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Created September 6, 2023 19:12
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Tailwind Grid Helper
module TailwindHelper
# Create a responsive grid. This is necessary in order to make every cell the same size (height & width)
# @example
# <%= responsive_grid(total_cells: 3, gap: 3, cols: { xs: 1, sm: 2, md: 3, lg: 4, xl: 5 }, "pt-4") do %>
# <% 3.times do %>
# <%= content_tag(:div, "Cell", class: "h-32 w-full bg-gray-200") %> <-- important to ensure the cell is the same size
# ...
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# @param total_cells [Integer] the total number of cells in the grid
# @param gap [Integer] the gap between cells
# @param cols [Hash] the number of cells in a row for each breakpoint
# @option cols [Integer] :xs the number of cells in a row for the xs breakpoint
# @option cols [Integer] :sm the number of cells in a row for the sm breakpoint
# @option cols [Integer] :md the number of cells in a row for the md breakpoint
# @option cols [Integer] :lg the number of cells in a row for the lg breakpoint
# @option cols [Integer] :xl the number of cells in a row for the xl breakpoint
# @param classes [String] additional classes to add to the grid
# @return [String] the HTML for the grid
def responsive_grid(
total_cells: 3,
gap: 3,
cols: {},
classes: nil,
class_list = "grid gap-#{gap}"
base_set = false
%i[xs sm md lg xl].each do |size|
if cols[size].present?
if base_set
class_list << " #{size}:grid-cols-#{cols[size]}"
class_list << " #{size}:grid-rows-#{calculate_rows(cols[size], total_cells)}"
base_set = true
class_list << " grid-cols-#{cols[size]}"
class_list << " grid-rows-#{calculate_rows(cols[size], total_cells)}"
class_list << classes if classes
tag.div(class: class_list) { }
# Calculate the total number of rows based on the number of cells and the size of the grid
# @param size [Integer] the number of cells in a row
# @param total_cells [Integer] the total number of cells
# @return [Integer] the number of rows
def calculate_rows(size, total_cells)
(total_cells.to_f / size.to_f).ceil
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pedraal commented Sep 12, 2023

I'm probably missing something but how does the tailwind build process knows that for example sm:grid-cols-4 is actually used ?

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