.,en,arsonists
archaic or dialect second person singular present of be.,en,art
"an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.",en,artefact
"an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.",en,artefacts
relating to an artery or arteries.,en,arterial
any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.,en,arteries
"the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, occurring typically in old age.",en,arteriosclerosis
any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been oxygenated) is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.,en,artery
"clever or skilful, especially in a crafty or cunning way.",en,artful
in a way that is clever or skilful and also cunning.,en,artfully
a person suffering from arthritis.,en,arthritic
a disease causing painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.,en,arthritis
"a European plant resembling a thistle, cultivated for its large flower heads.",en,artichoke
"a European plant resembling a thistle, cultivated for its large flower heads.",en,artichokes
"bind (a trainee solicitor, architect, surveyor, or accountant) to undergo a period of training with a firm in order to become qualified.",en,article
"bind (a trainee solicitor, architect, surveyor, or accountant) to undergo a period of training with a firm in order to become qualified.",en,articled
"bind (a trainee solicitor, architect, surveyor, or accountant) to undergo a period of training with a firm in order to become qualified.",en,articles
pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.,en,articulate
pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.,en,articulated
pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.,en,articulates
pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly.,en,articulating
the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.,en,articulation
the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.,en,articulations
"an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.",en,artifact
"an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.",en,artifacts
"clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others.",en,artifice
"clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others.",en,artifices
"made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.",en,artificial
the quality of being made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally.,en,artificiality
by means of human intervention rather than naturally.,en,artificially
large-calibre guns used in warfare on land.,en,artillery
"a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.",en,artisan
"a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.",en,artisans
a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.,en,artist
"a professional entertainer, especially a singer or dancer.",en,artiste
"a professional entertainer, especially a singer or dancer.",en,artistes
having or revealing natural creative skill.,en,artistic
as regards art or artists; from an artistic point of view.,en,artistically
creative skill or ability.,en,artistry
a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.,en,artists
without guile or deception.,en,artless
"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.",en,arts
"making a strong, affected, or pretentious display of being artistic or interested in the arts.",en,artsy
"illustrations, photographs, or other non-textual material prepared for inclusion in a publication.",en,artwork
"illustrations, photographs, or other non-textual material prepared for inclusion in a publication.",en,artworks
"making a strong, affected, or pretentious display of being artistic or interested in the arts.",en,arty
"the rocket plant, used in salads.",en,arugula
"the chemical element of atomic number 33, a brittle steel-grey metalloid.",en,as
"a highly heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral that can be woven into fabrics, and is used in brake linings and in fire-resistant and insulating materials.",en,asbestos
go up or climb.,en,ascend
occupation of a position of dominant power or influence.,en,ascendancy
go up or climb.,en,ascended
occupation of a position of dominant power or influence.,en,ascendency
go up or climb.,en,ascending
go up or climb.,en,ascends
the action of rising to an important position or a higher level.,en,ascension
a climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.,en,ascent
a climb or walk to the summit of a mountain or hill.,en,ascents
find (something) out for certain; make sure of.,en,ascertain
find (something) out for certain; make sure of.,en,ascertained
find (something) out for certain; make sure of.,en,ascertaining
find (something) out for certain; make sure of.,en,ascertains
a person who follows an ascetic life.,en,ascetic
"severe self-discipline and avoiding of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.",en,asceticism
a person who follows an ascetic life.,en,ascetics
"a man's broad silk necktie.",en,ascot
"a man's broad silk necktie.",en,ascots
regard something as being due to (a cause).,en,ascribe
regard something as being due to (a cause).,en,ascribed
regard something as being due to (a cause).,en,ascribes
regard something as being due to (a cause).,en,ascribing
"free from contamination caused by harmful bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms; surgically sterile or sterilized.",en,aseptic
"a person who has no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.",en,asexual
in a way that relates to reproduction without the fusion of gametes.,en,asexually
"a tree with compound leaves, winged fruits, and hard pale timber, widely distributed throughout north temperate regions.",en,ash
"embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, characteristics, or associations.",en,ashamed
a dustbin.,en,ashcan
a dustbin.,en,ashcans
made of timber from the ash tree.,en,ashen
"a tree with compound leaves, winged fruits, and hard pale timber, widely distributed throughout north temperate regions.",en,ashes
to or on the shore or land from the direction of the sea.,en,ashore
"(especially in South Asia) a hermitage, monastic community, or other place of religious retreat.",en,ashram
"(especially in South Asia) a hermitage, monastic community, or other place of religious retreat.",en,ashrams
a small receptacle for tobacco ash and cigarette ends.,en,ashtray
a small receptacle for tobacco ash and cigarette ends.,en,ashtrays
of a pale greyish colour; ashen.,en,ashy
the side of a pop single regarded as the main one.,en,aside
a remark or passage in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play.,en,asides
extremely stupid or foolish.,en,asinine
a demand or situation that requires a specified degree of effort or commitment.,en,ask
say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.,en,asked
not in a straight or level position.,en,askew
say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.,en,asking
a demand or situation that requires a specified degree of effort or commitment.,en,asks
in a state of sleep.,en,asleep
a small southern European viper with an upturned snout.,en,asp
"a tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots.",en,asparagus
(of a planet) form an aspect with (another celestial body).,en,aspect
(of a planet) form an aspect with (another celestial body).,en,aspects
a poplar tree with small rounded long-stalked leaves that tremble in the breeze.,en,aspen
a poplar tree with small rounded long-stalked leaves that tremble in the breeze.,en,aspens
harshness of tone or manner.,en,asperities
harshness of tone or manner.,en,asperity
an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.,en,aspersions
surface with asphalt.,en,asphalt
surface with asphalt.,en,asphalted
surface with asphalt.,en,asphalting
surface with asphalt.,en,asphalts
"a condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing unconsciousness or death; suffocation.",en,asphyxia
kill (someone) by depriving them of air.,en,asphyxiate
kill (someone) by depriving them of air.,en,asphyxiated
kill (someone) by depriving them of air.,en,asphyxiates
kill (someone) by depriving them of air.,en,asphyxiating
"the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; suffocation.",en,asphyxiation
"a savoury jelly made with meat stock, set in a mould and used to contain pieces of meat, seafood, or eggs.",en,aspic
"a bulbous plant of the lily family with broad tapering leaves, native to eastern Asia and widely grown as a houseplant.",en,aspidistra
"a bulbous plant of the lily family with broad tapering leaves, native to eastern Asia and widely grown as a houseplant.",en,aspidistras
a person who has ambitions to achieve something.,en,aspirant
a person who has ambitions to achieve something.,en,aspirants
(of a sound) pronounced with an exhalation of breath; aspirated.,en,aspirate
breathe (something) in; inhale.,en,aspirated
an aspirated consonant.,en,aspirates
breathe (something) in; inhale.,en,aspirating
a hope or ambition of achieving something.,en,aspiration
a hope or ambition of achieving something.,en,aspirations
"direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.",en,aspire
"direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.",en,aspired
"direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.",en,aspires
"a synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation, usually taken in tablet form.",en,aspirin
"direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.",en,aspiring
"a synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation, usually taken in tablet form.",en,aspirins
a small southern European viper with an upturned snout.,en,asps
"a person's buttocks or anus.",en,ass
make a concerted or violent attack on.,en,assail
a person who physically attacks another.,en,assailant
a person who physically attacks another.,en,assailants
make a concerted or violent attack on.,en,assailed
make a concerted or violent attack on.,en,assailing
make a concerted or violent attack on.,en,assails
a person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons.,en,assassin
murder (an important person) for political or religious reasons.,en,assassinate
murder (an important person) for political or religious reasons.,en,assassinated
murder (an important person) for political or religious reasons.,en,assassinates
murder (an important person) for political or religious reasons.,en,assassinating
the action of assassinating someone.,en,assassination
the action of assassinating someone.,en,assassinations
a person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons.,en,assassins
a physical attack.,en,assault
make a physical attack on.,en,assaulted
make a physical attack on.,en,assaulting
a physical attack.,en,assaults
determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore).,en,assay
determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore).,en,assayed
determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore).,en,assaying
determine the content or quality of (a metal or ore).,en,assays
a collection or gathering of things or people.,en,assemblage
a collection or gathering of things or people.,en,assemblages
a leap in which the feet are brought together before landing.,en,assemble
(of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.,en,assembled
a person who assembles a machine or its parts.,en,assembler
a person who assembles a machine or its parts.,en,assemblers
a leap in which the feet are brought together before landing.,en,assembles
a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.,en,assemblies
(of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.,en,assembling
a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.,en,assembly
a person who is a member of a legislative assembly.,en,assemblyman
a person who is a member of a legislative assembly.,en,assemblymen
a female member of a legislative assembly.,en,assemblywoman
a female member of a legislative assembly.,en,assemblywomen
express approval or agreement.,en,assent
express approval or agreement.,en,assented
express approval or agreement.,en,assenting
express approval or agreement.,en,assents
state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.,en,assert
state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.,en,asserted
state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.,en,asserting
a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.,en,assertion
a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.,en,assertions
having or showing a confident and forceful personality.,en,assertive
confident and forceful behaviour.,en,assertiveness
state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.,en,asserts
"a person's buttocks or anus.",en,asses
"evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.",en,assess
"evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.",en,assessed
"evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.",en,assesses
"evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.",en,assessing
the action of assessing someone or something.,en,assessment
the action of assessing someone or something.,en,assessments
a person who evaluates the quality of a person or thing.,en,assessor
a person who evaluates the quality of a person or thing.,en,assessors
a useful or valuable thing or person.,en,asset
a useful or valuable thing or person.,en,assets
"a person's anus.",en,asshole
"a person's anus.",en,assholes
constant or close attention to what one is doing.,en,assiduity
showing great care and perseverance.,en,assiduous
with great care and perseverance.,en,assiduously
another term for assignee (sense 1).,en,assign
"an appointment to meet someone in secret, typically one made by lovers.",en,assignation
"an appointment to meet someone in secret, typically one made by lovers.",en,assignations
allocate (a job or duty).,en,assigned
allocate (a job or duty).,en,assigning
a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.,en,assignment
a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.,en,assignments
another term for assignee (sense 1).,en,assigns
take in and understand fully (information or ideas).,en,assimilate
take in and understand fully (information or ideas).,en,assimilated
take in and understand fully (information or ideas).,en,assimilates
take in and understand fully (information or ideas).,en,assimilating
the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.,en,assimilation
"an act of giving help, typically by providing money.",en,assist
the action of helping someone by sharing work.,en,assistance
a person who ranks below a senior person.,en,assistant
a person who ranks below a senior person.,en,assistants
"help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.",en,assisted
"help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work.",en,assisting
"an act of giving help, typically by providing money.",en,assists
"a court which formerly sat at intervals in each county of England and Wales to administer the civil and criminal law. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.",en,assize
"a court which formerly sat at intervals in each county of England and Wales to administer the civil and criminal law. In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of assizes was transferred to the High Court, and the criminal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.",en,assizes
connected with an organization or business.,en,associate
"connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.",en,associated
a partner or companion in business or at work.,en,associates
"connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.",en,associating
(often in names) a group of people organized for a joint purpose.,en,association
(often in names) a group of people organized for a joint purpose.,en,associations
"resemblance of sound between syllables of nearby words, arising particularly from the rhyming of two or more stressed vowels, but not consonants (e.g. sonnet, porridge ), but also from the use of identical consonants with different vowels (e.g. killed, cold, culled ).",en,assonance
(of genes or characteristics) become distributed among cells or progeny.,en,assorted
a miscellaneous collection of things or people.,en,assortment
a miscellaneous collection of things or people.,en,assortments
make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.,en,assuage
make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.,en,assuaged
make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.,en,assuages
make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.,en,assuaging
"suppose to be the case, without proof.",en,assume
"suppose to be the case, without proof.",en,assumed
"suppose to be the case, without proof.",en,assumes
"suppose to be the case, without proof.",en,assuming
"a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.",en,assumption
"a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.",en,assumptions
a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.,en,assurance
a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.,en,assurances
tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.,en,assure
tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.,en,assured
tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.,en,assures
tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.,en,assuring
mark (a word or piece of text) with an asterisk.,en,asterisk
mark (a word or piece of text) with an asterisk.,en,asterisked
mark (a word or piece of text) with an asterisk.,en,asterisking
mark (a word or piece of text) with an asterisk.,en,asterisks
behind or toward the rear of a ship or aircraft.,en,astern
relating to or denoting echinoderms of the class Asteroidea.,en,asteroid
"a small rocky body orbiting the sun. Large numbers of these, ranging enormously in size, are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, though some have more eccentric orbits.",en,asteroids
"a respiratory condition marked by attacks of spasm in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It is usually connected to allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.",en,asthma
a person who suffers from asthma.,en,asthmatic
a person who suffers from asthma.,en,asthmatics
"a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which results in distorted images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus.",en,astigmatism
surprise or impress (someone) greatly.,en,astonish
surprise or impress (someone) greatly.,en,astonished
surprise or impress (someone) greatly.,en,astonishes
surprise or impress (someone) greatly.,en,astonishing
extremely surprisingly or impressively.,en,astonishingly
great surprise.,en,astonishment
shock or greatly surprise.,en,astound
shock or greatly surprise.,en,astounded
shock or greatly surprise.,en,astounding
surprisingly impressively or notably.,en,astoundingly
shock or greatly surprise.,en,astounds
the dark curly fleece of young karakul lambs from central Asia.,en,astrakhan
relating to or resembling the stars.,en,astral
with a leg on each side of something.,en,astride
the property of causing skin cells or other body tissues to contract.,en,astringency
an astringent lotion applied to the skin to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions or as a cosmetic to make the skin less oily.,en,astringent
an astringent lotion applied to the skin to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions or as a cosmetic to make the skin less oily.,en,astringents
a person who uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future.,en,astrologer
a person who uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future.,en,astrologers
relating to astrology.,en,astrological
the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.,en,astrology
a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.,en,astronaut
a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.,en,astronauts
an expert in or student of astronomy.,en,astronomer
an expert in or student of astronomy.,en,astronomers
relating to astronomy.,en,astronomical
"the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.",en,astronomy
an expert in or student of astrophysics.,en,astrophysicist
an expert in or student of astrophysics.,en,astrophysicists
"the branch of astronomy concerned with the physical nature of stars and other celestial bodies, and the application of the laws and theories of physics to the interpretation of astronomical observations.",en,astrophysics
"having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.",en,astute
accurately assessing situations or people; perceptively.,en,astutely
the protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee.,en,asylum
the protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee.,en,asylums
"having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.",en,asymmetric
"having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.",en,asymmetrical
lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry.,en,asymmetries
lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry.,en,asymmetry
(of a condition or a person) producing or showing no symptoms.,en,asymptomatic
"the chemical element of atomic number 85, a radioactive member of the halogen group. Astatine was first produced by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles, and it occurs in traces in nature as a decay product.",en,at
relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.,en,atavistic
put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it.,en,ate
"a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.",en,atelier
"a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.",en,ateliers
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.,en,atheism
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.,en,atheist
disbelieving or lacking belief in the existence of God.,en,atheistic
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.,en,atheists
a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.,en,athlete
a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.,en,athletes
"physically strong, fit, and active.",en,athletic
"the physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength, fitness, and agility.",en,athleticism
"the sport of competing in track and field events, including running races and various competitions in jumping and throwing.",en,athletics
a book of maps or charts.,en,atlas
a book of maps or charts.,en,atlases
the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.,en,atmosphere
the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.,en,atmospheres
relating to the atmosphere of the earth.,en,atmospheric
"electrical disturbances in the atmosphere due to lightning and other phenomena, especially as they interfere with telecommunications.",en,atmospherics
"a ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands formed of coral.",en,atoll
"a ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands formed of coral.",en,atolls
the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist.,en,atom
relating to an atom or atoms.,en,atomic
"a device for emitting water, perfume, or other liquids as a fine spray.",en,atomizer
"a device for emitting water, perfume, or other liquids as a fine spray.",en,atomizers
the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist.,en,atoms
not written in any key or mode.,en,atonal
make amends or reparation.,en,atone
make amends or reparation.,en,atoned
the action of making amends for a wrong or injury.,en,atonement
make amends or reparation.,en,atones
make amends or reparation.,en,atoning
on the top.,en,atop
an open-roofed entrance hall or central court in an ancient Roman house.,en,atrium
an open-roofed entrance hall or central court in an ancient Roman house.,en,atriums
horrifyingly wicked.,en,atrocious
"an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.",en,atrocities
"an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.",en,atrocity
"(of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.",en,atrophied
"(of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.",en,atrophies
the process of atrophying or state of having atrophied.,en,atrophy
"(of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.",en,atrophying
join or fasten (something) to something else.,en,attach
a person on the staff of an ambassador having a specialized area of responsibility.,en,attache
join or fasten (something) to something else.,en,attached
a person on the staff of an ambassador having a specialized area of responsibility.,en,attaches
join or fasten (something) to something else.,en,attaching
an extra part or extension that is or may be attached to something to perform a particular function.,en,attachment
an extra part or extension that is or may be attached to something to perform a particular function.,en,attachments
an aggressive and violent act against a person or place.,en,attack
take aggressive military action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force.,en,attacked
a person or animal that attacks someone or something.,en,attacker
a person or animal that attacks someone or something.,en,attackers
take aggressive military action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force.,en,attacking
an aggressive and violent act against a person or place.,en,attacks
succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for).,en,attain
able to be attained; achievable.,en,attainable
succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for).,en,attained
succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for).,en,attaining
the action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked.,en,attainment
the action or fact of achieving a goal towards which one has worked.,en,attainments
succeed in achieving (something that one has worked for).,en,attains
an effort to achieve or complete a difficult task or action.,en,attempt
make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult).,en,attempted
make an effort to achieve or complete (something difficult).,en,attempting
an effort to achieve or complete a difficult task or action.,en,attempts
"be present at (an event, meeting, or function).",en,attend
the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.,en,attendance
the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.,en,attendances
occurring with or as a result of.,en,attendant
a person employed to provide a service to the public in a particular place.,en,attendants
"be present at (an event, meeting, or function).",en,attended
a person who attends a conference or other gathering.,en,attendee
a person who attends a conference or other gathering.,en,attendees
"be present at (an event, meeting, or function).",en,attending
"be present at (an event, meeting, or function).",en,attends
notice taken of someone or something; the regarding of someone or something as interesting or important.,en,attention
the action of dealing with or taking special care of someone or something.,en,attentions
paying close attention to something.,en,attentive
while paying close attention.,en,attentively
the action of paying close attention to something.,en,attentiveness
"reduced in force, effect, or physical thickness.",en,attenuate
"reduce the force, effect, or value of.",en,attenuated
"reduce the force, effect, or value of.",en,attenuates
"reduce the force, effect, or value of.",en,attenuating
"the reduction of the force, effect, or value of something.",en,attenuation
provide or serve as clear evidence of.,en,attest
evidence or proof of something.,en,attestation
evidence or proof of something.,en,attestations
provide or serve as clear evidence of.,en,attested
provide or serve as clear evidence of.,en,attesting
provide or serve as clear evidence of.,en,attests
the dialect of Greek used by the ancient Athenians. It was the chief literary form of classical Greek.,en,attic
a space or room inside or partly inside the roof of a building.,en,attics
be dressed in clothes of a specified kind.,en,attire
be dressed in clothes of a specified kind.,en,attired
a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.,en,attitude
a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.,en,attitudes
relating to attitudes.,en,attitudinal
"a person, typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal matters.",en,attorney
"a person, typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal matters.",en,attorneys
cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.,en,attract
cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.,en,attracted
cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.,en,attracting
the action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or something.,en,attraction
the action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or something.,en,attractions
pleasing or appealing to the senses.,en,attractive
in a way that is pleasing or appealing to the senses.,en,attractively
the quality of being pleasing or appealing to the senses.,en,attractiveness
cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.,en,attracts
regarded as being caused by.,en,attributable
a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.,en,attribute
regard something as being caused by.,en,attributed
a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.,en,attributes
regard something as being caused by.,en,attributing
the action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing.,en,attribution
"(of an adjective or noun) modifying a noun and part of the same noun phrase, in English generally preceding the noun, for example old in the old dog (but not in the dog is old ) and expiry in expiry date.",en,attributive
"the process of reducing something's strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or pressure.",en,attrition
make receptive or aware.,en,attuned
"not representative of a type, group, or class.",en,atypical
"the purple egg-shaped fruit of a tropical Old World plant, which is eaten as a vegetable.",en,aubergine
"the purple egg-shaped fruit of a tropical Old World plant, which is eaten as a vegetable.",en,aubergines
a reddish-brown colour.,en,auburn
sell or offer for sale at an auction.,en,auction
sell or offer for sale at an auction.,en,auctioned
a person who conducts auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold.,en,auctioneer
a person who conducts auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold.,en,auctioneers
sell or offer for sale at an auction.,en,auctioning
sell or offer for sale at an auction.,en,auctions
showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks.,en,audacious
a willingness to take bold risks.,en,audacity
a change of playing tactics called by the quarterback at the line of scrimmage.,en,audible
in a way that can be heard.,en,audibly
"the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play, film, concert, or meeting.",en,audience
"the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play, film, concert, or meeting.",en,audiences
"sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.",en,audio
record (sound) on tape.,en,audiotape
record (sound) on tape.,en,audiotapes
"using both sight and sound, typically in the form of images and recorded speech or music.",en,audiovisual
conduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts).,en,audit
conduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts).,en,audited
conduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts).,en,auditing
perform an audition.,en,audition
perform an audition.,en,auditioned
perform an audition.,en,auditioning
perform an audition.,en,auditions
a person who conducts an audit.,en,auditor
"the part of a theatre, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits.",en,auditoria
"the part of a theatre, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits.",en,auditorium
"the part of a theatre, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits.",en,auditoriums
a person who conducts an audit.,en,auditors
relating to the sense of hearing.,en,auditory
conduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts).,en,audits
"a tool resembling a large corkscrew, for boring holes in wood.",en,auger
"a tool resembling a large corkscrew, for boring holes in wood.",en,augers
archaic term for nought.,en,aught
a vowel prefixed to past tenses of verbs in Greek and certain other Indo-European languages.,en,augment
the action or process of making or becoming greater in size or amount.,en,augmentation
the action or process of making or becoming greater in size or amount.,en,augmentations
make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.,en,augmented
make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.,en,augmenting
a vowel prefixed to past tenses of verbs in Greek and certain other Indo-European languages.,en,augments
"(in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behaviour of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.",en,augur
(of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome.,en,augured
a sign of what will happen in the future; an omen.,en,auguries
(of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome.,en,auguring
"(in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behaviour of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.",en,augurs
a sign of what will happen in the future; an omen.,en,augury
"the eighth month of the year, in the northern hemisphere usually considered the last month of summer.",en,august
"a short-winged diving seabird found in northern oceans, typically with a black head and black and white underparts.",en,auk
"a short-winged diving seabird found in northern oceans, typically with a black head and black and white underparts.",en,auks
"the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle.",en,aunt
another term for aunt.,en,auntie
another term for aunt.,en,aunties
"the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle.",en,aunts
another term for aunt.,en,aunty
"the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.",en,aura
relating to the ear or the sense of hearing.,en,aural
"the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, thing, or place.",en,auras
"a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.",en,aureole
"a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.",en,aureoles
a structure resembling an ear or ear lobe.,en,auricle
a structure resembling an ear or ear lobe.,en,auricles
conducive to success; favourable.,en,auspicious
severe or strict in manner or attitude.,en,austere
sternness or severity of manner or attitude.,en,austerities
sternness or severity of manner or attitude.,en,austerity
of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.,en,authentic
undisputedly; genuinely.,en,authentically
"prove or show (something) to be true, genuine, or valid.",en,authenticate
"prove or show (something) to be true, genuine, or valid.",en,authenticated
"prove or show (something) to be true, genuine, or valid.",en,authenticates
"prove or show (something) to be true, genuine, or valid.",en,authenticating
"the process or action of proving or showing something to be true, genuine, or valid.",en,authentication
the quality of being authentic.,en,authenticity
be the author of (a book or piece of writing).,en,author
be the author of (a book or piece of writing).,en,authored
a female author.,en,authoress
a female author.,en,authoresses
"belonging or relating to the writer of a book, article, or document.",en,authorial
be the author of (a book or piece of writing).,en,authoring
the action of authorizing.,en,authorisation
the action of authorizing.,en,authorisations
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorise
having official permission or approval.,en,authorised
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorises
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorising
an authoritarian person.,en,authoritarian
the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.,en,authoritarianism
an authoritarian person.,en,authoritarians
able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable.,en,authoritative
in a way that is trusted as being accurate or true; with authority.,en,authoritatively
"the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.",en,authorities
"the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.",en,authority
the action of authorizing.,en,authorization
the action of authorizing.,en,authorizations
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorize
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorized
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorizes
give official permission for or approval to (an undertaking or agent).,en,authorizing
be the author of (a book or piece of writing).,en,authors
"the state or fact of being the writer of a book, article, or document, or the creator of a work of art.",en,authorship
a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour.,en,autism
a person affected by autism.,en,autistic
short for automatic (sense 3 of the noun).,en,auto
"a German, Austrian, or Swiss motorway.",en,autobahn
"a German, Austrian, or Swiss motorway.",en,autobahns
"(of a written work) dealing with the writer's own life.",en,autobiographical
"an account of a person's life written by that person.",en,autobiographies
"an account of a person's life written by that person.",en,autobiography
a system of government by one person with absolute power.,en,autocracies
a system of government by one person with absolute power.,en,autocracy
a ruler who has absolute power.,en,autocrat
relating to a ruler who has absolute power.,en,autocratic
a ruler who has absolute power.,en,autocrats
a form of motor racing in which cars are driven singly or in heats over a course including rough terrain or unmade roads.,en,autocross
"written in the author's own handwriting.",en,autograph
"write one's signature on (something); sign.",en,autographed
"write one's signature on (something); sign.",en,autographing
"write one's signature on (something); sign.",en,autographs
a company which manufactures cars.,en,automaker
a company which manufactures cars.,en,automakers
a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.,en,automata
convert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.,en,automate
convert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.,en,automated
convert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.,en,automates
a gun that continues firing until the ammunition is exhausted or the pressure on the trigger is released.,en,automatic
(with reference to a device or process) by itself with little or no direct human control.,en,automatically
a gun that continues firing until the ammunition is exhausted or the pressure on the trigger is released.,en,automatics
convert (a process or facility) to be operated by largely automatic equipment.,en,automating
the use or introduction of automatic equipment in a manufacturing or other process or facility.,en,automation
a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.,en,automaton
a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.,en,automatons
a car.,en,automobile
a car.,en,automobiles
relating to or concerned with motor vehicles.,en,automotive
(of a country or region) having the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.,en,autonomous
with the freedom to act independently.,en,autonomously
the right or condition of self-government.,en,autonomy
short for automatic pilot.,en,autopilot
short for automatic pilot.,en,autopilots
perform an autopsy on (a body or organ).,en,autopsies
perform an autopsy on (a body or organ).,en,autopsy
a car.,en,autos
the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea which one has originated oneself.,en,autosuggestion
"the season after summer and before winter, in the northern hemisphere from September to November and in the southern hemisphere from March to May.",en,autumn
"of, characteristic of, or occurring in autumn.",en,autumnal
"the season after summer and before winter, in the northern hemisphere from September to November and in the southern hemisphere from March to May.",en,autumns
an auxiliary person or thing.,en,auxiliaries
an auxiliary person or thing.,en,auxiliary
use or benefit.,en,avail
the quality of being able to be used or obtained.,en,availability
"able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal.",en,available
help or benefit.,en,availed
help or benefit.,en,availing
use or benefit.,en,avails
"(of a mass of snow, ice, etc.) descend rapidly down a mountainside.",en,avalanche
"(of a mass of snow, ice, etc.) descend rapidly down a mountainside.",en,avalanches
extreme greed for wealth or material gain.,en,avarice
having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain.,en,avaricious
inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another).,en,avenge
inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another).,en,avenged
a person who exacts punishment or inflicts harm in return for an injury or wrong.,en,avenger
a person who exacts punishment or inflicts harm in return for an injury or wrong.,en,avengers
inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another).,en,avenges
inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another).,en,avenging
"a broad road in a town or city, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides.",en,avenue
"a broad road in a town or city, typically having trees at regular intervals along its sides.",en,avenues
state or assert to be the case.,en,aver
amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean.,en,average
amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean.,en,averaged
amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean.,en,averages
amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean.,en,averaging
state or assert to be the case.,en,averred
state or assert to be the case.,en,averring
state or assert to be the case.,en,avers
having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.,en,averse
a strong dislike or disinclination.,en,aversion
a strong dislike or disinclination.,en,aversions
"turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).",en,avert
"turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).",en,averted
"turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).",en,averting
"turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).",en,averts
"a large cage, building, or enclosure for keeping birds in.",en,aviaries
"a large cage, building, or enclosure for keeping birds in.",en,aviary
the flying or operating of aircraft.,en,aviation
a pilot.,en,aviator
a pilot.,en,aviators
having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something.,en,avid
keen interest or enthusiasm.,en,avidity
with great interest or enthusiasm.,en,avidly
electronics as applied to aviation.,en,avionics
"a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin and smooth, oily edible flesh.",en,avocado
"a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin and smooth, oily edible flesh.",en,avocados
keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).,en,avoid
able to be avoided or prevented.,en,avoidable
the action of keeping away from or not doing something.,en,avoidance
keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).,en,avoided
keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).,en,avoiding
keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).,en,avoids
"a system of weights based on a pound of 16 ounces or 7,000 grains, widely used in English-speaking countries.",en,avoirdupois
assert or confess openly.,en,avow
assert or confess openly.,en,avowed
"as has been asserted, admitted, or stated publicly; openly.",en,avowedly
assert or confess openly.,en,avowing
assert or confess openly.,en,avows
kind and friendly towards a younger or less experienced person.,en,avuncular
wait for (an event).,en,await
wait for (an event).,en,awaited
wait for (an event).,en,awaiting
wait for (an event).,en,awaits
not asleep.,en,awake
rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.,en,awaken
rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.,en,awakened
rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.,en,awakening
an act of waking from sleep.,en,awakenings
rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.,en,awakens
stop sleeping; wake from sleep.,en,awakes
stop sleeping; wake from sleep.,en,awaking
a prize or other mark of recognition given in honour of an achievement.,en,award
"give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone).",en,awarded
"give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone).",en,awarding
a prize or other mark of recognition given in honour of an achievement.,en,awards
having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.,en,aware
knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.,en,awareness
"covered or flooded with water, especially seawater or rain.",en,awash
an away match or win.,en,away
inspire with awe.,en,awe
inspire with awe.,en,awed
inspire with awe.,en,awes
extremely well; excellently.,en,awesome
in an extremely impressive or daunting way.,en,awesomely
filled with or revealing awe.,en,awestricken
filled with or revealing awe.,en,awestruck
awfully; very.,en,awful
the state of being very bad or unpleasant.,en,awfulness
for a short time.,en,awhile
inspire with awe.,en,awing
causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.,en,awkward
in an ungainly manner; not smoothly or gracefully.,en,awkwardly
the quality of being awkward.,en,awkwardness
"a small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather.",en,awl
"a small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather.",en,awls
"a sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a shop window, doorway, or ship's deck.",en,awning
"a sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a shop window, doorway, or ship's deck.",en,awnings
stop sleeping; wake from sleep.,en,awoke
stop sleeping; wake from sleep.,en,awoken
away from the usual or expected course; amiss.,en,awry
"end, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly.",en,ax
"end, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly.",en,axe
"end, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly.",en,axed
an imaginary line about which a body rotates.,en,axes
"end, cancel, or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly.",en,axing
"a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.",en,axiom
self-evident or unquestionable.,en,axiomatic
"a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.",en,axioms
"a deer that has lyre-shaped antlers and a yellowish-brown coat with white spots, native to India and Sri Lanka.",en,axis
a rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the centre of a wheel or group of wheels.,en,axle
a rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the centre of a wheel or group of wheels.,en,axles
"an affirmative answer, especially in voting.",en,ay
"a high-ranking religious leader among Shiite Muslims, especially in Iran.",en,ayatollah
"a high-ranking religious leader among Shiite Muslims, especially in Iran.",en,ayatollahs
always or still.,en,aye
"an affirmative answer, especially in voting.",en,ayes
"a deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured, sometimes fragrant flowers. Azaleas are typically smaller than other rhododendrons and there are numerous cultivars.",en,azalea
"a deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured, sometimes fragrant flowers. Azaleas are typically smaller than other rhododendrons and there are numerous cultivars.",en,azaleas
a bright blue colour.,en,azure
the cry of a sheep or lamb.,en,baa
(of a sheep or lamb) bleat.,en,baaed
(of a sheep or lamb) bleat.,en,baaing
the cry of a sheep or lamb.,en,baas
the sound of people talking simultaneously.,en,babble
"talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.",en,babbled
the sound of people talking simultaneously.,en,babbles
"talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.",en,babbling
a sexually attractive young woman.,en,babe
a confused noise made by a number of voices.,en,babel
a sexually attractive young woman.,en,babes
treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.,en,babied
treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.,en,babies
a large Old World ground-dwelling monkey with a long doglike snout and large teeth.,en,baboon
a large Old World ground-dwelling monkey with a long doglike snout and large teeth.,en,baboons
treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.,en,baby
treat (someone) as a baby; pamper or be overprotective towards.,en,babying
typical of or suitable for a baby; childish.,en,babyish
look after a child or children while the parents are out.,en,babysat
look after a child or children while the parents are out.,en,babysit
look after a child or children while the parents are out.,en,babysits
a person who looks after a child or children while the parents are out.,en,babysitter
a person who looks after a child or children while the parents are out.,en,babysitters
look after a child or children while the parents are out.,en,babysitting
an examination intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education.,en,baccalaureate
an examination intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education.,en,baccalaureates
characterized by or given to drunken revelry.,en,bacchanalian
another term for tobacco.,en,baccy
a man who is not and has never been married.,en,bachelor
a man who is not and has never been married.,en,bachelors
a rod-shaped bacterium.,en,bacilli
a rod-shaped bacterium.,en,bacillus
of or at the back of something.,en,back
"prolonged pain in one's back.",en,backache
"prolonged pain in one's back.",en,backaches
(in the UK) denoting or relating to a Member of Parliament who does not hold office in the government or opposition and who sits behind the front benches in the House of Commons.,en,backbench
(in the UK) a Member of Parliament who does not hold office in the government or opposition and who sits behind the front benches in the House of Commons.,en,backbencher
(in the UK) a Member of Parliament who does not hold office in the government or opposition and who sits behind the front benches in the House of Commons.,en,backbenchers
talk maliciously about someone who is not present.,en,backbiting
"a board placed at or forming the back of something, such as a piece of electronic equipment.",en,backboard
"a board placed at or forming the back of something, such as a piece of electronic equipment.",en,backboards
the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine.,en,backbone
the series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the pelvis; the spine.,en,backbones
(of manual labour) physically demanding.,en,backbreaking
rude or cheeky remarks made in reply to someone in authority.,en,backchat
another term for backdrop.,en,backcloth
another term for backdrop.,en,backcloths
comb (the hair) from the ends of the strands towards the scalp to make it look thicker.,en,backcomb
comb (the hair) from the ends of the strands towards the scalp to make it look thicker.,en,backcombed
comb (the hair) from the ends of the strands towards the scalp to make it look thicker.,en,backcombing
comb (the hair) from the ends of the strands towards the scalp to make it look thicker.,en,backcombs
put an earlier date to (a document) than the actual one.,en,backdate
put an earlier date to (a document) than the actual one.,en,backdated
put an earlier date to (a document) than the actual one.,en,backdates
put an earlier date to (a document) than the actual one.,en,backdating
the rear door of a building.,en,backdoor
lie behind or beyond; serve as a background to.,en,backdrop
lie behind or beyond; serve as a background to.,en,backdrops
"give financial, material, or moral support to.",en,backed
"a person, institution, or country that supports someone or something, especially financially.",en,backer
"a person, institution, or country that supports someone or something, especially financially.",en,backers
a mistimed explosion in the cylinder or exhaust of a vehicle or engine.,en,backfire
(of a vehicle or its engine) undergo a mistimed explosion in the cylinder or exhaust.,en,backfired
a mistimed explosion in the cylinder or exhaust of a vehicle or engine.,en,backfires
(of a vehicle or its engine) undergo a mistimed explosion in the cylinder or exhaust.,en,backfiring
"a board game in which two players move their pieces around twenty-four triangular points according to the throw of dice, the winner being the first to remove all their pieces from the board.",en,backgammon
form a background to.,en,background
form a background to.,en,backgrounds
strike with a backhanded blow or stroke.,en,backhand
strike with a backhanded blow or stroke.,en,backhanded
a blow made with the back of the hand.,en,backhander
a blow made with the back of the hand.,en,backhanders
strike with a backhanded blow or stroke.,en,backhands
a mechanical excavator that draws towards itself a bucket attached to a hinged boom.,en,backhoe
a mechanical excavator that draws towards itself a bucket attached to a hinged boom.,en,backhoes
"give financial, material, or moral support to.",en,backing
help or support.,en,backings
"a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.",en,backlash
"a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.",en,backlashes
"(of a woman's garment) cut low at the back.",en,backless
an accumulation of uncompleted work or matters needing to be dealt with.,en,backlog
an accumulation of uncompleted work or matters needing to be dealt with.,en,backlogs
"travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a rucksack.",en,backpack
"travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a rucksack.",en,backpacked
a person who travels or hikes carrying their belongings in a rucksack.,en,backpacker
a person who travels or hikes carrying their belongings in a rucksack.,en,backpackers
"travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a rucksack.",en,backpacking
"travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a rucksack.",en,backpacks
move the pedals of a bicycle backwards (formerly to brake).,en,backpedal
move the pedals of a bicycle backwards (formerly to brake).,en,backpedaled
move the pedals of a bicycle backwards (formerly to brake).,en,backpedaling
move the pedals of a bicycle backwards (formerly to brake).,en,backpedalled
move the pedals of a bicycle backwards (formerly to brake).,en,backpedalling
move the pedals of a bicycle backwards (formerly to brake).,en,backpedals
"a support for a person's back when they are seated.",en,backrest
"a support for a person's back when they are seated.",en,backrests
"a place where secret, administrative, or supporting work is done.",en,backroom
"a place where secret, administrative, or supporting work is done.",en,backrooms
"give financial, material, or moral support to.",en,backs
"the reciprocal provision of help or support, typically in an underhand or illicit manner.",en,backscratching
(of a manoeuvre in surfing and other board sports) done clockwise for a regular rider and anticlockwise for a goofy rider.,en,backside
"a person's buttocks.",en,backsides
vigorously hearty.,en,backslapping
"a backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used in some computer commands.",en,backslash
"a backward-sloping diagonal line (\), used in some computer commands.",en,backslashes
relapse into bad ways or error.,en,backslid
relapse into bad ways or error.,en,backslide
relapse into bad ways or error.,en,backslides
relapse into bad ways or error.,en,backsliding
"the area in a theatre out of view of the audience, especially in the wings or dressing rooms.",en,backstage
support or reinforce.,en,backstop
support or reinforce.,en,backstops
a minor street away from the main roads.,en,backstreet
a minor street away from the main roads.,en,backstreets
a swimming stroke performed on the back with the arms lifted alternately out of the water in a backward circular motion and the legs extended and kicking.,en,backstroke
"retrace one's steps.",en,backtrack
"retrace one's steps.",en,backtracked
"retrace one's steps.",en,backtracking
"retrace one's steps.",en,backtracks
help or support.,en,backup
help or support.,en,backups
"(of a movement) in the direction of one's back.",en,backward
the state of having made less progress than is normal or expected.,en,backwardness
"(of a movement) in the direction of one's back.",en,backwards
clean (a filter) by reversing the flow of fluid through it.,en,backwash
"a part of a river not reached by the current, where the water is stagnant.",en,backwater
"a part of a river not reached by the current, where the water is stagnant.",en,backwaters
remote uncleared forest land.,en,backwoods
"an inhabitant of backwoods, especially one regarded as uncouth or backward.",en,backwoodsman
"an inhabitant of backwoods, especially one regarded as uncouth or backward.",en,backwoodsmen
a back garden.,en,backyard
a back garden.,en,backyards
cured meat from the back or sides of a pig.,en,bacon
"a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease.",en,bacteria
relating to or caused by bacteria.,en,bacterial
relating to bacteriology or bacteria.,en,bacteriological
the study of bacteria.,en,bacteriology
"a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease.",en,bacterium
"a villain or criminal in a book, film, etc.",en,baddie
"a villain or criminal in a book, film, etc.",en,baddies
"a villain or criminal in a book, film, etc.",en,baddy
utter (a greeting or farewell) to.,en,bade
mark with a badge or other distinguishing emblem.,en,badge
repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester.,en,badger
repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester.,en,badgered
repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester.,en,badgering
repeatedly ask (someone) to do something; pester.,en,badgers
mark with a badge or other distinguishing emblem.,en,badges
humorous or witty conversation.,en,badinage
"extensive tracts of heavily eroded, uncultivable land with little vegetation.",en,badlands
"in an unsatisfactory, inadequate, or unsuccessful way.",en,badly
a game with rackets in which a shuttlecock is hit back and forth across a net.,en,badminton
poor quality or low standard.,en,badness
"a device used to restrain the flow of a fluid, gas, etc. or to prevent the spreading of sound or light in a particular direction.",en,baffle
totally bewilder or perplex.,en,baffled
"a device used to restrain the flow of a fluid, gas, etc. or to prevent the spreading of sound or light in a particular direction.",en,baffles
totally bewilder or perplex.,en,baffling
put (something) in a bag.,en,bag
"a game in which small balls are hit and then allowed to roll down a sloping board on which there are holes, each numbered with the score achieved if a ball goes into it, with pins acting as obstructions.",en,bagatelle
"a game in which small balls are hit and then allowed to roll down a sloping board on which there are holes, each numbered with the score achieved if a ball goes into it, with pins acting as obstructions.",en,bagatelles
"a dense bread roll in the shape of a ring, made by boiling dough and then baking it.",en,bagel
"a dense bread roll in the shape of a ring, made by boiling dough and then baking it.",en,bagels
"an examination to test or ascertain accuracy, quality, or satisfactory condition.",en,baggage
put (something) in a bag.,en,bagged
(of clothing) loose and hanging in folds.,en,baggier
(of clothing) loose and hanging in folds.,en,baggiest
put (something) in a bag.,en,bagging
"loose, wide-legged trousers or shorts.",en,baggy
"a musical instrument with reed pipes that are sounded by the pressure of wind emitted from a bag squeezed by the player's arm. Bagpipes are associated especially with Scotland, but are also used in folk music in Ireland, Northumberland, and France, and in varying forms across Europe and western Asia.",en,bagpipe
"a musical instrument with reed pipes that are sounded by the pressure of wind emitted from a bag squeezed by the player's arm. Bagpipes are associated especially with Scotland, but are also used in folk music in Ireland, Northumberland, and France, and in varying forms across Europe and western Asia.",en,bagpipes
put (something) in a bag.,en,bags
"a long, narrow French loaf.",en,baguette
"a long, narrow French loaf.",en,baguettes
scoop water out of a boat or ship.,en,bail
scoop water out of a boat or ship.,en,bailed
the outer wall of a castle.,en,bailey
the outer wall of a castle.,en,baileys
"a sheriff's officer who executes writs and processes and carries out distraints and arrests.",en,bailiff
"a sheriff's officer who executes writs and processes and carries out distraints and arrests.",en,bailiffs
scoop water out of a boat or ship.,en,bailing
scoop water out of a boat or ship.,en,bails
a child.,en,bairn
a child.,en,bairns
an angry mood.,en,bait
deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).,en,baited
deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).,en,baiting
deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).,en,baits
"a coarse, typically green woollen material resembling felt, used for covering billiard and card tables.",en,baize
"a person's mouth.",en,bake
"cook (food) by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, typically in an oven.",en,baked
"a person who makes bread and cakes, especially as a trade.",en,baker
a place where bread and cakes are made or sold.,en,bakeries
"a person who makes bread and cakes, especially as a trade.",en,bakers
a place where bread and cakes are made or sold.,en,bakery
"a person's mouth.",en,bakes
"a Russian musical instrument like a guitar with a triangular body, typically having three strings.",en,balalaika
"a Russian musical instrument like a guitar with a triangular body, typically having three strings.",en,balalaikas
put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.,en,balance
put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.,en,balanced
put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.,en,balances
put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.,en,balancing
"a platform enclosed by a wall or balustrade on the outside of a building, with access from an upper-floor window or door.",en,balconies
"a platform enclosed by a wall or balustrade on the outside of a building, with access from an upper-floor window or door.",en,balcony
having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.,en,bald
having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.,en,balder
senseless talk or writing; nonsense.,en,balderdash
having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.,en,baldest
a bald-headed person.,en,baldies
"in the process of losing one's hair; going bald.",en,balding
without any extra detail or explanation; plainly; bluntly.,en,baldly
the condition of having a scalp wholly or partly lacking hair.,en,baldness
scoop water out of a boat or ship.,en,bale
variant spelling of bail3.,en,baled
threatening harm; menacing.,en,baleful
variant spelling of bail3.,en,bales
variant spelling of bail3.,en,baling
a roughly squared timber beam.,en,balk
hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking.,en,balked
hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking.,en,balking
a roughly squared timber beam.,en,balks
a formal social gathering for dancing.,en,ball
"a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown authorship, having been passed on orally from one generation to the next.",en,ballad
"a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas. Traditional ballads are typically of unknown authorship, having been passed on orally from one generation to the next.",en,ballads
give stability to (a ship) by putting a heavy substance in its bilge.,en,ballast
"a valve which is linked by a hinged arm to a ball floating on top of a liquid and opens or closes a tap automatically according to the height of the ball, especially in the cistern of a flushing toilet.",en,ballcock
"a valve which is linked by a hinged arm to a ball floating on top of a liquid and opens or closes a tap automatically according to the height of the ball, especially in the cistern of a flushing toilet.",en,ballcocks
squeeze or form (something) into a rounded shape.,en,balled
a female ballet dancer.,en,ballerina
a female ballet dancer.,en,ballerinas
"an artistic dance form performed to music, using precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures. Classical ballet, which originated in Renaissance Italy and established its present form during the 19th century, is characterized by light, graceful movements and the use of pointe shoes with reinforced toes.",en,ballet
relating to or characteristic of ballet.,en,balletic
"an artistic dance form performed to music, using precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures. Classical ballet, which originated in Renaissance Italy and established its present form during the 19th century, is characterized by light, graceful movements and the use of pointe shoes with reinforced toes.",en,ballets
a girl who retrieves balls that go out of play during a game such as tennis or soccer.,en,ballgirl
a girl who retrieves balls that go out of play during a game such as tennis or soccer.,en,ballgirls
"a woman's elaborate full-length dress suitable for wearing to balls and similar social gatherings.",en,ballgown
"a woman's elaborate full-length dress suitable for wearing to balls and similar social gatherings.",en,ballgowns
squeeze or form (something) into a rounded shape.,en,balling
relating to projectiles or their flight.,en,ballistic
the science of projectiles and firearms.,en,ballistics
swell out in a spherical shape.,en,balloon
swell out in a spherical shape.,en,ballooned
swell out in a spherical shape.,en,ballooning
a person who flies in a balloon.,en,balloonist
a person who flies in a balloon.,en,balloonists
swell out in a spherical shape.,en,balloons
(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.,en,ballot
(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.,en,balloted
(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.,en,balloting
(of an organization) ask (members) to vote secretly on an issue.,en,ballots
a baseball ground.,en,ballpark
a baseball ground.,en,ballparks
a baseball player.,en,ballplayer
a baseball player.,en,ballplayers
"a pen with a tiny ball as its writing point, especially one using stiffer ink than a rollerball.",en,ballpoint
"a pen with a tiny ball as its writing point, especially one using stiffer ink than a rollerball.",en,ballpoints
a large room for formal dancing.,en,ballroom
a large room for formal dancing.,en,ballrooms
a formal social gathering for dancing.,en,balls
bungle something.,en,ballsed
bungle something.,en,ballses
bungle something.,en,ballsing
determined and courageous.,en,ballsy
"used to express anger, annoyance, or shock, or simply for emphasis.",en,bally
praise or publicize extravagantly.,en,ballyhoo
praise or publicize extravagantly.,en,ballyhooed
praise or publicize extravagantly.,en,ballyhooing
praise or publicize extravagantly.,en,ballyhoos
a fragrant cream or liquid used to heal or soothe the skin.,en,balm
characterized by pleasantly warm weather.,en,balmier
characterized by pleasantly warm weather.,en,balmiest
a fragrant cream or liquid used to heal or soothe the skin.,en,balms
characterized by pleasantly warm weather.,en,balmy
foolish or deceptive talk; nonsense.,en,baloney
very lightweight wood used chiefly for making models and rafts.,en,balsa
"an aromatic resinous substance, such as balm, exuded by various trees and shrubs and used as a base for certain fragrances and medical preparations.",en,balsam
"an aromatic resinous substance, such as balm, exuded by various trees and shrubs and used as a base for certain fragrances and medical preparations.",en,balsams
"a railing supported by balusters, especially one forming an ornamental parapet to a balcony, bridge, or terrace.",en,balustrade
"a railing supported by balusters, especially one forming an ornamental parapet to a balcony, bridge, or terrace.",en,balustrades
a giant woody grass which is grown chiefly in the tropics.,en,bamboo
a giant woody grass which is grown chiefly in the tropics.,en,bamboos
cheat or fool.,en,bamboozle
cheat or fool.,en,bamboozled
cheat or fool.,en,bamboozles
cheat or fool.,en,bamboozling
"a monetary unit of Romania, equal to one hundredth of a leu.",en,ban
so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.,en,banal
the fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality.,en,banalities
the fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality.,en,banality
insane or extremely silly.,en,banana
insane or extremely silly.,en,bananas
(of people or organizations) form a group to achieve a mutual objective.,en,band
bind (a wound or a part of the body) with a protective strip of material.,en,bandage
bind (a wound or a part of the body) with a protective strip of material.,en,bandaged
bind (a wound or a part of the body) with a protective strip of material.,en,bandages
bind (a wound or a part of the body) with a protective strip of material.,en,bandaging
"a large coloured handkerchief, typically with white spots, worn tied around the head or neck.",en,bandanna
"a large coloured handkerchief, typically with white spots, worn tied around the head or neck.",en,bandannas
(of people or organizations) form a group to achieve a mutual objective.,en,banded
pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or uninformed way.,en,bandied
"a game similar to field hockey or ice hockey, played with a ball and large curved sticks.",en,bandies
(of people or organizations) form a group to achieve a mutual objective.,en,banding
a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.,en,bandit
a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.,en,bandits
a player at the head of a musical band.,en,bandleader
a player at the head of a musical band.,en,bandleaders
"the conductor of a musical band, especially a brass or military one.",en,bandmaster
"the conductor of a musical band, especially a brass or military one.",en,bandmasters
a shoulder belt with loops or pockets for cartridges.,en,bandolier
a shoulder belt with loops or pockets for cartridges.,en,bandoliers
(of people or organizations) form a group to achieve a mutual objective.,en,bands
"a player in a musical band, especially a military or brass one.",en,bandsman
"a player in a musical band, especially a military or brass one.",en,bandsmen
"a covered outdoor platform for a band to play on, typically in a park.",en,bandstand
"a covered outdoor platform for a band to play on, typically in a park.",en,bandstands
"used in reference to an activity, cause, etc. that is currently fashionable or popular and attracting increasing support.",en,bandwagon
"used in reference to an activity, cause, etc. that is currently fashionable or popular and attracting increasing support.",en,bandwagons
"a range of frequencies within a given band, in particular that used for transmitting a signal.",en,bandwidth
"a game similar to field hockey or ice hockey, played with a ball and large curved sticks.",en,bandy
pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or uninformed way.,en,bandying
a cause of great distress or annoyance.,en,bane
harmful or destructive.,en,baneful
"the leaves and flower tops of cannabis, used as a narcotic.",en,bang
strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily.,en,banged
a sausage.,en,banger
a sausage.,en,bangers
strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily.,en,banging
a rigid ornamental band worn round the arm or occasionally the ankle.,en,bangle
a rigid ornamental band worn round the arm or occasionally the ankle.,en,bangles
strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily.,en,bangs
send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment.,en,banish
send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment.,en,banished
send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment.,en,banishes
send (someone) away from a country or place as an official punishment.,en,banishing
the punishment of being sent away from a country or other place.,en,banishment
the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase.,en,banister
the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase.,en,banisters
"a stringed instrument of the guitar family, with a round open-backed soundbox of parchment stretched over a metal hoop.",en,banjo
"a stringed instrument of the guitar family, with a round open-backed soundbox of parchment stretched over a metal hoop.",en,banjos
deposit (money or valuables) in a bank.,en,bank
(especially in the entertainment industry) certain to bring profit and success.,en,bankable
deposit (money or valuables) in a bank.,en,banked
a boat employed in cod fishing off Newfoundland.,en,banker
a boat employed in cod fishing off Newfoundland.,en,bankers
deposit (money or valuables) in a bank.,en,banking
"a piece of paper money, constituting a central bank's promissory note to pay a stated sum to the bearer on demand.",en,banknote
"a piece of paper money, constituting a central bank's promissory note to pay a stated sum to the bearer on demand.",en,banknotes
"support (a person, organization, or project) financially.",en,bankroll
"support (a person, organization, or project) financially.",en,bankrolled
"support (a person, organization, or project) financially.",en,bankrolling
"support (a person, organization, or project) financially.",en,bankrolls
reduce (a person or organization) to bankruptcy.,en,bankrupt
the state of being bankrupt.,en,bankruptcies
the state of being bankrupt.,en,bankruptcy
reduce (a person or organization) to bankruptcy.,en,bankrupted
reduce (a person or organization) to bankruptcy.,en,bankrupting
reduce (a person or organization) to bankruptcy.,en,bankrupts
deposit (money or valuables) in a bank.,en,banks
officially or legally prohibit (something).,en,banned
excellent; outstanding.,en,banner
"a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, carried in a demonstration or procession or hung in a public place.",en,banners
officially or legally prohibit (something).,en,banning
the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase.,en,bannister
the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase.,en,bannisters
"(in Scottish and northern English cooking) a flat, unsweetened cake made with oatmeal or barley flour and typically unleavened.",en,bannock
"(in Scottish and northern English cooking) a flat, unsweetened cake made with oatmeal or barley flour and typically unleavened.",en,bannocks
"a notice read out on three successive Sundays in a parish church, announcing an intended marriage and giving the opportunity for objections.",en,banns
entertain with a banquet.,en,banquet
entertain with a banquet.,en,banqueting
entertain with a banquet.,en,banquets
"an upholstered bench along a wall, especially in a restaurant or bar.",en,banquette
"an upholstered bench along a wall, especially in a restaurant or bar.",en,banquettes
an official or legal prohibition.,en,bans
(in Irish legend) a female spirit whose wailing warns of a death in a house.,en,banshee
(in Irish legend) a female spirit whose wailing warns of a death in a house.,en,banshees
"a chicken of a small breed, the cock of which is noted for its aggression.",en,bantam
"a chicken of a small breed, the cock of which is noted for its aggression.",en,bantams
a weight in boxing and other sports intermediate between flyweight and featherweight. In the amateur boxing scale it ranges from 51 to 54 kg.,en,bantamweight
a weight in boxing and other sports intermediate between flyweight and featherweight. In the amateur boxing scale it ranges from 51 to 54 kg.,en,bantamweights
exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.,en,banter
exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.,en,bantered
exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.,en,bantering
exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.,en,banters
"an Indian fig tree, the branches of which produce wide-ranging aerial roots which later become accessory trunks.",en,banyan
"an Indian fig tree, the branches of which produce wide-ranging aerial roots which later become accessory trunks.",en,banyans
"a large, round, flattish bread roll, typically with a spongy texture and floury top.",en,bap
"a large, round, flattish bread roll, typically with a spongy texture and floury top.",en,baps
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptise
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptised
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptises
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptising
"the Christian religious rite of sprinkling water on to a person's forehead or of immersing them in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. In many denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving.",en,baptism
relating to the Christian rite of baptism.,en,baptismal
"the Christian religious rite of sprinkling water on to a person's forehead or of immersing them in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. In many denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving.",en,baptisms
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptize
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptized
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptizes
administer baptism to (someone); christen.,en,baptizing
a unit of pressure equivalent to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre or approximately one atmosphere.,en,bar
"cut or style (a person's hair).",en,barb
relating to ancient barbarians.,en,barbarian
"(in ancient times) a member of a people not belonging to one of the great civilizations (Greek, Roman, Christian).",en,barbarians
savagely cruel.,en,barbaric
absence of culture and civilization.,en,barbarism
extreme cruelty or brutality.,en,barbarities
extreme cruelty or brutality.,en,barbarity
extremely brutal.,en,barbarous
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbecue
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbecued
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbecues
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbecuing
"cut or style (a person's hair).",en,barbed
"a long metal bar to which discs of varying weights are attached at each end, used for weightlifting.",en,barbell
"a long metal bar to which discs of varying weights are attached at each end, used for weightlifting.",en,barbells
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbeque
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbequed
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbeques
cook (food) on a barbecue.,en,barbequing
"cut or trim (a man's hair).",en,barber
"cut or trim (a man's hair).",en,barbers
a shop where a barber works.,en,barbershop
a shop where a barber works.,en,barbershops
a doll representing a conventionally attractive young woman.,en,barbie
a doll representing a conventionally attractive young woman.,en,barbies
any of a class of sedative and sleep-inducing drugs derived from barbituric acid.,en,barbiturate
any of a class of sedative and sleep-inducing drugs derived from barbituric acid.,en,barbiturates
"cut or style (a person's hair).",en,barbs
cover (meat or game) with rashers of fat bacon.,en,bard
cover (meat or game) with rashers of fat bacon.,en,bards
very; really (used as an intensifier).,en,bare
riding on an unsaddled horse or other animal.,en,bareback
uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view.,en,bared
shameless and undisguised.,en,barefaced
without wearing anything on the feet.,en,barefoot
without wearing anything on the feet.,en,barefooted
"without a covering for one's head.",en,bareheaded
only just; almost not.,en,barely
(of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered.,en,barer
uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view.,en,bares
(of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered.,en,barest
vomited food.,en,barf
a person who spends much of their time drinking in bars.,en,barflies
a person who spends much of their time drinking in bars.,en,barfly
vomited food.,en,barfs
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.,en,bargain
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.,en,bargained
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.,en,bargaining
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.,en,bargains
move forcefully or roughly.,en,barge
move forcefully or roughly.,en,barged
move forcefully or roughly.,en,barges
move forcefully or roughly.,en,barging
uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view.,en,baring
an adult male singing voice between tenor and bass.,en,baritone
an adult male singing voice between tenor and bass.,en,baritones
"the chemical element of atomic number 56, a soft white reactive metal of the alkaline earth group.",en,barium
"a sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.",en,bark
strip the bark from (a tree or piece of wood).,en,barked
a person who owns or serves drinks in a bar.,en,barkeeper
a person who owns or serves drinks in a bar.,en,barkeepers
"a tout at an auction, sideshow, etc., who calls out to passers-by to attract custom.",en,barker
"a tout at an auction, sideshow, etc., who calls out to passers-by to attract custom.",en,barkers
strip the bark from (a tree or piece of wood).,en,barking
"a sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.",en,barks
"a hardy cereal with coarse bristles extending from the ears, cultivated especially for use in brewing and stockfeed.",en,barley
a woman serving behind the bar of a pub or hotel.,en,barmaid
a woman serving behind the bar of a pub or hotel.,en,barmaids
a man serving behind the bar of a pub or hotel.,en,barman
a man serving behind the bar of a pub or hotel.,en,barmen
mad; crazy.,en,barmier
mad; crazy.,en,barmiest
mad; crazy.,en,barmy
"a unit of area, 10−28 square metres, used especially in particle physics.",en,barn
"a marine crustacean with an external shell, which attaches itself permanently to a surface and feeds by filtering particles from the water using its modified feathery legs.",en,barnacle
"a marine crustacean with an external shell, which attaches itself permanently to a surface and feeds by filtering particles from the water using its modified feathery legs.",en,barnacles
"a quarrel, especially a noisy one.",en,barney
"a quarrel, especially a noisy one.",en,barneys
"a unit of area, 10−28 square metres, used especially in particle physics.",en,barns
"tour rural districts giving theatrical performances, originally often in barns.",en,barnstorm
"tour rural districts giving theatrical performances, originally often in barns.",en,barnstormed
"tour rural districts giving theatrical performances, originally often in barns.",en,barnstorming
"tour rural districts giving theatrical performances, originally often in barns.",en,barnstorms
the area of open ground around a barn; a farmyard.,en,barnyard
the area of open ground around a barn; a farmyard.,en,barnyards
"an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude.",en,barometer
"an instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude.",en,barometers
"a member of the lowest order of the British nobility. Baron is not used as a form of address, barons usually being referred to as ‘Lord’.",en,baron
"the wife or widow of a baron. Baroness is not used as a form of address, baronesses usually being referred to as ‘Lady’.",en,baroness
"the wife or widow of a baron. Baroness is not used as a form of address, baronesses usually being referred to as ‘Lady’.",en,baronesses
"a member of the lowest hereditary titled British order, with the status of a commoner but able to use the prefix ‘Sir’.",en,baronet
the rank of a baronet.,en,baronetcies
the rank of a baronet.,en,baronetcy
"a member of the lowest hereditary titled British order, with the status of a commoner but able to use the prefix ‘Sir’.",en,baronets
relating to a baron or barons.,en,baronial
the rank and estates of a baron.,en,baronies
"a member of the lowest order of the British nobility. Baron is not used as a form of address, barons usually being referred to as ‘Lord’.",en,barons
the rank and estates of a baron.,en,barony
the baroque style or period.,en,baroque
"a sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.",en,barque
"a sailing ship, typically with three masts, in which the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.",en,barques
a large building or group of buildings used to house soldiers.,en,barrack
jeer loudly at (someone performing or speaking in public) in order to express disapproval or to distract them.,en,barracked
jeer loudly at (someone performing or speaking in public) in order to express disapproval or to distract them.,en,barracking
jeer loudly at (someone performing or speaking in public) in order to express disapproval or to distract them.,en,barracks
a large predatory tropical marine fish with a slender body and large jaws and teeth.,en,barracuda
a large predatory tropical marine fish with a slender body and large jaws and teeth.,en,barracudas
"bombard (someone) with questions, criticisms, complaints, etc.",en,barrage
"bombard (someone) with questions, criticisms, complaints, etc.",en,barrages
"fasten (something, especially a door or window) with a bar or bars.",en,barred
drive or move in a way that is so fast as to almost be out of control.,en,barrel
drive or move in a way that is so fast as to almost be out of control.,en,barreled
drive or move in a way that is so fast as to almost be out of control.,en,barreling
drive or move in a way that is so fast as to almost be out of control.,en,barrels
a barren tract or tracts of land.,en,barren
a typically bar-shaped clip or ornament for the hair; a hairslide.,en,barrette
a typically bar-shaped clip or ornament for the hair; a hairslide.,en,barrettes
block or defend with a barricade.,en,barricade
block or defend with a barricade.,en,barricaded
block or defend with a barricade.,en,barricades
block or defend with a barricade.,en,barricading
a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.,en,barrier
a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.,en,barriers
"fasten (something, especially a door or window) with a bar or bars.",en,barring
a district of a town in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.,en,barrio
a district of a town in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.,en,barrios
"a person called to the bar and entitled to practise as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts.",en,barrister
"a person called to the bar and entitled to practise as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts.",en,barristers
a room where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter.,en,barroom
a room where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter.,en,barrooms
a male pig castrated before maturity.,en,barrow
a male pig castrated before maturity.,en,barrows
