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Leetcode 3: Longest substring without repeating character
Leetcode 3: Longest substring without repeating character
# @param {String} s
# @return {Integer}
def length_of_longest_substring(s)
return 0 if s == "" || s == nil
arr = s.split("")
curr_count = 1
max_len = 1
curr_arr = [arr[0]]
(1..(arr.length - 1)).each do |i|
if curr_arr.any?(arr[i])
curr_arr = curr_arr[(curr_arr.find_index(arr[i]) + 1)..-1] << arr[i]
curr_count = curr_arr.length
curr_arr << arr[i]
curr_count += 1
max_len = [curr_count, max_len].max
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