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Forked from oopsmishap/
Created November 9, 2023 11:09
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IDA Jmp Deobfuscation Script

JMP Deobfuscation Script


This Python script is designed to handle JMP deobfuscation. It will sqash unneeded unconditional jmps and create new blocks, relocates blocks of code, adjusts relative addresses, and aligns blocks with padding.

Inspired by

Getting Started


  • Python 3.7+
  • keystone-engine

Using the Script

Load the python script into IDA, place cursor at the start of the obfuscated code then run the script.

Without any modification to the code below it will currently only print out the new dissassembly, however there is a new data buffer containing the deobfuscated code which you can either patch into the IDB or save to a file, this is left to the user to decide.

# inspired by
from keystone import Ks, KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_32, KS_MODE_64
import idc
import ida_bytes
import ida_kernwin
import ida_ua
class Insn:
# simple wrapper for instructions, allows to remove IDA dependency if needed
# There are no IDA api calls in the deobfuscation logic, only within this class
def __init__(self, ea):
self.ea = ea
self.insn = ida_ua.insn_t()
ida_ua.decode_insn(self.insn, self.ea)
self.mnem = idc.print_insn_mnem(self.ea)
self.disasm = idc.generate_disasm_line(self.ea, 0)
self.size = self.insn.size
self.first_byte = ida_bytes.get_byte(self.ea)
self.new_ea = None
self.bytes = None
self.line = None
def get_next(self):
return Insn(idc.next_head(self.ea))
def get_line(self):
if self.line is None:
return f"{hex(self.new_ea)}\t{self.disasm: <32} {self.get_bytes().hex(' ')}"
return self.line
def get_op_value(self, n):
return idc.get_operand_value(self.ea, n)
def follow_jmp(self):
return Insn(self.get_op_value(0))
def get_bytes(self):
if self.bytes is None:
return ida_bytes.get_bytes(self.ea, self.size)
return self.bytes
class Jmp:
# simple placeholder to hold jmp info to assemble later
def __init__(self, tgt):
self.ea = -1
self.tgt = tgt
self.new_ea = None
self.size = 5
self.bytes = None
self.line = ""
self.mnem = 'jmp'
def get_line(self):
return self.line
def get_bytes(self):
return self.bytes
class JmpDeobfuscate:
def __init__(self, ea):
self.ea = ea
self.blocks = {}
self.jmp_inserts = {}
self.relocated_blocks = {}
self.visited = set([])
self.padding = 0x20
if ida_bytes.get_item_size(ea) == 8:
self.ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_64)
self.ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_32)
def _follow_jmp_chain(self, insn):
insn = insn.follow_jmp()
while True:
if insn.mnem == 'jmp':
insn = insn.follow_jmp()
return insn
def build_blocks(self, ea=None, branches=None):
if ea is None:
ea = self.ea
if branches is None:
branches = list([])
curr_block = {}
insn = Insn(ea)
while True:
if insn.ea == idc.BADADDR:
if 'jmp' in insn.mnem:
# if mnemonic is an unconditional jump, follow it
# because it could be a jmp chain, we need to resolve
# the final target
jmp_insn = self._follow_jmp_chain(insn)
# we add the initial jmp to the target list
# then we won't save this to the block and continue
insn = jmp_insn
# add any branches to the target list to visit later
elif 'call' in insn.mnem and insn.first_byte == 0xe8:
call_insn = self._follow_jmp_chain(insn)
elif 'j' in insn.mnem:
jmp_insn = self._follow_jmp_chain(insn)
# we add current insn to visited and block
curr_block[insn.ea] = insn
# if we hit a ret, we're done with this block
if 'ret' in insn.mnem:
next_insn = insn.get_next()
# if the next insn is in the current block, we've found a loop
# so a placeholder jmp is added now and will be assembled later
if next_insn.ea in curr_block:
curr_block[-1] = Jmp(next_insn.ea)
self.jmp_inserts[next_insn.ea] = None
# continue to next insn
insn = next_insn
# once we've built a block, we add it to the blocks dict
self.blocks[ea] = curr_block
# loop through branches and build blocks for them
for tgt in branches:
# ensure we haven't visited this branch already
if tgt not in self.visited:
self.build_blocks(tgt, branches)
def relocate_blocks(self):
# relocate blocks to new addresses
new_ea = 0
for key, block in self.blocks.items():
block_addr = new_ea
for insn in block.values():
# used when assembling jmp placeholders
if insn.ea in self.jmp_inserts:
self.jmp_inserts[insn.ea] = new_ea
insn.new_ea, new_ea = new_ea, new_ea + insn.size
padding = self.padding - (new_ea % self.padding)
new_ea += padding
self.relocated_blocks[key] = {
'block': block, # block is a dict of ea:insn
'size': new_ea, # size of block
'padding': padding, # padding to align to 0x20
'block_addr': block_addr, # block start address
def _fixup_block(self, block):
new_ea = next(iter(block['block'].values())).new_ea
for insn in block['block'].values():
insn.new_ea = new_ea
new_ea += insn.size
padding = self.padding - (new_ea % self.padding)
new_ea += padding
block.update({'size': new_ea, 'padding': padding})
def _build_new_line(insn, ea):
insn.line = f"{hex(insn.new_ea)}\t{insn.mnem:<8}{ea:X}{'h': <22} {insn.get_bytes().hex(' ')}"
def _assemble_new_relative(self, insn, tgt):
old_size = insn.size
rel_addr = tgt - insn.new_ea
code = f"{insn.mnem} {rel_addr}"
encoding, _ = self.ks.asm(code)
insn.bytes = bytes(encoding)
insn.size = len(insn.bytes)
self._build_new_line(insn, rel_addr)
if insn.size != old_size:
self._assemble_new_relative(insn, tgt)
return False
return True
def fix_relative_addresses(self):
# fix relative addresses
for block in self.relocated_blocks.values():
for insn in block['block'].values():
# if insn is a jmp placeholder, assemble it
if isinstance(insn, Jmp):
# we have a dict for this to translate original target to new target address
tgt = self.jmp_inserts[insn.tgt]
if not self._assemble_new_relative(insn, tgt):
# if the size of the jmp changed, we need to fixup the block
elif insn.mnem.startswith('j') and insn.bytes is None or \
insn.mnem == 'call' and insn.bytes is None and insn.first_byte == 0xe8:
# we can use the original bianry to resolve the target
tgt_insn = self._follow_jmp_chain(insn)
# these will point to a block and relocated blocks are keyed by original block address
tgt = self.relocated_blocks[tgt_insn.ea]['block_addr']
if not self._assemble_new_relative(insn, tgt):
# if the size of the instruction changed, we need to fixup the block
def print_blocks(self):
for key, block in self.relocated_blocks.items():
print(f"Block at {hex(key)}")
for insn in block['block'].values():
def create_buffer(self):
buffer = bytearray()
for key, block in self.relocated_blocks.items():
for insn in block['block'].values():
buffer += insn.get_bytes()
buffer += bytearray(b'\x90') * block['padding']
return buffer
jd = JmpDeobfuscate(ida_kernwin.get_screen_ea())
deobfuscated_buffer = jd.create_buffer()
# you can extend this to save to a file or add to idb
# print buffer
#print(f"buf = {bytes(deobfuscated_buffer)}")
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