a unit of pressure equivalent to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre or approximately one atmosphere.,en,bars
a person serving drinks at a bar.,en,bartender
a person serving drinks at a bar.,en,bartenders
the action or system of bartering.,en,barter
exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.,en,bartered
exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.,en,bartering
exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.,en,barters
"a dark fine-grained volcanic rock that sometimes displays a columnar structure, typically composed largely of plagioclase with pyroxene and olivine.",en,basalt
without moral principles; ignoble.,en,base
a ball game played between two teams of nine on a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases. It is played chiefly as a warm-weather sport in the US and Canada.,en,baseball
a ball game played between two teams of nine on a diamond-shaped circuit of four bases. It is played chiefly as a warm-weather sport in the US and Canada.,en,baseballs
a narrow wooden board running along the base of an interior wall; skirting.,en,baseboard
a narrow wooden board running along the base of an interior wall; skirting.,en,baseboards
use (something specified) as the foundation or starting point for something.,en,based
without foundation in fact.,en,baseless
a minimum or starting point used for comparisons.,en,baseline
a minimum or starting point used for comparisons.,en,baselines
the floor of a building which is partly or entirely below ground level.,en,basement
the floor of a building which is partly or entirely below ground level.,en,basements
without moral principles; ignoble.,en,baser
"the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process.",en,bases
without moral principles; ignoble.,en,basest
a heavy blow.,en,bash
strike hard and violently.,en,bashed
a heavy blow.,en,bashes
reluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.,en,bashful
strike hard and violently.,en,bashing
"a simple high-level computer programming language that uses familiar English words, designed for beginners and formerly used widely.",en,basic
in the most essential respects; fundamentally.,en,basically
the essential facts or principles of a subject or skill.,en,basics
"an aromatic plant of the mint family, native to tropical Asia. The leaves are used as a culinary herb, especially in Mediterranean dishes.",en,basil
"a large oblong hall or building with double colonnades and a semicircular apse, used in ancient Rome as a law court or for public assemblies.",en,basilica
"a large oblong hall or building with double colonnades and a semicircular apse, used in ancient Rome as a law court or for public assemblies.",en,basilicas
"a mythical reptile with a lethal gaze or breath, hatched by a serpent from a cock's egg.",en,basilisk
"a mythical reptile with a lethal gaze or breath, hatched by a serpent from a cock's egg.",en,basilisks
"a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having taps connected to a water supply; a washbasin.",en,basin
use (something specified) as the foundation or starting point for something.,en,basing
"a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having taps connected to a water supply; a washbasin.",en,basins
"the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process.",en,basis
"lie exposed to warmth and light, typically from the sun, for relaxation and pleasure.",en,bask
"lie exposed to warmth and light, typically from the sun, for relaxation and pleasure.",en,basked
"a container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.",en,basket
a game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed at each end of the court.,en,basketball
a game played between two teams of five players in which goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed at each end of the court.,en,basketballs
the craft of basket-making.,en,basketry
"a container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.",en,baskets
material woven in the style of a basket.,en,basketwork
"lie exposed to warmth and light, typically from the sun, for relaxation and pleasure.",en,basking
"lie exposed to warmth and light, typically from the sun, for relaxation and pleasure.",en,basks
relating to the Basques or their language.,en,basque
"a member of a people living in the Basque Country of France and Spain. Culturally one of the most distinct groups in Europe, the Basques were largely independent until the 19th century. The Basque separatist movement ETA is carrying on an armed struggle against the Spanish government.",en,basques
another term for bast.,en,bass
the common European freshwater perch.,en,basses
"a sturdy hunting dog of a breed with a long body, short legs, and long drooping ears.",en,basset
"a sturdy hunting dog of a breed with a long body, short legs, and long drooping ears.",en,bassets
"a child's wicker cradle.",en,bassinet
"a child's wicker cradle.",en,bassinets
a person who plays a double bass or bass guitar.,en,bassist
a person who plays a double bass or bass guitar.,en,bassists
"a bass woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a doubled-back tube over four feet long, played with a double reed.",en,bassoon
"a bass woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a doubled-back tube over four feet long, played with a double reed.",en,bassoons
(of a thing) no longer in its pure or original form; debased.,en,bastard
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardise
"(of a version of something) lower in quality or value than the original form, typically as a result of the addition of new elements.",en,bastardised
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardises
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardising
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardize
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardized
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardizes
"change (something) in such a way as to lower its quality or value, typically by adding new elements.",en,bastardizing
an unpleasant or despicable person.,en,bastards
beat (someone) soundly; thrash.,en,baste
beat (someone) soundly; thrash.,en,basted
beat (someone) soundly; thrash.,en,bastes
beat (someone) soundly; thrash.,en,basting
"a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions.",en,bastion
"a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions.",en,bastions
"flutter (one's eyelashes or eyelids), typically in a flirtatious manner.",en,bat
arrange (things) in sets or groups.,en,batch
arrange (things) in sets or groups.,en,batches
an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equivalent to about 40 litres or 9 gallons.,en,bath
an act or spell of swimming or spending time in the water.,en,bathe
"wash by immersing one's body in water.",en,bathed
a person swimming or spending time in the water.,en,bather
a person swimming or spending time in the water.,en,bathers
an act or spell of swimming or spending time in the water.,en,bathes
"wash by immersing one's body in water.",en,bathing
(especially in a literary work) an effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous.,en,bathos
"a dressing gown, especially one made of towelling.",en,bathrobe
"a dressing gown, especially one made of towelling.",en,bathrobes
a room containing a bath or shower and typically also a washbasin and a toilet.,en,bathroom
a room containing a bath or shower and typically also a washbasin and a toilet.,en,bathrooms
an ancient Hebrew liquid measure equivalent to about 40 litres or 9 gallons.,en,baths
a bath.,en,bathtub
a bath.,en,bathtubs
the water in a bath.,en,bathwater
"a method (originally used in Java) of producing coloured designs on textiles by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed.",en,batik
"a method (originally used in Java) of producing coloured designs on textiles by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed.",en,batiks
"(in the British armed forces) an officer's personal servant.",en,batman
"(in the British armed forces) an officer's personal servant.",en,batmen
a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or choir.,en,baton
a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or choir.,en,batons
"flutter (one's eyelashes or eyelids), typically in a flirtatious manner.",en,bats
"a player, especially in cricket, who is batting or whose chief skill is in batting.",en,batsman
"a player, especially in cricket, who is batting or whose chief skill is in batting.",en,batsmen
"a large body of troops ready for battle, especially an infantry unit forming part of a brigade.",en,battalion
"a large body of troops ready for battle, especially an infantry unit forming part of a brigade.",en,battalions
"flutter (one's eyelashes or eyelids), typically in a flirtatious manner.",en,batted
thrive or prosper at the expense of.,en,batten
thrive or prosper at the expense of.,en,battened
thrive or prosper at the expense of.,en,battening
thrive or prosper at the expense of.,en,battens
(of a wall) have a receding slope.,en,batter
(of a wall) have a receding slope.,en,battered
"a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power.",en,batteries
(of a wall) have a receding slope.,en,battering
the action of striking repeatedly with hard blows.,en,batterings
(of a wall) have a receding slope.,en,batters
"a container consisting of one or more cells, in which chemical energy is converted into electricity and used as a source of power.",en,battery
mad; insane.,en,battier
mad; insane.,en,battiest
"flutter (one's eyelashes or eyelids), typically in a flirtatious manner.",en,batting
struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.,en,battle
a large broad-bladed axe used in ancient warfare.,en,battleax
a large broad-bladed axe used in ancient warfare.,en,battleaxe
a large broad-bladed axe used in ancient warfare.,en,battleaxes
struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.,en,battled
"combat dress, particularly as worn by British soldiers during the Second World War.",en,battledress
the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought.,en,battlefield
the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought.,en,battlefields
the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought.,en,battleground
the piece of ground on which a battle is or was fought.,en,battlegrounds
"a parapet at the top of a wall, especially of a fort or castle, that has regularly spaced squared openings for shooting through.",en,battlements
a person who battles or fights.,en,battler
a person who battles or fights.,en,battlers
struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.,en,battles
"a heavy warship of a type built chiefly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with extensive armour protection and large-calibre guns.",en,battleship
"a heavy warship of a type built chiefly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with extensive armour protection and large-calibre guns.",en,battleships
struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.,en,battling
"a person's bottom.",en,batty
"a small, showy trinket or decoration.",en,bauble
"a small, showy trinket or decoration.",en,baubles
a roughly squared timber beam.,en,baulk
hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking.,en,baulked
hesitate or be unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking.,en,baulking
a roughly squared timber beam.,en,baulks
an amorphous clayey rock that is the chief commercial ore of aluminium. It consists largely of hydrated alumina with variable proportions of iron oxides.,en,bauxite
dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent.,en,bawdier
dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent.,en,bawdiest
humorously indecent talk or writing.,en,bawdy
"a loud, unrestrained shout.",en,bawl
shout or call out noisily and unrestrainedly.,en,bawled
shout or call out noisily and unrestrainedly.,en,bawling
"a loud, unrestrained shout.",en,bawls
the sound of baying.,en,bay
"(of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly.",en,bayed
"(of a dog, especially a large one) bark or howl loudly.",en,baying
stab (someone) with a bayonet.,en,bayonet
stab (someone) with a bayonet.,en,bayoneted
stab (someone) with a bayonet.,en,bayoneting
stab (someone) with a bayonet.,en,bayonets
(in the southern US) a marshy outlet of a lake or river.,en,bayou
(in the southern US) a marshy outlet of a lake or river.,en,bayous
the sound of baying.,en,bays
a market in a Middle Eastern country.,en,bazaar
a market in a Middle Eastern country.,en,bazaars
a short-range tubular rocket launcher used against tanks.,en,bazooka
a short-range tubular rocket launcher used against tanks.,en,bazookas
"the chemical element of atomic number 4, a hard grey metal.",en,be
run or haul up (a boat or ship) on to a beach.,en,beach
a person who walks along a beach looking for valuable or interesting items.,en,beachcomber
a person who walks along a beach looking for valuable or interesting items.,en,beachcombers
run or haul up (a boat or ship) on to a beach.,en,beached
run or haul up (a boat or ship) on to a beach.,en,beaches
the part of a coastal town next to and directly facing the sea; the seafront.,en,beachfront
"a defended position on a beach taken from the enemy by landing forces, from which an attack can be launched.",en,beachhead
"a defended position on a beach taken from the enemy by landing forces, from which an attack can be launched.",en,beachheads
run or haul up (a boat or ship) on to a beach.,en,beaching
"clothing suitable for wearing on the beach, though not necessarily for swimming in.",en,beachwear
"a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.",en,beacon
"a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.",en,beacons
decorate or cover with beads.,en,bead
decorate or cover with beads.,en,beaded
decorate or cover with beads.,en,beading
decorate or cover with beads.,en,beads
"(of a person's eyes) small, round, and gleaming.",en,beady
hunt with beagles.,en,beagle
hunt with beagles.,en,beagles
a magistrate or a schoolmaster.,en,beak
"a drinking container, typically made of plastic, often with a lid for use by children.",en,beaker
"a drinking container, typically made of plastic, often with a lid for use by children.",en,beakers
a magistrate or a schoolmaster.,en,beaks
transmit (a radio signal or broadcast) in a specified direction.,en,beam
transmit (a radio signal or broadcast) in a specified direction.,en,beamed
transmit (a radio signal or broadcast) in a specified direction.,en,beaming
transmit (a radio signal or broadcast) in a specified direction.,en,beams
hit (someone) on the head.,en,bean
"a small bag filled with dried beans and used in children's games.",en,beanbag
"a small bag filled with dried beans and used in children's games.",en,beanbags
a celebratory party with plentiful food and drink.,en,beanfeast
a celebratory party with plentiful food and drink.,en,beanfeasts
a small close-fitting hat worn on the back of the head.,en,beanie
a small close-fitting hat worn on the back of the head.,en,beanies
a stick for supporting bean plants.,en,beanpole
a stick for supporting bean plants.,en,beanpoles
hit (someone) on the head.,en,beans
"the sprouting seeds of certain beans, especially mung beans, used chiefly in oriental cooking.",en,beansprout
"the sprouting seeds of certain beans, especially mung beans, used chiefly in oriental cooking.",en,beansprouts
"a large, heavy mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, having thick fur and a very short tail. Bears are related to the dog family but most species are omnivorous.",en,bear
able to be endured.,en,bearable
boldly confront or challenge (someone formidable).,en,beard
a person or thing that carries or holds something.,en,bearers
carry the weight of; support.,en,bearing
"a person's way of standing or moving.",en,bearings
"resembling or likened to a bear, typically in being rough, surly, or clumsy.",en,bearish
"a large, heavy mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, having thick fur and a very short tail. Bears are related to the dog family but most species are omnivorous.",en,bears
"the pelt of a bear, especially when used as a rug or wrap.",en,bearskin
"the pelt of a bear, especially when used as a rug or wrap.",en,bearskins
"an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one.",en,beast
to an extreme and unpleasant degree.,en,beastly
"an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one.",en,beasts
completely exhausted.,en,beat
"strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip.",en,beaten
"a person who hits someone or something, typically on a habitual basis.",en,beater
"a person who hits someone or something, typically on a habitual basis.",en,beaters
feeling or expressing blissful happiness.,en,beatific
"(in the Roman Catholic Church) declaration by the Pope that a dead person is in a state of bliss, constituting a first step towards canonization and permitting public veneration.",en,beatification
(in the Roman Catholic Church) announce the beatification of.,en,beatified
(in the Roman Catholic Church) announce the beatification of.,en,beatifies
(in the Roman Catholic Church) announce the beatification of.,en,beatify
(in the Roman Catholic Church) announce the beatification of.,en,beatifying
"strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip.",en,beating
a punishment or assault in which the victim is hit repeatedly.,en,beatings
a young person in the 1950s and early 1960s belonging to a subculture associated with the beat generation.,en,beatnik
a young person in the 1950s and early 1960s belonging to a subculture associated with the beat generation.,en,beatniks
a main accent or rhythmic unit in music or poetry.,en,beats
a boyfriend or male admirer.,en,beau
a boyfriend or male admirer.,en,beaus
very good or beautiful.,en,beaut
a person whose job is to give people beauty treatment.,en,beautician
a person whose job is to give people beauty treatment.,en,beauticians
"a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.",en,beauties
improve the appearance of.,en,beautified
improve the appearance of.,en,beautifies
pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.,en,beautiful
in a way that pleases the senses or mind aesthetically.,en,beautifully
improve the appearance of.,en,beautify
improve the appearance of.,en,beautifying
a particularly fine example of something.,en,beauts
good; excellent (used as a general term of approval).,en,beauty
a boyfriend or male admirer.,en,beaux
"a woman's genitals or pubic area.",en,beaver
work hard.,en,beavered
work hard.,en,beavering
"a woman's genitals or pubic area.",en,beavers
"a type of jazz originating in the 1940s and characterized by complex harmony and rhythms. It is associated particularly with Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, and Dizzy Gillespie.",en,bebop
leave (a sailing ship) unable to move through lack of wind.,en,becalmed
begin to be.,en,became
"a gesture requesting attention, such as a nod or wave.",en,beck
"make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow.",en,beckon
"make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow.",en,beckoned
"make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow.",en,beckoning
"make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow.",en,beckons
"a gesture requesting attention, such as a nod or wave.",en,becks
begin to be.,en,become
begin to be.,en,becomes
begin to be.,en,becoming
"the SI unit of radioactivity, corresponding to one disintegration per second.",en,becquerel
"the SI unit of radioactivity, corresponding to one disintegration per second.",en,becquerels
settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place.,en,bed
smear or daub with a sticky substance.,en,bedaub
smear or daub with a sticky substance.,en,bedaubed
smear or daub with a sticky substance.,en,bedaubing
smear or daub with a sticky substance.,en,bedaubs
greatly impress (someone) with outstanding ability or striking appearance.,en,bedazzled
a bloodsucking bug which is a parasite of birds and mammals.,en,bedbug
a bloodsucking bug which is a parasite of birds and mammals.,en,bedbugs
a bedroom.,en,bedchamber
a bedroom.,en,bedchambers
"coverings for a bed, such as sheets and blankets.",en,bedclothes
settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place.,en,bedded
settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place.,en,bedding
(of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to.,en,bedevil
(of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to.,en,bedeviled
(of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to.,en,bedeviling
(of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to.,en,bedevilled
(of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to.,en,bedevilling
(of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to.,en,bedevils
a person who shares a bed with another.,en,bedfellow
a person who shares a bed with another.,en,bedfellows
an upright board or panel fixed at the head of a bed.,en,bedhead
an upright board or panel fixed at the head of a bed.,en,bedheads
a scene of uproar and confusion.,en,bedlam
a receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urine and faeces.,en,bedpan
a receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urine and faeces.,en,bedpans
any of the four upright supports of a bedstead.,en,bedpost
any of the four upright supports of a bedstead.,en,bedposts
confined to bed by sickness or old age.,en,bedridden
solid rock underlying loose deposits such as soil or alluvium.,en,bedrock
a sleeping bag or other bedding rolled into a bundle.,en,bedroll
a sleeping bag or other bedding rolled into a bundle.,en,bedrolls
a room for sleeping in.,en,bedroom
a room for sleeping in.,en,bedrooms
settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place.,en,beds
"the space beside a bed (used especially with reference to an invalid's bed).",en,bedside
"the space beside a bed (used especially with reference to an invalid's bed).",en,bedsides
a one-roomed unit of accommodation typically consisting of combined bedroom and sitting room with cooking facilities.,en,bedsit
a one-roomed unit of accommodation typically consisting of combined bedroom and sitting room with cooking facilities.,en,bedsits
a one-roomed unit of accommodation typically consisting of combined bedroom and sitting room with cooking facilities.,en,bedsitter
a one-roomed unit of accommodation typically consisting of combined bedroom and sitting room with cooking facilities.,en,bedsitters
a sore developed by an invalid because of pressure caused by lying in bed in one position.,en,bedsore
a sore developed by an invalid because of pressure caused by lying in bed in one position.,en,bedsores
a decorative cloth used to cover a bed when it is not in use.,en,bedspread
a decorative cloth used to cover a bed when it is not in use.,en,bedspreads
the framework of a bed on which the mattress and bedclothes are placed.,en,bedstead
the framework of a bed on which the mattress and bedclothes are placed.,en,bedsteads
the usual time when someone goes to bed.,en,bedtime
"a stinging winged insect which collects nectar and pollen, produces wax and honey, and lives in large communities.",en,bee
"a large tree with smooth grey bark, glossy leaves, and hard, pale fine-grained timber.",en,beech
"a large tree with smooth grey bark, glossy leaves, and hard, pale fine-grained timber.",en,beeches
"a flat round cake of minced beef, fried or grilled and typically eaten in a bun.",en,beefburger
"a flat round cake of minced beef, fried or grilled and typically eaten in a bun.",en,beefburgers
attractive men with well-developed muscles.,en,beefcake
attractive men with well-developed muscles.,en,beefcakes
muscular or robust.,en,beefier
muscular or robust.,en,beefiest
"a thick slice of lean beef, typically from the rump and eaten grilled or fried.",en,beefsteak
"a thick slice of lean beef, typically from the rump and eaten grilled or fried.",en,beefsteaks
muscular or robust.,en,beefy
a dome-shaped or boxlike structure in which bees are kept.,en,beehive
a dome-shaped or boxlike structure in which bees are kept.,en,beehives
"a person who owns and breeds bees, especially for their honey.",en,beekeeper
"a person who owns and breeds bees, especially for their honey.",en,beekeepers
the occupation of owning and breeding bees for their honey.,en,beekeeping
used with a present participle to form continuous tenses.,en,been
(of a horn or electronic device) produce a beep.,en,beep
(of a horn or electronic device) produce a beep.,en,beeped
another term for pager.,en,beeper
another term for pager.,en,beepers
(of a horn or electronic device) produce a beep.,en,beeping
(of a horn or electronic device) produce a beep.,en,beeps
an alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavoured with hops.,en,beer
an alcoholic drink made from yeast-fermented malt flavoured with hops.,en,beers
influenced by the drinking of beer in large amounts.,en,beery
"a stinging winged insect which collects nectar and pollen, produces wax and honey, and lives in large communities.",en,bees
polish (furniture) with beeswax.,en,beeswax
"a herbaceous plant widely cultivated as a source of food for humans and livestock, and for processing into sugar. Some varieties are grown for their leaves and some for their large nutritious root.",en,beet
"(of a person's eyebrows) shaggy and projecting.",en,beetle
"(of a rock or a person's eyebrows) be prominent or overhanging.",en,beetled
"(of a rock or a person's eyebrows) be prominent or overhanging.",en,beetles
"(of a rock or a person's eyebrows) be prominent or overhanging.",en,beetling
"the edible dark red spherical root of a kind of beet, eaten as a vegetable.",en,beetroot
"the edible dark red spherical root of a kind of beet, eaten as a vegetable.",en,beetroots
"a herbaceous plant widely cultivated as a source of food for humans and livestock, and for processing into sugar. Some varieties are grown for their leaves and some for their large nutritious root.",en,beets
(especially of something bad) happen to (someone).,en,befall
(especially of something bad) happen to (someone).,en,befallen
(especially of something bad) happen to (someone).,en,befalling
(especially of something bad) happen to (someone).,en,befalls
(especially of something bad) happen to (someone).,en,befell
be appropriate for; suit.,en,befit
be appropriate for; suit.,en,befits
be appropriate for; suit.,en,befitted
be appropriate for; suit.,en,befitting
during the period of time preceding (a particular event or time).,en,before
before an action or event; in advance.,en,beforehand
"act as or become a friend to (someone), especially when they are in need of help or support.",en,befriend
"act as or become a friend to (someone), especially when they are in need of help or support.",en,befriended
"act as or become a friend to (someone), especially when they are in need of help or support.",en,befriending
"act as or become a friend to (someone), especially when they are in need of help or support.",en,befriends
make (someone) unable to think clearly.,en,befuddled
ask someone earnestly or humbly for something.,en,beg
perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).,en,began
(especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.,en,begat
(especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.,en,beget
(especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.,en,begets
(especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.,en,begetting
reduce (someone) to poverty.,en,beggar
reduce (someone) to poverty.,en,beggared
reduce (someone) to poverty.,en,beggaring
pitifully or deplorably meagre or bad.,en,beggarly
reduce (someone) to poverty.,en,beggars
ask someone earnestly or humbly for something.,en,begged
ask someone earnestly or humbly for something.,en,begging
perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).,en,begin
a person just starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity.,en,beginner
a person just starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity.,en,beginners
perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).,en,beginning
the point in time or space at which something begins.,en,beginnings
perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).,en,begins
"a herbaceous plant of warm climates, the flowers of which have brightly coloured sepals but no petals. Numerous cultivars are grown for their flowers or striking foliage.",en,begonia
"a herbaceous plant of warm climates, the flowers of which have brightly coloured sepals but no petals. Numerous cultivars are grown for their flowers or striking foliage.",en,begonias
(especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.,en,begot
(especially of a man) bring (a child) into existence by the process of reproduction.,en,begotten
envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something).,en,begrudge
envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something).,en,begrudged
envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something).,en,begrudges
envy (someone) the possession or enjoyment of (something).,en,begrudging
reluctantly or resentfully.,en,begrudgingly
ask someone earnestly or humbly for something.,en,begs
"charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.",en,beguile
"charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.",en,beguiled
"charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.",en,beguiles
"charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.",en,beguiling
a Muslim woman of high rank.,en,begum
a Muslim woman of high rank.,en,begums
perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).,en,begun
"act or conduct oneself in a specified way, especially towards others.",en,behave
"act or conduct oneself in a specified way, especially towards others.",en,behaved
"act or conduct oneself in a specified way, especially towards others.",en,behaves
"act or conduct oneself in a specified way, especially towards others.",en,behaving
"the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.",en,behavior
"involving, relating to, or emphasizing behaviour.",en,behavioral
"the theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behaviour patterns.",en,behaviorism
"the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.",en,behaviors
"the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.",en,behaviour
"involving, relating to, or emphasizing behaviour.",en,behavioural
"the theory that human and animal behaviour can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behaviour patterns.",en,behaviourism
"the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.",en,behaviours
"cut off the head of (someone), especially as a form of execution.",en,behead
"cut off the head of (someone), especially as a form of execution.",en,beheaded
"cut off the head of (someone), especially as a form of execution.",en,beheading
"cut off the head of (someone), especially as a form of execution.",en,beheads
"see or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature).",en,beheld
"a person's orders or command.",en,behest
"a person's buttocks.",en,behind
late or slow in doing something.,en,behindhand
"a person's buttocks.",en,behinds
"see or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature).",en,behold
owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service.,en,beholden
a person who sees or observes someone or something.,en,beholder
a person who sees or observes someone or something.,en,beholders
"see or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature).",en,beholding
"see or observe (someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature).",en,beholds
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.,en,behoove
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.,en,behooved
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.,en,behooves
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.,en,behove
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.,en,behoved
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.,en,behoves
a pale sandy fawn colour.,en,beige
used with a present participle to form continuous tenses.,en,being
adorned with jewels.,en,bejeweled
cover or adorn with jewels.,en,bejewelled
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belabor
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belabored
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belaboring
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belabors
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belabour
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belaboured
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belabouring
attack (someone) physically or verbally.,en,belabours
coming or happening later than should have been the case.,en,belated
later than should have been the case.,en,belatedly
an act of belaying.,en,belay
"fix (a running rope) round a cleat, rock, pin, or other object, to secure it.",en,belayed
"fix (a running rope) round a cleat, rock, pin, or other object, to secure it.",en,belaying
an act of belaying.,en,belays
an act of belching.,en,belch
emit wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth.,en,belched
an act of belching.,en,belches
emit wind noisily from the stomach through the mouth.,en,belching
cause problems or difficulties for.,en,beleaguered
the part of a bell tower or steeple in which bells are housed.,en,belfries
the part of a bell tower or steeple in which bells are housed.,en,belfry
(of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something).,en,belie
(of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something).,en,belied
"an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.",en,belief
"an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.",en,beliefs
(of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something).,en,belies
able to be believed; credible.,en,believable
"accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.",en,believe
"accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.",en,believed
a person who believes in the truth or existence of something.,en,believer
a person who believes in the truth or existence of something.,en,believers
"accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.",en,believes
"accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.",en,believing
dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.,en,belittle
dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.,en,belittled
dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.,en,belittles
dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant.,en,belittling
(of a stag or buck) make a cry at rutting time.,en,bell
deadly nightshade.,en,belladonna
"an attendant in a hotel who performs services such as carrying guests' luggage.",en,bellboy
"an attendant in a hotel who performs services such as carrying guests' luggage.",en,bellboys
"a beautiful girl or woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event.",en,belle
"a beautiful girl or woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event.",en,belles
another term for bellboy.,en,bellhop
another term for bellboy.,en,bellhops
demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight.,en,bellicose
swell or cause to swell.,en,bellied
swell or cause to swell.,en,bellies
aggressive or warlike behaviour.,en,belligerence
aggressive or warlike behaviour.,en,belligerency
"a nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.",en,belligerent
"a nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.",en,belligerents
a deep roaring shout or sound.,en,bellow
"(of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger.",en,bellowed
"(of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger.",en,bellowing
a deep roaring shout or sound.,en,bellows
(of a stag or buck) make a cry at rutting time.,en,bells
"the leading sheep of a flock, with a bell on its neck.",en,bellwether
"the leading sheep of a flock, with a bell on its neck.",en,bellwethers
swell or cause to swell.,en,belly
complain noisily or persistently.,en,bellyache
complain noisily or persistently.,en,bellyached
complain noisily or persistently.,en,bellyaches
complain noisily or persistently.,en,bellyaching
swell or cause to swell.,en,bellying
be the property of.,en,belong
be the property of.,en,belonged
be the property of.,en,belonging
"a person's movable possessions.",en,belongings
be the property of.,en,belongs
a much loved person.,en,beloved
at a lower level or layer.,en,below
fasten with a belt.,en,belt
fasten with a belt.,en,belted
fasten with a belt.,en,belting
fasten with a belt.,en,belts
a highway encircling an urban area; a ring road.,en,beltway
a highway encircling an urban area; a ring road.,en,beltways
(of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something).,en,belying
express discontent or sorrow over (something).,en,bemoan
express discontent or sorrow over (something).,en,bemoaned
express discontent or sorrow over (something).,en,bemoaning
express discontent or sorrow over (something).,en,bemoans
"puzzle, confuse, or bewilder (someone).",en,bemused
exhibit (a dog) at a show.,en,bench
exhibit (a dog) at a show.,en,benches
evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.,en,benchmark
evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.,en,benchmarks
an ordinary in the form of a broad diagonal stripe from top left (dexter chief) to bottom right (sinister base) of a shield or part of one.,en,bend
an object or person that bends something.,en,bender
an object or person that bends something.,en,benders
capable of bending; soft and flexible.,en,bendier
capable of bending; soft and flexible.,en,bendiest
shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle.,en,bending
an ordinary in the form of a broad diagonal stripe from top left (dexter chief) to bottom right (sinister base) of a shield or part of one.,en,bends
capable of bending; soft and flexible.,en,bendy
extending or directly underneath something.,en,beneath
relating to St Benedict or the Benedictines.,en,benedictine
"the utterance of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service.",en,benediction
"the utterance of a blessing, especially at the end of a religious service.",en,benedictions
a donation or gift.,en,benefaction
a donation or gift.,en,benefactions
a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.,en,benefactor
a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.,en,benefactors
a female benefactor.,en,benefactress
a female benefactor.,en,benefactresses
"a permanent Church appointment, typically that of a rector or vicar, for which property and income are provided in respect of pastoral duties.",en,benefice
(of a person) generous or doing good.,en,beneficent
"a permanent Church appointment, typically that of a rector or vicar, for which property and income are provided in respect of pastoral duties.",en,benefices
resulting in good; favourable or advantageous.,en,beneficial
"a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.",en,beneficiaries
"a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.",en,beneficiary
receive an advantage; profit.,en,benefit
receive an advantage; profit.,en,benefited
receive an advantage; profit.,en,benefiting
receive an advantage; profit.,en,benefits
receive an advantage; profit.,en,benefitted
receive an advantage; profit.,en,benefitting
the quality of being well meaning; kindness.,en,benevolence
well meaning and kindly.,en,benevolent
in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance.,en,benighted
gentle and kindly.,en,benign
shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle.,en,bent
a stiff grass which is used for lawns and is a component of pasture and hay grasses.,en,bents
deprive of physical or emotional feeling.,en,benumbed
"a colourless volatile liquid hydrocarbon present in coal tar and petroleum, and used in chemical synthesis. Its use as a solvent has been reduced because of its carcinogenic properties.",en,benzene
leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.,en,bequeath
leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.,en,bequeathed
leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.,en,bequeathing
leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will.,en,bequeaths
a legacy.,en,bequest
a legacy.,en,bequests
scold or criticize (someone) angrily.,en,berate
scold or criticize (someone) angrily.,en,berated
scold or criticize (someone) angrily.,en,berates
scold or criticize (someone) angrily.,en,berating
be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death.,en,bereaved
the action or condition of being bereaved.,en,bereavement
the action or condition of being bereaved.,en,bereavements
deprived of or lacking (something).,en,bereft
a round flattish cap of felt or cloth.,en,beret
a round flattish cap of felt or cloth.,en,berets
a stupid person.,en,berk
a stupid person.,en,berks
gather berries.,en,berries
gather berries.,en,berry
out of control with anger or excitement; wild or frenzied.,en,berserk
moor (a ship) in its allotted place.,en,berth
moor (a ship) in its allotted place.,en,berthed
moor (a ship) in its allotted place.,en,berthing
moor (a ship) in its allotted place.,en,berths
ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.,en,beseech
ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.,en,beseeched
ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.,en,beseeches
ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.,en,beseeching
(of a problem or difficulty) trouble (someone or something) persistently.,en,beset
(of a problem or difficulty) trouble (someone or something) persistently.,en,besets
(of a problem or difficulty) trouble (someone or something) persistently.,en,besetting
at the side of; next to.,en,beside
in addition; as well.,en,besides
surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.,en,besiege
surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.,en,besieged
surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.,en,besieges
surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.,en,besieging
"damage (someone's reputation).",en,besmirch
"damage (someone's reputation).",en,besmirched
"damage (someone's reputation).",en,besmirches
"damage (someone's reputation).",en,besmirching
strongly infatuated.,en,besotted
ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.,en,besought
be evidence of; indicate.,en,bespeak
be evidence of; indicate.,en,bespeaking
be evidence of; indicate.,en,bespeaks
wearing glasses.,en,bespectacled
be evidence of; indicate.,en,bespoke
be evidence of; indicate.,en,bespoken
in good health; free or recovered from illness.,en,best
outwit or get the better of (someone).,en,bested
of or like an animal or animals.,en,bestial
savagely cruel or depraved behaviour.,en,bestiality
"a descriptive or anecdotal treatise on various kinds of animal, especially a medieval work with a moralizing tone.",en,bestiaries
"a descriptive or anecdotal treatise on various kinds of animal, especially a medieval work with a moralizing tone.",en,bestiary
outwit or get the better of (someone).,en,besting
make a physical or mental effort; exert or rouse oneself.,en,bestir
make a physical or mental effort; exert or rouse oneself.,en,bestirred
make a physical or mental effort; exert or rouse oneself.,en,bestirring
make a physical or mental effort; exert or rouse oneself.,en,bestirs
"confer or present (an honour, right, or gift).",en,bestow
"confer or present (an honour, right, or gift).",en,bestowed
"confer or present (an honour, right, or gift).",en,bestowing
"confer or present (an honour, right, or gift).",en,bestows
stand astride over; straddle.,en,bestridden
stand astride over; straddle.,en,bestride
stand astride over; straddle.,en,bestrides
stand astride over; straddle.,en,bestriding
stand astride over; straddle.,en,bestrode
outwit or get the better of (someone).,en,bests
a book or other product that sells in very large numbers.,en,bestseller
a book or other product that sells in very large numbers.,en,bestsellers
selling in greater quantities than others of the same kind.,en,bestselling
an act of betting a sum of money.,en,bet
"the second letter of the Greek alphabet ( Β, β ), transliterated as ‘b’.",en,beta
"the second letter of the Greek alphabet ( Β, β ), transliterated as ‘b’.",en,betas
"the leaf of an Asian evergreen climbing plant, which in the East is chewed as a mild stimulant.",en,betel
be a sign of.,en,betoken
be a sign of.,en,betokened
be a sign of.,en,betokening
be a sign of.,en,betokens
"expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.",en,betray
"the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.",en,betrayal
"the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.",en,betrayals
"expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.",en,betrayed
"expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.",en,betraying
"expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy.",en,betrays
formally engage (someone) to be married.,en,betroth
formal engagement to be married; engagement.,en,betrothal
formal engagement to be married; engagement.,en,betrothals
formally engage (someone) to be married.,en,betrothed
formally engage (someone) to be married.,en,betrothing
formally engage (someone) to be married.,en,betroths
an act of betting a sum of money.,en,bets
"risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game.",en,betted
in good health; free or recovered from illness.,en,better
improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement).,en,bettered
improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement).,en,bettering
the improvement of something.,en,betterment
"a person who bets, especially on a regular basis.",en,betters
"risk a sum of money or valued item against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of an unpredictable event such as a race or game.",en,betting
in or along the space separating two objects or regions.,en,between
in the space separating two people or things; in between.,en,betwixt
change (a square edge on an object) to a sloping one.,en,bevel
having a sloping edge rather than a squared one.,en,beveled
change (a square edge on an object) to a sloping one.,en,bevelled
change (a square edge on an object) to a sloping one.,en,bevels
(chiefly in commercial use) a drink other than water.,en,beverage
(chiefly in commercial use) a drink other than water.,en,beverages
a large group of people or things of a particular kind.,en,bevies
an alcoholic drink.,en,bevvies
an alcoholic drink.,en,bevvy
a large group of people or things of a particular kind.,en,bevy
"express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).",en,bewail
"express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).",en,bewailed
"express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).",en,bewailing
"express great regret, sadness, or disappointment about (something).",en,bewails
be cautious and alert to risks or dangers.,en,beware
wearing a wig.,en,bewigged
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.,en,bewilder
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.,en,bewildered
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.,en,bewildering
a feeling of being perplexed and confused.,en,bewilderment
cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.,en,bewilders
enchant and delight (someone).,en,bewitch
enchant and delight (someone).,en,bewitched
enchant and delight (someone).,en,bewitches
enchant and delight (someone).,en,bewitching
"the unknown, especially in references to life after death.",en,beyond
"(in Indian cuisine) a small flat cake or ball of vegetables, fried in batter.",en,bhaji
occurring twice a year.,en,biannual
cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.,en,bias
cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.,en,biased
cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.,en,biases
cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.,en,biasing
a Nordic skiing event in which the competitors combine cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.,en,biathlon
drink (something alcoholic).,en,bib
"the Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.",en,bible
"the Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.",en,bibles
relating to or contained in the Bible.,en,biblical
"a list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix.",en,bibliographies
"a list of the books referred to in a scholarly work, typically printed as an appendix.",en,bibliography
a person who collects or has a great love of books.,en,bibliophile
a person who collects or has a great love of books.,en,bibliophiles
drink (something alcoholic).,en,bibs
(of a legislative body) having two chambers.,en,bicameral
sodium bicarbonate.,en,bicarb
a salt containing the anion HCO3−.,en,bicarbonate
the two-hundredth anniversary of a significant event.,en,bicentenaries
relating to a two-hundredth anniversary.,en,bicentenary
relating to a two-hundredth anniversary.,en,bicentennial
the two-hundredth anniversary of a significant event.,en,bicentennials
any of several muscles having two points of attachment at one end.,en,biceps
argue about petty and trivial matters.,en,bicker
argue about petty and trivial matters.,en,bickered
argue about petty and trivial matters.,en,bickering
argue about petty and trivial matters.,en,bickers
ride a bicycle.,en,bicycle
ride a bicycle.,en,bicycled
ride a bicycle.,en,bicycles
ride a bicycle.,en,bicycling
utter (a greeting or farewell) to.,en,bid
archaic or literary past participle of bid2.,en,bidden
"a person or organization making a formal offer for something, especially at an auction.",en,bidder
"a person or organization making a formal offer for something, especially at an auction.",en,bidders
"a woman, especially an elderly one, regarded as annoying or interfering.",en,biddies
utter (a greeting or farewell) to.,en,bidding
"a woman, especially an elderly one, regarded as annoying or interfering.",en,biddy
remain or stay somewhere.,en,bide
remain or stay somewhere.,en,bided
remain or stay somewhere.,en,bides
"a low oval basin used for washing one's genital and anal area.",en,bidet
"a low oval basin used for washing one's genital and anal area.",en,bidets
remain or stay somewhere.,en,biding
utter (a greeting or farewell) to.,en,bids
a biennial plant.,en,biennial
a biennial plant.,en,biennials
a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which they are carried to the grave.,en,bier
a movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which they are carried to the grave.,en,biers
a sharp blow with the fist.,en,biff
strike (someone) roughly or sharply with the fist.,en,biffed
strike (someone) roughly or sharply with the fist.,en,biffing
a sharp blow with the fist.,en,biffs
a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses.,en,bifocal
a pair of glasses with bifocal lenses.,en,bifocals
divided into two branches or forks.,en,bifurcate
divide into two branches or forks.,en,bifurcated
divide into two branches or forks.,en,bifurcates
divide into two branches or forks.,en,bifurcating
the division of something into two branches or parts.,en,bifurcation
the division of something into two branches or parts.,en,bifurcations
the major league in a professional sport.,en,big
the offence of marrying someone while already married to another person.,en,bigamy
of considerable size or extent.,en,bigger
of considerable size or extent.,en,biggest
"a big, important, or successful person or thing.",en,biggie
"a big, important, or successful person or thing.",en,biggies
"a curve or recess in a coastline, river, or other geographical feature.",en,bight
"a curve or recess in a coastline, river, or other geographical feature.",en,bights
"a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.",en,bigot
"obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.",en,bigoted
"obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.",en,bigotry
"a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.",en,bigots
"an important person, especially in a particular sphere.",en,bigwig
"an important person, especially in a particular sphere.",en,bigwigs
a jewel or trinket.,en,bijou
"a nest or swarm of bees, wasps, or hornets.",en,bike
ride a bicycle or motorcycle.,en,biked
"a motorcyclist, especially one who is a member of a gang or group.",en,biker
"a motorcyclist, especially one who is a member of a gang or group.",en,bikers
"a nest or swarm of bees, wasps, or hornets.",en,bikes
ride a bicycle or motorcycle.,en,biking
a two-piece swimming costume for women.,en,bikini
a two-piece swimming costume for women.,en,bikinis
a bilabial consonant sound.,en,bilabial
a bilabial consonant sound.,en,bilabials
having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.,en,bilateral
in a way that involves or affects both sides.,en,bilaterally
a small dark blue edible berry.,en,bilberries
a small dark blue edible berry.,en,bilberry
a bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid which aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder.,en,bile
break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).,en,bilge
break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).,en,bilges
a person fluent in two languages.,en,bilingual
a person fluent in two languages.,en,bilinguals
affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting.,en,bilious
obtain or withhold money from (someone) unfairly or by deceit; cheat or defraud.,en,bilk
obtain or withhold money from (someone) unfairly or by deceit; cheat or defraud.,en,bilked
obtain or withhold money from (someone) unfairly or by deceit; cheat or defraud.,en,bilking
obtain or withhold money from (someone) unfairly or by deceit; cheat or defraud.,en,bilks
the police.,en,bill
a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements; a hoarding.,en,billboard
a large outdoor board for displaying advertisements; a hoarding.,en,billboards
"(of birds, especially doves) stroke bill with bill during courtship.",en,billed
a thick piece of wood.,en,billet
"lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, especially a civilian's house.",en,billeted
"lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, especially a civilian's house.",en,billeting
a thick piece of wood.,en,billets
a wallet.,en,billfold
a wallet.,en,billfolds
"a tool having a sickle-shaped blade with a sharp inner edge, used for pruning or lopping branches or other vegetation.",en,billhook
"a tool having a sickle-shaped blade with a sharp inner edge, used for pruning or lopping branches or other vegetation.",en,billhooks
"a game for two people, played on a billiard table, in which three balls are struck with cues into pockets round the edge of the tabl, with points scored by cannons, pocketing an object ball, or cannoning the cue ball into a pocket. In North America the game is known as English billiards.",en,billiard
"a game for two people, played on a billiard table, in which three balls are struck with cues into pockets round the edge of the tabl, with points scored by cannons, pocketing an object ball, or cannoning the cue ball into a pocket. In North America the game is known as English billiards.",en,billiards
short for billy goat.,en,billies
"(of birds, especially doves) stroke bill with bill during courtship.",en,billing
a person possessing assets worth at least a billion pounds or dollars.,en,billionaire
a person possessing assets worth at least a billion pounds or dollars.,en,billionaires
(of fabric) fill with air and swell outwards.,en,billow
(of fabric) fill with air and swell outwards.,en,billowed
(of fabric) fill with air and swell outwards.,en,billowing
(of fabric) fill with air and swell outwards.,en,billows
a medieval weapon like a halberd with a hook instead of a blade.,en,bills
short for billy goat.,en,billy
"a tin or enamel cooking pot with a lid and a wire handle, for use when camping.",en,billycan
"a tin or enamel cooking pot with a lid and a wire handle, for use when camping.",en,billycans
an attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman.,en,bimbo
an attractive but unintelligent or frivolous young woman.,en,bimbos
a periodical produced twice a month or every two months.,en,bimonthly
throw (something) away by putting it in a bin.,en,bin
the binary system of notation.,en,binary
a problematical situation.,en,bind
a cover for holding magazines or loose sheets of paper together.,en,binder
a cover for holding magazines or loose sheets of paper together.,en,binders
tie or fasten (something) tightly together.,en,binding
a strong covering holding the pages of a book together.,en,bindings
a problematical situation.,en,binds
"a twining plant with trumpet-shaped flowers, several kinds of which are invasive weeds.",en,bindweed
"indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.",en,binge
"indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.",en,binged
"indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.",en,bingeing
"indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.",en,binges
"indulge in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs, to excess.",en,binging
"a game in which players mark off numbers on cards as the numbers are drawn randomly by a caller, the winner being the first person to mark off all their numbers.",en,bingo
a dustman.,en,binman
a dustman.,en,binmen
throw (something) away by putting it in a bin.,en,binned
throw (something) away by putting it in a bin.,en,binning
"an optical instrument with a lens for each eye, used for viewing distant objects.",en,binoculars
consisting of two terms.,en,binomial
an algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms.,en,binomials
throw (something) away by putting it in a bin.,en,bins
a biochemical substance.,en,biochemical
an expert in or student of the branch of science concerning the chemical processes occuring within living organisms.,en,biochemist
the branch of science concerned with the chemical and physico-chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms.,en,biochemistry
an expert in or student of the branch of science concerning the chemical processes occuring within living organisms.,en,biochemists
(of a substance or object) capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms and thereby avoiding pollution.,en,biodegradable
(of a substance or object) be decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms.,en,biodegrade
(of a substance or object) be decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms.,en,biodegraded
(of a substance or object) be decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms.,en,biodegrades
(of a substance or object) be decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms.,en,biodegrading
"the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable.",en,biodiversity
"a person who writes an account of someone's life.",en,biographer
"a person who writes an account of someone's life.",en,biographers
"(of data or a written work) dealing with a particular person's life.",en,biographical
"an account of someone's life written by someone else.",en,biographies
"an account of someone's life written by someone else.",en,biography
"a substance of biological origin used as a drug, vaccine, pesticide, etc.",en,biological
in a way that concerns biology or living organisms.,en,biologically
an expert in or student of the branch of science concerning living organisms.,en,biologist
an expert in or student of the branch of science concerning living organisms.,en,biologists
"the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.",en,biology
the total quantity or weight of organisms in a given area or volume.,en,biomass
"having or denoting an artificial, typically electromechanical, body part or parts.",en,bionic
the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena.,en,biophysics
"a film dramatizing the life of a particular person, typically a public or historical figure.",en,biopic
"a film dramatizing the life of a particular person, typically a public or historical figure.",en,biopics
conduct a biopsy on (tissue removed from a living body).,en,biopsies
conduct a biopsy on (tissue removed from a living body).,en,biopsy
"a recurring cycle in the physiology or functioning of an organism, such as the daily cycle of sleeping and waking.",en,biorhythms
the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth or another planet occupied by living organisms.,en,biosphere
"the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.",en,biotechnology
"involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies.",en,bipartisan
using two legs for walking.,en,biped
an animal that uses two legs for walking.,en,bipeds
"an early type of aircraft with two pairs of wings, one above the other.",en,biplane
"an early type of aircraft with two pairs of wings, one above the other.",en,biplanes
beat (someone) with a bundle of birch twigs as a formal punishment.,en,birch
beat (someone) with a bundle of birch twigs as a formal punishment.,en,birched
beat (someone) with a bundle of birch twigs as a formal punishment.,en,birches
beat (someone) with a bundle of birch twigs as a formal punishment.,en,birching
"a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly.",en,bird
a silly or stupid person.,en,birdbrain
a silly or stupid person.,en,birdbrains
"a cage for pet birds, typically made of wire or cane.",en,birdcage
"a cage for pet birds, typically made of wire or cane.",en,birdcages
play (a hole) with a score of one stroke under par.,en,birdie
play (a hole) with a score of one stroke under par.,en,birdied
play (a hole) with a score of one stroke under par.,en,birdies
resembling a bird in appearance or behaviour.,en,birdlike
"a warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly.",en,birds
a blend of different seeds for feeding to birds.,en,birdseed
"the musical vocalizations of a bird or birds, typically uttered by a male songbird in characteristic bursts or phrases for territorial purposes.",en,birdsong
play (a hole) with a score of one stroke under par.,en,birdying
give birth to (a baby or other young).,en,birth
"the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts.",en,birthday
"the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts.",en,birthdays
give birth to (a baby or other young).,en,birthing
"an unusual, typically permanent, mark on someone's body which is there from birth.",en,birthmark
"an unusual, typically permanent, mark on someone's body which is there from birth.",en,birthmarks
the place where a person was born.,en,birthplace
the place where a person was born.,en,birthplaces
"a particular right of possession or privilege a person has from birth, especially as an eldest son.",en,birthright
"a particular right of possession or privilege a person has from birth, especially as an eldest son.",en,birthrights
give birth to (a baby or other young).,en,births
"a small baked unleavened cake, typically crisp, flat, and sweet.",en,biscuit
"a small baked unleavened cake, typically crisp, flat, and sweet.",en,biscuits
divide into two parts.,en,bisect
divide into two parts.,en,bisected
divide into two parts.,en,bisecting
divide into two parts.,en,bisects
a person who is sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.,en,bisexual
the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.,en,bisexuality
a person who is sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.,en,bisexuals
"a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.",en,bishop
the office or rank of a bishop.,en,bishopric
the office or rank of a bishop.,en,bishoprics
"a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.",en,bishops
a humpbacked shaggy-haired wild ox native to North America and Europe.,en,bison
another term for biscuit (sense 2 of the noun).,en,bisque
"a small, inexpensive restaurant.",en,bistro
"a small, inexpensive restaurant.",en,bistros
(of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into or through something.,en,bit
make spitefully critical comments.,en,bitch
make spitefully critical comments.,en,bitched
make spitefully critical comments.,en,bitches
malicious or spitefully critical.,en,bitchier
malicious or spitefully critical.,en,bitchiest
make spitefully critical comments.,en,bitching
malicious or spitefully critical.,en,bitchy
an act of biting something in order to eat it.,en,bite
an act of biting something in order to eat it.,en,bites
(of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into or through something.,en,biting
represent (an item) as a bitmap.,en,bitmap
represent (an item) as a bitmap.,en,bitmaps
a unit of information expressed as either a 0 or 1 in binary notation.,en,bits
(of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into or through something.,en,bitten
"beer that is strongly flavoured with hops and has a bitter taste, brewed by top fermentation.",en,bitter
"having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet.",en,bitterest
"in an angry, hurt, or resentful way.",en,bitterly
a concentrated solution of various salts remaining after the crystallization of salt from seawater.,en,bittern
sharpness of taste; lack of sweetness.,en,bitterness
a concentrated solution of various salts remaining after the crystallization of salt from seawater.,en,bitterns
"beer that is strongly flavoured with hops and has a bitter taste, brewed by top fermentation.",en,bitters
another term for woody nightshade (see nightshade).,en,bittersweet
made up of small parts that seem unrelated.,en,bitty
a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation. It is used for road surfacing and roofing.,en,bitumen
"of, containing, or of the nature of bitumen.",en,bituminous
(of a mollusc or other aquatic invertebrate) having a hinged double shell.,en,bivalve
"an aquatic mollusc which has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, mussels, and scallops.",en,bivalves
stay in a bivouac.,en,bivouac
stay in a bivouac.,en,bivouacked
stay in a bivouac.,en,bivouacking
stay in a bivouac.,en,bivouacs
a periodical that appears every two weeks or twice a week.,en,biweekly
"a business, especially one connected with entertainment.",en,biz
very strange or unusual.,en,bizarre
in a very strange or unusual manner.,en,bizarrely
a person who blabs.,en,blab
reveal secrets by indiscreet talk.,en,blabbed
a person who talks foolishly or excessively.,en,blabber
"talk foolishly, indiscreetly, or excessively.",en,blabbered
"talk foolishly, indiscreetly, or excessively.",en,blabbering
a person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.,en,blabbermouth
a person who talks excessively or indiscreetly.,en,blabbermouths
a person who talks foolishly or excessively.,en,blabbers
reveal secrets by indiscreet talk.,en,blabbing
a person who blabs.,en,blabs
another term for hamburger.,en,black
"reject (a candidate applying to become a member of a private club), typically by means of a secret ballot.",en,blackball
"reject (a candidate applying to become a member of a private club), typically by means of a secret ballot.",en,blackballed
"reject (a candidate applying to become a member of a private club), typically by means of a secret ballot.",en,blackballing
"reject (a candidate applying to become a member of a private club), typically by means of a secret ballot.",en,blackballs
communicate with (someone) using a BlackBerry device.,en,blackberries
communicate with (someone) using a BlackBerry device.,en,blackberry
communicate with (someone) using a BlackBerry device.,en,blackberrying
an Old World thrush with mainly black plumage.,en,blackbird
an Old World thrush with mainly black plumage.,en,blackbirds
a large board with a smooth dark surface attached to a wall or supported on an easel and used by teachers in schools for writing on with chalk.,en,blackboard
a large board with a smooth dark surface attached to a wall or supported on an easel and used by teachers in schools for writing on with chalk.,en,blackboards
a small round edible black berry that grows in loose hanging clusters.,en,blackcurrant
a small round edible black berry that grows in loose hanging clusters.,en,blackcurrants
make (something) black; blacken.,en,blacked
"make or become black or dark, especially as a result of burning, decay, or bruising.",en,blacken
"make or become black or dark, especially as a result of burning, decay, or bruising.",en,blackened
"make or become black or dark, especially as a result of burning, decay, or bruising.",en,blackening
"make or become black or dark, especially as a result of burning, decay, or bruising.",en,blackens
of the very darkest colour owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.,en,blacker
of the very darkest colour owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.,en,blackest
abuse or disparage (someone) scurrilously.,en,blackguard
abuse or disparage (someone) scurrilously.,en,blackguards
"a plug of sebum in a hair follicle, darkened by oxidation.",en,blackhead
"a plug of sebum in a hair follicle, darkened by oxidation.",en,blackheads
make (something) black; blacken.,en,blacking
a gambling card game in which players try to acquire cards with a face value totalling 21 and no more.,en,blackjack
a gambling card game in which players try to acquire cards with a face value totalling 21 and no more.,en,blackjacks
"continue working when one's fellow workers are on strike.",en,blackleg
"continue working when one's fellow workers are on strike.",en,blacklegs
put on a blacklist.,en,blacklist
put on a blacklist.,en,blacklisted
put on a blacklist.,en,blacklisting
put on a blacklist.,en,blacklists
demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.,en,blackmail
demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.,en,blackmailed
a person who demands money or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.,en,blackmailer
a person who demands money or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.,en,blackmailers
demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.,en,blackmailing
demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.,en,blackmails
the property or quality of being black in colour.,en,blackness
a period when all lights must be turned out or covered to prevent them being seen by the enemy during an air raid.,en,blackout
a period when all lights must be turned out or covered to prevent them being seen by the enemy during an air raid.,en,blackouts
make (something) black; blacken.,en,blacks
a person who makes and repairs things in iron by hand.,en,blacksmith
a person who makes and repairs things in iron by hand.,en,blacksmiths
"a thorny Eurasian shrub which bears white flowers before the leaves appear, followed by astringent blue-black fruits (sloes).",en,blackthorn
"a thorny Eurasian shrub which bears white flowers before the leaves appear, followed by astringent blue-black fruits (sloes).",en,blackthorns
surface (a road or area) with blacktop.,en,blacktop
a muscular membranous sac in the abdomen which receives urine from the kidneys and stores it for excretion.,en,bladder
a muscular membranous sac in the abdomen which receives urine from the kidneys and stores it for excretion.,en,bladders
skate using Rollerblades.,en,blade
skate using Rollerblades.,en,blades
an act of using persuasion or guile to obtain something.,en,blag
manage to obtain (something) by using persuasion or guile.,en,blagged
manage to obtain (something) by using persuasion or guile.,en,blagging
an act of using persuasion or guile to obtain something.,en,blags
dull or unexciting.,en,blah
responsibility for a fault or wrong.,en,blame
feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong.,en,blamed
innocent of wrongdoing.,en,blameless
feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong.,en,blames
responsible for wrongdoing and deserving of censure or blame.,en,blameworthy
feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong.,en,blaming
make white or pale by extracting colour.,en,blanch
make white or pale by extracting colour.,en,blanched
make white or pale by extracting colour.,en,blanches
make white or pale by extracting colour.,en,blanching
a sweet opaque gelatinous dessert made with flavoured cornflour and milk.,en,blancmange
a sweet opaque gelatinous dessert made with flavoured cornflour and milk.,en,blancmanges
lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.,en,bland
lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.,en,blander
lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting.,en,blandest
a flattering or pleasing statement or action used as a means of gently persuading someone to do something.,en,blandishments
"in an uninteresting manner that lacks strong emotion, features, or characteristics.",en,blandly
"lack of strong emotions, features, or characteristics.",en,blandness
make (something) blank or empty.,en,blank
make (something) blank or empty.,en,blanked
cover completely with a thick layer of something.,en,blanket
cover completely with a thick layer of something.,en,blanketed
cover completely with a thick layer of something.,en,blanketing
cover completely with a thick layer of something.,en,blankets
make (something) blank or empty.,en,blanking
in a way that is plain and characterized by a lack of decorative or other features.,en,blankly
make (something) blank or empty.,en,blanks
"a loud, harsh sound.",en,blare
"make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound.",en,blared
"make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound.",en,blares
"make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound.",en,blaring
influence or persuade (someone) using charm and pleasant flattery.,en,blarney
unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before.,en,blase
speak irreverently about God or sacred things.,en,blaspheme
speak irreverently about God or sacred things.,en,blasphemed
speak irreverently about God or sacred things.,en,blasphemes
the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.,en,blasphemies
speak irreverently about God or sacred things.,en,blaspheming
sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane.,en,blasphemous
the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk.,en,blasphemy
blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives.,en,blast
blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives.,en,blasted
blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives.,en,blasting
blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives.,en,blasts
(of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.,en,blatant
in an open and unashamed manner.,en,blatantly
long-winded talk with no real substance.,en,blather
talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense.,en,blathered
talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense.,en,blathering
talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense.,en,blathers
"present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner.",en,blaze
"present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner.",en,blazed
a coloured jacket worn by schoolchildren or sports players as part of a uniform.,en,blazer
a coloured jacket worn by schoolchildren or sports players as part of a uniform.,en,blazers
"present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner.",en,blazes
"present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner.",en,blazing
a correct description of armorial bearings.,en,blazon
display prominently or vividly.,en,blazoned
display prominently or vividly.,en,blazoning
a correct description of armorial bearings.,en,blazons
"a chemical (typically a solution of sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide) used to make materials whiter or for sterilizing drains, sinks, etc.",en,bleach
"cause (a material such as cloth, paper, or hair) to become white or much lighter by a chemical process or by exposure to sunlight.",en,bleached
a person or thing that bleaches.,en,bleachers
"a chemical (typically a solution of sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide) used to make materials whiter or for sterilizing drains, sinks, etc.",en,bleaches
"cause (a material such as cloth, paper, or hair) to become white or much lighter by a chemical process or by exposure to sunlight.",en,bleaching
"a small silvery shoaling fish of the carp family, found in Eurasian rivers.",en,bleak
(of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.,en,bleaker
(of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.,en,bleakest
the quality or state of being bare and inhospitable.,en,bleakness
(of the eyes) looking or feeling dull and unfocused from sleep or tiredness.,en,bleary
"the weak, wavering cry made by a sheep, goat, or calf.",en,bleat
"(of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic weak, wavering cry.",en,bleated
"(of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic weak, wavering cry.",en,bleating
"the weak, wavering cry made by a sheep, goat, or calf.",en,bleats
lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness.,en,bled
an instance of bleeding.,en,bleed
a person regarded with contempt or pity.,en,bleeder
a person regarded with contempt or pity.,en,bleeders
lose blood from the body as a result of injury or illness.,en,bleeding
an instance of bleeding.,en,bleeds
(of an electronic device) make a short high-pitched sound or sounds as a signal or to attract attention.,en,bleep
(of an electronic device) make a short high-pitched sound or sounds as a signal or to attract attention.,en,bleeped
another term for pager.,en,bleeper
another term for pager.,en,bleepers
(of an electronic device) make a short high-pitched sound or sounds as a signal or to attract attention.,en,bleeping
(of an electronic device) make a short high-pitched sound or sounds as a signal or to attract attention.,en,bleeps
spoil the appearance or quality of (something).,en,blemish
spoil the appearance or quality of (something).,en,blemished
spoil the appearance or quality of (something).,en,blemishes
spoil the appearance or quality of (something).,en,blemishing
make a sudden flinching movement out of fear or pain.,en,blench
make a sudden flinching movement out of fear or pain.,en,blenched
make a sudden flinching movement out of fear or pain.,en,blenches
make a sudden flinching movement out of fear or pain.,en,blenching
a mixture of different substances or other things.,en,blend
mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together.,en,blended
"a person or thing that mixes things together, in particular an electric mixing machine used in food preparation for liquidizing, chopping, or pureeing.",en,blender
"a person or thing that mixes things together, in particular an electric mixing machine used in food preparation for liquidizing, chopping, or pureeing.",en,blenders
mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together.,en,blending
a mixture of different substances or other things.,en,blends
pronounce words in a religious rite in order to confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on.,en,bless
pronounce words in a religious rite in order to confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on.,en,blessed
the state of being blessed with divine favour.,en,blessedness
pronounce words in a religious rite in order to confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on.,en,blesses
pronounce words in a religious rite in order to confer or invoke divine favour upon; ask God to look favourably on.,en,blessing
"God's favour and protection.",en,blessings
archaic or literary term for blessed.,en,blest
long-winded talk with no real substance.,en,blether
talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense.,en,blethered
talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense.,en,blethering
talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense.,en,blethers
produce flowers or be in flower.,en,blew
have a severely detrimental effect on.,en,blight
have a severely detrimental effect on.,en,blighted
"a person who is regarded with contempt, irritation, or pity.",en,blighter
"a person who is regarded with contempt, irritation, or pity.",en,blighters
have a severely detrimental effect on.,en,blighting
have a severely detrimental effect on.,en,blights
"a pompous, reactionary type of person.",en,blimp
"a pompous, reactionary type of person.",en,blimps
without being able to see clearly.,en,blind
"cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily.",en,blinded
"unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition.",en,blinder
an excellent performance in a game or race.,en,blinders
with a blindfold covering the eyes.,en,blindfold
deprive (someone) of sight by tying a piece of cloth round the head so as to cover the eyes.,en,blindfolded
deprive (someone) of sight by tying a piece of cloth round the head so as to cover the eyes.,en,blindfolding
deprive (someone) of sight by tying a piece of cloth round the head so as to cover the eyes.,en,blindfolds
"cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily.",en,blinding
in a very bright and dazzling way that is likely to cause temporary loss of vision.,en,blindingly
without being able to see; unseeingly.,en,blindly
"the state or condition of being unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition.",en,blindness
"a screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats.",en,blinds
hit or attack (someone) on their blind side.,en,blindside
hit or attack (someone) on their blind side.,en,blindsided
hit or attack (someone) on their blind side.,en,blindsides
hit or attack (someone) on their blind side.,en,blindsiding
an act of shutting and opening the eyes very quickly.,en,blink
shut and open the eyes quickly.,en,blinked
put blinkers on (a horse).,en,blinkered
put blinkers on (a horse).,en,blinkers
shut and open the eyes quickly.,en,blinking
an act of shutting and opening the eyes very quickly.,en,blinks
(of an electronic device) make a very short high-pitched sound or succession of sounds.,en,blip
(of an electronic device) make a very short high-pitched sound or succession of sounds.,en,blips
"reach a state of perfect happiness, oblivious of everything else.",en,bliss
extremely happy; full of joy.,en,blissful
in a manner characterized by extreme happiness or joy.,en,blissfully
form blisters on the skin or other surface.,en,blister
form blisters on the skin or other surface.,en,blistered
form blisters on the skin or other surface.,en,blistering
form blisters on the skin or other surface.,en,blisters
showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.,en,blithe
in a way that shows a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.,en,blithely
attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz.,en,blitz
attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz.,en,blitzed
attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz.,en,blitzes
attack or seriously damage (a place) in a blitz.,en,blitzing
an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.,en,blitzkrieg
an intense military campaign intended to bring about a swift victory.,en,blitzkriegs
a severe snowstorm with high winds.,en,blizzard
a severe snowstorm with high winds.,en,blizzards
cure (a herring) by salting and smoking it lightly.,en,bloated
a herring cured by salting and light smoking.,en,bloater
a herring cured by salting and light smoking.,en,bloaters
cure (a herring) by salting and smoking it lightly.,en,bloating
"a collection of data in binary form, typically a multimedia item, stored as a single entity in a database management system.",en,blob
"a collection of data in binary form, typically a multimedia item, stored as a single entity in a database management system.",en,blobs
a group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance.,en,bloc
"make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.",en,block
seal off (a place) to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.,en,blockade
seal off (a place) to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.,en,blockaded
seal off (a place) to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.,en,blockades
seal off (a place) to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.,en,blockading
an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible.,en,blockage
an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible.,en,blockages
"a thing of great power or size, in particular a film, book, or other product that is a great commercial success.",en,blockbuster
"a thing of great power or size, in particular a film, book, or other product that is a great commercial success.",en,blockbusters
"the practice of persuading owners to sell property cheaply because of the fear of people of another race or class moving into the neighbourhood, and then profiting by reselling at a higher price.",en,blockbusting
"make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.",en,blocked
a stupid person.,en,blockhead
a stupid person.,en,blockheads
"make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.",en,blocking
"make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.",en,blocks
a group of countries or political parties with common interests who have formed an alliance.,en,blocs
a man.,en,bloke
a man.,en,blokes
indulging in or relating to stereotypically male behaviour and interests.,en,blokish
a person with fair or pale yellow hair (typically used of a woman).,en,blond
a person with fair or pale yellow hair (typically used of a woman).,en,blonde
(of hair) fair or pale yellow.,en,blonder
a person with fair or pale yellow hair (typically used of a woman).,en,blondes
a person with fair or pale yellow hair (typically used of a woman).,en,blonds
a member of a North American people belonging to the Blackfoot Confederacy.,en,blood
an event or situation in which many people are killed in an extremely violent way.,en,bloodbath
an event or situation in which many people are killed in an extremely violent way.,en,bloodbaths
causing or expressing terror or horror.,en,bloodcurdling
initiate (someone) in a particular activity.,en,blooded
"a large hound of a breed with a very keen sense of smell, used in tracking.",en,bloodhound
"a large hound of a breed with a very keen sense of smell, used in tracking.",en,bloodhounds
cover or stain with blood.,en,bloodied
"used to express anger, annoyance, or shock, or simply for emphasis.",en,bloodier
"used to express anger, annoyance, or shock, or simply for emphasis.",en,bloodiest
initiate (someone) in a particular activity.,en,blooding
(of a revolution or conflict) without violence or killing.,en,bloodless
"the surgical removal of some of a patient's blood for therapeutic purposes.",en,bloodletting
"an animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, especially with reference to the desirable characteristics bred into it.",en,bloodline
"an animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, especially with reference to the desirable characteristics bred into it.",en,bloodlines
a member of a North American people belonging to the Blackfoot Confederacy.,en,bloods
