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Last active June 28, 2017 12:07
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Save codingisacopingstrategy/89e81c2122d88b0fae267e950daa8fce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. revolves around the problem of censorship, freedom of speech, and freedom of information.
Censorship has followed the free expressions of men and women like a shadow throughout history.
There have been book burnings by fascist regimes, religions prohibiting texts, and artists and activists sentenced to death.
These acts of censorship may seem like they are far away, but are actually closer than you might think.
The internet, unfortunately, is not quite open, and for a platform that is often described as the last bastion of free speech, there is an awful lot of censorship.
While governments around the world continue to propose laws that reduce the freedoms of online publishers, social networks like Twitter and Facebook already openly censor content on request from both governments and users. Online communities such as Reddit even censor specific pages based on political ideas.
Google is now developing an AI that autonomously censors online comments. There’s a thin line between moderation and censorship, but it gets dangerous when websites start censoring political ideas, and we possibly have to adjust our speech to satisfy the standards of private companies. is a decentralized, censorship-free, communication platform that runs on blockchain technology. The blockchain is a distributed, open database that we can compare to a game of bingo. Except instead of everyone having their own bingo card, everyone has an exact copy of the same card.
Every new ball from the bingo machine represents a new blockchain transaction, and all bingo players write down the exact same number and then check with their neighbours to make sure they wrote down the same number.
This process of checking makes it impossible to call a fake bingo, and makes the data on the bingo card immune from manipulation. If a player were to try and change a number on the bingo card, everyone would instantly catch them doing it, and stop them from manipulating the data.
The great thing about this is that we can embed messages in these blockchain transactions, essentially storing them in the blockchain forever and making them immune from censorship, by governments, religions, anyone.
Censorship is a very elusive, often secret thing, but it certainly exists. offers a censorship-free communication platform, not only for the cause of freedom of speech, but also for the freedom and preservation of information.
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