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Last active July 12, 2017 09:47
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docker-for-aws in clojure using amazonica
:source-paths #{"src/clj"}
:resource-paths #{"resources"}
:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha14"]
[amazonica "0.3.78"]])
(ns docker-for-aws
(:require [ :as cf]))
(def key-pair-name "testing-docker-for-aws") ;; obviously use a key you have here
(def docker-for-aws-beta-template-url
(defn create-docker-stack []
(cf/create-stack {:endpoint "eu-central-1"}
:stack-name "test-stack-1"
:template-url docker-for-aws-beta-template-url
:capabilities ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
:parameters [{:parameter-key "KeyName"
:parameter-value key-pair-name}
{:parameter-key "InstanceType"
:parameter-value "t2.micro"}
{:parameter-key "ManagerInstanceType"
:parameter-value "t2.micro"}
{:parameter-key "ClusterSize"
:parameter-value "1"}]))
(ns finding-the-default-dns
(:require [ :as elb]))
;; Just a simple hack to get the public dns of the default configured ELB
(defn find-default-dns-target []
(->> (elb/describe-load-balancers {:endpoint "eu-central-1"})
(filter #(-> %
(clojure.string/starts-with? "test-stack-1")))
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codification commented Dec 6, 2016

Oh, of course you need an AWS account, configured aws keys (~/.aws/credentials, environment variables or machine roles etc) and a clojure project with amazonica.

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