"the killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict.",en,bloodshed
"(of the eyes) inflamed or tinged with blood, typically as a result of tiredness.",en,bloodshot
a mark or discoloration on fabric or a surface caused by blood.,en,bloodstain
marked or covered with blood.,en,bloodstained
a mark or discoloration on fabric or a surface caused by blood.,en,bloodstains
thoroughbred horses considered collectively.,en,bloodstock
the blood circulating through the body of a person or animal.,en,bloodstream
"an insect or other animal that sucks blood, especially a leech or a mosquito.",en,bloodsucker
"an insect or other animal that sucks blood, especially a leech or a mosquito.",en,bloodsuckers
having or showing a desire to kill and maim.,en,bloodthirsty
"used to express anger, annoyance, or shock, or simply for emphasis.",en,bloody
cover or stain with blood.,en,bloodying
"make (iron, steel, etc.) into a bloom.",en,bloom
"make (iron, steel, etc.) into a bloom.",en,bloomed
a large loaf with diagonal slashes on a rounded top.,en,bloomer
a large loaf with diagonal slashes on a rounded top.,en,bloomers
"make (iron, steel, etc.) into a bloom.",en,blooming
"make (iron, steel, etc.) into a bloom.",en,blooms
an embarrassing error.,en,blooper
an embarrassing error.,en,bloopers
(of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers.,en,blossom
(of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers.,en,blossomed
(of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers.,en,blossoming
(of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers.,en,blossoms
dry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material.,en,blot
cover with blotches.,en,blotch
cover with blotches.,en,blotched
cover with blotches.,en,blotches
covered with blotches; patchy.,en,blotchy
dry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material.,en,blots
dry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material.,en,blotted
"a sheet or pad of blotting paper in a frame, kept on a desk.",en,blotter
"a sheet or pad of blotting paper in a frame, kept on a desk.",en,blotters
dry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material.,en,blotting
extremely drunk.,en,blotto
make (a garment) hang in loose folds.,en,blouse
make (a garment) hang in loose folds.,en,blouses
the state or period of flowering.,en,blow
"a person or thing that blows, especially a mechanical device for creating a current of air used to dry or heat something.",en,blower
"a person or thing that blows, especially a mechanical device for creating a current of air used to dry or heat something.",en,blowers
a boastful or pompous person.,en,blowhard
a boastful or pompous person.,en,blowhards
the nostril of a whale or dolphin on the top of its head.,en,blowhole
the nostril of a whale or dolphin on the top of its head.,en,blowholes
produce flowers or be in flower.,en,blown
an occasion when a tyre on a vehicle bursts or an electric fuse melts.,en,blowout
an occasion when a tyre on a vehicle bursts or an electric fuse melts.,en,blowouts
a primitive weapon consisting of a long tube through which an arrow or dart is propelled by force of the breath.,en,blowpipe
a primitive weapon consisting of a long tube through which an arrow or dart is propelled by force of the breath.,en,blowpipes
produce flowers or be in flower.,en,blows
"coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman).",en,blowsier
"coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman).",en,blowsiest
"coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman).",en,blowsy
"a portable device producing a hot flame which can be directed on to a surface, typically to burn off paint.",en,blowtorch
"a portable device producing a hot flame which can be directed on to a surface, typically to burn off paint.",en,blowtorches
an enlargement of a photograph.,en,blowups
windy or windswept.,en,blowy
"coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman).",en,blowzier
"coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman).",en,blowziest
"coarse, untidy, and red-faced (typically used of a woman).",en,blowzy
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blub
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubbed
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubber
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubbered
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubbering
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubbers
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubbing
cry noisily and uncontrollably; sob.,en,blubs
beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object.,en,bludgeon
beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object.,en,bludgeoned
beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object.,en,bludgeoning
beat (someone) repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object.,en,bludgeons
squander or recklessly spend (money).,en,blue
a European woodland plant of the lily family that produces clusters of blue bell-shaped flowers in spring.,en,bluebell
a European woodland plant of the lily family that produces clusters of blue bell-shaped flowers in spring.,en,bluebells
a small sweet blue-black edible berry which grows in clusters on North American shrubs related to the bilberry.,en,blueberries
a small sweet blue-black edible berry which grows in clusters on North American shrubs related to the bilberry.,en,blueberry
"denoting or relating to a period of time characterized by sunny, cloudless weather, typically after a night of snowfall.",en,bluebird
"an American songbird of the thrush family, the male of which has a blue head, back, and wings.",en,bluebirds
"a common blowfly with a metallic-blue body, the female of which often comes into houses searching for a suitable food source on which to lay her eggs.",en,bluebottle
"a common blowfly with a metallic-blue body, the female of which often comes into houses searching for a suitable food source on which to lay her eggs.",en,bluebottles
"a bluish-green grass which was introduced into North America from northern Europe, widely grown (especially in Kentucky and Virginia) for fodder.",en,bluegrass
having a blue tinge; slightly blue.,en,blueish
"a common North American jay with a blue crest, back, wings, and tail.",en,bluejay
"a common North American jay with a blue crest, back, wings, and tail.",en,bluejays
draw up (a plan or model).,en,blueprint
draw up (a plan or model).,en,blueprints
"of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.",en,bluer
squander or recklessly spend (money).,en,blues
"of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.",en,bluest
an intellectual or literary woman.,en,bluestocking
an intellectual or literary woman.,en,bluestockings
"of, resembling, or in the style of blues music.",en,bluesy
"(of a cliff or a ship's bows) having a vertical or steep broad front.",en,bluff
"try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions.",en,bluffed
"try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions.",en,bluffing
"a steep cliff, bank, or promontory.",en,bluffs
having a blue tinge; slightly blue.,en,bluish
make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily.,en,blunder
a short large-bored gun firing balls or slugs.,en,blunderbuss
a short large-bored gun firing balls or slugs.,en,blunderbusses
make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily.,en,blundered
make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily.,en,blundering
make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily.,en,blunders
a hollowed-out cigar filled with cannabis.,en,blunt
make or become less sharp.,en,blunted
(of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point.,en,blunter
(of a cutting implement) not having a sharp edge or point.,en,bluntest
make or become less sharp.,en,blunting
in an uncompromisingly forthright way.,en,bluntly
a hollowed-out cigar filled with cannabis.,en,blunts
"(of a person) stupid, clumsy, or confused.",en,blur
"write or contribute a blurb for (a book, film, or other product).",en,blurb
"write or contribute a blurb for (a book, film, or other product).",en,blurbs
make or become unclear or less distinct.,en,blurred
make or become unclear or less distinct.,en,blurring
not clearly or distinctly visible or audible.,en,blurry
a thing that cannot be seen or heard clearly.,en,blurs
say (something) suddenly and without careful consideration.,en,blurt
say (something) suddenly and without careful consideration.,en,blurted
say (something) suddenly and without careful consideration.,en,blurting
say (something) suddenly and without careful consideration.,en,blurts
"a reddening of the face as a sign of shyness, embarrassment, or shame.",en,blush
"show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face.",en,blushed
a cosmetic of a powder or cream consistency used to give a warm colour to the cheeks.,en,blusher
a cosmetic of a powder or cream consistency used to give a warm colour to the cheeks.,en,blushers
"a reddening of the face as a sign of shyness, embarrassment, or shame.",en,blushes
"show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face.",en,blushing
"loud, aggressive, or indignant talk with little effect.",en,bluster
"talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect.",en,blustered
"talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect.",en,blustering
"talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect.",en,blusters
(of weather) characterized by strong winds.,en,blustery
"a constrictor snake which bears live young and may reach great size, native to America, Africa, Asia, and some Pacific islands.",en,boa
"a tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended, exterminated in Britain in the 17th century.",en,boar
"get on or into (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle).",en,board
"get on or into (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle).",en,boarded
"a person who receives regular meals when staying somewhere, in return for payment or services.",en,boarder
"a person who receives regular meals when staying somewhere, in return for payment or services.",en,boarders
"get on or into (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle).",en,boarding
a room in which a board of directors of a company or other organization meets regularly.,en,boardroom
a room in which a board of directors of a company or other organization meets regularly.,en,boardrooms
"get on or into (a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle).",en,boards
a wooden walkway across sand or marshy ground.,en,boardwalk
a wooden walkway across sand or marshy ground.,en,boardwalks
"a tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended, exterminated in Britain in the 17th century.",en,boars
"a constrictor snake which bears live young and may reach great size, native to America, Africa, Asia, and some Pacific islands.",en,boas
(in squash) a stroke in which the ball is made to hit one of the side walls before hitting the front wall.,en,boast
"talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.",en,boasted
"showing excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.",en,boastful
"talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.",en,boasting
(in squash) a stroke in which the ball is made to hit one of the side walls before hitting the front wall.,en,boasts
travel in a boat for pleasure.,en,boat
a flat-topped hardened straw hat with a brim.,en,boater
a flat-topped hardened straw hat with a brim.,en,boaters
a shed at the edge of a river or lake used for housing boats.,en,boathouse
a shed at the edge of a river or lake used for housing boats.,en,boathouses
travel in a boat for pleasure.,en,boating
an amount of cargo or number of passengers which will fill a ship or boat.,en,boatload
an amount of cargo or number of passengers which will fill a ship or boat.,en,boatloads
a person who hires out boats or provides transport by boat.,en,boatman
a person who hires out boats or provides transport by boat.,en,boatmen
travel in a boat for pleasure.,en,boats
"a ship's officer in charge of equipment and the crew.",en,boatswain
"a ship's officer in charge of equipment and the crew.",en,boatswains
an enclosed area of land where boats are built or stored.,en,boatyard
an enclosed area of land where boats are built or stored.,en,boatyards
a change of order in bell-ringing.,en,bob
"cut (someone's hair) in a bob.",en,bobbed
a police officer.,en,bobbies
"a cylinder or cone holding thread, yarn, or wire, used especially in weaving and machine sewing.",en,bobbin
"cut (someone's hair) in a bob.",en,bobbing
"a cylinder or cone holding thread, yarn, or wire, used especially in weaving and machine sewing.",en,bobbins
a feeble or irregular bouncing motion.,en,bobble
a feeble or irregular bouncing motion.,en,bobbles
a police officer.,en,bobby
a small North American lynx with a barred and spotted coat and a short tail.,en,bobcat
a small North American lynx with a barred and spotted coat and a short tail.,en,bobcats
a change of order in bell-ringing.,en,bobs
"a mechanically steered and braked sled, typically manned by crews of two or four, used for racing down a steep ice-covered run with banked curves; a bobsleigh.",en,bobsled
"a mechanically steered and braked sled, typically manned by crews of two or four, used for racing down a steep ice-covered run with banked curves; a bobsleigh.",en,bobsleds
"a mechanically steered and braked sledge, typically for two or four people, used for racing down an ice-covered run.",en,bobsleigh
"a mechanically steered and braked sledge, typically for two or four people, used for racing down an ice-covered run.",en,bobsleighs
a body.,en,bod
"excellent, admirable, or attractive.",en,bodacious
be a portent of a particular outcome.,en,bode
be a portent of a particular outcome.,en,boded
(in a Spanish-speaking country) a wine shop or wine cellar.,en,bodega
(in a Spanish-speaking country) a wine shop or wine cellar.,en,bodegas
be a portent of a particular outcome.,en,bodes
make or repair (something) badly or clumsily.,en,bodge
make or repair (something) badly or clumsily.,en,bodged
make or repair (something) badly or clumsily.,en,bodges
make or repair (something) badly or clumsily.,en,bodging
"the close-fitting upper part of a dress, covering the chest and back above the waist.",en,bodice
"the close-fitting upper part of a dress, covering the chest and back above the waist.",en,bodices
give material form to something abstract.,en,bodies
"by moving a person's or one's own body with force.",en,bodily
be a portent of a particular outcome.,en,boding
"a thick, blunt needle with a large eye, used for drawing tape or cord through a hem.",en,bodkin
"a thick, blunt needle with a large eye, used for drawing tape or cord through a hem.",en,bodkins
a body.,en,bods
give material form to something abstract.,en,body
a sport involving strenuous physical exercise in order to strengthen and enlarge the muscles of the body.,en,bodybuilding
a person or group of people employed to escort and protect an important or famous person.,en,bodyguard
a person or group of people employed to escort and protect an important or famous person.,en,bodyguards
"a close-fitting one-piece stretch garment for women, worn typically for sporting activities.",en,bodysuit
"a close-fitting one-piece stretch garment for women, worn typically for sporting activities.",en,bodysuits
the metal outer shell of a vehicle.,en,bodywork
a person engaged in scientific or technical research.,en,boffin
a person engaged in scientific or technical research.,en,boffins
be or become stuck in mud or wet ground.,en,bog
an act of swimming or bathing.,en,bogey
"an imaginary evil spirit or being, used to frighten children.",en,bogeyman
"an imaginary evil spirit or being, used to frighten children.",en,bogeymen
an act of swimming or bathing.,en,bogeys
be or become stuck in mud or wet ground.,en,bogged
too wet and muddy to be easily walked on; marshy.,en,boggier
too wet and muddy to be easily walked on; marshy.,en,boggiest
be or become stuck in mud or wet ground.,en,bogging
(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.,en,boggle
(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.,en,boggled
(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.,en,boggles
(of a person or their mind) be astonished or baffled when trying to imagine something.,en,boggling
too wet and muddy to be easily walked on; marshy.,en,boggy
an undercarriage with four or six wheels pivoted beneath the end of a railway vehicle.,en,bogie
an undercarriage with four or six wheels pivoted beneath the end of a railway vehicle.,en,bogies
be or become stuck in mud or wet ground.,en,bogs
not genuine or true (used in a disapproving manner when deception has been attempted).,en,bogus
an evil or mischievous spirit.,en,bogy
relating to Bohemia or its people.,en,bohemian
a native or inhabitant of Bohemia (now the western part of the Czech Republic).,en,bohemians
"an inflamed pus-filled swelling on the skin, caused typically by the infection of a hair follicle.",en,boil
(with reference to a liquid) reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapour.,en,boiled
a fuel-burning apparatus or container for heating water.,en,boiler
a fuel-burning apparatus or container for heating water.,en,boilers
(with reference to a liquid) reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapour.,en,boiling
"an inflamed pus-filled swelling on the skin, caused typically by the infection of a hair follicle.",en,boils
"noisy, energetic, and cheerful.",en,boisterous
a bold typeface or letter.,en,bold
"(of a person, action, or idea) showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.",en,bolder
"(of a person, action, or idea) showing a willingness to take risks; confident and courageous.",en,boldest
in a confident and courageous way; showing a willingness to take risks.,en,boldly
willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage.,en,boldness
"a fine, smooth, reddish clay containing iron oxide, used especially as a ground for oil painting and gilding.",en,bole
a Spanish dance in simple triple time.,en,bolero
a Spanish dance in simple triple time.,en,boleros
the trunk of a tree.,en,boles
the rounded seed capsule of plants such as cotton or flax.,en,boll
a short post used to prevent traffic from entering an area.,en,bollard
a short post used to prevent traffic from entering an area.,en,bollards
reprimand (someone) severely.,en,bollocking
a severe reprimand.,en,bollockings
reprimand (someone) severely.,en,bollocks
the rounded seed capsule of plants such as cotton or flax.,en,bolls
"a large smoked sausage made of bacon, veal, pork suet, and other meats.",en,bologna
a Bolshevik or socialist.,en,bolshie
a Bolshevik or socialist.,en,bolshy
a heavy chisel used for cutting bricks.,en,bolster
support or strengthen.,en,bolstered
support or strengthen.,en,bolstering
a heavy chisel used for cutting bricks.,en,bolsters
"pass (flour, powder, or other material) through a sieve.",en,bolt
"pass (flour, powder, or other material) through a sieve.",en,bolted
a place where a person can escape and hide.,en,bolthole
a place where a person can escape and hide.,en,boltholes
"pass (flour, powder, or other material) through a sieve.",en,bolting
"pass (flour, powder, or other material) through a sieve.",en,bolts
attack (a place or object) with a bomb or bombs.,en,bomb
"a cannon of the earliest type, which fired a stone ball or large shot.",en,bombard
"attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles.",en,bombarded
"a rank of non-commissioned officer in certain artillery regiments, equivalent to corporal.",en,bombardier
"a rank of non-commissioned officer in certain artillery regiments, equivalent to corporal.",en,bombardiers
"attack (a place or person) continuously with bombs, shells, or other missiles.",en,bombarding
"a continuous attack with bombs, shells, or other missiles.",en,bombardment
"a continuous attack with bombs, shells, or other missiles.",en,bombardments
"a cannon of the earliest type, which fired a stone ball or large shot.",en,bombards
"high-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people.",en,bombast
high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.,en,bombastic
attack (a place or object) with a bomb or bombs.,en,bombed
an aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs.,en,bomber
an aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs.,en,bombers
attack (a place or object) with a bomb or bombs.,en,bombing
an act or instance of dropping or detonating a bomb somewhere.,en,bombings
attack (a place or object) with a bomb or bombs.,en,bombs
"an unexpected and surprising event, especially an unpleasant one.",en,bombshell
"an unexpected and surprising event, especially an unpleasant one.",en,bombshells
an area in a town or city where the buildings have been destroyed by bombs.,en,bombsite
an area in a town or city where the buildings have been destroyed by bombs.,en,bombsites
"a situation which creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits.",en,bonanza
"a situation which creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits.",en,bonanzas
a piece of confectionery; a sweet.,en,bonbon
a piece of confectionery; a sweet.,en,bonbons
"a person's head.",en,bonce
"a person's head.",en,bonces
"join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.",en,bond
the state of being a slave.,en,bondage
"join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.",en,bonded
a person owning a bond or bonds issued by a government or a public company.,en,bondholder
a person owning a bond or bonds issued by a government or a public company.,en,bondholders
"join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.",en,bonding
"join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.",en,bonds
"remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking, serving, or selling.",en,bone
"remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking, serving, or selling.",en,boned
a stupid person.,en,bonehead
a stupid person.,en,boneheads
crushed or ground bones used as a fertilizer.,en,bonemeal
an erection of the penis.,en,boner
an erection of the penis.,en,boners
"remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking, serving, or selling.",en,bones
an old vehicle with poor suspension.,en,boneshaker
an old vehicle with poor suspension.,en,boneshakers
a large open-air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration.,en,bonfire
a large open-air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration.,en,bonfires
a large piton.,en,bong
"a forest antelope that has a chestnut coat with narrow white vertical stripes, native to central Africa.",en,bongo
"a forest antelope that has a chestnut coat with narrow white vertical stripes, native to central Africa.",en,bongos
a large piton.,en,bongs
cheerful friendliness; geniality.,en,bonhomie
of or like bone.,en,bonier
of or like bone.,en,boniest
"remove the bones from (meat or fish) before cooking, serving, or selling.",en,boning
an act or the sound of hitting someone or something.,en,bonk
hit or strike (someone or something).,en,bonked
mad; crazy.,en,bonkers
hit or strike (someone or something).,en,bonking
an act or the sound of hitting someone or something.,en,bonks
"a woman's or child's hat tied under the chin and with a brim framing the face.",en,bonnet
"a woman's or child's hat tied under the chin and with a brim framing the face.",en,bonnets
attractive or beautiful.,en,bonnier
attractive or beautiful.,en,bonniest
"used as a form of address for one's beloved or baby.",en,bonny
"the art of growing ornamental, artificially dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots.",en,bonsai
"a sum of money added to a person's wages as a reward for good performance.",en,bonus
"a sum of money added to a person's wages as a reward for good performance.",en,bonuses
of or like bone.,en,bony
"a person's boyfriend or girlfriend.",en,boo
"a woman's breast.",en,boob
make an embarrassing mistake.,en,boobed
"a woman's breast.",en,boobies
make an embarrassing mistake.,en,boobing
"a woman's breast.",en,boobs
"a woman's breast.",en,booby
say ‘boo’ to show disapproval of a speaker or performer.,en,booed
a piece of dried nasal mucus.,en,booger
a piece of dried nasal mucus.,en,boogers
"an imaginary evil spirit or being, used to frighten children.",en,boogeyman
variant spelling of bogeyman.,en,boogeymen
dance to pop or rock music.,en,boogie
dance to pop or rock music.,en,boogied
dance to pop or rock music.,en,boogieing
dance to pop or rock music.,en,boogies
cry noisily.,en,boohoo
say ‘boo’ to show disapproval of a speaker or performer.,en,booing
"reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.",en,book
able to be reserved.,en,bookable
a person who binds books as a profession.,en,bookbinder
a person who binds books as a profession.,en,bookbinders
an open cabinet containing shelves on which to keep books.,en,bookcase
an open cabinet containing shelves on which to keep books.,en,bookcases
"reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.",en,booked
be positioned at the end or on either side of (something).,en,bookend
be positioned at the end or on either side of (something).,en,bookends
a bookmaker.,en,bookie
a bookmaker.,en,bookies
"reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.",en,booking
"an act of reserving accommodation, a ticket, etc. in advance.",en,bookings
(of a person or way of life) devoted to reading and studying.,en,bookish
a person whose job is to keep records of the financial affairs of a business.,en,bookkeeper
a person whose job is to keep records of the financial affairs of a business.,en,bookkeepers
the activity or occupation of keeping records of the financial affairs of a business.,en,bookkeeping
"a small, thin book with paper covers, typically giving information on a particular subject.",en,booklet
"a small, thin book with paper covers, typically giving information on a particular subject.",en,booklets
"a person whose job is to take bets (especially on horse races), calculate odds, and pay out winnings; the manager of a betting shop.",en,bookmaker
"a person whose job is to take bets (especially on horse races), calculate odds, and pay out winnings; the manager of a betting shop.",en,bookmakers
"record the address of (a website, file, etc.) to enable quick access in future.",en,bookmark
"record the address of (a website, file, etc.) to enable quick access in future.",en,bookmarked
"record the address of (a website, file, etc.) to enable quick access in future.",en,bookmarking
"record the address of (a website, file, etc.) to enable quick access in future.",en,bookmarks
a mobile library.,en,bookmobile
a mobile library.,en,bookmobiles
"a decorative label stuck in the front of a book, bearing the name of the book's owner.",en,bookplate
"a decorative label stuck in the front of a book, bearing the name of the book's owner.",en,bookplates
"reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.",en,books
"a person who sells books, especially as the owner or manager of a bookshop.",en,bookseller
"a person who sells books, especially as the owner or manager of a bookshop.",en,booksellers
a shelf on which books can be stored.,en,bookshelf
a shelf on which books can be stored.,en,bookshelves
a shop where books are sold.,en,bookshop
a shop where books are sold.,en,bookshops
"a stand where books and sometimes newspapers are sold, especially out of doors or at a railway station.",en,bookstall
"a stand where books and sometimes newspapers are sold, especially out of doors or at a railway station.",en,bookstalls
a shop where books are sold.,en,bookstore
a shop where books are sold.,en,bookstores
a person who enjoys reading.,en,bookworm
a person who enjoys reading.,en,bookworms
"a pivoted spar to which the foot of a vessel's sail is attached, allowing the angle of the sail to be changed.",en,boom
experience a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth.,en,boomed
short for baby boomer.,en,boomer
(of a plan or action) recoil on the originator.,en,boomerang
(of a plan or action) recoil on the originator.,en,boomeranged
(of a plan or action) recoil on the originator.,en,boomeranging
(of a plan or action) recoil on the originator.,en,boomerangs
short for baby boomer.,en,boomers
experience a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth.,en,booming
"a pivoted spar to which the foot of a vessel's sail is attached, allowing the angle of the sail to be changed.",en,booms
a thing that is helpful or beneficial.,en,boon
rough or isolated country.,en,boondocks
"spend money or time on unnecessary, wasteful, or fraudulent projects.",en,boondoggle
short for boondocks.,en,boonies
a thing that is helpful or beneficial.,en,boons
a rough and bad-mannered person.,en,boor
rough and bad-mannered; coarse.,en,boorish
a rough and bad-mannered person.,en,boors
"a person's boyfriend or girlfriend.",en,boos
a source of help or encouragement leading to increase or improvement.,en,boost
help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.,en,boosted
a device for increasing electrical voltage or signal strength.,en,booster
a device for increasing electrical voltage or signal strength.,en,boosters
help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.,en,boosting
a source of help or encouragement leading to increase or improvement.,en,boosts
kick (something) hard in a specified direction.,en,boot
kick (something) hard in a specified direction.,en,booted
"a soft shoe, typically a knitted one worn by a baby.",en,bootee
"a soft shoe, typically a knitted one worn by a baby.",en,bootees
"a small temporary tent or structure at a market, fair, or exhibition, used for selling goods, providing information, or staging shows.",en,booth
"a small temporary tent or structure at a market, fair, or exhibition, used for selling goods, providing information, or staging shows.",en,booths
"a soft shoe, typically a knitted one worn by a baby.",en,bootie
"a person's bottom.",en,booties
kick (something) hard in a specified direction.,en,booting
a cord or leather strip for lacing boots.,en,bootlace
a cord or leather strip for lacing boots.,en,bootlaces
"an illegal musical recording, especially one made at a concert.",en,bootleg
"make, distribute, or sell (alcoholic drink or a recording) illegally.",en,bootlegged
"a person who makes, distributes, or sells goods illegally.",en,bootlegger
"a person who makes, distributes, or sells goods illegally.",en,bootleggers
"make, distribute, or sell (alcoholic drink or a recording) illegally.",en,bootlegging
"an illegal musical recording, especially one made at a concert.",en,bootlegs
kick (something) hard in a specified direction.,en,boots
"a person's bottom.",en,booty
"drink alcohol, especially in large quantities.",en,booze
"drink alcohol, especially in large quantities.",en,boozed
a person who drinks large quantities of alcohol.,en,boozer
a person who drinks large quantities of alcohol.,en,boozers
"drink alcohol, especially in large quantities.",en,boozes
"drink alcohol, especially in large quantities.",en,boozing
characterized by drinking large quantities of alcohol.,en,boozy
a quick blow or punch.,en,bop
hit or punch quickly.,en,bopped
hit or punch quickly.,en,bopping
a quick blow or punch.,en,bops
good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter.,en,borax
a brothel.,en,bordello
a brothel.,en,bordellos
form an edge along or beside (something).,en,border
form an edge along or beside (something).,en,bordered
form an edge along or beside (something).,en,bordering
a district near the line separating two countries or areas.,en,borderland
a district near the line separating two countries or areas.,en,borderlands
only just acceptable in quality or as belonging to a category.,en,borderline
a boundary separating two countries or areas.,en,borderlines
form an edge along or beside (something).,en,borders
carry the weight of; support.,en,bore
cause (someone) to feel weary and uninterested by dull talk or behaviour.,en,bored
the state of feeling bored.,en,boredom
"a deep, narrow hole made in the ground, especially to locate water or oil.",en,borehole
"a deep, narrow hole made in the ground, especially to locate water or oil.",en,boreholes
a steep-fronted wave caused by the meeting of two tides or by the constriction of a tide rushing up a narrow estuary.,en,bores
cause (someone) to feel weary and uninterested by dull talk or behaviour.,en,boring
existing as a result of birth.,en,born
carry the weight of; support.,en,borne
a town or district which is an administrative unit.,en,borough
a town or district which is an administrative unit.,en,boroughs
a slope or other irregularity on a golf course which must be compensated for when playing a shot.,en,borrow
take and use (something belonging to someone else) with the intention of returning it.,en,borrowed
a person or organization that takes and uses something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it.,en,borrower
a person or organization that takes and uses something belonging to someone else with the intention of returning it.,en,borrowers
take and use (something belonging to someone else) with the intention of returning it.,en,borrowing
the action of borrowing something.,en,borrowings
a slope or other irregularity on a golf course which must be compensated for when playing a shot.,en,borrows
"a soup made with beetroot and usually served with sour cream, associated with the cuisine of eastern and central Europe, especially Russia, Poland, and Ukraine.",en,borscht
a custodial institution for young offenders.,en,borstal
"a woman's chest or breasts.",en,bosoms
having large breasts.,en,bosomy
a cow.,en,boss
give (someone) orders in a domineering manner.,en,bossed
a cow.,en,bosses
give (someone) orders in a domineering manner.,en,bossing
a cow or calf.,en,bossy
"a ship's officer in charge of equipment and the crew.",en,bosun
"a ship's officer in charge of equipment and the crew.",en,bosuns
a substance obtained from a plant and used typically in medicinal or cosmetic products.,en,botanical
an expert in or student of the scientific study of plants.,en,botanist
an expert in or student of the scientific study of plants.,en,botanists
"merino wool, especially from Australia.",en,botany
a bungled task.,en,botch
carry out (a task) badly or carelessly.,en,botched
a bungled task.,en,botches
carry out (a task) badly or carelessly.,en,botching
used before the first of two alternatives to emphasize that the statement being made applies to each (the other alternative being introduced by ‘and’).,en,both
"effort, trouble, or difficulty.",en,bother
"effort, worry, or difficulty; bother.",en,botheration
take the trouble to do something.,en,bothered
take the trouble to do something.,en,bothering
take the trouble to do something.,en,bothers
annoying; troublesome.,en,bothersome
place (drinks or other liquid) in bottles.,en,bottle
place (drinks or other liquid) in bottles.,en,bottled
the neck or mouth of a bottle.,en,bottleneck
the neck or mouth of a bottle.,en,bottlenecks
a person or company that bottles drinks.,en,bottler
a person or company that bottles drinks.,en,bottlers
place (drinks or other liquid) in bottles.,en,bottles
place (drinks or other liquid) in bottles.,en,bottling
(of a situation) reach the lowest point before stabilizing or improving.,en,bottom
(of a situation) reach the lowest point before stabilizing or improving.,en,bottomed
(of a situation) reach the lowest point before stabilizing or improving.,en,bottoming
without a bottom.,en,bottomless
(of a situation) reach the lowest point before stabilizing or improving.,en,bottoms
food poisoning caused by a bacterium growing on improperly sterilized tinned meats and other preserved foods.,en,botulism
"a woman's bedroom or small private room.",en,boudoir
"a woman's bedroom or small private room.",en,boudoirs
a bouffant hairstyle.,en,bouffant
a bouffant hairstyle.,en,bouffants
"an ornamental shrubby climbing plant that is widely cultivated in the tropics. The insignificant flowers are surrounded by large, brightly coloured papery bracts which persist on the plant for a long time.",en,bougainvillaea
"an ornamental shrubby climbing plant that is widely cultivated in the tropics. The insignificant flowers are surrounded by large, brightly coloured papery bracts which persist on the plant for a long time.",en,bougainvillaeas
"an ornamental shrubby climbing plant that is widely cultivated in the tropics. The insignificant flowers are surrounded by large, brightly coloured papery bracts which persist on the plant for a long time.",en,bougainvillea
"an ornamental shrubby climbing plant that is widely cultivated in the tropics. The insignificant flowers are surrounded by large, brightly coloured papery bracts which persist on the plant for a long time.",en,bougainvilleas
a main branch of a tree.,en,bough
a main branch of a tree.,en,boughs
obtain in exchange for payment.,en,bought
"a rich, spicy stew or soup made with various kinds of fish, originally from Provence.",en,bouillabaisse
"thin soup or stock made by stewing meat, fish, or vegetables in water.",en,bouillon
"a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion.",en,boulder
"a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion.",en,boulders
a legislative body of ancient or modern Greece.,en,boules
"a wide street in a town or city, typically one lined with trees.",en,boulevard
"a wide street in a town or city, typically one lined with trees.",en,boulevards
a rebound of a ball or other object.,en,bounce
"(with reference to an object, especially a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it.",en,bounced
a person employed by a nightclub or similar establishment to prevent troublemakers and other unwanted people entering or to eject them from the premises.,en,bouncer
a person employed by a nightclub or similar establishment to prevent troublemakers and other unwanted people entering or to eject them from the premises.,en,bouncers
a rebound of a ball or other object.,en,bounces
bouncing or causing things to bounce.,en,bouncier
bouncing or causing things to bounce.,en,bounciest
"(with reference to an object, especially a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it.",en,bouncing
bouncing or causing things to bounce.,en,bouncy
tie or fasten (something) tightly together.,en,bound
a line which marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.,en,boundaries
a line which marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.,en,boundary
form the boundary of; enclose.,en,bounded
a dishonourable man.,en,bounder
a dishonourable man.,en,bounders
form the boundary of; enclose.,en,bounding
unlimited or immense.,en,boundless
form the boundary of; enclose.,en,bounds
generously given or giving; bountiful.,en,bounteous
a sum paid for killing or capturing a person or animal.,en,bounties
large in quantity; abundant.,en,bountiful
a sum paid for killing or capturing a person or animal.,en,bounty
"an attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony.",en,bouquet
"an attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony.",en,bouquets
a chocolate-flavoured biscuit with a chocolate-cream filling.,en,bourbon
a chocolate-flavoured biscuit with a chocolate-cream filling.,en,bourbons
a bourgeois person.,en,bourgeois
"the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.",en,bourgeoisie
a short period of intense activity of a specified kind.,en,bout
a small shop selling fashionable clothes or accessories.,en,boutique
a small shop selling fashionable clothes or accessories.,en,boutiques
a spray of flowers worn in a buttonhole.,en,boutonniere
a spray of flowers worn in a buttonhole.,en,boutonnieres
a short period of intense activity of a specified kind.,en,bouts
"an animal of the cattle group, which also includes buffaloes and bison.",en,bovine
"hooliganism or violent disorder, especially as caused by gangs of skinheads.",en,bovver
the front end of a ship.,en,bow
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerise
(of a text or account) having had material considered improper or offensive removed.,en,bowdlerised
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerises
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerising
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerize
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerized
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerizes
"remove material that is considered improper or offensive from (a text or account), especially with the result that the text becomes weaker or less effective.",en,bowdlerizing
"bend the head or upper part of the body as a sign of respect, greeting, or shame.",en,bowed
the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine.,en,bowel
the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine.,en,bowels
"each of two anchors carried at a ship's bow, formerly distinguished as the best bower (starboard) or small bower (port).",en,bower
"each of two anchors carried at a ship's bow, formerly distinguished as the best bower (starboard) or small bower (port).",en,bowers
"bend the head or upper part of the body as a sign of respect, greeting, or shame.",en,bowing
roll (a ball or other round object) along the ground.,en,bowl
roll (a ball or other round object) along the ground.,en,bowled
"a man's hard felt hat with a round dome-shaped crown.",en,bowler
"a man's hard felt hat with a round dome-shaped crown.",en,bowlers
roll (a ball or other round object) along the ground.,en,bowling
roll (a ball or other round object) along the ground.,en,bowls
"the rower who sits nearest the bow of a boat, especially a racing boat.",en,bowman
"the rower who sits nearest the bow of a boat, especially a racing boat.",en,bowmen
the front end of a ship.,en,bows
"a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber.",en,box
"an enclosed railway freight wagon, typically with sliding doors on the sides.",en,boxcar
"an enclosed railway freight wagon, typically with sliding doors on the sides.",en,boxcars
"fight an opponent using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing.",en,boxed
"a member of a fiercely nationalistic Chinese secret society which flourished in the 19th century. In 1899 the society led a Chinese uprising against Western domination which was eventually crushed by a combined European force, aided by Japan and the US.",en,boxer
"men's loose underpants similar in shape to the shorts worn by boxers.",en,boxers
"a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber.",en,boxes
"fight an opponent using one's fists; compete in the sport of boxing.",en,boxing
a very small room used for storage or as a bedroom.,en,boxroom
a very small room used for storage or as a bedroom.,en,boxrooms
"a slow-growing European evergreen shrub or small tree with small glossy dark green leaves. It is widely used in hedging and for topiary, and yields hard, heavy timber.",en,boxwood
squarish in shape.,en,boxy
a male child or youth.,en,boy
"a punitive ban on relations with other bodies, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods.",en,boycott
"withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.",en,boycotted
"withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.",en,boycotting
"a punitive ban on relations with other bodies, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods.",en,boycotts
"a person's regular male companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.",en,boyfriend
"a person's regular male companion with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship.",en,boyfriends
the state or time of being a boy.,en,boyhood
"of, like, or characteristic of a male child or young man.",en,boyish
a male child or youth.,en,boys
a stupid or insignificant man.,en,bozo
a stupid or insignificant man.,en,bozos
a male friend or associate.,en,bra
"make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support.",en,brace
"make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support.",en,braced
"an ornamental band, hoop, or chain worn on the wrist or arm.",en,bracelet
"an ornamental band, hoop, or chain worn on the wrist or arm.",en,bracelets
"make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support.",en,braces
"make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support.",en,bracing
"a tall fern with coarse lobed fronds, which occurs worldwide and can cover large areas.",en,bracken
enclose (words or figures) in brackets.,en,bracket
enclose (words or figures) in brackets.,en,bracketed
enclose (words or figures) in brackets.,en,bracketing
enclose (words or figures) in brackets.,en,brackets
"(of water) slightly salty, as in river estuaries.",en,brackish
"a tool for boring holes, resembling a small, sharpened screwdriver.",en,bradawl
"a tool for boring holes, resembling a small, sharpened screwdriver.",en,bradawls
a steep bank or hillside.,en,brae
excellent; first-rate.,en,brag
a person who boasts about their achievements or possessions.,en,braggart
a person who boasts about their achievements or possessions.,en,braggarts
say something in a boastful manner.,en,bragged
say something in a boastful manner.,en,bragging
a gambling card game which is a simplified form of poker.,en,brags
form (hair) into a braid or braids.,en,braid
form (hair) into a braid or braids.,en,braided
form (hair) into a braid or braids.,en,braiding
form (hair) into a braid or braids.,en,braids
print or transcribe in Braille.,en,braille
hit (someone) hard on the head with an object.,en,brain
"an idea or invention which is considered to be a particular person's creation.",en,brainchild
hit (someone) hard on the head with an object.,en,brained
having or showing intelligence.,en,brainier
having or showing intelligence.,en,brainiest
hit (someone) hard on the head with an object.,en,braining
stupid; very foolish.,en,brainless
mental ability; intelligence.,en,brainpower
hit (someone) hard on the head with an object.,en,brains
hold a group discussion to produce ideas.,en,brainstorm
hold a group discussion to produce ideas.,en,brainstormed
hold a group discussion to produce ideas.,en,brainstorming
hold a group discussion to produce ideas.,en,brainstorms
"a problem or puzzle, typically one designed to be solved for amusement.",en,brainteaser
"a problem or puzzle, typically one designed to be solved for amusement.",en,brainteasers
pressurize (someone) into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.,en,brainwash
pressurize (someone) into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.,en,brainwashed
pressurize (someone) into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.,en,brainwashes
pressurize (someone) into adopting radically different beliefs by using systematic and often forcible means.,en,brainwashing
an electrical impulse in the brain.,en,brainwave
an electrical impulse in the brain.,en,brainwaves
having or showing intelligence.,en,brainy
fry (food) lightly and then stew it slowly in a closed container.,en,braise
fry (food) lightly and then stew it slowly in a closed container.,en,braised
fry (food) lightly and then stew it slowly in a closed container.,en,braises
fry (food) lightly and then stew it slowly in a closed container.,en,braising
archaic past of break1.,en,brake
make a moving vehicle slow down or stop by using a brake.,en,braked
"a coarse fern of warm and tropical countries, frequently having the fronds divided into long linear segments.",en,brakes
make a moving vehicle slow down or stop by using a brake.,en,braking
gather blackberries.,en,bramble
gather blackberries.,en,brambles
pieces of grain husk separated from flour after milling.,en,bran
(of a road or path) divide into one or more subdivisions.,en,branch
(of a road or path) divide into one or more subdivisions.,en,branched
(of a road or path) divide into one or more subdivisions.,en,branches
(of a road or path) divide into one or more subdivisions.,en,branching
mark with a branding iron.,en,brand
mark with a branding iron.,en,branded
a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.,en,brandies
mark with a branding iron.,en,branding
"wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.",en,brandish
"wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.",en,brandished
"wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.",en,brandishes
"wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.",en,brandishing
mark with a branding iron.,en,brands
a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice.,en,brandy
a male friend or associate.,en,bras
loose broken rock or ice.,en,brash
"self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.",en,brasher
"self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.",en,brashest
a yellow alloy of copper and zinc.,en,brass
a restaurant in France or in a French style.,en,brasserie
a restaurant in France or in a French style.,en,brasseries
a yellow alloy of copper and zinc.,en,brasses
resembling brass in colour.,en,brassier
full form of bra.,en,brassiere
full form of bra.,en,brassieres
resembling brass in colour.,en,brassiest
a number two wood.,en,brassy
a bratwurst sausage.,en,brat
a bratwurst sausage.,en,brats
a bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.,en,bravado
endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.,en,brave
endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.,en,braved
in a way that shows a willingness to face and endure danger or pain; courageously.,en,bravely
ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.,en,braver
courageous behaviour or character.,en,bravery
endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.,en,braves
ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.,en,bravest
endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behaviour) without showing fear.,en,braving
a violent troublemaker or hired assassin.,en,bravo
great technical skill and brilliance shown in a performance or activity.,en,bravura
fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.,en,brawl
fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.,en,brawled
"a person who engages in rough or noisy fights or quarrels, especially habitually.",en,brawler
"a person who engages in rough or noisy fights or quarrels, especially habitually.",en,brawlers
fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.,en,brawling
fight or quarrel in a rough or noisy way.,en,brawls
physical strength in contrast to intelligence.,en,brawn
physically strong; muscular.,en,brawnier
physically strong; muscular.,en,brawniest
physically strong; muscular.,en,brawny
"pound or crush (something) to small pieces, typically with a pestle and mortar.",en,bray
"pound or crush (something) to small pieces, typically with a pestle and mortar.",en,brayed
"pound or crush (something) to small pieces, typically with a pestle and mortar.",en,braying
"pound or crush (something) to small pieces, typically with a pestle and mortar.",en,brays
endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame.,en,brazen
endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame.,en,brazened
endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame.,en,brazening
in a bold and shameless way.,en,brazenly
endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame.,en,brazens
a worker in brass.,en,brazier
a worker in brass.,en,braziers
"make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defence).",en,breach
"make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defence).",en,breached
"make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defence).",en,breaches
"make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defence).",en,breaching
coat (food) with breadcrumbs before cooking.,en,bread
a part of a region that produces cereals for the rest of it.,en,breadbasket
a part of a region that produces cereals for the rest of it.,en,breadbaskets
make (an experimental electric circuit).,en,breadboard
make (an experimental electric circuit).,en,breadboards
a small fragment of bread.,en,breadcrumb
a small fragment of bread.,en,breadcrumbs
coat (food) with breadcrumbs before cooking.,en,breaded
"the large round starchy fruit of a tropical tree, which is used as a vegetable and sometimes to make a substitute for flour.",en,breadfruit
"the large round starchy fruit of a tropical tree, which is used as a vegetable and sometimes to make a substitute for flour.",en,breadfruits
coat (food) with breadcrumbs before cooking.,en,breading
the poorest condition in which it is acceptable to live.,en,breadline
coat (food) with breadcrumbs before cooking.,en,breads
the distance or measurement from side to side of something; width.,en,breadth
the distance or measurement from side to side of something; width.,en,breadths
"a person who earns money to support their family, typically the sole one.",en,breadwinner
"a person who earns money to support their family, typically the sole one.",en,breadwinners
former term for breaking cart.,en,break
things which are fragile and easily broken.,en,breakable
"the action of breaking something, or the fact of being broken.",en,breakage
"the action of breaking something, or the fact of being broken.",en,breakages
a divergence or radical change from something established or long-standing.,en,breakaway
a divergence or radical change from something established or long-standing.,en,breakaways
a mechanical failure.,en,breakdown
a mechanical failure.,en,breakdowns
a heavy sea wave that breaks into white foam on the shore.,en,breaker
a heavy sea wave that breaks into white foam on the shore.,en,breakers
eat breakfast.,en,breakfast
eat breakfast.,en,breakfasted
eat breakfast.,en,breakfasting
eat breakfast.,en,breakfasts
"separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain.",en,breaking
dangerously or extremely fast.,en,breakneck
suddenly and extremely popular or successful.,en,breakout
"a forcible escape, especially from prison.",en,breakouts
former term for breaking cart.,en,breaks
"a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.",en,breakthrough
"a sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development.",en,breakthroughs
the separation or breaking up of something into several pieces or sections.,en,breakup
the separation or breaking up of something into several pieces or sections.,en,breakups
a barrier built out into the sea to protect a coast or harbour from the force of waves.,en,breakwater
a barrier built out into the sea to protect a coast or harbour from the force of waves.,en,breakwaters
"clear (a ship or its bottom) of weeds, shells, or other accumulated matter by burning and scraping it.",en,bream
face and move forwards against or through (something).,en,breast
"a thin, flat bone running down the centre of the chest, to which the ribs are attached.",en,breastbone
"a thin, flat bone running down the centre of the chest, to which the ribs are attached.",en,breastbones
face and move forwards against or through (something).,en,breasted
(of a woman) feed (a baby) with milk from the breast.,en,breastfed
(of a woman) feed (a baby) with milk from the breast.,en,breastfeed
(of a woman) feed (a baby) with milk from the breast.,en,breastfeeding
(of a woman) feed (a baby) with milk from the breast.,en,breastfeeds
face and move forwards against or through (something).,en,breasting
a piece of armour covering the chest.,en,breastplate
a piece of armour covering the chest.,en,breastplates
face and move forwards against or through (something).,en,breasts
"a swimming stroke in which the arms are pushed forwards and then swept back in a circular movement, while the legs are tucked in towards the body and then kicked out in a corresponding movement.",en,breaststroke
the air taken into or expelled from the lungs.,en,breath
(of the air) fit or pleasant to breathe.,en,breathable
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalyse
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalysed
"a device used by police for measuring the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath.",en,breathalyser
"a device used by police for measuring the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath.",en,breathalysers
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalyses
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalysing
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalyze
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalyzed
"a device used by police for measuring the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath.",en,breathalyzer
"a device used by police for measuring the amount of alcohol in a driver's breath.",en,breathalyzers
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalyzes
(of the police) use a breathalyser to test how much alcohol (a driver) has consumed.,en,breathalyzing
"take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.",en,breathe
"take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.",en,breathed
a person or animal that breathes in a particular way.,en,breather
a person or animal that breathes in a particular way.,en,breathers
"take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.",en,breathes
"take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.",en,breathing
"gasping for breath, typically due to exertion.",en,breathless
"in a way that involves gasping for breath, typically due to exertion.",en,breathlessly
the air taken into or expelled from the lungs.,en,breaths
"astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one's breath away.",en,breathtaking
"in an astonishing or awe-inspiring way, so as to take one's breath away.",en,breathtakingly
"producing or causing an audible sound of breathing, typically as a result of physical exertion or strong feelings.",en,breathy
(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.,en,bred
dress (a boy) in breeches after he had been in petticoats since birth.,en,breech
dress (a boy) in breeches after he had been in petticoats since birth.,en,breeches
a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.,en,breed
a person who breeds animals or plants.,en,breeder
a person who breeds animals or plants.,en,breeders
(of animals) mate and then produce offspring.,en,breeding
a stock of animals or plants within a species having a distinctive appearance and typically having been developed by deliberate selection.,en,breeds
small cinders mixed with sand and cement to make breeze blocks.,en,breeze
come or go in a casual or light-hearted manner.,en,breezed
come or go in a casual or light-hearted manner.,en,breezes
come or go in a casual or light-hearted manner.,en,breezing
pleasantly windy.,en,breezy
a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents.,en,brethren
concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.,en,brevity
a kind of beer.,en,brew
"make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation.",en,brewed
a person or company that manufactures beer.,en,brewer
a place where beer is made commercially.,en,breweries
a person or company that manufactures beer.,en,brewers
a place where beer is made commercially.,en,brewery
"make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation.",en,brewing
a kind of beer.,en,brews
a tobacco pipe made from woody nodules borne at ground level by a large woody plant of the heather family.,en,briar
a tobacco pipe made from woody nodules borne at ground level by a large woody plant of the heather family.,en,briars
a sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone.,en,bribe
"dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one's favour by a gift of money or other inducement.",en,bribed
the giving or offering of a bribe.,en,bribery
a sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone.,en,bribes
"dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one's favour by a gift of money or other inducement.",en,bribing
block or enclose with a wall of bricks.,en,brick
a piece of brick used as a missile.,en,brickbat
a piece of brick used as a missile.,en,brickbats
block or enclose with a wall of bricks.,en,bricked
a bricklayer.,en,brickie
a bricklayer.,en,brickies
block or enclose with a wall of bricks.,en,bricking
"a person whose job is to build walls, houses, and other structures with bricks.",en,bricklayer
"a person whose job is to build walls, houses, and other structures with bricks.",en,bricklayers
block or enclose with a wall of bricks.,en,bricks
"the bricks in a wall, house, or other structure in terms of their type or layout.",en,brickwork
a place where bricks are made.,en,brickyard
a place where bricks are made.,en,brickyards
of or concerning a bride or a newly married couple.,en,bridal
a woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event.,en,bride
a man on his wedding day or just before and after the event.,en,bridegroom
a man on his wedding day or just before and after the event.,en,bridegrooms
a woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event.,en,brides
"a girl or woman, usually one of several, who accompanies a bride on her wedding day.",en,bridesmaid
"a girl or woman, usually one of several, who accompanies a bride on her wedding day.",en,bridesmaids
"a card game related to whist, played by two partnerships of two players who at the beginning of each hand bid for the right to name the trump suit, the highest bid also representing a contract to make a specified number of tricks with a specified suit as trumps.",en,bridge
be or make a bridge over (something).,en,bridged
a strong position secured by an army inside enemy territory from which to advance or attack.,en,bridgehead
a strong position secured by an army inside enemy territory from which to advance or attack.,en,bridgeheads
be or make a bridge over (something).,en,bridges
be or make a bridge over (something).,en,bridging
put a bridle on (a horse).,en,bridle
put a bridle on (a horse).,en,bridled
put a bridle on (a horse).,en,bridles
a path or track along which horse riders have right of way.,en,bridleway
a path or track along which horse riders have right of way.,en,bridleways
put a bridle on (a horse).,en,bridling
"a kind of soft, mild, creamy cheese with a firm white skin.",en,brie
"instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.",en,brief
a leather or plastic rectangular container with a handle for carrying books and documents.,en,briefcase
a leather or plastic rectangular container with a handle for carrying books and documents.,en,briefcases
"instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.",en,briefed
of short duration; not lasting for long.,en,briefer
of short duration; not lasting for long.,en,briefest
"instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.",en,briefing
a meeting for giving information or instructions.,en,briefings
for a short time; fleetingly.,en,briefly
"instruct or inform (someone) thoroughly, especially in preparation for a task.",en,briefs
a tobacco pipe made from woody nodules borne at ground level by a large woody plant of the heather family.,en,brier
a tobacco pipe made from woody nodules borne at ground level by a large woody plant of the heather family.,en,briers
a bridge.,en,brig
form into a brigade.,en,brigade
form into a brigade.,en,brigades
"a rank of officer in the British army, above colonel and below major general.",en,brigadier
"a rank of officer in the British army, above colonel and below major general.",en,brigadiers
a member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains.,en,brigand
a member of a gang that ambushes and robs people in forests and mountains.,en,brigands
bold and vivid colours.,en,bright
make or become more light.,en,brighten
make or become more light.,en,brightened
make or become more light.,en,brightening
make or become more light.,en,brightens
giving out or reflecting much light; shining.,en,brighter
giving out or reflecting much light; shining.,en,brightest
in a way that gives out or reflects much light.,en,brightly
the quality or state of giving out or reflecting light.,en,brightness
bold and vivid colours.,en,brights
a bridge.,en,brigs
excellent; marvellous.,en,brill
intense brightness of light.,en,brilliance
a diamond of brilliant cut.,en,brilliant
"scented oil used on men's hair to make it look glossy.",en,brilliantine
in a very bright or dazzling way.,en,brilliantly
be full to the point of overflowing.,en,brim
filled with something to the point of overflowing.,en,brimful
be full to the point of overflowing.,en,brimmed
be full to the point of overflowing.,en,brimming
be full to the point of overflowing.,en,brims
(especially of a domestic animal) brownish or tawny with streaks of other colour.,en,brindled
soak or preserve in salty water.,en,brine
take or go with (someone or something) to a place.,en,bring
take or go with (someone or something) to a place.,en,bringing
take or go with (someone or something) to a place.,en,brings
the extreme edge of land before a steep slope or a body or water.,en,brink
"the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.",en,brinkmanship
"the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.",en,brinksmanship
the sea.,en,briny
a light sweet yeast bread typically in the form of a small round roll.,en,brioche
a light sweet yeast bread typically in the form of a small round roll.,en,brioches
a block of compressed coal dust or peat used as fuel.,en,briquette
a block of compressed coal dust or peat used as fuel.,en,briquettes
quicken something.,en,brisk
active and energetic.,en,brisker
active and energetic.,en,briskest
"meat cut from the breast of an animal, typically a cow.",en,brisket
"in an active, quick, or energetic way.",en,briskly
"(of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear.",en,bristle
"(of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear.",en,bristled
"(of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear.",en,bristles
"(of hair or fur) stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear.",en,bristling
(of hair or foliage) having a stiff and prickly texture.,en,bristly
"another form of breeches, representing a pronunciation.",en,britches
a brittle sweet made from nuts and set melted sugar.,en,brittle
short for brother.,en,bro
a sudden and unwelcome veering of a ship that causes it to broach.,en,broach
"(of a ship) veer and pitch forward, presenting a side to the wind and waves and losing steerage control.",en,broached
a sudden and unwelcome veering of a ship that causes it to broach.,en,broaches
"(of a ship) veer and pitch forward, presenting a side to the wind and waves and losing steerage control.",en,broaching
a woman.,en,broad
by scattering.,en,broadcast
an organization that transmits a programme or information by radio or television.,en,broadcaster
an organization that transmits a programme or information by radio or television.,en,broadcasters
transmit (a programme or some information) by radio or television.,en,broadcasting
a radio or television programme or transmission.,en,broadcasts
become larger in distance from side to side; widen.,en,broaden
become larger in distance from side to side; widen.,en,broadened
become larger in distance from side to side; widen.,en,broadening
become larger in distance from side to side; widen.,en,broadens
having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide.,en,broader
having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide.,en,broadest
in general and without considering minor details.,en,broadly
"tolerant or liberal in one's views and reactions; not easily offended.",en,broadminded
a woman.,en,broads
a large piece of paper printed with information on one side only.,en,broadsheet
a large piece of paper printed with information on one side only.,en,broadsheets
collide with the side of (a vehicle).,en,broadside
collide with the side of (a vehicle).,en,broadsides
"a sword with a wide blade, used for cutting rather than thrusting.",en,broadsword
"a sword with a wide blade, used for cutting rather than thrusting.",en,broadswords
"a rich fabric woven with a raised pattern, typically with gold or silver thread.",en,brocade
"a rich fabric woven with a raised pattern, typically with gold or silver thread.",en,brocades
a cultivated variety of cabbage bearing heads of green or purplish flower buds that are eaten as a vegetable.,en,broccoli
a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service.,en,brochure
a small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service.,en,brochures
"a marked accent, especially Irish or Scottish, when speaking English.",en,brogue
"a marked accent, especially Irish or Scottish, when speaking English.",en,brogues
a quarrel or commotion.,en,broil
cook (meat or fish) by exposure to direct heat.,en,broiled
"a young chicken suitable for roasting, grilling, or barbecuing.",en,broiler
"a young chicken suitable for roasting, grilling, or barbecuing.",en,broilers
cook (meat or fish) by exposure to direct heat.,en,broiling
a quarrel or commotion.,en,broils
"separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain.",en,broke
"separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain.",en,broken
arrange or negotiate (an agreement).,en,broker
the business of acting as a broker.,en,brokerage
arrange or negotiate (an agreement).,en,brokered
arrange or negotiate (an agreement).,en,brokering
arrange or negotiate (an agreement).,en,brokers
an umbrella.,en,brollies
an umbrella.,en,brolly
"a compound of bromine with another element or group, especially a salt containing the anion Br− or an organic compound with bromine bonded to an alkyl radical.",en,bromide
"a compound of bromine with another element or group, especially a salt containing the anion Br− or an organic compound with bromine bonded to an alkyl radical.",en,bromides
relating to the bronchi or bronchioles.,en,bronchial
inflammation of the mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes. It typically causes bronchospasm and coughing.,en,bronchitis
a wild or half-tamed horse of the western US.,en,bronco
a wild or half-tamed horse of the western US.,en,broncos
former term for apatosaurus.,en,brontosaurus
former term for apatosaurus.,en,brontosauruses
make (a person or part of the body) suntanned.,en,bronze
make (a person or part of the body) suntanned.,en,bronzed
make (a person or part of the body) suntanned.,en,bronzes
an ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch.,en,brooch
an ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch.,en,brooches
(of an animal) kept to be used for breeding.,en,brood
"think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried.",en,brooded
"think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried.",en,brooding
"think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried.",en,broods
(of a hen) inclined to incubate eggs.,en,broody
"tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition).",en,brook
"tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition).",en,brooked
"tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition).",en,brooking
"tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition).",en,brooks
"a long-handled brush of bristles or twigs, used for sweeping.",en,broom
"a long-handled brush of bristles or twigs, used for sweeping.",en,brooms
"a brush with twigs at one end and a long handle, on which, in children's literature, witches are said to fly.",en,broomstick
"a brush with twigs at one end and a long handle, on which, in children's literature, witches are said to fly.",en,broomsticks
short for brother.,en,bros
"soup consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in stock, sometimes thickened with barley or other cereals.",en,broth
a house where men visit prostitutes.,en,brothel
a house where men visit prostitutes.,en,brothels
a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents.,en,brother
the relationship between brothers.,en,brotherhood
the relationship between brothers.,en,brotherhoods
characteristic of or appropriate for a brother or brothers; fraternal.,en,brotherly
a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents.,en,brothers
"soup consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in stock, sometimes thickened with barley or other cereals.",en,broths
"a horse-drawn carriage with a roof, four wheels, and an open driver's seat in front.",en,brougham
"a horse-drawn carriage with a roof, four wheels, and an open driver's seat in front.",en,broughams
take or go with (someone or something) to a place.,en,brought
a noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something.,en,brouhaha
a gangway from a ship to the shore.,en,brow
"intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words.",en,browbeat
"intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words.",en,browbeaten
"intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words.",en,browbeating
"intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words.",en,browbeats
"make or become brown, typically by cooking.",en,brown
"make or become brown, typically by cooking.",en,browned
"of a colour produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil.",en,browner
"of a colour produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or rich soil.",en,brownest
denoting or relating to urban sites for potential building development that have had previous development on them.,en,brownfield
"a small square of rich chocolate cake, typically containing nuts.",en,brownie
"a small square of rich chocolate cake, typically containing nuts.",en,brownies
"make or become brown, typically by cooking.",en,browning
having a brown tinge; slightly brown.,en,brownish
"make or become brown, typically by cooking.",en,browns
a kind of reddish-brown sandstone used for building.,en,brownstone
a kind of reddish-brown sandstone used for building.,en,brownstones
a gangway from a ship to the shore.,en,brows
an act of casual looking or reading.,en,browse
survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way.,en,browsed
a computer program with a graphical user interface for displaying and navigating between web pages.,en,browser
a computer program with a graphical user interface for displaying and navigating between web pages.,en,browsers
survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way.,en,browses
survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way.,en,browsing
inflict a bruise or bruises on (a part of the body).,en,bruise
inflict a bruise or bruises on (a part of the body).,en,bruised
a person who is tough and aggressive and enjoys a fight or argument.,en,bruiser
a person who is tough and aggressive and enjoys a fight or argument.,en,bruisers
inflict a bruise or bruises on (a part of the body).,en,bruises
inflict a bruise or bruises on (a part of the body).,en,bruising
a report or rumour.,en,bruit
spread (a report or rumour) widely.,en,bruited
spread (a report or rumour) widely.,en,bruiting
a report or rumour.,en,bruits
a late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch.,en,brunch
a late morning meal eaten instead of breakfast and lunch.,en,brunches
having dark brown hair (typically used of a woman).,en,brunette
"a person, typically a woman, with dark brown hair.",en,brunettes
"undergrowth, small trees, and shrubs.",en,brush
remove (dust or dirt) by sweeping or scrubbing.,en,brushed
remove (dust or dirt) by sweeping or scrubbing.,en,brushes
remove (dust or dirt) by sweeping or scrubbing.,en,brushing
a mark made by a paintbrush drawn across a surface.,en,brushstroke
a mark made by a paintbrush drawn across a surface.,en,brushstrokes
"undergrowth, twigs, and small branches.",en,brushwood
"the way in which a painter uses their brush, as evident in their paintings.",en,brushwork
abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.,en,brusque
savagely violent.,en,brutal
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalise
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalised
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalises
"inducing cruelty, violence, or insensitivity to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalising
savage physical violence; great cruelty.,en,brutalities
savage physical violence; great cruelty.,en,brutality
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalize
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalized
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalizes
"make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.",en,brutalizing
in a savagely violent way.,en,brutally
characterized by an absence of reasoning or intelligence.,en,brute
a savagely violent person or animal.,en,brutes
resembling or characteristic of a brute.,en,brutish
an aggressive or rude way of addressing a boy or man.,en,bub
(of a liquid) form rising bubbles of gas or air.,en,bubble
(of a liquid) form rising bubbles of gas or air.,en,bubbled
chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles.,en,bubblegum
(of a liquid) form rising bubbles of gas or air.,en,bubbles
(of a liquid) form rising bubbles of gas or air.,en,bubbling
"a pirate, originally one operating in the Caribbean.",en,buccaneer
"a pirate, originally one operating in the Caribbean.",en,buccaneers
an article placed as a reminder in front of a player whose turn it is to deal at poker.,en,buck
(of a horse) to perform a buck.,en,bucked
rain heavily.,en,bucket
rain heavily.,en,bucketed
rain heavily.,en,bucketing
rain heavily.,en,buckets
(of a horse) to perform a buck.,en,bucking
fasten with a buckle.,en,buckle
fasten with a buckle.,en,buckled
fasten with a buckle.,en,buckles
fasten with a buckle.,en,buckling
"coarse linen or other cloth stiffened with gum or paste, and used as interfacing and in bookbinding.",en,buckram
an article placed as a reminder in front of a player whose turn it is to deal at poker.,en,bucks
coarse lead shot used in shotgun shells.,en,buckshot
the skin of a male deer.,en,buckskin
"an Asian plant of the dock family, producing starchy seeds that are used for fodder and also milled into flour which is widely used in the US.",en,buckwheat
a pastoral poem.,en,bucolic
a friendly form of address from one boy or man to another.,en,bud
(of a plant or animal) form a bud.,en,budded
become friendly and spend time with someone.,en,buddies
(of a plant or animal) form a bud.,en,budding
become friendly and spend time with someone.,en,buddy
make or cause to make the slightest movement.,en,budge
make or cause to make the slightest movement.,en,budged
a small gregarious Australian parakeet which is green with a yellow head in the wild. It is popular as a cage bird and has been bred in a variety of colours.,en,budgerigar
a small gregarious Australian parakeet which is green with a yellow head in the wild. It is popular as a cage bird and has been bred in a variety of colours.,en,budgerigars
make or cause to make the slightest movement.,en,budges
relating to or in accordance with an estimate of income and expenditure.,en,budgetary
allow or provide a particular amount of money in a budget.,en,budgeted
allow or provide a particular amount of money in a budget.,en,budgeting
allow or provide a particular amount of money in a budget.,en,budgets
a budgerigar.,en,budgie
a budgerigar.,en,budgies
make or cause to make the slightest movement.,en,budging
(of a plant or animal) form a bud.,en,buds
a person who is enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject.,en,buff
overawe or intimidate (someone).,en,buffalo
overawe or intimidate (someone).,en,buffaloes
polish (something).,en,buffed
(of a person or their body) in good physical shape with well-developed muscles.,en,buffer
lessen or moderate the impact of (something).,en,buffered
lessen or moderate the impact of (something).,en,buffering
"an elderly man who is considered to be foolishly old-fashioned, unworldly, or incompetent.",en,buffers
a low stool or hassock.,en,buffet
(especially of wind or waves) strike repeatedly and violently; batter.,en,buffeted
(especially of wind or waves) strike repeatedly and violently; batter.,en,buffeting
a low stool or hassock.,en,buffets
polish (something).,en,buffing
a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.,en,buffoon
behaviour that is ridiculous but amusing.,en,buffoonery
a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.,en,buffoons
a person who is enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject.,en,buffs
"conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.",en,bug
"a cause of obsessive fear, anxiety, or irritation.",en,bugbear
"a cause of obsessive fear, anxiety, or irritation.",en,bugbears
"conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.",en,bugged
cause serious harm or damage to.,en,bugger
cause serious harm or damage to.,en,buggered
cause serious harm or damage to.,en,buggering
cause serious harm or damage to.,en,buggers
anal sexual intercourse.,en,buggery
"a small motor vehicle, typically with an open top.",en,buggies
"conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.",en,bugging
infested with bugs.,en,buggy
an ornamental tube-shaped glass or plastic bead sewn on to clothing.,en,bugle
an ornamental tube-shaped glass or plastic bead sewn on to clothing.,en,bugles
"conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.",en,bugs
"the proportions of a person's or animal's body.",en,build
a person who constructs something by putting parts or material together.,en,builder
a person who constructs something by putting parts or material together.,en,builders
construct (something) by putting parts or material together.,en,building
"a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory.",en,buildings
"the proportions of a person's or animal's body.",en,builds
construct (something) by putting parts or material together.,en,built
"a rounded underground storage organ present in some plants, notably those of the lily family, consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy scale leaves or leaf bases, lying dormant over winter.",en,bulb
"fat, round, or bulging.",en,bulbous
"a rounded underground storage organ present in some plants, notably those of the lily family, consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy scale leaves or leaf bases, lying dormant over winter.",en,bulbs
swell or protrude to an incongruous extent.,en,bulge
swell or protrude to an incongruous extent.,en,bulged
swell or protrude to an incongruous extent.,en,bulges
swell or protrude to an incongruous extent.,en,bulging
"swollen, protruding, or curving outwards.",en,bulgy
"an emotional disorder characterized by a distorted body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by fasting or self-induced vomiting or purging.",en,bulimia
"a person suffering from an eating disorder marked by bouts of overeating, followed by fasting or vomiting.",en,bulimic
"a person suffering from an eating disorder marked by bouts of overeating, followed by fasting or vomiting.",en,bulimics
treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it is.,en,bulk
treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it is.,en,bulked
"a dividing wall or barrier between separate compartments inside a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.",en,bulkhead
"a dividing wall or barrier between separate compartments inside a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.",en,bulkheads
taking up much space; large and unwieldy.,en,bulkier
taking up much space; large and unwieldy.,en,bulkiest
treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it is.,en,bulking
treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it is.,en,bulks
taking up much space; large and unwieldy.,en,bulky
stupid or untrue talk or writing; nonsense.,en,bull
wrestle (a steer) to the ground by holding its horns and twisting its neck.,en,bulldog
wrestle (a steer) to the ground by holding its horns and twisting its neck.,en,bulldogs
"clear (ground) or destroy (buildings, trees, etc.) with a bulldozer.",en,bulldoze
"clear (ground) or destroy (buildings, trees, etc.) with a bulldozer.",en,bulldozed
a powerful track-laying tractor with caterpillar tracks and a broad curved upright blade at the front for clearing ground.,en,bulldozer
a powerful track-laying tractor with caterpillar tracks and a broad curved upright blade at the front for clearing ground.,en,bulldozers
"clear (ground) or destroy (buildings, trees, etc.) with a bulldozer.",en,bulldozes
"clear (ground) or destroy (buildings, trees, etc.) with a bulldozer.",en,bulldozing
"a metal projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other small firearm, typically cylindrical and pointed, and sometimes containing an explosive.",en,bullet
a short official statement or broadcast summary of news.,en,bulletin
a short official statement or broadcast summary of news.,en,bulletins
designed to resist the penetration of bullets.,en,bulletproof
"a metal projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other small firearm, typically cylindrical and pointed, and sometimes containing an explosive.",en,bullets
"a public spectacle, especially in Spain, at which a bull is baited and killed.",en,bullfight
the sport of baiting and killing a bull as a public spectacle in an outdoor arena.,en,bullfighting
"a public spectacle, especially in Spain, at which a bull is baited and killed.",en,bullfights
"a stocky Eurasian finch with a short, thick bill, typically having grey or pinkish plumage, dark wings, and a white rump.",en,bullfinch
"a stocky Eurasian finch with a short, thick bill, typically having grey or pinkish plumage, dark wings, and a white rump.",en,bullfinches
a very large frog which has a deep booming croak and is often a predator of smaller vertebrates.,en,bullfrog
a very large frog which has a deep booming croak and is often a predator of smaller vertebrates.,en,bullfrogs
an electronic device for amplifying the sound of the voice so it can be heard at a distance; a megaphone.,en,bullhorn
an electronic device for amplifying the sound of the voice so it can be heard at a distance; a megaphone.,en,bullhorns
(in field hockey) start play with a bully.,en,bullied
(in field hockey) start play with a bully.,en,bullies
"gold or silver in bulk before coining, or valued by weight.",en,bullion
aggressively confident and self-assertive.,en,bullish
work long and hard.,en,bullock
work long and hard.,en,bullocks
an arena where bullfights are held.,en,bullring
an arena where bullfights are held.,en,bullrings
a papal edict.,en,bulls
talk nonsense to (someone) in an attempt to deceive them.,en,bullshit
talk nonsense to (someone) in an attempt to deceive them.,en,bullshits
talk nonsense to (someone) in an attempt to deceive them.,en,bullshitted
a person who exaggerates or lies.,en,bullshitter
a person who exaggerates or lies.,en,bullshitters
talk nonsense to (someone) in an attempt to deceive them.,en,bullshitting
strike or thrash with a bullwhip.,en,bullwhip
strike or thrash with a bullwhip.,en,bullwhips
(in field hockey) start play with a bully.,en,bully
(in field hockey) start play with a bully.,en,bullying
a tall reedlike water plant with a dark brown velvety cylindrical head of numerous tiny flowers.,en,bulrush
