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Created October 22, 2015 14:02
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Dynamic Pivot SQL
Create Table dbo.ProductInfo
ProductName varchar(10),
DateOfSale datetime,
SaleValue int
Insert Into dbo.ProductInfo
Values ('a','2011-05-14',2),
Declare @cols nvarchar(max),
@SelectCols nvarchar(max),
@sql nvarchar(max),
@StartDate Datetime,
@EndDate DateTime
-- Set the date range here
Set @StartDate = '2011-05-01'
Set @EndDate = '2012-01-01'
-- Build up the Pivot colummns using the data from the source table
select @cols = coalesce(@cols + N',', N'') +
QUOTENAME(Left(Convert(varchar, DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale),120),10))
From dbo.ProductInfo
Where DateOfSale >= @StartDate
And DateOfSale <= @EndDate
Group By DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale)
-- Build up the Pivot colummns using the data from the source table
select @SelectCols = coalesce(@SelectCols + N',', N'') + N'Sum(IsNull(' +
QUOTENAME(Left(Convert(varchar, DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale),120),10)) +
',0)) As [Week beginning ' +
Cast(DatePart(Month, DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale)) as CHAR(2)) +
' / ' +
Cast(DatePart(day, DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale)) as CHAR(2)) +
From dbo.ProductInfo
Group By DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale)
set @sql = N'
Select ProductName,
' + @SelectCols + '
Select ProductName,
DATEPART(week, DateOfSale) as WeekNumber,
DATEPART(Year, DateOfSale) as YearNumber,
DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale) as [StartOfWeek],
SUM(SaleValue) as [TotalSales]
From dbo.ProductInfo
Group By ProductName,
DATEPART(week, DateOfSale) ,
DATEPART(Year, DateOfSale) ,
DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dw, DateOfSale)-1), DateOfSale)
Sum(TotalSales) for StartOfWeek in (' + @cols + ')
Group By ProductName'
Execute (@sql)
Drop Table dbo.ProductInfo
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