a tall reedlike water plant with a dark brown velvety cylindrical head of numerous tiny flowers.,en,bulrushes
a defensive wall.,en,bulwark
a defensive wall.,en,bulwarks
"a person's buttocks or anus.",en,bum
"a small pouch on a belt, for money and small articles, worn round the waist or hips.",en,bumbag
"a small pouch on a belt, for money and small articles, worn round the waist or hips.",en,bumbags
move or act in an awkward or confused manner.,en,bumble
"a large hairy social bee which flies with a loud hum, living in small colonies in holes underground.",en,bumblebee
"a large hairy social bee which flies with a loud hum, living in small colonies in holes underground.",en,bumblebees
move or act in an awkward or confused manner.,en,bumbled
move or act in an awkward or confused manner.,en,bumbles
move or act in an awkward or confused manner.,en,bumbling
useless or tedious printed material.,en,bumf
get by asking or begging.,en,bummed
a disappointing or unpleasant situation or experience.,en,bummer
a disappointing or unpleasant situation or experience.,en,bummers
get by asking or begging.,en,bumming
knock or run into someone or something with a jolt.,en,bump
knock or run into someone or something with a jolt.,en,bumped
"exceptionally large, fine, or successful.",en,bumper
a horizontal bar fixed across the front or back of a motor vehicle to reduce damage in a collision.,en,bumpers
useless or tedious printed material.,en,bumph
"(of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest.",en,bumpier
"(of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest.",en,bumpiest
knock or run into someone or something with a jolt.,en,bumping
an unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside.,en,bumpkin
an unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside.,en,bumpkins
knock or run into someone or something with a jolt.,en,bumps
irritatingly self-assertive.,en,bumptious
"(of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest.",en,bumpy
"a person's buttocks or anus.",en,bums
"a small cake, typically containing dried fruit.",en,bun
collect or fasten into a compact group.,en,bunch
collect or fasten into a compact group.,en,bunched
collect or fasten into a compact group.,en,bunches
collect or fasten into a compact group.,en,bunching
tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel.,en,bundle
tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel.,en,bundled
tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel.,en,bundles
tie or roll up (a number of things) together as though into a parcel.,en,bundling
"broken down, ruined, or useless.",en,bung
"a low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.",en,bungalow
"a low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows.",en,bungalows
put or throw (something) somewhere in a careless or casual way.,en,bunged
perform a bungee jump.,en,bungee
perform a bungee jump.,en,bungees
put or throw (something) somewhere in a careless or casual way.,en,bunging
a task carried out in a clumsy or incompetent way.,en,bungle
carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently.,en,bungled
a person who habitually bungles things; an amateur.,en,bungler
a person who habitually bungles things; an amateur.,en,bunglers
a task carried out in a clumsy or incompetent way.,en,bungles
carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently.,en,bungling
a bribe.,en,bungs
a painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe.,en,bunion
a painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe.,en,bunions
abscond or play truant from school or work.,en,bunk
abscond or play truant from school or work.,en,bunked
fill the fuel containers of (a ship); refuel.,en,bunker
fill the fuel containers of (a ship); refuel.,en,bunkers
a building offering basic sleeping accommodation for workers.,en,bunkhouse
a building offering basic sleeping accommodation for workers.,en,bunkhouses
abscond or play truant from school or work.,en,bunking
abscond or play truant from school or work.,en,bunks
"a child's term for a rabbit.",en,bunnies
"a child's term for a rabbit.",en,bunny
"a small cake, typically containing dried fruit.",en,buns
"a disease of wheat caused by a smut fungus, the spores of which give off a smell of rotten fish.",en,bunt
(of a batter) gently tap (a pitched ball) without swinging in an attempt to make it more difficult to field.,en,bunted
(of a batter) gently tap (a pitched ball) without swinging in an attempt to make it more difficult to field.,en,bunting
the baggy centre of a fishing net or a sail.,en,bunts
keep (someone or something) afloat.,en,buoy
the ability or tendency of something to float in water or other fluid.,en,buoyancy
able or tending to keep afloat or rise to the top of a liquid or gas.,en,buoyant
keep (someone or something) afloat.,en,buoyed
keep (someone or something) afloat.,en,buoying
keep (someone or something) afloat.,en,buoys
"a whirring sound, such as a phone ringing tone or the sound of cogs turning.",en,bur
continuous murmuring noise.,en,burble
make a continuous murmuring noise.,en,burbled
make a continuous murmuring noise.,en,burbles
make a continuous murmuring noise.,en,burbling
load heavily.,en,burden
load heavily.,en,burdened
load heavily.,en,burdening
load heavily.,en,burdens
difficult to carry out or fulfil; taxing.,en,burdensome
a writing desk with drawers and typically an angled top opening downwards to form a writing surface.,en,bureau
a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives.,en,bureaucracies
a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives.,en,bureaucracy
"an official in a government department, in particular one perceived as being concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people's needs.",en,bureaucrat
relating to a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by elected representatives.,en,bureaucratic
"an official in a government department, in particular one perceived as being concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people's needs.",en,bureaucrats
a writing desk with drawers and typically an angled top opening downwards to form a writing surface.,en,bureaus
a writing desk with drawers and typically an angled top opening downwards to form a writing surface.,en,bureaux
a bud or young shoot.,en,burgeon
begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.,en,burgeoned
begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.,en,burgeoning
a bud or young shoot.,en,burgeons
"a dish consisting of a flat round cake of minced beef, or sometimes another savoury ingredient, that is fried or grilled and served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings.",en,burger
"a dish consisting of a flat round cake of minced beef, or sometimes another savoury ingredient, that is fried or grilled and served in a split bun or roll with various condiments and toppings.",en,burgers
a borough or chartered town.,en,burgh
"a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie.",en,burgher
"a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie.",en,burghers
a borough or chartered town.,en,burghs
a person who commits burglary.,en,burglar
"illegal entry of a building with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.",en,burglaries
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft; burgle.",en,burglarize
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft; burgle.",en,burglarized
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft; burgle.",en,burglarizes
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft; burgle.",en,burglarizing
a person who commits burglary.,en,burglars
"illegal entry of a building with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.",en,burglary
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.",en,burgle
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.",en,burgled
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.",en,burgles
"enter (a building) illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.",en,burgling
a wine from Burgundy (usually taken to be red unless otherwise specified).,en,burgundies
a wine from Burgundy (usually taken to be red unless otherwise specified).,en,burgundy
the action or practice of burying a dead body.,en,burial
the action or practice of burying a dead body.,en,burials
put or hide underground.,en,buried
put or hide underground.,en,buries
a stupid person.,en,burk
a stupid person.,en,burks
"coarse canvas woven from jute, hemp, or a similar fibre, used especially for sacking.",en,burlap
parody or imitate in an absurd or comically exaggerated way.,en,burlesque
parody or imitate in an absurd or comically exaggerated way.,en,burlesques
(of a person) large and strong; heavily built.,en,burlier
(of a person) large and strong; heavily built.,en,burliest
(of a person) large and strong; heavily built.,en,burly
a small stream.,en,burn
(of a fire) produce flames and heat while consuming a material such as coal or wood.,en,burned
a person or thing that burns.,en,burner
a person or thing that burns.,en,burners
(of a fire) produce flames and heat while consuming a material such as coal or wood.,en,burning
the shine on a highly polished surface.,en,burnish
"polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing.",en,burnished
the shine on a highly polished surface.,en,burnishes
"polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing.",en,burnishing
the reduction of a fuel or substance to nothing through use or combustion.,en,burnout
physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress.,en,burnouts
a small stream.,en,burns
(of a fire) produce flames and heat while consuming a material such as coal or wood.,en,burnt
a noise made by air released from the stomach through the mouth; a belch.,en,burp
noisily release air from the stomach through the mouth; belch.,en,burped
noisily release air from the stomach through the mouth; belch.,en,burping
a noise made by air released from the stomach through the mouth; a belch.,en,burps
make a whirring sound.,en,burr
"a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla rolled round a savoury filling, typically of minced beef or beans.",en,burrito
"a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla rolled round a savoury filling, typically of minced beef or beans.",en,burritos
"(of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling.",en,burrow
"(of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling.",en,burrowed
"(of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling.",en,burrowing
"(of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling.",en,burrows
make a whirring sound.,en,burrs
"a whirring sound, such as a phone ringing tone or the sound of cogs turning.",en,burs
a person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school.,en,bursar
"a grant, especially one awarded to someone to enable them to study at university or college.",en,bursaries
a person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school.,en,bursars
"a grant, especially one awarded to someone to enable them to study at university or college.",en,bursary
an instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or puncturing; an explosion.,en,burst
"break open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact or internal pressure.",en,bursting
an instance of breaking or splitting as a result of internal pressure or puncturing; an explosion.,en,bursts
put or hide underground.,en,bury
put or hide underground.,en,burying
transport in a communal road vehicle.,en,bus
"a tall fur hat with a coloured cloth flap hanging down on the right-hand side and in some cases a plume on the top, worn by soldiers of certain regiments of hussars and artillerymen.",en,busbies
a young man who clears tables in a restaurant or cafe.,en,busboy
a young man who clears tables in a restaurant or cafe.,en,busboys
"a tall fur hat with a coloured cloth flap hanging down on the right-hand side and in some cases a plume on the top, worn by soldiers of certain regiments of hussars and artillerymen.",en,busby
transport in a communal road vehicle.,en,bused
transport in a communal road vehicle.,en,buses
"a metal lining for a round hole, especially one in which an axle revolves.",en,bush
spread out into a thick clump.,en,bushed
"a measure of capacity equal to 8 gallons (equivalent to 36.4 litres), used for corn, fruit, liquids, etc.",en,bushel
"a measure of capacity equal to 8 gallons (equivalent to 36.4 litres), used for corn, fruit, liquids, etc.",en,bushels
"a metal lining for a round hole, especially one in which an axle revolves.",en,bushes
growing thickly.,en,bushier
growing thickly.,en,bushiest
"a member of any of several aboriginal peoples of southern Africa, especially of the Kalahari Desert. Traditionally nomadic hunter-gatherers, many are now employed by farmers.",en,bushman
"a member of any of several aboriginal peoples of southern Africa, especially of the Kalahari Desert. Traditionally nomadic hunter-gatherers, many are now employed by farmers.",en,bushmen
"a person who lives in the bush (as distinct from in a town), typically regarded as uncultured or unsophisticated.",en,bushy
keep oneself occupied.,en,busied
having a great deal to do.,en,busier
a police officer.,en,busies
having a great deal to do.,en,busiest
in a very active way.,en,busily
"a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.",en,business
"a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.",en,businesses
"having or indicating an efficient, practical, and systematic approach to one's work or a task.",en,businesslike
"a man who works in commerce, especially at executive level.",en,businessman
"a man who works in commerce, especially at executive level.",en,businessmen
"a woman who works in commerce, especially at executive level.",en,businesswoman
"a woman who works in commerce, especially at executive level.",en,businesswomen
transport in a communal road vehicle.,en,busing
a stay or stiffening strip for a corset.,en,busk
perform music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations.,en,busked
a person who performs music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations.,en,busker
a person who performs music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations.,en,buskers
perform music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations.,en,busking
a stay or stiffening strip for a corset.,en,busks
a group of people travelling in a bus.,en,busload
a group of people travelling in a bus.,en,busloads
damaged or broken.,en,bust
"break, split, or burst.",en,busted
used as a mildly disrespectful form of address to a man or boy.,en,buster
(of a woman) having large breasts.,en,bustier
a close-fitting strapless top worn by women.,en,bustiers
"break, split, or burst.",en,busting
a pad or frame worn under a skirt and puffing it out behind.,en,bustle
move in an energetic and busy manner.,en,bustled
a pad or frame worn under a skirt and puffing it out behind.,en,bustles
move in an energetic and busy manner.,en,bustling
a period of economic difficulty or depression.,en,busts
(of a woman) having large breasts.,en,busty
a police officer.,en,busy
a meddling or prying person.,en,busybodies
a meddling or prying person.,en,busybody
keep oneself occupied.,en,busying
work that keeps a person busy but has little value in itself.,en,busywork
"an outer room, especially in a two-roomed cottage.",en,but
"a flammable hydrocarbon gas of the alkane series, present in petroleum and natural gas. It is used in bottled form as a fuel.",en,butane
a lesbian whose appearance and behaviour are seen as traditionally masculine.,en,butch
having an appearance or other qualities of a type traditionally seen as masculine.,en,butcher
slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.,en,butchered
slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.,en,butchering
slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.,en,butchers
the work of slaughtering animals and preparing them for sale as meat.,en,butchery
the chief manservant of a house.,en,butler
the chief manservant of a house.,en,butlers
"an outer room, especially in a two-roomed cottage.",en,buts
"a cask, typically used for wine, beer, or water.",en,butt
adjoin or meet end to end.,en,butted
spread (something) with butter.,en,butter
"a herbaceous plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers, which is common in grassland and as a garden weed. All kinds are poisonous and generally avoided by livestock.",en,buttercup
"a herbaceous plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers, which is common in grassland and as a garden weed. All kinds are poisonous and generally avoided by livestock.",en,buttercups
spread (something) with butter.,en,buttered
a person who regularly drops or fails to keep hold of things.,en,butterfingers
split (a piece of meat or fish) almost in two and spread it out flat.,en,butterflies
split (a piece of meat or fish) almost in two and spread it out flat.,en,butterfly
spread (something) with butter.,en,buttering
"the slightly sour liquid left after butter has been churned, used in baking or consumed as a drink.",en,buttermilk
spread (something) with butter.,en,butters
a brittle yellow-brown sweet made with butter and brown sugar.,en,butterscotch
a room in a college where food is kept and sold to students.,en,buttery
(among miners) a friend or workmate.,en,butties
adjoin or meet end to end.,en,butting
either of the two round fleshy parts of the human body that form the bottom.,en,buttock
either of the two round fleshy parts of the human body that form the bottom.,en,buttocks
fasten (clothing) with buttons.,en,button
fasten (clothing) with buttons.,en,buttoned
"attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will.",en,buttonhole
"attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will.",en,buttonholed
"attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will.",en,buttonholes
"attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against their will.",en,buttonholing
fasten (clothing) with buttons.,en,buttoning
fasten (clothing) with buttons.,en,buttons
provide (a building or structure) with buttresses.,en,buttress
provide (a building or structure) with buttresses.,en,buttressed
provide (a building or structure) with buttresses.,en,buttresses
provide (a building or structure) with buttresses.,en,buttressing
"a cask, typically used for wine, beer, or water.",en,butts
(among miners) a friend or workmate.,en,butty
"(of a woman) plump, with a full figure and large breasts.",en,buxom
a purchase.,en,buy
a person who makes a purchase.,en,buyer
a person who makes a purchase.,en,buyers
obtain in exchange for payment.,en,buying
the purchase of a controlling share in a company.,en,buyout
the purchase of a controlling share in a company.,en,buyouts
a purchase.,en,buys
"make a low, continuous humming sound.",en,buzz
"a large hawklike bird of prey with broad wings and a rounded tail, often seen soaring in wide circles.",en,buzzard
"a large hawklike bird of prey with broad wings and a rounded tail, often seen soaring in wide circles.",en,buzzards
"make a low, continuous humming sound.",en,buzzed
an electrical device that makes a buzzing noise and is used for signalling.,en,buzzer
an electrical device that makes a buzzing noise and is used for signalling.,en,buzzers
"make a low, continuous humming sound.",en,buzzes
"make a low, continuous humming sound.",en,buzzing
"a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.",en,buzzword
"a word or phrase, often an item of jargon, that is fashionable at a particular time or in a particular context.",en,buzzwords
the transfer of a competitor directly to the next round of a competition in the absence of an assigned opponent.,en,by
the transfer of a competitor directly to the next round of a competition in the absence of an assigned opponent.,en,bye
the transfer of a competitor directly to the next round of a competition in the absence of an assigned opponent.,en,byes
a thing dating from an earlier time.,en,bygone
a thing dating from an earlier time.,en,bygones
a regulation made by a local authority or corporation.,en,bylaw
a regulation made by a local authority or corporation.,en,bylaws
a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article.,en,byline
a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article.,en,bylines
go past or round.,en,bypass
go past or round.,en,bypassed
go past or round.,en,bypasses
go past or round.,en,bypassing
secondary or subsidiary action or involvement in a play or film.,en,byplay
an incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture or synthesis of something else.,en,byproduct
an incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture or synthesis of something else.,en,byproducts
a cowshed.,en,byre
a cowshed.,en,byres
a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.,en,bystander
a person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part.,en,bystanders
a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.,en,byte
a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.,en,bytes
a road or track not following a main route; a minor road or path.,en,byway
a road or track not following a main route; a minor road or path.,en,byways
a person or thing cited as a notable and outstanding example or embodiment of something.,en,byword
a person or thing cited as a notable and outstanding example or embodiment of something.,en,bywords
a citizen of Byzantium or the Byzantine Empire.,en,byzantine
a cabinet containing a speaker or speakers for a guitar amplifier.,en,cab
a secret political clique or faction.,en,cabal
a secret political clique or faction.,en,cabals
entertainment held in a nightclub or restaurant while the audience eat or drink at tables.,en,cabaret
entertainment held in a nightclub or restaurant while the audience eat or drink at tables.,en,cabarets
"a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves.",en,cabbage
"a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves.",en,cabbages
a taxi driver.,en,cabbie
a taxi driver.,en,cabbies
a taxi driver.,en,cabby
a roughly trimmed tree trunk used in the Scottish Highland sport of tossing the caber . This involves holding the caber upright and running forward to toss it so that it lands on the opposite end.,en,caber
a roughly trimmed tree trunk used in the Scottish Highland sport of tossing the caber . This involves holding the caber upright and running forward to toss it so that it lands on the opposite end.,en,cabers
confine within narrow bounds.,en,cabin
a cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles.,en,cabinet
a skilled joiner who makes furniture or similar high-quality woodwork.,en,cabinetmaker
a skilled joiner who makes furniture or similar high-quality woodwork.,en,cabinetmakers
a cupboard with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying articles.,en,cabinets
confine within narrow bounds.,en,cabins
send a message to (someone) by cablegram.,en,cable
send a message to (someone) by cablegram.,en,cabled
a telegraph message sent by cable.,en,cablegram
a telegraph message sent by cable.,en,cablegrams
send a message to (someone) by cablegram.,en,cables
send a message to (someone) by cablegram.,en,cabling
"a railway wagon with accommodation for the train crew, typically attached to the end of the train.",en,caboose
"a railway wagon with accommodation for the train crew, typically attached to the end of the train.",en,cabooses
a cabinet containing a speaker or speakers for a guitar amplifier.,en,cabs
"seeds from a small tropical American evergreen tree, from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made.",en,cacao
store away in hiding or for future use.,en,cache
store away in hiding or for future use.,en,caches
the state of being respected or admired; prestige.,en,cachet
"a loud, harsh laugh.",en,cackle
"laugh in a loud, harsh way.",en,cackled
"a loud, harsh laugh.",en,cackles
"laugh in a loud, harsh way.",en,cackling
a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.,en,cacophonies
"involving or producing a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.",en,cacophonous
a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.,en,cacophony
"a succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem which typically bears spines, lacks leaves, and has brilliantly coloured flowers. Cacti are native to arid regions of the New World and are cultivated elsewhere, especially as pot plants.",en,cacti
"a succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem which typically bears spines, lacks leaves, and has brilliantly coloured flowers. Cacti are native to arid regions of the New World and are cultivated elsewhere, especially as pot plants.",en,cactus
"a succulent plant with a thick fleshy stem which typically bears spines, lacks leaves, and has brilliantly coloured flowers. Cacti are native to arid regions of the New World and are cultivated elsewhere, especially as pot plants.",en,cactuses
"a man who behaves dishonourably, especially towards a woman.",en,cad
a corpse.,en,cadaver
"very pale, thin, or bony.",en,cadaverous
a corpse.,en,cadavers
work as a caddie.,en,caddie
variant spelling of caddie (verb).,en,caddied
variant spelling of caddie (verb).,en,caddies
work as a caddie.,en,caddy
variant spelling of caddie (verb).,en,caddying
a modulation or inflection of the voice.,en,cadence
a modulation or inflection of the voice.,en,cadences
"a virtuoso solo passage inserted into a movement in a concerto or other musical work, typically near the end.",en,cadenza
"a virtuoso solo passage inserted into a movement in a concerto or other musical work, typically near the end.",en,cadenzas
a young trainee in the armed services or police force.,en,cadet
a young trainee in the armed services or police force.,en,cadets
a padded wooden frame on which hooded hawks are carried to the field.,en,cadge
ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled).,en,cadged
a padded wooden frame on which hooded hawks are carried to the field.,en,cadges
ask for or obtain (something to which one is not strictly entitled).,en,cadging
"the chemical element of atomic number 48, a silvery-white metal.",en,cadmium
a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession.,en,cadre
a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession.,en,cadres
"a man who behaves dishonourably, especially towards a woman.",en,cads
of or connected with Julius Caesar or the Caesars.,en,caesarean
a caesarean section.,en,caesareans
(in Greek and Latin verse) a break between words within a metrical foot.,en,caesura
(in Greek and Latin verse) a break between words within a metrical foot.,en,caesuras
a small restaurant selling light meals and drinks.,en,cafe
a small restaurant selling light meals and drinks.,en,cafes
a restaurant in which customers serve themselves from a counter and pay before eating.,en,cafeteria
a restaurant in which customers serve themselves from a counter and pay before eating.,en,cafeterias
a coffee pot containing a plunger made of fine mesh with which the grounds are pushed to the bottom when the coffee is ready to be poured.,en,cafetiere
a coffee pot containing a plunger made of fine mesh with which the grounds are pushed to the bottom when the coffee is ready to be poured.,en,cafetieres
a cafe.,en,caff
an alkaloid compound which is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system.,en,caffeine
a cafe.,en,caffs
"a man's long belted tunic, worn in countries of the Near East.",en,caftan
"a man's long belted tunic, worn in countries of the Near East.",en,caftans
confine in a cage.,en,cage
confine in a cage.,en,caged
confine in a cage.,en,cages
reluctant to give information owing to caution or suspicion.,en,cagey
reluctant to give information owing to caution or suspicion.,en,cagier
reluctant to give information owing to caution or suspicion.,en,cagiest
in a way that suggests reluctance to give information on account of caution or suspicion.,en,cagily
reluctance to give information on account of caution or suspicion.,en,caginess
confine in a cage.,en,caging
"a lightweight, hooded, thigh-length waterproof jacket.",en,cagoule
"a lightweight, hooded, thigh-length waterproof jacket.",en,cagoules
"a semiaquatic reptile similar to the alligator but with a heavily armoured belly, native to tropical America.",en,caiman
"a semiaquatic reptile similar to the alligator but with a heavily armoured belly, native to tropical America.",en,caimans
"a mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark, typically on a hilltop or skyline.",en,cairn
"a mound of rough stones built as a memorial or landmark, typically on a hilltop or skyline.",en,cairns
persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.,en,cajole
persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.,en,cajoled
persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.,en,cajoles
persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery.,en,cajoling
(of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object).,en,cake
(of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object).,en,caked
(of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object).,en,cakes
achieve or win something easily.,en,cakewalk
(of a thick or sticky substance that hardens when dry) cover and become encrusted on (the surface of an object).,en,caking
an evergreen tropical American tree which bears fruit in the form of large woody gourds.,en,calabash
an evergreen tropical American tree which bears fruit in the form of large woody gourds.,en,calabashes
"a pink powder consisting of zinc carbonate and ferric oxide, used to make a soothing lotion or ointment.",en,calamine
an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.,en,calamities
involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous.,en,calamitous
an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster.,en,calamity
harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium carbonate or another insoluble calcium compound.,en,calcified
harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium carbonate or another insoluble calcium compound.,en,calcifies
harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium carbonate or another insoluble calcium compound.,en,calcify
harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium carbonate or another insoluble calcium compound.,en,calcifying
"the chemical element of atomic number 20, a soft grey metal.",en,calcium
able to be measured or assessed.,en,calculable
determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically.,en,calculate
determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically.,en,calculated
determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically.,en,calculates
determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically.,en,calculating
a mathematical determination of the amount or number of something.,en,calculation
a mathematical determination of the amount or number of something.,en,calculations
"something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display.",en,calculator
"something used for making mathematical calculations, in particular a small electronic device with a keyboard and a visual display.",en,calculators
"the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. The two main types are differential calculus and integral calculus.",en,calculus
"a large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.",en,caldron
"a large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.",en,caldrons
enter (something) in a calendar or timetable.,en,calendar
enter (something) in a calendar or timetable.,en,calendars
"the fleshy part at the back of a person's leg below the knee.",en,calf
"leather made from the hide or skin of a calf, used in bookbinding and shoemaking.",en,calfskin
"the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability.",en,caliber
"the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability.",en,calibers
mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings.,en,calibrate
mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings.,en,calibrated
mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings.,en,calibrates
mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings.,en,calibrating
the action or process of calibrating something.,en,calibration
the action or process of calibrating something.,en,calibrations
"the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability.",en,calibre
"the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability.",en,calibres
"(of an animal, typically a cat) multicoloured or piebald.",en,calico
"an instrument for measuring external or internal dimensions, having two hinged legs resembling a pair of compasses and in-turned or out-turned points.",en,caliper
"an instrument for measuring external or internal dimensions, having two hinged legs resembling a pair of compasses and in-turned or out-turned points.",en,calipers
"the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad. The caliph ruled in Baghdad until 1258 and then in Egypt until the Ottoman conquest of 1517; the title was then held by the Ottoman sultans until it was abolished in 1924 by Atatürk.",en,caliph
the rule or reign of a caliph or chief Muslim ruler.,en,caliphate
the rule or reign of a caliph or chief Muslim ruler.,en,caliphates
"the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad. The caliph ruled in Baghdad until 1258 and then in Egypt until the Ottoman conquest of 1517; the title was then held by the Ottoman sultans until it was abolished in 1924 by Atatürk.",en,caliphs
gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement.,en,calisthenics
"a cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention.",en,call
cry out (a word or words).,en,called
a person who pays a brief visit or makes a phone call.,en,caller
a person who pays a brief visit or makes a phone call.,en,callers
decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.,en,calligraphy
cry out (a word or words).,en,calling
the action or sound of calling.,en,callings
"an instrument for measuring external or internal dimensions, having two hinged legs resembling a pair of compasses and in-turned or out-turned points.",en,calliper
"an instrument for measuring external or internal dimensions, having two hinged legs resembling a pair of compasses and in-turned or out-turned points.",en,callipers
gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement.,en,callisthenics
"a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction.",en,callous
(of a part of the body) having an area of hardened skin.,en,calloused
in a way that shows an insensitive and cruel disregard for others; unfeelingly.,en,callously
insensitive and cruel disregard for others.,en,callousness
(of a young person) inexperienced and immature.,en,callow
"a cry made as a summons or to attract someone's attention.",en,calls
"a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction.",en,callus
"a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction.",en,calluses
make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe.,en,calm
make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe.,en,calmed
"not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.",en,calmer
"not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions.",en,calmest
make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe.,en,calming
without agitation or strong emotion.,en,calmly
the state or quality of being free from agitation or strong emotion.,en,calmness
make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe.,en,calms
a hypothetical fluid substance formerly thought to be responsible for the phenomena of heat.,en,caloric
the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C (now usually defined as 4.1868 joules).,en,calorie
the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C (now usually defined as 4.1868 joules).,en,calories
(of cows and certain other large animals) give birth to a calf.,en,calve
(of cows and certain other large animals) give birth to a calf.,en,calved
(of cows and certain other large animals) give birth to a calf.,en,calves
(of cows and certain other large animals) give birth to a calf.,en,calving
"the sepals of a flower, typically forming a whorl that encloses the petals and forms a protective layer around a flower in bud.",en,calyces
"a kind of West Indian (originally Trinidadian) music in syncopated African rhythm, typically with words improvised on a topical theme.",en,calypso
"a kind of West Indian (originally Trinidadian) music in syncopated African rhythm, typically with words improvised on a topical theme.",en,calypsos
"the sepals of a flower, typically forming a whorl that encloses the petals and forms a protective layer around a flower in bud.",en,calyx
"the sepals of a flower, typically forming a whorl that encloses the petals and forms a protective layer around a flower in bud.",en,calyxes
"a projection on a rotating part in machinery, designed to make sliding contact with another part while rotating and impart reciprocal or variable motion to it.",en,cam
mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.,en,camaraderie
the slightly convex or arched shape of a road or other horizontal surface.,en,camber
the slightly convex or arched shape of a road or other horizontal surface.,en,cambers
"a lightweight, closely woven white linen or cotton fabric.",en,cambric
a portable combined video camera and video recorder.,en,camcorder
a portable combined video camera and video recorder.,en,camcorders
have an orgasm.,en,came
"a large, long-necked ungulate mammal of arid country, with long slender legs, broad cushioned feet, and either one or two humps on the back. Camels can survive for long periods without food or drink, chiefly by using up the fat reserves in their humps.",en,camel
"an evergreen East Asian shrub related to the tea plant, grown for its showy flowers and shiny leaves.",en,camellia
"an evergreen East Asian shrub related to the tea plant, grown for its showy flowers and shiny leaves.",en,camellias
"a large, long-necked ungulate mammal of arid country, with long slender legs, broad cushioned feet, and either one or two humps on the back. Camels can survive for long periods without food or drink, chiefly by using up the fat reserves in their humps.",en,camels
"a small character part in a play or film, played by a distinguished actor or a celebrity.",en,cameo
"a small character part in a play or film, played by a distinguished actor or a celebrity.",en,cameos
a chamber or round building.,en,camera
"a person whose profession is operating a video, television, or film camera.",en,cameraman
"a person whose profession is operating a video, television, or film camera.",en,cameramen
a chamber or round building.,en,cameras
"a woman whose profession is operating a video, television, or film camera.",en,camerawoman
"a woman whose profession is operating a video, television, or film camera.",en,camerawomen
the way in which cameras are used in a film or television programme.,en,camerawork
"a woman's one-piece undergarment which combines camisole and French knickers.",en,camiknickers
"a woman's loose-fitting undergarment for the upper body, typically held up by shoulder straps.",en,camisole
"a woman's loose-fitting undergarment for the upper body, typically held up by shoulder straps.",en,camisoles
"an aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow flowers.",en,camomile
"an aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow flowers.",en,camomiles
"hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage.",en,camouflage
"hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage.",en,camouflaged
"hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage.",en,camouflages
"hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage.",en,camouflaging
behave in an ostentatiously effeminate way (typically used of a man).,en,camp
"work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one.",en,campaign
"work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one.",en,campaigned
a person who works in an organized and active way towards a goal.,en,campaigner
a person who works in an organized and active way towards a goal.,en,campaigners
"work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one.",en,campaigning
"work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one.",en,campaigns
"an Italian bell tower, especially a free-standing one.",en,campanile
"an Italian bell tower, especially a free-standing one.",en,campaniles
the art or practice of bell-ringing.,en,campanology
behave in an ostentatiously effeminate way (typically used of a man).,en,camped
ostentatiously and extravagantly effeminate (typically used of a man or his manner).,en,camper
a person who spends a holiday in a tent or holiday camp.,en,campers
"an open-air fire in a camp, used for cooking and as a focal point for social activity.",en,campfire
"an open-air fire in a camp, used for cooking and as a focal point for social activity.",en,campfires
"a place used for camping, especially one equipped with cooking grills, water, and toilets.",en,campground
"a place used for camping, especially one equipped with cooking grills, water, and toilets.",en,campgrounds
"a white volatile crystalline substance with an aromatic smell and bitter taste, occurring in certain essential oils.",en,camphor
behave in an ostentatiously effeminate way (typically used of a man).,en,camping
behave in an ostentatiously effeminate way (typically used of a man).,en,camps
"a place used for camping, especially one equipped for holidaymakers.",en,campsite
"a place used for camping, especially one equipped for holidaymakers.",en,campsites
the grounds and buildings of a university or college.,en,campus
the grounds and buildings of a university or college.,en,campuses
another word for camp2 (adjective).,en,campy
"a projection on a rotating part in machinery, designed to make sliding contact with another part while rotating and impart reciprocal or variable motion to it.",en,cams
"a shaft with one or more cams attached to it, especially one operating the valves in an internal combustion engine.",en,camshaft
"a shaft with one or more cams attached to it, especially one operating the valves in an internal combustion engine.",en,camshafts
preserve (food) in a can.,en,can
an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships inland or to convey water for irrigation.,en,canal
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalise
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalised
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalises
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalising
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalize
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalized
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalizes
convert (a river) into a navigable canal.,en,canalizing
an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of boats or ships inland or to convey water for irrigation.,en,canals
"a small piece of bread or pastry with a savoury topping, served with drinks at receptions or formal parties.",en,canape
"a small piece of bread or pastry with a savoury topping, served with drinks at receptions or formal parties.",en,canapes
an unfounded rumour or story.,en,canard
an unfounded rumour or story.,en,canards
"a mainly African finch with a melodious song, typically having yellowish-green plumage. One kind is popular as a cage bird and has been bred in a variety of colours, especially bright yellow.",en,canaries
"a mainly African finch with a melodious song, typically having yellowish-green plumage. One kind is popular as a cage bird and has been bred in a variety of colours, especially bright yellow.",en,canary
"a card game resembling rummy, using two packs. It is usually played by two pairs of partners, and the aim is to collect sets (or melds) of cards.",en,canasta
"a lively, high-kicking stage dance originating in 19th-century Parisian music halls and performed by women in long skirts and petticoats.",en,cancan
"a lively, high-kicking stage dance originating in 19th-century Parisian music halls and performed by women in long skirts and petticoats.",en,cancans
a mark made on a postage stamp to show that it has been used.,en,cancel
decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take place.,en,canceled
decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take place.,en,canceling
the action of cancelling something.,en,cancellation
the action of cancelling something.,en,cancellations
decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take place.,en,cancelled
decide or announce that (a planned event) will not take place.,en,cancelling
a mark made on a postage stamp to show that it has been used.,en,cancels
a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.,en,cancer
affected by or showing abnormalities characteristic of cancer.,en,cancerous
a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.,en,cancers
a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps.,en,candelabra
a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps.,en,candelabras
a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles or lamps.,en,candelabrum
truthful and straightforward; frank.,en,candid
a yeastlike parasitic fungus that can sometimes cause thrush.,en,candida
"the fact or condition of standing for a position or status, especially in an election.",en,candidacies
"the fact or condition of standing for a position or status, especially in an election.",en,candidacy
a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election.,en,candidate
a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election.,en,candidates
the fact or condition of standing for a position or status; candidacy.,en,candidature
the fact or condition of standing for a position or status; candidacy.,en,candidatures
in an honest and straightforward way; frankly.,en,candidly
"preserve (fruit, nuts, etc.) by coating and saturating it with a sugar syrup.",en,candied
"preserve (fruit, nuts, etc.) by coating and saturating it with a sugar syrup.",en,candies
(of a poultry breeder) test (an egg) for freshness or fertility by holding it to the light.,en,candle
dim light provided by a candle or candles.,en,candlelight
lit by a candle or candles.,en,candlelit
(of a poultry breeder) test (an egg) for freshness or fertility by holding it to the light.,en,candles
"a support or holder for one or more candles, typically one that is tall and thin.",en,candlestick
"a support or holder for one or more candles, typically one that is tall and thin.",en,candlesticks
"a thick, soft cotton fabric with a raised, tufted pattern.",en,candlewick
the quality of being open and honest; frankness.,en,candor
the quality of being open and honest; frankness.,en,candour
"preserve (fruit, nuts, etc.) by coating and saturating it with a sugar syrup.",en,candy
an item of sweet food in the form of a mass of pink or white fluffy spun sugar wrapped round a stick.,en,candyfloss
beat with a cane as a punishment.,en,cane
beat with a cane as a punishment.,en,caned
beat with a cane as a punishment.,en,canes
a dog.,en,canine
a dog.,en,canines
beat with a cane as a punishment.,en,caning
"a round or cylindrical container used for storing such things as food, chemicals, or rolls of film.",en,canister
"a round or cylindrical container used for storing such things as food, chemicals, or rolls of film.",en,canisters
(of a plant or part of a plant) become infected with canker.,en,canker
(of a plant or part of a plant) become infected with canker.,en,cankers
"a tall plant with a stiff upright stem, divided serrated leaves, and glandular hairs. It is used to produce hemp fibre and as a drug.",en,cannabis
preserve (food) in a can.,en,canned
rolls of pasta stuffed with a meat or vegetable mixture.,en,cannelloni
a factory where food is canned.,en,canneries
a factory where food is canned.,en,cannery
a person who eats the flesh of other human beings.,en,cannibal
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalise
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalised
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalises
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalising
"the practice of eating the flesh of one's own species.",en,cannibalism
relating to or characterized by cannibalism.,en,cannibalistic
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalize
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalized
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalizes
"use (a machine) as a source of spare parts for another, similar machine.",en,cannibalizing
a person who eats the flesh of other human beings.,en,cannibals
"having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters.",en,cannier
"having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters.",en,canniest
preserve (food) in a can.,en,canning
collide with something forcefully or at an angle.,en,cannon
discharge heavy guns continuously.,en,cannonade
discharge heavy guns continuously.,en,cannonades
a round metal or stone projectile fired from a cannon.,en,cannonball
a round metal or stone projectile fired from a cannon.,en,cannonballs
collide with something forcefully or at an angle.,en,cannoned
collide with something forcefully or at an angle.,en,cannoning
collide with something forcefully or at an angle.,en,cannons
"having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters.",en,canny
travel in or paddle a canoe.,en,canoe
travel in or paddle a canoe.,en,canoed
travel in or paddle a canoe.,en,canoeing
travel in or paddle a canoe.,en,canoes
archaic spelling of canyon.,en,canon
the prescribed official dress of the clergy.,en,canonical
(in the Roman Catholic Church) the official admission of a dead person into sainthood.,en,canonisation
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonise
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonised
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonises
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonising
(in the Roman Catholic Church) the official admission of a dead person into sainthood.,en,canonization
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonize
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonized
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonizes
(in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.,en,canonizing
archaic spelling of canyon.,en,canons
kiss and cuddle amorously.,en,canoodle
kiss and cuddle amorously.,en,canoodled
kiss and cuddle amorously.,en,canoodles
kiss and cuddle amorously.,en,canoodling
cover or provide with a canopy.,en,canopied
cover or provide with a canopy.,en,canopies
cover or provide with a canopy.,en,canopy
preserve (food) in a can.,en,cans
a slope or tilt.,en,cant
a small round melon of a variety with orange flesh and ribbed skin.,en,cantaloupe
a small round melon of a variety with orange flesh and ribbed skin.,en,cantaloupes
"bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative.",en,cantankerous
"a medium-length narrative piece of music for voices with instrumental accompaniment, typically with solos, chorus, and orchestra.",en,cantata
"a medium-length narrative piece of music for voices with instrumental accompaniment, typically with solos, chorus, and orchestra.",en,cantatas
have or cause to have a slanting or oblique position; tilt.,en,canted
"a restaurant provided by an organization such as a college, factory, or company for its students or staff.",en,canteen
"a restaurant provided by an organization such as a college, factory, or company for its students or staff.",en,canteens
(of a horse) move at a canter in a particular direction.,en,canter
(of a horse) move at a canter in a particular direction.,en,cantered
(of a horse) move at a canter in a particular direction.,en,cantering
(of a horse) move at a canter in a particular direction.,en,canters
"a hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text, forming a regular part of a church service.",en,canticle
"a hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text, forming a regular part of a church service.",en,canticles
support by a cantilever or cantilevers.,en,cantilever
support by a cantilever or cantilevers.,en,cantilevers
have or cause to have a slanting or oblique position; tilt.,en,canting
one of the sections into which certain long poems are divided.,en,canto
a subdivision of a country established for political or administrative purposes.,en,canton
a military garrison or camp.,en,cantonment
a military garrison or camp.,en,cantonments
a subdivision of a country established for political or administrative purposes.,en,cantons
an official who sings liturgical music and leads prayer in a synagogue.,en,cantor
an official who sings liturgical music and leads prayer in a synagogue.,en,cantors
one of the sections into which certain long poems are divided.,en,cantos
a slope or tilt.,en,cants
cover with canvas.,en,canvas
cover with canvas.,en,canvases
an act of canvassing.,en,canvass
solicit votes from (electors or members).,en,canvassed
a person who tries to persuade people to vote for or support someone or something.,en,canvasser
a person who tries to persuade people to vote for or support someone or something.,en,canvassers
an act of canvassing.,en,canvasses
solicit votes from (electors or members).,en,canvassing
"a deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it, as found in North America.",en,canyon
the sport of jumping into a fast-flowing mountain stream and allowing oneself to be carried downstream at high speed.,en,canyoning
"a deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it, as found in North America.",en,canyons
short for capitalization.,en,cap
the power or ability to do something.,en,capabilities
the power or ability to do something.,en,capability
"having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.",en,capable
in a way that demonstrates skill and aptitude; competently.,en,capably
having a lot of space inside; roomy.,en,capacious
the maximum amount that something can contain.,en,capacities
"a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.",en,capacitor
"a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.",en,capacitors
the maximum amount that something can contain.,en,capacity
a headland or promontory.,en,cape
(in bullfighting) taunt (the bull) by flourishing a cape.,en,caped
"the cooked and pickled flower bud of a prickly southern European shrub, used to flavour food.",en,caper
skip or dance about in a lively or playful way.,en,capered
skip or dance about in a lively or playful way.,en,capering
"the cooked and pickled flower bud of a prickly southern European shrub, used to flavour food.",en,capers
a headland or promontory.,en,capes
any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules.,en,capillaries
relating to capillaries or capillarity.,en,capillary
"the distinct, typically broader section at the head of a pillar or column.",en,capital
the action of writing or printing in capital letters or with an initial capital.,en,capitalisation
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalise
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalised
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalises
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalising
"an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.",en,capitalism
supporting or based on the principles of capitalism.,en,capitalist
supporting or based on the principles of capitalism.,en,capitalistic
a person who uses their wealth to invest in trade and industry for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism.,en,capitalists
the action of writing or printing in capital letters or with an initial capital.,en,capitalization
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalize
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalized
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalizes
take the chance to gain advantage from.,en,capitalizing
"the distinct, typically broader section at the head of a pillar or column.",en,capitals
"the payment of a fee or grant to a doctor, school, etc., the amount of which is determined by the number of patients, pupils, or customers that are served.",en,capitation
cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield.,en,capitulate
cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield.,en,capitulated
cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield.,en,capitulates
cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand; yield.,en,capitulating
the action of ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.,en,capitulation
the action of ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.,en,capitulations
a castrated domestic cock fattened for eating.,en,capon
a castrated domestic cock fattened for eating.,en,capons
put a lid or cover on.,en,capped
put a lid or cover on.,en,capping
a type of coffee made with espresso and milk that has been frothed up with pressurized steam.,en,cappuccino
a type of coffee made with espresso and milk that has been frothed up with pressurized steam.,en,cappuccinos
a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behaviour.,en,caprice
a sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behaviour.,en,caprices
given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.,en,capricious
put a lid or cover on.,en,caps
a tropical American plant of the nightshade family with fruits (peppers) containing many seeds. Many cultivated kinds have been developed.,en,capsicum
a tropical American plant of the nightshade family with fruits (peppers) containing many seeds. Many cultivated kinds have been developed.,en,capsicums
an instance of capsizing.,en,capsize
(of a boat) be overturned in the water.,en,capsized
an instance of capsizing.,en,capsizes
(of a boat) be overturned in the water.,en,capsizing
"a broad revolving cylinder with a vertical axis used for winding a rope or cable, powered by a motor or pushed round by levers.",en,capstan
"a broad revolving cylinder with a vertical axis used for winding a rope or cable, powered by a motor or pushed round by levers.",en,capstans
"a small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one.",en,capsule
"a small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one.",en,capsules
"be the captain of (a ship, aircraft, or sports team).",en,captain
"the position or period of command over a team, ship, or aircraft.",en,captaincies
"the position or period of command over a team, ship, or aircraft.",en,captaincy
"be the captain of (a ship, aircraft, or sports team).",en,captained
"be the captain of (a ship, aircraft, or sports team).",en,captaining
"be the captain of (a ship, aircraft, or sports team).",en,captains
provide (an illustration) with a title or explanation.,en,caption
provide (an illustration) with a title or explanation.,en,captioned
provide (an illustration) with a title or explanation.,en,captioning
provide (an illustration) with a title or explanation.,en,captions
tending to find fault or raise petty objections.,en,captious
attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.,en,captivate
attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.,en,captivated
attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.,en,captivates
attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.,en,captivating
imprisoned or confined.,en,captive
a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined.,en,captives
the condition of being imprisoned or confined.,en,captivity
a person that catches or confines another.,en,captor
a person that catches or confines another.,en,captors
the action of capturing or of being captured.,en,capture
"take into one's possession or control by force.",en,captured
the action of capturing or of being captured.,en,captures
"take into one's possession or control by force.",en,capturing
a four-wheeled road vehicle that is powered by an engine and is able to carry a small number of people.,en,car
an open-topped glass flask used for serving wine or water in a restaurant.,en,carafe
an open-topped glass flask used for serving wine or water in a restaurant.,en,carafes
"sugar or syrup heated until it turns brown, used as a flavouring or colouring for food or drink or combined with butter or cream to form a thick, sweet sauce.",en,caramel
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelise
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelised
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelises
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelising
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelize
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelized
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelizes
(with reference to sugar) convert or be converted into caramel through heating.,en,caramelizing
"sugar or syrup heated until it turns brown, used as a flavouring or colouring for food or drink or combined with butter or cream to form a thick, sweet sauce.",en,caramels
"the hard upper shell of a tortoise, crustacean, or arachnid.",en,carapace
"the hard upper shell of a tortoise, crustacean, or arachnid.",en,carapaces
"a measure of the purity of gold, pure gold being 24 carats.",en,carat
"a measure of the purity of gold, pure gold being 24 carats.",en,carats
"a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed by a car and used for holidays.",en,caravan
the activity of spending a holiday in a caravan.,en,caravanning
"a vehicle equipped for living in, typically towed by a car and used for holidays.",en,caravans
"the seeds of a plant of the parsley family, used for flavouring and as a source of oil.",en,caraway
"the seeds of a plant of the parsley family, used for flavouring and as a source of oil.",en,caraways
a light automatic rifle.,en,carbine
a light automatic rifle.,en,carbines
"any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.",en,carbohydrate
"any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.",en,carbohydrates
"phenol, especially when used as a disinfectant.",en,carbolic
"the chemical element of atomic number 6, a non-metal which has two main forms (diamond and graphite) and which also occurs in impure form in charcoal, soot, and coal.",en,carbon
dissolve carbon dioxide in (a liquid).,en,carbonated
"the fifth period of the Palaeozoic era, or the system of rocks deposited during it.",en,carboniferous
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonise
"converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonised
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonises
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonising
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonize
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonized
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonizes
"convert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.",en,carbonizing
"a large globular glass bottle with a narrow neck, typically protected by a frame and used for holding acids or other corrosive liquids.",en,carboy
"a large globular glass bottle with a narrow neck, typically protected by a frame and used for holding acids or other corrosive liquids.",en,carboys
"a severe abscess or multiple boil in the skin, typically infected with staphylococcus bacteria.",en,carbuncle
"a severe abscess or multiple boil in the skin, typically infected with staphylococcus bacteria.",en,carbuncles
a device in an internal combustion engine for mixing air with a fine spray of liquid fuel.,en,carburetor
a device in an internal combustion engine for mixing air with a fine spray of liquid fuel.,en,carburetors
a device in an internal combustion engine for mixing air with a fine spray of liquid fuel.,en,carburettor
a device in an internal combustion engine for mixing air with a fine spray of liquid fuel.,en,carburettors
the dead body of an animal.,en,carcase
the dead body of an animal.,en,carcases
the dead body of an animal.,en,carcass
the dead body of an animal.,en,carcasses
a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.,en,carcinogen
having the potential to cause cancer.,en,carcinogenic
a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.,en,carcinogens
a cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs.,en,carcinoma
a cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs.,en,carcinomas
a toothed implement or machine for carding wool.,en,card
"the aromatic seeds of a plant of the ginger family, used as a spice and also medicinally.",en,cardamom
"the aromatic seeds of a plant of the ginger family, used as a spice and also medicinally.",en,cardamoms
"the aromatic seeds of a plant of the ginger family, used as a spice and also medicinally.",en,cardamon
"the aromatic seeds of a plant of the ginger family, used as a spice and also medicinally.",en,cardamons
pasteboard or stiff paper.,en,cardboard
"comb and clean (raw wool, hemp fibres, or similar material) with a sharp-toothed instrument in order to disentangle the fibres before spinning.",en,carded
a person who has a credit card or debit card.,en,cardholder
a person who has a credit card or debit card.,en,cardholders
a person with heart disease.,en,cardiac
short for cardigan.,en,cardie
short for cardigan.,en,cardies
a knitted jumper fastening down the front.,en,cardigan
a knitted jumper fastening down the front.,en,cardigans
of the greatest importance; fundamental.,en,cardinal
"a leading dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinals are nominated by the Pope, and form the Sacred College which elects succeeding popes (now invariably from among their own number).",en,cardinals
"comb and clean (raw wool, hemp fibres, or similar material) with a sharp-toothed instrument in order to disentangle the fibres before spinning.",en,carding
a doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases and heart abnormalities.,en,cardiologist
a doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases and heart abnormalities.,en,cardiologists
the branch of medicine that deals with diseases and abnormalities of the heart.,en,cardiology
relating to the heart and blood vessels.,en,cardiovascular
a toothed implement or machine for carding wool.,en,cards
a person who cheats at cards in order to win money.,en,cardsharp
a person who cheats at cards in order to win money.,en,cardsharps
feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.,en,care
feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.,en,cared
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careen
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careened
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careening
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careens
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,career
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careered
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careering
a careerist person.,en,careerist
a careerist person.,en,careerists
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.,en,careers
free from anxiety or responsibility.,en,carefree
"making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.",en,careful
in a way that deliberately avoids harm or errors; cautiously.,en,carefully
"a family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person.",en,caregiver
"a family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person.",en,caregivers
not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoiding harm or errors.,en,careless
in a casual or reckless way; inattentively.,en,carelessly
failure to give sufficient attention to avoiding harm or errors; negligence.,en,carelessness
"a family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person.",en,carer
"a family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person.",en,carers
feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.,en,cares
a gentle or loving touch.,en,caress
touch or stroke gently or lovingly.,en,caressed
a gentle or loving touch.,en,caresses
touch or stroke gently or lovingly.,en,caressing
a person employed to look after a building.,en,caretaker
a person employed to look after a building.,en,caretakers
tired and unhappy because of prolonged worry.,en,careworn
"the fare for travel on a bus, underground train, or similar public transport.",en,carfare
"goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.",en,cargo
"goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.",en,cargoes
"goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle.",en,cargos
a waiter or waitress at a drive-in restaurant.,en,carhop
a waiter or waitress at a drive-in restaurant.,en,carhops
a large North American reindeer.,en,caribou
make or give a caricature of.,en,caricature
make or give a caricature of.,en,caricatured
make or give a caricature of.,en,caricatures
decay and crumbling of a tooth or bone.,en,caries
a set of bells played using a keyboard or by an automatic mechanism similar to a piano roll.,en,carillon
a set of bells played using a keyboard or by an automatic mechanism similar to a piano roll.,en,carillons
feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.,en,caring
steal (an occupied car) in a violent manner.,en,carjack
steal (an occupied car) in a violent manner.,en,carjacked
steal (an occupied car) in a violent manner.,en,carjacking
the action of violently stealing an occupied car.,en,carjackings
steal (an occupied car) in a violent manner.,en,carjacks
the number of people that can travel in a car.,en,carload
the number of people that can travel in a car.,en,carloads
a vivid crimson colour.,en,carmine
the killing of a large number of people.,en,carnage
"relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities.",en,carnal
a rosy pink colour.,en,carnation
"a double-flowered cultivated variety of clove pink, with grey-green leaves and showy pink, white, or red flowers.",en,carnations
"an annual festival, typically during the week before Lent in Roman Catholic countries, involving processions, music, dancing, and the use of masquerade.",en,carnival
"an annual festival, typically during the week before Lent in Roman Catholic countries, involving processions, music, dancing, and the use of masquerade.",en,carnivals
an animal that feeds on other animals.,en,carnivore
an animal that feeds on other animals.,en,carnivores
(of an animal) feeding on other animals.,en,carnivorous
"a brown floury powder extracted from the carob bean, used as a substitute for chocolate.",en,carob
"a brown floury powder extracted from the carob bean, used as a substitute for chocolate.",en,carobs
sing or say (something) happily.,en,carol
sing or say (something) happily.,en,caroled
the activity of singing Christmas carols.,en,caroling
sing or say (something) happily.,en,carolled
sing or say (something) happily.,en,carolling
sing or say (something) happily.,en,carols
"a noisy, lively drinking party.",en,carouse
"drink alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way.",en,caroused
a merry-go-round at a fair.,en,carousel
a merry-go-round at a fair.,en,carousels
"a noisy, lively drinking party.",en,carouses
"drink alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way.",en,carousing
complain or find fault continually about trivial matters.,en,carp
complain or find fault continually about trivial matters.,en,carped
make by shaping wood.,en,carpenter
make by shaping wood.,en,carpenters
the activity or occupation of making or repairing things in wood.,en,carpentry
cover with carpet.,en,carpet
a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.,en,carpetbagger
a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections.,en,carpetbaggers
cover with carpet.,en,carpeted
cover with carpet.,en,carpeting
cover with carpet.,en,carpets
complain or find fault continually about trivial matters.,en,carping
form or participate in a carpool.,en,carpool
form or participate in a carpool.,en,carpooled
form or participate in a carpool.,en,carpooling
form or participate in a carpool.,en,carpools
"a shelter for a car consisting of a roof supported on posts, built beside a house.",en,carport
"a shelter for a car consisting of a roof supported on posts, built beside a house.",en,carports
complain or find fault continually about trivial matters.,en,carps
a small cubicle with a desk for the use of a reader or student in a library.,en,carrel
a small cubicle with a desk for the use of a reader or student in a library.,en,carrels
any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.,en,carriage
any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.,en,carriages
"each of the two sides of a dual carriageway or motorway, each of which usually have two or more lanes.",en,carriageway
"each of the two sides of a dual carriageway or motorway, each of which usually have two or more lanes.",en,carriageways
support and move (someone or something) from one place to another.,en,carried
"a person or thing that carries, holds, or conveys something.",en,carrier
"a person or thing that carries, holds, or conveys something.",en,carriers
an act of carrying something from one place to another.,en,carries
the decaying flesh of dead animals.,en,carrion
a tapering orange-coloured root eaten as a vegetable.,en,carrot
a tapering orange-coloured root eaten as a vegetable.,en,carrots
"(of a person's hair) orange-red in colour.",en,carroty
an act of carrying something from one place to another.,en,carry
a large bag or case.,en,carryall
a large bag or case.,en,carryalls
a small portable bed for a baby.,en,carrycot
a small portable bed for a baby.,en,carrycots
support and move (someone or something) from one place to another.,en,carrying
denoting or relating to prepared food or drink bought from a restaurant or shop to be consumed elsewhere.,en,carryout
a four-wheeled road vehicle that is powered by an engine and is able to carry a small number of people.,en,cars
affected with nausea caused by the motion of a car or other vehicle in which one is travelling.,en,carsick
convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle.,en,cart
convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle.,en,carted
an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.,en,cartel
an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.,en,cartels
"a large, strong horse suitable for heavy work.",en,carthorse
"a large, strong horse suitable for heavy work.",en,carthorses
"firm, flexible connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints. It is more widespread in the infant skeleton, being replaced by bone during growth.",en,cartilage
"firm, flexible connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints. It is more widespread in the infant skeleton, being replaced by bone during growth.",en,cartilages
convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle.,en,carting
the amount held by a cart.,en,cartload
the amount held by a cart.,en,cartloads
a person who draws or produces maps.,en,cartographer
a person who draws or produces maps.,en,cartographers
the science or practice of drawing maps.,en,cartography
"a small, light box or container in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged.",en,carton
"a small, light box or container in which drinks or foodstuffs are packaged.",en,cartons
make a drawing of (someone) in a simplified or exaggerated way.,en,cartoon
an artist who draws cartoons.,en,cartoonist
an artist who draws cartoons.,en,cartoonists
make a drawing of (someone) in a simplified or exaggerated way.,en,cartoons
"a container holding a spool of photographic film, a quantity of ink, etc., designed for insertion into a mechanism.",en,cartridge
"a container holding a spool of photographic film, a quantity of ink, etc., designed for insertion into a mechanism.",en,cartridges
convey or put in a cart or similar vehicle.,en,carts
perform a cartwheel or cartwheels.,en,cartwheel
perform a cartwheel or cartwheels.,en,cartwheeled
perform a cartwheel or cartwheels.,en,cartwheeling
perform a cartwheel or cartwheels.,en,cartwheels
"cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.",en,carve
"cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.",en,carved
a person who carves a hard material professionally.,en,carver
a buffet or restaurant where cooked joints are displayed and carved as required in front of customers.,en,carveries
a person who carves a hard material professionally.,en,carvers
a buffet or restaurant where cooked joints are displayed and carved as required in front of customers.,en,carvery
"cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.",en,carves
"cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.",en,carving
the action of carving.,en,carvings
(of water) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities.,en,cascade
(of water) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities.,en,cascaded
(of water) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities.,en,cascades
(of water) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities.,en,cascading
surround in a material or substance.,en,case
"a written record of cases dealt with, especially one kept by a doctor or investigator.",en,casebook
"a written record of cases dealt with, especially one kept by a doctor or investigator.",en,casebooks
surround in a material or substance.,en,cased
"the number of cases with which a doctor, lawyer, or social worker is concerned at one time.",en,caseload
"the number of cases with which a doctor, lawyer, or social worker is concerned at one time.",en,caseloads
a window or part of a window set on a vertical hinge so that it opens like a door.,en,casement
a window or part of a window set on a vertical hinge so that it opens like a door.,en,casements
surround in a material or substance.,en,cases
the decorative outer case protecting the workings of a complex mechanism such as an organ or harpsichord.,en,casework
"a coin of low value from China, southern India, or SE Asia.",en,cash
give or obtain notes or coins for (a cheque or money order).,en,cashed
give or obtain notes or coins for (a cheque or money order).,en,cashes
"an edible kidney-shaped nut, rich in oil and protein, which is roasted and shelled before it can be eaten. Oil extracted from the shells is used as a lubricant, in the production of plastics, etc.",en,cashew
"an edible kidney-shaped nut, rich in oil and protein, which is roasted and shelled before it can be eaten. Oil extracted from the shells is used as a lubricant, in the production of plastics, etc.",en,cashews
dismiss (someone) from the armed forces in disgrace because of a serious misdemeanour.,en,cashier
dismiss (someone) from the armed forces in disgrace because of a serious misdemeanour.,en,cashiered
dismiss (someone) from the armed forces in disgrace because of a serious misdemeanour.,en,cashiering
dismiss (someone) from the armed forces in disgrace because of a serious misdemeanour.,en,cashiers
give or obtain notes or coins for (a cheque or money order).,en,cashing
"characterized by the exchange of funds by cheque, debit or credit card, or electronic methods rather than the use of cash.",en,cashless
"fine, soft wool, originally that from the Kashmir goat.",en,cashmere
a machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card; a cash machine.,en,cashpoint
a machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card; a cash machine.,en,cashpoints
surround in a material or substance.,en,casing
a cover or shell that protects or encloses something.,en,casings
a public room or building where gambling games are played.,en,casino
a public room or building where gambling games are played.,en,casinos
"a large container like a barrel, made of wood, metal or plastic and used for storing liquids, typically alcoholic drinks.",en,cask
"a small ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters, or other valued objects.",en,casket
"a small ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters, or other valued objects.",en,caskets
"a large container like a barrel, made of wood, metal or plastic and used for storing liquids, typically alcoholic drinks.",en,casks
"the starchy tuberous root of a tropical tree, used as food in tropical countries.",en,cassava
cook (food) slowly in a casserole.,en,casserole
cook (food) slowly in a casserole.,en,casseroled
cook (food) slowly in a casserole.,en,casseroles
cook (food) slowly in a casserole.,en,casseroling
"a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audio tape, videotape, film, etc. wound on a pair of spools, for insertion into a recorder, playback device, or other machine.",en,cassette
"a sealed plastic unit containing a length of audio tape, videotape, film, etc. wound on a pair of spools, for insertion into a recorder, playback device, or other machine.",en,cassettes
"a full-length garment worn by certain Christian clergy, members of church choirs, and others having an office or role in a church.",en,cassock
"a full-length garment worn by certain Christian clergy, members of church choirs, and others having an office or role in a church.",en,cassocks
assign a part in a play or film to (an actor).,en,cast
"small concave pieces of wood, ivory, or plastic, joined in pairs by a cord and clicked together by the fingers as a rhythmic accompaniment to Spanish dancing.",en,castanets
a person who has been shipwrecked and stranded in an isolated place.,en,castaway
a person who has been shipwrecked and stranded in an isolated place.,en,castaways
"each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status.",en,caste
having battlements.,en,castellated
each of a set of small swivelling wheels fixed to the legs or base of a heavy piece of furniture so that it can be moved easily.,en,caster
each of a set of small swivelling wheels fixed to the legs or base of a heavy piece of furniture so that it can be moved easily.,en,casters
"each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status.",en,castes
reprimand (someone) severely.,en,castigate
reprimand (someone) severely.,en,castigated
reprimand (someone) severely.,en,castigates
reprimand (someone) severely.,en,castigating
assign a part in a play or film to (an actor).,en,casting
an object made by pouring molten metal or other material into a mould.,en,castings
make a special move (no more than once in a game by each player) in which the king is transferred from its original square two squares along the back rank towards a rook on its corner square which is then transferred to the square passed over by the king.,en,castle
make a special move (no more than once in a game by each player) in which the king is transferred from its original square two squares along the back rank towards a rook on its corner square which is then transferred to the square passed over by the king.,en,castles
"something, especially a garment, that is no longer wanted.",en,castoff
"something, especially a garment, that is no longer wanted.",en,castoffs
a person who casts something or a machine for casting something.,en,castor
each of a set of small swivelling wheels fixed to the legs or base of a heavy piece of furniture so that it can be moved easily.,en,castors
a man or male animal whose testicles have been removed.,en,castrate
remove the testicles of (a male animal or man).,en,castrated
a man or male animal whose testicles have been removed.,en,castrates
remove the testicles of (a male animal or man).,en,castrating
the removal of the testicles of a male animal or man.,en,castration
the removal of the testicles of a male animal or man.,en,castrations
assign a part in a play or film to (an actor).,en,casts
a person who does something irregularly.,en,casual
in a relaxed and informal way.,en,casually
a person who does something irregularly.,en,casuals
a person killed or injured in a war or accident.,en,casualties
a person killed or injured in a war or accident.,en,casualty
"the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions; sophistry.",en,casuistry
short for catamaran.,en,cat
a large-scale and violent event in the natural world.,en,cataclysm
(of a natural event) large-scale and violent.,en,cataclysmic
a large-scale and violent event in the natural world.,en,cataclysms
"an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient Romans.",en,catacomb
"an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient Romans.",en,catacombs
a medical condition characterized by a trance or seizure with a loss of sensation and consciousness accompanied by rigidity of the body.,en,catalepsy
a person who has catalepsy.,en,cataleptic
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,catalog
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,cataloged
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,cataloging
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,catalogs
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,catalogue
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,catalogued
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,catalogues
make a systematic list of (items of the same type).,en,cataloguing
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalyse
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalysed
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalyses
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalysing
the acceleration of a chemical reaction by a catalyst.,en,catalysis
a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.,en,catalyst
a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.,en,catalysts
relating to or involving the action of a catalyst.,en,catalytic
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalyze
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalyzed
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalyzes
cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst.,en,catalyzing
a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.,en,catamaran
a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.,en,catamarans
hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult.,en,catapult
hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult.,en,catapulted
hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult.,en,catapulting
hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult.,en,catapults
"a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.",en,cataract
"a medical condition in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision.",en,cataracts
"excessive discharge or build-up of mucus in the nose or throat, associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane.",en,catarrh
an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.,en,catastrophe
an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.,en,catastrophes
involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.,en,catastrophic
"in a way that involves great damage, suffering, or deterioration in state.",en,catastrophically
relating to or characterized by catatonia.,en,catatonic
make a catcall.,en,catcall
make a catcall.,en,catcalls
"an act of catching something, typically a ball.",en,catch
a term or category that encompasses a variety of different elements.,en,catchall
a term or category that encompasses a variety of different elements.,en,catchalls
a person or thing that catches something.,en,catcher
a person or thing that catches something.,en,catchers
"an act of catching something, typically a ball.",en,catches
(of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable.,en,catchier
(of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable.,en,catchiest
"intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped).",en,catching
"the action of collecting water, especially the collection of rainfall over a natural drainage area.",en,catchment
"the action of collecting water, especially the collection of rainfall over a natural drainage area.",en,catchments
"a well-known sentence or phrase, especially one that is associated with a particular famous person.",en,catchphrase
"a well-known sentence or phrase, especially one that is associated with a particular famous person.",en,catchphrases
a popular word or phrase encapsulating a particular concept.,en,catchword
a popular word or phrase encapsulating a particular concept.,en,catchwords
(of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable.,en,catchy
"a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for religious instruction.",en,catechism
"a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for religious instruction.",en,catechisms
unambiguously explicit and direct.,en,categorical
in a way that is unambiguously explicit and direct.,en,categorically
a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics.,en,categories
the action or process of placing into classes or groups.,en,categorisation
the action or process of placing into classes or groups.,en,categorisations
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorise
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorised
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorises
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorising
the action or process of placing into classes or groups.,en,categorization
the action or process of placing into classes or groups.,en,categorizations
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorize
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorized
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorizes
place in a particular class or group.,en,categorizing
a class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics.,en,category
provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering.,en,cater
provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering.,en,catered
a person or company providing food and drink at a social event or other gathering.,en,caterer
a person or company providing food and drink at a social event or other gathering.,en,caterers
provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering.,en,catering
"the larva of a butterfly or moth, which has a segmented wormlike body with three pairs of true legs and several pairs of appendages similar to legs.",en,caterpillar
"the larva of a butterfly or moth, which has a segmented wormlike body with three pairs of true legs and several pairs of appendages similar to legs.",en,caterpillars
provide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering.,en,caters
a shrill howling or wailing noise.,en,caterwaul
make a shrill howling or wailing noise like that of a cat.,en,caterwauled
make a shrill howling or wailing noise like that of a cat.,en,caterwauling
a shrill howling or wailing noise.,en,caterwauls
fish for catfish.,en,catfish
fish for catfish.,en,catfishes
"a material used for the strings of some musical instruments, made of the dried twisted intestines of sheep or horses (but not cats).",en,catgut
"the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.",en,catharses
"the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.",en,catharsis
a purgative drug.,en,cathartic
"the principal church of a diocese, with which the bishop is officially associated.",en,cathedral
"the principal church of a diocese, with which the bishop is officially associated.",en,cathedrals
"a flexible tube inserted through a narrow opening into a body cavity, particularly the bladder, for removing fluid.",en,catheter
"a flexible tube inserted through a narrow opening into a body cavity, particularly the bladder, for removing fluid.",en,catheters
the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device.,en,cathode
the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device.,en,cathodes
a member of the Roman Catholic Church.,en,catholic
"a downy, hanging flowering spike of trees such as willow and hazel, pollinated by the wind.",en,catkin
"a downy, hanging flowering spike of trees such as willow and hazel, pollinated by the wind.",en,catkins
have a short sleep during the day.,en,catnap
have a short sleep during the day.,en,catnapped
have a short sleep during the day.,en,catnapping
have a short sleep during the day.,en,catnaps
"a plant of the mint family, with downy leaves, purple-spotted white flowers, and a pungent smell attractive to cats.",en,catnip
short for catamaran.,en,cats
"a woman's close-fitting one-piece garment with trouser legs, covering the body from the neck to the feet.",en,catsuit
"a woman's close-fitting one-piece garment with trouser legs, covering the body from the neck to the feet.",en,catsuits
another term for ketchup.,en,catsup
another term for ketchup.,en,catsups
a boarding or breeding establishment for cats.,en,catteries
a boarding or breeding establishment for cats.,en,cattery
"deliberately hurtful in one's remarks; spiteful.",en,cattier
"deliberately hurtful in one's remarks; spiteful.",en,cattiest
"large ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk, or as beasts of burden; cows and oxen.",en,cattle
a person who tends or rears cattle.,en,cattleman
a person who tends or rears cattle.,en,cattlemen
a catapult.,en,catty
"a platform extending into an auditorium, along which models walk to display clothes in fashion shows.",en,catwalk
"a platform extending into an auditorium, along which models walk to display clothes in fashion shows.",en,catwalks
hold or form a legislative caucus.,en,caucus
hold or form a legislative caucus.,en,caucuses
"intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped).",en,caught
"a large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.",en,cauldron
"a large metal pot with a lid and handle, used for cooking over an open fire.",en,cauldrons
a cabbage of a variety which bears a large immature flower head of small creamy-white flower buds.,en,cauliflower
a cabbage of a variety which bears a large immature flower head of small creamy-white flower buds.,en,cauliflowers
seal (a gap or seam) with caulk.,en,caulk
seal (a gap or seam) with caulk.,en,caulked
seal (a gap or seam) with caulk.,en,caulking
seal (a gap or seam) with caulk.,en,caulks
relating to or acting as a cause.,en,causal
the relationship between cause and effect.,en,causality
the action of causing something.,en,causation
a causative verb.,en,causative
"make (something, especially something bad) happen.",en,cause
"make (something, especially something bad) happen.",en,caused
"make (something, especially something bad) happen.",en,causes
a raised road or track across low or wet ground.,en,causeway
a raised road or track across low or wet ground.,en,causeways
"make (something, especially something bad) happen.",en,causing
a caustic substance.,en,caustic
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterise
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterised
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterises
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterising
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterize
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterized
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterizes
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.,en,cauterizing
say something as a warning.,en,caution
serving as a warning.,en,cautionary
say something as a warning.,en,cautioned
say something as a warning.,en,cautioning
say something as a warning.,en,cautions
(of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.,en,cautious
in a way that deliberately avoids potential problems or dangers.,en,cautiously
"a formal procession of people walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles.",en,cavalcade
"a formal procession of people walking, on horseback, or riding in vehicles.",en,cavalcades
showing a lack of proper concern; offhand.,en,cavalier
(in the past) soldiers who fought on horseback.,en,cavalry
explore caves as a sport.,en,cave
"a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.",en,caveat
"a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations.",en,caveats
explore caves as a sport.,en,caved
a prehistoric man who lived in caves.,en,caveman
a prehistoric man who lived in caves.,en,cavemen
a large cave or chamber in a cave.,en,cavern
"like a cavern in size, shape, or atmosphere.",en,cavernous
a large cave or chamber in a cave.,en,caverns
explore caves as a sport.,en,caves
"the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten as a delicacy.",en,caviar
"the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten as a delicacy.",en,caviare
a petty or unnecessary objection.,en,cavil
make petty or unnecessary objections.,en,caviled
make petty or unnecessary objections.,en,caviling
make petty or unnecessary objections.,en,cavilled
make petty or unnecessary objections.,en,cavilling
a petty or unnecessary objection.,en,cavils
explore caves as a sport.,en,caving
an empty space within a solid object.,en,cavities
an empty space within a solid object.,en,cavity
jump or dance around excitedly.,en,cavort
jump or dance around excitedly.,en,cavorted
jump or dance around excitedly.,en,cavorting
jump or dance around excitedly.,en,cavorts
utter a caw.,en,caw
utter a caw.,en,cawed
utter a caw.,en,cawing
utter a caw.,en,caws
"a semiaquatic reptile similar to the alligator but with a heavily armoured belly, native to tropical America.",en,cayman
"a semiaquatic reptile similar to the alligator but with a heavily armoured belly, native to tropical America.",en,caymans
come or bring to an end.,en,cease
come or bring to an end.,en,ceased
a temporary suspension of fighting; a truce.,en,ceasefire
a temporary suspension of fighting; a truce.,en,ceasefires
constant and unending.,en,ceaseless
continuously and without end.,en,ceaselessly
come or bring to an end.,en,ceases
come or bring to an end.,en,ceasing
"any of a number of conifers that typically yield fragrant, durable timber.",en,cedar
"any of a number of conifers that typically yield fragrant, durable timber.",en,cedars
give up (power or territory).,en,cede
give up (power or territory).,en,ceded
give up (power or territory).,en,cedes
"a mark (¸) written under the letter c, especially in French, to show that it is pronounced like an s rather than a k (e.g. façade ).",en,cedilla
"a mark (¸) written under the letter c, especially in French, to show that it is pronounced like an s rather than a k (e.g. façade ).",en,cedillas
give up (power or territory).,en,ceding
"a social event with Scottish or Irish folk music and singing, traditional dancing, and storytelling.",en,ceilidh
"a social event with Scottish or Irish folk music and singing, traditional dancing, and storytelling.",en,ceilidhs
line or plaster the roof of (a building).,en,ceiling
the upper interior surface of a room or other similar compartment.,en,ceilings
a celebrity.,en,celeb
"a person who performs a rite, especially a priest at the Eucharist.",en,celebrant
"a person who performs a rite, especially a priest at the Eucharist.",en,celebrants
acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.,en,celebrate
acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.,en,celebrated
acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.,en,celebrates
acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.,en,celebrating
the action of celebrating an important day or event.,en,celebration
the action of celebrating an important day or event.,en,celebrations
used or intended to publicly acknowledge a significant or happy day or event.,en,celebratory
"a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport.",en,celebrities
"a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport.",en,celebrity
a celebrity.,en,celebs
celery of a variety that forms a large swollen root that can be eaten cooked or raw.,en,celeriac
swiftness of movement.,en,celerity
"a cultivated plant of the parsley family, with closely packed succulent leaf stalks which are used as a salad or cooked vegetable.",en,celery
"positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy.",en,celestial
the state of abstaining from marriage and sexual relations.,en,celibacy
a person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.,en,celibate
a person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.,en,celibates
a small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps.,en,cell
store (wine) in a cellar.,en,cellar
store (wine) in a cellar.,en,cellars
a person who plays the cello.,en,cellist
a person who plays the cello.,en,cellists
a person with whom one shares a cell.,en,cellmate
a person with whom one shares a cell.,en,cellmates
"a bass instrument of the violin family, held upright on the floor between the legs of the seated player.",en,cello
a thin transparent wrapping material made from viscose.,en,cellophane
"a bass instrument of the violin family, held upright on the floor between the legs of the seated player.",en,cellos
"a phone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network; a mobile phone.",en,cellphone
"a phone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network; a mobile phone.",en,cellphones
a small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps.,en,cells
relating to or consisting of living cells.,en,cellular
"persistent subcutaneous fat causing dimpling of the skin, especially on women's hips and thighs.",en,cellulite
"a transparent flammable plastic made in sheets from camphor and nitrocellulose, formerly used for cinematographic film.",en,celluloid
an insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibres such as cotton. It is a polysaccharide consisting of chains of glucose monomers.,en,cellulose
fix with cement.,en,cement
fix with cement.,en,cemented
fix with cement.,en,cementing
fix with cement.,en,cements
"a large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard.",en,cemeteries
"a large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard.",en,cemetery
"a monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war.",en,cenotaph
"a monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war.",en,cenotaphs
"examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.",en,censor
"examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.",en,censored
"examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.",en,censoring
severely critical of others.,en,censorious
"examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.",en,censors
"the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.",en,censorship
the formal expression of severe disapproval.,en,censure
"express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.",en,censured
the formal expression of severe disapproval.,en,censures
"express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.",en,censuring
"an official count or survey, especially of a population.",en,census
"an official count or survey, especially of a population.",en,censuses
"a monetary unit in various countries, equal to one hundredth of a dollar, euro, or other decimal currency unit.",en,cent
"a creature with the head, arms, and torso of a man and the body and legs of a horse.",en,centaur
"a creature with the head, arms, and torso of a man and the body and legs of a horse.",en,centaurs
a person who is a hundred or more years old.,en,centenarian
a person who is a hundred or more years old.,en,centenarians
the hundredth anniversary of a significant event.,en,centenaries
relating to a hundredth anniversary.,en,centenary
a hundredth anniversary.,en,centennial
a hundredth anniversary.,en,centennials
occur mainly in or around (a specified place).,en,center
placed or situated in the centre.,en,centered
"the two middle pages of a magazine, often taken up by a single illustration or feature.",en,centerfold
"the two middle pages of a magazine, often taken up by a single illustration or feature.",en,centerfolds
the action or process of placing something in the middle of something else.,en,centering
an ornament or display placed in the middle of a dining table.,en,centerpiece
an ornament or display placed in the middle of a dining table.,en,centerpieces
occur mainly in or around (a specified place).,en,centers
the Celsius scale of temperature.,en,centigrade
"a metric unit of mass, equal to one hundredth of a gram.",en,centigram
"a metric unit of mass, equal to one hundredth of a gram.",en,centigramme
"a metric unit of mass, equal to one hundredth of a gram.",en,centigrammes
"a metric unit of mass, equal to one hundredth of a gram.",en,centigrams
"a metric unit of capacity, equal to one hundredth of a litre.",en,centiliter
"a metric unit of capacity, equal to one hundredth of a litre.",en,centiliters
"a metric unit of capacity, equal to one hundredth of a litre.",en,centilitre
"a metric unit of capacity, equal to one hundredth of a litre.",en,centilitres
"a metric unit of length, equal to one hundredth of a metre.",en,centimeter
"a metric unit of length, equal to one hundredth of a metre.",en,centimeters
"a metric unit of length, equal to one hundredth of a metre.",en,centimetre
"a metric unit of length, equal to one hundredth of a metre.",en,centimetres
"a predatory myriapod invertebrate with a flattened elongated body composed of many segments. Most segments bear a single pair of legs, the front pair being modified as poison fangs.",en,centipede
"a predatory myriapod invertebrate with a flattened elongated body composed of many segments. Most segments bear a single pair of legs, the front pair being modified as poison fangs.",en,centipedes
a place with a high concentration of a specified type of person or thing.,en,central
the concentration of control of an activity or organization under a single authority.,en,centralisation
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralise
(of an activity or organization) controlled by a single authority or managed in one place.,en,centralised
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralises
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralising
the control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.,en,centralism
relating to or advocating the control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.,en,centralist
the quality or fact of being in the middle of somewhere or something.,en,centrality
the concentration of control of an activity or organization under a single authority.,en,centralization
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralize
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralized
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralizes
concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.,en,centralizing
in or towards the middle of something.,en,centrally
occur mainly in or around (a specified place).,en,centre
occur mainly in or around (a specified place).,en,centred
"the two middle pages of a magazine, often taken up by a single illustration or feature.",en,centrefold
"the two middle pages of a magazine, often taken up by a single illustration or feature.",en,centrefolds
an ornament or display placed in the middle of a dining table.,en,centrepiece
an ornament or display placed in the middle of a dining table.,en,centrepieces
occur mainly in or around (a specified place).,en,centres
moving or tending to move away from a centre.,en,centrifugal
subject to the action of a centrifuge.,en,centrifuge
subject to the action of a centrifuge.,en,centrifuges
occur mainly in or around (a specified place).,en,centring
moving or tending to move towards a centre.,en,centripetal
a person who holds moderate political views.,en,centrist
a person who holds moderate political views.,en,centrists
"a monetary unit in various countries, equal to one hundredth of a dollar, euro, or other decimal currency unit.",en,cents
a period of one hundred years.,en,centuries
the commander of a century in the ancient Roman army.,en,centurion
the commander of a century in the ancient Roman army.,en,centurions
a period of one hundred years.,en,century
pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.,en,ceramic
pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.,en,ceramics
"a grain used for food, for example wheat, maize, or rye.",en,cereal
"a grain used for food, for example wheat, maize, or rye.",en,cereals
"the part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates, which coordinates and regulates muscular activity.",en,cerebellum
"the part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates, which coordinates and regulates muscular activity.",en,cerebellums
"the principal and most anterior part of the brain in vertebrates, located in the front area of the skull and consisting of two hemispheres, left and right, separated by a fissure. It is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body.",en,cerebra
of the cerebrum of the brain.,en,cerebral
the working of the brain; thinking.,en,cerebration
"the principal and most anterior part of the brain in vertebrates, located in the front area of the skull and consisting of two hemispheres, left and right, separated by a fissure. It is responsible for the integration of complex sensory and neural functions and the initiation and coordination of voluntary activity in the body.",en,cerebrum
the system of rules and procedures to be observed at a formal or religious occasion.,en,ceremonial
the system of rules and procedures to be observed at a formal or religious occasion.,en,ceremonials
"a formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary.",en,ceremonies
relating or appropriate to grand and formal occasions.,en,ceremonious
"a formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary.",en,ceremony
a light clear red colour.,en,cerise
an event regarded as inevitable.,en,cert
able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case.,en,certain
"used to emphasize the speaker's belief that what is said is true.",en,certainly
firm conviction that something is the case.,en,certainties
firm conviction that something is the case.,en,certainty
able or needing to be officially recorded.,en,certifiable
provide with or attest in an official document.,en,certificate
provide with or attest in an official document.,en,certificated
provide with or attest in an official document.,en,certificates
the action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement.,en,certification
the action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement.,en,certifications
attest or confirm in a formal statement.,en,certified
attest or confirm in a formal statement.,en,certifies
attest or confirm in a formal statement.,en,certify
attest or confirm in a formal statement.,en,certifying
absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.,en,certitude
absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.,en,certitudes
an event regarded as inevitable.,en,certs
relating to the cervix.,en,cervical
the narrow passage forming the lower end of the uterus.,en,cervices
the narrow passage forming the lower end of the uterus.,en,cervix
a caesarean section.,en,cesarean
a caesarean section.,en,cesareans
the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.,en,cessation
the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.,en,cessations
"the formal giving up of rights, property, or territory by a state.",en,cession
"the formal giving up of rights, property, or territory by a state.",en,cessions
a pit for the disposal of liquid waste and sewage.,en,cesspit
a pit for the disposal of liquid waste and sewage.,en,cesspits
an underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste and sewage.,en,cesspool
an underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste and sewage.,en,cesspools
relating to or denoting cetaceans.,en,cetacean
"a marine mammal of the order Cetacea ; a whale, dolphin, or porpoise.",en,cetaceans
wear or damage caused by rubbing.,en,chafe
(with reference to a part of the body) make or become sore by rubbing against something.,en,chafed
wear or damage caused by rubbing.,en,chafes
"a Eurasian and North African finch, typically with a bluish top to the head and dark wings and tail.",en,chaffinch
"a Eurasian and North African finch, typically with a bluish top to the head and dark wings and tail.",en,chaffinches
(with reference to a part of the body) make or become sore by rubbing against something.,en,chafing
feel distressed or humiliated.,en,chagrin
feel distressed or humiliated.,en,chagrined
fasten or secure with a chain.,en,chain
fasten or secure with a chain.,en,chained
fasten or secure with a chain.,en,chaining
fasten or secure with a chain.,en,chains
a mechanical power-driven cutting tool with teeth set on a chain which moves around the edge of a blade.,en,chainsaw
a mechanical power-driven cutting tool with teeth set on a chain which moves around the edge of a blade.,en,chainsaws
"act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event).",en,chair
"act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event).",en,chaired
"act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event).",en,chairing
"a series of chairs hung from a moving cable, used for carrying people up and down a mountain.",en,chairlift
"a series of chairs hung from a moving cable, used for carrying people up and down a mountain.",en,chairlifts
a person chosen to preside over a meeting.,en,chairman
the position or office of presiding over a meeting.,en,chairmanship
the position or office of presiding over a meeting.,en,chairmanships
a person chosen to preside over a meeting.,en,chairmen
a chairman or chairwoman (used as a neutral alternative).,en,chairperson
a chairman or chairwoman (used as a neutral alternative).,en,chairpersons
"act as chairperson of or preside over (an organization, meeting, or public event).",en,chairs
a woman chosen to preside over a meeting.,en,chairwoman
a woman chosen to preside over a meeting.,en,chairwomen
"a wooden house with overhanging eaves, typically found in the Swiss Alps.",en,chalet
"a wooden house with overhanging eaves, typically found in the Swiss Alps.",en,chalets
a large cup or goblet.,en,chalice
a large cup or goblet.,en,chalices
write or draw with chalk.,en,chalk
another term for blackboard.,en,chalkboard
another term for blackboard.,en,chalkboards
write or draw with chalk.,en,chalked
write or draw with chalk.,en,chalking
write or draw with chalk.,en,chalks
consisting of or rich in chalk.,en,chalky
dispute the truth or validity of.,en,challenge
dispute the truth or validity of.,en,challenged
a person who engages in a contest.,en,challenger
a person who engages in a contest.,en,challengers
dispute the truth or validity of.,en,challenges
dispute the truth or validity of.,en,challenging
place (a bullet) into the chamber of a gun.,en,chamber
an officer who managed the household of a monarch or noble.,en,chamberlain
an officer who managed the household of a monarch or noble.,en,chamberlains
a woman who cleans bedrooms and bathrooms in a hotel.,en,chambermaid
a woman who cleans bedrooms and bathrooms in a hotel.,en,chambermaids
place (a bullet) into the chamber of a gun.,en,chambers
"a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change colour.",en,chameleon
"a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change colour.",en,chameleons
"an agile goat-antelope with short hooked horns, found in mountainous areas of Europe from Spain to the Caucasus.",en,chamois
"an aromatic European plant of the daisy family, with white and yellow flowers.",en,chamomile
"an Irish dish of potatoes mashed with spring onions, butter, and milk.",en,champ
a white sparkling wine from Champagne.,en,champagne
a white sparkling wine from Champagne.,en,champagnes
(of a horse) make a noisy biting or chewing action.,en,champed
(of a horse) make a noisy biting or chewing action.,en,champing
vigorously support or defend the cause of.,en,championed
vigorously support or defend the cause of.,en,championing
vigorously support or defend the cause of.,en,champions
a contest for the position of champion in a sport or game.,en,championship
a contest for the position of champion in a sport or game.,en,championships
a champion.,en,champs
do something by accident or without intending to.,en,chance
do something by accident or without intending to.,en,chanced
"the part of a church near the altar, reserved for the clergy and choir, and typically separated from the nave by steps or a screen.",en,chancel
"the position, office, or department of a chancellor.",en,chancelleries
"the position, office, or department of a chancellor.",en,chancellery
a senior state or legal official.,en,chancellor
a senior state or legal official.,en,chancellors
"the part of a church near the altar, reserved for the clergy and choir, and typically separated from the nave by steps or a screen.",en,chancels
"(in the UK) the Lord Chancellor's court, a division of the High Court of Justice.",en,chancery
do something by accident or without intending to.,en,chances
involving risks and uncertainty.,en,chancier
involving risks and uncertainty.,en,chanciest
do something by accident or without intending to.,en,chancing
involving risks and uncertainty.,en,chancy
"a large, decorative hanging light with branches for several light bulbs or candles.",en,chandelier
"a large, decorative hanging light with branches for several light bulbs or candles.",en,chandeliers
a dealer in supplies and equipment for ships and boats.,en,chandler
a dealer in supplies and equipment for ships and boats.,en,chandlers
an act or process through which something becomes different.,en,change
liable to unpredictable variation.,en,changeable
make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.,en,changed
remaining the same.,en,changeless
"a child believed to have been secretly substituted by fairies for the parents' real child in infancy.",en,changeling
"a child believed to have been secretly substituted by fairies for the parents' real child in infancy.",en,changelings
a change from one system or situation to another.,en,changeover
a change from one system or situation to another.,en,changeovers
an act or process through which something becomes different.,en,changes
make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.,en,changing
direct towards a particular end or object.,en,channel
characterized by grooves or furrows.,en,channeled
direct towards a particular end or object.,en,channeling
direct towards a particular end or object.,en,channelled
direct towards a particular end or object.,en,channelling
direct towards a particular end or object.,en,channels
say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone.,en,chant
say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone.,en,chanted
"a song with alternating solo and chorus, of a kind originally sung by sailors while performing physical labour together.",en,chantey
"a song with alternating solo and chorus, of a kind originally sung by sailors while performing physical labour together.",en,chanteys
"a song with alternating solo and chorus, of a kind originally sung by sailors while performing physical labour together.",en,chanties
say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone.,en,chanting
say or shout repeatedly in a sing-song tone.,en,chants
"a song with alternating solo and chorus, of a kind originally sung by sailors while performing physical labour together.",en,chanty
complete disorder and confusion.,en,chaos
in a state of complete confusion and disorder.,en,chaotic
"the lower jaw or half of the cheek, especially that of a pig used as food.",en,chap
vegetation consisting chiefly of tangled shrubs and thorny bushes.,en,chaparral
(in Indian cooking) a thin pancake of unleavened wholemeal bread cooked on a griddle.,en,chapati
(in Indian cooking) a thin pancake of unleavened wholemeal bread cooked on a griddle.,en,chapatis
(in Indian cooking) a thin pancake of unleavened wholemeal bread cooked on a griddle.,en,chapatti
(in Indian cooking) a thin pancake of unleavened wholemeal bread cooked on a griddle.,en,chapattis
belonging to or regularly attending a Nonconformist chapel.,en,chapel
"a small building or room used for Christian worship in a school, prison, hospital, or large private house.",en,chapels
accompany and look after or supervise.,en,chaperon
accompany and look after or supervise.,en,chaperone
accompany and look after or supervise.,en,chaperoned
accompany and look after or supervise.,en,chaperones
accompany and look after or supervise.,en,chaperoning
accompany and look after or supervise.,en,chaperons
"a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc.",en,chaplain
"the office or position of a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc.",en,chaplaincies
"the office or position of a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc.",en,chaplaincy
"a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment, etc.",en,chaplains
"(of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, especially through exposure to wind or cold weather.",en,chapped
another term for chap2.,en,chappies
"(of the skin) become cracked, rough, or sore, especially through exposure to wind or cold weather.",en,chapping
"the lower jaw or half of the cheek, especially that of a pig used as food.",en,chaps
"a main division of a book, typically with a number or title.",en,chapter
"a main division of a book, typically with a number or title.",en,chapters
"a freshwater or marine fish like the trout, of northern countries. It is valued as a food and game fish.",en,char
"an early form of bus, used typically for pleasure trips.",en,charabanc
"an early form of bus, used typically for pleasure trips.",en,charabancs
the creation or construction of a fictional character.,en,characterisations
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterise
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterised
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterises
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterising
"a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them.",en,characteristic
"in a way that is typical of a particular person, place, or thing.",en,characteristically
"a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them.",en,characteristics
the creation or construction of a fictional character.,en,characterization
the creation or construction of a fictional character.,en,characterizations
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterize
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterized
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterizes
describe the distinctive nature or features of.,en,characterizing
inscribe or write (something).,en,characters
an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.,en,charade
an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.,en,charades
cook over charcoal.,en,charcoal
a beet of a variety with broad edible white leaf stalks and green blades.,en,chard
"an ambassador's deputy.",en,charge
(of income) subject to tax.,en,chargeable
demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied.,en,charged
a large flat dish.,en,charger
a large flat dish.,en,chargers
"an ambassador's deputy.",en,charges
demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied.,en,charging
convey in or as in a chariot.,en,chariot
a chariot driver.,en,charioteer
a chariot driver.,en,charioteers
convey in or as in a chariot.,en,chariots
compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.,en,charisma
an adherent of the charismatic movement.,en,charismatic
an adherent of the charismatic movement.,en,charismatics
relating to the assistance of those in need.,en,charitable
in a way that relates to the assistance of those in need.,en,charitably
an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.,en,charities
an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.,en,charity
a charwoman.,en,charladies
a charwoman.,en,charlady
a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.,en,charlatan
a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.,en,charlatans
a fool.,en,charlie
a fool.,en,charlies
"denoting a flavour (variety) of unstable quark having an electric charge of + 2/3. Charm quarks have similar properties to up quarks and top quarks, but are distinguished from them by having an intermediate mass.",en,charm
delight greatly.,en,charmed
"a person with an attractive and engaging personality, typically one who uses this to impress or manipulate others.",en,charmer
"a person with an attractive and engaging personality, typically one who uses this to impress or manipulate others.",en,charmers
delight greatly.,en,charming
in a very pleasant or attractive way.,en,charmingly
unattractive or unpleasant.,en,charmless
delight greatly.,en,charms
work as a charwoman.,en,charred
work as a charwoman.,en,charring
work as a charwoman.,en,chars
make a map of (an area).,en,chart
make a map of (an area).,en,charted
"grant a charter to (a city, company, university, or other body).",en,charter
"grant a charter to (a city, company, university, or other body).",en,chartered
"grant a charter to (a city, company, university, or other body).",en,chartering
"grant a charter to (a city, company, university, or other body).",en,charters
make a map of (an area).,en,charting
a pale green or yellow liqueur made from brandy and aromatic herbs.,en,chartreuse
make a map of (an area).,en,charts
a woman employed as a cleaner in a house or office.,en,charwoman
a woman employed as a cleaner in a house or office.,en,charwomen
cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.,en,chary
the part of a gun enclosing the bore.,en,chase
"engrave (metal, or a design on metal).",en,chased
a person or thing that pursues someone or something.,en,chaser
a person or thing that pursues someone or something.,en,chasers
the part of a gun enclosing the bore.,en,chases
"engrave (metal, or a design on metal).",en,chasing
"a deep fissure in the earth's surface.",en,chasm
"a deep fissure in the earth's surface.",en,chasms
"the base frame of a car, carriage, or other wheeled vehicle.",en,chassis
"abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse.",en,chaste
(of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on.,en,chasten
(of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on.,en,chastened
(of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on.,en,chastening
(of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on.,en,chastens
rebuke or reprimand severely.,en,chastise
rebuke or reprimand severely.,en,chastised
rebuke or reprimand severely.,en,chastises
rebuke or reprimand severely.,en,chastising
"the state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or especially from all, sexual intercourse.",en,chastity
an ornate sleeveless outer vestment worn by a Catholic or High Anglican priest when celebrating Mass.,en,chasuble
an ornate sleeveless outer vestment worn by a Catholic or High Anglican priest when celebrating Mass.,en,chasubles
"a small Old World songbird of the thrush family, with black, white, and brown coloration and a harsh call.",en,chat
"a large French country house or castle, often giving its name to wine made in its neighbourhood.",en,chateau
"a large French country house or castle, often giving its name to wine made in its neighbourhood.",en,chateaus
"a large French country house or castle, often giving its name to wine made in its neighbourhood.",en,chateaux
a woman in charge of a large house.,en,chatelaine
a woman in charge of a large house.,en,chatelaines
a telephone service which allows conversation among a number of separate callers.,en,chatline
a telephone service which allows conversation among a number of separate callers.,en,chatlines
"a small Old World songbird of the thrush family, with black, white, and brown coloration and a harsh call.",en,chats
talk in a friendly and informal way.,en,chatted
(in general use) a personal possession.,en,chattel
(in general use) a personal possession.,en,chattels
informal talk.,en,chatter
a person who likes to chatter.,en,chatterbox
a person who likes to chatter.,en,chatterboxes
talk informally about unimportant matters.,en,chattered
talk informally about unimportant matters.,en,chattering
talk informally about unimportant matters.,en,chatters
readily engaging in informal talk.,en,chattier
readily engaging in informal talk.,en,chattiest
talk in a friendly and informal way.,en,chatting
readily engaging in informal talk.,en,chatty
"drive (a car or a passenger in a car), typically as part of one's job.",en,chauffeur
"drive (a car or a passenger in a car), typically as part of one's job.",en,chauffeured
"drive (a car or a passenger in a car), typically as part of one's job.",en,chauffeuring
"drive (a car or a passenger in a car), typically as part of one's job.",en,chauffeurs
exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.,en,chauvinism
relating to or characteristic of a chauvinist.,en,chauvinist
feeling or displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.,en,chauvinistic
a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.,en,chauvinists
at or for a low price.,en,cheap
reduce the price of.,en,cheapen
reduce the price of.,en,cheapened
reduce the price of.,en,cheapening
reduce the price of.,en,cheapens
"low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services.",en,cheaper
"low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services.",en,cheapest
in an inexpensive way.,en,cheaply
"the quality of being low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services.",en,cheapness
something that is inexpensive and tyically of inferior quality.,en,cheapo
a miserly person.,en,cheapskate
a miserly person.,en,cheapskates
a person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.,en,cheat
act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.,en,cheated
act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.,en,cheating
a person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.,en,cheats
"an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.",en,check
a book of printed cheques ready for use.,en,checkbook
a book of printed cheques ready for use.,en,checkbooks
"examine (something) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something.",en,checked
divide into or mark with an arrangement of squares of different colour or character.,en,checker
"a board for playing checkers (draughts) and similar games, having a regular pattern of squares in alternating colours, typically black and white.",en,checkerboard
"a board for playing checkers (draughts) and similar games, having a regular pattern of squares in alternating colours, typically black and white.",en,checkerboards
having a pattern consisting of alternating squares of different colours.,en,checkered
divide into or mark with an arrangement of squares of different colour or character.,en,checkers
"examine (something) in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition, or to detect the presence of something.",en,checking
"a list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder.",en,checklist
"a list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder.",en,checklists
put into checkmate.,en,checkmate
put into checkmate.,en,checkmated
put into checkmate.,en,checkmates
put into checkmate.,en,checkmating
a point at which goods are paid for in a supermarket or similar store.,en,checkout
a point at which goods are paid for in a supermarket or similar store.,en,checkouts
"a barrier or manned entrance, typically at a border, where security checks are carried out on travellers.",en,checkpoint
"a barrier or manned entrance, typically at a border, where security checks are carried out on travellers.",en,checkpoints
a cloakroom in a hotel or theatre.,en,checkroom
a cloakroom in a hotel or theatre.,en,checkrooms
"an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.",en,checks
"a thorough examination, especially a medical or dental one, to detect any problems.",en,checkup
"a thorough examination, especially a medical or dental one, to detect any problems.",en,checkups
"a kind of firm smooth yellow cheese, originally made in Cheddar in south-western England.",en,cheddar
speak impertinently to.,en,cheek
the bone below the eye.,en,cheekbone
the bone below the eye.,en,cheekbones
speak impertinently to.,en,cheeked
showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that is amusing or appealing.,en,cheekier
showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that is amusing or appealing.,en,cheekiest
in an appealingly irreverent way.,en,cheekily
speak impertinently to.,en,cheeking
speak impertinently to.,en,cheeks
showing a lack of respect or politeness in a way that is amusing or appealing.,en,cheeky
"make a short, high squeaky sound.",en,cheep
"make a short, high squeaky sound.",en,cheeped
"make a short, high squeaky sound.",en,cheeping
"make a short, high squeaky sound.",en,cheeps
"a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy.",en,cheer
shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.,en,cheered
noticeably happy and optimistic.,en,cheerful
in a cheerful way.,en,cheerfully
the quality or state of being noticeably happy and optimistic.,en,cheerfulness
happy and optimistic.,en,cheerier
happy and optimistic.,en,cheeriest
in a happy and optimistic way.,en,cheerily
shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.,en,cheering
"a member of a team that performs organized cheering, chanting, and dancing in support of a sports team at matches.",en,cheerleader
"a member of a team that performs organized cheering, chanting, and dancing in support of a sports team at matches.",en,cheerleaders
gloomy; depressing.,en,cheerless
"a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy.",en,cheers
happy and optimistic.,en,cheery
"exasperate, frustrate, or bore (someone).",en,cheese
a selection of cheeses served as a course of a meal.,en,cheeseboard
a selection of cheeses served as a course of a meal.,en,cheeseboards
"a burger with a slice of cheese on it, served in a bread roll.",en,cheeseburger
"a burger with a slice of cheese on it, served in a bread roll.",en,cheeseburgers
a kind of rich sweet tart made with cream and soft cheese on a biscuit base.,en,cheesecake
a kind of rich sweet tart made with cream and soft cheese on a biscuit base.,en,cheesecakes
"thin, loosely woven, unsized cotton cloth, used typically for light clothing and in preparing or protecting food.",en,cheesecloth
"exasperate, frustrate, or bore (someone).",en,cheeses
"like cheese in taste, smell, or consistency.",en,cheesier
"like cheese in taste, smell, or consistency.",en,cheesiest
"like cheese in taste, smell, or consistency.",en,cheesy
a large slender spotted cat found in Africa and parts of Asia. It is the fastest animal on land.,en,cheetah
a large slender spotted cat found in Africa and parts of Asia. It is the fastest animal on land.,en,cheetahs
work as a chef.,en,chef
work as a chef.,en,chefs
"a distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially prepared or purified.",en,chemical
"in a way that relates to chemistry, or to the interactions of substances as studied in chemistry.",en,chemically
"a distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially prepared or purified.",en,chemicals
"a dress hanging straight from the shoulders, popular in the 1920s.",en,chemise
"a dress hanging straight from the shoulders, popular in the 1920s.",en,chemises
"a shop where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold, and in which toiletries and other medical goods can be purchased.",en,chemist
"the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.",en,chemistry
"a shop where medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold, and in which toiletries and other medical goods can be purchased.",en,chemists
"the treatment of disease by the use of chemical substances, especially the treatment of cancer by cytotoxic and other drugs.",en,chemotherapy
"a tufty, velvety cord or yarn, used for trimming furniture and made into carpets or clothing.",en,chenille
"an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.",en,cheque
a book of printed cheques ready for use.,en,chequebook
a book of printed cheques ready for use.,en,chequebooks
divide into or mark with an arrangement of squares of different colour or character.,en,chequered
"an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.",en,cheques
protect and care for (someone) lovingly.,en,cherish
protect and care for (someone) lovingly.,en,cherished
protect and care for (someone) lovingly.,en,cherishes
protect and care for (someone) lovingly.,en,cherishing
a cigar with both ends open.,en,cheroot
a cigar with both ends open.,en,cheroots
"a small, soft round stone fruit that is typically bright or dark red.",en,cherries
"a small, soft round stone fruit that is typically bright or dark red.",en,cherry
"a winged angelic being described in biblical tradition as attending on God, represented in ancient Middle Eastern art as a lion or bull with eagles' wings and a human face and regarded in traditional Christian angelology as an angel of the second highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.",en,cherub
having the innocence or plump prettiness of a young child.,en,cherubic
"a winged angelic being described in biblical tradition as attending on God, represented in ancient Middle Eastern art as a lion or bull with eagles' wings and a human face and regarded in traditional Christian angelology as an angel of the second highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.",en,cherubim
"a winged angelic being described in biblical tradition as attending on God, represented in ancient Middle Eastern art as a lion or bull with eagles' wings and a human face and regarded in traditional Christian angelology as an angel of the second highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.",en,cherubs
"a Eurasian plant of the parsley family, with delicate fernlike leaves that are used as a culinary herb.",en,chervil
"a board game of strategic skill for two players, played on a chequered board on which each playing piece is moved according to precise rules. The object is to put the opponent's king under a direct attack from which escape is impossible ( checkmate ).",en,chess
"a square board divided into sixty-four alternating dark and light squares (conventionally called ‘black’ and ‘white’), used for playing chess or draughts (checkers).",en,chessboard
"a square board divided into sixty-four alternating dark and light squares (conventionally called ‘black’ and ‘white’), used for playing chess or draughts (checkers).",en,chessboards
a solid figure used as a chess piece.,en,chessman
a solid figure used as a chess piece.,en,chessmen
"propel (the ball) by means of one's chest.",en,chest
a glossy hard brown edible nut which develops within a bristly case and which may be roasted and eaten.,en,chestnut
a glossy hard brown edible nut which develops within a bristly case and which may be roasted and eaten.,en,chestnuts
"propel (the ball) by means of one's chest.",en,chests
having a lot of catarrh in the lungs.,en,chesty
"a V-shaped line or stripe, especially one on the sleeve of a uniform indicating rank or length of service.",en,chevron
"a V-shaped line or stripe, especially one on the sleeve of a uniform indicating rank or length of service.",en,chevrons
a repeated biting or gnawing of something.,en,chew
"bite and work (food) in the mouth with the teeth, especially to make it easier to swallow.",en,chewed
(of food) needing to be chewed hard or for some time before being swallowed.,en,chewier
(of food) needing to be chewed hard or for some time before being swallowed.,en,chewiest
"bite and work (food) in the mouth with the teeth, especially to make it easier to swallow.",en,chewing
a repeated biting or gnawing of something.,en,chews
chewing gum.,en,chewy
the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.,en,chiaroscuro
"stylishness and elegance, typically of a specified kind.",en,chic
employ chicanery.,en,chicane
"the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose.",en,chicanery
employ chicanery.,en,chicanes
(in South Asia) a folding bamboo screen for a doorway.,en,chick
"a North American titmouse, in particular: the black-capped chickadee ( Parus atricapillus ), with distinctive black cap and throat, and the similar but smaller Carolina chickadee ( P. carolinensis ).",en,chickadee
"a North American titmouse, in particular: the black-capped chickadee ( Parus atricapillus ), with distinctive black cap and throat, and the similar but smaller Carolina chickadee ( P. carolinensis ).",en,chickadees
withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.,en,chicken
withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.,en,chickened
food for poultry.,en,chickenfeed
withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.,en,chickening
an infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of itchy inflamed pimples which turn to blisters and then loose scabs. It is caused by the herpes zoster virus and mainly affects children.,en,chickenpox
withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.,en,chickens
a worthless or contemptible person.,en,chickenshit
a worthless or contemptible person.,en,chickenshits
"a round yellowish edible seed, widely used as a pulse.",en,chickpea
"a round yellowish edible seed, widely used as a pulse.",en,chickpeas
(in South Asia) a folding bamboo screen for a doorway.,en,chicks
"a small, widespread, white-flowered plant of the pink family, often growing as a garden weed, and sometimes eaten by poultry.",en,chickweed
"a blue-flowered Mediterranean plant of the daisy family, cultivated for its edible salad leaves and carrot-shaped root.",en,chicory
scold or rebuke.,en,chide
scold or rebuke.,en,chided
scold or rebuke.,en,chides
scold or rebuke.,en,chiding
most important.,en,chief
a leader or ruler of a people or clan.,en,chiefs
the leader of a people or clan.,en,chieftain
the leader of a people or clan.,en,chieftains
"a light, transparent fabric typically made of silk or nylon.",en,chiffon
"a knot or coil of hair arranged on the back of a woman's head.",en,chignon
"a knot or coil of hair arranged on the back of a woman's head.",en,chignons
a very small dog of a smooth-haired large-eyed breed originating in Mexico.,en,chihuahua
a very small dog of a smooth-haired large-eyed breed originating in Mexico.,en,chihuahuas
"a painful, itching swelling on a hand or foot, caused by poor circulation in the skin when exposed to cold.",en,chilblain
"a painful, itching swelling on a hand or foot, caused by poor circulation in the skin when exposed to cold.",en,chilblains
a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.,en,child
the process of giving birth to children.,en,childbearing
the process of giving birth to a child.,en,childbirth
"the care of children, especially by a crèche, nursery, or childminder while parents are working.",en,childcare
the state or period of being a child.,en,childhood
the state or period of being a child.,en,childhoods
"of, like, or appropriate to a child.",en,childish
in the manner of a child.,en,childishly
not having any children.,en,childless
the state of having no children.,en,childlessness
"(of an adult) having the good qualities, such as innocence, associated with a child.",en,childlike
a person who looks after children in their own home for payment.,en,childminder
a person who looks after children in their own home for payment.,en,childminders
"look after children in one's own home for payment.",en,childminding
make inaccessible to children.,en,childproof
a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.,en,children
"a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size, colour, and strength of flavour.",en,chili
"a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size, colour, and strength of flavour.",en,chilies
make (someone) cold.,en,chilled
"a machine for cooling something, especially a cold cabinet or refrigerator for keeping stored food a few degrees above freezing point.",en,chiller
"a machine for cooling something, especially a cold cabinet or refrigerator for keeping stored food a few degrees above freezing point.",en,chillers
"a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size, colour, and strength of flavour.",en,chilli
uncomfortably or unpleasantly cold.,en,chillier
"a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used in sauces, relishes, and spice powders. There are various forms with pods of differing size, colour, and strength of flavour.",en,chillies
uncomfortably or unpleasantly cold.,en,chilliest
make (someone) cold.,en,chilling
in an unsettling or horrifying way.,en,chillingly
make (someone) cold.,en,chills
uncomfortably or unpleasantly cold.,en,chilly
"(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.",en,chimaera
"(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.",en,chimaeras
the projecting rim at the end of a cask.,en,chime
"(of a bell or clock) make melodious ringing sounds, typically to indicate the time.",en,chimed
"(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.",en,chimera
"(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.",en,chimeras
(of a mythical animal) formed from parts of various animals.,en,chimerical
the projecting rim at the end of a cask.,en,chimes
"(of a bell or clock) make melodious ringing sounds, typically to indicate the time.",en,chiming
a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building.,en,chimney
a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building.,en,chimneys
a chimpanzee.,en,chimp
"a great ape with large ears, mainly black coloration, and lighter skin on the face, native to the forests of west and central Africa. Chimpanzees show advanced behaviour such as the making and using of tools.",en,chimpanzee
"a great ape with large ears, mainly black coloration, and lighter skin on the face, native to the forests of west and central Africa. Chimpanzees show advanced behaviour such as the making and using of tools.",en,chimpanzees
a chimpanzee.,en,chimps
relating to the Chin or their language.,en,chin
a fine white or translucent vitrified ceramic material.,en,china
a small South American rodent with soft grey fur and a long bushy tail.,en,chinchilla
a small South American rodent with soft grey fur and a long bushy tail.,en,chinchillas
a Chinese person.,en,chink
"make or cause to make a light, high-pitched ringing sound, as of glasses or coins striking together.",en,chinked
"make or cause to make a light, high-pitched ringing sound, as of glasses or coins striking together.",en,chinking
a Chinese person.,en,chinks
(of a person) lacking a well-defined chin.,en,chinless
"a cotton twill fabric, typically khaki-coloured.",en,chinos
a member of a people of south-western Burma (Myanmar) and neighbouring parts of India and Bangladesh.,en,chins
"a strap attached to a hat, helmet, or other headgear, designed to hold it in place by fitting under the wearer's chin.",en,chinstrap
"a strap attached to a hat, helmet, or other headgear, designed to hold it in place by fitting under the wearer's chin.",en,chinstraps
"printed multicoloured cotton fabric with a glazed finish, used for curtains and upholstery.",en,chintz
"of, like, or decorated with chintz.",en,chintzier
"of, like, or decorated with chintz.",en,chintziest
"of, like, or decorated with chintz.",en,chintzy
have a chat.,en,chinwag
have a chat.,en,chinwags
cut or break (a small piece) from a hard material.,en,chip
"material made in rigid sheets from compressed wood chips and resin, often coated or veneered, used in furniture, buildings, etc.",en,chipboard
"a burrowing ground squirrel with cheek pouches and light and dark stripes running down the body, found in North America and northern Eurasia.",en,chipmunk
"a burrowing ground squirrel with cheek pouches and light and dark stripes running down the body, found in North America and northern Eurasia.",en,chipmunks
a small thin sausage.,en,chipolata
a small thin sausage.,en,chipolatas
cut or break (a small piece) from a hard material.,en,chipped
a person or thing that turns something into chips.,en,chipper
a prostitute.,en,chippie
a prostitute.,en,chippies
cut or break (a small piece) from a hard material.,en,chipping
"a small fragment of stone, wood, or similar material.",en,chippings
a prostitute.,en,chippy
cut or break (a small piece) from a hard material.,en,chips
a person who treats the feet and their ailments.,en,chiropodist
a person who treats the feet and their ailments.,en,chiropodists
the treatment of the feet and their ailments.,en,chiropody
"a system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spinal column, which are believed to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs.",en,chiropractic
a practitioner of the system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.,en,chiropractor
a practitioner of the system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.,en,chiropractors
"a short, sharp, high-pitched sound.",en,chirp
"(of a small bird or an insect) make a short, sharp, high-pitched sound.",en,chirped
cheerful and lively.,en,chirpier
cheerful and lively.,en,chirpiest
"(of a small bird or an insect) make a short, sharp, high-pitched sound.",en,chirping
"a short, sharp, high-pitched sound.",en,chirps
cheerful and lively.,en,chirpy
"a short, high-pitched sound.",en,chirrup
"(of a small bird) make repeated short, high-pitched sounds.",en,chirruped
"(of a small bird) make repeated short, high-pitched sounds.",en,chirruping
"a short, high-pitched sound.",en,chirrups
cut or shape (something) with a chisel.,en,chisel
(of wood or stone) shaped or cut with a chisel.,en,chiseled
cut or shape (something) with a chisel.,en,chiseling
cut or shape (something) with a chisel.,en,chiselled
cut or shape (something) with a chisel.,en,chiselling
cut or shape (something) with a chisel.,en,chisels
cause (a potato) to sprout by placing it in a cool light place.,en,chit
cause (a potato) to sprout by placing it in a cool light place.,en,chits
"the smaller intestines of a pig, cooked as food.",en,chitterlings
"courteous and gallant, especially towards women (typically used of a man or his behaviour).",en,chivalrous
"the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.",en,chivalry
"a small Eurasian plant related to the onion, with purple-pink flowers and long tubular leaves which are used as a culinary herb.",en,chive
"a small Eurasian plant related to the onion, with purple-pink flowers and long tubular leaves which are used as a culinary herb.",en,chives
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivied
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivies
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivvied
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivvies
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivvy
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivvying
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivy
tell (someone) repeatedly to do something.,en,chivying
"a compound of chlorine with another element or group, especially a salt of the anion Cl− or an organic compound with chlorine bonded to an alkyl group.",en,chloride
"a compound of chlorine with another element or group, especially a salt of the anion Cl− or an organic compound with chlorine bonded to an alkyl group.",en,chlorides
impregnate or treat with chlorine.,en,chlorinate
impregnate or treat with chlorine.,en,chlorinated
impregnate or treat with chlorine.,en,chlorinates
impregnate or treat with chlorine.,en,chlorinating
"the chemical element of atomic number 17, a toxic, irritant, pale green gas.",en,chlorine
fuller form of CFC.,en,chlorofluorocarbon
fuller form of CFC.,en,chlorofluorocarbons
make (someone) unconscious with chloroform.,en,chloroform
make (someone) unconscious with chloroform.,en,chloroformed
make (someone) unconscious with chloroform.,en,chloroforming
make (someone) unconscious with chloroform.,en,chloroforms
"a green pigment, present in all green plants and in cyanobacteria, which is responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis.",en,chlorophyll
a chocolate.,en,choc
a person who is addicted to or very fond of chocolate.,en,chocaholic
a person who is addicted to or very fond of chocolate.,en,chocaholics
prevent the movement of (a wheel or vehicle) with a chock.,en,chock
prevent the movement of (a wheel or vehicle) with a chock.,en,chocks
a person who is addicted to or very fond of chocolate.,en,chocoholic
a person who is addicted to or very fond of chocolate.,en,chocoholics
"a food in the form of a paste or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as confectionery.",en,chocolate
"a food in the form of a paste or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as confectionery.",en,chocolates
a chocolate.,en,chocs
(especially of food) of very good quality.,en,choice
(especially of food) of very good quality.,en,choicer
an act of choosing between two or more possibilities.,en,choices
(especially of food) of very good quality.,en,choicest
"an organized group of singers, especially one that takes part in church services or performs in public.",en,choir
a boy who sings in a church or cathedral choir.,en,choirboy
a boy who sings in a church or cathedral choir.,en,choirboys
the conductor of a choir.,en,choirmaster
(of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air.,en,choked
a necklace or ornamental band of fabric that fits closely round the neck.,en,choker
a necklace or ornamental band of fabric that fits closely round the neck.,en,chokers
the inedible mass of silky fibres at the centre of a globe artichoke.,en,chokes
(of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air.,en,choking
"an infectious and often fatal bacterial disease of the small intestine, typically contracted from infected water supplies and causing severe vomiting and diarrhoea.",en,cholera
bad-tempered or irritable.,en,choleric
"a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues. Cholesterol and its derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and precursors of other steroid compounds, but a high proportion in the blood of low-density lipoprotein (which transports cholesterol to the tissues) is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.",en,cholesterol
a chewing noise or action.,en,chomp
munch or chew noisily or vigorously.,en,chomped
munch or chew noisily or vigorously.,en,chomping
a chewing noise or action.,en,chomps
pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.,en,choose
pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.,en,chooses
taking excessive care when making a choice.,en,choosier
taking excessive care when making a choice.,en,choosiest
pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.,en,choosing
taking excessive care when making a choice.,en,choosy
"a small dish that can conveniently be eaten with the fingers, typically served as an appetizer.",en,chop
cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or knife.,en,chopped
a short axe with a large blade.,en,chopper
a short axe with a large blade.,en,choppers
"(of a sea, lake, or river) having many small waves.",en,choppier
"(of a sea, lake, or river) having many small waves.",en,choppiest
cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or knife.,en,chopping
"(of a sea, lake, or river) having many small waves.",en,choppy
a trademark; a brand of goods.,en,chops
"each of a pair of small, thin, tapered sticks of wood, ivory, or plastic, held together in one hand and used as eating utensils especially by the Chinese and the Japanese.",en,chopstick
"each of a pair of small, thin, tapered sticks of wood, ivory, or plastic, held together in one hand and used as eating utensils especially by the Chinese and the Japanese.",en,chopsticks
composed for or sung by a choir or chorus.,en,choral
"a stately hymn tune, especially one associated with the German Lutheran Church.",en,chorale
"a stately hymn tune, especially one associated with the German Lutheran Church.",en,chorales
a straight line joining the ends of an arc.,en,chord
a straight line joining the ends of an arc.,en,chords
"a routine task, especially a household one.",en,chore
compose the sequence of steps and moves for (a ballet or other performance of dance).,en,choreograph
compose the sequence of steps and moves for (a ballet or other performance of dance).,en,choreographed
a person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance.,en,choreographer
a person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance.,en,choreographers
compose the sequence of steps and moves for (a ballet or other performance of dance).,en,choreographing
compose the sequence of steps and moves for (a ballet or other performance of dance).,en,choreographs
"the sequence of steps and movements in dance or figure skating, especially in a ballet or other staged dance.",en,choreography
"a routine task, especially a household one.",en,chores
"a member of a choir, especially a choirboy or choirgirl.",en,chorister
"a member of a choir, especially a choirboy or choirgirl.",en,choristers
"a noisy, gleeful laugh.",en,chortle
"laugh in a noisy, gleeful way.",en,chortled
"a noisy, gleeful laugh.",en,chortles
"laugh in a noisy, gleeful way.",en,chortling
(of a group of people) say the same thing at the same time.,en,chorus
(of a group of people) say the same thing at the same time.,en,chorused
(of a group of people) say the same thing at the same time.,en,choruses
(of a group of people) say the same thing at the same time.,en,chorusing
pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.,en,chose
pick out (someone or something) as being the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives.,en,chosen
"a rich soup typically containing fish, clams, or corn with potatoes and onions.",en,chowder
give (a baby) a Christian name at baptism as a sign of admission to a Christian Church.,en,christen
give (a baby) a Christian name at baptism as a sign of admission to a Christian Church.,en,christened
give (a baby) a Christian name at baptism as a sign of admission to a Christian Church.,en,christening
a Christian ceremony at which a baby is christened; a baptism.,en,christenings
give (a baby) a Christian name at baptism as a sign of admission to a Christian Church.,en,christens
a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity.,en,christian
relating to or using notes not belonging to the diatonic scale of the key in which a passage is written.,en,chromatic
chromium plate as a decorative or protective finish on motor-vehicle fittings and other objects.,en,chrome
"the chemical element of atomic number 24, a hard white metal used in stainless steel and other alloys.",en,chromium
involving or relating to chromosomes.,en,chromosomal
"a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.",en,chromosome
"a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.",en,chromosomes
(of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.,en,chronic
(in relation to illness) in a persistent and recurring way.,en,chronically
record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.,en,chronicle
record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.,en,chronicled
a person who writes accounts of important or historical events.,en,chronicler
a person who writes accounts of important or historical events.,en,chroniclers
record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.,en,chronicles
record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.,en,chronicling
an instrument for recording time with great accuracy.,en,chronograph
an instrument for recording time with great accuracy.,en,chronographs
(of a record of events) following the order in which they occurred.,en,chronological
in a way that follows the order in which events or records occurred.,en,chronologically
the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.,en,chronologies
the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.,en,chronology
"an instrument for measuring time accurately in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure.",en,chronometer
"an instrument for measuring time accurately in spite of motion or variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure.",en,chronometers
"a quiescent insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth.",en,chrysalis
"a quiescent insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth.",en,chrysalises
"a plant of the daisy family with brightly coloured ornamental flowers, existing in many cultivated varieties.",en,chrysanthemum
"a plant of the daisy family with brightly coloured ornamental flowers, existing in many cultivated varieties.",en,chrysanthemums
plump and rounded.,en,chubbier
plump and rounded.,en,chubbiest
plump and rounded.,en,chubby
"the sea, or an inlet of the sea which flows into a lake or river.",en,chuck
touch (someone) playfully under the chin.,en,chucked
touch (someone) playfully under the chin.,en,chucking
a quiet or suppressed laugh.,en,chuckle
laugh quietly or inwardly.,en,chuckled
a quiet or suppressed laugh.,en,chuckles
laugh quietly or inwardly.,en,chuckling
"the sea, or an inlet of the sea which flows into a lake or river.",en,chucks
(of a steam engine) move with a regular sharp puffing sound.,en,chuffed
a large gulp of a drink.,en,chug
consume (a drink) in large gulps without pausing.,en,chugged
consume (a drink) in large gulps without pausing.,en,chugging
a large gulp of a drink.,en,chugs
a large North Pacific salmon that is commercially important as a food fish.,en,chum
fish using chum as bait.,en,chummed
on friendly terms; friendly.,en,chummier
on friendly terms; friendly.,en,chummiest
fish using chum as bait.,en,chumming
on friendly terms; friendly.,en,chummy
a foolish or easily deceived person.,en,chump
a foolish or easily deceived person.,en,chumps
a large North Pacific salmon that is commercially important as a food fish.,en,chums
"move with or make a muffled, metallic sound.",en,chunk
bulky and thick.,en,chunkier
bulky and thick.,en,chunkiest
"move with or make a muffled, metallic sound.",en,chunks
bulky and thick.,en,chunky
talk or grumble monotonously.,en,chunter
talk or grumble monotonously.,en,chuntered
talk or grumble monotonously.,en,chuntering
talk or grumble monotonously.,en,chunters
take (a woman who has recently given birth) to church for a service of thanksgiving.,en,church
take (a woman who has recently given birth) to church for a service of thanksgiving.,en,churches
a person who goes to church regularly.,en,churchgoer
a person who goes to church regularly.,en,churchgoers
a male member of the Christian clergy or of a Church.,en,churchman
a male member of the Christian clergy or of a Church.,en,churchmen
"either of the two elected lay representatives in an Anglican parish, formally responsible for movable church property and for keeping order in church.",en,churchwarden
"either of the two elected lay representatives in an Anglican parish, formally responsible for movable church property and for keeping order in church.",en,churchwardens
a female member of the Christian clergy or of a Church.,en,churchwoman
a female member of the Christian clergy or of a Church.,en,churchwomen
"an enclosed area surrounding a church, especially as used for burials.",en,churchyard
"an enclosed area surrounding a church, especially as used for burials.",en,churchyards
rude in a mean-spirited and surly way.,en,churlish
shake (milk or cream) in a machine in order to produce butter.,en,churn
shake (milk or cream) in a machine in order to produce butter.,en,churned
shake (milk or cream) in a machine in order to produce butter.,en,churning
shake (milk or cream) in a machine in order to produce butter.,en,churns
a parachute.,en,chute
a parachute.,en,chutes
"a spicy condiment of Indian origin, made of fruits or vegetables with vinegar, spices, and sugar.",en,chutney
"a spicy condiment of Indian origin, made of fruits or vegetables with vinegar, spices, and sugar.",en,chutneys
extreme self-confidence or audacity.,en,chutzpah
"a large homopterous insect with long transparent wings, found chiefly in warm countries. The male cicada makes a loud, shrill droning noise by vibrating two membranes on its abdomen.",en,cicada
"a large homopterous insect with long transparent wings, found chiefly in warm countries. The male cicada makes a loud, shrill droning noise by vibrating two membranes on its abdomen.",en,cicadas
an alcoholic drink made from fermented apple juice.,en,cider
an alcoholic drink made from fermented apple juice.,en,ciders
a cylinder of tobacco rolled in tobacco leaves for smoking.,en,cigar
a thin cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking.,en,cigarette
a thin cylinder of finely cut tobacco rolled in paper for smoking.,en,cigarettes
a cylinder of tobacco rolled in tobacco leaves for smoking.,en,cigars
a cigarette.,en,ciggies
a cigarette.,en,ciggy
coriander used as a seasoning or garnish.,en,cilantro
secure (a garment) with a belt.,en,cinch
secure (a garment) with a belt.,en,cinched
secure (a garment) with a belt.,en,cinches
secure (a garment) with a belt.,en,cinching
a small piece of partly burnt coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it.,en,cinder
a small piece of partly burnt coal or wood that has stopped giving off flames but still has combustible matter in it.,en,cinders
a theatre where films are shown for public entertainment.,en,cinema
a theatre where films are shown for public entertainment.,en,cinemas
relating to the cinema.,en,cinematic
"a person who oversees or directs photography and camerawork in film-making, especially one who operates the camera.",en,cinematographer
"a person who oversees or directs photography and camerawork in film-making, especially one who operates the camera.",en,cinematographers
the art of photography and camerawork in film-making.,en,cinematography
"an aromatic spice made from the peeled, dried, and rolled bark of a SE Asian tree.",en,cinnamon
(of an organ pipe) sound continuously.,en,cipher
(of an organ pipe) sound continuously.,en,ciphers
(often preceding a date) approximately.,en,circa
"(of biological processes) recurring naturally on a twenty-four-hour cycle, even in the absence of light fluctuations.",en,circadian
"move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once.",en,circle
"move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once.",en,circled
"move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once.",en,circles
"a circular band, typically one made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament.",en,circlet
"a circular band, typically one made of precious metal, worn on the head as an ornament.",en,circlets
"move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once.",en,circling
move all the way around (a place or thing).,en,circuit
(of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way.,en,circuitous
electric circuits collectively.,en,circuitry
move all the way around (a place or thing).,en,circuits
a letter or advertisement that is distributed to a large number of people.,en,circular
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularise
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularised
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularises
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularising
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularize
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularized
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularizes
"distribute a large number of letters, leaflets, or questionnaires to (a group of people) in order to advertise something or canvass opinion.",en,circularizing
a letter or advertisement that is distributed to a large number of people.,en,circulars
move continuously or freely through a closed system or area.,en,circulate
move continuously or freely through a closed system or area.,en,circulated
move continuously or freely through a closed system or area.,en,circulates
move continuously or freely through a closed system or area.,en,circulating
"movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.",en,circulation
the public availability or knowledge of something.,en,circulations
relating to the circulation of blood or sap.,en,circulatory
"cut off the foreskin of (a young boy or man, especially a baby) as a religious rite, especially in Judaism and Islam, or as a medical treatment.",en,circumcise
"cut off the foreskin of (a young boy or man, especially a baby) as a religious rite, especially in Judaism and Islam, or as a medical treatment.",en,circumcised
"cut off the foreskin of (a young boy or man, especially a baby) as a religious rite, especially in Judaism and Islam, or as a medical treatment.",en,circumcises
"cut off the foreskin of (a young boy or man, especially a baby) as a religious rite, especially in Judaism and Islam, or as a medical treatment.",en,circumcising
the action or practice of circumcising a young boy or man.,en,circumcision
the action or practice of circumcising a young boy or man.,en,circumcisions
"the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle.",en,circumference
"the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle.",en,circumferences
bending round something else; curved.,en,circumflex
"a mark (^) placed over a vowel in some languages to indicate contraction, length, or a particular quality.",en,circumflexes
"the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive.",en,circumlocution
"the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive.",en,circumlocutions
"using many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive; long-winded.",en,circumlocutory
"sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world).",en,circumnavigate
"sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world).",en,circumnavigated
"sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world).",en,circumnavigates
"sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world).",en,circumnavigating
"the action or process of sailing or otherwise travelling all the way around something, especially the world.",en,circumnavigation
"the action or process of sailing or otherwise travelling all the way around something, especially the world.",en,circumnavigations
restrict (something) within limits.,en,circumscribe
restrict (something) within limits.,en,circumscribed
restrict (something) within limits.,en,circumscribes
restrict (something) within limits.,en,circumscribing
restriction of something within limits.,en,circumscription
wary and unwilling to take risks.,en,circumspect
the quality of being wary and unwilling to take risks; prudence.,en,circumspection
a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.,en,circumstance
a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.,en,circumstances
"pointing indirectly towards someone's guilt but not conclusively proving it.",en,circumstantial
find a way around (an obstacle).,en,circumvent
find a way around (an obstacle).,en,circumvented
find a way around (an obstacle).,en,circumventing
"the action of overcoming a problem or difficulty, typically in a clever and surreptitious way.",en,circumvention
find a way around (an obstacle).,en,circumvents
"a travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places.",en,circus
"a travelling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places.",en,circuses
"a chronic disease of the liver marked by degeneration of cells, inflammation, and fibrous thickening of tissue. It is typically a result of alcoholism or hepatitis.",en,cirrhosis
"cloud forming wispy filamentous tufted streaks or ‘mare's tails’ at high altitude (usually 5 to 13 km, 16,500 to 45,000 ft).",en,cirrus
a person regarded as effeminate or cowardly.,en,cissies
feeble and cowardly.,en,cissy
"a tank for storing water, especially one supplying taps or as part of a flushing toilet.",en,cistern
"a tank for storing water, especially one supplying taps or as part of a flushing toilet.",en,cisterns
"a fortress, typically one on high ground above a city.",en,citadel
"a fortress, typically one on high ground above a city.",en,citadels
"a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.",en,citation
"a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.",en,citations
a citation.,en,cite
"refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.",en,cited
a citation.,en,cites
a large town.,en,cities
"refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.",en,citing
"a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.",en,citizen
the citizens of a place regarded collectively.,en,citizenry
"a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized.",en,citizens
the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country.,en,citizenship
"a tree of a genus that includes citron, lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit. Native to Asia, citrus trees are cultivated in warm countries for their fruit.",en,citrus
"a tree of a genus that includes citron, lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit. Native to Asia, citrus trees are cultivated in warm countries for their fruit.",en,citruses
a large town.,en,city
throughout a city.,en,citywide
"a slender nocturnal carnivorous mammal with a barred and spotted coat and well-developed anal scent glands, native to Africa and Asia.",en,civet
"a slender nocturnal carnivorous mammal with a barred and spotted coat and well-developed anal scent glands, native to Africa and Asia.",en,civets
"relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal.",en,civic
the study of the rights and duties of citizenship.,en,civics
"relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.",en,civil
relating to civilians.,en,civilian
a person not in the armed services or the police force.,en,civilians
the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.,en,civilisation
the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.,en,civilisations
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilise
at an advanced stage of social and cultural development.,en,civilised
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilises
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilising
formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech.,en,civilities
formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech.,en,civility
the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.,en,civilization
the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.,en,civilizations
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilize
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilized
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilizes
bring (a place or people) to a stage of social and cultural development considered to be more advanced.,en,civilizing
"civilian clothes, as opposed to uniform.",en,civvies
a sharp sound or series of sounds.,en,clack
make a sharp sound or series of sounds as a result of a hard object striking another.,en,clacked
make a sharp sound or series of sounds as a result of a hard object striking another.,en,clacking
a sharp sound or series of sounds.,en,clacks
put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress.,en,clad
encase (a structure) with a covering or coating.,en,cladding
an assertion that something is true.,en,claim
"a person making a claim, especially in a lawsuit or for a state benefit.",en,claimant
"a person making a claim, especially in a lawsuit or for a state benefit.",en,claimants
"state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.",en,claimed
"state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.",en,claiming
an assertion that something is true.,en,claims
the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.,en,clairvoyance
having or exhibiting clairvoyance.,en,clairvoyant
a person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.,en,clairvoyants
dig for or collect clams.,en,clam
"a social gathering outdoors, especially for eating clams and other seafood.",en,clambake
"a social gathering outdoors, especially for eating clams and other seafood.",en,clambakes
an awkward and laborious climb or movement.,en,clamber
"climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet.",en,clambered
"climb or move in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet.",en,clambering
an awkward and laborious climb or movement.,en,clambers
dig for or collect clams.,en,clammed
unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch.,en,clammier
unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch.,en,clammiest
dig for or collect clams.,en,clamming
unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch.,en,clammy
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamor
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamored
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamoring
making a loud and confused noise.,en,clamorous
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamors
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamour
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamoured
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamouring
(of a group of people) shout loudly and insistently.,en,clamours
a heap of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth.,en,clamp
a concerted or harsh attempt to suppress something.,en,clampdown
a concerted or harsh attempt to suppress something.,en,clampdowns
fasten (something) in place with a clamp.,en,clamped
fasten (something) in place with a clamp.,en,clamping
a heap of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth.,en,clamps
dig for or collect clams.,en,clams
"a close-knit group of interrelated families, especially in the Scottish Highlands.",en,clan
"kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.",en,clandestine
in a secretive and illicit way.,en,clandestinely
make or cause to make a clang.,en,clang
make or cause to make a clang.,en,clanged
an absurd or embarrassing blunder.,en,clanger
an absurd or embarrassing blunder.,en,clangers
make or cause to make a clang.,en,clanging
a continuous loud banging or ringing sound.,en,clangor
a continuous loud banging or ringing sound.,en,clangour
make or cause to make a clang.,en,clangs
make or cause to make a clank.,en,clank
make or cause to make a clank.,en,clanked
make or cause to make a clank.,en,clanking
make or cause to make a clank.,en,clanks
(of a group or their activities) tending to exclude others outside the group.,en,clannish
"a close-knit group of interrelated families, especially in the Scottish Highlands.",en,clans
a male member of a clan.,en,clansman
a male member of a clan.,en,clansmen
a female member of a clan.,en,clanswoman
a female member of a clan.,en,clanswomen
"a venereal disease, especially gonorrhoea.",en,clap
"a long, thin, flat piece of wood with edges horizontally overlapping in series, used to cover the outer walls of buildings.",en,clapboard
"a long, thin, flat piece of wood with edges horizontally overlapping in series, used to cover the outer walls of buildings.",en,clapboards
"strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order to applaud someone or something.",en,clapped
the tongue or striker of a bell.,en,clapper
a pair of hinged boards that are struck together at the beginning of filming to synchronize the starting of picture and sound machinery.,en,clapperboard
a pair of hinged boards that are struck together at the beginning of filming to synchronize the starting of picture and sound machinery.,en,clapperboards
the tongue or striker of a bell.,en,clappers
"strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order to applaud someone or something.",en,clapping
an act of striking together the palms of the hands.,en,claps
absurd or nonsensical talk or ideas.,en,claptrap
"a red wine from Bordeaux, or wine of a similar character made elsewhere.",en,claret
"a red wine from Bordeaux, or wine of a similar character made elsewhere.",en,clarets
the action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible.,en,clarification
the action of making a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible.,en,clarifications
make (a statement or situation) less confused and more comprehensible.,en,clarified
make (a statement or situation) less confused and more comprehensible.,en,clarifies
make (a statement or situation) less confused and more comprehensible.,en,clarify
make (a statement or situation) less confused and more comprehensible.,en,clarifying
"a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece, a cylindrical tube with a flared end, and holes stopped by keys.",en,clarinet
a person who plays the clarinet.,en,clarinetist
a person who plays the clarinet.,en,clarinetists
"a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece, a cylindrical tube with a flared end, and holes stopped by keys.",en,clarinets
a person who plays the clarinet.,en,clarinettist
a person who plays the clarinet.,en,clarinettists
the quality of being coherent and intelligible.,en,clarity
meet and come into violent conflict.,en,clash
meet and come into violent conflict.,en,clashed
meet and come into violent conflict.,en,clashes
meet and come into violent conflict.,en,clashing
a device with interlocking parts used for fastening things together.,en,clasp
"grasp (something) tightly with one's hand.",en,clasped
"grasp (something) tightly with one's hand.",en,clasping
a device with interlocking parts used for fastening things together.,en,clasps
showing stylish excellence.,en,class
assign or regard as belonging to a particular category.,en,classed
assign or regard as belonging to a particular category.,en,classes
a work of art of recognized and established value.,en,classic
"relating to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture.",en,classical
"in a way that relates to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art, or culture.",en,classically
"the following of ancient Greek or Roman principles and style in art and literature, generally associated with harmony, restraint, and adherence to recognized standards of form and craftsmanship, especially from the Renaissance to the 18th century.",en,classicism
a person who studies Classics (ancient Greek and Latin).,en,classicist
a person who studies Classics (ancient Greek and Latin).,en,classicists
a work of art of recognized and established value.,en,classics
stylish and sophisticated.,en,classier
stylish and sophisticated.,en,classiest
the action or process of classifying something.,en,classification
the action or process of classifying something.,en,classifications
arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.,en,classified
small advertisements placed in a newspaper and organized in categories.,en,classifieds
arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.,en,classifies
arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.,en,classify
arrange (a group of people or things) in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics.,en,classifying
assign or regard as belonging to a particular category.,en,classing
(of a society) not divided into social classes.,en,classless
"a fellow member of a class at school, college, or university.",en,classmate
"a fellow member of a class at school, college, or university.",en,classmates
a room in which a class of pupils or students is taught.,en,classroom
a room in which a class of pupils or students is taught.,en,classrooms
stylish and sophisticated.,en,classy
make or cause to make a continuous rattling sound.,en,clatter
make or cause to make a continuous rattling sound.,en,clattered
make or cause to make a continuous rattling sound.,en,clattering
make or cause to make a continuous rattling sound.,en,clatters
a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.,en,clause
a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.,en,clauses
extreme or irrational fear of confined places.,en,claustrophobia
a person with an extreme or irrational fear of confined spaces.,en,claustrophobic
"a small rectangular keyboard instrument with a soft tone, used especially in private homes from the early 15th to early 19th centuries.",en,clavichord
"a small rectangular keyboard instrument with a soft tone, used especially in private homes from the early 15th to early 19th centuries.",en,clavichords
technical term for collarbone.,en,clavicle
technical term for collarbone.,en,clavicles
scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails.,en,claw
scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails.,en,clawed
scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails.,en,clawing
scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails.,en,claws
"a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth that can be moulded when wet, and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics.",en,clay
containing or resembling clay.,en,clayey
an act of cleaning something.,en,clean
"make clean; remove dirt, marks, or stains from.",en,cleaned
"free from dirt, marks, or stains.",en,cleaner
a person employed to clean the interior of a building.,en,cleaners
"free from dirt, marks, or stains.",en,cleanest
"make clean; remove dirt, marks, or stains from.",en,cleaning
the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean.,en,cleanliness
habitually clean and careful to avoid dirt.,en,cleanly
an act of cleaning something.,en,cleans
"a process or period of time during which a person attempts to rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy, typically by consuming only water or other liquids.",en,cleanse
"make (something, especially the skin) thoroughly clean.",en,cleansed
"a substance that cleanses something, especially a cosmetic product for cleansing the skin.",en,cleanser
"a substance that cleanses something, especially a cosmetic product for cleansing the skin.",en,cleansers
"a process or period of time during which a person attempts to rid the body of substances regarded as toxic or unhealthy, typically by consuming only water or other liquids.",en,cleanses
"make (something, especially the skin) thoroughly clean.",en,cleansing
an act of cleaning a place.,en,cleanup
an act of cleaning a place.,en,cleanups
remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from.,en,clear
the action or process of clearing or of being dispersed.,en,clearance
the action or process of clearing or of being dispersed.,en,clearances
remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from.,en,cleared
"easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.",en,clearer
"easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.",en,clearest
remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from.,en,clearing
"an open space in a forest, especially one cleared for cultivation.",en,clearings
in a clear manner; with clarity.,en,clearly
remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from.,en,clears
a main road other than a motorway on which vehicles are not normally permitted to stop.,en,clearway
a main road other than a motorway on which vehicles are not normally permitted to stop.,en,clearways
"a T-shaped piece of metal or wood on a boat or ship, to which ropes are attached.",en,cleat
"a T-shaped piece of metal or wood on a boat or ship, to which ropes are attached.",en,cleats
a sharp division; a split.,en,cleavage
a sharp division; a split.,en,cleavages
stick fast to.,en,cleave
stick fast to.,en,cleaved
"a tool with a heavy, broad blade, used by butchers for chopping meat.",en,cleaver
"a tool with a heavy, broad blade, used by butchers for chopping meat.",en,cleavers
stick fast to.,en,cleaves
stick fast to.,en,cleaving
"any of several symbols placed at the left hand end of a stave, indicating the pitch of the notes written on it.",en,clef
"any of several symbols placed at the left hand end of a stave, indicating the pitch of the notes written on it.",en,clefs
"split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain.",en,cleft
"a fissure or split, especially in rock or the ground.",en,clefts
"a climbing plant of the buttercup family which bears white, pink, or purple flowers and feathery seeds. Several kinds are cultivated as ornamentals.",en,clematis
"a climbing plant of the buttercup family which bears white, pink, or purple flowers and feathery seeds. Several kinds are cultivated as ornamentals.",en,clematises
mercy; lenience.,en,clemency
(of weather) mild.,en,clement
a tangerine of a deep orange-red North African variety which is grown around the Mediterranean and in South Africa.,en,clementine
a tangerine of a deep orange-red North African variety which is grown around the Mediterranean and in South Africa.,en,clementines
a contraction or tightening of part of the body.,en,clench
"(with reference to the fingers or hand) close into a tight ball, especially as a manifestation of extreme anger.",en,clenched
a contraction or tightening of part of the body.,en,clenches
"(with reference to the fingers or hand) close into a tight ball, especially as a manifestation of extreme anger.",en,clenching
"the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church.",en,clergy
"a male priest, minister, or religious leader, especially a Christian one.",en,clergyman
"a male priest, minister, or religious leader, especially a Christian one.",en,clergymen
"a female priest, minister, or religious leader, especially a Christian one.",en,clergywoman
"a female priest, minister, or religious leader, especially a Christian one.",en,clergywomen
"a priest or religious leader, especially a Christian or Muslim one.",en,cleric
"concerned with or relating to work in an office, especially routine documentation and administrative tasks.",en,clerical
"a priest or religious leader, especially a Christian or Muslim one.",en,clerics
work as a clerk.,en,clerk
work as a clerk.,en,clerked
work as a clerk.,en,clerking
work as a clerk.,en,clerks
"quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.",en,clever
"quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.",en,cleverer
"quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.",en,cleverest
"in an intelligent, original, or skilful way.",en,cleverly
the quality of being clever; intelligence or shrewdness.,en,cleverness
a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.,en,cliche
showing a lack of originality; based on frequently repeated phrases or opinions.,en,cliched
a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.,en,cliches
"make or cause to make a short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or of two hard objects coming smartly into contact.",en,click
"make or cause to make a short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or of two hard objects coming smartly into contact.",en,clicked
"make or cause to make a short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or of two hard objects coming smartly into contact.",en,clicking
"make or cause to make a short, sharp sound as of a switch being operated or of two hard objects coming smartly into contact.",en,clicks
a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company.,en,client
clients collectively.,en,clientele
a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company.,en,clients
"a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea.",en,cliff
"a dramatic and exciting ending to an episode of a serial, leaving the audience in suspense and anxious not to miss the next episode.",en,cliffhanger
"a dramatic and exciting ending to an episode of a serial, leaving the audience in suspense and anxious not to miss the next episode.",en,cliffhangers
"a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea.",en,cliffs
an area of land at the top of a cliff.,en,clifftop
an area of land at the top of a cliff.,en,clifftops
acting as a culmination or resolution to a series of events; forming an exciting climax.,en,climactic
the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.,en,climate
the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.,en,climates
relating to climate.,en,climatic
the scientific study of climate.,en,climatology
culminate in an exciting or impressive event; reach a climax.,en,climax
culminate in an exciting or impressive event; reach a climax.,en,climaxed
culminate in an exciting or impressive event; reach a climax.,en,climaxes
culminate in an exciting or impressive event; reach a climax.,en,climaxing
"an ascent, especially of a mountain or hill, by climbing.",en,climb
go or come up a (slope or staircase); ascend.,en,climbed
a person or animal that climbs.,en,climber
a person or animal that climbs.,en,climbers
go or come up a (slope or staircase); ascend.,en,climbing
"an ascent, especially of a mountain or hill, by climbing.",en,climbs
a region considered with reference to its climate.,en,clime
a region considered with reference to its climate.,en,climes
a struggle or scuffle at close quarters.,en,clinch
confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).,en,clinched
"a fact, argument, or event that settles a matter conclusively.",en,clincher
"a fact, argument, or event that settles a matter conclusively.",en,clinchers
a struggle or scuffle at close quarters.,en,clinches
confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).,en,clinching
a clingstone peach.,en,cling
"a thin transparent plastic film that adheres to surfaces and to itself, used as a wrapping or covering for food.",en,clingfilm
hold on tightly to.,en,clinging
a clingstone peach.,en,clings
(of a garment) liable to cling; clinging.,en,clingy
"an establishment or hospital department where outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, especially of a specialist nature.",en,clinic
relating to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies.,en,clinical
in a way that relates to the observation and treatment of actual patients rather than theoretical or laboratory studies.,en,clinically
a doctor having direct contact with patients rather than being involved with theoretical or laboratory studies.,en,clinician
a doctor having direct contact with patients rather than being involved with theoretical or laboratory studies.,en,clinicians
"an establishment or hospital department where outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, especially of a specialist nature.",en,clinics
make or cause to make a clink.,en,clinked
"something that is unsatisfactory, of poor quality, or a failure.",en,clinker
"something that is unsatisfactory, of poor quality, or a failure.",en,clinkers
make or cause to make a clink.,en,clinking
an act of clipping or trimming something.,en,clip
"a small board with a spring clip at the top, used for holding papers and providing support for writing.",en,clipboard
"a small board with a spring clip at the top, used for holding papers and providing support for writing.",en,clipboards
"cut short or trim (hair, vegetation, etc.) with shears or scissors.",en,clipped
an instrument for cutting or trimming small pieces off things.,en,clipper
an instrument for cutting or trimming small pieces off things.,en,clippers
"cut short or trim (hair, vegetation, etc.) with shears or scissors.",en,clipping
a small piece trimmed from something.,en,clippings
an act of clipping or trimming something.,en,clips
a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.,en,clique
a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them.,en,cliques
(of a group or place) tending to form or hold exclusive groups and so not welcoming to outsiders.,en,cliquey
(of a group or place) tending to form or hold exclusive groups and so not welcoming to outsiders.,en,cliquish
relating to or affecting the clitoris.,en,clitoral
"a small, sensitive, erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva.",en,clitoris
"a small, sensitive, erectile part of the female genitals at the anterior end of the vulva.",en,clitorises
dress in a cloak.,en,cloak
dress in a cloak.,en,cloaked
dress in a cloak.,en,cloaking
a room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.,en,cloakroom
a room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left.,en,cloakrooms
dress in a cloak.,en,cloaks
add enamelled decoration to (porcelain).,en,clobber
add enamelled decoration to (porcelain).,en,clobbered
add enamelled decoration to (porcelain).,en,clobbering
add enamelled decoration to (porcelain).,en,clobbers
a small translucent cover for protecting or forcing outdoor plants.,en,cloche
a small translucent cover for protecting or forcing outdoor plants.,en,cloches
an ornamental pattern woven or embroidered on the side of a stocking or sock near the ankle.,en,clock
"attain or register (a specified time, distance, or speed).",en,clocked
"attain or register (a specified time, distance, or speed).",en,clocking
an ornamental pattern woven or embroidered on the side of a stocking or sock near the ankle.,en,clocks
(of a direction) corresponding to the way in which the hands of a clock move round.,en,clockwise
driven by clockwork.,en,clockwork
a lump of earth or clay.,en,clod
"a large, heavy shoe.",en,clodhopper
"a large, heavy shoe.",en,clodhoppers
a lump of earth or clay.,en,clods
"block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.",en,clog
"block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.",en,clogged
"block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.",en,clogging
"block or become blocked with an accumulation of thick, wet matter.",en,clogs
seclude or shut up in a convent or monastery.,en,cloister
seclude or shut up in a convent or monastery.,en,cloistered
seclude or shut up in a convent or monastery.,en,cloisters
propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone.,en,clone
propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone.,en,cloned
propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone.,en,clones
propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone.,en,cloning
move with or make a clonk.,en,clonk
move with or make a clonk.,en,clonked
move with or make a clonk.,en,clonking
move with or make a clonk.,en,clonks
the end of an event or of a period of time or activity.,en,close
move so as to cover an opening.,en,closed
with little or no space or time in between.,en,closely
the quality of being only a short distance away or apart in space or time.,en,closeness
a sale of goods at reduced prices to get rid of superfluous stock.,en,closeout
a sale of goods at reduced prices to get rid of superfluous stock.,en,closeouts
very near to someone or something; with very little space between.,en,closer
move so as to cover an opening.,en,closes
only a short distance away or apart in space or time.,en,closest
"shut (someone) away, especially in private conference or study.",en,closet
"shut (someone) away, especially in private conference or study.",en,closeted
"shut (someone) away, especially in private conference or study.",en,closeting
"shut (someone) away, especially in private conference or study.",en,closets
move so as to cover an opening.,en,closing
apply the closure to (a debate or speaker) in a legislative assembly.,en,closure
apply the closure to (a debate or speaker) in a legislative assembly.,en,closures
form or cause to form clots.,en,clot
"woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fibre.",en,cloth
put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress.,en,clothe
put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress.,en,clothed
put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress.,en,clothes
"(chiefly in football and other sports) knock down (a runner) by placing one's outstretched arm in their path at neck level.",en,clothesline
"(chiefly in football and other sports) knock down (a runner) by placing one's outstretched arm in their path at neck level.",en,clotheslines
a wooden or plastic clip for securing clothes to a clothes line.,en,clothespin
a wooden or plastic clip for securing clothes to a clothes line.,en,clothespins
put clothes on (oneself or someone); dress.,en,clothing
"woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fibre.",en,cloths
form or cause to form clots.,en,clots
form or cause to form clots.,en,clotted
form or cause to form clots.,en,clotting
(of the sky) become overcast or gloomy.,en,cloud
a sudden violent rainstorm.,en,cloudburst
a sudden violent rainstorm.,en,cloudbursts
(of the sky) become overcast or gloomy.,en,clouded
(of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds.,en,cloudier
(of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds.,en,cloudiest
(of the sky) become overcast or gloomy.,en,clouding
clear and free of cloud.,en,cloudless
(of the sky) become overcast or gloomy.,en,clouds
(of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds.,en,cloudy
hit (someone or something) hard.,en,clout
hit (someone or something) hard.,en,clouted
hit (someone or something) hard.,en,clouting
hit (someone or something) hard.,en,clouts
"split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain.",en,clove
"split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain.",en,cloven
"a herbaceous plant of the pea family, with dense globular flower heads and leaves which are typically three-lobed. It is an important fodder and rotational crop.",en,clover
"any of the small bulbs making up a compound bulb of garlic, shallot, etc.",en,cloves
behave in a comical or playful way.,en,clown
behave in a comical or playful way.,en,clowned
behave in a comical or playful way.,en,clowning
"characteristic of or resembling a clown, especially in being foolish, playful, or humorously exaggerated.",en,clownish
behave in a comical or playful way.,en,clowns
"disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment.",en,cloying
beat (a person or animal) with a club or similar implement.,en,club
"suitable for membership of a club because of one's sociability or popularity.",en,clubbable
beat (a person or animal) with a club or similar implement.,en,clubbed
a person who frequently goes to clubs that play dance music.,en,clubber
a person who frequently goes to clubs that play dance music.,en,clubbers
beat (a person or animal) with a club or similar implement.,en,clubbing
a building having a bar and other facilities for the members of a club.,en,clubhouse
a building having a bar and other facilities for the members of a club.,en,clubhouses
the world of nightclubs and nightclubbers.,en,clubland
beat (a person or animal) with a club or similar implement.,en,clubs
"the short, low sound made by a hen.",en,cluck
"(of a hen) make a short, low sound.",en,clucked
"(of a hen) make a short, low sound.",en,clucking
"the short, low sound made by a hen.",en,clucks
inform someone about a particular matter.,en,clue
inform someone about a particular matter.,en,clued
"having no knowledge, understanding, or ability.",en,clueless
inform someone about a particular matter.,en,clues
form a clump or clumps.,en,clump
form a clump or clumps.,en,clumped
form a clump or clumps.,en,clumping
form a clump or clumps.,en,clumps
(of shoes or boots) heavy and inelegant.,en,clumpy
awkward in movement or in handling things.,en,clumsier
awkward in movement or in handling things.,en,clumsiest
in an awkward and careless way.,en,clumsily
"the quality of being awkward or careless in one's movements.",en,clumsiness
awkward in movement or in handling things.,en,clumsy
hold on tightly to.,en,clung
move with or make a clunk.,en,clunk
move with or make a clunk.,en,clunked
a dilapidated vehicle or machine.,en,clunker
a dilapidated vehicle or machine.,en,clunkers
move with or make a clunk.,en,clunking
move with or make a clunk.,en,clunks
"solid, heavy, and old-fashioned.",en,clunky
form a cluster or clusters.,en,cluster
form a cluster or clusters.,en,clustered
form a cluster or clusters.,en,clustering
form a cluster or clusters.,en,clusters
"a slim, flat handbag without handles or a strap.",en,clutch
grasp (something) tightly.,en,clutched
"a slim, flat handbag without handles or a strap.",en,clutches
grasp (something) tightly.,en,clutching
a collection of things lying about in an untidy state.,en,clutter
cover or fill (something) with an untidy collection of things.,en,cluttered
cover or fill (something) with an untidy collection of things.,en,cluttering
cover or fill (something) with an untidy collection of things.,en,clutters
train or instruct (a team or player).,en,coach
train or instruct (a team or player).,en,coached
train or instruct (a team or player).,en,coaches
train or instruct (a team or player).,en,coaching
a group of people travelling in a coach.,en,coachload
a group of people travelling in a coach.,en,coachloads
a driver of a horse-drawn carriage.,en,coachman
a driver of a horse-drawn carriage.,en,coachmen
the bodywork of a road or railway vehicle.,en,coachwork
"(of a fluid, especially blood) change to a solid or semi-solid state.",en,coagulate
"(of a fluid, especially blood) change to a solid or semi-solid state.",en,coagulated
"(of a fluid, especially blood) change to a solid or semi-solid state.",en,coagulates
"(of a fluid, especially blood) change to a solid or semi-solid state.",en,coagulating
"the action or process of a liquid, especially blood, changing to a solid or semi-solid state.",en,coagulation
provide with a supply of coal.,en,coal
come together to form one mass or whole.,en,coalesce
come together to form one mass or whole.,en,coalesced
the joining or merging of elements to form one mass or whole.,en,coalescence
come together to form one mass or whole.,en,coalesces
come together to form one mass or whole.,en,coalescing
an exposed surface of coal in a mine.,en,coalface
an exposed surface of coal in a mine.,en,coalfaces
an extensive area containing a number of underground coal strata.,en,coalfield
an extensive area containing a number of underground coal strata.,en,coalfields
"a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.",en,coalition
"a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.",en,coalitions
an excavation in the earth for extracting coal.,en,coalmine
an excavation in the earth for extracting coal.,en,coalmines
provide with a supply of coal.,en,coals
rough or harsh in texture.,en,coarse
in a coarse manner.,en,coarsely
make or become rough.,en,coarsen
make or become rough.,en,coarsened
the quality of being rough or harsh.,en,coarseness
make or become rough.,en,coarsening
make or become rough.,en,coarsens
rough or harsh in texture.,en,coarser
rough or harsh in texture.,en,coarsest
(of a person or vehicle) move easily without using power.,en,coast
of or near a coast.,en,coastal
(of a person or vehicle) move easily without using power.,en,coasted
a small mat for a bottle or glass.,en,coaster
a small mat for a bottle or glass.,en,coasters
an organization keeping watch on coastal waters in order to assist people or ships in danger and to prevent smuggling.,en,coastguard
an organization keeping watch on coastal waters in order to assist people or ships in danger and to prevent smuggling.,en,coastguards
(of a person or vehicle) move easily without using power.,en,coasting
the land along a coast.,en,coastline
the land along a coast.,en,coastlines
(of a person or vehicle) move easily without using power.,en,coasts
provide with a layer or covering of something.,en,coat
provide with a layer or covering of something.,en,coated
provide with a layer or covering of something.,en,coating
a thin layer or covering of something.,en,coatings
a cloakroom.,en,coatroom
a cloakroom.,en,coatrooms
provide with a layer or covering of something.,en,coats
each of the flaps formed by the back of a tailcoat.,en,coattails
gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.,en,coaxed
gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.,en,coaxes
gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do something.,en,coaxing
"a fish of the drum family, especially the kabeljou.",en,cob
"the chemical element of atomic number 27, a hard silvery-white magnetic metal.",en,cobalt
a companion or friend (often used as a form of address between men).,en,cobber
a companion or friend (often used as a form of address between men).,en,cobbers
roughly assemble or produce something from available parts or elements.,en,cobble
roughly assemble or produce something from available parts or elements.,en,cobbled
a person whose job is mending shoes.,en,cobbler
a person whose job is mending shoes.,en,cobblers
roughly assemble or produce something from available parts or elements.,en,cobbles
another term for cobble1.,en,cobblestone
another term for cobble1.,en,cobblestones
roughly assemble or produce something from available parts or elements.,en,cobbling
the central cylindrical woody part of the maize ear to which the grains are attached.,en,cobnut
the central cylindrical woody part of the maize ear to which the grains are attached.,en,cobnuts
"(in the UK) a government committee, typically chaired by the prime minister or a senior minister, that is specially convened as a result of a major emergency in order to coordinate the response of the various government departments and agencies responsible for handling the situation.",en,cobra
a highly venomous African or Asian snake that spreads the skin of its neck into a hood when disturbed.,en,cobras
the central cylindrical woody part of the maize ear to which the grains are attached.,en,cobs
"a spider's web, especially when old and dusty.",en,cobweb
"a spider's web, especially when old and dusty.",en,cobwebs
"an addictive drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as an illegal stimulant and sometimes medicinally as a local anaesthetic.",en,cocaine
"a small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans and some apes, formed of fused vestigial vertebrae.",en,coccyges
"a small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans and some apes, formed of fused vestigial vertebrae.",en,coccyx
"a small triangular bone at the base of the spinal column in humans and some apes, formed of fused vestigial vertebrae.",en,coccyxes
"a scarlet dye used for colouring food, made from the crushed dried bodies of a female scale insect.",en,cochineal
"the spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.",en,cochlea
"the spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.",en,cochleae
pile (hay or other material) into cocks.,en,cock
"a rosette or knot of ribbons worn in a hat as a badge of office, or as part of a livery.",en,cockade
"a rosette or knot of ribbons worn in a hat as a badge of office, or as part of a livery.",en,cockades
ridiculous; implausible.,en,cockamamie
"a parrot with an erectile crest, found in Australia, eastern Indonesia, and neighbouring islands.",en,cockatoo
"a parrot with an erectile crest, found in Australia, eastern Indonesia, and neighbouring islands.",en,cockatoos
"a large brown European beetle which flies at dusk and is a destructive plant pest, both as an adult and a larva.",en,cockchafer
"a large brown European beetle which flies at dusk and is a destructive plant pest, both as an adult and a larva.",en,cockchafers
pile (hay or other material) into cocks.,en,cocked
a young domestic cock.,en,cockerel
a young domestic cock.,en,cockerels
crooked or askew; not level.,en,cockeyed
the sport (illegal in the UK and some other countries) of setting two cocks to fight each other.,en,cockfighting
conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way.,en,cockier
conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way.,en,cockiest
pile (hay or other material) into cocks.,en,cocking
(of paper) form wrinkles or puckers.,en,cockle
(of paper) form wrinkles or puckers.,en,cockles
of or characteristic of cockneys or their dialect or accent.,en,cockney
"a native of East London, traditionally one born within hearing of Bow Bells.",en,cockneys
"a compartment for the pilot, and sometimes also the crew, in an aircraft or spacecraft.",en,cockpit
"a compartment for the pilot, and sometimes also the crew, in an aircraft or spacecraft.",en,cockpits
"a scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. Several tropical kinds have become established worldwide as household pests.",en,cockroach
"a scavenging insect that resembles a beetle, having long antennae and legs and typically a broad, flattened body. Several tropical kinds have become established worldwide as household pests.",en,cockroaches
pile (hay or other material) into cocks.,en,cocks
the crest or comb of a domestic cock.,en,cockscomb
the crest or comb of a domestic cock.,en,cockscombs
confident in an excessive or arrogant way.,en,cocksure
"an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.",en,cocktail
"an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.",en,cocktails
"a farmer, originally one with a small holding.",en,cocky
a powder made from roasted and ground cacao seeds.,en,cocoa
"the large oval brown seed of a tropical palm, consisting of a hard woody husk surrounded by fibre, lined with edible white flesh and containing a clear liquid.",en,coconut
"the large oval brown seed of a tropical palm, consisting of a hard woody husk surrounded by fibre, lined with edible white flesh and containing a clear liquid.",en,coconuts
envelop in a protective or comforting way.,en,cocoon
envelop in a protective or comforting way.,en,cocooned
envelop in a protective or comforting way.,en,cocooning
envelop in a protective or comforting way.,en,cocoons
"the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.",en,coda
"the concluding passage of a piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.",en,codas
treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.,en,coddle
treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.,en,coddled
treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.,en,coddles
treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.,en,coddling
convert (the words of a message) into a code so as to convey a secret meaning.,en,code
convert (the words of a message) into a code so as to convey a secret meaning.,en,coded
a sleep-inducing and analgesic drug derived from morphine.,en,codeine
convert (the words of a message) into a code so as to convey a secret meaning.,en,codes
an ancient manuscript text in book form.,en,codex
an elderly man.,en,codger
an elderly man.,en,codgers
an ancient manuscript text in book form.,en,codices
"an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.",en,codicil
"an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.",en,codicils
the action or process of arranging laws or rules according to a system or plan.,en,codification
arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.,en,codified
arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.,en,codifies
arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.,en,codify
arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.,en,codifying
convert (the words of a message) into a code so as to convey a secret meaning.,en,coding
"a pouch attached to a man's breeches or close-fitting hose to cover the genitals, worn in the 15th and 16th centuries.",en,codpiece
"a pouch attached to a man's breeches or close-fitting hose to cover the genitals, worn in the 15th and 16th centuries.",en,codpieces
play a joke or trick on (someone).,en,cods
(of an institution or system) co-educational.,en,coed
a female student at a co-educational institution.,en,coeds
a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g. 4 in 4x y).,en,coefficient
a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g. 4 in 4x y).,en,coefficients
a person or thing equal with another.,en,coequal
persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.,en,coerce
persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.,en,coerced
persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.,en,coerces
persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.,en,coercing
the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.,en,coercion
relating to or using force or threats.,en,coercive
a person of roughly the same age as oneself; a contemporary.,en,coeval
exist at the same time or in the same place.,en,coexist
exist at the same time or in the same place.,en,coexisted
the state or fact of living or existing at the same time or in the same place.,en,coexistence
exist at the same time or in the same place.,en,coexisting
exist at the same time or in the same place.,en,coexists
a hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical shrub.,en,coffee
a hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical shrub.,en,coffees
a strongbox or small chest for holding valuables.,en,coffer
"a watertight enclosure pumped dry to permit construction work below the waterline, as when building bridges or repairing a ship.",en,cofferdam
"a watertight enclosure pumped dry to permit construction work below the waterline, as when building bridges or repairing a ship.",en,cofferdams
a strongbox or small chest for holding valuables.,en,coffers
put (a dead body) in a coffin.,en,coffin
put (a dead body) in a coffin.,en,coffins
"copy (someone else's work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.",en,cog
"the quality of being clear, logical, and convincing; lucidity.",en,cogency
"(of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.",en,cogent
think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.,en,cogitate
think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.,en,cogitated
think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.,en,cogitates
think deeply about something; meditate or reflect.,en,cogitating
the action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation.,en,cogitation
the action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation.,en,cogitations
"a high-quality brandy, strictly speaking that distilled in Cognac in western France.",en,cognac
"a high-quality brandy, strictly speaking that distilled in Cognac in western France.",en,cognacs
a cognate word.,en,cognate
a cognate word.,en,cognates
knowledge or awareness.,en,cognisance
having knowledge or awareness.,en,cognisant
"the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.",en,cognition
relating to cognition.,en,cognitive
knowledge or awareness.,en,cognizance
having knowledge or awareness.,en,cognizant
people who are especially well informed about a particular subject.,en,cognoscenti
"copy (someone else's work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.",en,cogs
another term for cog1.,en,cogwheel
another term for cog1.,en,cogwheels
live together and have a sexual relationship without being married.,en,cohabit
the state of living together and having a sexual relationship without being married.,en,cohabitation
live together and have a sexual relationship without being married.,en,cohabited
live together and have a sexual relationship without being married.,en,cohabiting
live together and have a sexual relationship without being married.,en,cohabits
form a unified whole.,en,cohere
form a unified whole.,en,cohered
the quality of being logical and consistent.,en,coherence
"(of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.",en,coherent
"(with reference to an argument, theory, or policy) in a logical and consistent way.",en,coherently
form a unified whole.,en,coheres
form a unified whole.,en,cohering
the action or fact of forming a united whole.,en,cohesion
characterized by or causing cohesion.,en,cohesive
the quality of forming a united whole.,en,cohesiveness
a group of people with a shared characteristic.,en,cohort
a group of people with a shared characteristic.,en,cohorts
"style or arrange (someone's hair).",en,coiffed
"a person's hairstyle.",en,coiffure
"a person's hairstyle.",en,coiffures
a confusion or turmoil.,en,coil
arrange (something long and flexible) in a coil.,en,coiled
arrange (something long and flexible) in a coil.,en,coiling
a confusion or turmoil.,en,coils
make (coins) by stamping metal.,en,coin
coins collectively.,en,coinage
coins collectively.,en,coinages
occur at the same time.,en,coincide
occur at the same time.,en,coincided
a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.,en,coincidence
a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.,en,coincidences
occurring together in space or time.,en,coincident
resulting from a coincidence; happening by chance.,en,coincidental
in a way that results from chance despite being very unlikely.,en,coincidentally
occur at the same time.,en,coincides
occur at the same time.,en,coinciding
make (coins) by stamping metal.,en,coined
make (coins) by stamping metal.,en,coining
make (coins) by stamping metal.,en,coins
"fibre from the outer husk of the coconut, used in potting compost and for making ropes and matting.",en,coir
sexual intercourse.,en,coitus
short for Coca-Cola.,en,coke
"the lowest point of a ridge or saddle between two peaks, typically providing a pass from one side of a mountain range to another.",en,col
"a brown carbonated drink that is flavoured with an extract of cola nuts, or with a similar flavouring.",en,cola
a perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food after washing or cooking.,en,colander
a perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food after washing or cooking.,en,colanders
"a brown carbonated drink that is flavoured with an extract of cola nuts, or with a similar flavouring.",en,colas
completely; entirely.,en,cold
"of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.",en,colder
"of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.",en,coldest
without affection or warmth of feeling; unemotionally.,en,coldly
"the quality or condition of being of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.",en,coldness
a low temperature; cold weather; a cold environment.,en,colds
"a salad dish of shredded raw cabbage, carrots, and other vegetables mixed with mayonnaise.",en,coleslaw
another term for saithe.,en,coley
another term for saithe.,en,coleys
severe pain in the abdomen caused by wind or obstruction in the intestines and suffered especially by babies.,en,colic
experiencing or denoting severe pain in the abdomen (colic) due to wind or intestinal obstruction.,en,colicky
inflammation of the lining of the colon.,en,colitis
work jointly on an activity or project.,en,collaborate
work jointly on an activity or project.,en,collaborated
work jointly on an activity or project.,en,collaborates
work jointly on an activity or project.,en,collaborating
the action of working with someone to produce something.,en,collaboration
the action of working with someone to produce something.,en,collaborations
produced by or involving two or more parties working together.,en,collaborative
in a way that is produced by or involves two or more parties working together.,en,collaboratively
a person who works jointly on an activity or project; an associate.,en,collaborator
a person who works jointly on an activity or project; an associate.,en,collaborators
a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.,en,collage
"the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues, widely used in purified form for cosmetic surgical treatments.",en,collagen
a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.,en,collages
an instance of a structure falling down or giving way.,en,collapse
(of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way.,en,collapsed
an instance of a structure falling down or giving way.,en,collapses
(of an object) able to be folded into a small space.,en,collapsible
(of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way.,en,collapsing
put a collar on (an animal).,en,collar
either of the pair of bones joining the breastbone to the shoulder blades.,en,collarbone
either of the pair of bones joining the breastbone to the shoulder blades.,en,collarbones
put a collar on (an animal).,en,collared
put a collar on (an animal).,en,collaring
put a collar on (an animal).,en,collars
"collect and combine (texts, information, or data).",en,collate
"collect and combine (texts, information, or data).",en,collated
additional but subordinate; secondary.,en,collateral
"collect and combine (texts, information, or data).",en,collates
"collect and combine (texts, information, or data).",en,collating
the action of collating something.,en,collation
the action of collating something.,en,collations
a person with whom one works in a profession or business.,en,colleague
a person with whom one works in a profession or business.,en,colleagues
"(in church use) a short prayer, especially one assigned to a particular day or season.",en,collect
an item valued and sought by collectors.,en,collectable
an item valued and sought by collectors.,en,collectables
bring or gather together (a number of things).,en,collected
an item valued and sought by collectors.,en,collectible
an item valued and sought by collectors.,en,collectibles
bring or gather together (a number of things).,en,collecting
the action or process of collecting someone or something.,en,collection
the action or process of collecting someone or something.,en,collections
a cooperative enterprise.,en,collective
as a group; as a whole.,en,collectively
a cooperative enterprise.,en,collectives
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivise
organized on the basis of ownership by the people or the state rather than private ownership or involvement.,en,collectivised
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivises
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivising
the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.,en,collectivism
an adherent of the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it.,en,collectivist
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivize
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivized
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivizes
"organize (something) on the basis of ownership by the people or the state, abolishing private ownership or involvement.",en,collectivizing
"a person who collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby.",en,collector
"a person who collects things of a specified type, professionally or as a hobby.",en,collectors
"(in church use) a short prayer, especially one assigned to a particular day or season.",en,collects
a girl or young woman.,en,colleen
a girl or young woman.,en,colleens
"an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training.",en,college
"an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training.",en,colleges
belonging or relating to a college or its students.,en,collegiate
hit by accident when moving.,en,collide
hit by accident when moving.,en,collided
hit by accident when moving.,en,collides
hit by accident when moving.,en,colliding
"a sheepdog of a breed originating in Scotland, having a long pointed nose and long thick hair.",en,collie
a coal miner.,en,collier
a coal mine and the buildings and equipment associated with it.,en,collieries
a coal miner.,en,colliers
a coal mine and the buildings and equipment associated with it.,en,colliery
"a sheepdog of a breed originating in Scotland, having a long pointed nose and long thick hair.",en,collies
an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.,en,collision
an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.,en,collisions
a word that is habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance.,en,collocate
(of a word) be habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance.,en,collocated
a word that is habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance.,en,collocates
(of a word) be habitually juxtaposed with another with a frequency greater than chance.,en,collocating
the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance.,en,collocation
the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance.,en,collocations
an academic conference or seminar.,en,colloquia
(of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.,en,colloquial
a word or phrase that is not formal or literary and is used in ordinary or familiar conversation.,en,colloquialism
a word or phrase that is not formal or literary and is used in ordinary or familiar conversation.,en,colloquialisms
in the language of ordinary or familiar conversation; informally.,en,colloquially
a conversation.,en,colloquies
an academic conference or seminar.,en,colloquium
a conversation.,en,colloquy
cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others.,en,collude
cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others.,en,colluded
cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others.,en,colludes
cooperate in a secret or unlawful way in order to deceive or gain an advantage over others.,en,colluding
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.,en,collusion
involving secret or unlawful cooperation aimed at deceiving or gaining an advantage over others.,en,collusive
eau de cologne or similarly scented toilet water.,en,cologne
"the basic monetary unit of Costa Rica and El Salvador, equal to 100 centimos in Costa Rica and 100 centavos in El Salvador.",en,colon
"a rank of officer in the army and in the US air force, above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier or brigadier general.",en,colonel
"a rank of officer in the army and in the US air force, above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier or brigadier general.",en,colonels
a native or inhabitant of a colony.,en,colonial
"the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.",en,colonialism
characteristic of or involving the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers.,en,colonialist
a person who supports the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers.,en,colonialists
a native or inhabitant of a colony.,en,colonials
a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.,en,colonies
the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.,en,colonisation
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonise
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonised
a country that sends settlers to a place and establishes political control over it.,en,coloniser
a country that sends settlers to a place and establishes political control over it.,en,colonisers
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonises
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonising
a settler in or inhabitant of a colony.,en,colonist
a settler in or inhabitant of a colony.,en,colonists
the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.,en,colonization
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonize
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonized
a country that sends settlers to a place and establishes political control over it.,en,colonizer
a country that sends settlers to a place and establishes political control over it.,en,colonizers
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonizes
send settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.,en,colonizing
"a row of evenly spaced columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arches.",en,colonnade
"a row of evenly spaced columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arches.",en,colonnades
"the main part of the large intestine, which passes from the caecum to the rectum and absorbs water and electrolytes from food which has remained undigested.",en,colons
a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.,en,colony
"change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,color
"a dye, pigment, or other substance that colours something.",en,colorant
"a dye, pigment, or other substance that colours something.",en,colorants
the appearance of something with regard to colour.,en,coloration
"elaborate ornamentation of a vocal melody, especially in operatic singing.",en,coloratura
"elaborate ornamentation of a vocal melody, especially in operatic singing.",en,coloraturas
a person who is wholly or partly of non-white descent.,en,colored
a person who is wholly or partly of non-white descent.,en,coloreds
dyed in colours that will not fade or be washed out.,en,colorfast
having much or varied colour; bright.,en,colorful
"the process of changing the colour of something by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,coloring
an artist or designer who uses colour in a special or skilful way.,en,colorist
an artist or designer who uses colour in a special or skilful way.,en,colorists
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colorize
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colorized
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colorizes
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colorizing
(especially of a gas or liquid) without colour.,en,colorless
"change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,colors
extremely large or great.,en,colossal
a statue that is much bigger than life size.,en,colossi
a statue that is much bigger than life size.,en,colossus
a statue that is much bigger than life size.,en,colossuses
"change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,colour
"a dye, pigment, or other substance that colours something.",en,colourant
"a dye, pigment, or other substance that colours something.",en,colourants
"change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,coloured
a person who is wholly or partly of non-white descent.,en,coloureds
having much or varied colour; bright.,en,colourful
"change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,colouring
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colourize
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colourized
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colourizes
add colour to (a black and white film).,en,colourizing
(especially of a gas or liquid) without colour.,en,colourless
"change the colour of (something) by painting, dyeing, or shading it.",en,colours
any of a range of combinations of colours in which a style or design is available.,en,colourway
any of a range of combinations of colours in which a style or design is available.,en,colourways
"the lowest point of a ridge or saddle between two peaks, typically providing a pass from one side of a mountain range to another.",en,cols
a type of revolver.,en,colt
"energetic but awkward in one's movements or behaviour.",en,coltish
a type of revolver.,en,colts
an aquilegia which has long-spurred flowers that are typically purplish blue.,en,columbine
an aquilegia which has long-spurred flowers that are typically purplish blue.,en,columbines
"an upright pillar, typically cylindrical, supporting an arch, entablature, or other structure or standing alone as a monument.",en,column
a journalist contributing regularly to a newspaper or magazine.,en,columnist
a journalist contributing regularly to a newspaper or magazine.,en,columnists
"an upright pillar, typically cylindrical, supporting an arch, entablature, or other structure or standing alone as a monument.",en,columns
a diffuse cloud of gas and dust surrounding the nucleus of a comet.,en,coma
"a prolonged state of deep unconsciousness, caused especially by severe injury or illness.",en,comas
relating to or in a state of coma.,en,comatose
untangle or arrange (the hair) by drawing a comb through it.,en,comb
take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).,en,combat
engaged in fighting during a war.,en,combatant
a person or nation engaged in fighting during a war.,en,combatants
take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).,en,combated
take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).,en,combating
ready or eager to fight or argue.,en,combative
take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).,en,combats
take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).,en,combatted
take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).,en,combatting
untangle or arrange (the hair) by drawing a comb through it.,en,combed
a joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component elements are individually distinct.,en,combination
a joining or merging of different parts or qualities in which the component elements are individually distinct.,en,combinations
harvest (a crop) by means of a combine harvester.,en,combine
harvest (a crop) by means of a combine harvester.,en,combined
harvest (a crop) by means of a combine harvester.,en,combines
untangle or arrange (the hair) by drawing a comb through it.,en,combing
harvest (a crop) by means of a combine harvester.,en,combining
"a small jazz, rock, or pop band.",en,combo
"a small jazz, rock, or pop band.",en,combos
untangle or arrange (the hair) by drawing a comb through it.,en,combs
a combustible substance.,en,combustible
the process of burning something.,en,combustion
semen ejaculated by a man at an orgasm.,en,come
"a return by a well-known person, especially an entertainer or sports player, to the activity in which they have formerly been successful.",en,comeback
"a return by a well-known person, especially an entertainer or sports player, to the activity in which they have formerly been successful.",en,comebacks
an entertainer on stage or television whose act is designed to make an audience laugh.,en,comedian
an entertainer on stage or television whose act is designed to make an audience laugh.,en,comedians
relating to or characteristic of comedy; comic.,en,comedic
a female comedian.,en,comedienne
a female comedian.,en,comediennes
"professional entertainment consisting of jokes and sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.",en,comedies
a loss of status or importance.,en,comedown
a loss of status or importance.,en,comedowns
"professional entertainment consisting of jokes and sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.",en,comedy
pleasant to look at; attractive (typically used of a woman).,en,comelier
pleasant to look at; attractive (typically used of a woman).,en,comeliest
pleasant to look at; attractive (typically used of a woman).,en,comely
a person who arrives somewhere.,en,comer
a person who arrives somewhere.,en,comers
move or travel towards or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.,en,comes
an item of food.,en,comestibles
"a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a ‘tail’ of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.",en,comet
"a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a ‘tail’ of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.",en,comets
ease the grief or distress of.,en,comfort
a warm quilt.,en,comfortable
in a physically relaxed way that is free from constraint.,en,comfortably
ease the grief or distress of.,en,comforted
a person or thing that provides consolation.,en,comforter
a person or thing that provides consolation.,en,comforters
ease the grief or distress of.,en,comforting
offering no means of relaxation and pleasure.,en,comfortless
ease the grief or distress of.,en,comforts
a comedian.,en,comic
"amusing, especially in a ludicrous or absurd way.",en,comical
"in an amusing, ludicrous, or absurd way.",en,comically
a comedian.,en,comics
move or travel towards or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.,en,coming
"a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence or separating items in a list.",en,comma
an authoritative order.,en,command
an officer in charge of a particular force or institution.,en,commandant
an officer in charge of a particular force or institution.,en,commandants
give an authoritative or peremptory order.,en,commanded
"officially take possession or control of (something), especially for military purposes.",en,commandeer
"officially take possession or control of (something), especially for military purposes.",en,commandeered
"officially take possession or control of (something), especially for military purposes.",en,commandeering
"officially take possession or control of (something), especially for military purposes.",en,commandeers
"a person in authority, especially over a body of troops or a military operation.",en,commander
"a person in authority, especially over a body of troops or a military operation.",en,commanders
give an authoritative or peremptory order.,en,commanding
"a divine rule, especially one of the Ten Commandments.",en,commandment
"a divine rule, especially one of the Ten Commandments.",en,commandments
a soldier specially trained for carrying out raids.,en,commando
a soldier specially trained for carrying out raids.,en,commandos
an authoritative order.,en,commands
"a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence or separating items in a list.",en,commas
recall and show respect for (someone or something).,en,commemorate
recall and show respect for (someone or something).,en,commemorated
recall and show respect for (someone or something).,en,commemorates
recall and show respect for (someone or something).,en,commemorating
the action or fact of commemorating a dead person or past event.,en,commemoration
the action or fact of commemorating a dead person or past event.,en,commemorations
an object such as a stamp or coin made to mark an event or honour a person.,en,commemorative
the beginning of something.,en,commencement
the beginning of something.,en,commencements
praise formally or officially.,en,commend
formal or official praise.,en,commendations
praise formally or officially.,en,commended
praise formally or officially.,en,commending
praise formally or officially.,en,commends
corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.,en,commensurate
express an opinion or reaction in speech or writing.,en,comment
an expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or situation.,en,commentaries
an expression of opinions or offering of explanations about an event or situation.,en,commentary
"report on an event as it occurs, especially for a news or sports broadcast; provide a commentary.",en,commentate
"report on an event as it occurs, especially for a news or sports broadcast; provide a commentary.",en,commentated
"report on an event as it occurs, especially for a news or sports broadcast; provide a commentary.",en,commentates
"report on an event as it occurs, especially for a news or sports broadcast; provide a commentary.",en,commentating
a person who comments on events or on a text.,en,commentator
a person who comments on events or on a text.,en,commentators
express an opinion or reaction in speech or writing.,en,commented
express an opinion or reaction in speech or writing.,en,commenting
express an opinion or reaction in speech or writing.,en,comments
"the activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale.",en,commerce
a television or radio advertisement.,en,commercial
the process of managing or running something principally for financial gain.,en,commercialisation
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercialise
designed principally for financial gain; profit-orientated.,en,commercialised
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercialises
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercialising
emphasis on the maximizing of profit.,en,commercialism
the process of managing or running something principally for financial gain.,en,commercialization
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercialize
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercialized
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercializes
"manage or exploit (an organization, activity, etc.) in a way designed to make a profit.",en,commercializing
"in a way that is concerned with buying, selling, and making a profit.",en,commercially
a television or radio advertisement.,en,commercials
a communist.,en,commies
express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.,en,commiserate
express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.,en,commiserated
express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.,en,commiserates
express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize.,en,commiserating
sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion.,en,commiseration
sympathy and sorrow for the misfortunes of others; compassion.,en,commiserations
"an official of the Communist Party, especially in the former Soviet Union or present-day China, responsible for political education and organization.",en,commissar
a department for the supply of food and equipment.,en,commissariat
a department for the supply of food and equipment.,en,commissariats
a deputy or delegate.,en,commissaries
"an official of the Communist Party, especially in the former Soviet Union or present-day China, responsible for political education and organization.",en,commissars
a deputy or delegate.,en,commissary
order or authorize the production of (something).,en,commission
"a uniformed door attendant at a hotel, theatre, or other building.",en,commissionaire
"a uniformed door attendant at a hotel, theatre, or other building.",en,commissionaires
order or authorize the production of (something).,en,commissioned
a person appointed to a role on or by a commission.,en,commissioner
a person appointed to a role on or by a commission.,en,commissioners
order or authorize the production of (something).,en,commissioning
order or authorize the production of (something).,en,commissions
"perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).",en,commit
"the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.",en,commitment
"the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.",en,commitments
"perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).",en,commits
the action of sending a person to prison or a psychiatric hospital.,en,committal
the action of sending a person to prison or a psychiatric hospital.,en,committals
"perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).",en,committed
a group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group and typically consisting of members of that group.,en,committee
a group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group and typically consisting of members of that group.,en,committees
"perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).",en,committing
a piece of furniture containing a concealed chamber pot.,en,commode
a piece of furniture containing a concealed chamber pot.,en,commodes
roomy and comfortable.,en,commodious
"a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.",en,commodities
"a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.",en,commodity
"a naval rank above captain and below rear admiral, generally given temporarily to an officer commanding a squadron or division of a fleet.",en,commodore
"a naval rank above captain and below rear admiral, generally given temporarily to an officer commanding a squadron or division of a fleet.",en,commodores
a piece of open land for public use.,en,common
the state of sharing features or attributes.,en,commonalities
the state of sharing features or attributes.,en,commonality
"occurring, found, or done often; prevalent.",en,commoner
"one of the ordinary or common people, as opposed to the aristocracy or to royalty.",en,commoners
"occurring, found, or done often; prevalent.",en,commonest
very often; frequently.,en,commonly
a usual or ordinary thing.,en,commonplace
a usual or ordinary thing.,en,commonplaces
a piece of open land for public use.,en,commons
"an independent country or community, especially a democratic republic.",en,commonwealth
"an independent country or community, especially a democratic republic.",en,commonwealths
a state of confused and noisy disturbance.,en,commotion
a state of confused and noisy disturbance.,en,commotions
shared by all members of a community; for common use.,en,communal
"share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone), especially on a spiritual level.",en,commune
"share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone), especially on a spiritual level.",en,communed
"share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone), especially on a spiritual level.",en,communes
able to be communicated to others.,en,communicable
a person who receives Holy Communion.,en,communicant
a person who receives Holy Communion.,en,communicants
"share or exchange information, news, or ideas.",en,communicate
"share or exchange information, news, or ideas.",en,communicated
"share or exchange information, news, or ideas.",en,communicates
"share or exchange information, news, or ideas.",en,communicating
"the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.",en,communication
"the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.",en,communications
"willing, eager, or able to talk or impart information.",en,communicative
"a person who is able to convey or exchange information, news, or ideas, especially one who is eloquent or skilled.",en,communicator
"a person who is able to convey or exchange information, news, or ideas, especially one who is eloquent or skilled.",en,communicators
"share one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone), especially on a spiritual level.",en,communing
"the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially on a mental or spiritual level.",en,communion
"a relationship of recognition and acceptance between Christian Churches or denominations, or between individual Christians or Christian communities and a Church.",en,communions
"an official announcement or statement, especially one made to the media.",en,communique
"an official announcement or statement, especially one made to the media.",en,communiques
a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.,en,communism
adhering to or based on the principles of communism.,en,communist
a person who supports or believes in the principles of communism.,en,communists
a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.,en,communities
a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.,en,community
(of a place or journey) allowing regular commuting to and from work.,en,commutable
the action or process of commuting a judicial sentence.,en,commutation
"a regular journey of some distance to and from one's place of work.",en,commute
"travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.",en,commuted
a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.,en,commuter
a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.,en,commuters
"a regular journey of some distance to and from one's place of work.",en,commutes
"travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.",en,commuting
make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties.,en,compact
make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties.,en,compacted
make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties.,en,compacting
the quality of being closely packed together.,en,compactness
make or enter into (a formal agreement) with another party or parties.,en,compacts
associate with; keep company with.,en,companies
"a covering over the hatchway leading to a ship's companionway.",en,companion
friendly and sociable.,en,companionable
"a covering over the hatchway leading to a ship's companionway.",en,companions
a feeling of fellowship or friendship.,en,companionship
"a set of steps leading from a ship's deck down to a cabin or lower deck.",en,companionway
"a set of steps leading from a ship's deck down to a cabin or lower deck.",en,companionways
associate with; keep company with.,en,company
the fact or quality of being similar and able to be compared.,en,comparability
able to be likened to another; similar.,en,comparable
in a similar way or to a similar degree.,en,comparably
a comparative adjective or adverb.,en,comparative
to a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively.,en,comparatively
a comparative adjective or adverb.,en,comparatives
"estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.",en,compare
"estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.",en,compared
"estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.",en,compares
"estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.",en,comparing
a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.,en,comparison
a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.,en,comparisons
divide (something) into separate parts or sections.,en,compartment
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalise
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalised
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalises
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalising
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalize
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalized
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalizes
divide into discrete sections or categories.,en,compartmentalizing
divide (something) into separate parts or sections.,en,compartments
go round (something) in a circular course.,en,compass
go round (something) in a circular course.,en,compasses
sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.,en,compassion
feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.,en,compassionate
a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict.,en,compatibility
a computer that can use software designed for another make or type.,en,compatible
a fellow citizen or national of a country.,en,compatriot
a fellow citizen or national of a country.,en,compatriots
force or oblige (someone) to do something.,en,compel
force or oblige (someone) to do something.,en,compelled
force or oblige (someone) to do something.,en,compelling
"in a way that evokes interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.",en,compellingly
force or oblige (someone) to do something.,en,compels
"a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.",en,compendia
"a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.",en,compendium
"a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.",en,compendiums
"give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense.",en,compensate
"give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense.",en,compensated
"give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense.",en,compensates
"give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense.",en,compensating
"something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.",en,compensation
"something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.",en,compensations
"(of a payment) intended to recompense someone who has experienced loss, suffering, or injury.",en,compensatory
act as a compère for (a variety show).,en,compere
act as a compère for (a variety show).,en,compered
act as a compère for (a variety show).,en,comperes
act as a compère for (a variety show).,en,compering
strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.,en,compete
strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.,en,competed
the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.,en,competence
the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.,en,competences
the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.,en,competencies
the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.,en,competency
"having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.",en,competent
in an efficient and capable way.,en,competently
strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.,en,competes
strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.,en,competing
the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.,en,competition
the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.,en,competitions
relating to or characterized by competition.,en,competitive
in a way that strives to gain or win something by defeating others.,en,competitively
possession of a strong desire to be more successful than others.,en,competitiveness
a person who takes part in a sporting contest.,en,competitor
a person who takes part in a sporting contest.,en,competitors
"the action or process of producing something, especially a list or book, by assembling information collected from other sources.",en,compilation
"the action or process of producing something, especially a list or book, by assembling information collected from other sources.",en,compilations
produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.,en,compile
produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.,en,compiled
a person who produces a list or book by assembling information or written material collected from other sources.,en,compiler
a person who produces a list or book by assembling information or written material collected from other sources.,en,compilers
produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.,en,compiles
produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected from other sources.,en,compiling
"a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.",en,complacence
"a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.",en,complacency
"showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.",en,complacent
express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.,en,complain
a plaintiff in certain lawsuits.,en,complainant
a plaintiff in certain lawsuits.,en,complainants
express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.,en,complained
express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.,en,complaining
express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.,en,complains
a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.,en,complaint
a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.,en,complaints
willing to please others or to accept what they do or say without protest.,en,complaisant
contribute extra features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities.,en,complement
combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another.,en,complementary
contribute extra features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities.,en,complemented
contribute extra features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities.,en,complementing
contribute extra features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities.,en,complements
finish making or doing.,en,complete
finish making or doing.,en,completed
totally; utterly.,en,completely
the state or condition of having all the necessary or appropriate parts.,en,completeness
finish making or doing.,en,completes
finish making or doing.,en,completing
the action or process of completing or finishing something.,en,completion
the action or process of completing or finishing something.,en,completions
make (an atom or compound) form a complex with another.,en,complex
make (an atom or compound) form a complex with another.,en,complexes
"the natural colour, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face.",en,complexion
"the natural colour, texture, and appearance of a person's skin, especially of the face.",en,complexions
the state or quality of being intricate or complicated.,en,complexities
the state or quality of being intricate or complicated.,en,complexity
the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.,en,compliance
"disposed to agree with others or obey rules, especially to an excessive degree; acquiescent.",en,compliant
make (something) more complicated.,en,complicate
make (something) more complicated.,en,complicated
make (something) more complicated.,en,complicates
make (something) more complicated.,en,complicating
a circumstance that complicates something; a difficulty.,en,complication
a circumstance that complicates something; a difficulty.,en,complications
the fact or condition of being involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong.,en,complicity
act in accordance with a wish or command.,en,complied
act in accordance with a wish or command.,en,complies
politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.,en,compliment
expressing a compliment; praising or approving.,en,complimentary
politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.,en,complimented
politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.,en,complimenting
politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.,en,compliments
act in accordance with a wish or command.,en,comply
act in accordance with a wish or command.,en,complying
constituting part of a larger whole; constituent.,en,component
"a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle.",en,components
another term for compote (sense 2).,en,comport
conduct oneself; behave.,en,comported
conduct oneself; behave.,en,comporting
behaviour; bearing.,en,comportment
another term for compote (sense 2).,en,comports
"write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).",en,compose
"write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).",en,composed
"a person who writes music, especially as a professional occupation.",en,composer
"a person who writes music, especially as a professional occupation.",en,composers
"write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).",en,composes
"write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).",en,composing
"combine (two or more images) to make a single picture, especially electronically.",en,composite
"combine (two or more images) to make a single picture, especially electronically.",en,composites
"the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.",en,composition
"the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.",en,compositions
a person who arranges type for printing or keys text into a composing machine.,en,compositor
a person who arranges type for printing or keys text into a composing machine.,en,compositors
make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost.,en,compost
make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost.,en,composted
make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost.,en,composting
make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost.,en,composts
the state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself.,en,composure
fruit preserved or cooked in syrup.,en,compote
fruit preserved or cooked in syrup.,en,compotes
"an open area enclosed by a fence, for example around a factory or large house or within a prison.",en,compound
make up (a composite whole); constitute.,en,compounded
make up (a composite whole); constitute.,en,compounding
"an open area enclosed by a fence, for example around a factory or large house or within a prison.",en,compounds
grasp mentally; understand.,en,comprehend
grasp mentally; understand.,en,comprehended
grasp mentally; understand.,en,comprehending
grasp mentally; understand.,en,comprehends
able to be understood; intelligible.,en,comprehensible
the ability to understand something.,en,comprehension
the ability to understand something.,en,comprehensions
a comprehensive school.,en,comprehensive
in a way that includes or deals with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.,en,comprehensively
the state or condition of including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.,en,comprehensiveness
a comprehensive school.,en,comprehensives
a pad of lint or other absorbent material pressed on to part of the body to relieve inflammation or stop bleeding.,en,compress
flatten by pressure; squeeze or press.,en,compressed
a pad of lint or other absorbent material pressed on to part of the body to relieve inflammation or stop bleeding.,en,compresses
flatten by pressure; squeeze or press.,en,compressing
the action of compressing or being compressed.,en,compression
an instrument or device for compressing something.,en,compressor
an instrument or device for compressing something.,en,compressors
consist of; be made up of.,en,comprise
consist of; be made up of.,en,comprised
consist of; be made up of.,en,comprises
consist of; be made up of.,en,comprising
settle a dispute by mutual concession.,en,compromise
settle a dispute by mutual concession.,en,compromised
settle a dispute by mutual concession.,en,compromises
settle a dispute by mutual concession.,en,compromising
a controller (used in the title of some financial officers).,en,comptroller
a controller (used in the title of some financial officers).,en,comptrollers
the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.,en,compulsion
the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint.,en,compulsions
resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge.,en,compulsive
in a way that results from or relates to an irresistible urge.,en,compulsively
in a way that is required by law or a rule.,en,compulsorily
required by law or a rule; obligatory.,en,compulsory
a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the doing of something bad.,en,compunction
the action of mathematical calculation.,en,computation
using or relating to computers.,en,computational
the action of mathematical calculation.,en,computations
reckon or calculate (a figure or amount).,en,compute
reckon or calculate (a figure or amount).,en,computed
"an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.",en,computer
another term for computer-literate.,en,computerate
"the adaptation of a system, device, etc. to be operated by computer.",en,computerisation
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerise
"(of a system, device, etc.) adapted so as to be operated by computer.",en,computerised
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerises
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerising
"the adaptation of a system, device, etc. to be operated by computer.",en,computerization
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerize
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerized
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerizes
"adapt (a system, device, etc.) to be operated by computer.",en,computerizing
"an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.",en,computers
reckon or calculate (a figure or amount).,en,computes
reckon or calculate (a figure or amount).,en,computing
(among men) a colleague or a fellow member of an organization.,en,comrade
(among men) a colleague or a fellow member of an organization.,en,comrades
the company and friendship of others with common aims.,en,comradeship
the action or post of conning a ship.,en,con
a series of interconnected things.,en,concatenation
a series of interconnected things.,en,concatenations
having an outline or surface that curves inwards like the interior of a circle or sphere.,en,concave
the state or quality of being concave.,en,concavities
the state or quality of being concave.,en,concavity
not allow to be seen; hide.,en,conceal
not allow to be seen; hide.,en,concealed
not allow to be seen; hide.,en,concealing
the action of hiding something or preventing it from being known.,en,concealment
not allow to be seen; hide.,en,conceals
admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.,en,concede
admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.,en,conceded
admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.,en,concedes
admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.,en,conceding
excessive pride in oneself.,en,conceit
excessively proud of oneself; vain.,en,conceited
excessive pride in oneself.,en,conceits
capable of being imagined or grasped mentally.,en,conceivable
it is conceivable or imaginable that.,en,conceivably
create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg.,en,conceive
create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg.,en,conceived
create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg.,en,conceives
create (an embryo) by fertilizing an egg.,en,conceiving
a substance made by removing or reducing the diluting agent; a concentrated form of something.,en,concentrate
"focus all one's attention on a particular object or activity.",en,concentrated
a substance made by removing or reducing the diluting agent; a concentrated form of something.,en,concentrates
"focus all one's attention on a particular object or activity.",en,concentrating
"the action or power of focusing all one's attention.",en,concentration
"the action or power of focusing all one's attention.",en,concentrations
"of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes which share the same centre, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller.",en,concentric
an abstract idea.,en,concept
the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived.,en,conception
the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived.,en,conceptions
an abstract idea.,en,concepts
relating to or based on mental concepts.,en,conceptual
the action or process of forming a concept or idea of something.,en,conceptualisation
the action or process of forming a concept or idea of something.,en,conceptualisations
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualise
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualised
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualises
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualising
the action or process of forming a concept or idea of something.,en,conceptualization
the action or process of forming a concept or idea of something.,en,conceptualizations
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualize
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualized
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualizes
form a concept or idea of (something).,en,conceptualizing
in terms of a concept or abstract idea.,en,conceptually
anxiety; worry.,en,concern
relate to; be about.,en,concerned
relate to; be about.,en,concerning
anxiety; worry.,en,concerns
arrange (something) by mutual agreement or coordination.,en,concert
arrange (something) by mutual agreement or coordination.,en,concerted
"a person who goes to concerts, especially on a regular basis.",en,concertgoer
"a person who goes to concerts, especially on a regular basis.",en,concertgoers
"extend, compress, or collapse in folds like those of a concertina.",en,concertina
"extend, compress, or collapse in folds like those of a concertina.",en,concertinaed
"extend, compress, or collapse in folds like those of a concertina.",en,concertinaing
"extend, compress, or collapse in folds like those of a concertina.",en,concertinas
the leading first-violin player in some orchestras.,en,concertmaster
the leading first-violin player in some orchestras.,en,concertmasters
"a musical composition for a solo instrument or instruments accompanied by an orchestra, especially one conceived on a relatively large scale.",en,concerto
"a musical composition for a solo instrument or instruments accompanied by an orchestra, especially one conceived on a relatively large scale.",en,concertos
arrange (something) by mutual agreement or coordination.,en,concerts
"a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands.",en,concession
"the holder of a concession or grant, especially for the use of land or commercial premises or for trading rights.",en,concessionaire
"the holder of a concession or grant, especially for the use of land or commercial premises or for trading rights.",en,concessionaires
relating to or constituting a concession or reduced rate.,en,concessionary
"a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands.",en,concessions
a tropical marine mollusc with a robust spiral shell which may bear long projections and have a flared lip.,en,conch
a tropical marine mollusc with a robust spiral shell which may bear long projections and have a flared lip.,en,conches
a conscientious objector.,en,conchie
a conscientious objector.,en,conchies
a tropical marine mollusc with a robust spiral shell which may bear long projections and have a flared lip.,en,conchs
stop (someone) being angry or discontented; placate.,en,conciliate
stop (someone) being angry or discontented; placate.,en,conciliated
stop (someone) being angry or discontented; placate.,en,conciliates
stop (someone) being angry or discontented; placate.,en,conciliating
the action of stopping someone being angry; placation.,en,conciliation
a person who acts as a mediator between two disputing people or groups.,en,conciliator
a person who acts as a mediator between two disputing people or groups.,en,conciliators
intended or likely to placate or pacify.,en,conciliatory
giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.,en,concise
in a way that is brief but comprehensive.,en,concisely
a private meeting.,en,conclave
a private meeting.,en,conclaves
bring or come to an end.,en,conclude
bring or come to an end.,en,concluded
"the end or finish of an event, process, or text.",en,conclusions
(of evidence or argument) having or likely to have the effect of proving a case; decisive.,en,conclusive
in a decisive way that has the effect of proving a case.,en,conclusively
make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.,en,concoct
make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.,en,concocted
make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.,en,concocting
a mixture of various ingredients or elements.,en,concoction
a mixture of various ingredients or elements.,en,concoctions
make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients.,en,concocts
a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.,en,concomitant
at the same time; simultaneously.,en,concomitantly
a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.,en,concomitants
"a variety of dessert grape developed at Concord, Massachusetts.",en,concord
make a concordance of (a text).,en,concordance
make a concordance of (a text).,en,concordances
"an agreement or treaty, especially one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest.",en,concordat
"an agreement or treaty, especially one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest.",en,concordats
a large open area inside or in front of a public building.,en,concourse
a large open area inside or in front of a public building.,en,concourses
cover (an area) with concrete.,en,concrete
cover (an area) with concrete.,en,concreted
in a definitive or conclusive way.,en,concretely
cover (an area) with concrete.,en,concretes
cover (an area) with concrete.,en,concreting
(in polygamous societies) a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives.,en,concubine
(in polygamous societies) a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives.,en,concubines
be of the same opinion; agree.,en,concur
be of the same opinion; agree.,en,concurred
the fact of two or more events or circumstances happening or existing at the same time.,en,concurrence
the fact of two or more events or circumstances happening or existing at the same time.,en,concurrences
"existing, happening, or done at the same time.",en,concurrent
at the same time; simultaneously.,en,concurrently
be of the same opinion; agree.,en,concurring
be of the same opinion; agree.,en,concurs
cause (someone) to become temporarily unconscious or confused by hitting them on the head.,en,concuss
cause (someone) to become temporarily unconscious or confused by hitting them on the head.,en,concussed
cause (someone) to become temporarily unconscious or confused by hitting them on the head.,en,concusses
cause (someone) to become temporarily unconscious or confused by hitting them on the head.,en,concussing
temporary unconsciousness or confusion caused by a blow on the head.,en,concussion
temporary unconsciousness or confusion caused by a blow on the head.,en,concussions
express complete disapproval of; censure.,en,condemn
the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.,en,condemnation
the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.,en,condemnations
expressing strong disapproval; censorious.,en,condemnatory
express complete disapproval of; censure.,en,condemned
express complete disapproval of; censure.,en,condemning
express complete disapproval of; censure.,en,condemns
water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it.,en,condensation
the conversion of a vapour or gas to a liquid.,en,condensations
make (something) denser or more concentrated.,en,condense
make (something) denser or more concentrated.,en,condensed
an apparatus or container for condensing vapour.,en,condenser
an apparatus or container for condensing vapour.,en,condensers
make (something) denser or more concentrated.,en,condenses
make (something) denser or more concentrated.,en,condensing
show that one feels superior; be patronizing.,en,condescend
show that one feels superior; be patronizing.,en,condescended
show that one feels superior; be patronizing.,en,condescending
show that one feels superior; be patronizing.,en,condescends
an attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain.,en,condescension
"a substance such as salt, mustard, or pickle that is used to add flavour to food.",en,condiment
"a substance such as salt, mustard, or pickle that is used to add flavour to food.",en,condiments
have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something).,en,condition
a conditional clause or conjunction.,en,conditional
in a way that is subject to one or more conditions or requirements being met.,en,conditionally
have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something).,en,conditioned
a substance or appliance used to improve the condition of something.,en,conditioner
a substance or appliance used to improve the condition of something.,en,conditioners
have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something).,en,conditioning
have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something).,en,conditions
short for condominium (sense 1).,en,condo
"an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of the death of a person's relative or close friend.",en,condolence
"an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of the death of a person's relative or close friend.",en,condolences
"a thin rubber sheath worn on a man's penis during sexual intercourse as a contraceptive or as a protection against infection.",en,condom
a building or complex of buildings containing a number of individually owned apartments or houses.,en,condominium
"the joint control of a state's affairs by other states.",en,condominiums
"a thin rubber sheath worn on a man's penis during sexual intercourse as a contraceptive or as a protection against infection.",en,condoms
accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).,en,condone
accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).,en,condoned
accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).,en,condones
accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive).,en,condoning
"a very large New World vulture with a bare head and mainly black plumage, living in mountainous country and spending much time soaring on massive outstretched wings.",en,condor
"a very large New World vulture with a bare head and mainly black plumage, living in mountainous country and spending much time soaring on massive outstretched wings.",en,condors
short for condominium (sense 1).,en,condos
help to bring about (a particular situation or outcome).,en,conduce
help to bring about (a particular situation or outcome).,en,conduced
help to bring about (a particular situation or outcome).,en,conduces
help to bring about (a particular situation or outcome).,en,conducing
making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.,en,conducive
organize and carry out.,en,conduct
organize and carry out.,en,conducted
organize and carry out.,en,conducting
"the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through the material of a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.",en,conduction
having the property of conducting something (especially heat or electricity).,en,conductive
"the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio of the current density in the material to the electric field which causes the flow of current.",en,conductivity
a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir.,en,conductor
a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir.,en,conductors
"a female conductor, especially in a bus or other passenger vehicle.",en,conductress
"a female conductor, especially in a bus or other passenger vehicle.",en,conductresses
organize and carry out.,en,conducts
a channel for conveying water or other fluid.,en,conduit
a channel for conveying water or other fluid.,en,conduits
separate off or mark a road with traffic cones.,en,cone
separate off or mark a road with traffic cones.,en,coned
separate off or mark a road with traffic cones.,en,cones
a rabbit.,en,coney
a rabbit.,en,coneys
engage in informal private conversation.,en,confab
engage in informal private conversation.,en,confabs
an elaborate sweet dish or delicacy.,en,confection
a person whose trade is making or selling confectionery.,en,confectioner
sweets and chocolates considered collectively.,en,confectioneries
a person whose trade is making or selling confectionery.,en,confectioners
sweets and chocolates considered collectively.,en,confectionery
an elaborate sweet dish or delicacy.,en,confections
"a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.",en,confederacies
"a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.",en,confederacy
bring (states or groups of people) into an alliance.,en,confederate
bring (states or groups of people) into an alliance.,en,confederates
an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.,en,confederation
an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.,en,confederations
"grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right).",en,confer
a dessert pear of a firm-fleshed variety.,en,conference
a dessert pear of a firm-fleshed variety.,en,conferences
"grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right).",en,conferred
"grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right).",en,conferring
"grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right).",en,confers
admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong.,en,confess
admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong.,en,confessed
admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong.,en,confesses
admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong.,en,confessing
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.,en,confession
"(of speech or writing) in which a person reveals private thoughts or admits to past incidents, especially ones about which they feel ashamed or embarrassed.",en,confessional
an enclosed stall in a church divided by a screen or curtain in which a priest sits to hear confessions.,en,confessionals
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.,en,confessions
a priest who hears confessions and gives absolution and spiritual counsel.,en,confessor
a priest who hears confessions and gives absolution and spiritual counsel.,en,confessors
small pieces of coloured paper traditionally thrown over a bride and bridegroom by their wedding guests after the marriage ceremony has taken place.,en,confetti
"a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.",en,confidant
"a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.",en,confidante
"a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.",en,confidantes
"a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.",en,confidants
tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.,en,confide
tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.,en,confided
the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.,en,confidence
the telling of private matters or secrets with mutual trust.,en,confidences
a confidant.,en,confident
intended to be kept secret.,en,confidential
the state of keeping or being kept secret or private.,en,confidentiality
in a way that is intended to be private or secret; privately.,en,confidentially
"in a self-assured way that expresses faith in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.",en,confidently
tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.,en,confides
tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.,en,confiding
"an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form, figure, or combination.",en,configuration
"an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form, figure, or combination.",en,configurations
arrange or put together in a particular form or configuration.,en,configure
arrange or put together in a particular form or configuration.,en,configured
arrange or put together in a particular form or configuration.,en,configures
arrange or put together in a particular form or configuration.,en,configuring
"the borders or boundaries of a place, especially with regard to their restricting freedom of movement.",en,confine
"keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, or time).",en,confined
the action of confining or state of being confined.,en,confinement
the action of confining or state of being confined.,en,confinements
"the borders or boundaries of a place, especially with regard to their restricting freedom of movement.",en,confines
"keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, or time).",en,confining
establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case).,en,confirm
the action of confirming something or the state of being confirmed.,en,confirmation
the action of confirming something or the state of being confirmed.,en,confirmations
establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case).,en,confirmed
establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case).,en,confirming
establish the truth or correctness of (something previously believed or suspected to be the case).,en,confirms
"take or seize (someone's property) with authority.",en,confiscate
"take or seize (someone's property) with authority.",en,confiscated
"take or seize (someone's property) with authority.",en,confiscates
"take or seize (someone's property) with authority.",en,confiscating
"the action of taking or seizing someone's property with authority; seizure.",en,confiscation
"the action of taking or seizing someone's property with authority; seizure.",en,confiscations
an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.,en,conflagration
an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property.,en,conflagrations
"combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.",en,conflate
"combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.",en,conflated
"combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.",en,conflates
"combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.",en,conflating
"the merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc. into one.",en,conflation
"the merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc. into one.",en,conflations
be incompatible or at variance; clash.,en,conflict
be incompatible or at variance; clash.,en,conflicted
be incompatible or at variance; clash.,en,conflicting
be incompatible or at variance; clash.,en,conflicts
"the junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately equal width.",en,confluence
"the junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately equal width.",en,confluences
"comply with rules, standards, or laws.",en,conform
"the shape or structure of something, especially an animal.",en,conformation
"the shape or structure of something, especially an animal.",en,conformations
"comply with rules, standards, or laws.",en,conformed
"comply with rules, standards, or laws.",en,conforming
conforming to accepted behaviour or established practices; conventional.,en,conformist
a person who conforms to accepted behaviour or established practices.,en,conformists
"compliance with standards, rules, or laws.",en,conformity
"comply with rules, standards, or laws.",en,conforms
"cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.",en,confound
"cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.",en,confounded
"cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.",en,confounding
"cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.",en,confounds
come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.,en,confront
a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties.,en,confrontation
tending to deal with situations in an aggressive way; hostile or argumentative.,en,confrontational
a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties.,en,confrontations
come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.,en,confronted
come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.,en,confronting
come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.,en,confronts
make (someone) bewildered or perplexed.,en,confuse
make (someone) bewildered or perplexed.,en,confused
make (someone) bewildered or perplexed.,en,confuses
make (someone) bewildered or perplexed.,en,confusing
in a bewildering or perplexing way.,en,confusingly
"uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.",en,confusion
"uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required.",en,confusions
prove (a person or an assertion or accusation) to be wrong.,en,confute
prove (a person or an assertion or accusation) to be wrong.,en,confuted
prove (a person or an assertion or accusation) to be wrong.,en,confutes
prove (a person or an assertion or accusation) to be wrong.,en,confuting
perform the conga.,en,conga
perform the conga.,en,congas
"become semi-solid, especially on cooling.",en,congeal
"become semi-solid, especially on cooling.",en,congealed
"become semi-solid, especially on cooling.",en,congealing
"become semi-solid, especially on cooling.",en,congeals
"(of a person) pleasing or liked on account of having qualities or interests that are similar to one's own.",en,congenial
(of a disease or physical abnormality) present from birth.,en,congenital
a large edible predatory eel of shallow coastal waters.,en,conger
a large edible predatory eel of shallow coastal waters.,en,congers
crowd (a road or place) so as to hinder or prevent freedom of movement.,en,congested
the state of being congested.,en,congestion
gather together into a compact mass.,en,conglomerate
gather together into a compact mass.,en,conglomerates
"a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection.",en,conglomeration
"a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection.",en,conglomerations
"give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them.",en,congratulate
"give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them.",en,congratulated
"give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them.",en,congratulates
"give (someone) one's good wishes when something special or pleasant has happened to them.",en,congratulating
"words expressing one's praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion.",en,congratulation
"words expressing one's praise for an achievement or good wishes on a special occasion.",en,congratulations
conveying good wishes or praise to someone in response to an achievement or special occasion.,en,congratulatory
"a member of a congregation, especially that of a church or synagogue.",en,congregant
"a member of a congregation, especially that of a church or synagogue.",en,congregants
gather into a crowd or mass.,en,congregate
gather into a crowd or mass.,en,congregated
gather into a crowd or mass.,en,congregates
gather into a crowd or mass.,en,congregating
a group of people assembled for religious worship.,en,congregation
relating to a congregation.,en,congregational
a group of people assembled for religious worship.,en,congregations
"a formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion between delegates, especially those from a political party, trade union, or from within a particular sphere of activity.",en,congress
"a formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion between delegates, especially those from a political party, trade union, or from within a particular sphere of activity.",en,congresses
"belonging or relating to a national legislative body, especially that of the US.",en,congressional
"a member of Congress, especially a member of the US House of Representatives.",en,congressman
"a member of Congress, especially a member of the US House of Representatives.",en,congressmen
"a female member of Congress, especially a female member of the US House of Representatives.",en,congresswoman
"a female member of Congress, especially a female member of the US House of Representatives.",en,congresswomen
agreement or harmony; compatibility.,en,congruence
in agreement or harmony.,en,congruent
having the shape of a cone.,en,conical
"a tree that bears cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves that are typically evergreen. Conifers are of major importance as the source of softwood, and also supply resins and turpentine.",en,conifer
"a tree that bears cones and needle-like or scale-like leaves that are typically evergreen. Conifers are of major importance as the source of softwood, and also supply resins and turpentine.",en,conifers
separate off or mark a road with traffic cones.,en,coning
based on or involving conjecture.,en,conjectural
form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.,en,conjecture
form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.,en,conjectured
form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.,en,conjectures
form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information.,en,conjecturing
join; combine.,en,conjoin
join; combine.,en,conjoined
join; combine.,en,conjoining
join; combine.,en,conjoins
relating to marriage or the relationship between a married couple.,en,conjugal
a substance formed by the reversible combination of two or more others.,en,conjugate
"give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language such as Latin) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person.",en,conjugated
a substance formed by the reversible combination of two or more others.,en,conjugates
"give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language such as Latin) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person.",en,conjugating
"the variation of the form of a verb in an inflected language such as Latin, by which the voice, mood, tense, number, and person are identified.",en,conjugation
"the variation of the form of a verb in an inflected language such as Latin, by which the voice, mood, tense, number, and person are identified.",en,conjugations
"a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause (e.g. and, but, if ).",en,conjunction
"a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause (e.g. and, but, if ).",en,conjunctions
inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye.,en,conjunctivitis
a combination of events.,en,conjuncture
a combination of events.,en,conjunctures
cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual.,en,conjure
cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual.,en,conjured
a performer of conjuring tricks.,en,conjurer
a performer of conjuring tricks.,en,conjurers
cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual.,en,conjures
cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual.,en,conjuring
a performer of conjuring tricks.,en,conjuror
a performer of conjuring tricks.,en,conjurors
straighten curly or kinky hair.,en,conk
straighten curly or kinky hair.,en,conked
"the hard, shiny dark brown nut of a horse chestnut tree.",en,conker
"the hard, shiny dark brown nut of a horse chestnut tree.",en,conkers
straighten curly or kinky hair.,en,conking
straighten curly or kinky hair.,en,conks
bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.,en,connect
bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.,en,connected
bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.,en,connecting
a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else.,en,connection
a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else.,en,connections
a word or phrase whose function is to link other linguistic units.,en,connective
a word or phrase whose function is to link other linguistic units.,en,connectives
a thing which links two or more things together.,en,connector
a thing which links two or more things together.,en,connectors
bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.,en,connects
direct the steering of (a ship).,en,conned
a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else.,en,connexion
a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else.,en,connexions
direct the steering of (a ship).,en,conning
willingness to allow or be secretly involved in an immoral or illegal act.,en,connivance
"secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.",en,connive
"secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.",en,connived
"secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.",en,connives
"secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.",en,conniving
an expert judge in matters of taste.,en,connoisseur
an expert judge in matters of taste.,en,connoisseurs
an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.,en,connotation
an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.,en,connotations
(of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.,en,connote
(of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.,en,connoted
(of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.,en,connotes
(of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.,en,connoting
relating to marriage or the relationship between a married couple; conjugal.,en,connubial
overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.,en,conquer
overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.,en,conquered
overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.,en,conquering
a person who conquers a place or people; a vanquisher.,en,conqueror
a person who conquers a place or people; a vanquisher.,en,conquerors
overcome and take control of (a place or people) by military force.,en,conquers
the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by military force.,en,conquest
the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by military force.,en,conquests
"a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century.",en,conquistador
"a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century.",en,conquistadores
"a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century.",en,conquistadors
direct the steering of (a ship).,en,cons
the fact of being descended from the same ancestor.,en,consanguinity
"a person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.",en,conscience
"a person's moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one's behaviour.",en,consciences
"wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.",en,conscientious
in a thorough and responsible way.,en,conscientiously
"the quality of wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.",en,conscientiousness
"aware of and responding to one's surroundings.",en,conscious
in a deliberate and intentional way.,en,consciously
"the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.",en,consciousness
a person enlisted compulsorily.,en,conscript
"enlist (someone) compulsorily, typically into the armed services.",en,conscripted
"enlist (someone) compulsorily, typically into the armed services.",en,conscripting
"compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.",en,conscription
a person enlisted compulsorily.,en,conscripts
"make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious purpose.",en,consecrate
"make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious purpose.",en,consecrated
"make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious purpose.",en,consecrates
"make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious purpose.",en,consecrating
"the action of making or declaring something, typically a church, sacred.",en,consecration
following each other continuously.,en,consecutive
one after another without interruption.,en,consecutively
relating to or involving consent or consensus.,en,consensual
a general agreement.,en,consensus
give permission for something to happen.,en,consent
give permission for something to happen.,en,consented
give permission for something to happen.,en,consenting
give permission for something to happen.,en,consents
"a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.",en,consequence
"a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.",en,consequences
"the second part of a conditional proposition, whose truth is stated to be implied by that of the antecedent.",en,consequent
following as a result or effect.,en,consequential
as a result.,en,consequently
a body concerned with the preservation of natural resources.,en,conservancies
a body concerned with the preservation of natural resources.,en,conservancy
prevention of wasteful use of a resource.,en,conservation
a person who advocates or acts for the protection and preservation of the environment and wildlife.,en,conservationist
a person who advocates or acts for the protection and preservation of the environment and wildlife.,en,conservationists
commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.,en,conservatism
a person who is averse to change and holds traditional values.,en,conservative
in a sober and conventional way.,en,conservatively
a person who is averse to change and holds traditional values.,en,conservatives
"a college for the study of classical music or other arts, typically in the continental European tradition.",en,conservatoire
"a college for the study of classical music or other arts, typically in the continental European tradition.",en,conservatoires
"a person responsible for the repair and preservation of things of cultural or environmental interest, such as buildings or works of art.",en,conservator
"a room with a glass roof and walls, attached to a house at one side and used as a sun lounge or for growing delicate plants.",en,conservatories
"a person responsible for the repair and preservation of things of cultural or environmental interest, such as buildings or works of art.",en,conservators
"a room with a glass roof and walls, attached to a house at one side and used as a sun lounge or for growing delicate plants.",en,conservatory
a preparation made by preserving fruit with sugar; jam or marmalade.,en,conserve
"protect (something, especially something of environmental or cultural importance) from harm or destruction.",en,conserved
a preparation made by preserving fruit with sugar; jam or marmalade.,en,conserves
"protect (something, especially something of environmental or cultural importance) from harm or destruction.",en,conserving
"think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.",en,consider
"notably large in size, amount, or extent.",en,considerable
by a notably large amount or to a notably large extent; greatly.,en,considerably
careful not to inconvenience or harm others.,en,considerate
"careful thought, typically over a period of time.",en,consideration
"careful thought, typically over a period of time.",en,considerations
"think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.",en,considered
"think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.",en,considering
"think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.",en,considers
"deliver (something) to a person's keeping.",en,consign
"deliver (something) to a person's keeping.",en,consigned
"deliver (something) to a person's keeping.",en,consigning
a batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone.,en,consignment
a batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone.,en,consignments
"deliver (something) to a person's keeping.",en,consigns
a set of railway vehicles forming a complete train.,en,consist
be composed or made up of.,en,consisted
consistent behaviour or treatment.,en,consistencies
consistent behaviour or treatment.,en,consistency
"acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.",en,consistent
in every case or on every occasion; invariably.,en,consistently
be composed or made up of.,en,consisting
a set of railway vehicles forming a complete train.,en,consists
the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment.,en,consolation
the comfort received by a person after a loss or disappointment.,en,consolations
a panel or unit accommodating a set of controls for electronic or mechanical equipment.,en,console
comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment.,en,consoled
a panel or unit accommodating a set of controls for electronic or mechanical equipment.,en,consoles
make (something) physically stronger or more solid.,en,consolidate
make (something) physically stronger or more solid.,en,consolidated
make (something) physically stronger or more solid.,en,consolidates
make (something) physically stronger or more solid.,en,consolidating
the action or process of making something stronger or more solid.,en,consolidation
the action or process of making something stronger or more solid.,en,consolidations
comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment.,en,consoling
a clear soup made with concentrated stock.,en,consomme
agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions.,en,consonance
agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions.,en,consonances
denoting or relating to a consonant.,en,consonant
a basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which can be combined with a vowel to form a syllable.,en,consonants
"a small group of musicians performing together, typically playing instrumental music of the Renaissance period.",en,consort
"habitually associate with (someone), typically with the disapproval of others.",en,consorted
"an association, typically of several companies.",en,consortia
"habitually associate with (someone), typically with the disapproval of others.",en,consorting
"an association, typically of several companies.",en,consortium
"an association, typically of several companies.",en,consortiums
"a small group of musicians performing together, typically playing instrumental music of the Renaissance period.",en,consorts
clearly visible.,en,conspicuous
in a clearly visible way.,en,conspicuously
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.,en,conspiracies
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.,en,conspiracy
a person who takes part in a conspiracy.,en,conspirator
relating to or suggestive of a secret plan made by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful.,en,conspiratorial
in a manner suggestive of or relating to a conspiracy made by a group of people to do something unlawful or harmful.,en,conspiratorially
a person who takes part in a conspiracy.,en,conspirators
make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.,en,conspire
make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.,en,conspired
make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.,en,conspires
make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.,en,conspiring
a police officer.,en,constable
a police officer.,en,constables
a police force covering a particular area or city.,en,constabularies
relating to a constabulary.,en,constabulary
the quality of being faithful and dependable.,en,constancy
a situation that does not change.,en,constant
continuously over a period of time; always.,en,constantly
a situation that does not change.,en,constants
a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.,en,constellation
a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.,en,constellations
"a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.",en,consternation
affect with constipation.,en,constipated
"a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened faeces.",en,constipation
a group of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.,en,constituencies
a group of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.,en,constituency
a member of an area which elects a representative to a legislative body.,en,constituent
a member of an area which elects a representative to a legislative body.,en,constituents
be (a part) of a whole.,en,constitute
be (a part) of a whole.,en,constituted
be (a part) of a whole.,en,constitutes
be (a part) of a whole.,en,constituting
a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.,en,constitution
a walk taken regularly to maintain or restore good health.,en,constitutional
constitutional government.,en,constitutionalism
the quality of being in accordance with a political constitution.,en,constitutionality
in a way that is in accordance with a political constitution.,en,constitutionally
a walk taken regularly to maintain or restore good health.,en,constitutionals
a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.,en,constitutions
compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action.,en,constrain
compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action.,en,constrained
compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action.,en,constraining
compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action.,en,constrains
a limitation or restriction.,en,constraint
a limitation or restriction.,en,constraints
"make narrower, especially by encircling pressure.",en,constrict
"make narrower, especially by encircling pressure.",en,constricted
"make narrower, especially by encircling pressure.",en,constricting
the action of making something narrower by pressure or of becoming narrower; tightening.,en,constriction
the action of making something narrower by pressure or of becoming narrower; tightening.,en,constrictions
"make narrower, especially by encircling pressure.",en,constricts
"an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.",en,construct
"build or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine).",en,constructed
"build or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine).",en,constructing
"the action of building something, typically a large structure.",en,construction
"the action of building something, typically a large structure.",en,constructions
having or intended to have a useful or beneficial purpose.,en,constructive
in a way that has or is intended to have a useful or beneficial purpose.,en,constructively
"a person or company that builds, designs, or makes something.",en,constructor
"a person or company that builds, designs, or makes something.",en,constructors
"an idea or theory containing various conceptual elements, typically one considered to be subjective and not based on empirical evidence.",en,constructs
interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.,en,construe
interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.,en,construed
interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.,en,construes
interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.,en,construing
"an official appointed by a state to live in a foreign city and protect the state's citizens and interests there.",en,consul
relating to the consul or consulate in a foreign city.,en,consular
"the building in which a consul's duties are carried out.",en,consulate
"the building in which a consul's duties are carried out.",en,consulates
"an official appointed by a state to live in a foreign city and protect the state's citizens and interests there.",en,consuls
an act of consulting a professional; a consultation.,en,consult
a professional practice that gives expert advice within a particular field.,en,consultancies
a professional practice that gives expert advice within a particular field.,en,consultancy
a person who provides expert advice professionally.,en,consultant
a person who provides expert advice professionally.,en,consultants
the action or process of formally consulting or discussing.,en,consultation
the action or process of formally consulting or discussing.,en,consultations
intended to give professional advice or recommendations.,en,consultative
"seek information or advice from (someone, especially an expert or professional).",en,consulted
"seek information or advice from (someone, especially an expert or professional).",en,consulting
an act of consulting a professional; a consultation.,en,consults
a commodity that is intended to be used up relatively quickly.,en,consumables
"eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).",en,consume
"eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).",en,consumed
a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.,en,consumer
the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.,en,consumerism
a person who is preoccupied with the acquisition of consumer goods.,en,consumerist
a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.,en,consumers
"eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).",en,consumes
"eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).",en,consuming
showing great skill and flair.,en,consummate
make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.,en,consummated
make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.,en,consummates
make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse.,en,consummating
the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse.,en,consummation
the action of using up a resource.,en,consumption
"a person with a wasting disease, especially pulmonary tuberculosis.",en,consumptive
"a person with a wasting disease, especially pulmonary tuberculosis.",en,consumptives
"communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive information.",en,contact
"communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive information.",en,contacted
"communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive information.",en,contacting
"communicate with (someone), typically in order to give or receive information.",en,contacts
the communication of disease from one person or organism to another by close contact.,en,contagion
the communication of disease from one person or organism to another by close contact.,en,contagions
"(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.",en,contagious
have or hold (someone or something) within.,en,contain
have or hold (someone or something) within.,en,contained
an object for holding or transporting something.,en,container
an object for holding or transporting something.,en,containers
have or hold (someone or something) within.,en,containing
the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits.,en,containment
have or hold (someone or something) within.,en,contains
a polluting or poisonous substance that makes something impure.,en,contaminant
a polluting or poisonous substance that makes something impure.,en,contaminants
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.,en,contaminate
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.,en,contaminated
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.,en,contaminates
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance.,en,contaminating
the action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning.,en,contamination
look thoughtfully for a long time at.,en,contemplate
look thoughtfully for a long time at.,en,contemplated
look thoughtfully for a long time at.,en,contemplates
look thoughtfully for a long time at.,en,contemplating
the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time.,en,contemplation
"a person whose life is devoted primarily to prayer, especially in a monastery or convent.",en,contemplative
existing at or occurring in the same period of time.,en,contemporaneous
a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.,en,contemporaries
a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.,en,contemporary
the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.,en,contempt
deserving contempt; despicable.,en,contemptible
showing contempt; scornful.,en,contemptuous
in a scornful way that shows disdain.,en,contemptuously
struggle to surmount (a difficulty).,en,contend
struggle to surmount (a difficulty).,en,contended
a person or group competing with others to achieve something.,en,contender
a person or group competing with others to achieve something.,en,contenders
struggle to surmount (a difficulty).,en,contending
struggle to surmount (a difficulty).,en,contends
the things that are held or included in something.,en,content
satisfy (someone).,en,contented
in a way that expresses happiness or satisfaction.,en,contentedly
satisfy (someone).,en,contenting
heated disagreement.,en,contention
heated disagreement.,en,contentions
causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.,en,contentious
a state of happiness and satisfaction.,en,contentment
the things that are held or included in something.,en,contents
engage in competition to attain (a position of power).,en,contest
a person who takes part in a contest or competition.,en,contestant
a person who takes part in a contest or competition.,en,contestants
engage in competition to attain (a position of power).,en,contested
engage in competition to attain (a position of power).,en,contesting
engage in competition to attain (a position of power).,en,contests
"the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood.",en,context
"the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood.",en,contexts
"depending on or relating to the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea.",en,contextual
place or study in context.,en,contextualise
place or study in context.,en,contextualised
place or study in context.,en,contextualises
place or study in context.,en,contextualising
place or study in context.,en,contextualize
place or study in context.,en,contextualized
place or study in context.,en,contextualizes
place or study in context.,en,contextualizing
"in a way that relates to the context or circumstances surrounding an event, statement, or idea.",en,contextually
the state of bordering or being in contact with something.,en,contiguity
sharing a common border; touching.,en,contiguous
the ability to control movements of the bowels and bladder.,en,continence
able to control movements of the bowels and bladder.,en,continent
an inhabitant of mainland Europe.,en,continental
an inhabitant of mainland Europe.,en,continentals
"any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, Antarctica).",en,continents
a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.,en,contingencies
a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.,en,contingency
"a group of people sharing a common feature, forming part of a larger group.",en,contingent
"a group of people sharing a common feature, forming part of a larger group.",en,contingents
"a continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, but the extremes are quite distinct.",en,continua
forming a sequence in which the same action or event is repeated frequently.,en,continual
repeated frequently in the same way; regularly.,en,continually
the state of remaining in existence or operation.,en,continuance
the state of remaining in existence or operation.,en,continuances
the action of carrying something on over time or the state of being carried on.,en,continuation
the action of carrying something on over time or the state of being carried on.,en,continuations
persist in an activity or process.,en,continue
persist in an activity or process.,en,continued
persist in an activity or process.,en,continues
persist in an activity or process.,en,continuing
the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time.,en,continuities
the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time.,en,continuity
forming an unbroken whole; without interruption.,en,continuous
without interruption or gaps.,en,continuously
"a continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, but the extremes are quite distinct.",en,continuum
twist or bend out of the normal shape.,en,contort
twist or bend out of the normal shape.,en,contorted
twist or bend out of the normal shape.,en,contorting
"a twisted or bent condition, state, or form.",en,contortion
an entertainer who twists and bends their body into strange and unnatural positions.,en,contortionist
an entertainer who twists and bends their body into strange and unnatural positions.,en,contortionists
"a twisted or bent condition, state, or form.",en,contortions
twist or bend out of the normal shape.,en,contorts
"mould into a specific shape, especially one designed to fit into something else.",en,contour
"mould into a specific shape, especially one designed to fit into something else.",en,contoured
"mould into a specific shape, especially one designed to fit into something else.",en,contours
"imported or exported illegally, either in defiance of a total ban or without payment of duty.",en,contraband
"the deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The major forms of artificial contraception are: barrier methods, of which the commonest is the condom or sheath; the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones which prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization.",en,contraception
a device or drug serving to prevent pregnancy.,en,contraceptive
a device or drug serving to prevent pregnancy.,en,contraceptives
"decrease in size, number, or range.",en,contract
"decrease in size, number, or range.",en,contracted
"decrease in size, number, or range.",en,contracting
the process of becoming smaller.,en,contraction
the process of becoming smaller.,en,contractions
a person or firm that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labour to perform a service or do a job.,en,contractor
a person or firm that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labour to perform a service or do a job.,en,contractors
"decrease in size, number, or range.",en,contracts
agreed in a contract.,en,contractual
in a way that is agreed in or enforced by a contract.,en,contractually
deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.,en,contradict
deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.,en,contradicted
deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.,en,contradicting
"a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.",en,contradiction
"a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.",en,contradictions
a contradictory proposition.,en,contradictory
deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.,en,contradicts
a temporary arrangement where traffic on a road is transferred from its usual side to share the other half of the carriageway with traffic moving in the opposite direction.,en,contraflow
a temporary arrangement where traffic on a road is transferred from its usual side to share the other half of the carriageway with traffic moving in the opposite direction.,en,contraflows
the lowest female singing voice.,en,contralto
the lowest female singing voice.,en,contraltos
"a machine or device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe.",en,contraption
"a machine or device that appears strange or unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe.",en,contraptions
of or in counterpoint.,en,contrapuntal
in the opposite way or order.,en,contrariwise
the opposite.,en,contrary
differ strikingly.,en,contrast
differ strikingly.,en,contrasted
differ strikingly.,en,contrasting
differ strikingly.,en,contrasts
"offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).",en,contravene
"offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).",en,contravened
"offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).",en,contravenes
"offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).",en,contravening
"an action which offends against a law, treaty, or other ruling.",en,contravention
"an action which offends against a law, treaty, or other ruling.",en,contraventions
a minor dispute or disagreement.,en,contretemps
"give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.",en,contribute
"give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.",en,contributed
"give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.",en,contributes
"give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.",en,contributing
a gift or payment to a common fund or collection.,en,contribution
a gift or payment to a common fund or collection.,en,contributions
a person or thing that contributes something.,en,contributor
a person or thing that contributes something.,en,contributors
"a person liable to give money towards the payment of a wound-up company's debts.",en,contributory
feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.,en,contrite
the state of feeling remorseful and penitent.,en,contrition
"the use of skill to create or bring about something, especially with a consequent effect of artificiality.",en,contrivance
"the use of skill to create or bring about something, especially with a consequent effect of artificiality.",en,contrivances
create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.,en,contrive
create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.,en,contrived
create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.,en,contrives
create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.,en,contriving
determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.,en,control
capable of being directed or influenced.,en,controllable
determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.,en,controlled
a person or thing that directs or regulates something.,en,controller
a person or thing that directs or regulates something.,en,controllers
determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.,en,controlling
determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.,en,controls
giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or public disagreement.,en,controversial
in a way that gives rise to controversy or public disagreement.,en,controversially
prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.,en,controversies
prolonged public disagreement or heated discussion.,en,controversy
"injure (a part of the body) without breaking the skin, forming a bruise.",en,contuse
"injure (a part of the body) without breaking the skin, forming a bruise.",en,contused
"injure (a part of the body) without breaking the skin, forming a bruise.",en,contuses
"injure (a part of the body) without breaking the skin, forming a bruise.",en,contusing
a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise.,en,contusion
a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured; a bruise.,en,contusions
a confusing and difficult problem or question.,en,conundrum
a confusing and difficult problem or question.,en,conundrums
"an extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with the suburbs of a central city.",en,conurbation
"an extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with the suburbs of a central city.",en,conurbations
"recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or medical treatment.",en,convalesce
"recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or medical treatment.",en,convalesced
time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation.,en,convalescence
a person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment.,en,convalescent
a person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment.,en,convalescents
"recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or medical treatment.",en,convalesces
"recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness or medical treatment.",en,convalescing
"the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.",en,convection
a heating appliance that circulates warm air by convection.,en,convector
a heating appliance that circulates warm air by convection.,en,convectors
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.,en,convene
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.,en,convened
a person whose job it is to call people together for meetings of a committee.,en,convener
a person whose job it is to call people together for meetings of a committee.,en,conveners
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.,en,convenes
the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.,en,convenience
the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.,en,conveniences
"fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans.",en,convenient
"in a way that fits well with particular needs, activities, and plans.",en,conveniently
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.,en,convening
a person whose job it is to call people together for meetings of a committee.,en,convenor
a person whose job it is to call people together for meetings of a committee.,en,convenors
a Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows.,en,convent
a way in which something is usually done.,en,convention
based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.,en,conventional
a person attending a convention.,en,conventioneers
a way in which something is usually done.,en,conventions
a Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows.,en,convents
(of lines) tend to meet at a point.,en,converge
(of lines) tend to meet at a point.,en,converged
the process or state of converging.,en,convergence
the process or state of converging.,en,convergences
coming closer together; converging.,en,convergent
(of lines) tend to meet at a point.,en,converges
(of lines) tend to meet at a point.,en,converging
familiar with or knowledgeable about something.,en,conversant
"a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.",en,conversation
as used in conversation; not formal.,en,conversational
a person who is good at or fond of engaging in conversation.,en,conversationalist
a person who is good at or fond of engaging in conversation.,en,conversationalists
"a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.",en,conversations
having characteristics which are the reverse of something else already mentioned.,en,converse
engage in conversation.,en,conversed
introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to.,en,conversely
"a situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another or corresponds to it but with certain terms transposed.",en,converses
engage in conversation.,en,conversing
the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another.,en,conversion
the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another.,en,conversions
a person who has been persuaded to change their religious faith or other belief.,en,convert
"change the form, character, or function of something.",en,converted
a person or thing that converts something.,en,converter
a person or thing that converts something.,en,converters
a car with a folding or detachable roof.,en,convertible
a car with a folding or detachable roof.,en,convertibles
"change the form, character, or function of something.",en,converting
a person or thing that converts something.,en,convertor
a person or thing that converts something.,en,convertors
a person who has been persuaded to change their religious faith or other belief.,en,converts
having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere.,en,convex
transport or carry to a place.,en,convey
the action or process of transporting or carrying someone or something from one place to another.,en,conveyance
the action or process of transporting or carrying someone or something from one place to another.,en,conveyances
the branch of law concerned with the preparation of documents for the conveyance of property.,en,conveyancing
transport or carry to a place.,en,conveyed
a person or thing that transports or communicates something.,en,conveyer
a person or thing that transports or communicates something.,en,conveyers
transport or carry to a place.,en,conveying
a person or thing that transports or communicates something.,en,conveyor
a person or thing that transports or communicates something.,en,conveyors
transport or carry to a place.,en,conveys
a person found guilty of a criminal offence and serving a sentence of imprisonment.,en,convict
declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.,en,convicted
declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.,en,convicting
a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.,en,conviction
a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence.,en,convictions
a person found guilty of a criminal offence and serving a sentence of imprisonment.,en,convicts
cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.,en,convince
cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.,en,convinced
cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.,en,convinces
cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.,en,convincing
in a way that causes someone to believe that something is true or real.,en,convincingly
"(of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable.",en,convivial
the quality of being friendly and lively; friendliness.,en,conviviality
a large formal assembly of people.,en,convocation
a large formal assembly of people.,en,convocations
"make (an argument, story, etc.) complex and difficult to follow.",en,convoluted
a thing that is complex and difficult to follow.,en,convolution
a thing that is complex and difficult to follow.,en,convolutions
(of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.,en,convoy
(of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.,en,convoyed
(of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.,en,convoying
(of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.,en,convoys
"suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs.",en,convulse
"suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs.",en,convulsed
"suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs.",en,convulses
"suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs.",en,convulsing
"a sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders such as epilepsy, the presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood, or fever in children.",en,convulsion
"a sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body, caused by involuntary contraction of muscles and associated especially with brain disorders such as epilepsy, the presence of certain toxins or other agents in the blood, or fever in children.",en,convulsions
producing or consisting of convulsions.,en,convulsive
a rabbit.,en,cony
"a chief operations (or operating) officer, a senior executive responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a company or other institution.",en,coo
(of a pigeon or dove) make a soft murmuring sound.,en,cooed
(of a pigeon or dove) make a soft murmuring sound.,en,cooing
"a person who prepares and cooks food, especially as a job or in a specified way.",en,cook
a book containing recipes and other information about the preparation and cooking of food.,en,cookbook
a book containing recipes and other information about the preparation and cooking of food.,en,cookbooks
"prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by mixing, combining, and heating the ingredients.",en,cooked
"an appliance used for cooking food, typically consisting of an oven, hob, and grill and powered by gas or electricity.",en,cooker
"an appliance used for cooking food, typically consisting of an oven, hob, and grill and powered by gas or electricity.",en,cookers
the practice or skill of preparing and cooking food.,en,cookery
a kitchen or dining hall in a military camp.,en,cookhouse
a kitchen or dining hall in a military camp.,en,cookhouses
"a sweet biscuit having a fairly soft, chewy texture and typically containing pieces of chocolate or fruit.",en,cookie
"a sweet biscuit having a fairly soft, chewy texture and typically containing pieces of chocolate or fruit.",en,cookies
"prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by mixing, combining, and heating the ingredients.",en,cooking
a party or gathering where a meal is cooked and eaten outdoors.,en,cookout
a party or gathering where a meal is cooked and eaten outdoors.,en,cookouts
"a person who prepares and cooks food, especially as a job or in a specified way.",en,cooks
"pots, pans, or dishes in which food can be cooked.",en,cookware
become or make less hot.,en,cool
a liquid or gas that is used to remove heat from something.,en,coolant
a liquid or gas that is used to remove heat from something.,en,coolants
become or make less hot.,en,cooled
of or at a fairly low temperature.,en,cooler
a container for keeping food or bottles cool.,en,coolers
of or at a fairly low temperature.,en,coolest
"an unskilled native labourer in India, China, and some other Asian countries.",en,coolie
"an unskilled native labourer in India, China, and some other Asian countries.",en,coolies
become or make less hot.,en,cooling
in a way that lacks friendliness or enthusiasm.,en,coolly
the quality or condition of being at a fairly low temperature.,en,coolness
become or make less hot.,en,cools
short for raccoon.,en,coon
short for raccoon.,en,coons
confine in a small space.,en,coop
confine in a small space.,en,cooped
make or repair (a cask or barrel).,en,cooper
work jointly towards the same end.,en,cooperate
work jointly towards the same end.,en,cooperated
work jointly towards the same end.,en,cooperates
work jointly towards the same end.,en,cooperating
the action or process of working together to the same end.,en,cooperation
"a farm, business, or other organization which is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits.",en,cooperative
"a farm, business, or other organization which is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits.",en,cooperatives
make or repair (a cask or barrel).,en,coopers
confine in a small space.,en,cooping
confine in a small space.,en,coops
"each of a group of numbers used to indicate the position of a point, line, or plane.",en,coordinate
bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a harmonious or efficient relationship.,en,coordinated
"each of a group of numbers used to indicate the position of a point, line, or plane.",en,coordinates
bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a harmonious or efficient relationship.,en,coordinating
the organization of the different elements of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work together effectively.,en,coordination
a person whose job is to organize events or activities and to negotiate with others in order to ensure they work together effectively.,en,coordinator
a person whose job is to organize events or activities and to negotiate with others in order to ensure they work together effectively.,en,coordinators
"a chief operations (or operating) officer, a senior executive responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a company or other institution.",en,coos
"an aquatic bird of the rail family, with blackish plumage, lobed feet, and a bill that extends back on to the forehead as a horny shield.",en,coot
"an aquatic bird of the rail family, with blackish plumage, lobed feet, and a bill that extends back on to the forehead as a horny shield.",en,coots
a conical mass of thread wound on to a spindle.,en,cop
(in building) cover (a joint or structure) with a coping.,en,cope
(in building) cover (a joint or structure) with a coping.,en,coped
(in building) cover (a joint or structure) with a coping.,en,copes
make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.,en,copied
"a machine that makes exact copies of something, especially documents, video or audio recordings, or software.",en,copier
"a machine that makes exact copies of something, especially documents, video or audio recordings, or software.",en,copiers
make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.,en,copies
act as the co-pilot of (an aircraft).,en,copilot
act as the co-pilot of (an aircraft).,en,copilots
(in building) cover (a joint or structure) with a coping.,en,coping
"the top, typically curved or sloping, course of a brick or stone wall.",en,copings
abundant in supply or quantity.,en,copious
in large quantities.,en,copiously
catch or arrest (an offender).,en,copped
a police officer.,en,copper
of or in copperplate writing.,en,copperplate
a police officer.,en,coppers
"like copper, especially in colour.",en,coppery
cut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodically to stimulate growth.,en,coppice
cut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodically to stimulate growth.,en,coppiced
cut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodically to stimulate growth.,en,coppices
cut back (a tree or shrub) to ground level periodically to stimulate growth.,en,coppicing
catch or arrest (an offender).,en,copping
a conical mass of thread wound on to a spindle.,en,cops
a small group of trees.,en,copse
a small group of trees.,en,copses
another term for helicopter.,en,copter
another term for helicopter.,en,copters
"a connecting word, in particular a form of the verb be connecting a subject and complement.",en,copula
"a connecting word, in particular a form of the verb be connecting a subject and complement.",en,copulas
have sexual intercourse.,en,copulate
have sexual intercourse.,en,copulated
have sexual intercourse.,en,copulates
have sexual intercourse.,en,copulating
sexual intercourse.,en,copulation
make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.,en,copy
exactly in accordance with established criteria; perfect.,en,copybook
"(especially in children's use) a person who copies another's behaviour, dress, or ideas.",en,copycat
"(especially in children's use) a person who copies another's behaviour, dress, or ideas.",en,copycats
make a similar or identical version of; reproduce.,en,copying
"a person who makes copies, especially of handwritten documents or music.",en,copyist
"a person who makes copies, especially of handwritten documents or music.",en,copyists
secure copyright for (material).,en,copyright
secure copyright for (material).,en,copyrighted
secure copyright for (material).,en,copyrighting
secure copyright for (material).,en,copyrights
a person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material.,en,copywriter
a person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material.,en,copywriters
flirtatious behaviour.,en,coquetry
a flirtatious woman.,en,coquette
a flirtatious woman.,en,coquettes
behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction; flirtatious.,en,coquettish
"(especially in Wales and Ireland) a small round boat made of wickerwork covered with a watertight material, propelled with a paddle.",en,coracle
"(especially in Wales and Ireland) a small round boat made of wickerwork covered with a watertight material, propelled with a paddle.",en,coracles
"a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas.",en,coral
"a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine coelenterates as an external skeleton, typically forming large reefs in warm seas.",en,corals
attach a cord to.,en,cord
attach a cord to.,en,corded
a sweet fruit-flavoured drink.,en,cordial
in a warm and friendly way.,en,cordially
a sweet fruit-flavoured drink.,en,cordials
"a smokeless explosive made from nitrocellulose, nitroglycerine, and petroleum jelly, used in ammunition.",en,cordite
a cordless phone.,en,cordless
prevent access to or from an area or building by surrounding it with police or other guards.,en,cordon
prevent access to or from an area or building by surrounding it with police or other guards.,en,cordoned
prevent access to or from an area or building by surrounding it with police or other guards.,en,cordoning
prevent access to or from an area or building by surrounding it with police or other guards.,en,cordons
attach a cord to.,en,cords
make (a road) out of tree trunks.,en,corduroy
make (a road) out of tree trunks.,en,corduroys
remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit).,en,core
remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit).,en,cored
an adherent of the same religion as another person.,en,coreligionist
an adherent of the same religion as another person.,en,coreligionists
remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit).,en,cores
a dog of a short-legged breed with a foxlike head.,en,corgi
a dog of a short-legged breed with a foxlike head.,en,corgis
"an aromatic Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, the leaves and seeds of which are used as culinary herbs.",en,coriander
remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit).,en,coring
close or seal (a bottle) with a cork.,en,cork
a charge made by a restaurant or hotel for serving wine that has been brought in by a customer.,en,corkage
close or seal (a bottle) with a cork.,en,corked
very good; excellent.,en,corker
an excellent or astonishing person or thing.,en,corkers
close or seal (a bottle) with a cork.,en,corking
close or seal (a bottle) with a cork.,en,corks
move or twist in a spiral motion.,en,corkscrew
move or twist in a spiral motion.,en,corkscrews
"a rounded underground storage organ present in plants such as crocuses, gladioli, and cyclamens, consisting of a swollen stem base covered with scale leaves.",en,corm
"a large diving bird with a long neck, long hooked bill, short legs, and mainly dark plumage. It typically breeds on coastal cliffs.",en,cormorant
"a large diving bird with a long neck, long hooked bill, short legs, and mainly dark plumage. It typically breeds on coastal cliffs.",en,cormorants
"a rounded underground storage organ present in plants such as crocuses, gladioli, and cyclamens, consisting of a swollen stem base covered with scale leaves.",en,corms
"a small, painful area of thickened skin on the foot, especially on the toes, caused by pressure.",en,corn
a person with trite or sentimental ideas.,en,cornball
the central cylindrical woody part of the maize ear to which the grains are attached.,en,corncob
the central cylindrical woody part of the maize ear to which the grains are attached.,en,corncobs
"a secretive Eurasian crake inhabiting coarse grasslands, with mainly brown streaked plumage and a distinctive double rasping call. Due to changes in agricultural practices it is now much rarer in the British Isles than formerly.",en,corncrake
"a secretive Eurasian crake inhabiting coarse grasslands, with mainly brown streaked plumage and a distinctive double rasping call. Due to changes in agricultural practices it is now much rarer in the British Isles than formerly.",en,corncrakes
the transparent layer forming the front of the eye.,en,cornea
the transparent layer forming the front of the eye.,en,corneas
another term for corner (sense 5 of the noun).,en,corner
force (a person or animal) into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape.,en,cornered
force (a person or animal) into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape.,en,cornering
another term for corner (sense 5 of the noun).,en,corners
an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.,en,cornerstone
an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.,en,cornerstones
"the fifth grade of commissioned officer in a cavalry troop, who carried the colours. It is still used in some British cavalry regiments for officers of the rank of second lieutenant.",en,cornet
"the fifth grade of commissioned officer in a cavalry troop, who carried the colours. It is still used in some British cavalry regiments for officers of the rank of second lieutenant.",en,cornets
a field in which corn is being grown.,en,cornfield
a field in which corn is being grown.,en,cornfields
a breakfast cereal consisting of toasted flakes made from maize flour.,en,cornflakes
"finely ground maize flour, used for thickening sauces.",en,cornflour
"a slender Eurasian plant related to the knapweeds, with flowers that are typically a deep, vivid blue.",en,cornflower
"a slender Eurasian plant related to the knapweeds, with flowers that are typically a deep, vivid blue.",en,cornflowers
an ornamental moulding round the wall of a room just below the ceiling.,en,cornice
an ornamental moulding round the wall of a room just below the ceiling.,en,cornices
"trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental.",en,cornier
"trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental.",en,corniest
"meal made from corn, especially (in the US) maize flour or (in Scotland) oatmeal.",en,cornmeal
(especially among black people) a style of braiding and plaiting the hair in narrow strips to form geometric patterns on the scalp.,en,cornrow
(especially among black people) a style of braiding and plaiting the hair in narrow strips to form geometric patterns on the scalp.,en,cornrows
"a small, painful area of thickened skin on the foot, especially on the toes, caused by pressure.",en,corns
"finely ground maize flour, used as a thickener in cooking; cornflour.",en,cornstarch
"a symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn.",en,cornucopia
"trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental.",en,corny
a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved.,en,corollaries
forming a proposition that follows from one already proved.,en,corollary
"a long, straight-sided cigar.",en,corona
a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown.,en,coronae
short for coronary thrombosis.,en,coronaries
short for coronary thrombosis.,en,coronary
"a long, straight-sided cigar.",en,coronas
"the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort.",en,coronation
"the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's consort.",en,coronations
"an official who holds inquests into violent, sudden, or suspicious deaths, and (in Britain) inquiries into cases of treasure trove.",en,coroner
"an official who holds inquests into violent, sudden, or suspicious deaths, and (in Britain) inquiries into cases of treasure trove.",en,coroners
"a small or relatively simple crown, especially as worn by lesser royalty and peers or peeresses.",en,coronet
"a small or relatively simple crown, especially as worn by lesser royalty and peers or peeresses.",en,coronets
"a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.",en,corpora
a cloth on which the chalice and paten are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.,en,corporal
a cloth on which the chalice and paten are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.,en,corporals
a corporate company or group.,en,corporate
a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.,en,corporation
a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law.,en,corporations
the control of a state or organization by large interest groups.,en,corporatism
"relating to a person's body, especially as opposed to their spirit.",en,corporeal
"a main subdivision of an army in the field, consisting of two or more divisions.",en,corps
"spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably.",en,corpse
"spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably.",en,corpses
the state of being fat; obesity.,en,corpulence
(of a person) fat.,en,corpulent
"a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.",en,corpus
"a minute body or cell in an organism, especially a red or white cell in the blood of vertebrates.",en,corpuscle
"a minute body or cell in an organism, especially a red or white cell in the blood of vertebrates.",en,corpuscles
"a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.",en,corpuses
"a pen for livestock, especially cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch.",en,corral
gather together and confine (a group of people or things).,en,corralled
gather together and confine (a group of people or things).,en,corralling
"a pen for livestock, especially cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch.",en,corrals
put right (an error or fault).,en,correct
put right (an error or fault).,en,corrected
put right (an error or fault).,en,correcting
the action or process of correcting something.,en,correction
relating to the punishment of criminals in a way intended to rectify their behaviour.,en,correctional
the action or process of correcting something.,en,corrections
a thing intended to correct or counteract something else.,en,corrective
a thing intended to correct or counteract something else.,en,correctives
"in a way that is true, factual or appropriate; accurately.",en,correctly
the quality or state of being free from error; accuracy.,en,correctness
put right (an error or fault).,en,corrects
each of two or more related or complementary things.,en,correlate
"have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another.",en,correlated
each of two or more related or complementary things.,en,correlates
"have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another.",en,correlating
a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.,en,correlation
a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.,en,correlations
a word or concept that has a mutual relationship with another word or concept.,en,correlative
a word or concept that has a mutual relationship with another word or concept.,en,correlatives
have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.,en,correspond
have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.,en,corresponded
"a close similarity, connection, or equivalence.",en,correspondence
"a close similarity, connection, or equivalence.",en,correspondences
a person who writes letters on a regular basis.,en,correspondents
have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.,en,corresponding
in an analogous or equivalent way.,en,correspondingly
have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly.,en,corresponds
a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.,en,corridor
a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.,en,corridors
(especially in Scotland) a steep-sided hollow at the head of a valley or on a mountainside; a cirque.,en,corrie
(especially in Scotland) a steep-sided hollow at the head of a valley or on a mountainside; a cirque.,en,corries
"confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).",en,corroborate
"confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).",en,corroborated
"confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).",en,corroborates
"confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).",en,corroborating
"evidence which confirms or supports a statement, theory, or finding; confirmation.",en,corroboration
"destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other materials) slowly by chemical action.",en,corrode
"destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other materials) slowly by chemical action.",en,corroded
"destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other materials) slowly by chemical action.",en,corrodes
"destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other materials) slowly by chemical action.",en,corroding
the process of corroding or being corroded.,en,corrosion
a corrosive substance.,en,corrosive
contract or cause to contract into wrinkles or folds.,en,corrugated
cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.,en,corrupt
cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.,en,corrupted
cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.,en,corrupting
"dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.",en,corruption
"dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.",en,corruptions
cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.,en,corrupts
"a spray of flowers worn pinned to a woman's clothes.",en,corsage
"a spray of flowers worn pinned to a woman's clothes.",en,corsages
"a woman's tightly fitting undergarment extending from below the chest to the hips, worn to shape the figure.",en,corset
"a woman's tightly fitting undergarment extending from below the chest to the hips, worn to shape the figure.",en,corsets
"a solemn procession, especially for a funeral.",en,cortege
"a solemn procession, especially for a funeral.",en,corteges
"the outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex ), composed of folded grey matter and playing an important role in consciousness.",en,cortex
relating to the outer layer of the cerebrum.,en,cortical
"the outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex ), composed of folded grey matter and playing an important role in consciousness.",en,cortices
"a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. One of the glucocorticoids, it is also made synthetically for use as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agent.",en,cortisone
(of light) flash or sparkle.,en,coruscating
a small warship designed for convoy escort duty.,en,corvette
a lettuce of a variety with crisp narrow leaves that form a tall head.,en,cos
hit (someone) on the head with a cosh.,en,cosh
hit (someone) on the head with a cosh.,en,coshed
hit (someone) on the head with a cosh.,en,coshes
hit (someone) on the head with a cosh.,en,coshing
"giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.",en,cosier
make (someone) feel comfortable or complacent.,en,cosies
"giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.",en,cosiest
a person or state signing a treaty or other document jointly with others.,en,cosignatories
a person or state signing a treaty or other document jointly with others.,en,cosignatory
the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.,en,cosine
the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.,en,cosines
"a preparation applied to the body, especially the face, to improve its appearance.",en,cosmetic
"a preparation applied to the body, especially the face, to improve its appearance.",en,cosmetics
"relating to the universe or cosmos, especially as distinct from the earth.",en,cosmic
relating to the origin and development of the universe.,en,cosmological
"the science of the origin and development of the universe. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.",en,cosmologies
"the science of the origin and development of the universe. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.",en,cosmology
a Russian astronaut.,en,cosmonaut
a Russian astronaut.,en,cosmonauts
a cosmopolitan person.,en,cosmopolitan
a cosmopolitan person.,en,cosmopolitans
"an ornamental plant of the daisy family, which bears single brightly coloured flowers and is native to Mexico and warm regions of America.",en,cosmos
care for and protect in an overindulgent way.,en,cosset
care for and protect in an overindulgent way.,en,cosseted
care for and protect in an overindulgent way.,en,cosseting
care for and protect in an overindulgent way.,en,cossets
cared for and protected in an overindulgent way; pampered.,en,cossetted
an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.,en,cost
(of an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done.,en,costed
(of an object or action) require the payment of (a specified sum of money) before it can be acquired or done.,en,costing
the proposed or estimated cost of producing or undertaking something.,en,costings
costing a lot; expensive.,en,costlier
costing a lot; expensive.,en,costliest
costing a lot; expensive.,en,costly
an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.,en,costs
dress (someone) in a particular set of clothes.,en,costume
a person or company that makes or supplies theatrical or fancy-dress costumes.,en,costumer
a person or company that makes or supplies theatrical or fancy-dress costumes.,en,costumers
dress (someone) in a particular set of clothes.,en,costumes
a person or company that makes or supplies theatrical or fancy-dress costumes.,en,costumier
a person or company that makes or supplies theatrical or fancy-dress costumes.,en,costumiers
make (someone) feel comfortable or complacent.,en,cosy
a small shelter for livestock.,en,cot
"a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.",en,coterie
"a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.",en,coteries
"having the same boundaries or extent in space, time, or meaning.",en,coterminous
a small shelter for livestock.,en,cots
perform homosexual acts in a public toilet.,en,cottage
a person living in a cottage.,en,cottager
a person living in a cottage.,en,cottagers
perform homosexual acts in a public toilet.,en,cottages
perform homosexual acts in a public toilet.,en,cottaging
a soft white fibrous substance which surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant and is made into textile fibre and thread for sewing.,en,cotton
a soft white fibrous substance which surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant and is made into textile fibre and thread for sewing.,en,cottons
a North American poplar with seeds covered in white cottony hairs.,en,cottonwood
a North American poplar with seeds covered in white cottony hairs.,en,cottonwoods
"a coarse grass with long creeping roots, which can be a serious weed in gardens.",en,couch
express (something) in language of a specified style.,en,couched
"a heavy cloth, typically linen, used to help bread dough keep its shape while it is proving.",en,couches
a railway carriage with seats convertible into sleeping berths.,en,couchette
a railway carriage with seats convertible into sleeping berths.,en,couchettes
express (something) in language of a specified style.,en,couching
"a large American wild cat with a plain tawny to greyish coat, found from Canada to Patagonia.",en,cougar
"a large American wild cat with a plain tawny to greyish coat, found from Canada to Patagonia.",en,cougars
an act or sound of coughing.,en,cough
expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.,en,coughed
expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.,en,coughing
an act or sound of coughing.,en,coughs
be able to.,en,could
"a thin fruit or vegetable puree, used as a sauce.",en,coulis
"an advisory, deliberative, or administrative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.",en,council
a member of a council.,en,councillor
a member of a council.,en,councillors
a member of a council.,en,councilors
"an advisory, deliberative, or administrative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.",en,councils
"a female member of a council, especially a municipal one.",en,councilwoman
"a female member of a council, especially a municipal one.",en,councilwomen
give advice to (someone).,en,counsel
give advice to (someone).,en,counseled
the provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.,en,counseling
give advice to (someone).,en,counselled
give advice to (someone).,en,counselling
a person trained to give guidance on personal or psychological problems.,en,counsellor
a person trained to give guidance on personal or psychological problems.,en,counsellors
a person trained to give guidance on personal or psychological problems.,en,counselor
a person trained to give guidance on personal or psychological problems.,en,counselors
give advice to (someone).,en,counsels
a foreign nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of an earl.,en,count
able to be counted.,en,countable
"an act of counting numerals in reverse order to zero, especially before the launching of a rocket or missile.",en,countdown
"an act of counting numerals in reverse order to zero, especially before the launching of a rocket or missile.",en,countdowns
determine the total number of (a collection of items).,en,counted
admit as acceptable or possible.,en,countenance
admit as acceptable or possible.,en,countenanced
admit as acceptable or possible.,en,countenances
admit as acceptable or possible.,en,countenancing
"the back part of a shoe or boot, enclosing the heel.",en,counter
act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.,en,counteract
act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.,en,counteracted
act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.,en,counteracting
act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.,en,counteracts
an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.,en,counterargument
an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument.,en,counterarguments
attack in response.,en,counterattack
attack in response.,en,counterattacked
attack in response.,en,counterattacking
attack in response.,en,counterattacks
(of a weight) balance (another weight).,en,counterbalance
(of a weight) balance (another weight).,en,counterbalanced
(of a weight) balance (another weight).,en,counterbalances
(of a weight) balance (another weight).,en,counterbalancing
"a strongly worded reply to someone else's views.",en,counterblast
"a strongly worded reply to someone else's views.",en,counterblasts
(of a direction) opposite to the way in which the hands of a clock move round; anticlockwise.,en,counterclockwise
a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.,en,counterculture
a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.,en,countercultures
speak or act in opposition to.,en,countered
activities designed to prevent or thwart spying by an enemy.,en,counterespionage
imitate fraudulently.,en,counterfeit
imitate fraudulently.,en,counterfeited
imitate fraudulently.,en,counterfeiting
imitate fraudulently.,en,counterfeits
"the part of a cheque, receipt, ticket, or other document that is torn off and kept as a record by the person issuing it.",en,counterfoil
"the part of a cheque, receipt, ticket, or other document that is torn off and kept as a record by the person issuing it.",en,counterfoils
speak or act in opposition to.,en,countering
military or political action taken against the activities of guerrillas or revolutionaries.,en,counterinsurgency
another term for counter-espionage.,en,counterintelligence
an order revoking a previous one.,en,countermand
revoke or cancel (an order).,en,countermanded
revoke or cancel (an order).,en,countermanding
an order revoking a previous one.,en,countermands
an action taken to counteract a danger or threat.,en,countermeasure
an action taken to counteract a danger or threat.,en,countermeasures
"an attack made in response to one from an enemy, typically on a large scale or for a prolonged period.",en,counteroffensive
"an attack made in response to one from an enemy, typically on a large scale or for a prolonged period.",en,counteroffensives
a bedspread.,en,counterpane
a bedspread.,en,counterpanes
a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation.,en,counterpart
a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same function as another person or thing in a different place or situation.,en,counterparts
add counterpoint to (a melody).,en,counterpoint
add counterpoint to (a melody).,en,counterpointed
add counterpoint to (a melody).,en,counterpointing
add counterpoint to (a melody).,en,counterpoints
having the opposite of the desired effect.,en,counterproductive
a revolution opposing a former one or reversing its results.,en,counterrevolution
a revolution opposing a former one or reversing its results.,en,counterrevolutions
"the back part of a shoe or boot, enclosing the heel.",en,counters
a signal or password given in reply to a soldier on guard.,en,countersign
add a signature to (a document already signed by another person).,en,countersigned
add a signature to (a document already signed by another person).,en,countersigning
a signal or password given in reply to a soldier on guard.,en,countersigns
"the highest male adult singing voice (sometimes distinguished from the male alto voice by its strong, pure tone).",en,countertenor
"the highest male adult singing voice (sometimes distinguished from the male alto voice by its strong, pure tone).",en,countertenors
offset the effect of (something) by countering it with something of equal force.,en,countervailing
the wife or widow of a count or earl.,en,countess
the wife or widow of a count or earl.,en,countesses
"a territorial division of some countries, forming the chief unit of local administration.",en,counties
determine the total number of (a collection of items).,en,counting
too many to be counted; very many.,en,countless
"a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.",en,countries
"reminiscent or characteristic of the country, especially in being unsophisticated.",en,countrified
"a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory.",en,country
a person from the same country as someone else.,en,countryman
a person from the same country as someone else.,en,countrymen
the land and scenery of a rural area.,en,countryside
throughout a nation.,en,countrywide
a woman from the same country as someone else.,en,countrywoman
a woman from the same country as someone else.,en,countrywomen
a foreign nobleman whose rank corresponds to that of an earl.,en,counts
"a territorial division of some countries, forming the chief unit of local administration.",en,county
"a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.",en,coup
"a shallow glass or glass dish, typically with a stem, in which desserts or champagne are served.",en,coupe
"a shallow glass or glass dish, typically with a stem, in which desserts or champagne are served.",en,coupes
link or combine (something) with something else.,en,couple
link or combine (something) with something else.,en,coupled
link or combine (something) with something else.,en,couples
"a pair of successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same length.",en,couplet
"a pair of successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same length.",en,couplets
link or combine (something) with something else.,en,coupling
a device for connecting parts of machinery.,en,couplings
(of a consumer) collect and use coupons or vouchers offering discounts on goods or services.,en,coupon
(of a consumer) collect and use coupons or vouchers offering discounts on goods or services.,en,coupons
"a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.",en,coups
the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.,en,courage
not deterred by danger or pain; brave.,en,courageous
without being deterred by danger or pain; bravely.,en,courageously
"the immature fruit of a vegetable marrow, in particular one of a variety developed for harvesting and eating at an early stage of growth.",en,courgette
"the immature fruit of a vegetable marrow, in particular one of a variety developed for harvesting and eating at an early stage of growth.",en,courgettes
send (goods or documents) by courier.,en,courier
send (goods or documents) by courier.,en,couriered
send (goods or documents) by courier.,en,couriering
send (goods or documents) by courier.,en,couriers
(of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.,en,course
a textbook designed for use on a particular course of study.,en,coursebook
a textbook designed for use on a particular course of study.,en,coursebooks
(of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.,en,coursed
(of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.,en,courses
"written or practical work done by a student during a course of study, usually assessed in order to count towards a final mark or grade.",en,coursework
(of liquid) move without obstruction; flow.,en,coursing
"be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.",en,court
"be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.",en,courted
"polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.",en,courteous
"a prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients.",en,courtesan
"a prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients.",en,courtesans
"the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behaviour towards others.",en,courtesies
"the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behaviour towards others.",en,courtesy
a building in which a judicial court is held.,en,courthouse
a building in which a judicial court is held.,en,courthouses
a person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen.,en,courtier
a person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen.,en,courtiers
"be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.",en,courting
"very polite or refined, as befitting a royal court.",en,courtlier
"very polite or refined, as befitting a royal court.",en,courtliest
"very polite or refined, as befitting a royal court.",en,courtly
the place or room in which a court of law meets.,en,courtroom
the place or room in which a court of law meets.,en,courtrooms
"be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.",en,courts
a period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship before getting married.,en,courtship
a period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship before getting married.,en,courtships
"an unroofed area that is completely or partially enclosed by walls or buildings, typically one forming part of a castle or large house.",en,courtyard
"an unroofed area that is completely or partially enclosed by walls or buildings, typically one forming part of a castle or large house.",en,courtyards
a type of North African semolina in granules made from crushed durum wheat.,en,couscous
"a child of one's uncle or aunt.",en,cousin
"a child of one's uncle or aunt.",en,cousins
"the design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a client's specific requirements and measurements.",en,couture
"a fashion designer who manufactures and sells clothes that have been tailored to a client's specific requirements and measurements.",en,couturier
"a fashion designer who manufactures and sells clothes that have been tailored to a client's specific requirements and measurements.",en,couturiers
a man.,en,cove
a group or meeting of witches.,en,coven
"agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.",en,covenant
"agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.",en,covenanted
"agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.",en,covenanting
"agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.",en,covenants
a group or meeting of witches.,en,covens
"a thing which lies on, over, or around something, especially in order to protect or conceal it.",en,cover
the extent to which something deals with something else.,en,coverage
a one-piece protective garment worn for heavy manual work; a boiler suit.,en,coveralls
"put something on top of or in front of (something), especially in order to protect or conceal it.",en,covered
"put something on top of or in front of (something), especially in order to protect or conceal it.",en,covering
"a thing used to protect, decorate, or conceal something else.",en,coverings
a bedspread.,en,coverlet
a bedspread.,en,coverlets
"a thing which lies on, over, or around something, especially in order to protect or conceal it.",en,covers
a thicket in which game can hide.,en,covert
without being openly acknowledged or displayed; secretly.,en,covertly
a thicket in which game can hide.,en,coverts
a man.,en,coves
"yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another).",en,covet
"yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another).",en,coveted
"yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another).",en,coveting
having or showing a great desire to possess something belonging to someone else.,en,covetous
"yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another).",en,covets
"cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation.",en,cow
excessively afraid of danger or pain.,en,coward
lack of bravery.,en,cowardice
in a way which shows a lack of courage.,en,cowardly
a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.,en,cowards
"a bell hung round a cow's neck in order to help locate the animal by the noise it makes.",en,cowbell
"a bell hung round a cow's neck in order to help locate the animal by the noise it makes.",en,cowbells
work as a cowboy.,en,cowboy
work as a cowboy.,en,cowboys
a metal frame at the front of a locomotive for pushing aside cattle or other obstacles on the line.,en,cowcatcher
a metal frame at the front of a locomotive for pushing aside cattle or other obstacles on the line.,en,cowcatchers
"cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation.",en,cowed
crouch down in fear.,en,cower
crouch down in fear.,en,cowered
crouch down in fear.,en,cowering
crouch down in fear.,en,cowers
"(especially in the western US) a woman who herds and tends cattle, performing much of her work on horseback.",en,cowgirl
"(especially in the western US) a woman who herds and tends cattle, performing much of her work on horseback.",en,cowgirls
a person employed to tend cattle or to run a ranch.,en,cowhand
a person employed to tend cattle or to run a ranch.,en,cowhands
"a cow's hide.",en,cowhide
"cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation.",en,cowing
"a large loose hood, especially one forming part of a monk's habit.",en,cowl
"a lock of hair hanging or projecting over a person's forehead.",en,cowlick
"a lock of hair hanging or projecting over a person's forehead.",en,cowlicks
the removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine.,en,cowling
the removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine.,en,cowlings
"a large loose hood, especially one forming part of a monk's habit.",en,cowls
a flat round deposit of cow dung.,en,cowpat
a flat round deposit of cow dung.,en,cowpats
"a viral disease of cows' udders which, when contracted by humans through contact, resembles mild smallpox, and was the basis of the first smallpox vaccines.",en,cowpox
"a marine mollusc which has a glossy, brightly patterned domed shell with a long, narrow opening.",en,cowrie
"a marine mollusc which has a glossy, brightly patterned domed shell with a long, narrow opening.",en,cowries
"cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes by intimidation.",en,cows
"a farm building in which cattle are kept when not at pasture, or in which they are milked.",en,cowshed
"a farm building in which cattle are kept when not at pasture, or in which they are milked.",en,cowsheds
"a European primula with clusters of drooping fragrant yellow flowers in spring, growing on dry grassy banks and in pasture.",en,cowslip
"a European primula with clusters of drooping fragrant yellow flowers in spring, growing on dry grassy banks and in pasture.",en,cowslips
"the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is required for the formation of prostaglandins and is blocked by painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen.",en,cox
the crest or comb of a domestic cock.,en,coxcomb
a vain and conceited man; a dandy.,en,coxcombs
act as a coxswain for (a racing boat or crew).,en,coxed
an English eating apple of a variety with a red-tinged green skin.,en,coxes
act as a coxswain for (a racing boat or crew).,en,coxing
"the person who steers a ship's boat, racing boat, or other boat.",en,coxswain
"the person who steers a ship's boat, racing boat, or other boat.",en,coxswains
(especially with reference to a woman) making a pretence of shyness or modesty which is intended to be alluring.,en,coy
in an outwardly shy or modest way intended to be alluring.,en,coyly
(especially in a woman) the quality of feigning shyness or modesty in an attempt to seem alluring.,en,coyness
"a wild dog that resembles the wolf, native to North America.",en,coyote
"a wild dog that resembles the wolf, native to North America.",en,coyotes
"a large semiaquatic rodent resembling a beaver, native to South America. It is kept in captivity for its fur and has become naturalized in many other areas.",en,coypu
"a large semiaquatic rodent resembling a beaver, native to South America. It is kept in captivity for its fur and has become naturalized in many other areas.",en,coypus
"giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.",en,cozier
"giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.",en,coziest
make (someone) feel comfortable or complacent.,en,cozy
a small sour apple.,en,crab
grumble about something petty.,en,crabbed
a creeping grass that can become a serious weed.,en,crabgrass
a small sour apple.,en,crabs
"moving sideways, typically in an awkward way.",en,crabwise
very good or skilful.,en,crack
a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour.,en,crackdown
a series of severe measures to restrict undesirable or illegal people or behaviour.,en,crackdowns
break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts.,en,cracked
a person or thing that cracks.,en,cracker
an exceptionally good person or thing.,en,crackerjack
a person or thing that cracks.,en,crackers
break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts.,en,cracking
a sound made up of a rapid succession of short sharp noises.,en,crackle
make a rapid succession of short sharp noises.,en,crackled
a sound made up of a rapid succession of short sharp noises.,en,crackles
make a rapid succession of short sharp noises.,en,crackling
the crisp fatty skin of roast pork.,en,cracklings
eccentric; impractical.,en,crackpot
an eccentric or foolish person.,en,crackpots
break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts.,en,cracks
hold gently and protectively.,en,cradle
hold gently and protectively.,en,cradled
hold gently and protectively.,en,cradles
hold gently and protectively.,en,cradling
"exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand.",en,craft
"exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand.",en,crafted
"clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods.",en,craftier
"clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods.",en,craftiest
"exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand.",en,crafting
"exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand.",en,crafts
a worker skilled in a particular craft.,en,craftsman
skill in a particular craft.,en,craftsmanship
a worker skilled in a particular craft.,en,craftsmen
a person who is skilled at making things by hand (used as a neutral alternative).,en,craftspeople
a female worker skilled in a particular craft.,en,craftswoman
a female worker skilled in a particular craft.,en,craftswomen
"clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods.",en,crafty
a steep or rugged cliff or rock face.,en,crag
(of a landscape) having many crags.,en,craggier
(of a landscape) having many crags.,en,craggiest
(of a landscape) having many crags.,en,craggy
a steep or rugged cliff or rock face.,en,crags
completely fill (a place or container) to the point of overflowing.,en,cram
completely fill (a place or container) to the point of overflowing.,en,crammed
a person or institution that prepares pupils for an examination intensively over a short period of time.,en,crammer
a person or institution that prepares pupils for an examination intensively over a short period of time.,en,crammers
completely fill (a place or container) to the point of overflowing.,en,cramming
inhibit the development of.,en,cramp
inhibit the development of.,en,cramped
inhibit the development of.,en,cramping
a metal plate with spikes fixed to a boot for walking on ice or rock climbing.,en,crampon
a metal plate with spikes fixed to a boot for walking on ice or rock climbing.,en,crampons
inhibit the development of.,en,cramps
completely fill (a place or container) to the point of overflowing.,en,crams
a small red acid berry used in cooking.,en,cranberries
a small red acid berry used in cooking.,en,cranberry
"a tall, long-legged, long-necked bird, typically with white or grey plumage and often with tail plumes and patches of bare red skin on the head. Cranes are noted for their elaborate courtship dances.",en,crane
"stretch out one's body or neck in order to see something.",en,craned
"a tall, long-legged, long-necked bird, typically with white or grey plumage and often with tail plumes and patches of bare red skin on the head. Cranes are noted for their elaborate courtship dances.",en,cranes
"the skull, especially the part enclosing the brain.",en,crania
relating to the skull or cranium.,en,cranial
"stretch out one's body or neck in order to see something.",en,craning
"the skull, especially the part enclosing the brain.",en,cranium
"the skull, especially the part enclosing the brain.",en,craniums
(of a sailing ship) liable to heel over.,en,crank
turn the crankshaft of (an internal combustion engine) in order to start the engine.,en,cranked
eccentric or strange.,en,crankier
eccentric or strange.,en,crankiest
turn the crankshaft of (an internal combustion engine) in order to start the engine.,en,cranking
"an eccentric person, especially one who is obsessed by a particular subject.",en,cranks
a shaft driven by a crank.,en,crankshaft
a shaft driven by a crank.,en,crankshafts
eccentric or strange.,en,cranky
"a small, narrow space or opening.",en,crannies
"a small, narrow space or opening.",en,cranny
make a losing throw at craps.,en,crap
"a light, thin fabric with a wrinkled surface.",en,crape
make a losing throw at craps.,en,crapped
extremely poor in quality.,en,crapper
a toilet.,en,crappers
of extremely poor quality.,en,crappier
of extremely poor quality.,en,crappiest
make a losing throw at craps.,en,crapping
of extremely poor quality.,en,crappy
make a losing throw at craps.,en,craps
"a coarse plain linen, woollen, or cotton fabric.",en,crash
(of a vehicle) collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle.,en,crashed
"a violent collision, typically of one vehicle with another or with an object.",en,crashes
(of a vehicle) collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle.,en,crashing
showing no intelligence or sensitivity.,en,crass
showing no intelligence or sensitivity.,en,crasser
showing no intelligence or sensitivity.,en,crassest
pack (something) in a crate for transportation.,en,crate
pack (something) in a crate for transportation.,en,crated
form a crater in (the ground or a planet).,en,crater
form a crater in (the ground or a planet).,en,cratered
form a crater in (the ground or a planet).,en,craters
pack (something) in a crate for transportation.,en,crates
pack (something) in a crate for transportation.,en,crating
"a short, wide strip of fabric worn by men round the neck and tucked inside an open-necked shirt.",en,cravat
"a short, wide strip of fabric worn by men round the neck and tucked inside an open-necked shirt.",en,cravats
feel a powerful desire for (something).,en,crave
feel a powerful desire for (something).,en,craved
a cowardly person.,en,craven
feel a powerful desire for (something).,en,craves
feel a powerful desire for (something).,en,craving
a powerful desire for something.,en,cravings
retreat from a position.,en,crawfish
"an act of moving on one's hands and knees or dragging one's body along the ground.",en,crawl
move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground.,en,crawled
"a thing that crawls or moves at a slow pace, especially an insect.",en,crawler
"a thing that crawls or moves at a slow pace, especially an insect.",en,crawlers
move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground.,en,crawling
move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground.,en,crawls
a nocturnal freshwater crustacean that resembles a small lobster and inhabits streams and rivers.,en,crayfish
draw with a crayon or crayons.,en,crayon
draw with a crayon or crayons.,en,crayoned
draw with a crayon or crayons.,en,crayoning
draw with a crayon or crayons.,en,crayons
make (someone) insane or wildly out of control.,en,craze
make (someone) insane or wildly out of control.,en,crazed
make (someone) insane or wildly out of control.,en,crazes
"mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behaviour.",en,crazier
a mad person.,en,crazies
"mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behaviour.",en,craziest
"in a mad, wild, or erratic way.",en,crazily
"mad, wild, or erratic behaviour or nature.",en,craziness
a mad person.,en,crazy
a harsh scraping or squeaking sound.,en,creak
"(of an object or structure, typically a wooden one) make a harsh, high-pitched sound when being moved or when pressure or weight is applied.",en,creaked
making or liable to make a creaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied.,en,creakier
making or liable to make a creaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied.,en,creakiest
"(of an object or structure, typically a wooden one) make a harsh, high-pitched sound when being moved or when pressure or weight is applied.",en,creaking
a harsh scraping or squeaking sound.,en,creaks
making or liable to make a creaking sound when being moved or when pressure is applied.,en,creaky
"work (two or more ingredients, typically butter and sugar) together to form a creamy paste.",en,cream
"work (two or more ingredients, typically butter and sugar) together to form a creamy paste.",en,creamed
a cream or milk substitute for adding to coffee or tea.,en,creamer
a factory that produces butter and cheese.,en,creameries
a cream or milk substitute for adding to coffee or tea.,en,creamers
a factory that produces butter and cheese.,en,creamery
resembling cream in consistency or colour.,en,creamier
resembling cream in consistency or colour.,en,creamiest
"work (two or more ingredients, typically butter and sugar) together to form a creamy paste.",en,creaming
"work (two or more ingredients, typically butter and sugar) together to form a creamy paste.",en,creams
resembling cream in consistency or colour.,en,creamy
make a crease in (cloth or paper).,en,crease
make a crease in (cloth or paper).,en,creased
make a crease in (cloth or paper).,en,creases
make a crease in (cloth or paper).,en,creasing
bring (something) into existence.,en,create
bring (something) into existence.,en,created
bring (something) into existence.,en,creates
bring (something) into existence.,en,creating
the action or process of bringing something into existence.,en,creation
"the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution.",en,creationism
relating to the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation.,en,creationist
"a person who believes that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account.",en,creationists
the action or process of bringing something into existence.,en,creations
a person whose job involves creative work.,en,creative
in an original or imaginative way.,en,creatively
the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.,en,creativity
a person or thing that brings something into existence.,en,creator
a person or thing that brings something into existence.,en,creators
"an animal, as distinct from a human being.",en,creature
"an animal, as distinct from a human being.",en,creatures
a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.,en,creche
a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.,en,creches
another term for street credibility.,en,cred
belief in or acceptance of something as true.,en,credence
provide with credentials.,en,credential
provide with credentials.,en,credentialed
provide with credentials.,en,credentialing
provide with credentials.,en,credentials
the quality of being trusted and believed in.,en,credibility
able to be believed; convincing.,en,credible
in a believable and convincing way.,en,credibly
"publicly acknowledge a contributor's role in the production of (something published or broadcast).",en,credit
"(of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful.",en,creditable
"publicly acknowledge a contributor's role in the production of (something published or broadcast).",en,credited
"publicly acknowledge a contributor's role in the production of (something published or broadcast).",en,crediting
a person or company to whom money is owing.,en,creditor
a person or company to whom money is owing.,en,creditors
"publicly acknowledge a contributor's role in the production of (something published or broadcast).",en,credits
"the extent to which a person or company is considered suitable to receive financial credit, often based on their reliability in paying money back in the past.",en,creditworthiness
"(of a person or company) considered suitable to receive credit, especially because of being reliable in paying money back in the past.",en,creditworthy
"a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.",en,credo
"a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.",en,credos
a tendency to be too ready to believe that something is real or true.,en,credulity
having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.,en,credulous
a system of religious belief; a faith.,en,creeds
relating to or denoting the Creek or their language.,en,creek
"a narrow, sheltered waterway, especially an inlet in a shoreline or channel in a marsh.",en,creeks
a large wicker basket for holding fish.,en,creel
a large wicker basket for holding fish.,en,creels
a detestable person.,en,creep
"any plant that grows along the ground, around another plant, or up a wall by means of extending stems or branches.",en,creeper
"any plant that grows along the ground, around another plant, or up a wall by means of extending stems or branches.",en,creepers
causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.,en,creepier
causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.,en,creepiest
move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.,en,creeping
a detestable person.,en,creeps
causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.,en,creepy
"dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.",en,cremate
"dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.",en,cremated
"dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.",en,cremates
"dispose of (a dead person's body) by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.",en,cremating
"the disposal of a dead person's body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.",en,cremation
"the disposal of a dead person's body by burning it to ashes, typically after a funeral ceremony.",en,cremations
"a place where a dead person's body is cremated.",en,crematoria
"a place where a dead person's body is cremated; a crematorium.",en,crematories
"a place where a dead person's body is cremated.",en,crematorium
"a place where a dead person's body is cremated.",en,crematoriums
relating to cremation.,en,crematory
(of a wall or building) having battlements.,en,crenelated
provide (a wall of a building) with battlements.,en,crenellated
relating to a Creole or Creoles.,en,creole
"a person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean.",en,creoles
treat (wood) with creosote.,en,creosote
treat (wood) with creosote.,en,creosoted
treat (wood) with creosote.,en,creosotes
treat (wood) with creosote.,en,creosoting
"a light, thin fabric with a wrinkled surface.",en,crepe
"a light, thin fabric with a wrinkled surface.",en,crepes
move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.,en,crept
resembling or relating to twilight.,en,crepuscular
increase in loudness or intensity.,en,crescendo
the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound.,en,crescendos
having the shape of a crescent.,en,crescent
the curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.,en,crescents
"a plant of the cabbage family, typically having small white flowers and pungent leaves. Some kinds are edible and are eaten raw as salad.",en,cress
reach the top of (a hill or wave).,en,crest
reach the top of (a hill or wave).,en,crested
sad and disappointed.,en,crestfallen
reach the top of (a hill or wave).,en,cresting
reach the top of (a hill or wave).,en,crests
a stupid person (used as a general term of abuse).,en,cretin
foolish or stupid.,en,cretinous
a stupid person (used as a general term of abuse).,en,cretins
"a deep open crack, especially one in a glacier.",en,crevasse
"a deep open crack, especially one in a glacier.",en,crevasses
"a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.",en,crevice
"a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.",en,crevices
(of a cock) utter its characteristic loud cry.,en,crew
provide (a craft or vehicle) with a group of people to operate it.,en,crewed
provide (a craft or vehicle) with a group of people to operate it.,en,crewing
"a member of a group of people who work on and operate a ship, aircraft, etc., particularly one who is not an officer.",en,crewman
"a member of a group of people who work on and operate a ship, aircraft, etc., particularly one who is not an officer.",en,crewmen
provide (a craft or vehicle) with a group of people to operate it.,en,crews
"copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.",en,crib
"a card game, usually for two players, in which the objective is to play so that the pip value of one's cards played reaches exactly 15 or 31.",en,cribbage
"copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.",en,cribbed
"copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.",en,cribbing
"copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgement.",en,cribs
a creek.,en,crick
"twist or strain (one's neck or back), causing painful stiffness.",en,cricked
a low wooden stool; a footstool.,en,cricket
a person who plays cricket.,en,cricketer
a person who plays cricket.,en,cricketers
relating to the playing of cricket.,en,cricketing
a low wooden stool; a footstool.,en,crickets
"twist or strain (one's neck or back), causing painful stiffness.",en,cricking
a creek.,en,cricks
"shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow.",en,cried
an officer who makes public announcements in a court of justice.,en,crier
an officer who makes public announcements in a court of justice.,en,criers
a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion.,en,cries
(especially in the army) charge with or find guilty of an offence.,en,crime
(especially in the army) charge with or find guilty of an offence.,en,crimes
relating to crime.,en,criminal
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalise
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalised
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalises
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalising
behaviour that is contrary to or forbidden by criminal law.,en,criminality
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalize
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalized
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalizes
turn (an activity) into a criminal offence by making it illegal.,en,criminalizing
in a manner that is contrary to or forbidden by criminal law.,en,criminally
a person who has committed a crime.,en,criminals
an expert in the scientific study of crime and criminals.,en,criminologist
an expert in the scientific study of crime and criminals.,en,criminologists
the scientific study of crime and criminals.,en,criminology
a folded or compressed edge.,en,crimp
compress (something) into small folds or ridges.,en,crimped
compress (something) into small folds or ridges.,en,crimping
a folded or compressed edge.,en,crimps
"(of a person's face) become flushed, especially through embarrassment.",en,crimson
"(of a person's face) become flushed, especially through embarrassment.",en,crimsons
an act of cringing.,en,cringe
"bend one's head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner.",en,cringed
an act of cringing.,en,cringes
"bend one's head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner.",en,cringing
a wrinkle or crease on the surface of something.,en,crinkle
form into small surface creases or wrinkles.,en,crinkled
a wrinkle or crease on the surface of something.,en,crinkles
form into small surface creases or wrinkles.,en,crinkling
full of creases or wrinkles; wrinkled.,en,crinkly
a stiffened or hooped petticoat worn to make a long skirt stand out.,en,crinoline
a stiffened or hooped petticoat worn to make a long skirt stand out.,en,crinolines
a person with a severe limitation of a specified kind.,en,cripple
cause severe and disabling damage to; deprive of the ability to function normally.,en,crippled
a person with a severe limitation of a specified kind.,en,cripples
cause severe and disabling damage to; deprive of the ability to function normally.,en,crippling
to an extent that causes a severe or almost insuperable problem (used to emphasize the extreme degree of something).,en,cripplingly
a time of intense difficulty or danger.,en,crises
a time of intense difficulty or danger.,en,crisis
a wafer-thin slice of potato fried or baked until crisp and eaten as a snack; a crisp.,en,crisp
"a thin, savoury biscuit made from crushed rye or wheat.",en,crispbread
"a thin, savoury biscuit made from crushed rye or wheat.",en,crispbreads
give (food) a crisp surface by placing it in an oven or under a grill.,en,crisped
"(of a substance) firm, dry, and brittle.",en,crisper
"(of a substance) firm, dry, and brittle.",en,crispest
"(of food) having a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture.",en,crispier
"(of food) having a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture.",en,crispiest
give (food) a crisp surface by placing it in an oven or under a grill.,en,crisping
in a way that is distinct in outline or detail.,en,crisply
a wafer-thin slice of potato fried or baked until crisp and eaten as a snack; a crisp.,en,crisps
"(of food) having a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture.",en,crispy
form a pattern of intersecting lines or paths on (a place).,en,crisscross
form a pattern of intersecting lines or paths on (a place).,en,crisscrossed
form a pattern of intersecting lines or paths on (a place).,en,crisscrosses
form a pattern of intersecting lines or paths on (a place).,en,crisscrossing
a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.,en,criteria
a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.,en,criterion
a person who expresses an unfavourable opinion of something.,en,critic
expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.,en,critical
in a way that expresses disapproval.,en,critically
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticise
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticised
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticises
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticising
the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.,en,criticism
the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.,en,criticisms
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticize
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticized
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticizes
indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.,en,criticizing
a person who expresses an unfavourable opinion of something.,en,critics
evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical way.,en,critique
evaluate (a theory or practice) in a detailed and analytical way.,en,critiques
a living creature; an animal.,en,critter
a living creature; an animal.,en,critters
(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.,en,croak
(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.,en,croaked
(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.,en,croaking
(of a frog or crow) make a characteristic deep hoarse sound.,en,croaks
make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet.,en,crochet
make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet.,en,crocheted
make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet.,en,crocheting
make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet.,en,crochets
injure (a person or part of the body).,en,crock
injure (a person or part of the body).,en,crocked
"plates, dishes, cups, and other similar items, especially ones made of earthenware or china.",en,crockery
injure (a person or part of the body).,en,crocks
"a large predatory semiaquatic reptile with long jaws, long tail, short legs, and a horny textured skin.",en,crocodile
"a large predatory semiaquatic reptile with long jaws, long tail, short legs, and a horny textured skin.",en,crocodiles
"a small spring-flowering Eurasian plant of the iris family, which grows from a corm and bears bright yellow, purple, or white flowers.",en,crocus
"a small spring-flowering Eurasian plant of the iris family, which grows from a corm and bears bright yellow, purple, or white flowers.",en,crocuses
farm (land) as a croft or crofts.,en,croft
a person who farms a croft.,en,crofter
a person who farms a croft.,en,crofters
farm (land) as a croft or crofts.,en,crofting
farm (land) as a croft or crofts.,en,crofts
"a French crescent-shaped roll made of sweet flaky yeast dough, eaten for breakfast.",en,croissant
"a French crescent-shaped roll made of sweet flaky yeast dough, eaten for breakfast.",en,croissants
an ugly old woman.,en,crone
an ugly old woman.,en,crones
a close friend or companion.,en,cronies
a close friend or companion.,en,crony
"the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.",en,cronyism
"bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory.",en,crook
"bend (something, especially a finger as a signal).",en,crooked
"bend (something, especially a finger as a signal).",en,crooking
"bend (something, especially a finger as a signal).",en,crooks
"a soft, low voice or tone.",en,croon
"hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.",en,crooned
"a singer, typically a male one, who sings sentimental songs in a soft, low voice.",en,crooner
"a singer, typically a male one, who sings sentimental songs in a soft, low voice.",en,crooners
"hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.",en,crooning
"a soft, low voice or tone.",en,croons
"cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short.",en,crop
"cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short.",en,cropped
"cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short.",en,cropping
"cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short.",en,crops
"drive away (an opponent's ball) by holding one's own ball against it and striking this with the mallet. A player is entitled to do this after their ball has struck an opponent's.",en,croquet
"a small ball or roll of vegetables, minced meat, or fish, fried in breadcrumbs.",en,croquette
"a small ball or roll of vegetables, minced meat, or fish, fried in breadcrumbs.",en,croquettes
a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office.,en,crosier
a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office.,en,crosiers
"the horizontal bar between the two upright posts of a goal in football, rugby, hockey, etc.",en,crossbar
"the horizontal bar between the two upright posts of a goal in football, rugby, hockey, etc.",en,crossbars
see skull and crossbones at skull.,en,crossbones
a medieval bow of a kind that is fixed across a wooden support and has a groove for the bolt and a mechanism for drawing and releasing the string.,en,crossbow
a medieval bow of a kind that is fixed across a wooden support and has a groove for the bolt and a mechanism for drawing and releasing the string.,en,crossbows
"produce (an animal or plant) by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties.",en,crossbred
"an animal or plant produced by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties.",en,crossbreed
"produce (an animal or plant) by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties.",en,crossbreeding
"an animal or plant produced by mating or hybridizing two different species, breeds, or varieties.",en,crossbreeds
an instance of cross-checking figures or information.,en,crosscheck
verify (figures or information) by using an alternative source or method.,en,crosschecked
the process of verifying figures or information by using an alternative source or method.,en,crosschecking
an instance of cross-checking figures or information.,en,crosschecks
a current in a river or sea which flows across another.,en,crosscurrent
a current in a river or sea which flows across another.,en,crosscurrents
"go or extend across or to the other side of (an area, stretch of water, etc.).",en,crossed
"the stick used in women's field lacrosse.",en,crosses
gunfire from two or more directions passing through the same area.,en,crossfire
"go or extend across or to the other side of (an area, stretch of water, etc.).",en,crossing
a place where roads or railway lines cross.,en,crossings
a point or place of crossing from one side to the other.,en,crossover
a point or place of crossing from one side to the other.,en,crossovers
a bad-tempered person.,en,crosspatch
a bad-tempered person.,en,crosspatches
a beam or bar fixed or placed across something else.,en,crosspiece
a beam or bar fixed or placed across something else.,en,crosspieces
an intersection of two or more roads.,en,crossroads
extending or travelling from one side of a town to the other.,en,crosstown
a marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross; a pedestrian crossing.,en,crosswalk
a marked part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross; a pedestrian crossing.,en,crosswalks
"a wind blowing across one's direction of travel.",en,crosswind
"a wind blowing across one's direction of travel.",en,crosswinds
in the form of a cross.,en,crosswise
a puzzle consisting of a grid of squares and blanks into which words crossing vertically and horizontally are written according to clues.,en,crossword
a puzzle consisting of a grid of squares and blanks into which words crossing vertically and horizontally are written according to clues.,en,crosswords
the part of the human body between the legs where they join the torso.,en,crotch
the part of the human body between the legs where they join the torso.,en,crotches
"a note having the time value of a quarter of a semibreve or half a minim, represented by a large solid dot with a plain stem.",en,crotchet
"a note having the time value of a quarter of a semibreve or half a minim, represented by a large solid dot with a plain stem.",en,crotchets
a crouching stance or posture.,en,crouch
"adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend oneself.",en,crouched
a crouching stance or posture.,en,crouches
"adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend oneself.",en,crouching
"the rump or hindquarters, especially of a horse.",en,croup
"the person in charge of a gaming table, responsible for gathering in and paying out money or tokens.",en,croupier
"the person in charge of a gaming table, responsible for gathering in and paying out money or tokens.",en,croupiers
a small piece of fried or toasted bread served with soup or used as a garnish.,en,crouton
a small piece of fried or toasted bread served with soup or used as a garnish.,en,croutons
relating to the Crow or their language.,en,crow
use a crowbar to open (something).,en,crowbar
use a crowbar to open (something).,en,crowbars
"(of a number of people) fill (a space) almost completely, leaving little or no room for movement.",en,crowd
"(of a number of people) fill (a space) almost completely, leaving little or no room for movement.",en,crowded
"(of a number of people) fill (a space) almost completely, leaving little or no room for movement.",en,crowding
"(of a number of people) fill (a space) almost completely, leaving little or no room for movement.",en,crowds
(of a cock) utter its characteristic loud cry.,en,crowed
(of a cock) utter its characteristic loud cry.,en,crowing
ceremonially place a crown on the head of (someone) in order to invest them as a monarch.,en,crown
ceremonially place a crown on the head of (someone) in order to invest them as a monarch.,en,crowned
ceremonially place a crown on the head of (someone) in order to invest them as a monarch.,en,crowning
ceremonially place a crown on the head of (someone) in order to invest them as a monarch.,en,crowns
a member of a North American people inhabiting eastern Montana.,en,crows
a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office.,en,crozier
a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office.,en,croziers
"decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.",en,crucial
with decisive or vital importance.,en,crucially
a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures.,en,crucible
a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures.,en,crucibles
"put (someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment.",en,crucified
"put (someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment.",en,crucifies
a representation of a cross with a figure of Christ on it.,en,crucifix
a representation of a cross with a figure of Christ on it.,en,crucifixes
an ancient form of execution in which a person was nailed or bound to a cross.,en,crucifixion
an ancient form of execution in which a person was nailed or bound to a cross.,en,crucifixions
a thing shaped like a cross.,en,cruciform
"put (someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment.",en,crucify
"put (someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment.",en,crucifying
"the four basic operations (create, read, update, and delete) of data storage, regarded collectively.",en,crud
natural mineral oil.,en,crude
in a rudimentary or makeshift way.,en,crudely
in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.,en,cruder
in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.,en,crudest
"mixed raw vegetables served as an hors d'oeuvre, typically with a sauce into which they may be dipped.",en,crudites
the quality of being rudimentary or makeshift; primitiveness.,en,crudity
spoil or ruin (an opportunity or a chance of success).,en,cruel
"wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.",en,crueler
"wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.",en,cruelest
"wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.",en,crueller
"wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.",en,cruellest
(with reference to a person) in a way that wilfully causes pain or suffering to others.,en,cruelly
cruel behaviour or attitudes.,en,cruelties
cruel behaviour or attitudes.,en,cruelty
"a small container or set of containers for salt, pepper, oil, or vinegar for use at a dining table.",en,cruet
"a small container or set of containers for salt, pepper, oil, or vinegar for use at a dining table.",en,cruets
a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places.,en,cruise
"sail about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure.",en,cruised
a relatively fast warship larger than a destroyer and less heavily armed than a battleship.,en,cruiser
a relatively fast warship larger than a destroyer and less heavily armed than a battleship.,en,cruisers
a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places.,en,cruises
"sail about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure.",en,cruising
cover (food) with breadcrumbs.,en,crumb
a mixture of flour and fat that is rubbed to the texture of breadcrumbs and cooked as a topping for fruit.,en,crumble
"break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.",en,crumbled
"break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.",en,crumbles
consisting of or easily breaking into small fragments.,en,crumblier
consisting of or easily breaking into small fragments.,en,crumbliest
"break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.",en,crumbling
an old person.,en,crumbly
cover (food) with breadcrumbs.,en,crumbs
"dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality.",en,crummier
"dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality.",en,crummiest
a truck used to transport loggers to and from work.,en,crummy
"a thick, flat, savoury cake with a soft, porous texture, made from a yeast mixture cooked on a griddle and eaten toasted and buttered.",en,crumpet
"a thick, flat, savoury cake with a soft, porous texture, made from a yeast mixture cooked on a griddle and eaten toasted and buttered.",en,crumpets
"a crushed fold, crease, or wrinkle.",en,crumple
"crush (something, typically paper or cloth) so that it becomes creased and wrinkled.",en,crumpled
"a crushed fold, crease, or wrinkle.",en,crumples
"crush (something, typically paper or cloth) so that it becomes creased and wrinkled.",en,crumpling
a loud muffled grinding sound like that of something hard or brittle being crushed.,en,crunch
"crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound.",en,crunched
a loud muffled grinding sound like that of something hard or brittle being crushed.,en,crunches
making a sharp noise when bitten or crushed.,en,crunchier
making a sharp noise when bitten or crushed.,en,crunchiest
"crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound.",en,crunching
making a sharp noise when bitten or crushed.,en,crunchy
"lead or take part in a vigorous campaign for social, political, or religious change.",en,crusade
"lead or take part in a vigorous campaign for social, political, or religious change.",en,crusaded
a fighter in the medieval Crusades.,en,crusader
a fighter in the medieval Crusades.,en,crusaders
"lead or take part in a vigorous campaign for social, political, or religious change.",en,crusades
"lead or take part in a vigorous campaign for social, political, or religious change.",en,crusading
a crowd of people pressed closely together.,en,crush
"compress or squeeze forcefully so as to break, damage, or distort in shape.",en,crushed
a crowd of people pressed closely together.,en,crushes
"compress or squeeze forcefully so as to break, damage, or distort in shape.",en,crushing
form into a hard outer layer.,en,crust
relating to or denoting crustaceans.,en,crustacean
"an arthropod of the large, mainly aquatic group Crustacea, such as a crab, lobster, shrimp, or barnacle.",en,crustaceans
form into a hard outer layer.,en,crusted
having or acting as a hard outer layer or covering.,en,crustier
having or acting as a hard outer layer or covering.,en,crustiest
form into a hard outer layer.,en,crusts
"a young person who is homeless or travels constantly, has a shabby appearance, and rejects conventional values.",en,crusty
"a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a person with an injury or disability.",en,crutch
"a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a person with an injury or disability.",en,crutches
the decisive or most important point at issue.,en,crux
a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion.,en,cry
"a person, especially a child, who sheds tears frequently or readily.",en,crybabies
"a person, especially a child, who sheds tears frequently or readily.",en,crybaby
"shed tears, typically as an expression of distress, pain, or sorrow.",en,crying
relating to or involving the branch of physics that deals with the production and effects of very low temperatures.,en,cryogenic
the branch of physics dealing with the production and effects of very low temperatures.,en,cryogenics
"the practice or technique of deep-freezing the bodies of people who have just died, in the hope that scientific advances may allow them to be revived in the future.",en,cryonics
"an underground room or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place.",en,crypt
having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure.,en,cryptic
"an underground room or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial place.",en,crypts
clear and transparent like crystal.,en,crystal
having the structure and form of a crystal; composed of crystals.,en,crystalline
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallise
formed into crystals; having a crystalline form.,en,crystallised
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallises
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallising
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallize
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallized
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallizes
form or cause to form crystals.,en,crystallizing
a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.,en,crystals
give birth to cubs.,en,cub
a small enclosed space or room.,en,cubbyhole
a small enclosed space or room.,en,cubbyholes
raise (a number or value) to its cube.,en,cube
raise (a number or value) to its cube.,en,cubed
raise (a number or value) to its cube.,en,cubes
"a cubic equation, or a curve described by one.",en,cubic
"a small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a shower or toilet, or a desk in an office.",en,cubicle
"a small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a shower or toilet, or a desk in an office.",en,cubicles
raise (a number or value) to its cube.,en,cubing
"an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage.",en,cubism
a solid which has six rectangular faces at right angles to each other.,en,cuboid
a solid which has six rectangular faces at right angles to each other.,en,cuboids
give birth to cubs.,en,cubs
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.,en,cuckold
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.,en,cuckolded
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.,en,cuckolding
(of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.,en,cuckolds
take over (the home of a vulnerable person) in order to establish a base for illegal drug dealing in the area.,en,cuckoo
take over (the home of a vulnerable person) in order to establish a base for illegal drug dealing in the area.,en,cuckoos
"a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled.",en,cucumber
"a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled.",en,cucumbers
partly digested food returned from the first stomach of ruminants to the mouth for further chewing.,en,cud
a prolonged and affectionate hug.,en,cuddle
"hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection.",en,cuddled
a prolonged and affectionate hug.,en,cuddles
"endearing and pleasant to cuddle, especially as a result of being soft or plump.",en,cuddlier
"endearing and pleasant to cuddle, especially as a result of being soft or plump.",en,cuddliest
"hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection.",en,cuddling
"endearing and pleasant to cuddle, especially as a result of being soft or plump.",en,cuddly
beat with a cudgel.,en,cudgel
beat with a cudgel.,en,cudgeled
beat with a cudgel.,en,cudgeling
beat with a cudgel.,en,cudgelled
beat with a cudgel.,en,cudgelling
beat with a cudgel.,en,cudgels
use a cue to strike the ball.,en,cue
use a cue to strike the ball.,en,cued
use a cue to strike the ball.,en,cueing
use a cue to strike the ball.,en,cues
a blow given with an open hand.,en,cuff
"strike (someone) with an open hand, especially on the head.",en,cuffed
"strike (someone) with an open hand, especially on the head.",en,cuffing
"a device for fastening together the sides of a shirt cuff, typically a pair of linked studs or a single plate connected to a short swivelling rod, passed through a hole in each side of the cuff.",en,cufflink
"a device for fastening together the sides of a shirt cuff, typically a pair of linked studs or a single plate connected to a short swivelling rod, passed through a hole in each side of the cuff.",en,cufflinks
a blow given with an open hand.,en,cuffs
use a cue to strike the ball.,en,cuing
"a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.",en,cuisine
"a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment.",en,cuisines
of or for cooking.,en,culinary
a selective slaughter of animals.,en,cull
reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.,en,culled
reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter.,en,culling
a selective slaughter of animals.,en,culls
reach a climax or point of highest development.,en,culminate
reach a climax or point of highest development.,en,culminated
reach a climax or point of highest development.,en,culminates
reach a climax or point of highest development.,en,culminating
"the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.",en,culmination
"women's knee-length trousers, cut with full legs to resemble a skirt.",en,culottes
responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.,en,culpability
deserving blame.,en,culpable
a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.,en,culprit
a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.,en,culprits
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.,en,cult
prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.,en,cultivate
prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.,en,cultivated
prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.,en,cultivates
prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.,en,cultivating
"the action of cultivating land, or the state of being cultivated.",en,cultivation
a person or thing that cultivates something.,en,cultivator
a person or thing that cultivates something.,en,cultivators
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.,en,cults
"relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society.",en,cultural
"in a way that relates to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of different societies.",en,culturally
"maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.",en,culture
"maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.",en,cultured
"maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.",en,cultures
"maintain (tissue cells, bacteria, etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.",en,culturing
channel (a stream or drain) through a culvert.,en,culvert
channel (a stream or drain) through a culvert.,en,culverts
semen ejaculated by a man at an orgasm.,en,cum
large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy.,en,cumbersome
"the aromatic seeds of a plant of the parsley family, used as a spice, especially ground and used in curry powder.",en,cumin
"a sash worn around the waist, especially as part of a man's formal evening suit.",en,cummerbund
"a sash worn around the waist, especially as part of a man's formal evening suit.",en,cummerbunds
have an orgasm.,en,cumming
"an orange-like fruit related to the citruses, with an edible sweet rind and acid pulp.",en,cumquat
"an orange-like fruit related to the citruses, with an edible sweet rind and acid pulp.",en,cumquats
have an orgasm.,en,cums
"increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.",en,cumulative
"in a way that increases in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.",en,cumulatively
cloud forming rounded masses heaped on each other above a flat base at fairly low altitude.,en,cumulus
cuneiform writing.,en,cuneiform
stimulation of the female genitals using the tongue or lips.,en,cunnilingus
"skill in achieving one's ends by deceit.",en,cunning
in a clever and deceitful way.,en,cunningly
"a woman's genitals.",en,cunt
"a woman's genitals.",en,cunts
"form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup.",en,cup
"a recess or piece of furniture with a door and typically shelves, used for storage.",en,cupboard
"a recess or piece of furniture with a door and typically shelves, used for storage.",en,cupboards
a small cake baked in a cup-shaped foil or paper container and typically iced.,en,cupcake
a small cake baked in a cup-shaped foil or paper container and typically iced.,en,cupcakes
the amount held by a cup.,en,cupful
the amount held by a cup.,en,cupfuls
greed for money or possessions.,en,cupidity
a rounded dome forming or adorning a roof or ceiling.,en,cupola
a rounded dome forming or adorning a roof or ceiling.,en,cupolas
a cup of tea.,en,cuppa
a cup of tea.,en,cuppas
"form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup.",en,cupped
"form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup.",en,cupping
"form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup.",en,cups
"an aggressive or unkempt dog, especially a mongrel.",en,cur
(of a disease or condition) able to be cured.,en,curable
a liqueur flavoured with the peel of bitter oranges.,en,curacao
"the office of a curate, or the tenure of this.",en,curacies
"the office of a curate, or the tenure of this.",en,curacy
"select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).",en,curate
"select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).",en,curated
"select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).",en,curates
"select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition).",en,curating
a curative medicine or agent.,en,curative
a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.,en,curator
a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.,en,curators
a stone edging to a pavement or raised path.,en,curb
restrain or keep in check.,en,curbed
restrain or keep in check.,en,curbing
a stone edging to a pavement or raised path.,en,curbs
the side of a road or pavement that is nearer to the kerb.,en,curbside
"a soft, white substance formed when milk coagulates, used as the basis for cheese.",en,curd
separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.,en,curdle
separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.,en,curdled
separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.,en,curdles
separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.,en,curdling
"a soft, white substance formed when milk coagulates, used as the basis for cheese.",en,curds
a parish priest in a French-speaking country.,en,cure
relieve (a person or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition.,en,cured
a parish priest in a French-speaking country.,en,cures
"a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.",en,curfew
"a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.",en,curfews
relieve (a person or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition.,en,curing
"a rare, unusual, or intriguing object.",en,curio
"a rare, unusual, or intriguing object.",en,curios
a strong desire to know or learn something.,en,curiosities
a strong desire to know or learn something.,en,curiosity
eager to know or learn something.,en,curious
in a way that shows eagerness to know or learn something.,en,curiously
"something in the shape of a spiral or coil, especially a lock of hair.",en,curl
form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape.,en,curled
a roller or clasp around which a lock of hair is wrapped to curl it.,en,curler
a roller or clasp around which a lock of hair is wrapped to curl it.,en,curlers
"a large wading bird of the sandpiper family, with a long downcurved bill, brown streaked plumage, and frequently a distinctive ascending two-note call.",en,curlew
"a large wading bird of the sandpiper family, with a long downcurved bill, brown streaked plumage, and frequently a distinctive ascending two-note call.",en,curlews
a decorative curl or twist in calligraphy or in the design of an object.,en,curlicue
a decorative curl or twist in calligraphy or in the design of an object.,en,curlicues
"made, growing, or arranged in curls or curves.",en,curlier
"made, growing, or arranged in curls or curves.",en,curliest
form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape.,en,curling
"something in the shape of a spiral or coil, especially a lock of hair.",en,curls
"made, growing, or arranged in curls or curves.",en,curly
"a bad-tempered person, especially an old one.",en,curmudgeon
(especially of an old person) bad-tempered and negative.,en,curmudgeonly
"a bad-tempered person, especially an old one.",en,curmudgeons
a small dried fruit made from a small seedless variety of grape originally grown in the eastern Mediterranean region and much used in cooking.,en,currant
a small dried fruit made from a small seedless variety of grape originally grown in the eastern Mediterranean region and much used in cooking.,en,currants
a system of money in general use in a particular country.,en,currencies
a system of money in general use in a particular country.,en,currency
"a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.",en,current
at the present time.,en,currently
"a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.",en,currents
the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.,en,curricula
relating to the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.,en,curricular
the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.,en,curriculum
the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.,en,curriculums
groom (a horse) with a curry comb.,en,curried
groom (a horse) with a curry comb.,en,curries
groom (a horse) with a curry comb.,en,curry
groom (a horse) with a curry comb.,en,currying
"an aggressive or unkempt dog, especially a mongrel.",en,curs
invoke or use a curse against.,en,curse
invoke or use a curse against.,en,cursed
invoke or use a curse against.,en,curses
invoke or use a curse against.,en,cursing
cursive writing.,en,cursive
a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user.,en,cursor
a movable indicator on a computer screen identifying the point that will be affected by input from the user.,en,cursors
hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.,en,cursory
rudely brief.,en,curt
reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.,en,curtail
reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.,en,curtailed
reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.,en,curtailing
the action or fact of reducing or restricting something.,en,curtailment
the action or fact of reducing or restricting something.,en,curtailments
reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.,en,curtails
provide with a curtain or curtains.,en,curtain
provide with a curtain or curtains.,en,curtained
provide with a curtain or curtains.,en,curtaining
provide with a curtain or curtains.,en,curtains
perform a curtsy.,en,curtsey
perform a curtsy.,en,curtseyed
perform a curtsy.,en,curtseying
perform a curtsy.,en,curtseys
perform a curtsy.,en,curtsied
perform a curtsy.,en,curtsies
perform a curtsy.,en,curtsy
perform a curtsy.,en,curtsying
"having an attractively curved shape (used especially of a woman or a woman's figure).",en,curvaceous
the fact of being curved or the degree to which something is curved.,en,curvature
form or cause to form a curve.,en,curve
form or cause to form a curve.,en,curved
form or cause to form a curve.,en,curves
form or cause to form a curve.,en,curving
having curves.,en,curvy
"(of a job or situation) undemanding, easy, or secure.",en,cushier
"(of a job or situation) undemanding, easy, or secure.",en,cushiest
soften the effect of an impact on.,en,cushion
soften the effect of an impact on.,en,cushioned
soften the effect of an impact on.,en,cushioning
soften the effect of an impact on.,en,cushions
"(of a job or situation) undemanding, easy, or secure.",en,cushy
a point of transition between two different states.,en,cusp
a spittoon.,en,cuspidor
a spittoon.,en,cuspidors
a point of transition between two different states.,en,cusps
another term for curse (sense 2 of the verb).,en,cuss
another term for curse (sense 2 of the verb).,en,cussed
another term for curse (sense 2 of the verb).,en,cusses
another term for curse (sense 2 of the verb).,en,cussing
"a dessert or sweet sauce made with milk and eggs, or milk and a proprietary powder.",en,custard
"a dessert or sweet sauce made with milk and eggs, or milk and a proprietary powder.",en,custards
relating to or requiring imprisonment.,en,custodial
a person who has responsibility for taking care of or protecting something.,en,custodian
a person who has responsibility for taking care of or protecting something.,en,custodians
the protective care or guardianship of someone or something.,en,custody
made or done to order; custom-made.,en,custom
in a way which follows customs or usual practices; usually.,en,customarily
another term for custumal.,en,customary
a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.,en,customer
a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.,en,customers
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customise
modified to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customised
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customises
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customising
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customize
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customized
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customizes
modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.,en,customizing
"a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time.",en,customs
a stroke or blow given by a sharp-edged implement or by a whip or cane.,en,cut
a coat or jacket with the front cut away below the waist.,en,cutaway
a coat or jacket with the front cut away below the waist.,en,cutaways
"an act or instance of reducing something, especially expenditure.",en,cutback
"an act or instance of reducing something, especially expenditure.",en,cutbacks
attractive in a pretty or endearing way.,en,cute
the quality of being attractive in a pretty or endearing way.,en,cuteness
attractive in a pretty or endearing way.,en,cuter
attractive in a pretty or endearing way.,en,cutest
cute to a sentimental or mawkish extent.,en,cutesy
an attractive or endearing person or animal.,en,cutey
an attractive or endearing person or animal.,en,cuteys
the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail.,en,cuticle
the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail.,en,cuticles
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